How to get rid of food addiction step by step. Danger signals, or what to look out for

How to get rid of food addiction: advice from psychologists

Along with nicotine or alcohol addiction, food addiction stands out: it has only psychological roots, and ultimately negatively affects human health.

What is food addiction: symptoms, signs, test ^

Food addiction is a condition in which a person cannot control the amount of food consumed, or uses it not to satisfy hunger, but for other purposes: to relieve anxiety, get positive emotions, etc.

Thus, food becomes not a means of satisfying appetite, but a kind of solution to problems at work, in personal life or in the field of finance.

There are three types of food addiction:

  • Overeating: a person cannot control the amount of food, tries to seize any stress with it;
  • Bulimia: this is a serious psychological disease in which there is an awareness that it is impossible to stuff the stomach like that, and often patients combine foods that a healthy person cannot eat;
  • Anorexia: This is the very moment when people begin to believe that thinness and beauty are one and the same. There is an aversion to food, people begin to see themselves in the mirror as fat, although in reality they are not.

The symptoms of food addiction are as follows:

  • Constant increase in the amount of food for a long time;
  • Lack of self-control: for example, instead of eating 1-2 sweets, a person wants to eat them until overeating occurs;
  • Frequent thoughts about food, preoccupation with what to eat today to cook something delicious;
  • Desire to “eat” stress;
  • If it is not possible to eat a favorite dish, a person experiences physical suffering;
  • Inability to stop until all the food is eaten;
  • Eating at night, secretly from the rest of the family;
  • Desire to enjoy food and eat alone;
  • The appearance of guilt after eating;
  • A negative reaction to criticism from the outside that you can’t eat so much;
  • Lack of endurance: for example, after dinner, a person sees a chocolate bar, and he has a desire to eat it whole.

How food addiction is formed

Psychological food addiction is formed in stages:

  • At first, a person cannot deny himself his favorite food, does not control his portions, overeats;
  • Then there is a desire to eat even at night, and absolutely any food;
  • After the realization of the problem comes, and if it cannot be solved, then a feeling of guilt sets in.

To identify this disease in yourself, you can take a test for food addiction by answering "yes" or "no":

  • I have a fear of getting fat;
  • I refuse to eat even when I feel very hungry;
  • I am constantly disturbed by thoughts of food;
  • I often eat uncontrollably;
  • When I exercise, I think about burning calories;
  • I try to eat only diet foods;
  • I enjoy food, so I eat very often;
  • I eat to calm down, not to satisfy my hunger.

By answering yes to more than two questions, we can confidently state the presence of signs of food addiction. If 50% of the answers are in the affirmative, then there is a moderate or severe addiction.

Even if the problem is only at the initial stage, it is necessary to get rid of food addiction in a timely manner, because. in this case, remove it.

What can happen if you do not overcome food addiction:

  • Obesity;
  • Diseases of internal organs;
  • Diabetes;
  • Development of complexes;
  • Temporary cessation of breathing during sleep;
  • Increased cholesterol levels;
  • Severe exhaustion.

How to deal with food addiction

To defeat food addiction at an early stage, you must adhere to several rules:

  • You can not completely refuse your favorite food: this can lead to a breakdown, which gives the worst consequences;
  • Do not stock up. If the refrigerator is full of food, there will always be a desire to have a bite, so it is best when there is a minimum set of provisions;
  • Avoid temptations. When you go to the store, you need to clearly know what you need to buy. Otherwise, there is a risk of acquiring a lot of excess food and, as a result, overeating at home;
  • Exercise regularly. With an inactive lifestyle, people are more likely to want to eat than those who play sports;
  • Eat only when you feel hungry.

How to get rid of food addiction on your own: recommendations from psychologists and nutritionists ^

How to get rid of food addiction: reviews and results of those who have lost weight

Psychotherapy for food addiction

Referring to a psychotherapist is the right decision, which should be used in the following cases:

  • With constant overeating and lack of self-control;
  • With an obsession to lose weight even when it is not necessary at all;
  • With obesity resulting from the frequent use of food in large quantities.

