The problem of historical memory (according to the novel by Boris Vasiliev "I was not on the lists") (USE in Russian). The composition "and the dawns here are quiet" The problem of mercy and the dawns here are quiet


Sixty-five years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But among the people lives the memory of the people who defended their native land. We learn about their exploits from the stories of veterans, from history books and, of course, from fiction. One of the most famous works about the war is Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet."
Girls soldiers, the heroes of this work, have a different past, different characters, upbringing. It seems that there is nothing in common between the balanced, restrained Rita Osyanina and the cheerful, desperate Zhenya. Different fates - and one fate: war. The war did not depersonalize, but united, rallied the girls - the heroines of the book. Everyone has one goal - to defend their homeland, their village, their piece of land. For the sake of this lofty goal, fighters risk their lives, courageously fight an enemy that is much stronger than them. They do not think about the feat, they consider the defense of the Fatherland a duty.

The death of girls may not seem at all heroic, even meaningless. Is it possible to call, for example, a heroic death in a swamp? The descendants will not see the obelisk over the grave of Osyanina, and even her son may not know where his mother is buried. But if not for their selflessness, not for the selfless heroism of ordinary Soviet soldiers, our people would not have been able to survive in a terrible, bloody war.
Girls in the war knew deprivation, grief, fear. But they also came to know true soldier's camaraderie. They became close people, and even the unsociable, reserved foreman sincerely became attached to his subordinates and fell in love with them.
The war brought people together. The fighters defended not only their land, their home, but also comrades, and relatives, and completely unfamiliar ones. Girls in the war had no right to forget that they were mothers, daughters, granddaughters. They were forced not only to raise, but also to save their children, their future. Perhaps the greatest difficulty of the position of women in the war was that they had to combine two incompatible, mutually exclusive tasks: to continue life, raising children, and to kill her, fighting the Nazis. Rita Osyanina, while in the service, visits her little son at night; she is a tender mother and a brave fighter.
They fought for their country. Destined by nature itself for another, higher mission, tender and weak, able to love and pity, they took up arms to kill and take revenge. The war changed the habitual way of life, even changed the souls of people, making the timid bold, the weak strong. Their even smallest contribution to the victory is great, their exploits are immortal as long as we remember them.

Problem of historical memory

Why do many writers in our time continue to talk about the Great Patriotic War? And why, as some now think, to remember those tragic events in peacetime, visiting museums and laying flowers at the monuments to fallen soldiers?

An excerpt from Boris Vasiliev's story “I Was Not on the Lists” makes you think about this. The description of the museum of the Brest Fortress touches to the depths of the soul. One can feel the atmosphere of reverence reigning in this museum. The writer bows before the feat of the defenders of the fortress: “The fortress did not fall. The fortress bled to death." He urges visitors: “Don't rush. Remember. And bow down."

The author observes an old woman who stands for a long time at a marble slab, where there is no soldier's name. She places a bouquet of flowers on the grave. Probably, this is a mother who lost her son in the war. It doesn't matter to the writer who lies in this grave. What matters is what they died for. The main thing is why! Boris Vasilyev thinks so.

Remember and respect the memory of them, even if their names are unknown, because they died defending our destinies, our lives. After all, as Robert Rozhdestvensky said, “it is not necessary for the dead, it is necessary for the living!”

Boris Vasiliev often wrote about the war. I especially remember his story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". It is impossible to forget the main characters of the story: Rita Osyanina, Lisa Brichkina, Zhenya Komelkova, Sonya Gurvich, Galya Chetvertak. Each has its own life story, its own unique character. And each has its own scores with the war. Everyone became anti-aircraft gunners. During the last conversation with the mortally wounded Rita Osyanina, foreman Vaskov reproaches himself for not saving all five from death when they tried not to let the Nazis through to the White Sea Canal. But Rita staunchly answers him: “Motherland does not begin with canals. Not from there at all. And we protected her. First her, and then the channel. Admire the inner strength, conviction, courage of the girls, the heroines of the story. They knew what they were fighting for!

Not only front-line writers often think about historical memory, but also people who did not fight, but who take the events of those years to heart. Let's remember Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Common Graves". The author of the song is sure that the defenders of the Motherland had one destiny, one goal. And after the war, one, common memory.

Crosses are not placed on mass graves,

And widows do not weep at them.

Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them,

And the Eternal Flame is lit.

The poet is convinced that people standing at the Eternal Flame cannot but remember the "burning heart of a soldier" who died for his native city or village.

The eternal memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War is the duty of post-war generations. And the main thing, of course, is not in the outward manifestation of respect, not in parade events. The main thing is that the memory of the events of the war years awakens our conscience, does not give us rest. Memory makes us think about how we would act if we were in a war, whether we are ready for a feat. After all, everyone always has a choice: “I or the Motherland?”

