Book printing and education in the Belarusian lands during the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The first educational books created by Belarusian educators

Many famous people– from medieval saints to laureates Nobel Prize and modern Olympic champions - natives of Belarus

Famous historical figures of Belarus

Barbara Radziwill
Grand Duchess, Queen of Poland.

Lev Sapega
Statesman and military leader, hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, diplomat, thinker. One of the main creators of the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1588) – outstanding monument legal and political thought, essentially the first constitution in Europe.

Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Tadeusz Kosciuszko, born in Belarus in 1746, is a national hero of Belarus, America and Poland. He was the leader of the national liberation uprising of 1794 in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and took part in the American War of Independence.

Famous scientists from Belarus

Ignat Domeyko
Born in Belarus in 1802. Was famous geologist, He spent most of his life in Chile, where he became a national hero. For its achievements it is officially recognized by UNESCO.

Ivan (Yan) Chersky
A prominent geographer, geologist, famous explorer of Siberia, after whom it is named a whole series geographical objects. Born on the Svolna estate in Vitebsk province in 1845.

Nikolai Sudzilovsky (Nicholas Roussel)
Ethnographer, geographer, chemist, biologist, geneticist, revolutionary populist, first president of the Senate of the Hawaiian Islands. Born in 1850 in Mogilev in an impoverished noble family. From 1892 he lived in Hawaii, where he defended the rights of indigenous people.

Alexander Chizhevsky
Born in the Grodno region in 1897. Recognized scientist, who studied the biological effects of the sun and the universe, including the relationship of solar activity with periods of war in human history.

Sofia Kovalevskaya
The world's first female professor of mathematics comes from the gentry Belarusian family. She spent her childhood on the Palibino estate in Vitebsk province, and at the age of 18 she entered into a fictitious marriage in order to go abroad and study science. Kovalevskaya's works are devoted to mathematical analysis, mechanics, and astronomy.

Pavel Sukhoi
Aircraft designer, inventor, one of the creators of jet and supersonic aviation, author of fifty original aircraft designs, more than thirty of which were built and tested. Born in 1895 in the city of Glubokoye, Vitebsk region.

Mikhail Vysotsky
An outstanding scientist and designer, under whose leadership they were created best cars, for decades, general designer of automotive technology in Belarus. Author of 134 inventions and 17 patents. Hero of Belarus (2006). Born in the village of Semezhevo, Minsk region (1928).

Born in Vitebsk in 1930. Alferov was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000.

Famous cosmonauts from Belarus

Peter Klimuk
Pyotr Klimuk, the first Belarusian cosmonaut, scientist in the field technical sciences, twice Hero Soviet Union. Born in the village of Komarovka, Brest district in 1942. Carried out three flights as part of crews spaceships and orbital complexes, spent 78.76 days in space.

Vladimir Kovalenok
Vladimir Kovalyonok, Belarusian cosmonaut, scientist in the field of military sciences, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Born in the village of Beloye, Minsk region in 1942. Implemented three flights into space as commander crew, spent 216.38 days in space, incl. V outer space 2.3 hours.

Oleg Novitsky
The first Belarusian cosmonaut, headed in 2013 the crew of the 34th international expedition on the ISS. born in 1971 in Cherven, Minsk region. Before joining the cosmonaut corps, he served as a military pilot, a combat veteran, and was awarded medals from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Famous Belarusians in art

Marc Chagall
Born in 1887 in Vitebsk. The most famous native of Belarus, known throughout the world as a classic of the avant-garde in fine arts.

Leon Bakst

Illustrious theater artist and stage designer, decorator and fashion designer, portrait painter and craftsman easel painting, one of the founders of the famous association "World of Art". Leib-Chaim Rosenberg was born in 1866 in Grodno, and with his first successes he took his grandmother’s shortened surname (Baxter) as a pseudonym. He gained worldwide fame thanks to his collaboration with Sergei Diaghilev, at whose invitation he brilliantly designed productions of the legendary "Russian Seasons" in Paris.

Napoleon Horde
Artist, composer, native of the village of Vorotsevichi, Pinsk district. He created more than a thousand sketches of buildings in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and France, which are a valuable source for architectural historians and restorers in Europe. In 2007, the 200th anniversary of the birth of N. Orda was included in the calendar memorable dates UNESCO.