Addictive Food Additives

Food addiction has psychological roots even when it has been acquired as a result of the consumption of foods containing nutritional supplements. What substances are considered the most harmful:

  • Sodium glumanate (E621): added to improve taste. It is found in fast food, bouillon cubes, semi-finished products, crackers, chips and purchased sauces;
  • Fructose corn syrup: it contains those that improve its taste. It is present in confectionery and flour products;
  • Sweeteners: they do make drinks less caloric, but they strongly stimulate appetite, as a result of which a person begins to uncontrollably eat food and gain weight.

How to treat food addiction in children

Very often, parents unconsciously form this problem in children. To avoid obesity, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • If the child is crying, you do not need to give him candy, etc. in order for him to calm down. This is deposited in his subconscious, and he begins to think that to get rid of negative emotions, it is enough to eat sweetness;
  • You can’t force a child to eat when he is full: over time, his tendency to overeat will only increase, excess weight will appear, and with it complexes;
  • If the child prefers to spend time at home in front of the computer and with food, you need to push him to look for new hobbies. For example, enroll in a sports section or a music school.

Before you treat a food addiction, you need to take the appropriate test, identify the signs of the disease in yourself and decide how to cope with it - on your own or with the help of a doctor.

It is also necessary to limit the use of foods that cause food addiction:

  • Chocolate, donuts, ice cream, cookies;
  • Coffee;
  • Fast food;
  • Crackers and chips;
  • Pasta and pizza;
  • Seeds with additives.

Feedback from our readers about their successful struggle with food addiction:

Olga, 23 years old:

“I used to have a habit of chewing sunflower seeds before going to bed. When I realized that I started to get fat from them, I simply refused them. It was difficult to do this, but for the sake of a beautiful figure, you can endure "

Yana, 33 years old:

“A few years ago I was constantly on a diet: I counted calories. I did not eat after 5 pm, did not eat sweets, etc. I consumed no more than 600 Kcal for the whole day, as a result of which skin and bones remained of my slightly full body. It’s good that at that time my mother took me to a psychotherapist, he prescribed me a treatment that lasted about a year, because the work of my internal organs was disrupted and I rejected any food. Now I have gained weight, and I don’t even want to think about any diets. ”

Maria, 35 years old:

“A year ago, I absolutely could not control myself while eating, and, sitting down at the festive table, I crushed everything. Now everything is different: I eat as much as I need, and all this thanks to the simple recognition of the problem and setting a goal - to get rid of it. I didn’t constantly think about my overeating - I just treated it as a small flaw that needed to be eliminated. ”

Eastern horoscope for February

Modern people use food not only as a source of energy, but also to seize their problems. Many of us use food as a substitute for communication, sex, and intense emotions. In this article, we will talk with you about a serious problem, which, most likely, partially concerns you.

You can’t live a day without a liter of coffee, or you can’t deny yourself a cake even after a hearty lunch, or maybe you eat chips every day? You most likely have a food addiction. What to do to overcome it, what “symptoms” and signs of the disease should alert you - read about this in the article.

The average person, unencumbered by training and active recreation, exceeds the daily calorie content of the diet by one and a half to two times. What is causing this behaviour? How to stop stress eating, how to get rid of food addiction? Why not immediately give up all your favorite treats? You will find answers to these and other questions in today's article.

The essence of the disease and the causes of the problem

Psychology highlights such a term as "addiction", which means dependence. Experts say that food addiction is no different from alcoholism or drug addiction. If a drug addict needs a “dose” and an alcoholic needs a full glass, then a “food addict” needs food. The process of eating food is practically uncontrollable, and in the absence of the necessary products in the refrigerator or closet, the addict's mood deteriorates, irritability and excessive emotionality occur.

