Who will plant it? It’s a monument. Caring for roses after planting in spring

“People are busy looking for money. More profit, less faith. Both Marx and Lenin have been forgotten. And greed beyond measure is frightening.” These poetic lines, written as nostalgia for Soviet times, for some reason pop up every time you hear about total corruption in your home country Today. And the question: “Why is this happening?” gets stuck in a swamp of misunderstanding: “Why so much”? Indeed, millions, billions for one soul, for one body, for two arms and two legs - what is this for? When children, parents, friends and even pets are provided for a hundred years into the future, then where to put everything that was acquired through back-breaking corrupt labor?
It is clear that you can buy more power. For pampering, for fun. A lot of everything, by weight and retail, as a toy, with accompanying paraphernalia in the form of elite cars with flashing lights, bowing clerks along the red carpet to work, serf servants in the private domains of palaces. Can. Although, more often the opposite happens: first the chairs, then the money. That is, gaining power entails automatic access to the state budget, which can be read between the lines, like a feeding trough. And here there are no limits to the fantasies and inventions of those in power. It would be a topic, and mastering it would not be difficult. And here are cunning kickback schemes, the flow of budget funds flows as it should. They flow not for the state, not for the people, not for the cause, but for their loved ones. And, God bless them, let them collect for retirement, if not for the constant excesses in the game with public and private finances. For the logic of a normal, even very greedy person, this is a complete mystery. Why so much? But, apparently, there is some other way of thinking at the level when money itself flows into your pocket around the clock, without stopping, without a lunch break. Apparently...
There is one assumption that has not been voiced before. It is unexpected at first glance, but upon examination, it can claim to be true. Every person is vain, even if he is secretive and not public. Many try to leave their significant trace on our Earth. For some, a tree planted, a house built, and born child, this is not enough for others. They need to fill up a hill in the middle of the steppe, build a castle on a high steep rock, create an empire around the world, in short, erect a monument to their loved one, while still alive. Yes, such that it would be visible from everywhere, so that everyone around would talk about it, so that rumor would fly all over the world. These monuments of ours to greed are growing like mushrooms after rain. Lighthouses of our time, which descendants will talk about without understanding the essence of what is happening. They, our descendants, will no longer be disgusted as we are today, but even the most advanced historians will not be able to put together a logical chain. Unfortunately, from the point of view of ordinary logic, there is no other more or less explanation for the existing boundless greed.
And here we come to the essence of reflection. And why, in fact, by initiating so many criminal cases of corruption, in lately, their main defendants remain untouchable, immune from prosecution? Comes to mind catchphrase from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune” - “Who will jail him, he’s a monument”! Indeed, why former ministers, the heads of corporations and authorities at all levels more often remain mere witnesses to the corruption cases of their subordinates, sort of outside observers? It’s funny when you hear that the missing millions flowed past the main person responsible for everything. And even if this is hypothetically true, it means that such an official must be imprisoned for negligence in the assigned work, for incompetence, for stupidity, in the end. But this, most often, is a screen behind which it is advantageous to hide so as not to sit down. And sitting down, oh, how hard it is, especially when you are a monument during your lifetime! The legs and back do not bend, the muscles turn to stone, the brain becomes ossified from such a seditious thought!
They always stole from us, and in Soviet era Same. But the volumes and sizes of the stolen goods cannot be compared with those naive times! And even today, when a bitter village drunkard is given more for a stolen sheep than for the stolen billions of representatives from the “monument elite”! This causes fair indignation ordinary citizens countries. How long? Maybe something will change today? In our direction, in the direction of modest fences, back from the rich monuments? So far, only an imitation of the fight against widespread corruption, some kind of restoration of already installed monuments, is visible. A surge of indignation breaks on the concrete foundations of the monuments. The level of our complaints against the authorities does not even reach the ankles of these copper figures. Monumental statues look down on us, disdainfully, as if not noticing our movement below. For them it’s vanity, the scurrying of ants...
And one last thing. I am against demolition of everything historical heritage, including monuments erected to Soviet leaders and ideologists. But my gut will not mind at all if what most citizens in this country expect will triumph, when monuments to corruption, theft of the country's wealth, insatiable frightening greed, supposedly of the elite, power or business, begin to fall. The perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions, without a statute of limitations. The thief should be in prison! Social justice is when monuments are planted!

Hi all! Planting roses: when and how to plant roses in open ground in the spring in this material. Now the real spring has come, and dacha work has begun. Everyone has something to do personal plot quite a lot. Very soon you will need to plant vegetable seedlings in the ground, such as tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and others, and in fact, don’t forget that there are also potatoes ahead.

