How to act in Harry Potter. Hogwarts Hospital Wing

In this article we have collected the most interesting facts from the filming of the legend of British cinema, the film “Harry Potter”. Filming took place at Leavesden Studios in Britain over 10 years. This huge room contains all the technologies and secrets of filming the Potter series.

While working on the film, they created special departments, each of which employed many specialists in different fields:

  • Department of Magical Creatures
  • Animal training department
  • Visual Effects Department
  • Department of Decorators, Engineers and Inventors
  • and many others

Filming Harry Potter: Essential Secrets

1. To recreate the floating candles in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, I had to hang ordinary candles on threads. Afterwards the threads were removed using computer graphics. This was done in the first film, but in subsequent films this method was abandoned because the flame burned the threads. The candles were recreated using graphics.

2. In the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” the underwater scenes were simulated using computer animation and were considered phenomenal at the time. For Daniel Radcliffe to have gills, the creators had to work for an hour and a half. The gills were made from silicone and silk.

3. To make Dumbledore’s office atmospheric and majestic, I had to collect a library of hundreds of telephone directories with aged covers, invent and hang portraits “ former directors» magical educational institution. For the scene with Dumbledore's memories, about 800 bottles were made, which contained the most important points from the life of a professor.

4. Voldemort's makeup was recreated by three people over the course of two hours. We thought about everything: from the shade of the face and darkened eyes, to false eyebrows and nails. But they decided to remove the nose using post-processing.

5. The defeated spider Aragog took half a year to create by 20 people! Weighed a ton, was the size of a car!

6. A special team was responsible for training the animal actors. Harry the owl had 4 understudies, four cats played Crookshanks Hermione and about ten rats played Ron the rodent. Hagrid the dog was played by nine mastiffs.

7. Cutie Dobby did not participate in the filming. Instead, the actors conducted a dialogue with a tennis ball attached to a stick. Dobby was added during the editing stage through graphics.

8. Ron's family's flying car Ford Anglia brands was chosen for a reason. The analogue was once run by the writer JK Rowling herself. During filming, 14 of these cars were destroyed.

Magical things from the world of Harry Potter

1. This is how the frying pan was washed. Give me one!

2. And so the books returned to their places.

3. And here is a walk on brooms.

Where Harry Potter was filmed: hot spots

Potter fans have visited hot spots from filming more than once. We'll tell you and show you where, what and how:

1. The Dursley House, Where It All Began

The same house of the Dursley family where Potter lived in a closet before being invited to Hogwarts.
Address: 12 Picket Post Close, Martins Heron

2. Legendary platform number 9

The platform they crashed into and disappeared into was located at King's Cross station. Now there are a lot of tourists there who take funny photos.

There are successful examples of entering the platform:

And not really:

In the first and second parts of the film, the corridors of Hogwarts were filmed in the monastery of Gloucester Cathedral. In The Goblet of Fire - within the walls of the New College monastery in Oxford.

The courtyard of Durham Cathedral is where Harry first lets his owl, Hedwig, go for a walk, and where Ron fights slugs in Chamber of Secrets.

5. School library, hospital, stairs

Located in the Oxford Bodleian Library. The Hogwarts hospital ward and stairs were also filmed in Oxford.

6. Hagrid's Hut

First located in Black Park Country Park, Buckinghamshire. During the filming of Order of the Phoenix, the hut was moved to Scotland.

7. Hogwarts Lake

To visit this same lake, go to Loch Shiel in Scotland. The second lake is located in Surrey and is called Virginia Water. It was there that Harry flew on the hippogriff.

And this is the only scene filmed outside the UK. Railway The Glenfinnan Viaduct was located in Oslo, Norway.

9. Chamber of Secrets

Located in Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire. Some episodes of "The Half-Blood Prince" were also filmed at this location.

