Where do they dance flamenco? Where horses dance flamenco

What should every tourist in Catalonia see? Bullfight? Horse show? Wine cellars? Incendiary flamenco? Or maybe we should start with flamenco to understand the passionate Spanish soul?

Now let's talk about where you can watch and listen to flamenco. Unlike bullfighting, there are plenty of options. No arena required, numerous creative teams mobile and ubiquitous. And if you are too lazy to look for flamenco, then it will find you. Right at the hotel. During the season, there will definitely be a “flamenco show” in yours a couple of times a week. Just don’t waste your precious holiday time on it and ruin the impression. Let them entertain German pensioners. And you and I will go, excuse me, to the tablao.

As you already know, tablaos are cafes with a small stage where flamenco is performed. Sometimes it's quite good. There are plenty of them on the coast, just tell the taxi driver the magic phrase “flamenco tablao”. The guide can also tell you where it makes sense to go in the evening.

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As part of the “Spanish Night” excursion, you will not only see a magnificent horse show, but also immerse yourself in the unique world of Spanish music and flamenco rhythms. As a rule, the flamenco show takes place in the second part of the evening. It should be noted that Spanish music originated in the process of interaction between many musical cultures who once inhabited this country - Iberians, Celts, Phoenicians, Romans, Germans, Arabs, Berbers, Jews and, later, gypsies.

The latter, finding themselves on the peninsula in the 15th century, absorbed the ancient popular art of the south of this country and, at present, they are mainly the only carriers of this type folk art. - it's not just dancing, solo singing, guitar, castanets, first of all, are a lifestyle, flamenco is light, long dresses with frills and shawls with tassels, flying in an impromptu dance. - these are black and red leather shoes, beating the rhythm of tap dancing, flamenco - these are flexible, passionate movements of a dancer, bewitching the entire hall. - this is Spain!

At the end of the evening, a comfortable bus will take tourists to the hotel.

To us at military music festival Orchestras from 13 countries fly to the Spasskaya Tower.

Musicians and artists from Belarus, Belgium, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Mexico, Pakistan, Slovenia and Japan arrive in Moscow.

And according to tradition, units of the Presidential Regiment, all the best military musicians, will come to Red Square Russian army, Ministry of Emergency Situations and Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kremlin Riding School and Shady Glen School of Scottish Dance.

The festival's guest of honor is Mireille Mathieu, she arrived on Tuesday. On Red Square she will sing “Under the Sky of Paris”, and “Hymn of Love”, and “The Blue Handkerchief” in Russian.

Don’t even try to count the number of orchestras - you’ll still be wrong. The orchestra of the municipal police of Rome is flying towards us. Created in 1870 as the City Guard Band, today it is a musical icon Eternal City. But in fact these are three orchestras: the same musicians perform in the orchestras of the Carabinieri and the Vatican.

Only the colorful one is older than them folklore group from Japan "Kanto Matsuri", which is 400 years old. Translated from Japanese - "Lantern Festival".

An unusual participant is the "Royal Stilt Walkers" from Belgium. In the Middle Ages, the Belgians used stilts instead of boots: they crossed streams and rivers on them. They also revived another ancient method of transportation. Four people line up one after another and fasten their clogs to two wooden boards: it turns out to be something like improvised skis.

In general, skiing on the Kremlin paving stones in September is an unusual spectacle, to put it mildly.

It is no longer possible to imagine the Spasskaya Tower without bagpipes - and that means there will be them. Ireland sent the Pipes and Drums Orchestra, which won applause last year.

Old acquaintances will also perform: honor guard companies from Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Greece also sent festival veterans to Moscow: an Air Force orchestra and an honor guard company.

Newcomers to the festival: the Postal Service Brass Band from Slovenia and the Imperial Youth Orchestra from Great Britain.

This time there will be no Shaolin monks and fiery Mexican dancers. They were replaced by the Chinese Army Band and Honor Guard Company and the Mexican Armed Forces Model Band.

An army band arrived from Pakistan.

Special guest of the festival: Royal Andalusian School of Horsemanship.

This is the elite of the world cavalry. The Spaniards perform in 18th-century costumes. Live music: at the piano is virtuoso pianist and composer Manolo Carrasco, creator of his own style new piano flamenco. By the way, the pianist has a Russian wife, and he considers Spanish music close in passion to Russian music. Definitely our man.

