The image of Tatyana Larina briefly. Characteristics of Tatyana Larina

In Alexander Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", of course, the main in a feminine way is Tatyana Larina. The love story of this girl was later sung by both playwrights and composers. In our article, the characterization of Tatyana Larina is constructed from the point of view of her assessment by the author and in comparison with her sister Olga. Both of these characters in the work are shown as completely opposite natures. Of course, we must not forget about love line novel. In relation to Onegin, the heroine also shows us certain sides of her character. We will analyze all these aspects further so that the characterization of Tatyana Larina is as complete as possible. First, let's get to know her sister and herself.

We can talk about the main character of the novel for a very long time and a lot. But Pushkin showed the image of her sister, Olga Larina, quite succinctly. The poet considers her virtues to be modesty, obedience, simplicity and cheerfulness. The author saw the same character traits in almost every village young lady, so he makes it clear to the reader that he is bored describing her. Olga has the banal feel of a village girl. But the author presents the image of Tatyana Larina as more mysterious and complex. If we talk about Olga, then main value for her is a cheerful, carefree life. Of course, Lensky’s love is present in her, but she does not understand his feelings. Here Pushkin is trying to show her pride, which is absent if we consider the character of Tatyana Larina. Olga, this simple-minded girl, is unfamiliar with complex spiritual work, so she took the death of her groom lightly, quickly replacing him with the “love flattery” of another man.

Comparative analysis of the image of Tatyana Larina

Against the background of her sister’s rustic simplicity, Tatyana seems to us and the author to be a perfect woman. Pushkin states this quite directly, calling the heroine of his work a “sweet ideal.” Brief description Tatiana Larina is inappropriate here. This is a multifaceted character, the girl understands the reasons for her feelings and actions, and even analyzes them. This once again proves that Tatyana and Olga Larina are absolute opposites, although they are sisters and were brought up in the same cultural environment.

Author's assessment of Tatyana's character

What kind of main character does Pushkin present to us? Tatyana is characterized by simplicity, leisurely, thoughtfulness. Special attention the poet pays attention to such a quality of her character as belief in mysticism. Signs, legends, changes in the phase of the moon - she notices and analyzes all this. The girl loves to tell fortunes, and also gives great value dream Pushkin did not ignore Tatyana’s love of reading. Brought up on typical women's fashion novels, the heroine sees her love as if through a book prism, idealizing it. She loves winter with all its disadvantages: darkness, twilight, cold and snow. Pushkin also emphasizes that the heroine of the novel has a “Russian soul” - this important point in order for Tatyana Larina’s characterization to be as complete and understandable as possible for the reader.

The influence of village customs on the character of the heroine

Pay attention to the time in which the subject of our conversation lives. This is the first half of the 19th century, which means that the characteristics of Tatyana Larina are, in fact, the characteristics of Pushkin’s contemporaries. The character of the heroine is reserved and modest, and reading her description given to us by the poet, we can note that we learn practically nothing about the girl’s appearance. Thus, Pushkin makes it clear that it is not important external beauty, A internal features character. Tatyana is young, but looks like an adult and an established person. She did not like children's games and playing with dolls, she was attracted mysterious stories and love suffering. After all, the heroines of your favorite novels always go through a number of difficulties and experience suffering. Tatyana Larina's image is harmonious, dim, but surprisingly sensual. Such people are often found in real life.

Tatyana Larina in a love relationship with Evgeny Onegin

How do we see the main character when it comes to love? She meets Evgeniy Onegin, already being internally ready for a relationship. She is “waiting for... someone,” Alexander Pushkin carefully points this out to us. But don’t forget where Tatyana Larina lives. The characteristics of her love relationships also depend on the strange village customs. This is manifested in the fact that Eugene Onegin visits the girl’s family only once, but people around are already talking about engagement and marriage. In response to these rumors, Tatyana begins to consider the main character as the object of her admiration. From this we can conclude that Tatyana’s experiences are far-fetched and artificial. She carries all her thoughts within herself, melancholy and sadness live in her loving soul.

Tatyana's famous message, its motives and consequences

And the feelings turn out to be so strong that there is a need to express them by continuing the relationship with Evgeniy, but he no longer comes. According to the etiquette requirements of those times, it was impossible for a girl to take the first step; it was considered a frivolous and ugly act. But Tatyana finds a way out - she writes love letter Onegin. Reading it, we see that Tatyana is a very noble, pure person, high thoughts reign in her soul, she is strict with herself. Eugene’s refusal to accept her love girl is, of course, discouraging, but the feeling in his heart does not go away. She tries to understand his actions, and she succeeds.

