Bear clubfoot pencil drawing. How to draw teddy bears

Teddy bear is a soft, teddy bear, a favorite of many girls. This is one of the most popular soft toys of recent times, it is an ordinary teddy bear, which in America was called "Teddy". In this lesson, we will try to draw such a Teddy bear using step-by-step tips.

Often such bears become an object of collecting, both amateur and professional. For example, now in the world there are about twenty museums that present various exhibits of teddy bears. Periodically, these bears are even auctioned. The most expensive teddy bear sold at this auction cost $90,000. These are the expensive Teddy bears that exist in the world.

Stage 1. At the beginning of our phased drawing, we need to make some sketches that will help us in drawing a Teddy bear with a huge heart. First we make sketches for the heart, it is located in the foreground of our drawing, and then we make sketches for the bear itself, it is located in the background of the drawing. Sketches should be made barely noticeable, that is, you should not press hard on the pencil. Here's what should happen:

Stage 2. Now, with neat, smooth, even lines, draw a huge heart, which is in the foreground of our picture, without going beyond the outlines that we made earlier. Then we move on to the next, third stage.

Stage 3. In the third stage, we draw the head of our Teddy bear, or rather the contours of the head. Also at this stage we need to draw small ears for him. All the contours that we need to draw are highlighted in red.

Stage 5. At this stage, we move on to drawing the body of Teddy's soft toy and his paws, with which he holds a huge heart. Also on the body and on the foot, do not forget to draw seams and patched patches.

Stage 6. And now let's draw the paws of the Teddy bear, on which he stands, he has a little clubfoot, like any bear, and then draw one seam on them, and proceed to the next stage of our drawing.

Stage 7. We will finish our drawing with the stage of drawing wool to our Teddy bear, thereby giving our bear even more plushness. You need to draw wool approximately as shown in the picture below, well, or as close as possible to this.

Stage 8. In the eighth and last stage, we will color the Teddy bear and the heart that he holds in his hands. We will paint the bear in gray, the nose in blue, and the heart, of course, in bright scarlet. Let's see what beauty we got in the end:

How to draw a bear step by step? In fact, the task is quite difficult. To make the bear realistic, you need to know the structure of these animals well. It doesn’t matter if you draw a forest bear, a polar bear or a panda - the anatomy of their bodies is similar:

- All these predators are stocky, squat and very large.
- The bear neck is short compared to the rest of the body.
- Distinctive features of these animals are a large chest, powerful paws with long claws. With seeming clumsiness, bears can quickly cover long distances.
- Basically, all bears waddle on four legs, but if necessary, they can famously mince on two hind limbs.
- The skin of all representatives of this species is thick, insensitive, covered with hard fur.

Before proceeding with the description of how to draw a bear step by step for beginners, we will tell you more about the structure of the animal.

The largest and most powerful part of the body, well hidden by fur, is the chest. When creating a sketch, it should be especially highlighted in order to keep the proportions of the animal correct. The shoulder blades stand out on the back, the front paws have three reference points - the wrist, shoulder and elbow. The hind limbs are also similar to human and have a pelvic, knee and heel joint. The head of the bears is small, the muzzle is elongated. Knowledge of anatomy allows you to portray the animal in various poses, so look carefully at the structure of the limbs. In various drawings, we will depict bears in one position or another.

The red line in the picture above matches the line of the spine and helps to give the pose a natural look. On this "axis" we build the body of the animal. The position of the paws is indicated by green lines - for the poses to be natural, “bend” the limbs correctly. All these colored lines are the basis of our picture - it is around them that the details will be drawn.

How to draw a bear figure

Although the body structure of these predators is similar, there are still significant differences that can be seen if you look at the shadow image of the figures:

The arrows indicate the main directions that you should keep when drawing the contours of animals. Note:
- Polar bears have a rounded voluminous pelvis, a sagging tummy and especially dense hind legs. The muzzle is long and narrow.
- The brown bear is distinguished by powerful withers and a head with a developed large forehead and chin.
- Pandas can be easily recognized by their large head with round ears and soft, rounded contours of the whole body.
- The Himalayan bear is similar in appearance to the brown bear, but looks slimmer, has a smaller skull without a prominent chin.

