Greeting the team at a math competition. Extracurricular activity Math battle

Author details

Dobrynina O.V., Kolosovsky N.V.

Place of work, position:

Teachers - mathematics and physics

Irkutsk region

Resource characteristics

Education levels:

Basic general education








The target audience:

Pupil (student)

Resource type:

Event scenario

Brief description of the resource:

Physico- math tournament in the form of a competition between 2 teams of 7-8 grades. Students are offered interesting problems in physics and mathematics.

Physics and mathematics tournament "Erudite".


  • Develop cognitive interest in educational material, individual abilities of students;
  • Raise the prestige of smart, but not always popular students in the class.

(Sounds funny music)

O.V. : Hello, Dear guests and the participants of the game!

We are holding today's physics and mathematics tournament in the form of a competition between 2 teams - we are holding it, of course, for you, ours.

N.V. : Physics is a science!
But I see only torment in the children’s eyes.
Formulas jump, flash in a row,
Oh, how difficult it is for them to line them up!
But without physics it’s impossible to explain
And the crane, and how to hammer a nail,
How we fly into space we drive cars,
And why do we walk on Earth so easily?

O.V.: There is a rumor about mathematics,
That she puts her mind in order,
Because good words
People often talk about her.

I think that today those who love physics and mathematics have gathered here. Well, for those who are still indifferent to these sciences, today’s tournament will help change their point of view.

O.V. I present the jury members _____________


The jury must be fair
The points should not be given in vain.
And he will be happy in battle,

Who can win fairly?

N.V. :
The teams competing in the tournament today are: Team“Archimedes”, and the team captain ___________________. Team“Electrons”, and the team captain _________________.

O.V. : The jury will be able to score each task in the game from 1 to 10 points. First competition. Team greetings. (max score 3 points), The jury will take into account the greeting, emblems, and uniform of the participants.

Greetings from the teamArchimedes"

"Won't be a problem for us

Win this competition

At least now we are ready to fight,

We firmly believe in our knowledge!

Greetings from the teamElectrons"

We are strong in mathematics

We know the laws of physics too,

We will fight to the end

We are all as solid as electrons!

N.V. : Any undertaking requires warm-up. Warm-up is mental gymnastics. We will ask questions and you will answer. Whoever raises his hand faster is the one who answers. Do not shout out answers; points will be deducted for this. For each correct answer in the warm-up, the team receives 1 point.

Warm-up (we ask questions one by one)

O.V. :

1. Smallest even number (2)

2. A segment connecting the center of the circle with any of its points . This - (Radius).

3. Ray that divides an angle by 2 equal angles? (bisector)

4 . Sequence of actions required to solve the problem (algorithm)

5. What number is divisible without a remainder by any integer other than zero? (zero)

N.V. :

1. Name Lomonosov (Michael)

2. one sixtieth of a minute (second)

3. The genie, either getting out of the bottle or getting back in, constantly changes its shape and volume. What is the state of the Genie? (In gaseous form).

4. In which boys do molecules move faster: healthy ones or those with a cold? (In people with a cold, since the body temperature is higher).

5. What phenomenon prevents the car from stopping instantly. (Inertia).

O.V. : We ask the jury to sum up the first results.

N.V.: Competition Homework.

Homework topic: “Scientists - physicists, mathematicians.” The teams were given questions in advance to which they had to find answers. Let's check how the teams coped with this task.

O.V. : 1.Which of the presented scientists said:
“Mathematics is the queen of all sciences, and arithmetic is the queen of mathematics”?

  • Carl Friedrich Gauss
  • German mathematician, astronomer, physicist, surveyor.
  • He discovered outstanding mathematical abilities in early childhood.
  • His numerous researches in the field of mathematics had a serious influence on the development of other sciences.

N.V. : 2. Who is considered “ godfather» physicists? (Aristotle 384 BC)

  • Ancient Greek philosopher, founder of natural science
  • Disciple of Plato, tutor of Alexander the Great
  • Developed all branches of knowledge of that time

O.V. : 3.Who owns these lines:
“Mathematics must then be taught so that it puts the mind in order”?

  • Mikhail Vasilievich

Lomonosov (1711 - 1765)

  • - great scientist: chemist, physicist, mathematician, poet, founder Russian science, Moscow State University.

N.V. : 4. Who is considered the founder of the physical experiment?

  • Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher
  • Conducted experiments throwing bodies of different weights from the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • Created a telescope that gave a magnification of more than 30 times

O.V. : 5. Following whom do we proudly exclaim: “Give me a fulcrum, and I will move the Earth”?

  • Archimedes circa 287 BC Ancient Greek mathematician, mechanic, engineer
  • He built a system of blocks for launching the ship of the Egyptian king Ptolemy into the water.

N.V.: We ask the jury to sum up.

Competition "Physics Experts".

N.V. : task 1.

Now each team will answer the question and write it down on a piece of paper.

A lonely physicist, scratching his crown,

Measures length, mass and time.

A couple of physicists dream together

Measure temperature, density, volume.

Three physicists, lined up in a row,

They measure energy, speed, charge.

Four physicists in a good mood

They measure pressure, and in bad conditions - acceleration.

Five physicists run out onto the square,

They measure impulse, frequency, force and area.

So, question: How many physical quantities named in this poem? collect the sheets and submit them to the jury.

The teacher calls correct result. (15)

Task 2.

Here is the black box in front of you,

Think and calculate for yourself.

The ammeter will show you the current strength

A voltmeter will tell you the voltage.

Everything we need is recorded by them,

But how are the resistors connected?

There are only two of them in the box

And two Ohms each.

Competition "Math Experts"

O.V. :

Task 1.

Archaeologists of the distant future will one day unearth two fossilized diaries with big amount two. In Misha's diary they will find 234 twos, and in Tolin's diary they will find 2/3 of these twos. How many total twos will be found in 2 diaries?