Ivan Khrutsky
Born in the town of Ula, Lepel district, Vitebsk province. Outstanding Artist, who developed his own type of still life combined with portraiture. The 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Khrutsky in 2010 was in the UNESCO calendar of memorable dates.

Louis Bart Mayer
Born in Minsk in 1885. Filmmaker Louis Barth Mayer is best known as one of the founders of the Hollywood film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, as well as the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It was Mayer who proposed annually presenting the now famous Oscar Award.

Writer, founder of new Belarusian literature and professional drama, creator of the first Belarusian theater group, actor. In 2008, the 200th anniversary of the birth of V. Dunin-Martsinkevich was included in the UNESCO calendar of memorable dates.

Mikhail Savitsky
People's Artist of Belarus, author of about 200 paintings, creator of a unique series of paintings "Numbers on the Heart", dedicated to concentration camp prisoners. Many of Mikhail Savitsky's works received world fame. Born in the village of Zvenyachi, Vitebsk region (1922). Hero of Belarus (2006).

Vasil Bykov
Bykov Vasily Vladimirovich, Belarusian prose writer, playwright, publicist. Born in 1924 in the village of Bychki, Vitebsk region. People's Writer of Belarus (1980). In 1990 – 1993 President of the association of Belarusians of the world "Batskaushchyna".

Svetlana Alexievich
Belarusian writer and journalist, author of the books “War Has No woman's face", "The Last Witnesses", "Zinc Boys", "Enchanted by Death", "Chernobyl Prayer", "The Last Witnesses. Solo for child's voice", "Second Hand Time". In 2015: "for her polyphonic creativity - a monument to suffering and courage in our time."

Gabriel Vashchenko
People's Artist of Belarus, painter and teacher. "Man of the Year 92" and "Man of the 20th Century" (1993) as recognized by the International Biographical Center of Cambridge. "Man of the Year 94" according to the American Biographical Institute. Born in the village of Chikalovichi, Gomel region (1928).

Vladimir Mulyavin
A brilliant performer, composer and arranger, collector of Belarusian folklore, creator (1970), who for many years was one of the most popular in the Soviet Union. People's Artist BSSR and USSR, Knight of the Order of Francis Skaryna (2001). The name of Vladimir Mulyavin, who became a Belarusian by spirit, and not by birth, is immortalized on Avenue of Stars in Moscow(2001) and the capital Vitebsk.

Famous politicians from Belarus

Joseph Goshkevich
Diplomat, orientalist, traveler, first consul Russian Empire in Japan and the author of the world's first Japanese-Russian dictionary. The species of insects he described and a bay in North Korea (Chosanman) are named after Goshkevich. Born in 1814 in Rechitsa district (Gomel region). The 200th anniversary of the birth of I. Goshkevich is included in calendar for 2014-2015

Mikhail Kleofas Oginsky
Diplomat, politician, participant in the uprising under the leadership, talented composer. Famous Polonaise "Farewell to the Motherland" he wrote in the generic ( Grodno region). The 250th anniversary of the birth of M.K. Oginsky is included in calendar for 2014-2015

Chaim Weizmann
Born in Belarus in the village of Motol (now Ivanovsky district, Brest region) in 1874. Chaim Weizmann was an outstanding chemist who lectured in Switzerland and Great Britain. As an active Zionist he was elected first president of the State of Israel(1949) and remained in this position until his death (1952).

Andrey Gromyko
Diplomat, 1957-1985 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. He headed the Soviet delegation at the conference on the creation of the UN, and developed the Charter of the organization. Born in 1909 in the village of Starye Gromyki (Vetkovsky district, Gomel region).

Famous educators of Belarus

Francisk Skaryna
Born in Polotsk in 1486. Belarusian and East Slavic pioneer printer. He translated and published 23 books of the Bible into Belarusian, the first in 1517.

Saint Euphrosyne
Princess of Polotsk. Born in the 12th century. She became a nun at age 12 and spent her life helping the poor and building churches and monasteries throughout Belarus. She died during a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, her relics were returned to Belarus in 1910. Canonized as a saint, she is revered as a patroness, heavenly intercessor of the Belarusian land.