A person who suffers from food addiction begins to eat much more than his body needs for normal functioning. Such people are prone to overeating, and the process of eating delicacies is suspended only when the sufferer becomes physically ill.

There are two types of obsessive needs (addictions) - chemical and emotional. And if the former relate to alcohol and drugs, then the latter just characterize behavior when a person, with the help of some actions (and in this case, food) tries to make up for the deficit of certain emotions.

Just like other addictions, "eating addiction" can develop from childhood.

What products can be classified as dangerous

There are certain treats that can really cause addiction, which is quite difficult to get rid of. These include:

  • First of all, these are sweets. Everyone knows about such a substance as serotonin, which can cause joy and other pleasant emotions. It is the use of "sugar" desserts that contributes to the production of this compound, and only after eating them does a feeling of satisfaction arise. If you do not get joyful emotions in your life, then very soon you will become addicted to cakes and ice cream.
  • Potentially dangerous can be products containing cocoa beans. These include cocoa, chocolate and, of course, coffee.
  • Also, you should be careful with fast food. All these dishes contain a considerable amount of flavor enhancers that can cause food addiction.

It is known that breaking the connection "sweet - pleasure" is often beyond the power of overweight people. To begin with, it is recommended to at least partially replace buns and other delicacies with dried fruits. You need to remove them from the diet gradually, and not in an instant. After all, this is a huge stress for the body.

In order not to get "hooked" and not look for information on how to beat food addiction, we recommend that you listen to the opinion of nutritionists and refuse harmful additives:

  • monosodium glutamate;
  • corn syrup with fructose;
  • artificial sweeteners.

The latter really reduce the calorie content of your favorite carbonated drinks, but they do not bring benefits to the body. In addition, these synthetic substances significantly increase appetite.

All these additives are used in the manufacture of products not from the best intentions. Psychologists believe that they cause a feeling of addiction, and after using them, a person again goes to the store for a new “dose”.

Consequences of Addiction

Before talking about how to overcome food addiction and get rid of the obsessive desire to count calories or eat trouble, you need to clearly understand what “eating addiction” leads to. You think that the worst thing is 5-7 kg. excess weight? Alas, the "side" effects can be much more frightening. These include:

  • obesity;
  • diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system;
  • serious problems associated with the work of internal organs;
  • development of diabetes;
  • elevated levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • temporary cessation of breathing during sleep.

It should also be noted that "peppers" often suffer from low self-esteem, they cease to respect themselves. Indeed, what respect is there if food addiction takes control of you again and again?! Women note that they cease to like themselves due to rapid weight gain.

Signs of food addiction

There are many signs of food addiction. You may be suffering from this disease if:

  • Your portion sizes have increased significantly over the past few years.
  • you stop eating only after you feel bad;
  • you can't walk past a supermarket or a small shop without going there and buying something;
  • you start eating purchased delicacies already at the exit from the store, and even if you are not at all hungry;
  • you can eat to calm down, get rid of feelings of loneliness or anxiety;
  • once you feel full, you continue to eat food until you have eaten every last crumb.

In all these cases, the person suffering from food addiction understands that he is eating too much and that he should change his habits, but he cannot help himself. If at least some of the "symptoms" you have, then you most likely suffer from food addiction. How to get rid of this problem?

If you have been trying to deal with yourself for a long time and dream of getting rid of this "ailment", but you cannot control yourself and understand how to overcome food addiction, then perhaps you should consult a psychologist. It also does not hurt to look to a nutritionist who will help you form healthy eating habits and select a balanced menu for every day.

Eating Behavior: The Difference Between the Sick and the Healthy

Please note that if you are used to the taste of a certain product and use it constantly, this does not mean at all that you have developed a food addiction. In fact, it's just your addiction. There are a large number of people who love certain dishes or foods. For example, coffee in the morning, pizza, cheese with black bread or seafood. All this refers to absolutely normal eating behavior.