For a complete understanding of how to correctly depict the figures of different bears, we present you another shadow picture.

How to draw bear paws

Pay attention to the scheme for constructing the image of the paw:

Our predators have 5 fingers with long claws. The paw in profile should be drawn from the “axial” line, which, by the way, coincides with the main bone of the wrist. Further, around this feature, a paw, thumb and claw are outlined. Further, depending on the structure of the bear, we draw the coat, the rise, the rest of the fingers. In front, the drawing is “layered” in about the same way. If you need to draw the back of a limb, then pay attention to the black leather pads that all bears have.

Bear fur

For maximum realism, consider the following:

1. The direction of the bear's coat is from the head to the paws.
2. Consider the length and density of wool in different breeds. So, the polar bear has the longest hair, the brown one has the thickest, and the Himalayan predator flaunts a voluminous scruff.
3. In some bears, for example, white and brown ones, the coat is not shiny, but Malay, Himalayan and black bears can “boast” of a characteristic brilliance that must be displayed.
4. Short hair is easy to draw - just emphasize the shadow and light, and in some places outline the length with the help of strokes.

We have analyzed the main points regarding the body structure and the general silhouette of massive predators. Now let's move on to the most important thing and learn how to draw a bear with a pencil in stages.

Starting from the head

Perhaps the muzzle, like the human face, is the most important and characteristic part of any animal, which must be drawn as accurately and in detail as possible. A certain sequence of actions should be observed in order to maintain proportions:

1. We start drawing the bear's head from a horizontal rectangle. Next, we enter an oval into the figure and mark it as shown in the figure. With two perpendicular lines we define the center of the oval. Two more strokes will help us determine the position of the nose (red) and eyes (green).

2. We connect the upper vertices of the rectangle with the center with two diagonals. Where the lines intersect with the green stripe, small eyes will be located. In a polar bear, they are set wide, so this form of marking is optimal. If you are drawing a brown bear, then make the rectangle wider. We place the ears next to the green line, above the eyes. The top of the nose will be located at the central point of the oval, and the rest of the part will be located between the central and red axes. We designate the line of the mouth and select the muzzle with an oval.

3. We finish the neck, remembering the structure of the bear's body. Do not forget about the shadows - they will help to make the muzzle elongated or round. Play with shading to create different effects and better convey the animal's personality. Highlights and shadows accumulate mainly near the nose. We display the coat with strokes directed from the nose to all other parts of the face. When coloring, use different shades to make the image voluminous and the wool thick.

If you need to draw a polar or forest dweller in profile, use the following guidelines:

- We start drawing by outlining the contour and marking - the head will consist of two ovals, on top of which there will be a trapezoid, divided in half. Its angle of inclination will depend on the breed of the bear. In the picture above, it is marked in red.

- Ear, eye and nose will lie on the same line. The ears will be located between the top two lines of the trapezoid. We denote the eye at the intersection of the circles on the top line. The central line shows the place where the nose ends, and the bottom line shows the direction of the chin, the angle of the lower jaw.

Draw the details of the bear's head

Let's analyze how certain parts of the muzzle of a predatory beast are drawn:

1. Eyes. Their clear detail is important so that our bear turns out to be as expressive as possible. You can, of course, mark them with simple black circles with white highlights, but if small details are important in your drawing, then use this simple scheme. Make sure that the proportions of the eye are maintained in relation to the face, and also keep the above shape. On the eyelids, the bear has no hair, and in other places it diverges from the eye in different directions.

2. Nose. This part of the body is easy to draw, the main thing is to display the depth with the help of hatching and shadows. We start drawing from a circle, divide it with perpendiculars, then place the nostrils and begin to depict them in detail.