  1. 234*2/3 = 156 - “2” in Tolya’s diary.
  2. 156+234 = 390 - total

Task 2. Write down the answer and solution on a piece of paper.

Sheets with solved tasks are handed over to the jury.

  • The owner of a sewing workshop hired 20 girls and placed them in 8 rooms.
  • In the evenings, she made sure that there were 7 girls in the rooms on each side of the house.
  • 4 friends came to visit the girls. All 24 girls settled down in such a way that the hostess again counted 7 girls in the rooms on each side of the house. How did the girls fit in the rooms with their friends?

20 girls

24 girls

Task 3. (for reserve)

One early morning

Birds swam in the pond.

Snow white swans

Three times more than geese

There were eight pairs of ducks -

Twice as many as loons.

How many birds were there in total?

If we are still given

What about all the ducks and geese

As many as there are swans! (swans - 24, ducks - 16, geese - 8, loons - 8).

  • geese - x, swans - 3 x, ducks - 16, loons - 8
  • x + 16 = 3 x, - 2x = - 16, X = 8

N.V. : We called the next competition " Black box".

You must find out what is in the black box.

Black box

O.V. : What lies in the black box was invented in Ancient Greece.

  • IN ancient Greece the ability to use this object was considered the height of perfection, and the ability to solve problems with its help was considered a sign of great intelligence.
  • This item is indispensable in architecture and construction.
  • Over many hundreds of years, the design of this item has not changed.
  • Nowadays, any schoolchild can use it.

N.V. : It is used in systems and mechanisms for heating and cooling.

  • used to reduce friction.
  • You encounter all three states of aggregation of this substance quite often.
  • This substance is called the juice of life on Earth.

O.V. Question: What's in the black box? (Compasses, water). The jury's word.

Competition "Logic Experts"

N.V. : Problem with matches.

The matched crayfish is crawling up. Arrange 3 matches so that it crawls down.

O.V. : We ask the jury to check the correctness of the task

N.V.: And finally, let’s figure out who the captain is, because there is a competition for captains ahead.

O.V.: The captain is the boss and senior coach of the team. Before the tournament he works with the team like an ox, and during the game he fights with the jury like a lion. Captains competition

N.V. Captains, please come to me. You are asked to solve a problem about a turnip.

Please provide your answer and decision in writing.

Whichever captain is ready to answer, raise your hand so that the jury can see that you are first.

Task. A grandfather, holding a turnip, develops a traction force of up to 600 N, a grandmother up to 100 N, a granddaughter up to 50 N, a bug up to 30 N, a cat up to 10 N and a mouse up to 2 N. What is the resultant of all these forces directed in one straight line and in the same direction?

Could this whole company handle the turnip without a mouse if the forces holding the turnip in the ground are equal to 791 N?

(answer: Modulus of the resultant force, equal to the sum force modules will be equal to 792 N. The contribution of a muscular mouse to this mighty impulse is equal to 2 N, so without the mouse’s Newtons the matter will not work!

O.V. : While the captains are solving the problem, there is a competition for the teams Stories with hints

You must guess the word. We give you hints, with each hint you lose one point. The maximum number of points you can bring to your team's treasury is 5 points.

Tips #1:

  1. This device is in every mathematics classroom.
  2. It has dashes with divisions, but it is not straight.
  3. This device is related to geometry
  4. Schoolchildren from the 5th grade can use it
  5. They measure angles (protractor)

N.V. :

Tips #2:

  1. There were many applicants for this trip, but the choice fell on him.
  2. This trip around the world he did it alone.
  3. A vocational school student, a flying club cadet.
  4. He owns historical phrase: “Let's go!”, said before the start.
  5. The world's first person to fly into space. (Yu.A. Gagarin).

O.V.: Captains, give an answer and convey your decisions to the jury.

Our fun competition is coming to an end, we ask the jury to sum up the overall results of the tournament and identify the winning team.

O.V. :

Everything is known around
There is still a lot on Earth
Which is worthy, believe me, of surprise.

N.V. :

Be surprised by the dew
Be surprised by the flowers
Be amazed at the elasticity of steel,
Be surprised that
Why do people sometimes
They've stopped being surprised.

O.V. :

The jury's word for the awards.

Thanks everyone for playing! Goodbye, guys!

Self-analysis of the extracurricular event “Tournament of Erudites”

The event was held in the 8th grade, the students of the class are not strong in mathematics and physics, and the main goal of this event was to change their opinion in the study of these subjects, to show that both mathematics and physics can be interesting.

The main goals that we set are:

  • Based on a competitive game, develop the ingenuity, intelligence and activity of students;
  • To develop cognitive interest in educational material, individual abilities of students, to develop logical thinking;
  • Raise the prestige of smart, but not always popular students in the class (since there are negative leaders in the class who “pull” everyone else down.
  1. Increase motivation to study
  2. Develop communication skills through group work.

Form of the event - intellectual and entertaining a game.

The event was carried out using a presentation for clarity; for those children who do not really perceive text on presentation slides, all tasks were duplicated on cards.

Forms of work at the event: frontal, group, individual.

Productivity. The guys worked actively and showed that they know how to work in a team.

The logical thinking tasks (cancer, black box) were completed by _________


During the game, the guys listened primarily to the “strong” students.

Disadvantages discovered during the event _____________, causes and solutions _____________________________.

We think that this extracurricular activity achieved its goals (?).

Math Tournament

“He who walks can master the road, but he who thinks about mathematics”

7-8 grades

Goals: instilling interest in mathematics, development creativity, unity children's group, fostering a culture of communication.

Motto : “The one who walks can master the road, but the one who thinks can master mathematics”


1.Welcome to the teams.

2.Warm up.

3. Homework.

4. Captains competition.

5. "Guessing Game"

6. Summing up


Why is there solemnity around?

Do you hear how quickly the speech fell silent?

This is about the queen of all sciences

Let's talk to you today.

It is no coincidence that she is so honored

It is given to her to give advice,

How to do a good calculation

To build a building, a rocket.