Tatyana after unsuccessful love

Realizing that Onegin prefers quick hobbies, Tatyana goes to Moscow. Here we already see a completely different person in her. She overcame the blind, unrequited feeling within herself.

But Tatyana feels like a stranger, she is far from his bustle, glitter, gossip and attends dinners most often in the company of her mother. Unsuccessful made her indifferent to all subsequent hobbies of the opposite sex. That integral character, which we observed at the beginning of the novel “Eugene Onegin,” is shown by Pushkin as broken and destroyed by the end of the work. As a result, Tatyana Larina remained a “black sheep” in high society, but her inner purity and pride were able to help others see a true lady in her. Her aloof behavior and at the same time unmistakable knowledge of the rules of etiquette, politeness and hospitality attracted attention, but at the same time forced her to remain at a distance, so Tatyana was above gossip.

The final choice of the heroine

At the end of the novel “Eugene Onegin,” Pushkin, completing the plot, gives his “sweet ideal” a happy family life. Tatyana Larina has grown spiritually, but even in the last lines of the novel she confesses her love to Eugene Onegin. At the same time, this feeling no longer has power over her; she makes a conscious choice in favor of loyalty to her lawful husband and virtue.

Onegin also pays attention to Tatyana, “new” to him. He doesn’t even suspect that she hasn’t changed, she just “outgrew” him and “got over” her old self. painful love. Therefore, she rejected his advances. This is what appears before us main character"Eugene Onegin". Her main character traits are strong will, self-confidence, good character. Unfortunately, Pushkin showed in his work how unhappy such people can be, because they see that the world is not at all what they would like. Tatyana has a difficult fate, but her desire for personal happiness helps her overcome all adversity.

Tatyana Larina is the heroine of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”. This is a girl from the provinces, who grew up on her parents' rural estate, surrounded by nature and simple peasants.

“So, she was called Tatyana.

Nor beauty his sister,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer is timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger.

She didn't know how to caress

To your father, nor to your mother;

Child herself, in a crowd of children

I didn’t want to play or jump

And often alone all day

I sat silently by the window..."

Tatyana's character is thoughtful, dreamy. Since childhood, she loves to read books, listen to the nanny's stories - instead of doing needlework, preening, twirling in front of the mirror - that is, doing what other girls do.

"Thoughtfulness, her friend

From the most lullabies of days,

The flow of rural leisure

Decorated her with dreams.

And there were children's pranks

Alien to her: scary stories

In winter in the dark of nights

They captivated her heart more..."

Young Tatyana naively believes in everything written in books. romantic love, which novels are full of, captivates her. She herself is capable of falling in love as deeply, as passionately, as it is written in the books.

“She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Rousseau..."

When does it appear in the county? new neighbor, Eugene Onegin, he becomes the hero of Tatiana's novel. Onegin is smart, knows how to present himself, and is also well-groomed and good-looking. He came from the capital and clearly stands out for his way of thinking and his unique personality among his boring and standard landowner neighbors. Tatiana falls in love with him.

“Her imagination has long been

Burning with bliss and melancholy,

Hungry for fatal food;

Long-time heartache

Her young breasts were tight;

The soul was waiting for... someone..."

Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin, where she confesses her feelings. She has no thoughts of playing, flirting, or luring her chosen one with some tricks:

“Why is Tatyana more guilty?

Because in sweet simplicity

She knows no deception

And believes in his chosen dream?

Because he loves without art,

Obedient to the attraction of feelings,

Why is she so trusting?

What is gifted from heaven

With a rebellious imagination,

Alive in mind and will,

And wayward head,

And with a fiery and tender heart?...”

“...The coquette judges in cold blood.

Tatiana loves seriously

And he surrenders unconditionally

Love like a sweet child.

She doesn’t say: let’s put it aside -

We will multiply the price of love,

Or rather, let’s start it online...”

Tatyana's love fails: the chosen one does not respond to her feelings, but tries to give advice “in a friendly way.” Then a tragedy plays out, Onegin kills Lensky in a duel and leaves. Tatyana begins to better understand the personality of her lover. But she also has to change her life. There are no suitable suitors in the village, and it’s high time for Tanya to get married. She is brought to Moscow, to high society:

“...They find something strange about her,

Provincial and cutesy

And something pale and thin,

But it’s not bad at all...”

A few years later, Onegin unexpectedly meets Tatiana in St. Petersburg. She married a general and became queen high society, but at the same time did not change herself:

“...She was leisurely,

Not cold, not talkative,

Without an insolent look for everyone,

Without pretensions to success,

Without these little antics,

No imitative ideas...

