Angelika Varum: biography, personal life, family, husband, children photos. Charming woman and talented singer

The lives of celebrities will never cease to interest fans. Today we will talk about such a magnificent singer as Angelika Varum. The biography of the talented lady has a lot interesting facts: the way to the stage, the first glimpses of fame, conquering the peaks, personal life. All this will be discussed in this review.

Childhood years

The future celebrity was born into a family creative personalities 05/26/1969 in Ukraine, in the city of Lvov. Her mother's name is Galina Mikhailovna. She worked as a theater director. Father - Yuri Ignatievich Varum - composer. Our heroine also has a brother, Mikhail. The girl was named Maria. Since her parents often went on tour, her grandmother paid a lot of attention to her upbringing, instilling a love of music. It was she who first called her granddaughter by her future pseudonym Angel (translated from Polish as “angel”). At the age of five, the little girl enjoyed playing the piano and mastered the guitar. Yuri Ignatievich believed that it was better to let his daughter receive homemade music education, since the Soviet school can discourage all desire to study.

First steps on stage

As she grew older, Maria entered the Moscow Shchukin Institute, but was unable to pass the exams due to her Ukrainian accent. Then the girl decided to become a backing vocalist at her dad’s studio and worked there for several years.

At the age of 21, Angelika Varum, whose biography still excites the minds of fans, at the request of her father, recorded the track “Midnight Cowboy”, which became a hit. short terms hit. It was with him that the girl first performed in the TV show “Morning Star” and in the “Olympic”. When Maria realized that her life would be connected with the stage, she took nice nickname Angelica, because its native name considered it less suitable for the stage image.

Musical creativity (1991-1995)

In 1991, new hits appeared, performed by young Anzhelika Varum: “Good Bye, my boy” and “The Boy Next Door”. The bright video for the single “Whistle Man” was remembered for the phrase “So sad that I want to smoke.” Two years later, the popular album “La-la-fa” was released. It included the compositions “The Artist Who Paints the Rain”, “Town”. In 1994, the vocalist reached the final of “Song of the Year”.

When the singer turned 25, she released the disc “Favorites,” which includes the most significant compositions over 5 years. A little later, a collection called “Autumn Jazz” appeared, which became the brightest and most stylish and won the Ovation Award, and celebrities became best performer year.

Vocal creativity (1996-1999)

In 1996, Angelika Varum's next album was released. It contained singles for which funny videos were shot: “Silver”, “No answer, no hello”, “Not today”. They brought the singer great success. A year later, the sixth record appeared “ Winter cherry" It was mainly for experimentation, but the songs “Another Woman”, “It’s All for You” and “Winter Cherry” became hits. Angelica Varum, whose biography and work is of interest to fans, performed at the “Angelica's Dreams” concert in St. Petersburg.

A little later, the girl took part in the “Four Steps to the Clouds” program. Then fate brought her together with her future husband, Leonid Agutin, whose relationship began with creative collaboration. They recorded the singles “Queen” and “February” together. In 1999 appears new disk“Only She” and The Best (the result of 10 years of work).

Music career: 2000-2008

In 2000, the album “ Office romance", written jointly by Angelica and Leonid. Later, a program with their participation, “Half of a Heart,” was released. A year later it took place bright show, where the couple participated together with Ela Di Meola. In 2002, a new album, “Stop, Curiosity,” was released, as well as the single “Fire.”

In 2004, Angelica and Leonid started touring activities and visited the USA, Germany, Israel, Ukraine, Belarus. For the concert in home country“I will always be with you” received two sold-out performances at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. Then a new one came out solo program“You and Me”, which has successfully proven itself not only in its homeland, but also in Ukraine, Germany, Israel, the USA, Poland, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

In the spring of 2005, the vocalist helped Leonid record an English-language project. As soon as the Cosmopolitan Life disc appeared, many of the compositions included in it, including If I’ll get a chance, began to be heard on the radio waves and occupied high positions in the ratings.