Andalusian horses “dance” synchronously to the accompaniment of Manolo. The climax of the show: the horse rears up and... jumps up on its hind legs. The public is shocked.

“The trick is called Corbeta,” the director of the Andalusian school, Juan Carlos Roman, explained to the RG journalist. “At home, our shows are usually called equestrian ballet.”

Last year, festival guests were amazed by the “flying horseman” Frenchman Lorenzo. Now here are the Spanish horses jumping from their hind legs. In my opinion, the only symmetrical answer on our part is to urgently train some circus bear in acrobatic rock and roll.

“It’s possible without extremes,” laughs the general director of the Kremlin riding school Boris Petrov. “The Spaniards are simply delighted with our horse riding. They also don’t understand how you can perform such tricks at breakneck speed and have such control over your body and edged weapons.”

The Kremlin school presents “Traditions of Russia” - this is a show honed to perfection, complemented by new tricks.

“But I also take my hat off to the Spaniards and their skill,” admits Boris Petrov.

In one thing, ours and the Spaniards are completely similar: in their touching and reverent attitude towards horses. They almost never part with them.

“We offered the Spaniards a hotel in the center of Moscow,” says the Kremlin commandant, Lieutenant General Sergei Khlebnikov. “They refused, asking to be accommodated closer to their horses, which were housed in the stables of the Kremlin riding school, and this is the Krasnogorsk district, the village of Putilkovo.”

... "Spasskaya Tower" runs from September 5 to 13, but the artists have a tight schedule, some will fly before closing. In particular, even before the gala performance he will leave Moscow Japanese group, Mireille Mathieu will also fly away on September 6th.

Don't miss the chance to see.

By the way

As reported musical director“Spasskaya Tower”, the chief military conductor of Russia, Lieutenant General Valery Khalilov, at the finale of the festival the number of musicians will reach 1.5 thousand people: “We will perform a medley of military songs, which will not end with the “Farewell of the Slav” march, as in past years, and a collective performance of the song “Victory Day”.

Anastasia Volchek tells how, with the help of flamenco dance, you can awaken your hot and strong nature even in a sundress and slippers.


  • Hairstyle

The hair is pulled back into a bun to keep it cool. Gypsies have hair as stiff as wire. In flamenco dancing, they got out of their hair, and unruly curls stuck to their faces from humidity and sweat. The “curl of passion” has become a trademark of flamenco: it is made specially and fixed with varnish.

The bun is secured with a large comb - pinete. They used to be carved from turtle shells, so they were heavy. Modern pinettes are plastic and lightweight.

Flowers. Spanish women, flamenco dancers, love to decorate their heads with flowers. Today they don’t use fresh flowers: artificial ones are lighter, more convenient and last longer. Sometimes a lace mantilla is worn under a large pinette self made- an ancient sign of a noble person. Even today it is an expensive accessory and not available to everyone.

  • Manton

This is a huge shawl with long and heavy fringe. Manton is thrown over the shoulders to keep warm in the evening. This is also a status item in dance: it is made from noble materials, such as silk, and decorated hand embroidery. The price reaches several thousand euros.

The young girl had never picked up a red fan. This color was intended only for mature women. Black is for mourning, white is for weddings. If the girl was not rich, the fan was the same: with polka dots from the cheapest chintz. The older she got, the smaller the peas became. Fans are still made by hand - from ivory, gold and lace. They are bought as pieces of art and are always taken to traditional weddings.

  • Castanets

Needed to create flamenco rhythm. Castanets were brought from Cuba and Brazil, where they were traditionally made from seashells. In Spain, castanets became wooden - beech circles tied with cord. Now they are made from modern materials: fiberglass and metal.

  • Dress with flounces

The girl from poor family often there was only one skirt. As she grew older, another piece of fabric was added to the skirt. Then another one. Then again. This is how multi-colored fluffy skirts with flounces were obtained. Few people thought about beauty then: they sewed from what they had. It was only when flamenco began to be danced at the royal court that skirts took on an artistic appearance.