3. Ears. When drawing the hearing organs, consider the direction of the coat and their location on the head. We start creating, as always, with simple shapes, then we add more and more details, building them layer by layer on the sketch.

Depicting a she-bear with a cub

We figured out how to draw a bear in stages, so it's time to complicate your task and display a cute moment in the life of the inhabitants of the polar expanses. Let's display how a mischievous teddy bear climbs on the back of his mother:

- We will start the drawing with a line that determines the position of the spines of both animals (in the diagram it is indicated in red). Next, we draw lines showing the position of the legs (indicated in green).

- Not with long simple lines, we outline the contour of animals. Let the sketch look rough at first, but already at the next stage we eliminate sharp corners, make the images more accurate, smoother.

- We carefully work out the details of the muzzles. You can take as a basis the previous diagrams of the image of the head (we enter an oval in a rectangle, etc.).

- We distribute chiaroscuro over the bodies of animals, depending on the angle of illumination chosen by you. This is an important step to give the image volume.

- With strokes we draw the direction and length of the wool, we show its density. Where you need to make a thinner cover, the lines will be weak, barely noticeable. We display clots of hair with dark bright strokes.

A little patience, and you will acquire all the necessary skills in order to draw like famous artists. Understand the principle of drawing, look closely at the contours and silhouettes - and any, even the most complex image, will turn out professionally and very beautifully.


And a video lesson for mastering the material :)

Teddy bears are the favorite toys of many kids. Therefore, often they ask their parents to draw them. So that parents do not get stuck when they hear such a request, we advise them to use the given step-by-step instructions.

How to draw a teddy bear step by step

Step 1. First of all, draw the contours of the head and torso. The head is depicted in the form of a circle, and the body is an oval. In the middle of the head and torso draw vertical, slightly curved, short lines.

Step 2. Draw a small oval on the head, which will become the bear's nose. Upper and lower legs are drawn on the body. They are depicted as oblong ovals.

Step 3. Small circles are drawn on the head of the bear - future ears. Perpendicular ovals are drawn on the lower paws - the soles of the paws.

Step 4. We draw eyes of a teddy bear. We finalize the ears and paws.

Step 5 With the help of an eraser, all unnecessary contours are removed, the overall drawing is outlined more clearly.

Step 6. Now you can color the finished teddy bear. Colors are better to choose brown-beige. To complete the picture, a ball and cubes are depicted next to the bear.

Hello everyone, we decided to dedicate today's step-by-step drawing lesson to a teddy bear. The lesson itself will be quite simple, and it will consist of seven simple steps. In general, the teddy bear is probably the most popular toy of the 20th century.

And the history of its creation begins in 1902, when US President Theodore Roosevelt, a big fan of hunting, pursued a bear with his team.

After the animal was hunted down, Theodore refused to kill it. Although the wounded animal was later shot, the story made its way into the newspapers accompanied by caricatured illustrations. The wife of Russian migrant Morris Michtom saw one of the drawings dedicated to this story in the newspaper and sewed a plush toy based on the image of a bear, which she called "Teddy" in honor of the president. The creation of this hit the counter of a toy store and made an incredible sensation. In the West, this toy is still called "Teddy Bear", but we have got accustomed to another name - "Teddy Bear". So let's start the lesson and find out how to draw a bear Teddy with a pencil!

Step 1

To begin with, let's draw a circle and an elongated oval to indicate the head and torso of our bear cub. A bit like the beginning of a lesson about

Step 2

Now let's mark the head of the teddy bear. Let's draw a vertical line of facial symmetry that will divide the muzzle into two equal parts, and it will intersect with a long horizontal line that shows the location of the eyes.
By the way, the line of the eyes should be located slightly below the conditional middle of the circle. Under this line there should be another line, curved and short - it will indicate the part of the muzzle in which the nose and mouth of our bear cub are located.

Step 3

Let's draw the ears and paws of the bear. Please note - in this step we use only rounded, smooth lines. Do not forget about the paw to the left of us - it is almost invisible, but the outline of the visible part must be marked.