Champions from Belarus

Alexander Medved
Belarusian athlete and coach (freestyle wrestling). Champion Olympic Games(1964, 1968, 1972), peace (1962, 1963, 1966, 1967, 1969–71). Recognized as the best freestyle wrestler of the twentieth century.

Olga Korbut
Legendary gymnast won 4 Olympic gold medals, three of them at the Olympic Games in Munich (1972). In 1972 she was recognized as the best athlete in the world.

Vitaly Shcherbo
Belarusian athlete ( artistic gymnastics). Champion of the XXV Olympic Games (1992, Spain). Bronze medalist of the XXVI Olympic Games (1996, USA).
14-time world champion, 10-time European champion. Winner of the Games goodwill(1990, USA). Universiade champion (1993, 1995). Best Athlete world for 10 years (1991–2000).

Igor Makarov
Makarov won a gold medal in judo

Yulia Nesterenko
Nesterenko won a gold medal in 100 meter dash at the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004.

Maxim Mirny
Maxim Mirny is the most famous tennis player in Belarus, who won a series of international awards in doubles and led the Belarusian team to best place throughout its history Davis Cup.

Victoria Azarenka
Famous Belarusian tennis player, winner of major world tournaments, Olympic champion. In January 2012, Victoria Azarenka topped the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) rankings for the first time in her career. At the 2012 Olympics in London, she won gold in mixed doubles (paired with Maxim Mirny) and bronze in singles.

Daria Domracheva
Four-time champion, silver and bronze medalist of the Olympic Games, two-time world champion, winner and medalist of World Cup stages, Honored Master of Sports, Hero of Belarus. According to the Biathlon Award, the Belarusian athlete was named best biathlete 2010.

Alexey Grishin
The freestyler who brought Belarus the first ever independent state gold at the Winter Olympics (Vancouver 2010), bronze medalist at the Salt Lake City Olympics (2002).

Sergey Martynov
"King of the Small Caliber Rifle" Olympic champion London 2012, two-time bronze medalist at the Sydney and Athens Olympics, world record holder: 600 points out of 600 possible in prone shooting from a small-bore rifle.

One of best players in the history of Belarusian hockey, captain of the national team. Ruslan Salei was the first Russian stick master to reach the Stanley Cup final.

Paganism had deep ancient roots in the Belarusian lands. But in the 10th century. The religious ideas of our ancestors began to change. There was a need for close ties with other states that were then becoming Christian.

The hike contributed to familiarization with Christianity Eastern Slavs in 907 to Byzantium. Polotsk soldiers took part in it. The pagan Slavs had the opportunity to become closely acquainted with a new faith for them. The most important historical milestone in the spread of Christianity among the Eastern Slavs was 988 The Grand Duke of Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavovich forced the people of Kiev to be baptized, i.e. accept the Christian religion. The first Christians in the Principality of Polotsk were Rogneda, her son Izyaslav and subsequent princes.

With the advent of Christianity, sacrifices (including human sacrifices), blood feud, and polygamy disappeared.

The spread of Christianity contributed to the development of writing and education. Schools were opened at churches and monasteries, books were copied. The clergy were not only the most educated people, but also advisers in business.

The adoption of Christianity by the Eastern Slavs was of enormous historical significance. Consequences of accepting Christianity:

Christianity brought a new morality of love and mercy, affirmed the idea of ​​equality of all before God;

The adoption of Christianity strengthened state power and territorial unity Kievan Rus, inspired respect for authority;

The type of statehood takes on a Byzantine form, a close relationship is established between secular and church power;

The formalization of church jurisdiction begins, cases of marriage, divorce, and family are transferred to the jurisdiction of the church;

A significant cultural revolution was the introduction of a unified written language, and with writing begins the chronicle history of Rus';

The Christian Church brought its architectural traditions;

Thanks to the adoption of Christianity, Kievan Rus was included in the European Christian world, it became an equal element of the European civilizational process.

In the 19th century the names of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Kirill of Turovsky, Klim Smolyatich, Abraham of Smolensky sparkled with bright light.