But there is also the other side of the coin, when you can talk about the presence of addiction, which must be disposed of. For example, if you eat not because of hunger, but in order to eat stress or a problem, lack of love or money, or when you are tormented by guilt. In this way, you are trying to get positive emotions and "charge". In a very short period of time, a person with addiction notices that the portions are increasing, and he increasingly resorts to such “food therapy”.

One of the main differences between addiction and addiction is that in the first case, a person enjoys the taste of their favorite foods. And in the second, he absorbs food automatically and unconsciously, enjoying the process itself.

How to overcome food addiction

  1. First of all, you must realize that you are addicted to food. How to get rid of it is the second question. First you need to understand what caused its development. Some people are used to this way of escaping from reality. For example, the causes of "food addiction" can be hidden not only in the lack of positive emotions, but also in health problems. Surprised? Indeed, people who have something hurts try to distract themselves with a cake or french fries.
  2. For self-control, we recommend starting keep a food diary. Write down everything you put in your mouth throughout the day. If most of the diet contained forbidden delicacies, then remember the reasons for your eating behavior. Consider whether you can treat your food addiction at home. On your own, you can overcome the disease if you make an effort on yourself and deny yourself the next portion of goodies. Instead, drink a glass of acidified water.
  3. By the way, about water. Experts advise to start deceiving your body. Instead of the much-desired sweets, "treat" him with two glasses of water. Do this before every meal, and also at times when you feel like you're going to snap. This will help to get rid of the "ailment" as soon as possible.
  4. If you want to understand how to beat a severe food addiction, analyze your day. Most likely, you eat while watching TV or chatting on a social network. Psychologists advise you to start eating in silence, without being distracted by other activities.
  5. Out of the fridge - out of mind. Partially remove all foods that you depend on from the kitchen. And during the week, do not look into the departments of the supermarket where they are located.
  6. Experts believe that You can’t completely refuse the “forbidden fruit”. Remove you chocolate or donuts - and the breakdown is inevitable. Plus, you'll eat a lot more. After all, the body received a command that it is limited. Many people struggle radically with problems. Need to lose weight - refuse food or sit on strict diets. In the case of such an eating disorder, this is not an option. In your case, breakdowns are extremely dangerous.
  7. Emotional dependence on forbidden food should be gradually replaced pleasant emotions obtained from communication with others, interesting work or hobbies.
  8. Addiction can be treated with exercise. Sport should become an integral part of your life, because it removes the source of the food addiction problem. The fact is that with regular training, the hormone of joy is produced, so all negative emotions will remain in the gym, and you will feel a surge of strength and vigor. If you are struggling with the "ailment" in this way, give up thinking that this is how you punish yourself for gluttony.
  9. It is very important that a person who suffers from food addiction find like-minded people, together with which it will be easier to get rid of sick mania. Perhaps you could use the Anonymous Foodies Club. Or you can tell your family about your problem and ask for their support. Sometimes, with a well-coordinated tandem, the help of a specialist may not be needed.
  10. If your psychological dependence on food has arisen due to severe stress or nervous tension, then start practicing aromatherapy, attending massages or other spa treatments. These are effective methods that fight negative emotions and relax not only your body but also your brain. Getting rid of a strong food addiction can include acupuncture sessions, yoga and meditation.

If your methods of struggle are ineffective, then it is better contact a specialist, which will reveal food addiction. Its treatment involves the use of neuro-linguistic programming, suggestion or hypnosis. But remember that these methods will not work if you do not recognize your problem and do not want to get rid of it.

Now you know what food addiction is and what symptoms may indicate that you need specialist help. After all, first of all, it is a psychological problem. We also hope that our tips on how to deal with food addiction on your own will help you get rid of the problem, defeat it and, finally, start living a fulfilling life.