10. Hogwarts Dining Hall

The College of the Church of Christ is the very place where the children rejoiced at the flying letters that came to them from their parents. It was here that three wizard friends discussed their plans and shared secrets.
Address: St. Aldates, Oxford OX1 1DP, UK, tel. +44 1865 276150 (Christ Church College)

How Harry Potter was filmed, the film about the film

That's all :) The best gratitude would be if you share the post on in social networks, and also if you send interesting facts about the film in the comments. We will add to the collection :)


The Harry Potter films, based on the book series of the same name, are almost the most popular films in the world, both in children and adults. Various museums and parks are dedicated to Harry Potter, but real fans prefer to travel to the places where this film was filmed. amazing movie. Since the book about the young wizard is English, the filming took place on the territory of this country.


Hogwarts from the outside was mostly filmed at the ancient Enik Castle. This 11th-century castle is located on the border of England and Scotland and is famous for its history, full of various interesting events.

It was Enik Castle that served as the basis for filming Hogwarts from the outside, although it had to be significantly modified using computer graphics. Some of the interior of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was also filmed here.

In the courtyard of this castle, Hogwarts students learned difficult art flying on a broomstick, and a game of Quidditch taking place over the local lawns. Here and now you can see fans jumping on brooms across the lawns courtyard castle

Enik Castle

Interior of the castle

However, it will be much more interesting to look at Hogwarts not from the outside, but from the inside. Most of the scenes from the life of young wizards were filmed within the walls of Oxford University. For example, the Great Hall, in which all important and ceremonial moments took place, was filmed in the dining hall of Christ Church, the most prestigious and oldest college at Oxford University. Also, many scenes from the films were filmed in the courtyard of this college and on its stairs.

Oxford is worth a visit not only because Harry Potter was filmed here. Beautiful area, ancient buildings, Gothic architecture, medieval patterns, museums - all this, without a doubt, deserves a separate close attention.

Christ Church Dining Hall

Hogwarts Library

The Hogwarts library, with its huge rooms and numerous books, was filmed in the Bodleian Library, the most big library Oxford. More than 11 million books are stored here, among which there are real rarities. And of course, no one will be indifferent to the interiors of the library, which can easily be recognized as the Hogwarts library.

Bodleian Library

Hogwarts corridors

After visiting Oxford, be sure to visit the town of Gloucester, located just two hours from London. This town is home to one of the most beautiful cathedrals in England - Gloucester Cathedral. Many scenes from films that took place in the corridors of the school of witchcraft and wizardry were filmed in the corridors and covered galleries of this religious building.

Scenes with the troll and ghosts, the secret door to the Gryffindor common room, Harry Potter's bedroom, talking pictures and even school classes - all this took place within the walls of Gloucester Cathedral.

Gloucester Cathedral is a truly beautiful landmark located in a very picturesque part of England. A walk in its surroundings and in the Cathedral itself will immerse you in the atmosphere of magic and Harry Potter like nothing else.

Gloucester Cathedral

Professor McGonagall's office

Transfiguration classes led by Professor McGonagall were filmed at Durham's Cathedral of Christ, Mary and St. Cuthbert, located near Scotland. The cathedral is different interesting architecture, beautiful stained glass windows and amazing nature, which makes it very popular among tourists. By the way, not far from the cathedral is Durham Castle, which is also an interesting attraction.

Durham Cathedral

Flitwick's office

The spells class taught by Professor Flitwick was filmed at Harrow School, one of the oldest public schools for boys. This school, located a few miles from London, has produced many famous figures science, culture and politics, for example, Winston Churchill graduated from it.

Hagrid's Hut

The Glencoe Valley, located in Scotland, is one of the most beautiful places in this area of ​​England. Some of the landscapes around Hogwarts were filmed in this valley: Steel Falls and Glen Nevis Mountain will be recognized by any fan of the Harry Potter films. It was also in the Glencoe Valley that the hut of Rubeus Hagrid, the keeper of the keys and forester of Hogwarts, was recreated.

Unfortunately, the hut has not survived to this day, but it is definitely worth admiring the landscapes of Glencoe.