In the fall of 2007 appeared new album“Music”, released by the studio “Kvadro-disk”, consisting of old and new singles. In support of her new work, Angelica toured in several CIS countries.

Concert performances from 2009 to the present

In 2009, Anzhelika Varum, whose biography had long been of interest to fans at that time, together with the Kvadro-disc studio released a new record “If He Leaves” consisting of 10 singles. Many of them were written by the vocalist herself, and videos were made for the tracks “If He Leaves” and “Let’s Forget Everything.”

In 2010-2011, many concerts were held in almost all major cities Russia. At the Kremlin Palace, Angelica performed with world-class Cuban flutist Orlando Valle. Together with V. Presnyakov (junior) and N. Podolskaya, quartets were held in Moscow, Minsk, Yekaterinburg and in the big cities of Germany (Frankfurt, Hamburg and others).

Today Anzhelika Varum remains in excellent shape: with a height of 164 cm, she weighs 46 kg. The performer continues to delight fans with her creativity and is preparing to release a new record, which will include remixes of “Autumn Jazz”, Good bye, mo love, “Winter Cherry”, “And a girl is waiting for a boy”, “Fire” and others.

A short filmography of Angelika Varum

The celebrity had a dream of becoming an actress. And although this was not destined to come true, Angelica came into contact with activities in cinema. From 1995 to 1998, she worked on the project “Old Songs about the Main Thing.” In 1997, the girl was invited by director Leonid Trushkin to take part in the musical “Emigrant Pose”. A. Dzhigarkhanyan, O. Volkova, L. Gurchenko, E. Simonova also took part in it. The premiere was successful, and Anzhelika became a laureate of the Seagull Award. In 1999, she starred for the first time in the film “The Sky in Diamonds.”

In 2003, celebrities offered to play one of the roles detective series"Kamenskaya-3", to which she agreed. Angelica also took part in the filming of the series “The File of Detective Dubrovsky.” At the end of 2004, the musical “12 Chairs” was released, in which the celebrity played the role bright character- Ellochki-cannibals.

Angelika Varum: biography, children (Elizabeth and Polina)

Many fans are interested in the personal life of the vocalist. Although not all celebrities like to talk about it, the main events still cannot be hidden. Angelica Varum's first husband is her former classmate, Maxim Nikitin, who worked for the singer as a lighting designer. The union lasted eight years.

In 1997, celebrities began to collaborate with Leonid Agutin, with whom they spent a lot of time and therefore became very close. Their duet turned out to be so magnificent that it became clear: there is a connection not only creative. Soon they began to live in a civil marriage. At that time, Leonid had little Polina Vorobyova (daughter from a previous civil marriage) in his arms. On February 9, 1999, the young couple gave birth to a wonderful girl, who was named Elizaveta. At that time, Angelica and Leonid were not married. Contrary to all rumors, the vocalist herself did not want this event for a long time, since she did not intend to create an extra burden for her beloved. Finally, in 2000, she agreed to an official marriage. Today, the children of celebrities are grown girls. Polina first lived in Italy, then moved to France.

Angelika Varum and her daughter Lisa

Elizabeth lives with her grandparents in America. She became an American child and speaks three languages, although she comes to Russia for the summer.

Her life turned out this way thanks to the fact that once Angelica Varum’s husband, together with Ela Di Meola, recorded a disc in Miami, and he was advised to buy a house there. It turned out to be quite easy to do this. Over time, my grandfather developed health problems, and doctors reported that it was better for him to live in a warm climate. Then the whole family moved to America, and since celebrities often tour, it was decided to leave the girl to study and live in the USA.

Angelika Varum, whose biography is full of interesting facts, says that her daughter does not want to communicate in Russian even with her girlfriends. When the vocalist talks to her on the phone, and Lisa can’t even remember what it is ladybug, she becomes uneasy. Celebrities had to hire a teacher for her to study her native language!

We reviewed the biography and personal life of Angelica Varum, a talented vocalist. Her creative work does not stop, so fans are looking forward to the appearance of new works.

