Leonid Averbakh. Leopold Leonidovich Averbakh: biography

) - Soviet literary critic, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, editor-in-chief (according to other sources - executive editor) of the magazine “At the Literary Post”, Komsomol leader.

After returning from abroad, Averbakh was appointed editor of the Young Guard magazine on the recommendation of Trotsky; despite this, Averbakh soon began to focus on the latter’s competitors - first Bukharin, then Stalin. He edited the newspaper "Ural Worker". Member of the editorial board of “At the post”, and since the founding of the magazine “At the literary post” - its executive editor. He pursued a policy in the magazine of ousting writers whom he considered “fellow travelers”, together with V. Bill-Belotserkovsky, V. Kirshon, he persecuted Mikhail Bulgakov.



He was married to Elena Vladimirovna Bonch-Bruevich, daughter of V.D. Bonch-Bruevich.

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  • Issues of the youth movement and Lenin. M.: Young Guard, 1924. (preface by L. Trotsky)
  • Bolshevik spring. M.: Ogonyok, 1925.
  • For proletarian literature. L., Priboy, 1925.
  • Our literary differences. L., Priboy, 1927.
  • On the tasks of proletarian literature. M., 1928.
  • We are rebuilding. M.: Federation, 1930. - 72 p.
  • In memory of Mayakovsky. M.-L., 1930, 2nd ed. - 1931.
  • The writer is sick (together with Marietta Shaginyan). M.-L.: GIZ, 1927.
  • Modern literature and issues of the cultural revolution. GIZ, 1928.
  • Cultural Revolution and questions modern literature. M., 1928.
  • Controversial issues of the cultural revolution. M., 1929
  • Who and why are we fighting? M., 1930
  • For the hegemony of proletarian literature. M., OGIZ-GIHL, 1931
  • From Rapp's diary. L., ed. writers, 1931
  • Against Menshevism in literary criticism. M., 1931
  • Critical articles. M, 1932
  • On the paths of the cultural revolution. M., Moscow worker, 1928, 1929.