Do not forget, food is really necessary for a person for the normal existence of his "biological suit", but you should not become a slave to the refrigerator and your stomach. We think that instead of another pack of chips or a hearty meal at KFC, it is better to spend time with your family, take up a new hobby or arrange an evening of relaxation in the bathroom for yourself.

Food addiction is in no way inferior to the scale of drugs, alcohol or nicotine. Women are more susceptible to food addiction, although some men also sometimes suffer from this pathology. Such dependence is psychological in nature and has many types, the most dangerous of which is anorexia nervosa and bulimia. It is almost impossible to cure such diseases on your own, you need to contact specialists.

The concept of food addiction

Food addiction is a deviation of the psyche, in which a person does not eat to satisfy physical hunger, but to calm down in an emotionally difficult situation. Experts call this process "jamming" of negative emotions, such as fear, excitement, frustration, resentment, and others. Since food does not destroy the body as much as drugs, alcohol and tobacco, the problem is often ignored. From the point of view of psychology, stimulation of the oral apparatus seems to return a person to a time when he was comfortable and calm with his mother's breast in his mouth.

To choose an effective way to treat food addiction, it is extremely important to know its cause and type. The most common:

1.Psychological, originally from childhood:

  • Low self-esteem, tendency to self-flagellation. According to studies, almost all people with such a problem in childhood were forbidden to show negative emotions or reactions: cry, scream, protest. This was inconvenient for the parents, so instead of helping the child in a difficult situation, they preferred to authoritarianly prohibit "showing character." As an adult, a person is used to restraining him, not trusting anyone, and considering himself a loser.
  • Perception of food as a source of pleasure. If parents paid off food for neglected attention or encouraged their child's achievements with it, then it will certainly become a substitute for the joy of communication and a reward for efforts in adulthood. According to statistics, most obese children and adolescents are subject to similar reshuffling of feelings on food.
  • Psychosomatic syndromes: Children who are loved and praised for eating everything and even asking for supplements are likely to carry overeating habits, even if the body does not require it, into adulthood. In their mind, the “I'm good if I eat a lot” mindset works.

2.Psychological, acquired in adult life:

  • Mental pain from the loss of loved ones, illness, betrayal, disappointment, resentment lead to a depressive state. Mental disorders with their characteristic attacks of anxiety and panic are accompanied by the use of delicious food that soothes and comforts.
  • There is no purpose in life. Without doing anything and having no plans, a person achieves nothing. He compensates for his failure by eating his favorite food.
  • Emotional hunger. The inner emptiness arising from the lack of positive emotions and impressions from ongoing events is filled with joy from the food eaten.
  • A crisis is a turning point when a person does not know what and how to do next, begins to be distracted in the most accessible way.

4. Social - food is perceived as a way to bring people together: they go to restaurants or cafes for business negotiations, dates, and relax with friends.

5. Progress - a breakthrough in the development of the chemical industry in the second half of the 20th century resulted in the presence of a huge number of additives in literally all products. The taste of food has become much brighter, after store-bought sweets, sauces and snacks, natural vegetables and fruits seem tasteless.

6. Biological - often the cause of increased appetite is hormonal disruptions.

How to recognize

Signs of a psychological problem with overeating are easy to recognize:

  • Constant thoughts about food.
  • Inability to get past certain foods.
  • There is no sense of proportion - if a person is addicted to sweet or any other taste, he does not calm down until he finishes everything.
  • After eating, there is a feeling of guilt and annoyance.
  • In an emotionally difficult situation, the first thought that arises is to buy something tasty.
  • The addict downplays the size and number of servings of their favorite food in conversation.
  • The feeling of hunger causes panic, discomfort.
  • Greed for food, unwillingness to share.

An addicted person cannot adequately perceive his body and its signals: nausea from overeating, skin rashes, extra pounds are ignored and considered the norm.

