Drawing of a human figure in pencil. Look how a man and a woman should be drawn correctly in different positions

Who doesn't remember famous work Leonardo da Vinci, where artistic diagram clearly illustrates proportionality human body. Harmoniously designed, it looks incredibly beautiful. But we ourselves need to figure out how to draw a person. It is worth learning to convey this harmony of proportions of the human body. How? Now I will try to show what discoveries I have made for myself in drawing the human figure.

I will be helped by some kind of guide on how to draw the human body, a set for creativity from the items necessary for every artist, both a professional and a beginner, for example, a preschooler: paper, pencils, a ruler and an eraser. My son, who is 7 years old, will also come to my rescue.. My baby and I decided that our model of a person was a man in jeans and a T-shirt. We found his photograph on one of the websites.

But I would like to point out right away that this step by step instructions suggests that those who follow these drawing lessons will be able to easily repeat any step. And it won’t be difficult even for a child to do this..

We distribute the entire execution of a person’s drawing into several stages:

  • Support work;
  • Picture detail;
  • We “revive” the drawing of a human figure.
This way we can draw a person step by step with a pencil. Let's go!

Support work

First of all, we make a schematic sketch, taking into account the proportions of the person.

How to draw sketches of people correctly? To do this you need to start small. We make an image of an oval. This will be the head. We measure its size. I got it to be 2 cm long. The proportions of a person are such that you need to measure only 7 of these lengths to depict a person of average height.

Here's a sketch of the silhouette. It’s difficult to see a picture of a person in this. But this is how we will understand how to draw a person in full height.

Now we are waiting for exclusively step-by-step work.


A person's neck can be different. But I went by the average. The neck is usually no wider than the head, and at the same time not too thin, about half the width of the head.

Do not forget that this is a pencil drawing for beginners and there may be some inaccuracies in it. With practice, you can achieve good success and even understand how to teach a child to draw a person, no matter how old he is.


To draw the shoulder line, it is important to take into account the fact that on average a man has them the same length as his head. And one more thing. Draw the shoulders with a slight downward slope (see picture above).


How to draw a human figure? The next point is how to “find” and draw our person’s waist. Marking will help with this. If my head is 2 cm, then I will define my waist below the fifth cm, approximately 5.2-5.3. I put a point and from it I draw a horizontal line, which will be greater than the width of the head, but less than the span of the shoulders. I connect this line with the shoulder line.


The fourth mark (from top to bottom) will be the point of the lower torso. It is usually wider than the waist, but should not be wider than the shoulders. Draw a horizontal line. We connect its edges with the waist.


The drawing of a person should be complemented by the “making” of the legs. How easy is it to do this? Let's divide this stage into several steps:


We are approaching the final stage and complementing the drawing of a person with another important detail - the hands. And again we divide this step of drawing a person with a pencil step by step:
In general, we figured out how to draw a figure. But that's not all. Now the model needs some details to be worked out.

Picture detail

Our pencil-drawn person needs a face to “appear.” And that’s why we depict each element in the picture. And these are ears, hairstyle, eyes, nose and eyebrows.

We were able to draw a human figure. But this was just a diagram. Now we work on each detail of his clothing separately. We make folds on the clothes, and even mark some noticeable seams.

We erase everything auxiliary lines. And now we see that this is more reminiscent of a human appearance than the picture of a robot “on hinges” was until now.

Let's bring our model to life

We figured out how to draw a body. And now we will dress this body. In the photo that we chose as a model, there is a man in jeans and a T-shirt. We show all this in our image.

Don’t forget about the chiaroscuro effect, as this makes the work more voluminous.

If until now it was difficult to explain some points to children, then even a child who is one or two years old can cope with the coloring stage.

The child and I tried our best and we ended up with a pretty handsome man. Perhaps in the future we will be able to learn to portray a girl and a child. The main thing is the beginning. Good luck in your future practice!

See below for a few more options.

To draw a portrait of a person with a pencil, beginning artists do not necessarily have to complete courses or become students art academy or take private drawing lessons. Drawing a person’s face is not difficult, the main thing is not to be lazy and develop your skills.

The main thing in the article

Do-it-yourself pencil portrait of a person: what will you need?

To draw a portrait of a person you will need:

  • simple pencils;
  • a sheet of white A4 paper;
  • eraser;
  • stationery knife;
  • scotch.

Learning to draw portraits of people with a pencil: where to start?

There should be no unnecessary objects on the working surface. Take a sheet of white paper, place it vertically or horizontally in front of you and secure it at the edges with tape. Remember that you cannot tilt the sheet while drawing. You only work with your hand.

Use a pencil from Koh-i-Noor medium soft HB or soft B.

An improperly sharpened pencil affects the quality of the drawing. Do not sharpen pencils with a sharpener, but use a utility knife. This method of sharpening a pencil allows you to expose the rod as much as possible and make it sharp. By properly sharpening a simple pencil, you will be less distracted from the process and draw longer.

For training, use a regular sheet of A4 paper. In the future, if you like to draw, buy professional drawing paper, such as drafting paper, kraft paper.

How to learn to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil?

To begin, take a photo of the person whose face you want to draw. Look at it carefully. A person’s face on a sheet of paper consists of geometric shapes that change their shape during the drawing process. Remember that people's faces are disproportionate. Therefore, during detailed drawing of parts of the face, this must be taken into account.

To learn how to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil, you need to make sketches on paper.

How to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil for beginners step by step

The process of drawing a person's face with a pencil can be divided into the following stages:

  • drawing the general contour of the face;
  • marking the main parts of the face inside the oval;
  • drawing eyes;
  • drawing eyebrows, drawing nose and mouth;
  • detailed drawing: wrinkles, shadows, moles, hair, etc.

Getting started: building the head and general contour of the face

To correctly draw the general contour of the face, you need to know quite a bit of human anatomy. To begin, draw an oval, which will be narrower at the bottom than at the top. Next, change the outlines individually.