But even this huge list is not the limit. After all, you want your garden to also be pleasing to the eye, so I suggest you also take care of the flowers.

The queen of such beauty is the rose, she is considered a goddess. Especially if its inflorescences are very large and have a fragrant, captivating scent.

What you will learn from this material:

Agree, it is also a great surprise, and you can also cut it and give it in the fall for Knowledge Day, or even just for the sake of someone you love so much.

When to plant roses in open ground in spring

Incomparable, magnificent, that’s how you can describe this flower, in general, a real queen. Therefore, if you do not know some of the nuances, you may not achieve such an effect.

The first step is to decide on the planting time. Without this, you will definitely be disappointed if you do this job poorly.

The transplantation of roses itself depends not only on climatic conditions the area where you live, but also on the region of residence and the seedlings themselves.

If such seedlings are grown in pots or boxes, they will be afraid of the cold. Therefore, such species need to be planted at a time when the ground is well warmed up by the sun and frosts on the soil are definitely not expected.

By that time, the soil should warm up to plus 10-12 degrees Celsius.

In the middle zone, this includes Moscow region- the timing of planting this flower crop is close to the end of April and until the end of the second ten days of May.

IN Siberia and on Ural agronomists recommend planting at the end of May, even at the beginning of June.

Determining the dates according to the Lunar calendar 2019

Planting roses 2019 lunar calendar. And now I propose to look at this plate and take these dates into account. They are easy to remember, or you can take a pen and a piece of paper and mark them somewhere on your calendar.

Take it into account, after all, this planet affects not only us, but also our world as a whole, this also applies to plants.

In 2019 the most favorable days for planting roses will be:

April: planting roses 18,19,20,21,25,26,27,28,29

May: planting roses 17,18,19,23,24,25,26,27,28

June: planting roses 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26

Use this sign, don’t argue with the Moon).

If you still don’t trust such signs, then remember golden rule- plant on well-warmed soil (+10 degrees), and so that no frost is expected ahead.

How to properly plant roses bought in a box in spring

This flower is very attractive and pretty, and for many gardeners it is the most beloved and common on the site. Therefore it is necessary great job so that it does not wilt or, on the contrary, dry out.

First of all, you need to take care of the planting material, it is what plays important role in growing this crop. And we will learn to do this in such a way that the plant does not get sick after transplantation, but only makes us happy.

By the way, you can plant an indoor rose, it will also do quite well.

Choosing seedlings in a store or market

The most important thing is that first of all, you should pay attention to the root system of the plant. What is there to see?

  • the rhizome should have a branched structure and should not be frail and lethargic;
  • there must be at least two or more shoots;
  • if you examine the root of a rose, you should see a light yellow color in the cut, this indicates a healthy seedling;
  • the roots must be alive, not dry and free from defects such as scratches or chips;

  • all leaves must be the same color, namely green;
  • vaccination must be done, and this place must be clearly visible.

In supermarkets, such beauties are often sold in pots or special boxes.

Planting roses: stages of work before planting outside

1. Quite carefully, without damaging the root system of the flower, remove the packaging, perhaps it will be a film or a box.

2. Inspect the plant as a whole. If you notice that the roots are very close to each other, try to slightly separate them.

3. If the roots are too huge in size, then cut them off; ideally, they should be 35 cm before planting. Plus, if you find any defect, then treat them with a fungicide. Remove all dried and too thin branches.

4. Often the shoots are treated with paraffin, remove it.

5. After carrying out this procedure, help the root system act more actively in the future. Give it a boost, soak it in any solution to strengthen growth for 1.5 hours. And to avoid bad consequences, treat further with a special solution, namely, take 0.5 tbsp and dilute it in five liters. Soak the roots in this product for 15 minutes.

Choosing a place on the site and how to plant roses

We should not forget that the rose is a light-loving plant and therefore there is no need to choose a place that is too dark. Just don’t sit her where drafts are possible. This will make her feel awkward.

The soil should be low acidic pH 5.5-6.5. You can also add dolomite flour + lime and wood ash.

Information about planting dates has already been mentioned, this important point, first define it. Afterwards, you need to harden the flowers, that is, accustom them to the open air.

Therefore, a week before planting, take the pots outside, but remember that they need to be protected from direct sunlight.

Afterwards, you need to fertilize the soil with nutrients and make a small mound at the bottom of the hole.

Inspect the shoots of the seedling itself and shorten them. Leave two or three buds in this way to ease the work and load on the roots.