  • Shoes

An absolute luxury item. The poor were supposed to run around the outskirts barefoot, while the rich wore shoes to walk on the stone paving stones in the city center. They were made of soft leather, with beech heels and thick soles, which were also studded to make the shoes last longer. Flamenco shoes are a full-fledged musical instrument.

Where did flamenco come from?

This dance was invented by the gypsies in those ancient times when oriental spices were worth their weight in gold. Spanish merchant ships sailed to port cities. Merchants emerged from them with expensive bags of spices hung on their belts so that they were always in sight. Then the gypsies appeared on the pier. They surrounded the merchants in a round dance and began wild dancing. The dance had to be so killer that the audience lost all vigilance. All these movements with the fingers are magical passes that distracted attention, hypnotized, and enchanted. Gypsy women deftly removed bags of spices from the merchants, while their children cleaned the pockets of street onlookers.

Photo: renette1.rssing.com

It turns out that flamenco, which is shrouded in a romantic flair, is not a culture, but an anticulture. The north of Spain does not recognize this dance. I used to think that if a person is Spanish, he certainly dances flamenco. No, they dance it only in the south, in Andalusia. Once in Minsk I met a Spanish student. I say: “You will teach me to dance!” And he: “No, you’ll teach me!”

Flamenco is not a dance in its pure form, but a synthesis of three cultures: the hysterical throat singing of cante jondo, guitar music and then dance. After all, as it was before: people gather around the table, the singer sings, the musician accompanies him, and then the dancer, out of excess of feelings, gets up from the table and starts dancing. After all, singers are still the main ones, and we think they are dancers.

How to start dancing flamenco

There are many directions of this dance - more than fifty, but most often the simplest of them are taught in schools for amateurs. Despite this, mastering flamenco is very difficult. Spaniards develop a sense of rhythm from childhood. There is no problem for them: if they heard the rhythm, they repeated it. But our people cannot cope with complex rhythmic patterns. Therefore, in flamenco classes we take a simple rhythmic structure.

First, we study our body for its capabilities. We learn the movements of the fingers separately. “A dancer talks with her hands” - that’s what Maya Plisetskaya said. Arms, soft hands and fingers are femininity in dance.

Then we learn the movements of the legs and connect them. Flamenco dancing is both the dance itself and the accompaniment of oneself with one’s feet. Emotions need to be connected later, after about a year of regular training. When your arms and legs are already obeying, you can think about “sensación” - feelings.

To become good dancer flamenco, it will take six years. Not everyone can handle it; people have their own limits. Some come with a spontaneous desire: “I sewed a red skirt, make me a dance as soon as possible.” Others need to perform at a corporate event or beauty pageant. But there are people for whom it is not the result that is important, but the process itself. A woman has been coming to us for a long time; she always wears slippers and a sundress. I tell her that it’s time to buy a skirt and shoes. And she: “Don’t pay attention, I’m going to look at you all.” There are people who simply have nowhere to go; flamenco classes are a channel of communication for them.

How to relieve muscle tension and develop grace

What is happening to us women? While we are studying at school and college, we are still dancing. They got married, gave birth to a child - and that’s it, they stopped dancing. Spanish women don't have this. They dance and move every day, for them this is a necessary component of life. Spanish women love themselves very much. In our culture, women are always in the background. Among the Spanish flamenco dancers, many are short, their legs go straight from the hip to the shoe. And with ours long legs try to knock out all these fractions. This is difficult: the muscles are long. And yet, it seems to me that our women just need to move regularly, turn on music and dance. Feel yourself in motion.

After all, there is no goal to hit everyone. The goal is for you to dance, move in your body, and be happy about it.

Who goes to class

Accountants, doctors, long-term stay-at-home mothers, students, ladies who are looking for a way out for their feminine energy. They are brave, and I thank them in advance for this courage. In our country there is a stereotype: if you dance flamenco, it means you are a bitch, an evil, inaccessible Carmen. Husbands especially react with caution and distrust. Maybe because flamenco dance awakens the feminine nature and does not allow you to feel weak and unhappy? This dance changes. A woman learns to be confident, to love herself, to present herself with pride, and not just “excuse me, can I dance?” This causes one reaction from those around him: “I’m insolent!”