Marking parts of the face and working with planes

Full face

  1. The skull and jaw are an oblate sphere; to put it roughly, the face in this position resembles chicken egg, inverted with the narrow part facing down. Draw such an oval and draw two perpendicular lines through its middle.
  2. The horizontal line is the eye line. Divide its right and left parts in half. This will be the middle of the eyes (pupils).
  3. Divide the lower part of the vertical line into 5 equal segments. The tip of the nose will be located at the 2nd mark from above, and the mouth will be located between the 2nd and 5th marks.
  4. Divide the upper part of the vertical line into 4 equal segments. The hair should be on 2 sections from above. The bottom of the ears should be at the level of the tip of the nose, and the top should be at the level of the eyelids.

Artists use small tips to draw portraits:

  • the width of the face consists of 5 segments equal to the width of the eyes;
  • the distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the width of one eye;
  • The width of the chin is equal to the length of the eye.

These standards are adjusted individually.


  1. The profile also resembles an egg in shape, but its sharp part is shifted to the corner.
  2. Divide the drawn figure with two perpendicular lines.
  3. The ear is behind the vertical line. The depth of the skull is drawn individually.
  4. The correct location of the nose, eyes, eyebrows has already been discussed in the “Full Face” subsection.

Detailing the face: drawing eyes, contours of eyebrows, nose, lips, ears


Since the shape of the eyes is different for each person, it is impossible to accurately describe this process. The middle of the eye is already marked. Now draw two arcs on the right and left, which you will later “turn” into eyes.

Key points to pay attention to when drawing eyes:

  • the outer part of the eye is always slightly higher than the inner part;
  • the arches of the eyes are rounded closer to the inside of the eye and narrowed to the outside;
  • if a person looks straight, then the iris of his eye is always slightly covered by the upper eyelid;
  • eyelashes always begin to draw from the eyelid;
  • the lower eyelashes are always shorter than the upper ones;
  • do not forget that the tear ducts, lower and upper eyelids should be drawn around the eye.

Very often, beginners, having drawn one eye, stop looking at the photograph and copy the second eye from their drawing. Don't forget that people's faces are not proportional. The second eye will be a couple of millimeters wider/narrower, higher/lower. The eyelid above the right eye may be lower than that above the left. All these little details must be carefully copied from the photograph.

If you draw a face in profile, then the eye here will resemble the shape of an arrowhead with convex and concave sides. The iris is hard to see from the side, but when drawing a portrait, you need to draw it so that the eye does not look strange.


The widest part of the eyebrow is often closest to the bridge of the nose. Don't start drawing the hairs right away. Define the shape of the eyebrows. If you draw a face in profile, then their shape will resemble a comma.


The easiest way to draw a nose is illustrated in the picture. Draw a circle, then add wings and “backs” to it. At the very end, all that remains is to outline the nostrils with a pencil.

There is a more complex but realistic way to draw this part of the face. As shown in the picture, draw a polyhedron. The shape of the polyhedron changes depending on the position of the face. Next, start rounding the geometric shape.


Start drawing the lips from the inside line, where the lower and upper lips meet. This line will never be perfectly straight; it always consists of several curved lines.

The inner line of the mouth is always darker in the drawing than the outer contours of the lips, and the upper lip is often smaller than the lower.

If you draw a face in profile, then never draw the tip of the lip sharply upward. Draw the middle line of the lips first straight or down, and then lift it up.


The human ear can be represented in the form of the letter C. Do not forget that the ear has a rim and an inner part that resembles an arc, and a lobe. Be sure to draw these main parts of the ear.

Hatching and halftone development

It seems that you are already at the finish line, but the portrait is completely unrealistic. Hatching and working out halftones is something you can’t do without when drawing a portrait of a person.

First of all, determine where the light falls on your face and where the darkest places are. Apply strokes to the face in one direction - from top to bottom. To give the skin a matte look, blend the lines with your finger or a regular napkin. To lighten areas in the portrait, use an eraser.

Highlighting and darkening areas of the face

Highlighting and darkening areas of the face is necessary to make the face on a sheet of paper look voluminous and not flat:

  • If you need to lighten an already painted area, use an eraser.
  • Start sketching out areas of the face with light lines. Don't press too hard on the pencil.
  • Apply lines in layers. The more lines, the darker the area of ​​the face will be.

How to draw portraits of people with a pencil from different angles: full face, profile, head turn

We figured out how to draw the full face and profile of a person.

  1. If you draw a person from the back, then you may not be able to see all parts of his face.
  2. When the face is turned almost in profile, the midline of the lips is very small, the line of the neck merges with the line of the chin. Also visible is part of the cheek, behind which the person's nostril is shown.
  3. When a person has his back turned almost to you, you can clearly see the line of the eyebrows, the cheekbone, the line of the neck, which tends to the ear (if this part is not covered by hair).
  4. When you turn a person's face more, you see eyelashes, a small part of the eyebrow, the ridge of the lower eyelid and the tip of the nose.

How to draw a portrait of a person correctly with a pencil: the basics and secrets of the skill

  1. The focus should be on the person's eyes.
  2. Try to draw not only the head, but also the shoulders, neck decoration, collar, etc.
  3. Never start drawing small details without correctly marked contours.
  4. When tracing the contours, do not press hard on the pencil, draw with barely noticeable lines.
  5. Pay special attention to the proportions of the person's head.

How to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil: video tutorials

The person whose portrait you decide to draw will definitely appreciate your efforts. You can give such a gift to yourself. If you are afraid of the amount of work ahead, practice drawing individual parts of the face. In the future it will be easier for you to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil.

Learn to draw a woman in clothes proportionally and beautifully in a static pose or in motion.

If you want to improve your drawing skills and learn how to draw the female body, figure, arms and legs of a woman, be sure to read this article! Master classes have been selected for you with step by step photos different levels of difficulty.

How to beautifully draw a human figure of a woman in full-length clothes step by step with a pencil for beginners and children?