I would like to believe that Boris Vasiliev's heartfelt story about the Brest Fortress will touch the hearts of readers, and we will always remember the feat of those who gave their lives for their Motherland and honor their memory.

Updated: 2017-03-21

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More than half a century ago, a terrible war swept across the country, which claimed millions of lives. The victory of the Russian people was given by exorbitant labor. It was brought by exceptional people, whom writers eventually described in their works. Each participant of the Great Patriotic War is rightfully considered a hero. These people stood not for life, but for death, in the name of their descendants. One of the most striking works, in which the memory of the war is alive to this day and will live for a long time, is Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet."

The main characters of the story are five brave anti-aircraft gunners, some of whom were not even twenty years old. The author claimed that the events he described actually happened. He himself was an eyewitness to front-line tragedies. Therefore, speaking about the girls from the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” we seem to involuntarily touch on the memory of the war. The main among the girls was Rita Osyanina - a stubborn and serious girl with a strong-willed character. Before the start of the war, she lived a calm, measured and cloudless life, surrounded by her family and friends. However, since the Germans killed her husband, senior lieutenant Osyanin, she had no choice but to give her little son to be raised by her parents and enter the school of anti-aircraft gunners.

Another girl named Zhenya, the daughter of an army chief, suffered a terrible tragedy. In front of her eyes, the Nazis shot her relatives. After that, she found her place in the ranks of the anti-aircraft gunners and was determined to go to the end. The war found three other girls at the stage of personal development. None of them managed to finish their studies, none of them had time to truly fall in love and become loved. When you read the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", one feels how the author felt sorry for the girls for the failed female happiness, for the shattered dreams. Each of the girls was a volunteer. Such a feat cannot be forgotten even decades later.

They fought for their Motherland, they fiercely hated the enemy. They defended freedom and protected their families. They were brave girls who died the death of heroes. The description of their life path is the memory of the Great Patriotic War. Three of the girls died in the process of reconnaissance, and two stood face to face with the enemy. The first to die was Lisa Brichkina, when she was returning to her headquarters, bypassing the swamp. Neither her friend nor Sergeant Major Vaskov knew that she had drowned. The next to die were Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak. One by one they became targets for German saboteurs.

After reading this story, you understand what war is and how much destruction it can bring. This is, first of all, the death of innocent people. This is a whole universal catastrophe, which affects not only people, but also nature. This is easy to understand just by looking at the title of the story. It would seem that the author wants to convey how beautiful and harmonious the nature of Karelia is until the war invaded it. Everything can be forgotten, but this is not forgotten. The heroism of ordinary people who gave their lives to save the country will forever remain in our hearts.

An analysis of Vasiliev’s work “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” will be useful in preparing 8th grade students for literature lessons. This is a surprisingly heartfelt tragic story about the role of women in the war. The author touches upon the problems of historical memory, courage and courage, heroism and cowardice, inhuman cruelty. The fate of five young girls, for whom the first battle was the last, was truthfully and touchingly depicted by the writer who went through the entire war - Boris Vasiliev.

Brief analysis

Year of writing- 1969.

History of creation- originally the text was conceived as a story about seven heroes who were able to defend their combat object at the cost of their own lives. However, having rethought the plot, adding novelty to it, the author changed the idea - 5 anti-aircraft gunners appeared, who fell under the command of Sergeant Vaskov.

Subject- the feat of women in the war.

Composition- a narration on behalf of a sergeant, through his eyes the author shows the events at the junction. Memories, retrospectives, pictures from the past are a fairly common technique that harmoniously interweaves the stories of the fates of the girls and the sergeant himself into the narrative.

Genre- story.

Direction- realistic military prose.

History of creation

The first publication took place in the journal "Youth" in 1969. Boris Vasiliev wanted to write a story about a feat that really took place in 1942 in a small outpost. Seven soldiers participating in the operation stopped the enemy at the cost of their lives. But after writing a few pages, the author realized that his story was one of a thousand, there are a lot of such stories in literature.

And he decided that the sergeant would have girls under his command, not men. The story took on a new twist. This story brought great fame to the author, because no one wrote about women in the war, this topic was ignored. The writer approached the creation of the images of anti-aircraft gunners very responsibly: they are completely unique and absolutely believable.


Subject completely new to military prose: war through the eyes of a woman. Artistically transforming reality, endowing the heroines with completely different individual traits, the author has achieved amazing credibility. People believed in real girls, especially after the film adaptation of the story in 1972.