Glencoe Valley

forbidden Forest

Filming Forbidden Forest, which is home to various magical creatures, took place in the Black Park in Buckinghamshire. It is always twilight, and due to such a mysterious atmosphere, various films are often filmed there.

Hogsmeade Station

According to the film, Hogsmeade is a village with a railway station located near Hogwarts. It is here that students of the wizarding school come by train before getting to Hogwarts itself. Hogsmeade is mostly an artificial set, but the train station was filmed in the picturesque village of Goathland, at the local train station.

Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley is a place where magicians, including Hogwarts students, can purchase a variety of magical items needed for study and for life. Much of Diagon Alley was filmed at Lindenhall Market, London's indoor market. You can get to Diagon Alley through the Leaky Cauldron bar, which is actually an optical store in the same market.

Some scenes in Diagon Alley were filmed in the city of York, on the ancient street of Chamblay with traditional black and white houses.

Lindenhall Market

Gringotts Bank

According to the book, Gringotts Bank is located where Diagon Alley and Knock Alley intersect. In reality, this bank is the representative office of Australia in London, or, as it is also called, Australia House. Of course, you won’t be able to get inside, but you can admire the building from the outside.

Privet Alley

On this street, at number 4, Harry Potter lived before and during his time at school. summer holidays during training. This street is actually called Picket Post Close and is located in the town of Little Whinging.

Godric's Hollow

Harry's parents and himself lived in this small settlement before Voldemort attacked their family. Godric's Hollow was filmed in the vicinity of the town of Bath in Wiltshire, in the town of Lacock Abbey. This abbey is truly picturesque - the narrow streets and ancient stone houses make it truly magical.

Real places

Most of the books about the wizard Harry Potter are fictional, but the book describes several places in London that actually exist.

London Zoo

This zoo is the oldest scientific zoo in London and one of the largest zoos in the entire world. His visit is interesting in itself, but it was here, in the House of Reptiles, that Harry discovered magical abilities and the ability to understand snake language.

Reptile House

Bridges of London

Many scenes from films took place on London Bridges. For example, a scene with a magic bus being squeezed was filmed on Lambert Bridge, and the Millennium pedestrian bridge in the story is destroyed by Voldemort's minions, the Death Eaters.

King's Cross Station

A very important place for all young wizards is King's Cross Station. It was from here, from platform 9 ¾, that young wizards went by train to Hogwarts. The station really exists in London, and when you enter it, you can see familiar interiors. And at the entrance to platforms 9, 10 and 11 you can even see a cart that half disappears into the wall and a sign that says “Platform 9 ¾”. And outside there is another memorable place for Harry Potter fans - the neo-Gothic St. Parkras station, against which Harry and Ron flew by in the magical Ford Anglia.

King's Cross Station

Traveling on the Hogwarts Express

The Hogwarts Express is also a very real train that runs along the viaduct over the Glenfinnan Valley. This train and this route were chosen because of the amazing beauty of the area.

By the way, today, from May to October, anyone can ride this route from William to Mallaig on a real “Hogwarts Express” - an old train with an old steam locomotive. However, you will have to worry about tickets in advance, as they sell out very quickly.

In the article below we will try to tell you everything about Harry Potter. The story about this boy, told by JK Rowling in seven novels, won the hearts of not only children, it became the favorite book of representatives different generations living in all countries of the world. This book teaches you to love, trust, be brave and responsible, go against your fears and be true to your principles and ideals. The work has deep philosophical meaning. It explains with examples that the world is not divided only into good and bad, good and evil.

Often these concepts are mixed up and look different, once you find out and understand the background of the events. Children the same age as Harry and him grew up along with their heroes with each book released. From 7 to 17 - 10 years of life associated with this work could not help but leave a mark in the hearts of fans of the novel.