Afterwards, remove the prepared plant from the bottle, but be careful not to damage the root system; it is better to cut the packaging. And carefully, without destroying the earthen ball, turn the seedling into the hole.

Fill the empty space on the sides with soil. Do this in several stages, fill it up, spill it with water, the soil will sag, cover it with soil again, slightly moisten it and spill it. Afterwards, spud them by 10-15 cents. This is an important action that will protect the seedling from moisture loss.

Please note that the seedling itself must be placed two centimeters deeper than it was grown in the pot, and the grafting site must be hidden to a certain size:

  • for climbing climbing varieties - 9-10 cm;

  • florinbunda - 3-4 cm;

  • English roses - about 5 cm;

  • hybrid tea - 3-4 cm;

  • ground cover - 5 cm;

  • and park ones - also 5 cm.

Keep the distance between seedlings approximately 1 meter.

Caring for roses after planting in spring

In the future, monitor the seedlings and if the transplantation was successful, then very soon the plant will take root in a new place and begin to actively vegetate, that is, the growth of young shoots will begin.

As for watering, do it quite generously two or three times a week, not more often. And gradually rake away the soil that was collected around the plant during hilling.

Try to loosen the soil at least sometimes, she really likes it.

And so that there is more active growth and she was strong and fleshy, then it is necessary to feed her. To do this, make a special magic liquid, take half a liter of mullein and 1.5 liters of water, let it brew for 10 days. Before use, such a solution is diluted with more water, the ratio is 1 to 10. The number 10 is water.

And to make the roses hurt less, if possible, plant marigolds or marigolds nearby.

And one more rule: the very first flowers need to be cut off, so that in the future the bush will be quite chic and have dozens of flowers. You will need to cut everything off and leave only one bud.

Especially for my subscribers and readers, I found a short story so that you can spend just a couple of minutes learning about some of the secrets and subtleties in caring for this queen if your cuttings remained in the ground in the fall. Let’s look at how to properly trim and feed them, and what other work remains to be done.

Planting roses: when and how to plant roses in spring

Planting roses: when and how to plant roses in open ground in spring. It is also possible. These are the recommendations and advice, maybe you don’t agree with something, write to us and we’ll discuss it. Leave your wishes and comments, we will take everything into account. Everyone good mood and good clear weather. Bye!

Where to buy rose seedlings with delivery

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

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Who will jail him? He's a monument!

The fate of monuments in Russia is still unfortunate. Often, with the passing of another era, monuments fly off their pedestals and are sent to be melted down.


Fate is interesting famous monument, dedicated to Nicholas Nikitich Demidov in the city of Nizhny Tagil. It was a huge pompous monument made by the French sculptor F-Zh Bosio.

The monument was truly magnificent. Five sculptural compositions, ten figures cast in bronze, a pedestal made of Tagil marble. At first, the monument was erected in front of St. Nicholas Church, but then it was moved to Prezavodskaya Square, organizing the space, with three rays of streets extending from it. Four compositions in the corners are dedicated to Demidov’s life from childhood and adolescence to mature years. The central part is Demidov, who receives gratitude either from the muse of Nizhny Tagil, or from a grateful Russia, what did the sculptor mean here? And the Tagil residents simply believed that this was Demidov’s wife and his children were around.

The monument to the “exploiter of the working people” lasted until the revolution, and then in 1919 the figure of Demidov disappeared, as if he had simply left, making way for new owners. The era of the Demidovs seemed to have ended irrevocably. Later, the “missing miner” was discovered in Moscow and sent for smelting. The same fate befell the rest of the figures. Bronze was a valuable material.

But it's over Soviet era. And they are already consigned to the dustbin of history. soviet symbols. New times require new heroes. A fashionable foreign word “brand” has appeared. It was then that we remembered the founding fathers. And somehow they try not to remember the cruel exploitation of working people.


Monument to native physicist Kurchatov Chelyabinsk region(city of Sim, before the revolution Simsky plant of the Ufa province) in Chelyabinsk, popularly nicknamed “Ears”. On the right is the Elesina athletics complex. When a visitor asks what these two rocks are, the local wits answer, “Didn’t you really find out? The two twin towers in New York and Bin Laden!”


Monument to the volunteers of the tank corps "Rear to the Front" on the station square in Yekaterinburg, popularly nicknamed "Under the Mitten". This is the first thing that people who come to the city see railway. This is the place where students and schoolchildren who are leaving somewhere by train usually make an appointment. "Where are we meeting?" "Under the mitten!" I studied at USU in the 80s. And we were in the construction team and met there more than once. The monument is actually beautiful and severe, one of the best in Yekaterinburg, perhaps one of the most recognizable symbols of the city. Unfortunately, many locals do not know that soil from Orel, Lvov, Prague and Berlin, scorched by the blood of our tank soldiers, is buried there.