A woman is often the first thing someone tries to draw small child. He wants to portray his mother! Children's drawing is only schematic. On it the body is an oval, the head is a circle, the arms and legs are “sticks” or “sausages”, and the hair is simple shading. Of course, such drawings are touching. But if your child has reached school age and clearly shows interest in drawing, try with him to learn how to draw a full-length woman, no longer schematically, but in compliance with proportions and technique.

IMPORTANT: If you want you or your child to really draw women beautifully, you cannot do without studying anatomy. It must be remembered that the drawing will be proportional if we take the head as the unit of measurement. So, a woman’s height should be equal to 7-8 heads. And in order for the curves of a woman’s body to be smooth and beautiful, you should carefully study the woman’s skeleton and her naked body.

Draw with junior schoolboy? Then, of course, everything will be simpler; there will be no need to go into anatomical details.
Let the child draw an oval, tapering downward. This will be a blank for the head. From the center of the oval you need to draw a straight line two heads long - the axis of the body.

Since the woman in the drawing will be wearing clothes, more precisely, a dress, there is no need to draw hips and legs. Draw a quarter circle divided into three segments.

Focusing on the axis, draw a trapezoid with a smaller base downwards, this will be the torso. On both sides of the larger base, draw semicircles - blanks for the sleeves of the dress.

Detail the drawing - draw the woman’s hairstyle.

Draw the woman's hands. The length of the forearms should be equal to one and a half heads, the hands - 1 head.

Add legs to the woman's drawing and detail her dress.

Remove the auxiliary lines. Draw facial features as desired.

How to draw a woman's body in clothes with a pencil?

When starting to draw a woman’s body, do not be lazy to study her skeleton and nude images. Try to mentally or on a piece of paper divide the body into basic shapes, mainly triangles.
Imagine your torso in the form of two triangles, connected at the waist level by their vertices. These triangles can be the same since, basically, the width of a woman's hips is equal to the width of her shoulders.

Afterwards, the female figure should be streamlined, since, unlike the male figure, it has more smooth curves.

Next possible difficulty- drawing of a woman's breast. Imagine that you are sculpting from plasticine. Stick two identical semicircles to the torso of your figure, smooth them out on top. It will turn out something like the picture below.

Draw female breast it can be difficult.

Convey the movements of the female body by moving the axis line.

Now try to draw a portrait of a woman from the waist up.
Draw an oval - a blank for the head, as well as straight lines - the axis of the body, the axes of the arms and legs. Try to maintain proportions. Use small circles to mark the places where the joints will be.

Woman's torso in pencil: step 1.

Draw the contours of the woman's body and hairstyle.

In the picture, the woman will be wearing a tight-fitting dress; mark its boundaries. Add some jewelry to the woman - a bracelet on her wrist. Draw the hair, let it be a little messy, as if it were blowing in the wind.

Draw the woman's face, detail her dress. Add shadows using shading. Erase the auxiliary lines.

VIDEO: How to draw a female body?

How to draw a woman's hands in clothes with a pencil?

Women's hands are especially difficult to draw. They need to be smooth and graceful, with long, thin fingers.

IMPORTANT: If you depict a woman in clothes, it will be easier for you - you will only have to draw the hands and parts of the forearms. The rest you will hide under the sleeves of your clothes.

Try to depict the woman's hands in several positions at once.

  1. Schematically outline the hands in the form of ovals, and the forearms in the form of straight lines.
  2. Starting from the ovals, draw the fingers. Remember that middle finger the woman has the longest.
    Detail the contours of the hands. No straight lines!
  3. Draw the nail plates and folds of skin in the areas where the phalanges meet.
  4. Delete the auxiliary lines.
  5. Make the shadows with very abrupt shading; they should not be too dark.
  6. If you are drawing a woman's hands with the backs facing forward, pay special attention to the fingertips. They can be rounded or slightly elongated. Draw the nails with a sharp pencil, and with thicker lines draw the folds of the skin in the areas where the phalanges of the fingers meet.
  7. Using the same principle, draw female hands in other positions.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 1.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 2.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 3.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 4.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 5.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 6.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 7.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 8.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 9.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 10.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 11.

How to draw a woman's legs in clothes with a pencil?

A woman's legs are also more rounded than a man's. To draw them:

  • draw her hips in the form of a triangle lying on the base
  • draw dots in the corners of the triangle - a schematic representation of the hip joints
  • from these points, draw straight lines, the axes of the legs (they should not be parallel, make sure that they come a little closer at the bottom)
  • Divide the lines roughly in half, draw dots to mark the kneecaps
  • outline the contours of the legs, remembering that a woman’s thighs are denser than her lower legs
  • draw the kneecaps
  • designate the feet as trapezoids with large bases at the bottom (if the feet are turned straight)
  • detail the feet and draw the toes

How to draw a person, a woman in clothes, in motion with a pencil?

When you have practiced a little and feel more confident, start drawing female figure in clothes in a static position or in motion.
In the first picture, a woman will be standing in a dress.

  1. Draw an oval for the head. Divide the oval into jagged left and right halves with a vertical line to determine the center of the face. Separate the oval in the upper and lower halves with a horizontal line to maintain the proportions of the face. Draw a horizontal line for the hairline. Divide the area below this into three equal parts. The first line below the hairline is for the eyebrows, and the next line shows the position of the tip of the nose. The ears will be located on either side of the head between the eyebrows and nose.
  2. Draw two small ovals - sketches of the ears. Use curved lines above and below the ears to outline the hairstyle. Add ovals for a hat sketch. Extend the curved lines below the hat for the neck and shoulders. Draw straight lines for the bodice. Use short ones smooth lines to shape the chin, right elbow, wrist and ankles. Draw curved and wavy lines to outline the skirt.
  3. Draw the hair using shading. Add a slightly curved line below the edge of the hat. Outline the ears, eyes, mouth. Draw a V-shape for the neckline. Draw the straps of the sundress using straight lines. Detail the sundress - draw the bodice and folds on the skirt. Draw the woman's legs and the shoes on them. Draw bracelets on one or both of the woman's hands.
  4. Draw the eyes, mouth and nose. Detail the dress, add shadows. Erase the auxiliary lines.