Types of food addiction

There are many classifications of food addiction. The most common types:

  1. 1. Overeating - usually occurs due to depression due to nervous shocks, with low self-esteem, psychosomatic syndromes and due to biological causes. A person is not able to control the amount of food eaten and the feeling of fullness.
  2. 2. Anorexia nervosa - intentionally skipping meals and enjoying the feeling of hunger are considered symptoms. It occurs with low self-esteem and confidence in one's own unattractiveness due to being overweight.
  3. 3. Nervosa bulimia - is manifested by sharp and prolonged bouts of appetite that cannot be controlled. After that comes a feeling of guilt and remorse, and they get rid of what they have eaten, causing vomiting.
  4. 4. Taste - dependence on a particular taste or product. The most popular of them are: fast food, chocolate, confectionery, store-bought sauces, sweet sparkling water, chips, croutons and other snacks. People with such addictions are 99% overweight.


The most important thing on the way to getting rid of food addiction is not to aggravate the feeling of guilt, complexes and not to disturb the inner harmony of the addict, trying to prove to him the harm caused by overeating.

The method of treatment is determined by the cause of the deviation, its type and degree of manifestation. When it is not possible to get rid of addiction on your own, it is recommended to resort to the help of specialists:

  • Pass a comprehensive examination of the state of health, exclude biological failures as the cause of the problem.
  • work with a psychologist and psychotherapist.
  • Contact a qualified dietitian.

Binge eating

The degree of manifestation of the deviation determines the methods of therapy. The following algorithm of actions is considered effective:

  1. 1. Self-analysis, awareness of the problem and honest answers to the questions - "do I want to get rid of this? Will I become happier without food? Will I make an effort to overcome my addiction?" Food can be bought anywhere, there are practically no ways to recognize whether a person has consumed it. The patient can easily deceive the environment and remain in his position. If the patient does not have the desire and strong desire to get rid of food addiction, any therapy will be ineffective.
  2. 2. If the first stage is passed and the person decides to get rid of addiction, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a nutritionist. It is important that junk food is eliminated gradually, otherwise there is a great risk of failure. On the way to the transition to a new way of eating, keeping a diary helps. In it, you need to write down a list of allowed foods, diet rules and daily reports on meals. Maximum honesty will allow the specialist to exercise objective control. Gradually, there should be a transition to conscious nutrition, when a person completely controls the choice of products, portions and is aware of the appropriateness of their use.
  3. 3. Work with a psychologist or psychotherapist - individual or group. Usually, about 2 months of sessions are needed, the purpose of which is to find a new, safer source of pleasure for the patient - positive emotions. For this apply:
  • Art therapy - creative activities distract, allow you to sublimate the negative, reveal new facets of your own personality. Often they develop into a hobby that makes a person's life brighter, more interesting, and the need to fill the inner emptiness disappears.
  • Body Oriented Therapy - treatment occurs through bodily contact.
  • Gestalt therapy - allows you to rethink values.
  • Family therapy - family members of the addict are connected, they are given recommendations on how to behave and support a loved one.

4.Increasing self-esteem through development:

  • Starting to play sports is discipline, tempers willpower and character. A toned beautiful body will allow you to get rid of self-doubt.
  • Professional achievements - if necessary, get additional education or learn another profession.
  • Find an exciting hobby.

5. Work independently on motivation, look for sources of inspiration.

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia

These pathologies are very serious mental disorders, medical assistance is needed. Be sure to need the control of a group of specialists and the support of loved ones. The greatest emphasis is placed on psychotherapy, which can last for a long time - from several months to ten years. Many people go through therapy several times during their lives. Sometimes a new hobby, in particular sports, helps to overcome this mental disorder and radically change life.

Anorexia nervosa


You can get rid of food addiction, in which there is a craving only for certain products, on your own, if the manifestations of the deviation are not very pronounced. For this, it is necessary to use the method of treatment for overeating, taking into account 2 nuances:

  1. 1. You need to refuse "your" product abruptly and endure the "withdrawal" syndrome for 1-2 weeks. If this food is loved by the whole family, then close people are also obliged to refuse to use it. Otherwise, there will be no effect.
  2. 2. Attending psychotherapy sessions is optional, but desirable.

