Singing in the choir. How to get into a church choir and start singing in the choir

Folk group

choir "Russian Song"

Age group from 18 years

Classes are free

Supervisor folk collective Choir "Russian Song"

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Khodyakova Lidiya Vasilievna, soloist of the radio and television choir under the direction of N.V. Kutuzova.

Manager's phone number: 8-916-277-41-77

Concertmaster-accordion player Evgeniy Nikolaevich Kleinos.

Education - Moscow state institute culture

The folk group choir “Russian Song” was created in September 1987. Currently, there are more than 30 people in the choir, of which 14 people are oldest members who have been singing in the choir for more than 10 years. These are people who love Russian songs,devoted to her for many years.

The team is replenished every year with new members. The team also has men's group, which performs solo numbers.

The basis of the choir's repertoire is folk songs, as well as Ukrainian, Cossack, ditties, dances, and folk songs.

Choir members learn the manner of performance, work on sound and stage image, which help reveal the content of the song. They also use elements of movement in their work.

The bright, colorful costumes of the choir members add special beauty to the choir’s performances. For outdoor performances in winter there is a winter kit. Melody folk songs, bright suits in folk style, soulful performance - all this resonates in the hearts of the residents of Nekrasovka.

The team has prepared holiday programs: Maslenitsa, Christmas, dedicated to the day Great Victory. Big individual work with the choir members allows the head of the group L.V. Khodyakova will present to the viewer solo numbers performed by choir members, as well as duets and trios.

Not a single concert is complete without a performance by the band. This team is greeted and seen off with applause, both in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Choristers also know how to relax: we celebrate all holidays: March 8, February 23, New Year, birthdays are fun and friendly.

All lovers folk song We invite you to join our choir “Russian Song”. If you want and love to sing, don’t be shy, you just come, and we will happily welcome you and teach you everything we know.

So, you wanted to get into church choir. If you are a believer, then you are doubly interested in singing in the choir. In the end, the choir imitates the angels and imitates the heavenly angelic face. This in itself is quite attractive for a believer, and more active participation in worship subconsciously (and sometimes quite consciously) instills the idea of ​​greater personal value for the parish.

Of course, we cannot completely exclude the possibility that you see in this work an opportunity to combine the good with the utilitarian (that is, money). There is nothing wrong. Work on the choir is difficult and it is quite appropriate to get at least something for it. So, the background is clear. You want to get into a church choir.

Now, actually, how this is done

1. Go to the church cash register (where candles are sold) and ask -
“What is the name of the rector of this temple and when does he serve?” The rector is, in fact, the head of the parish, its “director,” and it is he who coordinates all processes in a particular church. Nothing is done without the abbot and you cannot avoid communicating with him. Having found out when the abbot is serving, you simply ask him for a few words. Usually after the service.

2. So, you go up to the abbot and say “Hello, my name is so-and-so... I want to sing in a church choir. I have/don’t (underline as appropriate) musical education, have/no (underline as appropriate) experience of singing in the choir, ready/not ready (underline as appropriate) to work for free.”

The rector will very quickly weigh your chances, and if they are non-zero (if you are a man, the chances increase slightly, since there are traditionally not enough men in the choir), then he will give the contacts of the regent - the “director” of the choir.

And he will direct you to talk with him. If the rector clearly rejects you (it is clear that he is giving arguments why you cannot sing), then ask him “is there a school at the church church singing, where you are ready to go." If there is, ask how to get there. If not, politely say goodbye and apologize for wasting your time.

3. At this phase, it is assumed that the abbot did not “dismiss” you after all and sent you to the regent. It's too early to relax. The regent often simply “for the rector” competently sings, in addition, the regent is already a professional in singing (and he certainly thinks so to himself), so your natural excitement will be added to the conversation (unless, of course, you have not sung for 15 years before in different choirs ).

So, go up to the regent and you will have to repeat to him everything that you told the rector, after which you can offer the regent right now to sing something simple with him together (so that the regent can appreciate the pleasantness/creakyness of your voice).

Usually confidence in such matters works as a plus. If the regent has any interest in new choristers, he will give you his time. If the regent has no interest (he is satisfied with everything in current composition) - well, try asking him about whether there is a school of church singing in the city. If yes, ask for coordinates and say goodbye. If not, just say goodbye. You cannot get a job in the choir yet. Actually, this is hard work and your loss (or missed opportunities, as you prefer) cannot be called tragic.

4. Suppose the regent nevertheless agreed to accept you for a probationary period. And he appointed a time for you to come to the general rehearsal (in other words, a rehearsal), in which all the people working in the choir are already participating. You are now required not to burn your nerves and not to frighten the already working choristers. There are some tips.