Woman in full-length clothing: steps 1-2.

Woman in full-length clothing: steps 3-4. Woman in full length clothes in pencil.

Now draw a woman in a pantsuit in motion.

  1. Draw a straight line, divide it into 8 identical segments - this makes it easier to maintain the proportions of the body. The head will be equal to the length of one of these segments.
  2. Draw an oval for the head, make markings on it for the correct placement of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. Draw the frame of the female body using straight lines, triangles and circles. Give him the desired pose.
  4. Using smooth lines, draw the contours of the woman’s body.
  5. Move on to drawing the clothes. Since it fits the figure, there is no need to add much volume.
  6. Draw the woman's face and hair.
  7. Draw a scarf on the woman’s neck.
  8. Detail the clothes. Draw folds and shadows on it.
  9. Draw shoes - sandals with heels. If desired, draw the woman's accessories, such as a bag.
  10. Erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser.

Can you draw? Or maybe you want to try how it’s done and learn the basics exciting activity? Don't know how to take the first step? It's not so easy, but if you want to try, then read on, and together we'll figure out how to draw a human figure. To work, we will need a sheet of thick, moderately sized paper, several pencils, soft and medium hard, and a white soft eraser for erasing erroneous lines.

General Considerations

The question of that occupies everyone who has picked up a pencil. It is not uncommon for a beginning artist to be disappointed when he looks at the results of his efforts. Usually they are very different from what we would like to achieve. Many people give up trying to learn to draw at this stage. But if you still have not abandoned your intention, you should change your approach to business. The question of whether to stand tall should be answered with systematically. First of all, consistency and phasing are important in drawing. For many this will sound unexpected, but before you draw something, you should think carefully. And this applies primarily to such a complex subject as the human figure.

How to draw a full-length person so that it looks convincing?

Any drawing begins with the correct layout, that is, placing the future image on a plane. This is done with light pencil strokes, indicating extreme points depicted figure. In any drawing, a certain semantic compositional center should be highlighted. One of the main rules of composition is that this compositional center should under no circumstances coincide with the geometric one. The image on the plane should occupy approximately three-quarters of the surface, leaving free space around the edges. Further, in order for the answer to the question of how to draw a full-length person to look convincing, his figure must be built in compliance with the proportions and laws of anatomy. And just as important, she must stand firmly on her feet or sit on some kind of support - so that this does not violate the laws of balance. The proportions of the figure vary depending on age; in an adult, the head is about a seventh of the height.

We build a figure step by step

Professional artists have been working on this for many years. In art universities, it is studied in detail. The course is specially adapted for artists, and when studying it, they study in detail all the bones and muscles present in the human body, their articulation and interaction. This knowledge and skills are necessary for competent construction of the human figure. But when faced with the problem of how to draw a person in full height for the first time, it will be enough to correctly take the proportional relationships between individual parts of the body and the figure as a whole. And understand the general structural and muscular systems. When constructing the torso of the figure, we outline the axial lines, shoulder and hip girdle, and joints. When constructing a figure, first of all we remember balance. The figure must stand firmly on its feet. To ensure this requirement, artists have a proven technique - a vertical line from the jugular cavity (the depression between the collarbones under the chin), drawn onto a plane, should not extend beyond the plane of the feet. And then the most important thing - we carefully check the proportions of the limbs, torso and head, gradually building the entire figure.

Generalization of the drawing

When constructing and working out the details, it is very important to stop in time and observe the measure. From the analysis of individual details, one should gradually move on to a generalization of the figure as a whole. As a rule, this is done with wide, sweeping strokes. Nudity does not have to be depicted too often. But basic knowledge plastic anatomy necessary for the artist in any case. Without them, it is impossible to correctly figure out how to draw a dressed person. When drawing a figure from any spatial perspective, you need to see and imagine it through and through. Particular attention should be paid to the patterns in which folds form on clothing. This is a very essential element in the depiction of a figure. They can emphasize movement or stability. Having outlined general outlines, gradually giving all the details volume. We model the shape with chiaroscuro. Special attention When constructing, attention should be paid to shading. Stroke - essential element in the arsenal of a graphic artist. A lot depends on the force of its pressure, length and direction. The culture of shading is developed gradually, with practice.


Correct construction on any plane spatial figure, in particular a person, is impossible without understanding the laws. You should understand it and understand that everything parallel lines and planes have a vanishing point at the horizon. They are absent from the human figure, but she easily fits into them. And in order to convincingly answer the question of how to draw a full-length person, the perspective construction of the figure should be carried out only after its position in relation to the horizon is understood. The horizon line should be drawn first in the drawing.

Let's sum it up

Let's try to critically analyze our creativity. What happened in the end? It rarely happens that a novice artist is satisfied with the results of his labors. It is possible to achieve something worthwhile only if the correct conclusion is drawn from the almost inevitable first failure and the work is continued. With each new drawing there will be fewer and fewer errors. This is the process of gradual improvement. Everyone who has achieved anything in the art of drawing has passed it before you. You should also carefully and systematically study the heritage of recognized masters of drawing. At your disposal are albums of reproductions and many art sites on the Internet. And in addition to long staged drawings, short sketches should be performed. In them you should catch the movement of the figure and, without fixating on details, achieve maximum expressiveness of the lines.

This method is by no means the best, much less the fastest, but from the point of view of most artists it is correct. He slowly but surely helps you draw a person with a pencil step by step.
At the end of the article you can watch the video about
This method of drawing is aimed at stimulating the imagination and forming an idea of ​​the human body in three-dimensional space, good for beginners and for people who are diligent and patient.
Almost all beginning draftsmen start drawing human figure from the head, thereby making a grave mistake. And they are quite surprised when, as a result, it turns out that there is absolutely no room left on the paper for the feet - this method will save you from such an unpleasant situation.

