Timur karginov last performance. Timur Karginov: biography and personal life

Timur Karginov was born in 1983 in Vladikavkaz and is of North Ossetian origin. His childhood was quite ordinary, except that the boy never left his sense of humor, and he had his own joke prepared for any situation. It is not surprising that in his student years he began to devote a lot of time to performing in the KVN university team. After receiving an education and entering adulthood, Karginov became a member of the Pyramid team, with which he repeatedly performed in the KVN Premier League on central television.

Gradually, Timur Karginov was noticed by the producers of the TNT channel and invited him to take part in the filming of the Comedy Women show, and then become a resident of the new comedy show Stand Up. Its essence was that the artists one by one went on stage with a monologue of their own composition and joked on a variety of topics. Karginov has developed his own style of speeches: in almost every one of them he touches on his Caucasian origin and the attitude of the people around him. No less amusing are the artist's statements about Russian singers, cars and other objects from the point of view of a native of the Middle East.

The Stand Up show became incredibly popular, as a result, the producers decided to send the residents on a tour around the country. Concerts gathered full houses, so the tour became an annual event. Each of the residents has its own army of fans, and it is not surprising that Timur Karginov has become one of the most popular and sought-after comedians in Russia. Thanks to this, the artist began to perform solo: his first full-fledged benefit performance “Ambiguous” took place at the end of 2017 and was broadcast on the TNT channel.

In the same year, Timur Karginov became one of the mentors in a new show from Comedy Club Production called "Open Mic". In it, mentors inspect the performances of amateur comedians and select those they like in their teams so that they can compete for the title of the best in the future. The project gained high popularity and was extended for several more seasons. In addition, the stand-up artist took part in the filming of such shows as "Studio SOYUZ" and "Where is the logic?".

Personal life

Timur Karginov is already well over 30, but he is still unmarried. He has a girlfriend with whom the comedian has been dating for a long time and lives with her in his Moscow apartment. However, the name of the common-law wife Karginov keeps a strict secret. She can be seen in several pictures posted by the artist on Instagram.

Rumor has it that at one time Timur Karginov was in a romantic relationship with Sasha Nekrasova, who was in the KVN team called 7 Hills. But what is known for sure is the long-standing friendship of the Caucasian humorist with partners in filming on TV - Ruslan Bely, Slava Komissarenko and Yulia Akhmedova. In 2017, he even starred in a movie for the first time - the comedy film Zomboyaschik, produced with his participation.

Timur Karginov was born on June 6, 1984 in Vladikavkaz. His family was the most ordinary and not much different from a dozen others. However, this did not prevent the young man from finding many talents in himself at a young age. Best of all, Timur was given jokes with which he surprised not only his classmates, but also many adults. The young man was one of those people who would not climb into their pocket for a word. And he always has a witty answer for every situation.


Like all young people, Karginov went to get a higher education at a local university. That's just studying has never been particularly interested in the student. He received far from the best grades, skipping classes from time to time. However, it was during his studies at the university that Timur finally became convinced that he was a talented humorist and, without any problems, began performing on stage with the local KVN team. This experience allowed Karginov to improve his skills, as well as independently compose numerous jokes.

The local audience was crazy about this talented guy who was not afraid to improvise and joke on all sorts of topics. Soon, Timur Karginov still drops out of school and focuses entirely on performances. Every month his team became more and more popular.

The rise of fame

Real fame came to Timur after the creation of the famous KVN team called "Pyramid". Finally, the comedian got a chance to be on television. Thanks to an unusual approach to creating miniatures, "Pyramid" quickly managed to win an army of fans. Their jokes were mainly on acute social and national topics, which continue to be relevant to this day. Timur played the role of an entertainer, which became his hallmark.

Appearance on the popular show StandUp

The talented guy didn’t stay in KVN for a very long time, since soon the producers of another, no less popular TNT channel turned their attention to him. They saw a true talent in Timur and invited him to try his hand at stand-up, which was becoming more and more famous in Russia. Without thinking twice, Karginov accepts the offer and becomes a permanent resident of the new StandUp show. The transmission format was somewhat atypical for the inhabitants of our country. However, they quickly took a liking to the new talented guys performing on stage with their own monologues.

Grotesque stories appealed to viewers of different age categories. Timur, unlike many other comedians of our day, is not afraid to laugh at himself. His monologues are full of irony and satire.

Personal life

Despite the fact that at the moment Timur is already over 30, he still remains an unmarried person. However, he is still in a relationship. It is known that he has been dating a girl for many months, whose identity he tries to hide in every possible way.

  • almost all of Timur's jokes are based on his personal experience and life;
  • for some time he performed on the Comedy Wumen show, but quickly left the project;
  • ever since KVN dreamed of working alone, not in a team.


What do you think of Timur? Looking forward to your answers below.