  • Do not use a lot of church words/expressions during the rehearsal and in communication in general. Singers, as a rule, begin to think about such a person like this: “Oh, a mega-Orthodox has come, who was sent by the rector to spy on us, he will ruin our singing, but will be in good standing with the rector.” Be yourself, don’t act too relaxed, but you don’t need to be a timid mouse either (otherwise they will conclude that you are as useless as a dead fly, after all, performance musical works requires a certain amount of executive courage).
  • Dress well and well. Dressing poorly is not a plus for you simply because the singers will immediately begin to think “you want to get into the left choir at any cost and take away the services of the already working singers.” You don’t know this yet, but for singers all services are limited and there is a fight for each one (because the abbot does not allow everyone to go out at will, there is a limit on the number of people at the everyday “left” service). Show that you are ready for anything at holiday services on weekends, but you are a working person and you have money (even if this is an embellished reality)
  • Be prepared for the fact that at first only the regent will give you goodwill. Singers are very afraid of destroying the fragile world that they develop during their work - this is the balance of the workload, and the distribution of authority in the team, and therefore no one will “bet on a dark horse.” You will be treated with cold politeness, and in especially advanced cases - with cold impoliteness)) If you want to sing for real, you will have to endure all this.
  • Of course, don't be late. Come early and look around. Offer to take the sheet music home to study them (this is, of course, if you don’t sight read like a computer, but this is very rare, at least in the provinces). If you took some sheet music home, prove that you watched them at home. Don't take too much. Two or three pieces, but then show that you have begun to sing them better (in other words, demonstrate progress).

In general, at this stage everything depends on the real benefit that you can bring. If you are useful and your character is not terrible, they will most likely leave you. By the way, there is a secret - if you want to be left behind, offer to read on the choir - a psalter or a clock. Start by memorizing the text of these prayers so that you can recite these texts like a robot at any time of the day or night. Singers hate reading (because it ruins their voice), and any reader is usually welcome like a piece of forfeit in the heat. And the willingness to “read everything” during the beginner phase very, very helps to soften the steely shine in the eyes of old and experienced singers))

Well, remember. If the Lord wants to see you on the choir, you will be on the choir. This has been verified.

Choral singing can act both as a pre-professional general education training for children and characterize special kind musical activity. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal described choral singing as “friendly and joint.” It's hard to argue with him: this, one might say, teamwork, where everyone should feel responsible. Of course, the choir can mask minor vocal shortcomings of one or another soloist, but the main thing is to maintain harmony and community, a single sound pattern.

In the studios music schools, creative associations of our city, children can learn choral singing in a friendly company and under the guidance of experienced mentors. Often the choir unites children attending church parishes and religious institutions - in this case, boys and girls will improve their religious culture, learn more about the history and traditions of their country.

The benefits of choral singing are undeniable and have been proven by many scientists: firstly, the soloist improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and increases the tone of the brain. Secondly, vocals have a beneficial effect if children have problems with joints or posture. Thirdly, choral singing has a powerful psychotherapeutic effect, reducing stress and eliminating complexes.

Singing is freedom: therefore it is in no way associated with tension. You need to sing in a clear and clear voice, pronounce the words in the same way - clearly and clearly. It should be remembered that the power of sound is not achieved by shouting. You should not try to “outshout” those with whom you sing in the choir: it is important to listen to them and make sure that your voice joins the “general flow.” Breathing should not be taken in the middle of a word or a singing phrase - this spoils the impression and inevitably introduces dissonance. You cannot sing through your teeth: your mouth should open easily and freely. Regardless of whether you are sitting or standing, you need not to bend and keep your back straight: this is how your lungs can freely absorb the air necessary for singing.

Dear parents and legal representatives of children!

The Big Children's Choir announces additional enrollment in the senior (concert) group of the choir of girls aged 13-16 years old who have vocal abilities and can read musical notation. Priority for low voices. Auditions are carried out after prior approval. The choir is located about the address: Degtyarny lane. 7, school No. 2054, 2nd floor, class 22.

The next audition for admission to the main choir in other groups will be in the spring. Follow the announcements on the site!

As an experiment, groups have been opened this year to prepare for auditions for the main cast. Classes are held at the Millennium Family Development Center on Nastasinsky Lane. Two paid groups operate for children from 4 to 9 years old. Twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you are interested, fill out the application at the bottom of the page and we will answer what the requirements are and what you need to do to join these groups.

You can learn about the requirements for children from the film. Click the link below to get it.