Let's consider perfect proportions human body:

So head fits in tall people along the length of the body 8 times, in people of average height – 7.5 times, in people of short stature - 6-7 times.
Head fits 2.5 times the length of the body, in leg length – 3-4 times.
Stretched along the body hand should concern mid thigh.
Shoulder width in an adult male it is usually equal two head lengths and more than hip width.
Thigh length corresponds length of the lower leg with the foot, A lower leg - two foot lengths.
The female figure, unlike the male one, has a lower average height and shorter limbs.
Hip Width women usually have more shoulder width.
A woman's head is relatively and absolutely smaller than a man's.

Schematic representation of a person:

Every child knows the song from the cartoon "Octopussy": "Stick, stick, cucumber, it turned out to be a little man..."
And don't underestimate this phrase.
Schematic people display very important characteristic- proportions of body parts. And in order to avoid logical discord in our stick-shaped men, it is necessary to comply with the so-called “artistic canon”.
Now let's take a closer look at our sketchy people:

Sketchy Man No. 1
Everyone has drawn such a man at least once in their life.
This is the so-called basic man.
But there's not much you can do about it.
Just practice maintaining the proportions of the head, torso, arms and legs.

Schematic Man No. 2
Here the proportions of the forearm, thigh, lower leg and foot are additionally outlined.

Schematic man No. 3
The perfect stick man!
I'm sure you've hardly seen any child draw a little man exactly like that.
The shoulders and pelvis of this figure already have a certain width.

In order to understand how accurately you observe proportions in your works, draw a few schematic men.
Thus, simply and quickly, without being distracted by details (clothing, hair, etc.), you can assess how well you know the proportions of the human body.
In addition, you can immediately determine whether the figure will fit on the sheet.

I think now you understand how important it is to master proportions. And what an important role in future picture played by sketchy men.

Human Pose:

It's time to revive and make our hero do something. So before you start working on a character, using schematic drawings you can try many poses and choose one.
Below are some examples of the stick figures in action.

Throws a spear

And this one seems to be dancing...

Running. The shoulders and pelvis of a person are depicted from a perspective, as we look from the side.

Sad about something or... looking for a contact lens...

Gladiator. Forearm right hand depicted from a perspective - we see it a little shorter.
Also pay attention to the rotation of the body - as if a person is turning around to see something.

Sits on a chair. Turn the body again - the shoulders are turned relative to the hips at a certain angle.

Strange guy. One can only guess that he is in at the moment pretends... but looks stupid)

To feel the dynamics of the depicted body, draw several schematic men performing various actions.

When choosing a particular pose, do not forget the law of universal gravitation.

Center of gravity will be located in the lower abdomen.

Normal walking. A person is in balance because the center of gravity is located between two points of support.

The center of gravity is shifted relative to the fulcrum - a person loses balance and falls.

Balance. Achieved due to the relative symmetry of the body position.

Run,... run!
During running, the center of gravity shifts forward relative to the fulcrum. This leads to an unbalanced position; the figure appears to fall. Naturally, a fall will not occur, since the person alternately puts his legs forward.

This article will help you master the basic principles of constructing the human figure. The proportions of the body are the point with which the aspiring artist must be most careful at the early stage of his training. But most, including me during my early years as an artist, ignore this knowledge. Now it seems to me that proportions are one of the main points in drawing a person. This material shows that you need to be more careful with the proportions of the human body (especially the female figure) when you draw. There are many detailed books and websites on this topic, and what you will read here is really simple. old way, which I use to determine the proportions of my own drawings. You've probably read in many illustrated books about the eight-head rule. In painting perfect body has a height of 8 heads. However, the body proportions of each individual are relative, and can sometimes range from 7 to 9 depending on physiological characteristics and the artist's view. The same is true with cartoon characters. Since comic book art mostly glorifies perfection human form, then the rule of eight heads also applies when creating animated masterpieces. We suggest you begin your study of proportions by drawing your characters in simple poses (standing or sitting).

When drawing a human figure, always start your drawing with the axes and guides. This will make the task easier, and you will be able to set the proportions and pose right away, without going into too much detail. Once you have the base of your figure figured out, it will be very easy to complete the drawing. Artists often depict women's bodies as slightly curved with bulging hips and thin waists. In the figure, you must immediately determine the size of the head; this will be your “centimeter” for the rest of the body, which you will use in further measurements. I tend to be as detailed as possible at this stage, but that's a whim and not a rule.

The head length proportions will be your basis for the eight head rule.

  • The height of one head fits from the chin to the middle of the chest; in a woman, as a rule, this line may indicate the middle of the chest area around the nipples.
  • The distance from the chin to the shoulder is usually 1/4 of the length of the head.
  • The distance from the chest down to the abdomen (navel area) is also proportional to the height of the head.
  • If we put our “centimeter” down from the navel in descending order, we will end up right at the bottom of the intimate zone.
  • The height of one head is up to half the hip area.
  • A head below the upper part of the legs, setting aside one more size of the head, we will find ourselves just below the knees.
  • Continuing to set aside the base size, we will get more or less half of the drumstick.
  • And the last of the eight downwards will hit a point just below the ankle.

If you notice, the leg is not a measurement element, that is, an improvised “centimeter”. This is because the length female legs may actually vary depending on the height of the shoe. Also, I noticed that some artists have various options length when it comes to the legs, where sometimes different parts can be a little shorter or longer. This mainly depends on anatomical preference.

The width of the shoulders also varies depending on the physiological structure of a person. But usually it is equal to the size of two heads located side by side, one ear to the other. Don't make this size less than twice the width so you don't end up with a weird silhouette. Hips are also not the same in all people. Their width, like their shoulders, is approximately equal to two sizes of the head, maybe a little more, but no less than two heads together without ears. Contrary to some opinions, a woman's shoulders can indeed look broader, but only in rare cases when her entire body is muscular. Broad shoulders, thin waist and relatively wide hips can contribute to a sexy figure. Arm length is not usually a problem for beginners. The distance from the shoulder to the elbow is equal to one head height and another half of it. From the elbow to the wrist you can also set aside the size of your head.