There is a rumor about mathematics

That she puts her mind in order,

Because good words

People often talk about her.

So, we begin our tournament.

Jury presentation.

Determining the order of performance of teams. (2 cards: “1” and “2”)

  1. Team greeting: (5 points)

So that we don’t disrupt order in the tournament,

We are glad to hear your greetings.

Teams greet each other:

  • Team name
  • Motto
  • Emblem
  • Newspaper

2. Warm up

So that everything in the tournament goes without a hitch, we will start it...

Well, from the warm-up, of course!

Team captains take turns pulling out questions, and the presenters read them out. Thinking time is given for 30 seconds; if a team answers incorrectly, the 2nd team can earn an extra point by giving the correct answer.For the correct answer - 1 point.

Questions for the teams:

1. List 5 days of the week in a row, without mentioning numbers or names of days.

2. What 3 numbers give the same result when multiplied and added?

3. Two fathers and two sons ate 3 eggs. How much did each person eat?

4. Who is: my father’s son, and not my brother?

5. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there on 10 hands?

6. How many cuts do you need to make to cut a log into 3 parts?

7. How to divide 188 into two equal parts so that each of them gets a hundred?

8. What sign must be placed between two twos to get a number greater than two but less than three?

9. 4 birch trees grew. Each birch has 4 large branches. Each large one has 4 small branches. There are 4 apples on each small branch. How many apples were there on the branches?

10. Can it rain for 2 days in a row?

11. What is the second coordinate of a point called?

12. A triangle has 3 corners, if one is cut off, how many will remain?

13. What is the largest negative number?

14. The area of ​​the triangle is 49 m 2 . What is its perimeter?

The jury announces the points scored

3. Homework (5 points)

Sketch “Math Lesson 2070”

The jury announces the points scored and the subtotal

4. Captains competition: (correct answer 1 point)

  • Each captain has 4 puzzles. Time – 5 min.
  • Game with the audience “Proverbs”

The jury announces the points scored

5. "Guessing Game"

From each team, 2 people take out a card with a term that must be shown to their team with gestures, actions, but without words. For the guessed termon the 1st attempt – 2 points, on the second – 1 point.If the 1st team does not guess, then the 2nd team can receive 1 point for the guessed term.

  • Compass
  • Fraction
  • Square
  • Corner
  • Coordinate plane
  • Time
  • Speed

Before the jury announces the results of our today's tournament, we would like to wish you:

Learn to face trouble without crying

A bitter moment is not a spectacle for everyone

Know! the soul grows through failure

And it weakens if success is quick.

Wisdom is found in difficult disputes

Your path is not easy

A sine wave of joy and sorrow,

And not an upward soaring curve.

6. Summing up

The jury announces the points scored and awards the winners.

Competitions, competitions, games are great entertainment for children and adults. Team games bring people together, give them the opportunity to show their best qualities, show leadership! Sport competitions- this is passion and the will to win! Evaluates the performance results of the jury participants. Usually these are respected people who understand the topic of the competition. It’s such a custom to greet the jury and competitors. It can be comic or serious, in poetry or prose. There are no restrictions here, a complete flight of imagination.

We are the best!

How exciting it is to participate in competitions, KVN, and sports tournaments. But if you tried it once, you will no longer be able to stay away and not take part. Constant training and rehearsals are tiring, but the taste of victory overcomes all these little things and fatigue! Prepare an enchanting greeting to the jury to immediately make yourself known in a bright and unusual way! Let your opponents tremble with fear from the very first minute of the event!


Athletes are serious and reserved people. But if it is necessary to present a greeting to the jury, they liberate themselves and show all their artistry.

Jury, we salute you!

You are all here - top class!

Judge strictly, fairly,

And we will play beautifully!

After all, our team is the wind,

We are fast, lightning fast,

Not children at all!

You enjoy our game,

Our commander is a hero!

Rivals, don’t be too afraid,

Drink some tea and calm down!

We'll have to accept fate

Go home without the cup!

Let's start warming up

To at its best show yourself!

The jury's sports greeting can also be sung by the support group. This is a group of pretty girls who dance to rhythmic music, perform simple routines and shout out chants and team mottos. They may sing the jury will like this turn of events.

Our team is strength

How cute is that?

What exactly are you - members of the jury,

We welcome you from the bottom of our hearts!

Our guys are very strong

They will definitely win!

We wish them the highest score,

And a flurry of applause for you!

Let's be honest with the public -

Our guys are the best!

Everyone will like this greeting to the jury in verse. It sounds fun and easy, no complex revolutions and words!

A minute of humor

KVN - this game has won the hearts of the people of our country. People of all ages watch this hilarious show and get the best out of it. Tradition of having fun Mind games in schools and universities originated many years ago. The children take part in the games with pleasure and are proud of it. For many school KVN opened the way to adult life, humor has become a profession, not a hobby.

The jury sits in the front row, the guys are worried backstage, and the audience is exhausted in anticipation of good humor. This atmosphere fills the entire building, the heart of everyone present, and leaves pleasant memories. The first competition is greeting. Teams must get to know the jury, opponents and fans in all their glory. The jury's greeting at KVN is the teams. During this speech, opinions and first impressions will be formed.


KVN takes place according to a standard scheme, be it a school, college or kindergarten. The presenter introduces the jury members and the team. Then, one by one, the teams are called to the stage and greet the jury.

Hello, wonderful jury,

Today we are speaking to you!

We can be judged

But just be careful

We are worried in our souls,

It's all so complicated!

Wait for results, suffer,

Let's laugh better!

Dear ones, we will make you laugh,

We'll deprive the whole hall!

Listen, look,

After all, we are like a rare big diamond!

Can you turn our ratings up a little?

Then we’ll chip off a little bit of the diamond!

The last phrase is said in a whisper and with a sly accent by one team member, as if trying to bribe the judges! It will turn out very funny, such a greeting from the jury will go off with a bang!