Even the audience at our concerts is different. Flamenco does not work in silence; there must be an audience reaction. The Spaniards can shout to the whole hall: “Ole, Maria!” She comes out - and is no longer alone in this black hall, a family is sitting here. I simply make my students shout “Ole!” This is very difficult to do, they are too tight. But the voice reflects temperament. Flamenco can be frightening with this energy. It happens that a woman comes like a timid doe. Moving her hips is indecent for her! And for southern women, twisting their hips and spreading their legs wide is natural. There is no vulgarity in this!


There are no contraindications for not dancing flamenco. I had a pregnant girl in my classes who came on the recommendation of a doctor. The doctor told her that only two types of dances are allowed for pregnant women, and one of them is flamenco. People with arthritis come, but everything depends on the intensity of the load. You need to do as your body allows. Another thing is that you can’t hit your heels hard and for a long time, and even in the wrong shoes. Doctors, of course, will prohibit this. But not moving is even worse.

What is the price

In the first year of studying flamenco dance there are no expenses for costumes. But usually girls can't wait to buy long skirt and dance shoes. I order my shoes only from Spain. I like the sites deflamenco.com, flamencoexport.com, flamencoshop.com. I recommend choosing Spanish production: the difference with Chinese goods is colossal. But it’s better to sew dresses to suit your figure. With us, this can be done in an atelier or with a private craftsman; the main difficulty is finding the right fabric and color.

In Minsk, the cost of 8 flamenco classes per month varies between 50 -70 rubles.

More about flamenco:

Photo: agendacultural.buenosaires.gob.ar, votpusk.ru, dancing.ru, shutterstock.com

The Dance.Firmika.ru portal contains information on where you can sign up for flamenco classes in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular areas, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by area and metro station. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and training in different dance studios city, choosing the best price option.

Flamenco is very young dance direction, which originated about two centuries ago. The constant development of flamenco is directly related to the use of the guitar in music, saturating its sound. At its core, flamenco is a product of absorption and absorption different cultures, which are harmoniously combined in one dance.

Flamenco dancing - features and characteristic differences

Professional dancers fascinate with their movements and energy. A clear rhythm, bright and expressive elements - it’s simply impossible not to fall in love with flamenco dance. TO characteristic features direction includes beating the rhythm with heels, which produces a clear drum sound of hitting the sole of the shoe and the heel on the floor - the “Zapateado” technique. It requires a lot of energy, so for a long time she was associated with male dancers. Women's movements are characterized by great softness and smoothness.

However, flamenco dance today is not so clearly divided between men and women. Except that the dancers’ movements are undulating and sensual. Soft lines of the arms that do not break the shoulders or elbows with their harshness. Flamenco lessons in dance schools teach smooth movements. For example, in women, the moving hands in dance look like closing and opening fans, mesmerizing in their effectiveness. Men are characterized by more strict and restrained movements of the hands, which are more like swords cutting the air.

Flamenco lessons for beginners will help you master such elements as “Pitos” - snapping your fingers, “Palmas” - rhythmic clapping with crossed palms. They often sound in rhythm, adding a special charm to it. Traditional flamenco does not use additional objects; the hands remain during movements. Despite the fact that castanets are considered a classical element of dance, they were originally used only in the Spanish style. However, they quickly fell in love with the audience, becoming an integral attribute of any performance.

Is it difficult to learn to dance flamenco?

An experienced teacher will help you feel the rhythm and melody and teach you how to perfectly reflect them in dance. Basic movements not as difficult as it might seem - in the first lessons it will not be difficult to cope with them. Gradually, as you master the basic elements, the flamenco teacher complicates the learning process and sets more complex movements. Improving skills and perfecting techniques takes a lot of time, but the end result will make even the most picky spectators freeze in admiration!

Flamenco training in Moscow

There are many dances in the world. Each nation has its own rhythms and music. But in modern world There is hardly a person who has never heard of Spanish flamenco.

Woman dancing flamenco

Perhaps the most famous performer in the world, with whose name flamenco is associated, is the famous Carmen. A burning beauty with a bright rose in her long black hair. Her image has become a symbol of dance for all times.