People are made up of basic geometric shapes that ultimately come together to form one whole. Just as with other parts of the face, we rely not only on knowledge of proportions, but also on our perception of the surrounding world, and when constructing a human figure, the image depends on how you interpret the various parts of the body. For every beginner, extensive knowledge and understanding of anatomy is required at an early stage of training. Imagine a robot and how it is designed. It features cylindrical shapes for the arms and legs, elliptical shapes for the shoulders and joints such as the knees and wrists. The bust, as you remember, is located on a line distant from the chin downwards by the size of the head. This is where the middle of the bust will actually be.

Always try to use loose, curved lines, especially when portraying a woman. There are no straight lines in a person. All people are covered with soft muscles on top, and this should be visible in your drawings. At this stage you can very clearly see if there are things you need to improve: posture and body. It is important to make any necessary changes now before finishing the drawing. If everything is in order, you can go ahead and do the finishing touches.

To draw the girl's figure, I used an HB pencil because it is easier to scan onto the computer. In general, usually for drawing, I take one sheet of paper, an eraser, a 2H pencil to construct my drawing and H or HB pencils for shading. Once the figure is constructed, all that remains to be done is to draw the clothes. Then you should remove the old and unnecessary lines, but for this tutorial I left them in to show how everything is done at the drawing stage.


In a one-year-old baby, the size of the body is almost twice the length of its head. If you want to draw a child, then take this into account. First, make a sketch on a piece of paper. Draw a barely noticeable vertical line and divide it into 4 equal parts using five horizontal segments.

Between the first (top) and second – draw a circle. This face little man. Where his temples are, the circle should narrow slightly. On the right and left of these irregularities, draw the baby’s ears. Depict big eyes in the middle of the circle, a small nose, plump lips - and the face of a one-year-old little man is ready. Border it with a mop of curly hair.

Next, from the second to third horizontal lines draw his body up to the navel. The head lies immediately on the shoulders, since at this age the neck is still very small. Arms extend from the shoulders in both directions. Draw a plump belly.

If you want to draw a five-year-old child, then his proportions are as follows: the length of the body is two, and the legs are three times the length of the head. At 10 years old, these proportions become as follows - 1 (head): 3 (torso): 4 (legs).

To draw an adult, divide the vertical line into 9 identical horizontal segments. At the very top - between the first and second - there is a head. It is no longer round, like a baby’s, but oval. A child has a large forehead, an adult has a smaller one, so draw his eyes a little higher. Sketch a straight nose, lips and masculine chin.

Further, under the second line, his neck begins, and then his shoulders and the upper part of his sternum. The third horizontal line ends at the level of the man's nipples. Draw his torso up to the waist, just before the fourth line.

Between it and the heel, draw the hips and groin. From the fifth to sixth line, draw the upper part of the legs. Up to the seventh line, sketch out part of the legs up to the knee. Until the eighth - his calves. From it to the ninth goes the lower part of the calves and ankles.

This is how, observing the proportions, you can draw a full-length person of any age. If you do not want him to be naked, then dress him in clothes with a pencil and paints. He can wear a T-shirt and shorts or a shirt and trousers. On the legs, draw sneakers or boots.

If this is a girl, then give her face a femininity, draw long hair, breasts, more rounded hips and narrow shoulders. Dress the lady in beautiful clothes.

Learn to draw nudes body best from life. Having a sample at hand, you can take proportions from it, study its structure, etc. However, you can try to draw from memory. Let's consider a male torso as an example.

You will need

  • a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser.


Place a sheet of paper vertically. By using a simple pencil start sketching. If you don’t get the line you want, don’t rush to erase. It is better to draw several lines in one direction, pressing lightly on the pencil. Gradually refine the direction you need and only then can you lightly work with the eraser. Mark the line of the spine with a pencil; it is slightly curved. Then outline chest and a triangle in the pelvic area.

Start outlining other details. On the “chest”, use hexagons to indicate the chest muscles. On the sides, draw the shoulders with light lines (choose their width yourself), indicate vertical lines hand direction From the “chest”, from its notch, draw the abdominal area, mark the sides. From the pelvic area, outline the directions of the legs. Don't draw these lines too thick because you'll be working on top of them.

Now you can draw in some of the muscles. You can enlarge them or leave them as in the sample. Draw the shoulder muscles, give a more rounded shape to the chest muscles, outline the abs, draw the navel, which will be located between the third and fourth row of “cubes”. Approximately from the third row of “cubes” a V-shaped muscle begins, the lines of which go into the groin.

Next, draw the arms and legs yourself. When drawing, use ovals as a sketch; they better convey the shape of the human body. In general, to draw nudes well body– you need to practice drawing from life or copying drawings and photographs. If possible, try to draw more athletic figures from life, paying attention to the structure and direction of the muscles. In the future, this will help you draw people with any body weight. Notice the body structure of each person, pay attention to the curves of his body and try to convey it all as accurately as possible in your drawing.

Before work, look at nude photographs and drawings on the Internet.


Tip 3: How to learn to draw a person's face with a pencil

If you want to learn how to draw portraits, start with pencil sketches. Thanks to the limited expressive means you will be able to focus on drawing, composition, working with light and shadow. This base will come in handy when you start painting portraits with paints and soft materials.


If you plan to place only the face in the painting, place the piece of paper vertically. Use an oval to mark the space that the portrait will fill. Draw a vertical axis - it will divide the face in half.

Using sighting, determine the height and width of the face. Extend your hand with a pencil in front of you, mark on the pencil the distance that occupies the width of your face at the level of your cheekbones. Then turn the pencil vertically and check how many times this segment fits from the top of the sitter's head to the chin. Fix the same proportions in the drawing. Likewise measure the width of your face at the level of your cheeks and chin. Use a thin, light contour to define your face shape.