From an early age, Timur attracted the attention of the people around him with his peculiar humor, the ability to joke appropriately. He always had something to answer, in every situation he had a witty joke prepared. He devoted most of his speeches to the Caucasians, their difficult life in the Russian capital.

Despite the fact that the state has few reasons for fun, circumstances are often upsetting, young comedians can quickly join teams, release an individual project. This concert represents the first achievement in his career, it is not surprising that the young man is filled with excitement. He shows the audience his own thoughts about the gloomy prospects of society, the abundance of aggression, violence, misperception of values.

All available reflections are accompanied by unsurpassed humor, which cannot be compared with anything. Usually the debut performance is remembered with some trepidation, which makes it unforgettable, leaves a lot of different impressions. Of course, it will bring pleasure to viewers who love to talk about life and draw conclusions. No one will remain indifferent after such a bright, extraordinary performance by a positive artist!

This article will discuss the life of a comedian and the creative path of Timur Karginov. For several years now, he has been pleasing fans with his jokes, from which the popularity of the young man is growing every day.

Timur Karginov. Biography: the beginning of the journey

Timur was born in 1984 on June 6 in the city of Vladikavkaz in an ordinary family. According to the sign of the zodiac, Timur Karginov is Gemini and, as is typical of many Gemini, he naturally has stunning charm and attractiveness.

From early childhood, the boy showed an unusual charm and an irresistible sense of humor, with which he could easily impress both his peers and any adult.

After graduating from school, Timur Karginov entered a higher educational institution and immediately became a member of the KVN student team. During his performance at the Student Spring festival, the guy finally decided that he wanted to connect his life with performances on stage and continue to develop in a humorous direction, as he received great pleasure from this and did not want to stop at the results achieved. A hobby, which later developed into a professional occupation, prevented Timur from graduating from the university.

The creative path of Timur Karginov

In 2006, Timur Karginov joined the Pyramid KVN team. The young Caucasian guy instantly fell in love with the public. Until 2010, he joked about a variety of sensitive social topics and was not afraid to express his opinion about the interracial problems of his region. Also, the young man repeatedly amazed the audience with his choreographic skills during national dances. Timur also played the role of an entertainer in stage numbers and had the title of "think tank" within the team.

For four years, Timur learned a lot from the work on stage at KVN and decided that he needed to pursue a solo career. At this point, he was offered a guest appearance on the comedy show Comedy Women, where he did an excellent job with his role.

In 2013, the guy became one of the permanent residents of the Stand Up show, which opened up new horizons for self-realization for him.

Personal life of a comedian

A tall and charming Ossetian guy attracts many girls with his appearance. Connoisseurs of humor have already remembered his face, and more and more fans are showing interest in his marital status.

To date, Timur Karginov is not married, but at the same time he has a girlfriend with whom they have been living together for several years. In his interviews, the young man does not reveal the name of his beloved, wanting to keep her identity a secret. Sometimes it happens that his bride still falls under the scope of paparazzi cameras and from these pictures only one thing can be said - the girl has a wonderful and sweet Slavic appearance.

Timur Karginov: Stand Up

Thanks to the platform of the Stand Up project, the young man was able to realize all his talents in the conversational genre. This is what he has been going since the days of KVN.

For several years now, Timur has been joking from the stage on many topics that concern him, which he takes from his own life, adds a little grotesque, and this pleases his fans. It happens that Timur jokes about his personal life and his beloved girlfriend, but as the guy himself noted in a recent interview, after a quarrel or any curious situations, his bride warns that this should not go beyond their private life.

The comedian is fluent in self-irony and is not at all afraid to laugh at his relatives, very often jokes about national problems and does not hide that he may not be liked for such straightforwardness.

« Pyramid”, a resident of the Stand Up project.

Timur Karginov. Biography

Timur Karginov was born on June 6, 1984 in Vladikavkaz. Even while studying at school, he stood out for a rather unusual sense of humor, he always had witty jokes at the ready. After school, Timur entered Vladikavkaz University, where he became a member of the KVN team, performed as part of the team at the Student Spring festival. After that, the young man finally decided to connect his life with the stage and become a professional first kaveenshchik, and then a stand-up comedian.

Popularity came to Timur Karginov thanks to his performances as part of the KVN team " Pyramid". The peculiarity of the "Pyramid" rooms was that there was an entertainer in their rooms. This role was played by Timur, who very quickly secured the title of "think tank" of the team.

After KVN, Karginov decided to start performing solo. First, he starred in the Comedy Women show, and then firmly occupied a niche in the Stand Up project. Timur Karginov takes themes for all his humorous numbers from life, exaggerating real situations and bringing them to the grotesque.

In January 2017, the show " open microphone”, in which novice stand-up artists tried to prove that they deserve to perform in the project