School years

Schools often hold all kinds of competitions, contests, and games. Be sure to participate in such events. After all, it’s fun, and there’s no shame in showing your talent! Borrow top places, win cups and certificates, in old age you will have something to brag about to your grandchildren. developed from the very early childhood. Let the children be sociable and sociable. Help your children to relax and express themselves leadership skills. In any competition required condition- greetings to the jury and competitors. Express yourself with humor and dignity!


The team name should speak for itself. Therefore, think through all your options in advance. Let it instill fear in your opponents and confidence in the team itself. A capacious, sonorous word that is remembered the first time is the key good name teams! Prepare several mottos that rhyme with the name. Let the fans make posters and learn slogans. After all, support is very important and needed! Players will strive to win at any cost, so as not to let their support group down. Instill in the guys that they are the best! And thoughts, as has long been proven, materialize!

We wish you rivals,

The main prize should go to us!

Don't be offended, don't be shy

You are located in the hall.

You can sit quietly as spectators,

Look at our talents with a smile!

Jury, we respect you,

And we just love the highest scores!

Don't judge strictly

Give us a wink!

We are cheerful, not evil,

Be like that today!

Only forward!

After watching the teams' greetings, the jury immediately identifies their favorites. To win this title, you need to give your best in the greeting. Invite the kids to sing it to a rap rhythm. Let them put on appropriate outfits and learn simple moves! Waving their arms, clear diction and artistry will lead them to victory.

Welcome to the jury,

And hi to the participants!

Today the rivals came in vain,

No matter how you leave with nothing!

We wish you good luck,

But in the end we will prevent you from winning!

After all, we are smart and strong,

Cute and stylish.

You will be blown away by our talents!

It's like taking a swim in a mountain waterfall!

Our team is strong

Our friendship is strong

Faith in victory is very important to us!

We really need your support!

This is a universal greeting; it is suitable for any competition, game or competition.

We are a fun team

We don't know how to be bored

Aren't you afraid to perform?

After all, you can lose!

Hello dear jury.

We are very glad to see you!

You'll like us for sure

Give us a high five immediately!

Smile, relax,

You won't get bored with us,

Forget about everything.

Let's smash our opponents to smithereens!

If your children are planning a competition at school, be sure to help the team prepare. After all, the hand of an organizer is simply necessary. Rehearse with your children regularly, be tough if they don’t want to practice as much as necessary. After all, the road to victory is never easy. Let them understand this with early years, and it will be easier for them to go through life!

Math fight

Math fightis a competition between two teams in solving mathematical problems.

Matboy is a developing form of extracurricular work in mathematics. She has actively entered into the practice of the school in the last 10-15 years.

Matboys can be organized as tournaments intraclass , school-wide, or as city or district ones, when national teams of schools or districts compete.

Matboys are always held in the form of competitions, the results of which are assessed by a jury. Mathboys are a very exciting and emotional form of mathematical competition; teams should always feel the support of their fans. Tasks in matboys can be designed to be completed within a certain period of time; sometimes the team is given a week to complete the task. However, matboys with express tasks are especially interesting, which are completed in a matter of minutes and are immediately assessed by the jury.

The experience of matboys will help participants in the future: the ability to do scientific report, listen and understand the work of another, ask clear, substantive questions - all this will be useful at seminars and conferences, for reviewing books and articles, for joint scientific work. And one more thing: students different schools on matboys they meet, create new circle communication. And the last thing: after a successful matfight, the taste for good work awakens, you want to perform again, but properly, taking into account all the mistakes. Therefore, losing to teams is sometimes more useful than winning.

Matboys originated in Leningrad and were invented by Joseph Yakovlevich Verebeychik around 1965. The first matboys were held within the walls of school No. 30, where Joseph Yakovlevich worked as a mathematics teacher and led clubs. Many years later, matboys began to be held in different cities, but some discrepancies in the rules arose. With great difficulty, thanks to summer mathematical schools in Kirov, where Moscow, Leningrad and Kirov teachers met, these differences were overcome in long disputes.


Availability of rules of communication in competition conditions;

Having a common team goal;

Limited time and its distribution across the stages of the competition;

Objectivity in assessing results;

Clear organization system;

Entertaining formulation of assignments and tasks.



  • Development of cognitive interest in the subject.
  • Generalization and systematization of knowledge: Mathboy uses tasks mainly involving logic and ingenuity. As well as tasks on the topics: drawing up equations and solving them; Polynomials and arithmetic operations on them; Solving systems of equations with two unknowns.
  • Developing the ability of group members to interact with each other.
  • Dial greatest number points.

Preparation for the lesson:

Problems for mathematical combat are written down on album sheets in four copies: for the teams, the jury and the teacher. Fight protocol for the jury. Black box “with a surprise” (see captain competition)


Two teams (7 people each) participate in a mathematical battle. Each team has a captain, who is determined by the team before the start of the battle. The battle consists of two stages.

The first stage is solving problems, the second is the battle itself. During the first stage, problem solving can occur jointly with the whole team. Remember that none of the participants in the battle can go to the board more than twice. Therefore, a participant who has solved many problems that others have not solved must, during the first stage, tell his teammates the solutions he received.

The second stage begins with a captain's competition. (By decision of the team, any member of the team can participate in the competition instead of the captain). The winning team decides which team makes the first call. This, as well as all other decisions of the team, is announced by the captain.

The call is made as follows. The captain announces:. The other team may or may not accept the challenge. The team that accepted the challenge nominates a speaker, the other team nominates an opponent. After a meeting with the teams, the captains name the opponent and the speaker. The speaker’s task is to provide a clear and understandable solution to the problem. The opponent’s task is to find errors in the report. During the report, the opponent has no right to object to the speaker, but may ask him to repeat an unclear point. The main task of the opponent is to notice all the dubious places and not forget about them until the end of the report. At the end of the report, a discussion takes place between the speaker and the opponent, during which the opponent asks questions about all the unclear parts of the report. The discussion ends with the opponent’s conclusion: “I agree with the decision (“disagree”", explanation).