Food addiction is a pathological condition characterized by the inability to control a person's food intake. In most cases, people with a similar disorder use products not to eliminate hunger, but to relieve their own psychological problems, or to get positive emotions.

Studies conducted by experts suggest that a person's dependence on food intake is comparable to that of alcohol, tobacco or drug products. And the consequences of such addictions are not long in coming - obesity, hypertension, diabetes. There are many diseases. However, getting rid of food addiction is quite possible - both on your own and with the help of a psychotherapist.

What are the reasons

Any addiction is, first of all, a failure in certain nervous processes. This can be attributed to the almost uncontrollable desire of a person to eat something. After all, when eating food, the body produces a specific hormone - serotonin. With an increase in its concentration, a feeling of satisfaction comes, a surge of strength and energy. Therefore, people often replace the way of maintaining life with the desire to receive psychological comfort.

At the same time, one should not confuse the addiction to a certain type of product, for example, cucumbers or cheese, with the desire for a plentiful feast, when it does not matter what is served, as long as the portions are large. The first is eating habits. While the second, of course, is a pathological condition.

The main causes of food addiction:

  • experienced long or short-term, but strong, stress - a kind of "jamming";
  • nervous disorders - eating food helps such patients calm down, get rid of negative emotions;
  • excessive worries about one's own appearance - the constant striving for perfection brings people to extremes and perversions in the diet, for example, the manic desire to minimize calories becomes the norm of their life;
  • getting rid of other addictions - according to the principle of "knocking out a wedge with a wedge."

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have long literally elevated the amount of food they eat to the rank of merit - in direct proportion to the dominant fashion. Some liked "bird" portions, while others strove for "Rubens" body shapes.

In children, addiction to food is formed from the desire to please parents, to receive their praise, or not to offend their grandmother. Such a stereotype can remain for life.

The main types of food addiction

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of a food addiction in a person, it manifests itself in one of the following forms of the disease:

  1. Hyperphagia - or in simple terms, banal gluttony. A person consumes huge portions not because he feels hungry, but to cheer himself up or out of boredom. Bright taste sensations contribute to the production of endorphins, which improves mood, psychological calm sets in. However, after already swallowed meals, a person may experience remorse and a sincere desire to stop gluttony, until the next bout of eating.
  2. A form of food addiction, when the craving for food is so painful that the patient, fearing to gain excess weight, is forced to empty his stomach after each snack -. Outwardly, such people may look absolutely healthy and have a normal body weight. However, in the advanced stages of the disease, they are given out by dry skin, increased fragility of hair, as well as destroyed tooth enamel. In addition, pathologies of the esophagus and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract are often diagnosed in bulimics.
  3. A psychological disorder, expressed in a significant suppression of the craving for food - anorexia. The main goal pursued by such people is to achieve ideal, in their opinion, forms - to lose weight as much as possible. At the same time, patients do not experience any aversion to the products. It's just that their over-concern with their own weight prevents them from eating normally. In severe cases, such torture over oneself brings a person to death.
  4. Taste addiction - for example, “carbohydrate thirst”, when a person strives to make a menu only from sweet foods, or, conversely, overly strict diets, counting literally every calorie, the so-called separate meals - only proteins.

Each of the above forms of food addiction is, first of all, a failure of psychological activity. Therefore, in most cases, you can not do without the help of a specialist.


The number of people suffering from various food addictions is increasing every year at a catastrophic rate. The problem is given great importance among medical workers around the world.