Step 4

The silhouette of the pet is ready, let's detail it - on the line of the eyes we outline two short arcs. Please note that they are connected to each other and to the line of vertical symmetry at one point. In the same step, we outline the outline of a diamond-shaped patch located in the upper left part of the head.

Step 5

Now let's erase the extra guide lines from the muzzle, draw the ears, eyebrows and mended places. By the way, please note that the mended areas are indicated not just by a vertical line, several short lines must necessarily pass across this main long line. This also applies to the patch - look at the lines crossing its edges.

Step 6

Let's draw a seam on the stomach according to the same scheme (one line is the main vertical one, it is crossed by many small horizontal ones), to the right of it we will place another patch. Let's outline the contours of the flower in the right paw from us.

Let's try to consider the most common options for drawn bears: elementary and quick images of cubs, bears with hearts and everyone's favorite Teddy bears.

To draw almost all animals, the same sequence is used: first we sketch out the head, then the torso, arms, legs, and so on, gradually moving on to smaller details. Consider how to draw a teddy bear in different ways.

Bear drawing

First of all, we need to find something on which we will draw our bear - take a blank sheet of paper or choose some surface for drawing. Then we will decide on the tools with which we will apply the image to the sheet. In principle, this can be done with anything, but we will choose a simple pencil, because any sketch is applied with this particular tool.

How to draw a teddy bear with a pencil step by step. For beginners instruction

We got an elementary cartoon teddy bear, if you wish, you can add hair to it or finish drawing some items (clothes and other accessories). Now we know how to draw a teddy bear with a pencil step by step. Moreover, such an uncomplicated image can be achieved in a minimum time - 30-40 seconds is enough for this.

Draw a bear with a heart

Such a hero will not be able to leave indifferent any heart, especially if he is presented as a gift before the holiday of all lovers. How to draw a teddy bear with a heart in his hands, consider right now.

The sequence will be exactly the same as in the previous example. First, we draw circles for the muzzle and torso, after them we draw the eyes, nose and mouth. We place the bear's hands in a circle of the body, in which he will later hold a heart. We designate the legs with ovals, draw them.

We got a teddy bear similar to the first example. We finish drawing a beautiful heart for him, which we place between the arms and legs, as if on the character’s stomach. We delete all unnecessary lines, draw small details as desired. Hooray, in 8 steps we drew a "gift" animal!

Teddy bears

These "cartoon" characters are very popular, many people collect their images or soft toys. In addition, Teddy is considered an excellent gift for both children and adults - such a character is understandable to everyone!

How to draw a Teddy bear? Actually, it's very simple! The sequence remains the same, only in this case the teddy bear should turn out to be more natural and look like a real plush friend.

Auxiliary circles for the head and torso remain, the legs and arms are drawn more elongated. We soften all the lines with smooth movements, we sketch the ears in a more natural form. We will designate the eyes with small ovals above the muzzle, in it, in turn, we will draw the nose of the clubfoot. Let's show where the hero's feet are, put one hand on his stomach, and hide the other behind his back.

The most interesting thing remains, we draw the fur of the bear with small strokes along the entire contour and do not forget to put seams in several places, as if it were recently sewn. Small patches in several places of the Teddy will also look relevant. We color it at will.

Also, you can add bouquets of flowers, balls and other “favors” to the teddy bear.

Make your hero come to life!

You can portray cubs not only sitting and with your hands down! By slightly changing the outlines of the paws, tilting the head in different directions, adding some objects and clothes, you can make your character stand, walk, dance, give flowers and much more. First, we try to draw a bear with a pencil, in case of failure, we erase individual elements of the image and make the next attempt. For several times you will definitely achieve the desired result, because how to draw a teddy bear with a pencil is very simple, fast and interesting!

After the blank is sketched, you can give free rein to your imagination and paint the drawing with whatever colors you like!

And remember, a wonderful and cute little teddy bear made with your own hands will always be an unexpected and welcome surprise!