After this, the jury (teacher) awards points. Each task is worth 12 points. For errors and inaccuracies, points will be deducted. The number of points deducted is determined by the proximity of the story to the right decision. If errors were found by the opponent, then the opposing team receives up to half of the points deducted. Otherwise, all selected points go to the jury.

The team receiving the call may refuse to report. In this case, the calling team must prove that it has a solution to the problem. To do this, she nominates a speaker, and the second team – an opponent.

During the bout, each team is entitled to six 30-second breaks. Breaks are made in cases where there is a need to help a student standing at the blackboard or replace him. The decision to take a break is made by the captain.

If the captain is at the board, he leaves a deputy who acts as captain at that time. The names of the captain and deputy are communicated to the jury before the start of solving problems. While solving problems main responsibility captain - to coordinate the actions of team members so that the available forces can solve as many problems as possible. The captain finds out in advance who will be the speaker or opponent for a particular task and determines all the team’s tactics for the upcoming battle.

A team that has received the right to a challenge may refuse it. In this case, until the end of the battle, only their opponents have the right to report, and the team that refused can only oppose. Opposition is carried out according to the usual rules.

The jury is the supreme interpreter of the rules of combat. In cases not provided for by the rules, it makes a decision at its own discretion. The decisions of the jury are binding on the teams.

At the end of the battle, the jury counts the points and determines the winning team. If the gap in the number of points does not exceed 3 points, then the battle is recorded as a draw.

A team may be penalized up to 6 points for noise, rudeness towards an opponent, etc.

Protocol of Mathematical Combat

Call no.

Task No.

Who called whom?



Number of points.


Number of points.

Number of points.

Notes, not accurate



Call no.

Task No.

Team name

Who called whom?

Team name II



Number of points.


Number of points.

Number of points.

Notes, not accurate

Team I broke the silence

What class is the math battle designed for?

Math battle for 7th grade

Progress of the competition: Epigraph: “The subject of mathematics is so serious that it is useful not to miss

chance to make it entertaining»


I invite two teams to conduct the battle: the “team name” team and the “team name” team.

(To teams) Please receive your assignments. Within 15-30 minutes you should complete it.

Now let's start the math battle. I call the team captains.

"Captains Competition"

Assignment: You need to guess what is in the black box, using as few clues as possible.


  1. The oldest of these objects lay in the ground for 2000 years.
  2. Under the ashes of Pompeii, archaeologists discovered many such objects made of bronze. In our country, this was first discovered during excavations in Nizhny Novgorod.
  3. For many hundreds of years, the design of this item has not changed, it was so perfect.
  4. In Ancient Greece, the ability to use this object was considered the height of perfection, and the ability to solve problems with its help was a sign of a high position in society and a great mind.
  5. This item is indispensable in architecture and construction.
  6. Necessary for transferring dimensions from one drawing to another, for constructing equal angles.
  7. Riddle: “Two legs conspired

Make arcs and circles"

Additional competition for captains:Who can name 5 mathematical terms starting with the letter “P” faster:

  1. Unit of measurement of angles.
  2. A segment in a circle.
  3. Type of number.
  4. Flat quadrilateral.
  5. Equations that have the same solutions.

The captain of the team "team name" won.

Over to you, captain. (“We challenge our opponents to task number...”.)

Team "team name", do you accept the challenge? (Yes)

What questions or additions will the jury have?

Dear jury, please add your ratings to the battle report.

The floor is given to the team "team name"

Team "team name", do you accept the challenge?

Please nominate a speaker and an opponent.

While our esteemed jury is counting the results, I invite the teams to the stage...

To sum up the results of the mathematical battle, the floor is presented to the chairman of the jury...

So, in today's mathematical battle the team "team name" won with the score: ...

The team "team name" is assigned a title"The wisest of the wise",

Team "team name" -"The smartest of the smartest."

Thanks to the teams, please take your seats.

Task list

  1. A chocolate costs 10 rubles and another half chocolate. How much does a chocolate bar cost?
  2. The man says: "I lived 44 years, 44 months, 44 weeks and 44 days" How old is he?
  3. The car meter showed 12921 km. After 2 hours, a number again appeared on the counter that read the same in both directions. At what speed was the car traveling?
  4. Letter notation was first introduced by the French mathematician François Viète (1540-1603). Before this, they used cumbersome verbal formulations. Try to write down the following example in modern symbolism: “The square and the number 21 are equal to 10 roots. Find roots».
  5. How old is grandma?

Vasya came to his friend Kolya.

Why weren't you with us yesterday? – asked Kolya. – After all, yesterday my grandmother celebrated her birthday.

“I didn’t know,” said Vasya. - How old is your grandmother?

Kolya answered intricately: “My grandmother says that there has never been a time in her life when her birthday was missed. Yesterday she celebrated this day for the fifteenth time. So figure out how old my grandmother is.”

  1. Let’s say I took 100 rubles from my mother. I went to the store and lost them. Met a friend. I took 50 rubles from her. I bought 2 chocolates for 10 each. I have 30 rubles left. I gave them to my mother. And I still owe 70. And my friend owes 50. Total is 120. Plus I have 2 chocolates. Total 140! Where are 10 rubles?
  2. Three friends: Ivan, Peter and Alexey came to the market with their wives: Maria, Ekaterina and Anna. We don't know who is married to whom. You need to find out this based on the following data: each of these six people paid for each item purchased as many rubles as the number of items he bought. Each man spent 48 rubles. more than his wife. In addition, Ivan bought 9 items more than Catherine, and Peter bought 7 items more than Mary.
  3. Fill in the cells so that the sum of any three adjacent cells equals 20:
  1. A tourist goes on a hike from A to B and back, and completes the entire journey in 3 hours 41 minutes. The road from A to B goes first uphill, then on level ground and then downhill. How far does the road go on level ground if the tourist’s speed is 4 km/h when going uphill, 5 km/h on level ground, and 6 km/h when going down the mountain, and the distance AB is 9 km?
  2. The number ends with the number 9. If you discard that number and add the first number to the resulting number, you get 306,216. Find this number.