A woman dances to the enchanting sounds of a guitar, accompanied by soulful singing. Her fluffy skirts flutter in rhythm with her movements. Her arms curl like the wings of a fairy bird. Her eyes are full of passion and fire. Her sexuality attracts men like the light of a lantern to moths in the darkness of the night. She knows how beautiful she is and is proud of it. But this woman is not cheap, she knows her worth, and only the best can win her heart.

Flamenco - passion, fire, expression of feelings and emotions. There is nothing feigned or fictitious about it. He is life itself. It is impossible to perform it without inspiration. Top Performers- those who put their soul, passion and body awe into flamenco.

Dance directions

There have long been two styles of flamenco, which differ from each other in style. The ancient cante hondo (translated as deep) is a historically established cult dance. It expresses the sacred essence of the rushing soul.

The second direction is cante chico (lightweight). This is modern flamenco, which has lost its spiritual component and has become a dance for everyone. There are over 50 varieties in both classes, the differences between which can only be understood by an experienced specialist.

Origins of dance

Flamenco is a dance that originated in ancient times. Its origins lie in Moorish culture. In the 15th century, streams of refugees from Byzantium poured into Andalusia. Among them were gypsies, Jews, blacks and other peoples. They all lived as outcasts, inferior people. All the pain of the people splashed out in soul-tearing music, songs and passionate dancing. Each people contributed part of their own to flamenco cultural heritage, a piece of your soul.

In the 18th century, the situation improved, the persecution of Gypsies stopped, dancers took to the squares and performed in taverns. Art, which for so many centuries was considered sacred and forbidden, was released and gained popularity. Spanish flamenco became a symbol of newfound freedom.

Already in the 20th century, Cuban melodies and jazz tunes were organically intertwined with traditional Spanish and gypsy elements. The dance was supplemented with elements of classical ballet.

Fusion of genres

Spanish flamenco dance, in fact, is not only the fiery movements of a dancer or dancer. This is a symbiosis of musical accompaniment toke, traditionally performed on the guitar, soulful cante singing and the baile dance itself.

Flamenco is bailaora, cantaora and toraora. In the traditional performance, each of them can start their own part. And the rest are supportive. Any one of the three can come out first and set the topic. And the rest will pick it up with musical, dance or song improvisation. When one of the performers comes to the fore, the others stay in the background to allow the performer to express his emotions. But during the performance the roles change. And only at the end they unite in the apogee of a dance united by a common fire.

Complex rhythms

The musical rhythm of flamenco is difficult to adopt or translate into sheet music. Each time during performance, the same melody can be played faster or slower, transitions and modulations are added. The true art of dancing (Spain) flamenco is passed on from teacher to student.


Made flamenco famous throughout the world famous performers. As soon as the persecution of gypsies was abolished and the Spaniards learned the beauty of life-affirming dance, it became extremely popular. Already in 1842, the first flamenco school was opened in Seville. It was from this time that dance became an industry; it lost its sacredness and mystery.

At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, the performer Silverio Fronconetti was famous, who carried this ancient art to the masses. His performances were always full of passion and fire. But numerous followers turned flamenco from sacred dance into sports, where performance technique stood above spiritual depth. It is this option that has become generally accepted throughout the world.

But at home, in Spain, there are true connoisseurs. There, the phrase “There is no fire in him!”, said about a flamenco performer, is a “death sentence” for the dancer. There is a known case when on one of dance competitions main prize received by an 80-year-old woman. She outshone the young performers with her inner fire and passion, reflected in her dance. After all, as the Spaniards say, you need to dance as if death itself was holding you by the shoulder.

Learning process

Flamenco is very popular dance. In almost every city there are schools where they teach it. The flow of those wishing to learn the secrets of mastery does not dry out. And this is not surprising, because it is flamenco that reveals the feminine essence. You can’t be modest in life and perform moves on stage with fervor. Having started training, a woman changes internally, she frees herself from complexes, gets to know herself, and opens up like a bud. You can start training at least at 6 years old, at least at 86. There are no restrictions.

In Spain, everyone is offered to go basic course flamenco for beginners, consisting of 10 classes, held 2 times a week. You can learn the basics of dance in less than a month, but to become a professional it will take years of work.

A good teacher, first of all, will make a woman love herself. After all, only a woman who is proud of her beauty will be able to adequately present herself in dance.