An excerpt characterizing Averbakh, Leopold Leonidovich

- Capitaine Ramball du treizieme leger, decore pour l "affaire du Sept, [Captain Ramball, thirteenth light regiment, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor for the cause of the seventh of September," he introduced himself with a smug, uncontrollable smile that wrinkled his lips under his mustache. - Voudrez vous bien me dire a present, a qui" j"ai l"honneur de parler aussi agreablement au lieu de rester a l"ambulance avec la balle de ce fou dans le corps. [Will you be so kind as to tell me now who I am with I have the honor of talking so pleasantly, instead of being at a dressing station with a bullet from this madman in my body?]
Pierre replied that he could not say his name, and, blushing, began, trying to invent a name, to talk about the reasons why he could not say this, but the Frenchman hastily interrupted him.
“De grace,” he said. – Je comprends vos raisons, vous etes officier... officier superieur, peut être. Vous avez porte les armes contre nous. Ce n"est pas mon affaire. Je vous dois la vie. Cela me suffit. Je suis tout a vous. Vous etes gentilhomme? [To be complete, please. I understand you, you are an officer... a staff officer, perhaps. You served against us . This is not my business. I owe you my life. This is enough for me, and I am all yours. Are you a nobleman?] - he added with a hint of a question. Pierre bowed his head. - Votre nom de bapteme, s"il vous plait? Je ne demande pas davantage. Monsieur Pierre, dites vous... Parfait. C "est tout ce que je desire savoir. [Your name? I don’t ask anything else. Monsieur Pierre, did you say? Great. That’s all I need.]
When fried lamb, scrambled eggs, a samovar, vodka and wine from the Russian cellar, which the French had brought with them, were brought, Rambal asked Pierre to take part in this dinner and immediately, greedily and quickly, like a healthy and hungry person, began to eat, quickly chewing with his strong teeth, constantly smacking his lips and saying excellent, exquis! [wonderful, excellent!] His face was flushed and covered with sweat. Pierre was hungry and gladly took part in the dinner. Morel, the orderly, brought a saucepan with warm water and put a bottle of red wine in it. In addition, he brought a bottle of kvass, which he took from the kitchen for testing. This drink was already known to the French and received its name. They called kvass limonade de cochon (pork lemonade), and Morel praised this limonade de cochon, which he found in the kitchen. But since the captain had wine obtained during the passage through Moscow, he provided kvass to Morel and took up a bottle of Bordeaux. He wrapped the bottle up to the neck in a napkin and poured himself and Pierre some wine. Satisfied hunger and wine revived the captain even more, and he talked incessantly during dinner.
- Oui, mon cher monsieur Pierre, je vous dois une fiere chandelle de m"avoir sauve... de cet enrage... J"en ai assez, voyez vous, de balles dans le corps. En voila une (he pointed to his side) a Wagram et de deux a Smolensk,” he showed the scar that was on his cheek. - Et cette jambe, comme vous voyez, qui ne veut pas marcher. C"est a la grande bataille du 7 a la Moskowa que j"ai recu ca. Sacre dieu, c"etait beau. Il fallait voir ca, c"etait un deluge de feu. Vous nous avez taille une rude besogne; vous pouvez vous en vanter, nom d"un petit bonhomme. Et, ma parole, malgre l"atoux que j"y ai gagne, je serais pret a recommencer. Je plains ceux qui n"ont pas vu ca. [Yes, my dear Mr. Pierre, I am obliged to light a good candle for you because you saved me from this madman. You see, I've had enough of the bullets that are in my body. Here is one near Wagram, the other near Smolensk. And this leg, you see, doesn’t want to move. This was during the big battle of the 7th near Moscow. ABOUT! it was wonderful! You should have seen it was a flood of fire. You gave us a difficult job, you can boast about it. And by God, despite this trump card (he pointed to the cross), I would be ready to start all over again. I feel sorry for those who did not see this.]
“J"y ai ete, [I was there],” said Pierre.
- Bah, vraiment! “Eh bien, tant mieux,” said the Frenchman. – Vous etes de fiers ennemis, tout de meme. La grande redoute a ete tenace, nom d"une pipe. Et vous nous l"avez fait cranement payer. J"y suis alle trois fois, tel que vous me voyez. Trois fois nous etions sur les canons et trois fois on nous a culbute et comme des capucins de cartes. Oh!! c"etait beau, Monsieur Pierre. Vos grenadiers ont ete superbes, tonnerre de Dieu. Je les ai vu six fois de suite serrer les rangs, et marcher comme a une revue. Les beaux hommes! Notre roi de Naples, qui s"y connait a crie: bravo! Ah, ah! soldat comme nous autres! - he said, smiling, after a moment of silence. - Tant mieux, tant mieux, monsieur Pierre. Terribles en bataille... galants... - he winked with a smile, - avec les belles, voila les Francais, monsieur Pierre, n "est ce pas? [Bah, really? All the better. You are fierce enemies, I must admit. The big redoubt held up well, damn it. And you made us pay dearly. I've been there three times, as you can see me. Three times we were on the guns, three times we were knocked over like card soldiers. Your grenadiers were magnificent, by God. I saw how their ranks closed six times and how they marched out like a parade. Wonderful people! Our Neapolitan king, who ate the dog in these matters, shouted to them: bravo! - Ha, ha, so you are our brother soldier! - So much the better, so much the better, Mr. Pierre. Terrible in battle, kind to beauties, these are the French, Mr. Pierre. Is not it?]
The captain was so naively and good-naturedly cheerful, whole-hearted, and pleased with himself that Pierre almost winked himself, looking at him cheerfully. Probably the word “galant” made the captain think about the situation in Moscow.
- A propos, dites, donc, est ce vrai que toutes les femmes ont quitte Moscow? Une drole d"idee! Qu"avaient elles a craindre? [By the way, please tell me, is it true that all the women left Moscow? A strange thought, what were they afraid of?]
– Est ce que les dames francaises ne quitteraient pas Paris si les Russes y entraient? [Wouldn’t the French ladies leave Paris if the Russians entered it?] said Pierre.
“Ah, ah, ah!..” The Frenchman laughed cheerfully, sanguineally, patting Pierre on the shoulder. - Ah! “elle est forte celle la,” he said. – Paris? Mais Paris Paris... [Ha, ha, ha!.. But he said something. Paris?.. But Paris... Paris...]
“Paris la capitale du monde... [Paris is the capital of the world...],” said Pierre, finishing his speech.
The captain looked at Pierre. He had the habit of stopping in the middle of a conversation and looking intently with laughing, affectionate eyes.
- Eh bien, si vous ne m"aviez pas dit que vous etes Russe, j"aurai parie que vous etes Parisien. Vous avez ce je ne sais, quoi, ce... [Well, if you hadn’t told me that you were Russian, I would have bet that you were a Parisian. There is something about you, this...] - and, having said this compliment, he again looked silently.