Pop singer, Honored Artist Russian Federation, besides, the successful actress Angelica Varum is rightfully considered one of the petite and sexy representatives of the domestic star community. Her graceful figure has remained absolutely unchanged over time, including after the birth of her daughter. Is there a special diet for Angelika Varum, or does the singer owe her good figure to her genes? We'll talk about this today.


Angelica herself says that she has never experienced any problems with weight. We can assume that the singer is not deceiving, because her height is only 164 cm, and with it the slightest weight changes are immediately reflected in her figure. At one time Varum experienced serious problems with an acoustic ear injury, during that period she lost a lot of weight. Doctors advised Angelica to try a salt-free diet, which resulted in weight loss. Angelica herself later admitted that she had lost only 2 kilograms. Apparently, the singer’s body is already accustomed to maintaining the weight level at a stable level.

Proper nutrition

Such a menu normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves mood, and increases performance.

Sample menu of Angelika Varum's daily diet

  • Breakfast: steamed omelette, salad from...
  • Second breakfast: any.
  • Lunch: soup with vegetables and, with the addition of.
  • Dinner: a portion of either, herbal decoction or glass.

Emergency diet of Angelika Varum

Although Varum’s weight level, as already mentioned, always remains approximately at the same level, the star still sometimes has to adjust her figure. If such a need for weight loss nevertheless arises, then Angelica immediately strives to take advantage own method, which in just one day takes away a kilogram excess weight. The products included in the diet consist of only 4-5 and 400 grams of boiled lean meat. All this is divided into 4 meals, which are repeated after 3-4 hours. To achieve best results, you should not salt the meat.

Angelika Varum and sports

Angelica says that she doesn’t like physical activity gym, but she loves to go to the pool. Another passion of the singer is long bike rides.

Angelika Varum is one of the popular singers. She became famous in the early 90s of the last century. The girl performed at many music festivals, invariably receiving top prizes.

Currently a star national stage happily married to Leonid Agutin. The woman often tours with her husband. She sings a duet with him. Despite 20 years living together, Angelica and Leonid give the impression of loving spouses. They are one of beautiful couples Russian pop elite. In a strong union, a daughter, Elizabeth, was born.

The actress played in several films. Currently, the woman dreams of filming a musical about modern Russian reality with her husband.

In the early 90s of the last century, Anzhelika Varum performed several songs that immediately brought her to the top musical Olympus. U popular performer appeared large number fans who became interested in everything about the artist, including her height, weight, age. How old is Anzhelika Varum - a question that arouses constant interest. The performer is on the verge of her 50th birthday, but fans, having learned about this, doubt the reality of this data. She looks ten years younger than her biological age.

Angelika Varum, photos in her youth and now of which are presented in large numbers, has perfect figure. With a height of 169 cm, she weighs only 49 kg. The popular artist has followed a separate diet since her youth. She eats a little, but often, thanks to which her weight invariably decreases.

Biography of Angelika Varum

A daughter appeared in the Varum family in the late 60s of the last century. They decided to call her Mashenka. Father - Yuri Varum wrote pop songs. Mother Galina Shapovalova worked in the theater, where she wrote scripts for dramatic productions. Since the parents were constantly busy at work, the girl was raised by her grandmother. She loved her granddaughter very much and called her Angel, which can be translated as Angel. In honor of her grandmother, the girl began to be called Angelica.

At the age of 5, Masha began to study music. She learned to play the piano. The girl was taught by her beloved grandmother. At the age of 7, the girl played not only the piano, but also the guitar.

Varum went to first grade in one of the Lviv schools. She loved to study, especially she liked to read and count. Creative biography artistry began back in school years. The girl went on tour with her parents. In addition to music, Angelica began to play in productions of the school drama club.

Having received a certificate, yesterday’s graduate sets off to conquer the capital’s theater universities. Because of her Ukrainian dialect, they refuse to accept her as an artist.

