Position - circus art. Festival regulations

Games and entertainment for a circus party

Attention! Attention! Let's start the circus show! On stage - famous illusionist _(come up with a name)_.

Do you want to learn how to do the same? We can try! But first, you need to practice your dexterity and accuracy!

Game 1. Sleight of hand and no cheating!

Step 1. Throw the ball at the target.

Step 2. We try to put a ring on the bottle.

Step 3. We catch a duck in the pool.

I see that you are now ready for more serious challenges! Are you ready? Now I invite strongmen and tightrope walkers to the arena of our circus! Who can lift a hundred-kilogram barbell? How about walking across the thin bridge between heaven and earth? Come out! Be brave!

Game 2. Walk along the rope and lift the barbell

For the “rope” you can use a wooden pile fixed to two concrete bases. The height of the structure should not exceed 30-50 cm from the ground (this is a safety rule that will help avoid severe injuries and bruises).

And now - fatal number! I ask everyone who is afraid of tigers to move away from the arena!

Game 3. Tiger jump through the ring of fire

Now let's choose the most accurate shooter!

Game 4. Dart Throwing

At a distance of 15-20 steps you need to place a stand with glued balloons.

The essence of the task: hit the ball with a dart so that it bursts.

Game 5. Minefield

Now let's test your ability to navigate in space blindfolded!

Essence: Scatter a lot of inflated balloons on the floor. Children must catch as many of them as possible and burst them.

Game 6. Spin the plate

Essence: Children are given canes and plastic plates with a hole in the center. You need to put the plate on the cane and twist it. Whoever can keep the plate on the cane the longest will win a prize.

And now we present to your attention a show of circus acrobats!

Game 7. The mystery of the mysterious box

Essence: On the bottom of a large box we glue a sheet of Whatman paper with pre-drawn multi-colored circles. Children should be asked to put their hand into the circle and find out by touch what is hidden behind it. At this time, adult assistants should place the arm that appears on the opposite side of the circle. various items- soft toys, balls, sweets. You can also tickle your nerves a little: put ice, something sticky, prickly, etc. This will be more fun and the children will have more vivid impressions of the holiday!

Game 8. Air-water war

If your holiday coincides with very hot weather, and you spend it in the yard, give your children this entertainment: fill it with water balloons(these are grenades).

On command you need to take the balls and throw them at each other.

If you are planning such fun for your guests, warn their parents in advance. Let them bring dry clothes to the holiday so that the “little snipers” can change!

Game 9. Making clowns from plastic plates

Traditionally, before the treat, you need to offer the children a quiet game. For example, teach children to make a clown from plastic plates, knitting threads, glue, glitter and colored paper.


For children's party in style circus performance and the treat needs to be selected accordingly. These should be snacks that you can eat with your hands. Sandwiches, hot dogs, buns and pretzels, popcorn and cotton candy. As a special treat, you can offer a frozen banana with chocolate glaze, sweet cookies in the shape of various circus animals, and colorful candies.

In the first days of winter 2017, in the largest Volga region city in Russia - Ulyanovsk, the international company Sound`s Life held the International Circus Art Competition " Star Continent" 17 circus groups from different cities Russia: Ulyanovsk, Kushva, Zlatoust, Tver, Balakovo, Miass, Kirov, Tyumen, Samara, Kazan, Zarechny, etc.

They competed in 8 age categories (from 7 to 25 years old), showing their skills on main stage MBUK "Ruslan" Palace of Culture named after May 1. Admission for spectators and connoisseurs of circus art was free. The official partners of Sound`s Life also supported the competition:

  • Youth Administration of the Municipal Municipality "City of Ulyanovsk";
  • Publishing house "Planet of Music", Russia;
  • Web portal DANCERUSSIA.ru, Russia;
  • Projectcom, Russia;
  • Benefit Fund. Premiere of ideas: culture, education, sports, business”, Poland.

The goals and objectives stated in the Regulations on the International Circus Arts Competition “STAR CONTINENT”, including improving the qualifications of leaders and teachers of creative groups, and the performing skills of their students, were achieved. This was facilitated by clear planning, as well as the qualified work of the Organizing Committee and the organizers of the competition, the professionalism of the team leaders, as well as the self-discipline and creativity of the contestants themselves.

First International Circus Art Competition “Star Continent”

The competition became a bright, colorful event in cultural life Ulyanovsk. For the first time it was held as an independent, specialized event. Previously, the contestants’ performances with circus acts were held as an “original genre” nomination as part of the program of the “Star Continent” choreographic competition. Therefore, we can safely say that on December 8-10, 2017, the First International Circus Art Competition “Star Continent” took place.