The meaning of the name is revealed at the very end of the story, when the surviving foreman and the son of one of the dead anti-aircraft gunners after the war come to the place where the girls died to erect a monument. And the phrase that became the title of the story sounds like the idea that life goes on. The mournful serenity of these words contrasts with the terrible tragedy that has happened here. Main thought, embedded in the title of the story - only nature lives correctly, everything is quiet and calm in it, and in the human world - storms, confusion, hatred, pain.

A feat in war is a common thing, but a woman fighter is something touchingly sacred, naive and helpless. Not all heroines understand what war is, not everyone has seen death: they are young, diligent and full of hatred for the enemy. But the girls are not ready for a meeting with a real war: the reality turns out to be scarier and more merciless than the young “fighters in skirts” could expect.

Everyone who reads Vasiliev’s story inevitably comes to the conclusion that the tragedy could have been avoided if the foreman and his “combat units” were more experienced, if only ... But war does not wait for readiness, death in war is not always a feat, there is an accident, there is stupidity , there is inexperience. The veracity of the work is the secret of its success and recognition of the author's talent, and issues- a pledge of demand for the work. What this work teaches should remain in the hearts of future generations: war is scary, it does not distinguish between gender and age, we must remember those who gave their lives for our future. Idea of all the work of Boris Vasiliev about the war: we must remember those terrible years in the life of the country, preserve and pass on this knowledge from generation to generation so that the war does not happen again.


The story is told from the perspective of Sergeant Vaskov, his memories form the main plot. The narrative is interspersed with lyrical digressions, excerpts from childhood from the memories of various years that emerge in the memory of the foreman. Through his, male perception, the author gives images of gentle touching anti-aircraft gunners, reveals the motives for which they are at the front.

To acquaint readers with the next heroine, the author simply transfers the action to her past, scrolling through the brightest moments from the character's life. The pictures of peaceful life do not fit in so well with the horrors of war that, returning to the events at the junction, the reader involuntarily wishes to return to peacetime. Compositionally, the story contains all the classical components: exposition, plot, climax, denouement and epilogue.

Main characters


The work is written in the middle genre of military prose - stories. The term "lieutenant's prose" appeared in the literature thanks to those who, having passed the front-line years in junior officers, became a writer, covering the events experienced during the Patriotic War. Vasiliev's story also belongs to the lieutenant's prose, the author has his own unique view of military reality.

In terms of content, the work is quite worthy of the novel form, and the ideological component, perhaps, has no equal in Russian literature of that period. War through women's eyes is even more terrible because next to death are heels and beautiful lingerie, which beauties stubbornly hide in knapsacks. Vasiliev's story is completely unique in its poignant tragedy, vitality and deep psychologism.

Artwork test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.2. Total ratings received: 421.

Lately, no matter how sad it may be, people are beginning to forget about the feat of our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. But according to the chronicle of that time, thanks to the authors-front-line soldiers, we can fully feel the pain, grief, courage, the desire of ordinary people to save their relatives and protect the Motherland.

Boris Vasiliev dedicated the book “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” to everyone who did not return from a cruel and bloody war, to his friends and comrades. It has become a real "book of memory" for the people of our country. The story described in the story is close to every person who honors the memory of the Great Patriotic War.

I was very sorry for the simple girls who did not have time to live for real. Sonya Gurvich, Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Galya Chetvertak, Liza Brichkina - they are all real, alive, so young and bright. Each of them died for love, for their homeland, for the future. The war broke off their “wings”, crossed out everything and everything, dividing life into before and after, leaving them no choice but to fight back, taking weapons into gentle female hands.

Fedot Vaskov feels so guilty for the death of the girls that only a person without a heart will not grieve with him. The brave and courageous soldier, who had seen a lot during the war, understood that a woman should be close to children, raise them and protect them, and not fight on an equal footing with men. He wanted to take revenge on the whole world and the Nazis for the death of five strong-willed young girls, because their lives were not worth a dozen or hundreds of German soldiers.

The author wrote about what he saw with his own eyes, about what he felt. The story in vivid colors describes the events of the Great War, gives the reader the opportunity to temporarily move to the fateful forties. To see the horror that was happening at that time, because in the war they killed not just people, but destroyed a specific person, someone's love, something like a husband, son, brother, sister, mother. The war did not spare anyone; it affected every Soviet family. Strong men, old people, children and women went into battle.

At the end of the work, the writer points out to us that good will still prevail over evil. Despite everything, hope remains in the heart of the surviving foreman Vaskov, it is he and the son of the deceased Rita Osyanina who will tell future descendants about how strong love for the Motherland and hatred for the enemy can be. Five brave, courageous, strong-willed girls beyond their years will forever take a place of honor in the memory and heart of the Russian people, they will forever become heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

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