Having failed at entrance exams to theater universities in the country, future star the stage did not despair. She started working at music studio father. First, Angelica got rid of the Ukrainian dialect. In the early 90s, the girl sang the song “Midnight Cowboy”, after which she began to actively perform. Angelica won in " To the morning star", after which the professionals started talking about the girl. And fans, whose number was constantly growing, began to wait for her new songs.

The biography of Angelica Varum became successful. She performs at various events, causing loud applause from the public. To date, the singer has recorded 14 music albums, the last of which Russian residents will soon hear. Angelika Varum also performs at foreign venues, delighting the public. Her tours are scheduled several months in advance.

Besides music, popular singer successful in business. Since the late 90s of the last century, it began to produce eau de toilette, which women began to purchase. The singer's perfumes are distinguished by tenderness, femininity and romance.

The actress starred in several films, for one of which she was awarded a professional jury award.

Personal life of Angelika Varum

The personal life of Angelika Varum since the mid-90s of the last century is connected with popular performer Leonid Agutin. Few people know that this relationship was not the first for the pop star. She was married for the first time to photographer Maxim Nikitin. The young people fell in love with each other during their school years. Soon after receiving the certificate, the lovers officially registered their marriage. After living together for 8 years, the spouses separated, maintaining friendly relations.

Soon after meeting popular singer Anzhelika Varum became friends with Leonid Agutin. At first they were connected only by friendly relations. In mid-1997 they decided to live together. Soon the marriage was registered; only family and friends were present at the celebration.

Currently, Angelica and Leonid are still happy. They spend time together free time and they work.

Family of Angelika Varum

Angelica Varum's family was creative. The father of the popular artist was famous musician and arranger Yuri Varum. He's with great love treated his daughter, developing her creativity. The man wrote many compositions that listeners loved. He was involved in the popularity of “Town”, “The Artist Who Paints the Rain” and others. At the beginning of the new millennium, Yuri Varum moved overseas. He recently passed away, leaving behind songs that listeners have loved for many years.

Angelica's mother is Galina Shapovalova. The woman worked in the theater for many years. Angelica has a younger brother, Mikhail, who wrote a large number of pop songs. A man writes songs that are performed by the most popular pop singers, including Nyusha, Angelika Varum, Larisa Dolina and others.

The popular singer is happy in family life. Her marriage to Leonid Agutin lasts for 20 years. The family had a daughter, Elizabeth, who currently lives in the United States of America. She studies in one of the best educational institutions, coming to Russia very rarely. Parents, as soon as their incredible busyness allows them, visit their beloved daughter.

Children of Angelika Varum

Angelica Varum’s children were not born in her first marriage. She decided to terminate the pregnancy. What led to this is unknown to this day. The pop star speaks of this act as a big mistake she made due to youthful maximalism.

After her first abortion, Angelika Varum dreamed of children. After meeting Leonid, the singer soon became the mother of a wonderful girl, whom it was decided to name Lisa. The artist dreamed of a second child, but this never happened.

The performer also calls the children of one of the capital’s orphanages, which she and her husband have been supervising since the beginning of the new millennium, her children.

Daughter of Angelica Varum - Elizaveta Agutina

Became a mother for the first time pop singer in the late 90s of the last century. She was very happy about the birth of her daughter. The star’s father, Yuri Varum, began raising his granddaughter. He took her to Miami. The parents visited the girl only occasionally. After the death of her beloved grandfather, Angelica Varum’s daughter, Elizaveta Agutina, lives independently, although her parents suggested that she return to Moscow. The girl is busy composing songs and playing several musical instruments.

Currently, Elizabeth is studying at one of the elite American institutions. In the future he dreams of playing in a movie. The girl performs songs as part of her rock group.

Now Elizabeth lives with a young man whom she plans to marry. She recently introduced her parents to a young man.

Former husband of Angelica Varum - Maxim Nikitin

The artist first fell in love during her school years. A classmate named Maxim becomes her lover. The young couple met despite the dissatisfaction of the young bride's parents. After receiving the certificate, the girl is sent to the capital; her parents hoped that the relationship was over. Maxim goes after Maria. He becomes a student at one of the capital's universities. Soon young man called in armed forces. For 2 years the girl was waiting for him from the Army.