How Harry Potter was filmed

In 1998, the writer sold the rights to make films about the life story of her heroes to Warner Bros., stipulating that all the actors who would participate in the creation of the epic should come from Great Britain, and the process itself would take place only in this country. The shooting of the first film was entrusted to the director who once directed the famous film “Home Alone”. The company's producers believed that the director's experience working with child actors would play a positive role in the creation of the film. Grandiose sets were built for filming, which served for the following years and were used in the film adaptation of other Potter books.

About a hundred artists worked on them, and the author of the idea, production designer Stuart Craig, was awarded a BAFTA award. Harry Potter filming locations were carefully selected. The flavor of old English villages and forests was taken into account, which should have helped emphasize the mystery of the places mentioned in the novel. In the story of how Harry Potter was filmed, one cannot fail to mention the excellent work of the makeup artists. It was truly difficult, but interesting job. The images created by these specialists were truly impressive. These were both huge giants and dwarfs; some of the heroes scared away with their ugliness, while others, on the contrary, attracted. In other words, none of the characters left the viewer indifferent, including thanks to the work of the make-up artists.

When telling how Harry Potter was filmed, it is impossible not to mention that the author of the novels, JK Rowling, was directly involved in the filming, acting as a producer of one of the parts of the film. Her work was highly appreciated by film critics. Together with other filmmakers, she was awarded a BAFTA award for her contribution to the development of British cinema.

Amusement park

Now a huge amusement park based on the work and the films based on it has been built on the filming site using real scenery in London. The Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore's office and, of course, the Hogwarts school itself - all exactly correspond to the scenery that was used in the film novel. Visitors don't just go on rides, they can see how Harry Potter was filmed.

Did you know that the most “evil” Hogwarts student, Draco Malfoy, aka Tom Felton, carried chocolates in his pockets right during filming? cult film? And because of this, the pockets in his robe had to be sewn up.

Warner Brothers spent 10 years at Leavesden making eight Harry Potter films. And over the years, many interesting events and oddities have happened on the set. We invite you to look at the Potter characters from the perspective of the film crew and find out how the filming of Harry Potter went.

Start of filming

The story of the production of films about the young wizard should begin with the fact that Steven Spielberg initially wanted to be in the director's chair. It took several months to agree with the studio on the details of the upcoming work, and the Hollywood master was not at all intimidated by the colossal volume that he had to face. But Stephen made a number of his own proposals, which both the studio and Rowling refused. Chris Columbus became the number two contender. The daughter of an equally eminent director managed to familiarize herself with the first book, “The Philosopher’s Stone,” and was delighted. This prompted her father to make a decision.

Beginning: script, actors, scenery

The production of the film simultaneously included several stages. The script was approved, the scenery was built, and locations were looked for. Filming Harry Potter is not a quick process. Casting agent Suzy Figgis, who managed to work on other projects, was entrusted with perhaps the main task - finding the leading actors. It depended on her how the heroes of the fantasy saga would appear and how they would remain in history. JK Rowling also actively took part in the auditions.

Harry Potter filming locations

Harry Potter filming locations This story of a young wizard and his friends has long attracted the interest of millions of fans. Books and films are sold all over the world in huge circulations, and the most ardent idols are actively interested in not only storyline, but also personal life actors, the filming process and even the locations where each of the seven films was filmed.

The Harry Potter filming locations are visited by many tourists every day, but to find full list It's hard enough on the Internet. Usually on sites you can find no more than 10-15 points from all filming locations. But in this article you can find out about 53 places at once by reading them brief description and seeing the visuals, real photos. The interactive map will help you get as much information as possible about each point, so the article will be a real find for true fans of the novels and will become a mini-guide for those who want to personally visit all the Harry Potter filming locations.

Dursley House, Privet Drive

The Dursley family home where Harry lives in the cupboard under the stairs before he is invited to Hogwarts school is actually a private house in Berkshire (12 Picket Post Close, Martins Heron).

The Serpentarium where Harry first interacts with the snake

Before Harry finds out that he is a wizard, he talks to a huge snake ( London Zoo, Regent Street).