Captains competition: Compass

Additional competition for captains:radian, radius, rational, rhombus, equivalent.

Problem solutions:

  1. Answer: 20 rub. . X/2+10=X, where X is the price of the chocolate bar.
  2. Answer: 48 years old 44 months = 3 years and 8 months.

44 weeks = 9 months

44 days = 1.5 months.

44 years + 3 years and 8 months. + 9 months + 1.5 months = 48 years and 6.5 months.

  1. Answer: 55 km/h (105 km/h).

13031-12921=110 (km)

110:2 = 55 (km/h)


13131-12921=210 (km)

210:2=105 (km)

  1. Grandmother is 60 years old , she was born on February 29th. Thus, she celebrated her birthday once every 4 years.
  2. You need to add not chocolates, but 30 rubles that you gave away. Chocolates no longer count, because... 30 rub. have already paid, the remaining 20 went towards the debt.

Borrowed: 100+50=150 rubles.

Should: 150-30=120 rub.

Spending 100+20=120

After all the losses and expenses, 150-120 = 30 remained - I gave them to my mother, and I still owe her 70 rubles. and 50 for a friend, a total of 120 rubles. (compare with the 2nd line).

If his wife bought at items, then she paidrub. So we have, or (x-y)(x+y)=48. Numbers x,y– positive. This is possible when x-y and x+y are even, and x+y>x-y.

Expanding 48 into factors, we get: 48=2*24=4*12=6*8 or

Solving these equations, we get:

Looking for those meanings x and y , the difference of which is 9, we find that Ivan bought 13 items, Catherine – 4. In the same way, Peter bought 8 items, Maria – 1.

Thus, we get pairs:

  1. The numbers between which there are two cells must match.

The only difference is the third number: 4


  1. Let x be the length of the path on level ground SD, then AC+DV=9-x.

The tourist passes sections AC and DV twice, once uphill at a speed of 4 km/h, the other

once downhill at a speed of 6 km/h.

On this path he will spend

The path on level ground will takeBecause the entire journey there and back will take the tourist 3 hours. 41 min., then





Answer: x = 4 km.

  1. Answer: 278 379

Tasks for fans:


I don't look like a nickel

Doesn't look like a ruble.

I'm round, but I'm not a fool,

With a hole, but not a donut.


I am neither an oval nor a circle,

I am a friend to the triangle

I am the brother of the rectangle,

After all, my name is...


The squirrel dried mushrooms,

There were 25 whites,

Yes, even 5 oils,

7 milk mushrooms and 2 chanterelles,

Very red-haired sisters.

Who has the answer?

How many mushrooms were there?


  1. Hares are sawing a log. They made 10 cuts. How many logs did you get? (eleven)
  2. What did the word "darkness" mean in mathematics? (a lot of)
  3. Zero's rival? (cross)
  4. How many kids did a goat with many children have? (7)
  5. Triangular scarf? (kerchief)
  6. Who changes clothes 4 times a year? (Earth)
  7. An endangered breed of student? (excellent students)

Exercise: Name mathematical terms starting with the letter P:

  1. Hundredth of a number (percentage)
  2. Schedule quadratic function(parabola)
  3. Relative position of two lines (parallel)
  4. Sum of the lengths of all sides of a polygon (perimeter)
  5. A segment forming a right angle with a given line (perpendicular)
  6. Sign to indicate action (plus)
  7. Geometric transformation (rotation)
  8. Flat quadrilateral (parallelogram)



1. A ray dividing an angle in half. 4. Triangle element. 5, 6, 7. Types of triangle (at the corners). 11. Ancient mathematician. 12. Part of a straight line. 15. 16. A segment connecting the vertex of a triangle to the middle of the opposite side.

Vertical: 2. Top of the triangle. 3. Figure in geometry. 8. Triangle element. 9. View of a triangle (sides). 10. A segment in a triangle. 13. A triangle whose two sides are equal. 14. Side of a right triangle. 17. Triangle element.

A game.

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases,

As soon as I say the word “three” -

Take the prize immediately!

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside three

We saw small fish

And not just one, but... two.

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion

Look three, at the start it’s not three,

And wait for the command “one, two, ... march!”

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

1. Bisector.

4. Side.

5. Rectangular.

6. Acute angular.

7. Obtuse.

11. Pythagoras.

12. Segment.

15. Hypotenuse.

16. Median.

2. Point.

3. Triangle.

8. Top.

9. Equilateral.

10. Height.

13. Isosceles.

14. Leg.

17. Angle.

When developing mathematical combat, the following was used


  1. Ignatiev, E.I. In the kingdom of ingenuity [Text]. / ed. M.K. Potapov with textual processing by Yu.V. Nesterenko. – M.: Nauka, 1978. - 192 p.

The book contains entertaining tasks that have various degrees difficulties. As a rule, problems are solved using minimal information from arithmetic and geometry, but require intelligence and the ability to think logically. The book contains both problems accessible to children and problems of interest to adults.

  1. Magazine "Mathematics at school". – 1990. - No. 4. The article used was called "Mathematical Combat". It describes in detail what Matboy is, the rules of mathematical combat, and sample tasks.
  1. Karp, A.P. I give mathematics lessons [Text]: Book for teachers: From work experience. – M.: Education, 1992. – 191 p.

The Book contains methodological developments some lessons, samples of paperwork, materials for holding mathematical competitions (olympiads, matboy) and other competitions. The book will assist teachers in working with students who are interested in mathematics.

  1. From the book of Kovalenko V.G. Didactic games in mathematics lessons [Text]: A book for teachers. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990. – 96 p.

some tasks were taken for the relay competition.