Euphrosyne of Polotsk founded convents for women and men, which became the center of education in the Principality of Polotsk. In difficult times for Polotsk residents, Euphrosyne sympathized with people, shared their concerns and concerns, and helped them.

Kirill Turovsky is known in history as an outstanding writer and speaker for his time. During his lifetime he was called Chrysostom. The literary activity of Kirill of Turov gives an idea of ​​the high spiritual culture of Turov.

7. Education incl.: causes, conditions, features of state building.

There are several concepts regarding the formation of ON:

1. Conservative: Belarus did not have its own statehood until 1919. Accordingly, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is a purely Lithuanian state, which forcibly seized Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian lands.

2. Left: it was not Lithuania, but the West Slavic lands (the Principality of Novogrudok) that initiated the formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; the Slavic element predominates over the Lithuanian; Belarusian is the state language.

3. Centrist: GDL - multi-ethnic state, Belarusian-Lithuanian-Ukrainian federation; The Grand Duchy of Lithuania evolved towards strengthening the Slavic element.

Reasons - 3 phenomena coincided in time: 1) feudal fragmentation among the Eastern Slavs; 2) consolidation of the Baltic tribes; 3) a common threat from the Mongol-Tatars and German knights.

In the Middle Ages, fragmentation was characteristic of many countries of the world. The Belarusian lands were no exception.

Fragmentation had positive and negative sides: cities grew and became centers appanage principalities, crafts and trade developed, culture was in full bloom, but at the same time there was an increase in external danger, quarrels between boyars and princes led to internecine wars, further enslavement of the peasants.

The process of creating a state began in the middle of the 13th century. in the midst of the fight against the Crusaders and Mongol-Tatars. And it ended in the second half of the 14th century, when its territory was finally formed. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania stretched from north to south from the Baltic to the Black Seas, from west to east from Brest to the Smolensk region. The core of the state became the lands of the Novogrudok principality along with neighboring Lithuanian ones. At that time, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was the largest state in all of Eastern Europe.

The highest person in the state was Grand Duke. The first prince - a contender for the role of creator - was the Lithuanian prince Mindovg. At first, the power of the Grand Duke was considered unlimited (monarchy). The prince's most important duty was the defense of the country; the armed forces of the entire principality were subordinate to him. In addition to his duties, the prince had many rights. Over time, the unlimited power of the prince began to be limited by the activities of the Rada - the legislative and administrative body of power.

The paths to joining the Grand Duchy of Lithuania were different. When new lands were included on a contractual basis, there was no significant redistribution or disruption of ownership patterns. In general, the expansion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania occurred peacefully, because the conditions for accession were satisfied by influential circles of the local population. Regarding the conditions for the entry of lands without privileges, the replacement of local princes by Lithuanian ones did not violate pre-existing socio-economic relations, previous forms property, conditions of exploitation of the peasantry.

In the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the government gives rights to feudal lords and expands the rights of cities. The development of urban governance along the lines of “Magdeburg law” contributed to the formation of self-governing urban communities capable of defending the rights of citizens in clashes with statists and feudal lords.

Euphrosyne of Polotsk

Daughter of the Prince of Polotsk Georgy Vseslavovich, granddaughter Vseslav Bryachislavich ( Sorcerer), nun and educator.

Canonized as a Russian saint Holy Synod as a reverend in May 1910.

At birth she was given a name Predslava. At the age of 12, she took monastic vows with the name Euphrosyne (in honor of the Venerable Euphrosyne of Alexandria). Being literate, Euphrosyne read a lot and settled in a cell near the Polotsk St. Sophia Cathedral, which housed a rich library. She was engaged in copying books at the request of townspeople, and distributed the money received as alms.

At the end of her life she made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where and died. Her body was taken to the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, where the relics of Euphrosyne were kept until 1910, when they were transferred to Polotsk, to the monastery she founded, where they are kept to this day.

Became the first woman on the territory of Belarus, recognized as holy. Despite the fact that her life took place after the schism of Christianity, she is equally revered in both Orthodoxy and Catholicism. “The Life of Euphrosyne of Polotsk” is one of the monuments of early Orthodoxy in Belarus. On the territory of Belarus, Euphrosyne of Polotsk, along with Cyril of Turov, is one of the most revered saints.

Cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, as well as Amber room, is one of the ten most valuable missing art objects. According to legend, the discovery of the Cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk will mark the true revival of Belarus

Kirill Turovsky

Church leader and writer Ancient Rus'. Having become the bishop of Turov, he became famous as a writer and preacher. Canonized by Russian Orthodox Church in the face of the saint
Contemporaries called Kirill Turovsky the “Russian Chrysostom.” Author of solemn “Words”, teachings, prayers, canons (about 70 works have survived). One of the first educators on the territory of Belarus.

Simeon of Polotsk

Spiritual writer, theologian, poet, playwright, translator;

Francysk Lukich Skorina

Belarusian scientist, philosopher, physician (Doctor of Medicine), pioneer printer and educator, founder of East Slavic printing, translator of the Bible into the Belarusian edition (edition) of the Church Slavonic language

In 1517, he founded a printing house in Prague and published the Psalter, the first printed Belarusian book, in Cyrillic.

In total, during the years 1517-1519, he translated and published 23 books of the Bible. Skaryna's patrons were Bogdan Onkov, Yakub Babich, as well as the prince, governor of Troki and the great hetman of Lithuania Konstantin Ostrozhsky.

In 1520 he moved to Vilnia and founded the first printing house on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL). In it, Skaryna publishes “The Small Travel Book” (1522) and “The Apostle” (1525).

Fonts and engraved headbands from Skaryna’s Vilna printing house were used by book publishers for another hundred years.

Tadeusz Kosciuszko

Military and political figure of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the United States, participant in the American War of Independence, organizer of the uprising in Poland, Belarus and Lithuania in 1794, national hero Poland, USA, Belarus, honorary citizen of France.
Born in 1746 in the village of Merechevshchina, Ivatsevichi district, Brest region.

Nikolay Gusovsky.

poet-humanist and educator of the Renaissance, representative of the New Latin Eastern European school. Known for his poem “Song about the Bison.”
IN 1980 On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the poet, UNESCO included the name of Nikolai Gusovsky in the calendar of international dates of outstanding figures of world culture.

Vasily Tyapinsky

Humanist educator, writer, printer, translator.

Vasily Tyapinsky continued the humanistic and cultural-educational traditions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, laid down by Francis Skaryna, was personally and ideologically connected with Simon Budny, shared his socio-political and religious views. Like Simon Budny, he moved from Calvinism to anti-Trinitarianism. In the book “On the Most Important Articles of the Christian Faith”

Symon Budny

Famous Socinian preacher of the 16th century, humanist, educator, church reformer. Printed New Testament with comments and observations, which became the first attempt in world literature at radical rationalistic criticism of the Gospel. Supported the concept of a limited, enlightened monarchy. One of the first ideologists of the development of Belarusian culture in the native language.

Kirill of Turov Famous preacher and writer of the 12th century (died ca. 1182).

Euphrosyne of Polotsk Daughter of the Polotsk prince Svyatoslav Vseslavich, granddaughter of Vseslav Bryachislavich, nun and educator of the period of the Principality of Polotsk. After reaching adulthood, she entered a monastery. Afterwards she settled in the cell of the Polotsk St. Sophia Cathedral, where in the temple scriptorium she copied and possibly translated books, and carried out active peacekeeping and educational activities.

Simon Budny Among the writers and cultural figures of the past who made a great contribution to national heritage Belarus, one of the first places belongs to Simon Budny, the largest figure reform movement in the second half of the 16th century, the first printer, poet, humanist, philosopher, educator and founder of rationalistic criticism of Christianity.

Vasily Tyapinsky Vasily Tyapinsky () humanist - educator, writer, printer and translator of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Using his own funds on the family estate, Tyapino organized a printing house and owned good library. He shared the philosophical and social views of Simon Budny.

Peter Mstislavets Follower of F. Skarina. In 1564, together with deacon Ivan Fedorov, Pyotr Mstislavets published in Moscow the first accurately dated Russian printed book “Apostle” or “Acts of the Apostles and Council Epistles and the Epistles of St. Apostle Paul.” This was the first printed word in Russia.