Entrance to the Leaky Cauldron

During the filming of “The Philosopher’s Stone,” this pub was located on the Ledengole market, and the entrance to it was just an empty store. However, it is now an optical shop, “The Glass House” (42 Bull’s Head Passage, Leadenhall Market and then 7 Stoney St., London).

Gringotts Bank (inside)

The scenes at Gringotts Bank were filmed in exhibition hall Australia House. Although you won't be able to go into the building, you can look through the window and see the room that was used to film the film.

Platform 9 ¾

The platform that wizards and witches used to get to platform 9 ¾ is actually located between platforms 4 and 5 at King's Cross station.

Hogsmeade Station

The station serving Hogsmeade and Hogwarts is actually Goathland Station on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway line (Goathland Station, North Yorkshire).

Hogwarts corridors

The corridor that leads to the fat lady and the Gryffindor common room is in the cloister of Gloucester Cathedral. In Chamber of Secrets, this is the same corridor in which Ginny Weasley writes in blood on the wall “The Chamber of Secrets is open again.”

In Goblet of Fire, the scene where everyone is wearing a badge that says “Potter is a stinker” was filmed in the monastery of New College in Oxford. There, Mad-Eye Moody turns Draco Malfoy into a ferret.

Hogwarts courtyard

The snowy courtyard where Harry first releases his owl Hedwig (Hedwig) is actually part of Durham Cathedral. This is where Ron Weasley spews out slugs in Chamber of Secrets.

Minerva McGonagall's Mirror Room and Transfiguration Office

The room where Harry finds the mirror that showed him his dead parents in Philosopher's Stone is again in Lacock Abbey. In The Chamber of Secrets, the same room is used by Professor McGonagall for lessons on turning animals into goblets (Chapter House, Lacock Abbey).

Lessons from Madame Trick

Madame Trick's first lesson is held outside Alnwick Castle in Northumberland (The Outer Bailey, Alnwick Castle).

Hogwarts Library

The school library is located in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. In Chamber of Secrets, Hermione finds information about Polyjuice Potion here, and in Half-Blood Prince, she and Harry discuss Horace Slughorn's Christmas party here (Duke Humphrey's Library, Oxford University).

Hogwarts Hospital Wing

Hogwarts Hospital is actually located in one of the buildings at Oxford University. Here, in Goblet of Fire, Professor McGonagall teaches Ron ballroom dancing before Christmas (Divinity School, Oxford University).

Weasley's car take-off site

Although in the film the car appears to take off from outside King's Cross station, the scene was actually filmed in the vicinity of St Pancras International station, London.

The Burrow (Weasley's house)

The Weasley family home was specially built for Chamber of Secrets, directly opposite the main building of Leavesden Studios (the studio where the film was filmed) in Hertfordshire. However, in The Half-Blood Prince, the Burrow was located near the town of Weymouth, in the habitat of swans (Gypsy Lane, Abbots Langley, then the Swnery, Abbotsbury).