More than 80 contestants competed in the categories of acrobatics, gymnastics, balancing act, light show, musical eccentricity, clowning, illusion, aerial gymnastics.

Among them were experienced performers - finalists of the competition " blue bird", "Minute of Glory", winners of the All-Russian Delphic games, as well as young artists who for the first time decided to take their circus acts to the international competition stage. The two-day competition program was intense, interesting, with an atmosphere of creativity, kindness and friendship.

Work of the jury of the “International Circus Art Competition “Star Continent”

For 2 competition days the jury had to view more than 80 circus acts and mark the best. The performances of the participants were evaluated in each nomination and age category according to criteria such as the level of circus training and performing skills, decoration programs, props, artistry, stage performance (plasticity, costume, performance culture), complexity of the program being performed.

The professional jury included:

  • Savina Valentina Mikhailovna (Moscow, Russia), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the State School of Circus and pop art named after M. N. Rumyantsev (Pencil);
  • Chindyaskin Denis (Moscow, Russia), professional juggler, golden and silver medalist world circus festivals, holder of the medal “For Strengthening the Russian State”, artist state company"Russian Circus";
  • Sergey Zolotukhin (Moscow, Russia), winner of the International Circus Art Competition in Paris, circus artist of the Filatov dynasty, aerialist.

On December 10, with the participation of jury members, a “ round table”, during which team leaders and individual contestants had the opportunity to exchange experiences, ask questions to each other and the jury, and receive comprehensive answers from them with recommendations and advice. Then master classes were held: “Aerial gymnastics” - Sergey Zolotukhin; “Juggling” – Denis Chindyaskin.

Results of the First International Circus Art Competition “Star Continent” December 8 – 10, 2017, Ulyanovsk, Russia

On December 10, a large gala concert took place, at which the names of the laureates and diploma recipients of the competition were announced. The jury members praised the hard work and excellence of all the competitors. 13 groups and individual performers of 8 numbers age categories became laureates of the first degree, 33 - second degree, 31 - third degree and 3 - diploma winners of the first and second degree. It was decided not to award the Grand Prix to anyone - several candidates for the competition won equally equal top scores. main prize. Special awards were given to:

  • Kazakov Andrey Nikolaevich, Tver, Russia – a special prize “For contribution to the development of culture and art” and a gift certificate of 5,000 rubles for participation in the International Circus Art Competition “Star Continent” on December 1-2, 2018 in Ulyanovsk, Russia .
  • Artem Maryin, Olga Bagautdinova, Zlatoust, Russia – a special prize in the category “Prize audience choice"and a gift certificate of 1,000 rubles for participation in the International Circus Art Competition "Starry Continent" on December 1-2, 2018 in Ulyanovsk, Russia.
  • Ostroukhova Svetlana Pavlovna, Kushva, Russia – special prize International company Sound`s Life in the category “Best Teacher”.
  • Nefedova Elena Evgenievna, Zlatoust, Russia – a special award from the Benefit Fund in the nomination “For the best stage image”, number “Thumbelina”.
  • Andreeva Irina Anatolyevna, Ulyanovsk, Russia – a special prize from the publishing house “Planet of Music” in the category “Climbing Olympus”, as well as a gift certificate with a nominal value of 1000 rubles for the purchase methodological literature in the bookcase on the website www.site.
  • Ekaterina Kanaeva, Ulyanovsk, Russia – a special award from the creative association “Celentano” in the nomination “Youngest participant”.
  • Darina Toropova, Kushva, Russia – special prize Government institution circus and pop art named after M. N. Rumyantsev (Pencil).
  • Davtyan Svetlana Anatolyevna, Tyumen, Russia – a special prize from the Youth Administration of the Moscow Region “Ulyanovsk” in the category “Step to a Dream”.
  • Levkovskaya Varvara, Ulyanovsk, Russia - a special prize and diploma “For Artistry”.

Young, young performers, captivated by the magical art of circus, rose onto the stage one after another, and the stage was illuminated by the shining faces and smiles of the winners brighter than the spotlights. All of them were presented with awards. Full list laureates and diploma holders of the competition are published (the “Results” tab).

The spectators who watched the competition and came to the gala concert truly enjoyed the mesmerizing performances of the best of the best performers.

The New Year 2018 also promises to be bright, interesting, creative and multifaceted.

See you again on the competition stage with Sound’s Life!

Why do we love the circus and why do we go to it? Some people take their children there, while others like it themselves. After all, upon crossing the threshold of the circus, even adults’ eyes light up with a mischievous sparkle. Eat cotton candy, multi-colored popcorn, take a photo with a teddy bear, and at the same time cuddle it... Who wouldn’t like that?! And the performance in the circus... Both adults and children, as if spellbound, without taking their eyes off the stage, watch the circus performance, forgetting about everything in the world.