Everything was quiet, it was just there,

She seemed like a sure shot

Du comme il faut...”

“...How Tatiana has changed!

How firmly she stepped into her role!...

Who would dare to look for a tender girl

In this majestic, in this careless

Hall for the legislator?...”

In her soul, Tatyana remained the same. Successes in the world did not cloud her mind:

“And to me, Onegin, this pomp,

Life's hateful tinsel,

My successes are in a whirlwind of light,

My fashionable house and evenings,

What's in them? Now I'm glad to give it away

All this rags of a masquerade,

All this shine, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home...

Tatyana's love for Onegin is as alive as in old times when she was a shy village girl. But Tatyana has the honor and dignity of a woman. Being married, she refuses an affair with Onegin, even if now her love has become mutual. Onegin fell in love with her, but she will not deceive her husband:

“...I love you (why lie?),

But I was given to someone else;

The image of Tatyana Larina in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

Belinsky called Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” “the most sincere work” of Alexander Sergeevich. And the author himself considered this novel his best creation. Pushkin worked on it with great passion, devoting his whole soul to creativity, all of yourself. And, undoubtedly, the images of the main characters of the novel are very close to the author. In each of them he reflected some of his own characteristics. They became almost family to Pushkin. The author is closest to the image of Tatyana, who, in essence, is the ideal of a Russian woman for Pushkin. This is exactly how he imagined a true Russian woman: sincere, fiery, trusting and, at the same time, possessing spiritual nobility, a sense of duty and strong character.
In the portrait of Tatyana Pushkin gives no appearance, but rather her inner portrait: “... Wild, sad, silent...”. This is an atypical image, attracting not with its beauty, but with its inner world. Pushkin emphasizes the difference between Tatyana and Olga:

Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy

If she wouldn’t attract anyone’s eyes, he says about Tanya and then repeats more than once that Tatyana is ugly. But the image of this meek, thoughtful girl attracts the reader and the author himself with its charm and unusualness.
In the second chapter of the novel we meet a girl whose favorite circle of life consists of nature, books, the village world with stories nanny's tales, with her warmth and cordiality.

Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullabies of days,
The flow of rural leisure
Decorated her with dreams.

Reading the novel, you can notice that in those stanzas where we're talking about Tatyana, there must be a description of nature. No wonder Pushkin conveys many times state of mind Tanya through images of nature, he emphasizes the deep connection that exists between a village girl and nature. For example, after Onegin’s stern sermon, “dear Tanya’s youth fades: this is how the shadow of a barely born day dresses the storm.” Tanya's farewell to her native places, native fields, meadows is accompanied by tragic description autumn:

Nature is tremulous, pale,
How the victim is lavishly decorated...

All inner world Tani is in tune with nature, with all its changes. Such closeness is one of the signs of a deep connection with the people, which Pushkin greatly valued and respected. The Song of the Girls, consoling Tanya, attachment to “Grey-haired Phillipyevna”, fortune-telling - all this again tells us about Tanya’s living connection with the folk element.

Tatyana (Russian soul,
Without knowing why)
With her cold beauty
I loved Russian winter.

Loneliness, alienation from others, gullibility and naivety allow the “tender dreamer” to confuse Onegin with the hero of the novel, to appropriate for herself “someone else’s delight”, “someone else’s sadness”.
But, soon seeing that the hero of her dreams is not at all what she imagined him to be, she tries to understand Onegin. The girl writes an ardent, passionate letter to Onegin and receives a stern sermon in response. But this coldness of Eugene does not kill Tanya’s love; the “stern conversation” in the garden only revealed to Tanya Onegin’s hard-heartedness, his ability to respond mercilessly to sincere feelings. Probably, the birth of “that indifferent princess” with whom Onegin is struck and wounded in the eighth chapter begins already here.
But, meanwhile, even Lensky’s death did not destroy that deep feeling which Tatyana felt for Onegin:

And in cruel loneliness
Her passion burns more intensely,
And about distant Onegin
Her heart speaks louder.

Onegin left, and, it seems, irrevocably. But Tatiana, before visiting his house, continues to refuse everyone who wooed her. Only after visiting the “young cell” and seeing how and how Evgeniy lived, she agrees to go to the “bride market” in Moscow, because she begins to suspect something terrible for herself and for her love:

What is he? Is it really imitation?
An insignificant ghost, or else -
Muscovite in Harold's cloak?
interpretation of other people's whims,
Fashion vocabulary words?
Isn't he a parody?