  • The hardest thing for Emma Watson during filming was getting angry. When teachers acting They tried to arouse anger in the actress, but they received only tears in response. "I never spill negative emotions out, the role of a bad girl is clearly not for me,” Emma shrugs guiltily.
  • On set, Emma was jokingly nicknamed "One Take Watson" because she always did a scene in one take.
  • In 2010, after filming ended, Emma Watson ran to the hairdresser and made herself short haircut. According to her, cardinal change image has become a kind of symbol of a bygone childhood. “Now I can wash my hair even in the sink,” Emma laughs. In addition, for filming “Potterian,” the naturally blonde Watson had to constantly dye her hair a darker color.
  • Daniel Radcliffe took real magic lessons from the famous British illusionist Paul Keeve (though these were mostly card tricks), and while preparing for the film “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” he even visited a professional psychotherapist to find out how a person who has lost his loved ones feels.
  • In one of the interviews, when asked “If you really had Magic wand and if you could change one thing in the world, what would that thing be?” Daniel Radcliffe answered without hesitation: “I would bring back the brilliant John Lennon.”
  • IN American state Florida is home to a man named Harry Potter. The namesake of the famous wizard has a hard time - Potter fans constantly call him and curious journalists come to visit him.
  • The role of Harry Potter was almost won by Liam Aiken, known for the films “Stepmom” and “Shaggy Special Forces”. Boy with funny face, strewn with freckles, charmed the jury even more than Daniel Radcliffe. But when it turned out that Liam was American, the role was given to Daniel. The fact is that the author of the Harry Potter books, J. K. Rowling, set a firm condition: all actors must be British. Although there were still Americans in the films: Verne Troyer, who played the role of a goblin, and Elionor Columbus, the daughter of director Chris Columbus, who appeared on the screens as one of the Hogwarts students.
  • In order to completely “merge” with their characters, Daniel was asked to wear green contact lenses, and Emma was asked to wear false teeth that protrude slightly. But the idea was unsuccessful, as Radcliffe developed a severe allergy to the lenses, and Watson stopped pronouncing words clearly.
  • Daniel Radcliffe has a rare congenital disorder - dyspraxia. It manifests itself in the fact that a person cannot make precise mechanical movements. Daniel's illness, for example, makes it difficult for him to write quickly and legibly. He always had poor performance at school, but it was his failures in school that pushed the boy to start a career as an actor.
  • Rupert Grint admitted that he dreams of playing the role of a serial killer someday.
  • It was not by chance that the otter was chosen as Hermione's overlord (patronus). JK Rowling adores these animals, and the writer sees herself in Hermione.
  • According to the plot, Voldemort's eyes were supposed to be fiery red, but actor Ralph Fiennes convinced the directors to abandon this, as he was sure that even without colored lenses and computer special effects, his gaze would give the audience goosebumps.
  • Three “actresses” performed as Harry Potter’s owl Hedwig: Ook the owl, Gizmo and Sprout. To prepare the owls for the performance, each of them was trained for three months. By the way, the owner of these owls was brought to court for mistreating the birds - on his farm the unfortunate people were in unsanitary conditions and often suffered from a lack of food and water.
  • Actor Michael Gambon, who played the role of Dumbledore, honestly admitted that he had not read the books about Harry Potter. According to the actor, in order to play a role well, it is enough just to carefully study the script.
  • To date, the Harry Potter film series is the most profitable franchise in cinema history, eclipsing its success and " star Wars", and "The Lord of the Rings", and the young actors - richest people England. Daniel Radcliffe has repeatedly become the richest British star under the age of 30.
  • During the filming of all the films, Daniel Radcliffe wore 160 pairs of glasses and used 70 magic wands.
  • The largest set in the films is the Ministry of Magic, which took over 20 weeks of daily labor to build. The interior of the Ministry can easily accommodate fifty London buses.
  • When the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, was published in the UK, the publisher asked stores not to sell the book until it was finished. school day. Otherwise, all the schoolchildren would skip classes.
  • Several episodes of the franchise were filmed in Gloucester Cathedral, built from the 11th to 15th centuries. This caused a wave of protests from believers, accusing the film crew of great sins. But on the day when filming was scheduled, only one protesting resident of Gloucester stood at the entrance to the cathedral with a banner. Apparently, the believers decided not to interfere with the process in order to see the long-awaited movie as soon as possible!

Nowadays, it is difficult not to meet a person who does not know who Harry Potter is. Wizard, magician, teenager. This young man with glasses has become much more than just another character in another film. The release of a series of books about his adventures was followed by a series of film adaptations. And if true Harry fans, of whom he has an incredible number, can tell everything about him, then do they know how the film “Harry Potter” was filmed? Interesting Facts with film set and the story of the complex production of the franchise - in our article.