Simeon of Polotsk Simeon of Polotsk, great Belarusian educator, outstanding figure not only Belarusian and Russian, but moreover, Slavic culture generally. He went down in history as a monk, public and church figure, theologian, teacher and educator, poet and writer.

Interesting facts about book printing in Belarus Interesting facts about book printing in Belarus Fact 1. Francis Skorina's Bible became the first printed book for the Eastern Slavs. It came out before English and French translations, and was almost 50 years ahead of the Russian Bible. The uniqueness of this book is also that our fellow countryman placed his portrait in it, which was new for medieval publications. Ten books of Skaryna's Bible in six bindings, published in Prague, are kept today in National Library Belarus. Books of Kings. Prague, 1518.

Fact 2. Fact 2. A real bestseller of the Middle Ages was the book “Peregrination” - the travel diary of Nikolai Radziwill the Orphan. Peculiar " encyclopedic reference book on the Middle East" was reprinted seventeen times in Belarusian, Russian, German, Latin and Polish.

Fact 3. One of the most famous printing houses in Belarus was organized in Brest by Nikolai Radziwill Cherny. More than forty books were published here, the most famous of which is the Brest (Radzwill) Bible. The book was published in 1563, bound in leather, it had 738 pages, many engravings, headpieces and illustrations. The Brest Bible was reprinted several times, including in Russia and Germany. Unfortunately, the sons of Radziwill the Black, ardent Catholics, after the death of their father, burned almost half a thousand copies of the book in a square in Vilna. About two dozen copies of this valuable publication have survived to this day. Fact 3. One of the most famous printing houses in Belarus was organized in Brest by Nikolai Radziwill Cherny. More than forty books were published here, the most famous of which is the Brest (Radzwill) Bible. The book was published in 1563, bound in leather, it had 738 pages, many engravings, headpieces and illustrations. On title page The coat of arms of the Radziwill family was placed, and on the first page of the folio there was a dedication to King Sigismund. The Brest Bible was reprinted several times, including in Russia and Germany. Unfortunately, the sons of Radziwill the Black, ardent Catholics, after the death of their father, burned almost half a thousand copies of the book in a square in Vilna. About two dozen copies of this valuable publication have survived to this day. Radziwill (Brest) Bible.

Fact 4. Fact 4. Printing houses were opened on Belarusian lands and in other cities and towns. The most famous in the Vitebsk region is the printing house on the Tyapino estate (today Chashniksky district). Here Vasily Tyapinsky published the “Gospel” in Old Belarusian and Church Slavonic languages ​​with a preface by the author.

Fact 5. Fact 5. The first book in Belarus on Belarusian language became "Catechism" by Simon Budny. The book was published in 1562 in a printing house in Nesvizh, consisted of more than five hundred pages and was republished in Stockholm in 1628. Budny's Catechism was published in 1562.

Fact 7 Fact 7. One of the unique books written on the territory of Belarus by a local author is “Hippika, or the Book of Horses” by Krzysztof Nikolai Dorogostaisky. The publication was printed in Krakow in 1603 and was reprinted five times. The book consisted of four parts. The first part talked about the history of riding and horse breeding, about horses and their colors, the second – about the taming and training of young horses, the third – about horse harness. But the most interesting is the fourth part - “Hippiatry”, which is a manual for veterinarians. The book was very expensive, and the illustrations for it were made by Tomasz Makowski himself, the court engraver of the Radziwills. Hippica is an invaluable source of information about horse breeding in our lands.

Fact 8. Fact 8. The only Museum of Belarusian Printing on the territory of Belarus operates in Polotsk. The exposition of the museum, which was opened in 1990, is housed in 15 halls, where about two and a half thousand museum exhibits are displayed. One of the most rare books is “The Teaching Gospel,” published in the Mamonich printing house in Vilna in 1595.

“There are very distant stars in the Universe. When we look at them, we come into contact with eternity. Natural light gives life; spiritual light gives purpose and meaning. Our enlighteners from Cyril of Turov and Euphrosyne of Polotsk to Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas introduced us to the spiritual light. The first will never be forgotten, because in them is the beginning, the origins, the origin.” Belarusian literary critic Vladimir Konon