Leopold Averbakh was born in Saratov. Father - Leonid Isaakovich Averbakh, owner of a shipping company on the Volga. Mother - Sofya Mikhailovna (nee Sverdlova; 1882-1951), sister of Yakov Sverdlova.

From the fifth grade of the gymnasium he goes to Komsomol work and is elected a member of the Komsomol Central Committee of the first convocation. Then - secretary of the Moscow Committee of the RKSM, editor of Youthful Truth (1920). Member of the RCP(b) since 1920. Works abroad through the Communist Youth International.

After returning from abroad, on the recommendation of Trotsky, Averbakh was appointed editor of the Young Guard magazine. He edited the newspaper "Ural Worker". Member of the editorial board of “At the Post”, and since the founding of the magazine “At the Literary Post” - its executive editor. He pursued a policy in the magazine of ousting writers whom he considered “fellow travelers.” One of the founders of RAPP, Gen. Secretary of the VAPP (1926-1932). Co-editor of the book "Stalin Canal" (1934). Until 1937 - 1st Secretary of the Ordzhonikidze District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) ( Sverdlovsk region)


Of Averbakh’s theoretical and journalistic works, the most famous are his discussions: with Voronsky - about the possibility of the existence of proletarian literature, with Pletnev - about the essence proletarian culture and proletkulte.

In addition to journalistic articles devoted directly to literary topics, Averbakh was involved in developing issues of the youth movement and problems of the cultural revolution.

Averbakh, Leopold Leonidovich

Genus. in the mountains Saratov, in a bourgeois family. From the 5th grade of the gymnasium he goes to Komsomol work and is elected a member of the Komsomol Central Committee of the 1st convocation. Then - secretary of the Moscow Committee of the RKSM, editor of Youthful Truth. Works abroad through the Communist Youth International. Upon returning from abroad, Averbakh edits the magazine "Young Guard" and the newspaper "Ural Worker"; member of the editorial board of "At the Post", and since the founding of the magazine "At the Literary Post" - answer, its editor. One of the founders of VAPP. Of Averbakh's theoretical and journalistic works, the most important are his discussions with Voronsky about the possibility of the existence of proletarian literature, and with Pletnev about the essence of proletarian culture and proletarian culture.

In addition to journalistic articles devoted directly to literary topics, A. was involved in developing issues of the youth movement and problems of the cultural revolution.

Bibliography: Books by A.: “Bolshevik Spring”, “For Proletarian Literature”, “Our Literary Disagreements”, “The Writer is Sick” (together with Marietta Shaginyan), “Modern Literature and Issues of the Cultural Revolution”. The most valuable popularization works of A: “Lenin and the youth movement”, with a preface by L. Trotsky, “On the paths of the cultural revolution”.

(Lit. enc.)

Averb A x, Leopold Leonidovich

Genus. in 1903, d. 1939. Critic, publicist. Editor-in-chief of the magazine "At the Literary Post" (1926-32), general secretary and active figure of the RAPP. Author of collections of articles “The Cultural Revolution and Issues of Modern Literature” (1928), “On the Tasks of Proletarian Literature” (1928), etc. Repressed.

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"Averbakh, Leopold Leonidovich" in books

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Ilya Averbakh For some reason, the cult of dark talent has always dominated in Russia. Intelligent artists were treated with suspicion: they say, everything is from the mind... Of course, everything has its own explanations, but I don’t want to touch on ours here tragic story, When moral values 75 years old

Leopold the cat

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Leopold the Cat Leopold the Cat is the hero of the animated series of the same name, created in 1974–1987 at Ekran. “Animal Thriller-Musical” is so humorous genre definition there is relatively one of the most popular Soviet animated films

Ilya Averbakh

From the book Filling the Pause author Demidova Alla Sergeevna

Ilya Averbakh I unexpectedly received a call from Leningrad and asked to come to audition for Averbakh’s group. Before that, I had only been to Lenfilm with Kozintsev - I auditioned for Ophelia. This was the time when I myself wanted to play Hamlet. But being in the frame with Smoktunovsky is very


From the book Notes on Lenin. Collection author Lenin Vladimir Ilyich

L. Averbakh ABOUT LENIN'S NOTES ON V. PLETNEV'S ARTICLE The discussion that unfolded in Bolshevik on cultural issues is extremely revealing. The further we go, the more our party will have to pay attention to the cultural revolution that Lenin spoke about. After all, this

M. I. AVERBAKH MEMORIES OF V. I. LENIN (Speech delivered at a general meeting of employees, patients and visitors of the city eye hospital named after Helmholtz)

From the book Lenin. Man - thinker - revolutionary author Memories and judgments of contemporaries


From the book Companions of Chernyshevsky author Smirnov A.