As we know, there are a great many genres in the circus. This is acrobatics. And athletics, tightrope walking, gymnastics, illusion, training, juggling and, of course, clowning.

Where did our clowns come from? They first appeared in Rus' in the form of buffoons. This collective image people: a wandering singer, a masterful storyteller, and an actor. The people liked his buffoonish disposition and character. From time immemorial people have loved buffoons. And today they love clowns.

It should be noted that a circus clown is a jack of all trades. A clown must be able not only to parody acts, but also to be at the same time an acrobat, musician, juggler, and even a trainer! A clown is a very important member of the circus, which with its versatility, skill, and image brightly complements and colors the circus in the bright colors of rainbow laughter. And, of course, clowns instill desperate joy and love of life into people’s hearts.

History tells us that the art of clowning, alas, has no traditions. This is almost the only genre in which no dynastic traditions can be traced throughout the history of the circus. Perhaps this did not happen because the clown is a unique phenomenon. He is inimitable, always unique and original. Each image is dynamic, it develops over time.

So what is the circus as a phenomenon? Man has always strived for the unknown, the unknown, the extraordinary, going beyond everyday life. Admiration for the agility and speed of acrobats, the flexibility and plasticity of gymnasts, the grace of tightrope walkers, and the undoubtedly impressive courage of tamers and the unraveling of tricks and tricks of illusionists. We are proud of the performers on the circus stage. We are proud and imagine within ourselves that we are just as strong, brave, dexterous and flexible. The manifestation of higher, unusual abilities has always attracted people. It was alluring and fascinating. And this whole picture is very harmoniously and stylishly complemented by the jokes and tricks of the clowns, which can make everyone who comes to the circus laugh. Optimism is the most important trait that a circus brings. And this is very important for all of us, because... optimism is our engine, it is our companion on the road to higher goals. And the circus helps us recharge with this same optimism.

on holding an open All-Russian festival-competition children's and youth creative groups "Carnival in Sochi"

General provisions

This regulation regulates the procedure for organizing and holding the open All-Russian festival-competition of children, youth and youth creative groups “Carnival in Sochi” (hereinafter referred to as the festival-competition) in the resort city of Sochi from May 23 to May 30, 2019.

Participants in the festival-competition are members of the association of children's and youth creativity "LIRA-SH". Children's and youth circus groups of cities Russian Federation, from near and far abroad who have applied to join the association (submit an application)

Target: Increased motivation to creative activity, creating conditions for implementation creative potential talented children and teenagers, gaining competitive experience, increasing the level of aesthetic performance of performances; intensification of the activities of children's associations involved in artistic creativity.


  • Promotion of children's and youth's artistic creativity.
  • Organization and holding of the festival-competition “Carnival in Sochi”.
  • Promoting the development of the spiritual and moral foundations of the personality of children and adolescents, their creativity, through involvement in creative activity.
  • Generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience of teachers additional education– leaders of children's and youth associations.
  • Exchange creative achievements, expanding interaction and cooperation of cultural organizations and creative groups from different cities and countries.

Founder of the festival-competition

Partners of the festival-competition

Department of Culture of the Sochi City Administration;

Department of Education and Science of the Sochi City Administration.

Organizing committee of the festival-competition:

Municipal budgetary institution additional education "Center for Extracurricular Activities" in Sochi;

Autonomous non-profit organization children's and youth creativity "LIRA-SH".

Organizing Committee:

  • approves the event preparation plan;
  • considers issues arising during the preparation of the Festival;
  • organizes work on preparing and conducting the qualifying round of the Festival;
  • interacts with the media;
  • organizes the Gala performance;
  • organizes the work of the jury.

Conditions of participation

Participants of the festival-competition can be creative teams, theaters, schools, studios of cultural institutions, teenage and youth clubs, educational institutions and other departments that have applied to join the association. The age of the participants is from 5 to 25 years.

Requirements for all nominations:

  • Performances of all groups must be performed to a soundtrack
  • all phonograms must be provided on a USB drive (flash drive) of a high technical level
  • sequence competitive performances determined by the organizing committee.
  • For rooms requiring lighting design, it is necessary to provide a lighting score.
  • The winners of the festival and those selected by the jury and the festival organizing committee take part in the gala concert.
  • The organizing committee has the right to remove an act from the festival program that threatens the health and life of the performers.

To participate in the festival-competition, you must submit an application to join the association (on home page website www.sochi.kids-festifal.ru)

Attention! Fill in for each number separate form applications. The deadline for submitting an application and video recording is April 30, 2019.