Divide the vertical axis in the center of the face into six equal parts. Divide the third part from the top in half. The eyebrows should be located at this level. Draw their shape in exact accordance with the eyebrows of your model - the overall facial expression depends on this. Do not outline the contours of the eyebrows; fill the space with short strokes that follow the direction of hair growth.

At the border of the third and fourth parts from the top, draw a horizontal axis for the eyes. Their shape is very individual. The same as the distance between the eyes - on an “average” face it is equal to the length of the eye, but in reality it can be more or less.

Approximately at the lower border of the fourth part, the tip of the nose should be located on top. Determine its shape, then draw the wings of the nose and determine the width of the bridge of the nose.

Between the fifth and sixth parts draw the lips. Determine their size using sighting. Erase all auxiliary lines and axes in the drawing. Use several contours to outline the shape and length of the hairstyle.

Shade the portrait. Identify the areas that are lit the most and choose a tone that matches the skin color there. Hard pencil cover these areas with even shading. Then continue to paint over the drawing, moving to darker areas. For them, take pencils with greater softness, increase the pressure, reduce the distance between adjacent strokes.

The shape of the stroke should follow the shape of the face. In addition, you can use a “silver” stroke - add a layer of additional lines on top of the main ones at an angle of 35°-45°. It will help “fix” the shape and combine strokes of different directions and intensity.


  • how to learn to draw facial expressions

A model is not only a long-legged beauty strutting down the catwalk. A model is a much broader concept than the usual one that everyone hears. This is a simplified version of something created at the initial stage. So how do you learn to draw models?

You will need

  • - album sheet;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser.


Understand the views existing models. The main type is a full-scale model, i.e. everything we see and transfer to paper as a picture. Very often also used by sculptors. Model in design - individual parts that give an idea of complex form products. A model is also called a casting mold. Often found in modeling are small copies of cars and architectural structures. And, of course, a 3D model used in the special effects of exciting action and fantasy films.

Use the basic principles of drawing models for any type of model. Carefully examine the object whose model you will draw. Mentally draw horizontal and vertical sections to represent the volume of the figure. All objects have a structure that obeys certain laws.

Mark the main points of the model of the object being drawn. These will be vertex points, boundary points of the axes, both vertical and horizontal, and points indicating the contours of the planes.

Draw from the general to the details. Draw along the marked points geometric shapes, allowing you to place the model within its framework. Outline the main nodes and draw them. In the initial stages, draw the model transparent. To practice the technique of drawing models, look at the object being drawn for 2-3 minutes. Be sure to compare the drawing with the original, identifying flaws using a mirror image of the picture.

Draw a girl model. Draw a human figure, observing all proportions, i.e. The height of the head should fit 8 times the length of the body. Now extend your legs a little, breaking the proportions. Also draw the lines of the hips and shoulders more angular with sharp outlines. The thickness of the limbs should be the minimum acceptable. Add clothes and the model is ready.

Image person- a task that no one can do without art school. Students wait for it with special trepidation, because a couple of wrong strokes can ruin the result of many hours of work and offend the model. To minimize this risk, use a few general drawing rules. person.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - Internet;
  • - model.


Studying the figure person start with its proportions. In order to calculate the correct ratio of body parts in the figure, use the diagram of the “average” physique. It uses head height as a unit of measurement. Adult height person is approximately 7.5-8 such values. Draw a vertical center line in the figure and mark eight equal segments on it. The head will be located at a distance from the first upper notch to the second. At the level of the fifth mark on the axis is the groin area. By measuring two such segments from the bottom point of the axis, you will calculate the location of the knee joints. The width of a woman's shoulders will be one and a half head heights, and a man's - two. From the chin to the fingertips of the lowered hands, 3.7 units of measurement will fit. Adjust these proportions to suit your model's body type.

The correct contours of the face are built using the same principle. Taking the standard relationships of its parts as a basis, the artist changes them, focusing on reality. Draw a rectangle on paper and divide it in half vertically and horizontally. The eyes will be located on a horizontal line. The distance between them will be equal to the width of the wings of the nose. The tip of the nose should be on the horizontal segment dividing the bottom of the rectangle in half. The same distance at the top of the figure will be between the eyes and the hairline. The line of the lower lip of the “average” face coincides with the middle of the lowest part of the rectangle.

In this article we will look at how to draw people correctly, what the proportions of their body and face should be. We will also consider several ways to convey a particular movement or facial expression in a drawing. At the end, we will note how to apply shadows to the drawing and which areas should be left light. This mini-lesson will allow you to understand how to correctly draw people from one angle or another, and will contribute to the development

Very often, people who are just beginning to comprehend all the basics of painting have the habit of drawing on paper with intermittent short lines. It seems to them that this way the image will be more accurate, and after this “sketch” everything can be put in place and thus the work can be completed. In fact, this technique is flawed because not only does the drawing look unsightly, but it also ruins your ability as an artist to think holistically. Therefore, if you want to understand how to learn how to draw a person correctly, you must understand first of all that even the most easy sketch applied in continuous lines, which are drawn “from cover to cover.” This is necessary so that you first of all feel the object (movement or which you are drawing. And even if the pencil goes in the wrong direction, you can correct everything very quickly and easily.

Proportion is the basis

Lost in guessing about how to draw people correctly so that their body is proportional, the arms are not too long or, on the contrary, too short, so that the head is “in its place”, and in general, all the nuances are taken into account, it is important first of all learn one rule. So, the whole human body, together with his head, is seven equal parts; It is easiest to apply them in the form of ellipses located vertically, since in the future it will be easier to transform rounded shapes into the outlines we need. In this case, the topmost ellipse will serve as the head. The middle three and a half figures are the torso, and the rest of the lower part, as you already understood, will become the legs. The length of the arm from the shoulder will occupy on average three such ellipses, provided that it is straightened along the body.

We work within the target height

Now, in order to understand how to correctly draw a person step by step, when we have the top point, and also have some control marks (lower back, legs, head, arms), we begin to complete the sketch itself. We leave a small distance in the area of ​​the lower part of the upper ellipse, and the upper part of the second - after it, in order to draw the neck there later. At the top we draw a more clear oval of the head, we outline the lower three or more ellipses into a common oval, which will become the body. For additional convenience when drawing, you can draw a vertical axis that will cut the body you are drawing in half lengthwise. This will make the image more balanced and clear.