Chuk and Gek.

This is what people called the monument to the founding fathers of Yekaterinburg.

The inscription below says that the monument to Vasily Tatishchev and William de Gennin. It is said that it is actually de Gennin who wears the hat. But what difference does it make if they are like twins? There is no portrait resemblance to the originals.

ORENBURG - monument "PEDAL"

Photo Pedal - Pushkin and Dahl

A monument to two great Russian people - Pushkin and Dahl - was erected in Orenburg, in the park. The townspeople call the monument “Pedal” for short. This is a favorite meeting place for young people. Well, that is something like this: “Where will we meet?” - "At 8 at the Pedal."


The monument “The Tale of the Urals” on the station square in Chelyabinsk was dressed up in a Santa Claus costume for several winters in a row. The fur coat took one hundred meters of fabric. The climbers dressed the monument in New Year's attire. This was the largest caftan of Santa Claus, it was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. But this idea met with opposing opinions among townspeople. Some thought it was funny, others, on the contrary, were outraged.

The Urals are depicted as epic hero carved into granite. It personifies the strength and power of the Ural craftsmen. This monument was inspired by the sculptor Vitaly Zaitsev from Bazhov’s tales. On the pedestal there is a well-known line from the poet Tvardovsky: “The Urals are the supporting edge of the Power, its breadwinner and blacksmith...”

Monument to the kitten from Lizyukov Street in Voronezh

Monuments are different: historical figures, significant events and political figures. But, paradoxically, those erected in honor of fictional characters become favorites. Characters from movies and cartoons are especially popular, whose names often become household names and whose quotes often become popular.

Sha..!!..Guy..!!... Hotel "Youth"... m.Sportivnaya...Moscow

Big Marilyn (Chicago). An 8-meter statue of Marilyn Monroe weighing 15 tons stands on a huge ventilation grill, and the dress thrown up seems weightless in the rising air flow.

Lion cub and turtle. Moscow region, Ramenskoye .

Sculptural group "Adam, Eve and the Tempting Serpent" is located in a secluded, almost heavenly corner of the park near the Prospekt Vernadskogo metro station in Moscow.

A monument was unveiled on Frunzenskaya Embankment in Moscow “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”, created based on Soviet film"Officers".

Hong Kong. Avenue of Stars. Monument to Bruce Lee

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. In Moscow on Smolenskaya embankment near the British Embassy

I’ll gouge out the blinkers... Monument to Evgeny Leonov in the image of an Associate Professor near Mosfilm

A monument to Ostap Bender was unveiled in St. Petersburg.

Cheerful clown in Moscow, directly opposite the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

St. Petersburg Angel in St. Petersburg

“This is happiness!” monument in Barnaul

A. S. Pushkin and the hero of his novel Evgeny Onegin. They have something to talk about. Yoshkar-ola

Monument to the flower girl. This is a monument to flower seller Bertha Klingberg (1898-2005). Many people knew the “Schwerin flower girl”; she could always be seen in the city square, dressed in national costume and with a basket of flowers. Schwerin, Germany.

“Russia is famous for its teachers”...a monument to the first teacher in the mountains. Krasnoyarsk

"Chasing two birds with one stone." The monument to Pronya Prokopovna and Golokhvastov is a monument to the characters of the film comedy “Chasing Two Hares” located in Kyiv on Andreevsky Spusk.

Monument to student youth on the square in front of the Kirovograd National Technical University.

monument to Gulliver in the courtyard of the philological department of the State University in St. Petersburg

“Right now I’ll sing” a monument to the Wolf from the cartoon “Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog”

An amazing sculpture in the form of a tailless cat sitting on scissors on the Yauza embankment in Mytishchi.

monument to a homeless dog in the mountains. Tyumen

The monument to Vodovoz is located on the territory of the Main Waterworks of St. Petersburg

monument to a sailor's wife on the embankment in Novorossiysk

"White bride." Monument on the embankment in the city. Gelendzhik

Sea guards on patrol... a monument on the embankment in the mountains. Novorossiysk

monument to Lida and Shurik from the film "Operation Y..." in the mountains. Krasnodar

Monument to the sailor's wife. Installed on the territory of the Marine Station in Odessa.