  1. V.A. Gusev, A.I. Orlov, A.L. Rosenthal" extracurricular activities in mathematics in grades 6-8". M: Prosveshchenie, 1984-285 p.
  1. Kordemsky B.Ya. "To captivate schoolchildren with mathematics: (material for classroom and extracurricular activities). M: Prosveshchenie, 1981-112p.

This book is a kind of manual containing auxiliary materials for developing a passion for mathematics. The author has selected interesting and valuable arguments from scientists and presented original entertaining tasks For math games and mathematical battles.

"Math Tournament"

8th grade

For those who teach mathematics,

For those who teach mathematics,

For those who love mathematics,

For those who don't know yet,

What can love mathematics,

We dedicate our math tournament!


  • activate cognitive interest in the subject;
  • summarize and systematize students’ theoretical and practical knowledge;
  • develop cognitive and creative activity;
  • to develop an interest in acquiring new knowledge and the ability to think outside the box;
  • promote a sense of cohesion, solidarity and healthy competition.


Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Today there will be a math tournament! We invite everyone to go to an interesting and fun country which is called mathematics! Don’t forget to take with you your quickness of thought, resourcefulness, ingenuity, ingenuity and of course good mood!

You met here together -

Who is brave enough to decide

A matter of class, a matter of honor

Protect in this meeting.

You must fight together, with the clear goal of winning,

You need to live up to your hopes and not shame yourself!

The motto of our tournament was the words of the German mathematician G.W. Leibniz:

“Whoever wants to limit himself to the present without knowledge of the past will never understand it.”

Rules of the game.

2 teams take part in the game. The first team is “Triangle”, the second is “Square”. Each team member has distinctive emblems that let you know who he represents. this student

Leading: Today we are holding a tournament dedicated to mathematics, the “queen of all sciences.”

We praise mathematics

Mathematics, we praise you today,

And we want to say thank you

After all, about those who made efforts,

You care like an affectionate mother.

You develop our mind and memory,

You teach to compare, work, reason,

And having given a difficult problem,

You teach us to overcome difficulties.

You awaken us, inspire us,

You teach yourself to be persistent tirelessly.

And you kindle your thirst for knowledge,

Offering unsolved mysteries.

O. Panisheva


So, I'm opening the tournament,

I wish you success,

Think, think, don’t yawn,

Calculate everything quickly in your head!

Team presentation.

I'm starting a counting competition

Good afternoon, my friends!

Two teams in the tournament

I will introduce them now.

1.Here is the Triangle command:

Let every schoolchild know

They will be, I want to tell them,

I can handle all the tasks!

2.About team No. 2

Word has already spread.

It's called "Square"

Any scientist is happy with them.

The floor is given to the teams.

Each team, led by a captain, introduces the name of its team, motto, and greeting.

Greetings from the teams.

Competition: “We wish you.”

Command: "Triangle".

Motto: "In the triangle of friends better to count,

it’s easier to solve and win!”

1. We want to win today's tournament.

And we simply won’t give you victory.

You'll have to sweat and try

We will fight for every point.

2. We will show ingenuity and courage,

What if you're unlucky?

Victory will find everyone someday!

3. Let the struggle rage on.

Stronger competition

Success is not decided by fate,

But only our knowledge.

4. This tournament is now

Dedicated to science

What mathematics do we have?

It's called with love.

5. She will help educate

Such precision of thought.

To know everything in our life.

Measure and count.

Team: "Square".

Motto: "At our square

All sides are equal

Our guys are strong in friendship!”

To argue the right thing,

So as not to know failures in life,

We go on a hike boldly

Into the world of mysteries and complex tasks.

2. We were waiting for this tournament,

Minds yearned for him

Together we will solve problems -

We want to know mathematics.

3. How can we not have fun?

Don't laugh, don't joke?

After all, today at the tournament

We decided to win!

4. Our team “Square” -

Greets all the gathered guys.

We wish everyone to win,

And don’t lose to yourself!

5. And competing with you.

We remain friends.

And so let the fight rage on

And our friendship grows stronger with her.


And we wish the jury

Be fairer, stricter

Because we ourselves understand

How difficult it is for you to evaluate everyone!

(The jury evaluates the emblem, motto, greeting of each team. Maximum score -3).


To solve most problems, knowledge alone is not enough; resourcefulness and attentiveness are required.

Warm up.

“Repetition is the mother of learning.”

Each team answers questions. (For the correct answer - 1 point).

Team "Triangle".

A rhombus with all right angles (square).

How many roots does the equation =0 have? (1).

A curve that is a graph of the function y =. (hyperbola)

Which is less or ? (equal).

A line segment connecting opposite vertices of a quadrilateral? (diagonal).

6. Measure of weight in old Russia, equal to 16.04 kg (pood).

7. Numbers used in Ancient Rome about 2500 years ago (Roman).

8. Finding the roots of the equation (solution).

Team "Square".

The largest chord in a circle (diameter).

Rectangle. which all sides are equal (square)).

How many roots does the equation = 2 have? (2).

Graph of the function y = (parabola).

What do a trapezoid and a rectangle have in common?

Which is greater or (equal).

The points from which the sides of the quadrilateral emerge (vertices).

A segment connecting the center of a circle with any point on it (radius).

(After both teams answer, the jury counts the points).

I . We are starting the first round

We will find out the winners.

Competition: “One for all, all for one.”

Solving charades.

Teams must answer quickly, correctly, and most importantly, unanimously.

(The competition is worth 2 points.)

1.When you cut me, you don’t cry,

And yet you wipe the tears from your face,

If you change the letter, I look different:

I will become with the beginning, but without end.

(bow - ray).

2. Arithmetic I sign,

You will find me in the problem book

in many lines.

Only “o” you insert, knowing how,

And I am a geographical point.

(plus - pole).

3.The first word is an honorary title,

They even called him Monte Cristo.

And we often say the second thing,

If we freeze very much.


4. The preposition in mine is at the beginning.

At the end is a suburban house.