From book Merry men[cultural heroes of Soviet childhood] author Lipovetsky Mark Naumovich


SULERGITSKY Leopold (Lev Leopold Maria) Antonovich

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SULERGITSKY Leopold (Lev Leopold Maria) Antonovich 15 (27).9.1872 – 17 (30).12.1916Public and theatrical figure, director, writer. In 1889–1894 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Since 1905 he acted as a director; was a co-director of a number of performances at the Moscow Art Theater, including

Lera Averbakh A word about the organ hall


Lera Averbakh A word about the organ hall A fragment from the novel “Mirror”...Chelyabinsk. Three syllables. Che-lya-binsk. Eight letters. The tongue makes a journey from the palate to the teeth to end with a sonorous smacking of the lips: Che-la-binsk! The word forever imprinted in my heart, on the tablets

Lera Averbakh

From the book Urban Romance author Bavilsky Dmitry Vladimirovich

Lera Averbakh * * * I.B. And autumn generously scatters smoke from the intoxicating leaf poison. And the grass rustles secretly about something. And now I dream more often of the house that I can no longer call my own. In it, autumn reads my hand. And I want to open up to someone, but it doesn’t matter which one

RAPP, Averbakh

From the book Thus Spoke Kaganovich author Chuev Felix Ivanovich

RAPP, Averbakh - The authorities do not need writers now. There will be a writers' convention in October. Nobody knows what he will decide - whether the Writers' Union will disintegrate or not. - Your Union was created in 1934. - On the initiative of Gorky. - Not on the initiative of Gorky, it was created on the initiative of the Central Committee. After all

Leopold II ― Leopold I

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Leopold II? Leopold I 1747 Birth of Leopold 1640 Birth of Leopold 108 1765 Leopold becomes Grand Duke of Tuscany 1657 Leopold becomes Archduke of Austria 108 1765 Leopold marries the daughter of the Spanish king 1666 Leopold marries the daughter of the Spanish

Averbakh Mikhail Iosifovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AV) by the author TSB

Leopold I

From the book All the Monarchs of the World. Western Europe author Ryzhov Konstantin Vladislavovich

Leopold I of the Habsburg dynasty. King of Hungary in 1655 -1687. King of the Czech Republic in 1656-1705. German king 1658–1690 Emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" in 1658-1705. Son of Ferdinand III and Maria Anna of Spain.J.: 1) from December 5. 1666 Margaret Theresa, daughter of King Philip IV of Spain

No. 49. Defense of Caro-Kann Romanovsky Averbakh

From the book Selected Games author Romanovsky Petr Arsenievich

No. 49. Defense of Caro-Kann Romanovsky Averbakh Training tournament, Moscow, 19441. e2-e4 c7-c62. d2-d4 d7-d53. Kbl-сЗ d5:e44. Kc3:e4 Kg8-f65. Ke4:f6+ e7:f6I personally prefer 5...g7:f6, but I hesitate to say that a plan based on this move promises Black better opportunities than with 5. . . e7:f6.

From the fifth grade of the gymnasium he goes to Komsomol work and is elected a member of the Komsomol Central Committee of the first convocation. Then - secretary of the Moscow Committee of the RKSM, editor of Youthful Truth (1920). Member of the RCP(b) since 1920. Works abroad through the Communist Youth International.

After returning from abroad, on the recommendation of Trotsky, Averbakh was appointed editor of the Young Guard magazine. He edited the newspaper "Ural Worker". Member of the editorial board of “At the Post”, and since the founding of the magazine “At the Literary Post” - its executive editor. He pursued a policy in the magazine of ousting writers whom he considered “fellow travelers.” One of the founders of RAPP, Gen. Secretary of the VAPP (1926-1932). Co-editor of the book "Stalin Canal" (1934). Until 1937 - 1st Secretary of the Ordzhonikidze District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Sverdlovsk Region)


Of Averbakh's theoretical and journalistic works, the most famous are his discussions: with Voronsky - about the possibility of the existence of proletarian literature, with Pletnev - about the essence of proletarian culture and proletarian culture.