Marking the limbs in the drawing

Next, learning how to draw people correctly, we move on to marking the shoulders and knees. The first ones will be located on the edges of our body, respectively on top. The size of the ovals that will symbolize future shoulders may vary depending on who exactly you are drawing. That is, if it is a woman, then they are very small, if it is a man, then, of course, they are large. Our knees will be marked at the level of the top of the second oval from the bottom (of those that we drew at the very beginning). Then we apply the same ellipses at the elbows (middle of the body), and then at the heels. Only in the latter case they need to be depicted horizontally relative to the drawing. At the end of this stage, we draw two parallel winding lines that start at the shoulders and end at the knees. This is how we conditionally determine the future

More careful elaboration of the details of the human figure

If you don’t yet know how to draw people correctly, pay attention to the sketches that are offered professional artists. You will need this in order to correctly convey all the reliefs and thickness of the limbs, which we will draw using existing marks. In general, we connect the hips and knees, knees and feet, and then draw the arms in the same way. Don't forget that we also need to mark the neck and roughly sketch out the outlines of the clothes in which your person should be depicted in the drawing.

Face - how important is it in a drawing?

Undoubtedly, understanding how to correctly draw a portrait of a person is very difficult, especially in words. In some drawings, this detail is completely overlooked, and the face is depicted in the form of thin approximate features that are characteristic of any person, without working out the details. If you want to depict a person in full growth, and even with facial features, then you should take into account their proportions. For each person, the only characteristic will be that the eyes, nose and mouth are located more in the lower part of the oval of the head, and the upper part is occupied by hair. Everything else is purely individual parameters that are measured in proportions.


We draw a figure that resembles an egg turned upside down. This figure is called OVOID.
Divide it vertically and horizontally exactly in half with thin lines.

line is the axis of symmetry (it is needed so that the right and left parts
turned out to be equal in size and the image elements were not on
at different levels).
Horizontal - the line where the eyes are located. We divide it into five equal parts.

The second and fourth parts contain the eyes. The distance between the eyes is also equal to one eye.

The figure below shows how to draw an eye (the iris and pupil will be
are not completely visible - they are partially covered by the upper eyelid), but we are in no hurry
to do this, first let's finish our sketch.

Divide the part from the eye line to the chin into two - this is the line on which the nose will be located.
We divide the part from the eye line to the crown into three equal parts. The top mark is the line where the hair grows)

We also divide the part from the nose to the chin into three parts. The top mark is the lip line.
The distance from the upper eyelid to the tip of the nose is equal to the distance from the upper edge of the ear to the lower.

Now we make our standard preparation cry in three streams.
drawn from the outer edges of the eyes will indicate to us the place where to draw the neck.
Lines from the inner edges of the eyes - the width of the nose. Lines drawn in an arc from
the center of the pupils is the width of the mouth.

When you color the image, notice that the convex parts of it
parts (forehead, cheeks, nose and chin) will be lighter, and the eye sockets, cheekbones,
the contour of the face and the area under the lower lip are darker.

The shape of the face, eyes, eyebrows, lips, nose, ears and
etc. Every person is different. Therefore, when drawing someone's portrait, try
see these features and apply them to a standard workpiece.

Another example of how everyone's facial features are different.

Well, here we see how to draw a face in profile and half a turn - the so-called “three quarters”
When drawing a face in half a turn, you need to take into account the rules
perspective - the far eye and the far side of the lip will appear smaller.

Let's go to the image human figures.
In order to depict the body as correctly as possible, you need, as when drawing portraits, to know a few secrets:

The unit of measurement for the human body is “head length”.
- The average height of a person is 7.5 times the length of his head.
- Men, naturally, are usually a little taller than women.
We, of course, begin to draw the body from the very head that we will be
measure everything. Did you draw it? Now we put its length down another seven times.
This will be the growth of the person depicted.
- The width of the shoulders is equal to two head lengths for men and one and a half lengths for women.
- At the place where the third head ends :), there will be a navel and the arm will bend at the elbow.
- The fourth is the place where the legs grow.
- Fifth - mid-thigh. This is where the arm length ends.
- Sixth - bottom of the knee.
You may not believe me, but the length of the arms is equal to the length of the legs, the length of the arm is from the shoulder
to the elbow will be slightly less than the length from the elbow to the fingertips.
- The length of the hand is equal to the height of the face (note, not the head - the distance from the chin to the top of the forehead), the length of the foot is equal to the length of the head.

Knowing all this, you can quite plausibly depict a human figure.

Taken from a group dedicated to graffiti on VKontakte.

Lip shapes

nose shape

Eye shapes

Women's brochure shapes

(c) Book "How to Draw the Head and Human Figure" by Jack Hamm

The proportions of a child's figure differ from
adult proportions. The fewer times the length of the head interferes with growth
child, the younger he is.

IN children's portrait everything is a little different.
The child's face is more rounded, the forehead is larger. If we draw a horizontal
line through the middle baby face, then it won't be an eye line like
was in the portrait of an adult.

To learn how to draw a person not only
standing like a pillar, we will temporarily simplify our image. Let's leave
just the head, chest, spine, pelvis and we’ll screw it all together
arms and legs. The main thing is to maintain all proportions.

Having such a simplified version of the human figure, we can easily give him any pose.

When we have decided on the pose, we can
add meat to our simplified skeleton. Do not forget that the body, it is not
angular and does not consist of rectangles - we try to draw smooth ones
lines. The body gradually tapers at the waist, as well as at the knees and elbows.

To make the image more alive, character and expression must be given not only to the face, but also to the pose.


The fingers, with their board-like joints, are the widest parts of the bones in the entire skeleton.

(c) book "Anatomy for Artists: It's Simple" Christopher Hart