And we decided everything

Both at the blackboard and at the table. (task)

Competition: “Use your brains.”

(in 2 minutes rearrange the letters and get new words)








While the teams are thinking about their task, you, the fans, can help your teams earn points.

Name mathematical terms, concepts, symbols, signs starting with the letter “P”

(for example: straight, proportion, five, similarity,...). Each word - 1 point

II . Round two: let everyone know

Who is better at calculating?

I need to read the problems,

It’s up to you to think and count.

Competition "Our numerical constructor - work with your head."

1. Decide:.


2. Prove that

( + ) : ( = 0,78) = 6.

Solution: (15 + 33) : (.0.3 + 0.78.10) = 6.

Game “Where is the mistake?”

Porcupine as a gift for my son

Made a new car

Unfortunately she

Not accurate enough.

The results are in front of you -

Fix it yourself quickly.


One novice wizard, the hero of a comic song, was inept with spells, and as a result, instead of a thunderstorm, he got a goat. And instead of an iron there is an elephant. To solve equations, you need to make a number of transformations, and do so very carefully.

"Find the mistake!"

1. 5x - 20=9x - 36

5(x - 4)=9(x - 4); divide by (x - 4)


Answer: no roots.

2. While completing tasks to transform expressions containing powers, the student made mistakes:

5*5*5*5=4 5 4. 2 3 +2 7 =2 10

2 3 *2 7 =4 10 5. 7 1 =1

2 30 /2 10 =2 3 6. (2x)3 =2x3

What definitions, properties, rules does the student not know?

Competition: “A book is a book, but use your brain.”

Attached to the board geometric figures. Each figure needs to find its pair - a card with its area. On back side letter cards. Having composed a word, they must guess the scientist mathematician on whose grave a monument was erected with the image of a ball and a cylinder described around it. Almost 200 years later, according to this drawing

2 participants from teams are called up. ( For the correct answer - 1 point.)

A h

A h

A h


(a+c) h








The jury checks the competition and announces its result.

III . We are starting the third round,

We will find out the winners.

There will be difficult tasks,

We wish everyone good luck!

And finally, the captains' competition:"Mailbox".

The captains of each team take out problems and, after reflection, give an answer. (Each answer is worth 1 point).

1.The wheel has 10 spokes. How many spaces are there between the spokes? (10).

2. From a piece of material 200 meters long, 20 meters were cut each time. How many days later was the last piece cut? (After 9 days).

3. An angle of 1 degree is examined through a magnifying glass that provides 4x magnification. What size will the angle be? (At 1 degree).

4. Any month starts with 1 and ends with 30 or 31. Which month has the number 28?

5.What needs to be done so that 4 guys remain in one boot? (Remove 1 boot).

6.The professor goes to bed at 20 o’clock. Sets the alarm for 9 am.

How many hours will the professor sleep? (1 hour).


Gallery of remarkable numbers.

“The rain of stars and blue fields are obedient to numbers.”

Velimir Khlebnikov

Leading: Two elements dominate mathematics - numbers and figures with their infinite variety of properties and relationships.

The oldest numbers in origin are natural numbers. "Streams" natural numbers, merging, generate a boundless ocean of material and various kinds of special special numbers

(Each team presents its own number. Maximum score is 5 points.)

IV . You guys are all tired.

We thought and considered a lot

It's time to rest!

So the fourth round is “Game!”

Let's play the game "Find out the word! After solving the examples, you should recognize the scientist who entered the notation of degrees.

1. d

3. K

4. A

5. X5 =243 R

512 T


(Fans of both teams participate). Fans can bring points to the team if they complete the task correctly.

Competition "Geometry of Grass".

Name the words of mathematical origin that are in the poem.

An unfulfilled mathematician, a wanderer.

Look around, surprised a hundred times:

In the grass there is a cut of thistle - a pentagon,

And the cross-section of oregano is a square.

Everything in the world will seem new

Under the char, whose top is covered in snow:

The catchment area is triangular at its base.

In a blooming alpine meadow!

Where is the circle?

Near the needle rose,

Where the heavenly meadow is rocky,

I see birch trees playing with the wind

Triangular rhombic sheet...

Notice mathematics around you - in everyday life and nature. For an observant person, even simple sections of plants are beautiful geometric shapes.

The game is over

It's time to find out the result.

Who did the best job?

And did you excel in the tournament?

While the jury is summing up the question for everyone.

Question. This theorem is studied in high school and is called the "bride's theorem". Formulate it.


The theorem is proven in a geometry course and is considered one of the most important theorems of the course.

The theorem is used at every step in the study of geometric questions.

The scientist who formulated this theorem was born on the island of Samos. In his youth, he traveled around Egypt and lived in Babylon, where he had the opportunity to study astronomy and astrology from the Chaldean priests for 12 years.

In addition to this theorem, this scientist is credited with a number of remarkable discoveries, including the theorem on the sum of the interior angles of a triangle.

Particular cases of this theorem were known to some other peoples even before its discovery.

In construction practice, the Egyptians used the so-called “Egyptian triangle” - a triangle with sides 3, 4, 5. (The Egyptians knew that the specified triangle was right-angled and for it the relation 3 2 + 4 2 = 5 2 , i.e. exactly what the Pythagorean theorem states).

Summarizing. Announcement of the winners. Presentation of prizes.

Thanks everyone for participating!


The hour of parting has come,

Let the math tournament live in our hearts!

Let's say "Goodbye"!

See you in a year!


  1. Gavrilova T.D. Entertaining mathematics. 5 - 11 grades. Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.
  2. Goncharova L.V. Subject week At school. Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.
  3. Ichenskaya M.A. Relaxing with mathematics.5 - 11kl. Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
  4. Kordemsky V.G. Amazing world numbers. Book for teachers. Moscow: Education, 1986.
  5. Lepekhina T.A. Math assortment. Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  6. Nagibin F.F. Mathematical box. Moscow: 1988.
  7. Panishcheva O.V.. Mathematics in verse Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.