Cultural heritage

Out of all seven books and eight films, Harry has become the most popular teenage boy in school. The world was slowly but thoroughly taken over by Pottermania. And once upon a time, its creator JK Rowling asked for a modest sum of $1.5 million for the sale of the rights to the first four books. In addition, she “authorized” herself a percentage of the collection of paintings and participation in their production. Obviously, she made the right decision, not only ensuring a decent future, but also monitoring every step in the filming process.

A world without Harry Potter

Now, with the end of the franchise, passions about who Harry Potter is have noticeably subsided. But fans who have not come to terms with this fact still surf the Internet, collecting any information about the characters and actors. How was Harry Potter filmed? What happened to all the scenery that was built? Where do the tailored suits go? All this, of course, is interesting not only to “Potter” fans, but also to ordinary film fans.

At first there were negotiations

The story of the production of films about the young wizard should begin with the fact that Steven Spielberg initially wanted to be in the director's chair. It took several months to agree with the studio on the details of the upcoming work, and the Hollywood master was not at all intimidated by the colossal volume that he had to face. But Stephen made a number of his own proposals, which both the studio and Rowling refused. Chris Columbus became the number two contender. The daughter of an equally eminent director managed to familiarize herself with the first book, “The Philosopher’s Stone,” and was delighted. This prompted her father to make a decision.

Beginning: script, actors, scenery

The production of the film simultaneously included several stages. The script was approved, the scenery was built, and locations were looked for. Filming “Harry Potter” is not a quick process. Casting agent Susie Figgis, who managed to work on other projects, was entrusted with perhaps the main task - finding the leading actors. It depended on her how the heroes of the fantasy saga would appear and how they would remain in history. JK Rowling also actively took part in the auditions.

The main characters of the Potter series

For Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, who played Hermione and Ron, “Harry Potter” served as their television debut. Daniel Radcliffe, who was lucky enough to beat hundreds of competitors, already had acting experience. In 1999, he became young Copperfield in the biographical drama of the same name. And after finishing work in “The Tailor from Panama,” he found himself at the casting of his most important film in life.

How was Harry Potter filmed with the participation of young actors? At the time of filming, everyone to young stars were eleven years old. But this did not frighten them at all, given the lack of relevant experience. As they admitted later in their numerous interviews, the scenery alone was stunning, not to mention the exciting story, full of magic and enchantment, as well as the scope with which the studio approached the production of the film. Of course, for each of the three actors, “Potter” became a significant milestone in their lives.

Journey to your dream

In the summer of 2000, almost everything was ready to launch a grandiose process with a huge budget of 125 million. How was Harry Potter filmed? If we look at it step by step, then the filming itself started on October 2. As you know, a series of plot episodes that the viewer sees in a film does not always mean consistency in their filming. But since most of episodes take place in interiors; the first days of filming took place on the pavilions of the Leavesden studio, where the library and hospital were located. Since September, set construction had been in full swing there, and the film crew, including the actors, immediately found themselves in the “prepared” world of Harry Potter.

Evidence of magic

What film fan doesn’t want to be in such pavilions and watch the action with their own eyes? The multi-million army of fans of the young wizard had the opportunity to find individual videos on the Internet posted by the creators of the saga. They told in detail how they filmed Harry Potter. Funny moments certainly happened quite often on set. It relieved the atmosphere busy schedule, which included 10-12 hours of continuous work. Constantly being with each other long years strengthened the friendship of the main actors. Fans of the saga still haven’t given up hope of seeing them together again in a film.

With the first popularity of “Harry Potter,” any news about filming was widely circulated in the press. Journalists considered it an honor to tell what was new in the film world of the “bespectacled” wizard, and the paparazzi went to great lengths to get new photos from the filming of “Harry Potter.” Often such shots became a trophy for fans of the saga, waiting for their idols outside the studios and begging for an autograph.

Getting out into nature

JK Rowling asked that the actors cast in the film be English. And also for “Harry Potter” to be filmed in England. And although most episodes of the book allow this to be done, subsequently the filming moved to picturesque Scotland.