Although Eugene’s inner world is not limited to the books he read > Tanya does not understand this and, making erroneous conclusions, becomes disappointed in love and in her hero. Now she faces a boring road to Moscow and the noisy bustle of the capital.
In the “district young lady” Tatiana, “everything is outside, everything is free.” In the eighth chapter we meet the indifferent princess”, “the legislator of the hall”. The old Tanya, in whom “everything was quiet, everything was simple,” has now become a model of “impeccable taste,” a “true ingot” of nobility and sophistication.
But it cannot be said that now she is truly an “indifferent princess”, incapable of experiencing sincere feelings, and that not a trace remains of the former naive and timid Tanya. The feelings are there, they’re just well and firmly hidden now. And that “carefree charm” of Tatiana is a mask that she wears with art and naturalness. The light made its own adjustments, but only external ones; Tatiana’s soul remained the same. That trusting “girl” still lives inside her, loving the “Russian winter”, hills, forests, the village, ready to give “all this glitter, and noise, and child for a shelf of books, for a wild garden...”. Now the impetuosity and recklessness of feelings have been replaced in her by self-control, which helps Tanya withstand the moment when the embarrassed, “awkward” Evgeniy is left alone with her.
But still, Tatiana’s main advantage is the spiritual nobility of her truly Russian character. Tatyana has a high sense of duty and self-esteem, exactly

Pushkin is a poet whose work is extremely accessible to human understanding. The clarity of images and harmony of his works have educational significance. His lyre awakens in people good feelings. No matter what he describes, no matter what he talks about, in his lines one can feel the love for people and life.

“Eugene Onegin” is one of the poet’s iconic works. The form of this work is unusual and complex. This is a novel in verse; there have been no works of this kind in Russian literature before.

“Eugene Onegin” is a source of ideas about Russian life during the Pushkin period. One of central figures novel - Tatyana, daughter of the landowners Larins.

By showing the image of Tatyana, the only integral character in the novel, Pushkin demonstrates a real phenomenon in Russian life.

"...Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullabies of days
The flow of rural leisure
I decorated her with dreams..."

Tatiana lives among ordinary people who are unfamiliar with the noise and bustle of the big world. They are naive and sweet in their own way.

Tatyana is drawn to someone whom she has not yet met, but who would be smarter, better, kinder than those around her. She mistakes her neighbor, landowner Evgeny Onegin, for such a person. Over time, sweet Tatiana falls in love with him.

He is truly smarter than those around her, more knowledgeable and reasonable. He is capable of good deeds (he alleviated the plight of his serfs):

“Our Evgeniy first conceived
Establish a new order.
Vintage corvee yoke
Replaced it with easy quitrent, -
And the slave blessed fate..."

But Onegin is far from ideal. Tatyana has not yet recognized this. He is an idle gentleman, lazy, spoiled by life, undereducated, not knowing what to do, because he does not have enough money to live a fruitful life. mental strength, and from an empty life he is gnawing at melancholy.

Tatyana writes a letter to him, declaring her love. But Onegin cannot cope with his egoism; he does not accept her spiritual impulses.

After Onegin leaves the village, Tatyana tends to be in his house, reading books. She learned a lot and understood a lot. Onegin is not the way she imagined him. He is a selfish, selfish person, not at all the hero to whom her tender soul was yearning.

After time has passed, Onegin meets Tatyana again in St. Petersburg. She is the wife of an old general. And then Onegin looked at her in a new way. In wealth and nobility, she seems completely different. Love flared up in his soul. This time she herself rejected him, knowing his selfishness, knowing the emptiness of his soul and not wanting to break the word she gave to her husband.

This soul, kind Tatyana, knew how to love deeply. Having parted with Onegin and realizing that he was not the hero of her novel, she still continued to love him and suffered from it. Tatyana did not become the general’s wife of her own free will, her mother “begged” her about it. She did not part with her love: in her soul she loved Onegin.

Tatiana's soul is the soul of the best Russian women, no matter how different their destinies, thoughts, deeds may be.

The genius of Pushkin lies in the fact that he invited society to take a fresh look at the fate of the Russian woman. He wrote a character hitherto unknown in Russian literature. Firmness of nature, strength, simplicity, naturalness, loyalty to one’s word, decency - these traits determined the integrity and strength of the heroine’s character. Tatyana's strong principles were unshakable throughout the entire story. She was disgusted by hypocrisy, insincerity, idle talk, everything that she called “the rags of a masquerade.”