In addition to journalistic articles devoted directly to literary topics, Averbakh was involved in developing issues of the youth movement and problems of the cultural revolution.

Averbakh, L. (born in 1903) - member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1919, an active worker in the youth movement from the very beginning of the revolution. In 1919 he joined the first composition of the Central Committee of the RKSM and from the same year a member of the CPSU (b). In 1922 - 1924 edited the "Young Guard", from 1924/25 he conducted party work in the Urals, where he edited the newspaper "Uralsky Rabochiy". Currently he edits the magazine "On a Literary Post". Published the following works: “Issues of the Youth Movement and Lenin” (1924) and “For Proletarian Literature” (1926).

Averbakh, Leopold Leonidovich (1903, Saratov, - 1939) - owl. literary figure and critic. In 1918 he left the 5th grade of the gymnasium and took up active Komsomol work. In the same year he became a member of the Komsomol Central Committee and editor of the first Komsomol newspaper “Youthful Truth”. In 1920 - member of the leadership of the Communist Youth International (KIM). In the 1920s-1930s, he was one of the leaders of the literary group “On Post,” known for its attacks on “fellow travelers” writers. In 1922 he published the book “Lenin and the Youth Movement.” 1922-1924 executive editor of the magazine “Young Guard”. Since 1924 - editor of the newspaper "Ural Worker". 1926-1932 - General Secretary RAPP and editor of the magazine "On a Literary Post". A. actively fought for the leading role of the proletariat on the literary and creative front. After the liquidation of the RAPP (1932), A. participated in the preparation of I All-Union Congress Soviet writers. One of the authors of the collection “Canal named after. Stalin", glorifying the labor of prisoners (1934). In 1937, A. and his associates were declared a “Trotskyist group in literature” and arrested. A. died in custody.

A. V. Safronova.

Russian historical encyclopedia. T. 1. M., 2015, p. 69.

Averbakh Leopold Leonidovich (1903 - 14.8.1939), literary critic. Relative Ya.M. Sverdlova, brother-in-law G.G. Berries. In the 1920s - 1930s. Averbakh was one of the leaders of the militant group in Soviet literature "On Post", editor of the magazine of the same name. In 1925 he compiled the “April Theses”, in which he declared that the causes of the crisis in literature were “the transition of the press department of the Central Committee from hostile neutrality to hostile actions against the Nazis.” In 1926, the magazine "Bolshevik" made a statement about the intensification of the class struggle in culture: "Who will outwork whom - will the masses be able to break the old culture into bricks, or will the building of an integral old culture be stronger than proletarian culturalism." Actively opposed L.D. Trotsky, for which he was later accused of “creating even the appearance of loud, irreconcilable hostility with Trotsky, Vronsky, Bukharin". Averbakh was one of 3 editors (together with M. Gorky) a collection in which Soviet writers and cultural figures glorified the labor of prisoners during the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal (1934). In the “On Post” group, Averbakh tried to establish a personal dictatorship, attacking those writers whom he considered “fellow travelers.” His image is depicted on the face of one of the most aggressive literary critics in the novel. M.A. Bulgakov"Master and Margarita". Contributed to the appearance of the poem D. Bedny“Get off the press,” after which he put forward the slogan of “drug-making” literature. In 1937, Averbakh and his associates were arrested, and the Group of Averbakh, Kirshon, Afinogenov and Co. was declared a “Trotskyist group in literature.” According to the critic V.Ya. Kirpotin, they “proved that they were the most orthodox, the best proponents of the party line in literature.” "Averbakhism is poison and decay in literary environment"- wrote Kirpotin. On May 26, 1937, the “minions” of A. - V. Kirshon, Bruno Yasensky, A. Afinogenov and K. Gorbunov were excluded from the board of the Writers' Union. Sentenced to death penalty. Shot. Posthumously rehabilitated.

Materials used from the book: Zalessky K.A. Stalin's Empire. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow, Veche, 2000.


Averbakh L. Cultural revolution and issues of modern literature. M.-L., 1928; Averbakh L. On the tasks of proletarian literature. M.-L., 1928; Criticism of 1917-1932. M., 2003; Averbakh L. Our literary differences. L., 1927; Sheshukov S. Fierce zealots. From the history literary struggle 20s. M., 1970.