In the meantime, following the writer’s orders, the outskirts of London are becoming key place dislocations. After the end of the studio filming, the group goes to Durham and Gloucester, where cathedrals turns into Hogwarts school. Her library became the real library of Oxford University. Where else was the Harry Potter movie filmed?

The appearance of the Australian representative office has turned into the Gringotts wizard bank. The King's Cross Zoo and railway station also appeared in the film. If we turn to the plot, it is from the station on the magic train that Harry Potter sets off on his journey.

Work on " Philosopher's Stone” continued until mid-2001 and took a total of almost a year. The filming of “Harry Potter” was not complete without animatronics. Chris Columbus proposed using specially designed model structures that could move. They played the role of magical creatures, and this innovation was used in the filming of other parts.

The magical story of Harry Potter simply obliged us to turn to computer special effects. Thus, the dragon Norbert and the cave troll became the brainchild of animators. In the famous toilet scene, Daniel Radcliffe... did not participate at all! He, hanging on the troll’s neck, was simply drawn on the computer. Definitely, the age of new technologies has played a role!

Given the complexity and scale of production of the entire series of films about Harry Potter, the studios immediately realized that they should not skimp on the budget. This paid off handsomely at the box office. The total revenue from the entire wizard franchise has reached the billion dollar mark.

Other Harry Potter Filming Locations

For seven parts of the franchise, filming locations were not limited to London and its studio pavilions. Harry Potter commits scenic journey in corners of Britain and Scotland.

In “The Chamber of Secrets” the wizard goes in a flying Ford to the Glenfinnan Viaduct, which is striking in its beauty. A real diesel train runs through this valley, framed by meadows. In the summer the steam locomotive is replaced by a more modern Jacobite locomotive. This place is often associated with the film “Harry Potter”.

In order to film landscapes that stretched for miles from Hogwarts, the group traveled to Glencoe. Powerful waterfalls will be remembered from “The Goblet of Fire”, and the vast mountains - as a venue for Quidditch matches. By the way, “local” mountains were also filmed in “Highlander” and “Braveheart”.

The interiors of Hogwarts are impressive in their scope. In addition to the pavilions, certain part Filmed at Durham Cathedral. In the film, he “played” the role of the snowy courtyard from the first part.

Alnwick Castle has preserved almost 700 centuries of history. Inner garden will enchant visitors with its fountains. The castle itself is considered one of the largest houses in the world. In “Harry Potter” it served as the platform on which Madame Hooch flew.

Closer to the people

Historical landmarks - beauty and majesty. Now you know how the film “Harry Potter” was filmed in these amazing places. But the platform also became “ordinary” areas of England, familiar to most Britons. Here are some interesting facts:

  • Remember “The Leaky Cauldron”? This is not a bar, but an optical store located in the central market.
  • Scenes with the departure of the Hogwarts Express, as well as the Ford Anglia, were filmed at King's Cross Station. The difference in locations was the different platforms and the facade of the station itself, filmed from several sides.
  • Remember where Harry discovered the ability to communicate with snakes? In reality, this place was the Reptile House, part of the London Zoo.
  • Scenes of Harry and Ron's escape from the troll were filmed in Gloucester Cathedral, the oldest of most beautiful places. Believers have been visiting it for over 1,300 years.
  • The beach on the Freshwater coast in Wales is familiar as an ideal place for surfing, and its golden sand remembers the building nicknamed “the shell”, where Bill and Fleur were located in the story.

Eternal love

The wizard, who grew up before our eyes, delighted viewers with his adventures for ten years. He made you believe in miracles, showed incredible places, reminded of simple things- friendship, support, faith.

The story is over, but the franchise itself will go down in the history of world cinema. Not only Harry Potter, but also the other bright, charismatic characters made this franchise an object of cultural value and heritage for future generations. Fortunately, loyal fans always have books, films and even behind-the-scenes photos about how Harry Potter was filmed at their fingertips. And this is worth a lot, and this is its own little story.