When ex-husband Angeliki Varum - Maxim Nikitin was demobilized, the lovers got married. They worked and rested together. The spouses have been married for 8 years. This time was filled not only with love, but also with scandals and quarrels. In the end, Angelica and Maxim broke up. They are currently not in contact.

It is known that Nikitin became a parishioner of one of the capital’s churches. Currently, he is going to serve for the benefit of the church, and dreams of living in a secluded parish.

Angelica Varum's husband - Leonid Agutin

In the mid-90s of the last century, the artist met Leonid Agutin. He was several years older. Shortly before this, he broke up with his wife, who went to Italy with the singer’s daughter.

Leonid and Angelica performed the song as a duet, after which information appeared about their romantic relationships. But in fact, according to the stars, they began living together in 1998. When Angelica became pregnant, they registered their marriage, having honeymoon in Venice.

Angelica Varum’s husband, Leonid Agutin, actively tours with his wife. He shows constant love for her. The couple lived together for 20 years, but never quarreled. Currently, they often visit their daughter in Miami.

Photos of Angelika Varum appeared in Maxim magazine more than once. The popular pop singer starred for the first time in the 90s. Men looked with great interest at photographs of the girl in which she posed nude. In 2017, naked Angelika Varum appeared on the pages of the publication again. She showed off her perfect body without hesitation, despite her age.

Spicy pictures of the popular artist often appear on her Instagram page. They show the star on vacation in Miami. Here the woman is depicted in and without a swimsuit. The singer's body is perfect. The page has many comments written by fans. They wish the performer long youth.

Instagram and Wikipedia Angelika Varum

Instagram and Wikipedia of Angelika Varum are popular. These resources are often visited by many admirers of her talent.

Wikipedia makes it possible to find out how a girl became famous. The page contains information on how Maria became Angelica. Here you can read how many albums the woman has released.

The popular pop singer is registered in social networks. She herself runs a page on Instagram, posting photos here with her family and compositions performed by her.

Other pages, according to Angelica, are not run by her. Only in Odnoklassniki there is a fan who works with the permission of the star, reporting the most complete information about her.

What is the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya, so we will find out approximate data by comparing photographs with people whose height and weight are known to us.

In the photo on the right is Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrei Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels, is higher than 181cm by about 2-3cm. Accordingly, from 184cm we subtract 9cm and we get Nina Shatskaya’s approximate height of 175 cm. Externally, Nina Shatskaya’s weight looks 70-75 kg

Nina Shatskaya's height is 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

What is Irina Nizina's height and weight?

Irina Nizina is famous Russian actress theater and cinema, winner of the “Seagull” and “Moscow Debuts” awards. The actress’s greatest fame came from such film works as New life detective Gurov and Lawyer. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174 cm and a weight of 65 kg.

Nobody knows for sure how reliable and accurate the height and weight of Irina Nizina are.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Irina Nizina's weight is 65 kg

What is Nadezhda Obolentseva's height and weight?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and became best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the celebrity’s parameters.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva’s height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

What is Tatyana Denisova's height and weight?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She gained the greatest fame as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and director dance group"JB ballet" in Germany; one of the permanent jury members and choreographer of the Ukrainian television project “Everybody Dance!” , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project “Dancing”.

On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to real data, no one knows in reality

Tatiana Denisova's height is 166cm

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58 kg

How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet famous actor a height of 177-178 cm and a weight of 79 kg are attributed. No one knows how reliable and accurate the stated data is

Anton Makarsky's height is 177-178cm

Anton Makarsky's weight is 79 kg

What is the height and weight of Sergei Kucherov?

Sergei Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. Reached best known thanks to their sporting success in the field of bodybuilding and TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergei Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these stated parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergei Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Sergei Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg

All people strive to look slim and fit; everyone wants their figure to be admired by others. But the current fashion for excessive thinness, unfortunately, does not suit everyone. For example, once upon a time, Lviv resident Anzhelika Varum went a little overboard with her recent weight loss.