To recognize the disease in the early stages of its appearance, it is enough to carefully look at the behavior of your relatives and friends. Early signs of an eating disorder include:

  • reduced criticality to their own weight - patients do not recognize their excessive thinness or obesity;
  • food cravings are truly uncontrollable - they can get up to eat, even at night;
  • , anxiety, if the house does not have a certain supply of food or favorite products;
  • refusal to visit public places where food is served - restaurants, cafes, canteens;
  • absorption of dishes occurs quickly, and if food is served slowly, they can flare up;
  • suffering from feelings of guilt after gluttony;
  • extremely low self-esteem;
  • the presence in the body of various pathologies, one way or another, interconnected with indigestion;
  • many hours of sports - exhaustion of one's own body to give it perfection;
  • the search for more and more justifications for his behavior, for example, a person claims that he has, which makes him seek solace in food.

In some cases, a person brings himself to various diets, uncontrolled medication, for example, laxatives and diuretics, so much so that he needs emergency hospitalization. How to overcome food addiction in this case, the doctors will decide.

What are the consequences of the disease

People increasingly addicted to overeating are prone to anxiety-depressive reactions - they can happen literally every few minutes. Increasing self-doubt, one's own strengths, there are passive forms of behavior, depression.

Food addiction can lead a person to many different diseases. A number of them in themselves have serious complications and consequences:

  • diabetes is a frequent companion of obesity, accompanied by deterioration of vision, brain activity, circulatory disorders in the extremities;
  • hypercholesterolemia - an increased concentration of cholesterol in the bloodstream threatens the deposition of cholesterol plaques, which is fraught with vascular catastrophes, such as strokes and heart attacks;
  • hypertension - studies show that every 3-5 "extra" kilograms increase blood pressure parameters by 5-7 mm Hg;
  • disorders of the activity of digestive structures - frequent exacerbations of cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • complications from the musculoskeletal system - various osteoarthritis and osteoarthrosis threaten both "dumplings" and "thin people";
  • sleep apnea - a syndrome of sudden respiratory arrest for a fraction of a second significantly worsens the oxygen supply to all organs, especially the brain, which also leads to various neurological diseases.

And this is not a complete list of what can happen to a person who has a particular food addiction. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with such disorders in a comprehensive and timely manner.

What can be done on your own

The main task of the patient, who has realized that he has a problem, and decides how to get rid of food addiction on his own, is to feed the brain, not the stomach. This is understood as a systematic switching of one's own interests from eating to other goals - to enjoy not from the abundant absorption of food, but from other joys of life.

So, you can sign up for a fitness center or swimming pool. Sufficient rather than excessive exercise also contributes to the production of endorphins, hormones of joy. Of course, it will take great effort to suppress the centers of hunger and the desire to saturate the stomach. Few manage to get rid of such cravings on their own forever, but successful cases serve as an example for the rest.

What can be done:

  • to form a really strong motivation - to set goals and objectives correctly, and the support of relatives and friends will help to overcome not only eating disorders, but even cancer;
  • to draw up a certain nutrition scheme - it is better together with a specialist, and stick to it, by all means, for example, buy only the “right” products and in the required quantity;
  • pick up a really exciting hobby for yourself, which you will have to pay maximum attention to, and achieving success will please you with positive emotions - enroll in a group of drawing, singing, dancing or cutting and sewing;
  • working on self-esteem is a colossal work, you will have to literally “uproot” from yourself all the complexes that have formed and settled deep inside, learn to see yourself as you are, and then also fall in love.

Each person is the creator of his own personality. Parents can only lay the foundation, and people are already building everything else. Understanding and accepting your problem is already half the battle on the long road to recovery.

Treatment by a specialist

Treatment of food addiction by psychotherapists is based on cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. To achieve high results, it is necessary to find the root cause of the disorder, and then gradually push it out of consciousness, switch the brain to something else, more interesting. Working in groups is effective, where people share their experiences, methods of dealing with the desire to fill the stomach with food.

Everyone can cope with food addiction if they receive the necessary support - from relatives, friends, a psychotherapist. Only the first steps are difficult, then a person, seeing a positive result - an improvement in health and well-being, already strives for success himself.