Since childhood, Tatyana was close to the people, to folk poetry. Her soulmate is the nanny, to whom she confided her secrets. Throughout the entire narrative, Tatiana's inner world does not change. No external circumstances will force her to leave the true path, or “break her spiritual makeup.” The poet's admiration and love in the novel are given to Tatyana in full.


Pushkin combined two eras in himself: he had famous features the present and some echoes of the past, in the midst of which his own upbringing took place; on the other hand, it started completely with him new period, period of modern literature.

With his novel “Eugene Onegin,” Pushkin taught everyone who wrote after him to depict the strength and suffering of a Russian woman just as simply and sincerely. Pushkin raised the importance of the Russian woman in our consciousness. He created the basis for those high ideals of women that we see in subsequent works of other authors.

Quote description of Tatyana Larina, quotes for the image

Tatyana Larina is the heroine of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”. This is a girl from the provinces, who grew up on her parents' rural estate, surrounded by nature and simple peasants.

“So, she was called Tatyana.

Not your sister's beauty,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer is timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger.

She didn't know how to caress

To your father, nor to your mother;

Child herself, in a crowd of children

I didn’t want to play or jump

And often alone all day

I sat silently by the window..."

Tatyana's character is thoughtful, dreamy. Since childhood, she loves to read books, listen to the nanny's stories - instead of doing needlework, preening, twirling in front of the mirror - that is, doing what other girls do.

"Thoughtfulness, her friend

From the most lullabies of days,

The flow of rural leisure

Decorated her with dreams.

And there were children's pranks

Alien to her: scary stories

In winter in the dark of nights

They captivated her heart more..."

Young Tatyana naively believes in everything written in books. Romantic love, which novels are full of, captivates her. She herself is capable of falling in love just as deeply and just as passionately.

“She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Rousseau..."

When a new neighbor, Evgeny Onegin, appears in the district, he becomes the hero of Tatiana's novel. Onegin is smart, knows how to present himself, and is also well-groomed and good-looking. He came from the capital and clearly stands out for his way of thinking and his unique personality among his boring and standard landowner neighbors. Tatiana falls in love with him.

“Her imagination has long been

Burning with bliss and melancholy,

Hungry for fatal food;

Long-time heartache

Her young breasts were tight;

The soul was waiting for... someone..."

Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin, where she confesses her feelings. She has no thoughts of playing, flirting, or luring her chosen one with some tricks:

“Why is Tatyana more guilty?

Because in sweet simplicity

She knows no deception

And believes in his chosen dream?

Because he loves without art,

Obedient to the attraction of feelings,

Why is she so trusting?

What is gifted from heaven

With a rebellious imagination,

Alive in mind and will,

And wayward head,

And with a fiery and tender heart?...”

“...The coquette judges in cold blood.

Tatiana loves seriously

And he surrenders unconditionally

Love like a sweet child."

Tatyana's love fails: the chosen one does not respond to her feelings, but tries to give advice “in a friendly way.” Then a tragedy plays out, Onegin kills Lensky in a duel and leaves. Tatyana begins to better understand the personality of her lover. But she also has to change her life. There are no suitable suitors in the village, and it’s high time for Tanya to get married. She is brought to Moscow, to high society:

“...They find something strange about her,

Provincial and cutesy

And something pale and thin,

But it’s not bad at all...”

A few years later, Onegin unexpectedly meets Tatiana in St. Petersburg. She is married to a general and became the queen of high society, but at the same time she did not betray herself:

“...She was leisurely,

Not cold, not talkative,

Without an insolent look for everyone,

Without pretensions to success,

Without these little antics,

No imitative ideas...

Everything was quiet, it was just there,

She seemed like a sure shot

Du comme il faut...”

“...How Tatiana has changed!

How firmly she stepped into her role!...

Who would dare to look for a tender girl

In this majestic, in this careless

Hall for the legislator?...”

In her soul, Tatyana remained the same. Successes in the world did not cloud her mind:

“And to me, Onegin, this pomp,

Life's hateful tinsel,

My successes are in a whirlwind of light,

My fashionable house and evenings,

What's in them? Now I'm glad to give it away

All this rags of a masquerade,

All this shine, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home..."

Tatyana's love for Onegin is as alive as in the old days, when she was a shy village girl. But Tatyana has the honor and dignity of a woman. Being married, she refuses an affair with Onegin, even if now her love has become mutual. Onegin fell in love with her, but she will not deceive her husband:

“...I love you (why lie?),

But I was given to someone else;

I will be faithful to him forever.”