Angelica's diet periodically appears in many glossy magazines. The petite singer has always been moderately slim. In her early interviews, she said that she does not resort to any weight loss method, and her “chiselled” figure comes from nature.

Angelica does not like to play sports, denies any training, explaining that her work is quite mobile, and she does not need additional physical activity. In principle, this is understandable when you know that her height is 167 cm and her weight is 46 kg.

Although, of course, most of us have little faith in such statements by stars and doubt the veracity of their statements. Explaining this to himself by the fact that even the most gifted people, from a genetic point of view, begin to lose their shape if they begin to abuse high-calorie foods and do not exercise at all.

What does Varum eat?

Angelica is quite often credited with adhering to a special technique, the basis of which is seafood. And in fact, eating lobster, shrimp and squid can help you lose excess weight.

If you eat such delicious seafood every day during lunch and dinner, and only two servings, you will be able to satisfy your daily protein requirement. You can enrich your body with healthy omega fatty acids, as well as replenish your “baggage” of valuable microelements.

As you know, seafood can speed up metabolic processes. In addition, this diet is rich in the valuable trace element iodine. It has a positive effect on the speed of all metabolic processes, suppresses excess appetite and relieves excessive fatigue.

Those people whose diet includes foods rich in iodine feel much more energetic than those whose menu lacks this valuable microelement. From this we can conclude that eating seafood is a must.

I'll look at it in more detail singer's menu:

Breakfast: Prepare a four-white chicken omelette with steamed spinach. Eat it fresh tomato. Have a cup of coffee or tea. Or, as an option, you can eat a serving of natural wheat bran with the addition of low-fat yogurt, and one orange.
Lunch: Eat one large apple or a large fresh pear.
Dinner: cook aromatic miso soup with shrimp and salmon, eat a portion of squid with a little soy sauce.
Dinner: Boil three hundred grams of squid, shrimp, mussels, or salmon in lightly salted water. You can brighten up the dish with a glass of dry white wine, but it is better to drink herbal tea.

In addition, Angelica’s diet, which she followed during pregnancy, has long been known. Once, in one of her television interviews, the singer shared that during this wonderful period of her life she really wanted to eat carbohydrate and fatty foods, for example, Italian pasta, pizza with cheese and sauce.

However, from consuming all these fatty and not very healthy products the singer was dissuaded by her husband Leonid Agutin. He told Angelica that he had a friend who really wanted to eat pasta during pregnancy.

And during the gestation period, this woman gained almost forty kilograms of excess weight. Apparently this story influenced the singer’s wife, and she gave up the desire to consume high-calorie foods.

Pregnant Angelica ate according to all the rules of nutrition; she ate five servings of vegetables and fruits daily, ate low-fat meat, and introduced foods rich in choline and folic acid into her diet. chicken eggs and nuts.

But during tours there can be no question of any diet. It’s just that during this period the singer tries to eat less, but has a full breakfast and lunch. But before the performance itself, she doesn’t eat, except maybe drink mineral water.

According to Angelica’s own assurances, before a performance she experiences nervous tension, and this, too, to some extent helps her relieve extra pounds. After giving birth, the singer was so worried that she tried to gain some weight.

Rumors about the Varum diet

As it became known, the star weighs herself daily and periodically spends fasting days. She is prescribed the following method of emergency weight loss. For one day you need to take four hundred grams of boiled chicken and five oranges.

It is necessary to eat one hundred grams of meat and one orange every three or four hours; you should not wash down your food. A total of 4 meals and one representative of citrus fruits before going to bed if you are very hungry.

In one such fasting day, you can get rid of edema and lose one kilogram of unnecessary weight, of course, provided that the person does not use salt and eats pure boiled meat.

However, Varum herself always denied such methods; she only confirmed that she uses a diet with seafood and generally preaches healthy eating.


Before following Angelica Varum’s weight loss method, you should consult a doctor.