The sculpture "The Wanderer", created from several hundred metal letters, on the shore of the Bay of Antibes, France. An 8-meter figure of a man, who clasped his knees with his hands, looks at the sea

monument to Novgorodochka in Veliky Novgorod

monument wise owl from Soviet cartoon in the mountains Khabarovka

a monument to the poor donkey Eeyore, stands in the park area of ​​the mountains. Khabarovsk

monument to postman Pechkin in Kolpino

"Kisa and Osya were here." Monument to Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov, Cheboksary

monument to Vladimir Vysotsky in Vladivostok

"Coward, Dunce and Experienced" monument in Perm

Kemerovo. Sculptural composition“Cradle” This sculptural composition is a symbol of gratitude to all mothers who protect, nurture and raise their children. After all, “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”

monument to the "Lady with a Dog" in Mogilev

"The nobility of time." Andorra. Salvador Dali.

Novokuznetsk. "Friendship sausage" from a Soviet cartoon, when a puppy Sharik and a kitten named Woof stand opposite each other and eat one sausage for two. Installed next to a recently opened meat store.

A pair of bays on the street in the mountains. Tobolsk

a monument to Ershov and the heroes of his tale was erected near the Tobolsk Kremlin

monument "Declaration of Love" in Tolyatti

monument to Cinderella near the registry office in the city. Dolgoprudny (a hint that every bride has to plow and plow like Cinderella after leaving the beautiful hall of the registry office)...

"Monument to the Family" in the mountains. Saransk

A childhood fairy tale... The monument to Buratino was erected in Samara

"lost..."...monument to a wallet in the city of Krasnodar

"Children's fun" monument on one of the streets of Singapore

"Reflection." monument in China

Paustovsky on the banks of the Oka

The largest Omsk businesswoman M.A. Shanina was one of the first women in Omsk to join the merchant elite, its first guild.

In Russian Astrakhan local resident created a sculpture of the president in the image of a winged bear with a sturgeon in its paws, which, according to the author, should symbolize the intelligence, strength, kindness and sincerity of the Russian president.
The author of this (no doubt outstanding) work, self-taught sculptor Viktor Kropachev, called the work “Mind, Strength and Soul”. As he explained, the mixture of man, bear and eagle is the image of Russia, which is led by Putin.
“With his left foot, the bear steps on the eagle, whose wings are behind the back of the sculpture. Eagle, according to the author, is external enemies Russia. The bear holds a symbol in its paws Astrakhan region- sturgeon,” says the author of the sculpture.
We are looking forward to the amateur sculptor from Yakutia making his own version of Putin...)).
In the meantime, in Russia the fashion for making monuments to the great Pu is acquiring flash mob proportions.
Thus, architect Zurab Tsereteli believes that a monument to Russian President Vladimir Putin should be erected in St. Petersburg.
In his opinion, the monument in St. Petersburg should show Vladimir Putin in full height, but the location and scale will need to be determined as the project develops.
Tseretelli recalled that more than ten years ago he had already created a monument called “In healthy body- healthy spirit,” which depicts Putin in a kimono as a judoka. However, the monument is still in the architect’s personal gallery.
Let me also remind you that in 2017, a sculpture of President Putin the skier was installed on the territory of one of the ski resorts in the Chelyabinsk region.
In May of this year in the village of Chastoozerye Kurgan region(Russia) solemnly opened the monument “Serving the Fatherland,” which was originally planned to be dedicated to the President of Russia. The 3.5-meter monument to Putin had already been cast and even stood on the pedestal for some time, but they did not leave it here (the administration of the owner of the Kremlin apparently did not approve the design or the entire composition).
Most unusual Putin stands in the village of Agalatovo, Leningrad region. Cossack ataman Andrei Polyakov ordered the most worthy, in his opinion, incarnation of the president - in the image of a Roman emperor, in a toga and with the coat of arms of Russia on a medal. Putin the Emperor also has a laurel crown, but it was made removable and worn only on special occasions. Without him, they say, Putin looks more “ours” than Roman.
The main features of the Metroclub hotel complex near Novorossiysk are the sea, the sun, mountain air and, of course, his own Putin. After the occupation of Crimea, the hotel owner decided to perpetuate the image of the president among the cypress trees.
Well, the most widely replicated image of Putin came off the assembly line of the Kusinsky Foundry and Machine-Building Plant in the Urals. 40 kg, 70 cm in height, material – pure cast iron. The company has already cast about 100 cast iron Putins, however, since 2001, they have managed to sell no more than a third of all models - the quality of the Putins, they say, is very poor.

Part of the material was taken from