The head of the delegation is responsible for the life and health of children during the festival-competition.

Nominations and age groups

Circus art:

Basic requirements:

  • The duration of solo and pair performances is no more than 5 minutes (the assistant is not a participant in the performance)
  • 3 or more people can take part in group rooms. The duration of the number is no more than 6 minutes
  • It is prohibited to display numbers from broken glass, with fire and other attributes where the life and health of the performers are endangered.
  • when using aerial and other equipment in the rooms, participants must have technical passports and/or certificates of conformity for manufactured props.
  • Air numbers that do not have insurance will not be considered.
  • it is necessary to have cable equipment of the correct “starter”;
  • checkels, carbines, rotation machines must have factory markings and have certificates of conformity.

Evaluation criteria: artistry, originality of the image, complexity of the stunt repertoire, design of props, equipment, costume, performer’s hairstyle, makeup style.


Age groups: 5-9 years old, 10-13 years old, 14-18 years old, 15-18 years old, 19-25 years old.

Numbers are performed in the following areas:

  • folk dance - dance different nationalities, with consistency of style and technique;
  • modern dance - traditional pop character dances, disco, classical jazz, tap, jazz-modern, modern;
  • classical dance;
  • sports dance - ballroom, cheerleading, rock and roll;
  • street dancing – Locking, Popping, Hip-Hop, House, Break-Dance, Crump, Whacking, Vogue, Street Jazz, Dancehall, C-Walk, Electro;

Basic requirements:

Duration of each speech: no more than 5 minutes. If the specified time is exceeded, the jury has the right to stop the phonogram.

Evaluation criteria: level of performing skills; originality, complexity dance moves; compositional structure dance; artistry of the participants; entertainment; general level of musical and artistic culture, costume.

Ttheater mod:

There are no age restrictions.

Participants represent competitive program in the form of shows consisting of one or several themes, performed by professionals or the participants themselves at a high artistic level.

Basic requirements:

The program should consist of a theatrical display of a collection of costume models, made on the basis of a single artistic concept and style solution.

The duration of display of one collection is no more than 5 minutes.

Evaluation criteria: costume design (concept, aesthetics); integrity of the composition, a single concept, originality of the director's decision; consistency in style (costume, hairstyle, choreography, musical accompaniment); artistry of performance; plastic arts and choreography; musical arrangement; preservation of traditions.

Dates and venue

On May 25 at 18:00-19:00 there will be a carnival procession of festival participants as part of the celebration of the opening of the resort season in the city of Sochi.

Conditions (Procedure)

The first qualifying round takes place based on video materials sent by the teams no later than April 30, 2019.

The second (main) round takes place in 3 days on concert venues city ​​of Sochi.

Festival jury

Outstanding cultural and artistic figures of Russia and professional artists. The list of jury members will be published on the festival website www.sochi.kids-festifal.ru no later than May 15, 2019. Also in parallel with the professional jury, will work children's jury(winners of the “Gifted Children” grands)

The performance of the numbers is assessed on a 5-point system (5 points is the maximum). Diplomas are awarded to participants based on the sum of the final marks of all jury members.

Awarding the winners:

The winners of the festival-competition are evaluated by a jury according to the protocols.

Based on the results of the competition, the following are awarded:

  • Festival Grand Prix (winner among all age categories)
  • 1st degree laureate (according to nominations and age categories)
  • Laureate 2nd degree (according to nominations and age categories)
  • Laureate 3rd degree (according to nominations and age categories)
  • Diploma 1st degree (according to nominations and age categories)
  • Diploma holder 2nd degree (according to nominations and age categories)
  • Diploma holder of the 3rd degree (according to nominations and age categories)
  • Winners' diplomas for individual numbers 1; 2; 3rd place

Sponsors and other organizations have the right to award special prizes and gifts.

The award ceremony takes place the day after the performance of the creative act.


Expenses for travel to the city of Sochi and back, accommodation, food are borne by the sending party.

The festival is held through sponsorship and the association of children's and youth creativity "LIRA-SH".

The organizers of the festival-competition provide:

– Assistance with accommodation of festival participants and guests in the resort city of Sochi. For three programs:

  • Guest house or hostel – from 700 rub. (accommodation in guest houses)
  • Hotel “Primorskaya” – 1000 rubles. (breakfast and accommodation) number of places is limited.
  • Sanatorium – from 2100 rub. (accommodation in a sanatorium, 3 meals a day)

Transfer (Sochi train station/airport – accommodation location – Sochi train station/airport) is provided upon prior request and is paid additionally.

Information about the exact place of accommodation and the cost of accommodation will be provided no later than 2 months before the festival