The main pose is a pose of complete self-satisfaction. The proud beauty has no complexes, does not see flaws in herself, and certainly will not tell others about them. After this, feminine gestures, steps, and turns are worked on. The dancer is a queen, and the audience, looking at her with admiration, sees an unearthly woman in her.

Why you should learn flamenco

Every girl, regardless of the date of birth on her passport, should try herself in flamenco. Learning this dance reveals hidden reserves in a woman. After just a few months of training, she will understand that in life there is no place for pretense and fears. A woman is strong and beautiful, she cannot be broken by everyday difficulties. She loves and is loved.

In addition, regular training significantly improves your figure. The main requirement for all dancers is a straight back as a symbol of unbending character. You can forget about scoliosis and stoop after the first lessons.

Important elements of the dance are beating the beat with your feet. Honing these exercises makes the leg muscles toned and elastic, and the legs slender and beautiful.

The dancer's hands should flutter like wings. Masters teach how to bend them beautifully and gracefully.

Regular exercise will inevitably lead to an improvement in your figure, tightening of all muscles, and improving their relief. Beautiful posture is another important advantage from classes. Well, self-confidence and getting rid of the inferiority complex will be a pleasant bonus.

Flamenco treats problems of this kind better than any psychologists.

Dance clothes

Flamenco is a dance with gypsy roots. The dancer's clothing resembles the traditional dress of a representative nomadic people. The floor-length skirt is made of multi-colored fabric. It can be multi-layered or decorated with frills and flounces. While moving, the dancer seems to be engulfed by the waves of her own dress. An integral part of the dance is playing with the hem, which resembles either uncontrollable sea waves or tongues of scorching flames. This dress must be bright and catchy - no pastel colors!

A shawl with long tassels is another element women's suit. It can be tied at the waist, emphasizing the slender silhouette, or thrown over the shoulders. In this case, it forms the silhouette of a soaring bird in motion.

Often dancers perform with a fan, literally hypnotizing the audience and keeping them in suspense until the last moment. Each attribute seems to come to life while moving to the music, adding its own additions to the performer’s story.

An important detail of the costume is shoes with heels, with which the performer taps out the rhythm. The hands may contain castanets, which make clicks and set the tempo for movements and music.

Men performing flamenco (photo in the article) dress in dark trousers with a wide belt and a snow-white shirt. You can complement the outfit with a short vest. The performer's image is laconic and strict. This is the very embodiment of masculinity and stature.

Important elements

While performing flamenco, the dancer does not hover above the ground; on the contrary, he stands confidently, as if taking a firm, life-affirming position. This is a symbol of safety and security. He took his place, it belongs to him by right, at least for the duration of the dance.

The movements of each part of the body reveal a story about life, a story about what worries everyone individually and everyone together. From chest experiences, resentments, love and sadness come out. The dancer’s shoulders speak of the weight of responsibility and centuries-old oppression. The hands tell the story of feelings; they are the most expressive part of the performer’s body. Widely spaced elbows seem to allow him to take a firm life position, free up a piece of the sky for yourself. The spine is the basis of the dance. It symbolizes inflexibility of character, fortitude and perseverance.

The movements in flamenco are simple, there are not so many of them. But each of them is filled deep meaning, conceals the wisdom of centuries. Language proficient dance can tell the world its story and make all viewers empathize. This is the path that leads to inner liberation and joy, although outwardly it is filled with sadness and pain.

New forms

Throughout history, flamenco has changed and experienced ups and downs. And even today connoisseurs say that this type of art is dead, but interest in it has not faded. On the contrary, new types and movements are emerging, based on traditional performance and complemented modern forms. This is how flamenco pop, flamenco rock, flamenco jazz and gypsy rumba appeared. Each of them has the right to life and finds fans and followers. But it remains a favorite!

It is difficult for a beginner to understand these currents. But everyone can find something they really like. The main thing is to understand the spirit of dance, to comprehend deep meaning movements and put feelings into the execution of each step.

When you see an advertisement for a flamenco school, you shouldn’t pass it by. Perhaps it is fate itself that is giving a sign that it is time to change your life, open up and fly. And dance is best way do it beautifully and with dignity.