They beat in a dream: why dream of a fight with an opponent, spouse, stranger. Why dream that they beat in a dream, for good or bad

It is not always that a person sees pleasant pictures in a dream, and sometimes they can be truly terrible. Some people often complain that they see in a dream how someone beats someone, but not everyone tries to figure out what these dreams mean.

Among other things, such a dream can mean that a person will become the cause of someone's lingering troubles, and possibly their close relatives, who will have to make a lot of efforts to fix everything. Seeing such a dream, you should try not to get into trouble and debt, so as not to bring big trouble to your family.

You can understand why you dream of beating someone only if the dream is remembered in detail. If the dream is vague and not understandable at all, you should not attach importance to it, since it will not work to understand exactly what's what.

If a person receives a strong blow about a dream, it means that in reality a difficult test awaits him, for which he will not be ready. This may well be news of an extremely unpleasant event, for example, the loss of property or the death of one of the relatives. In this case, a dream is a warning that will help a person not to break under such a blow of fate. Sometimes such dreams are dreamed by people who soon have a serious illness that threatens death, but you should not despair, because this is only a warning and, perhaps, everything will not be so bad, or at least fixable.

Beating someone in a dream may mean that a person is not too happy with his personal life and it is time to take a decisive step towards improving its quality. The main thing is faith in yourself and confidence in your own irresistibility.

To see in a dream how a person beat an attacker on him portends victories in work matters. Sometimes, such a dream can mean that very soon luck will smile on a person, and he will be able to make a profitable deal or establish relationships with business partners. If a person sees how he beats a colleague or boss in a dream, it means that soon a major scandal will break out at work, which may even lead to dismissal. In this case, you need to show all your powers of observation and try to figure out where the trouble will come from, so as not to fall under the wrath of the authorities and calmly survive the upcoming personnel changes.

If a person saw in a dream how he beats someone or is beaten, it is worth getting together and becoming as focused as possible, since such dreams, as a rule, rarely portend changes for the better.

Unexpected guests.

Beating a stranger is a loss.

To beat a subordinate - you will lose the respect of your colleagues.

Husband, wife - expect a divorce due to infidelity;

Children - family troubles associated with distrust of you by household members.

Beating a stranger - you will soon learn about the death of a loved one who has not been seen for a long time.

Enemy - luck has turned away from you; yourself - you are not destined to achieve what you want.

A defenseless person - you will cause failure or disaster in your life.

Beat an animal - sad events await you soon.

Beating a dog - irreconcilable differences will lead to a break in relations with your best friend;

Beat the cat - you will learn about the betrayal that has been hidden from you for many years;

To beat a horse with a whip - a false conspiracy is being plotted against you at work.

Imagine that you are hitting someone playfully: without malice, as if jokingly, lovingly. In this visualization, the main thing is to get rid of anger and come to a state of joy, play.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Beat

Beating someone is to the praise of people.

If you dreamed that a stranger beat you - to defeat and disaster.

If you saw your mistress beaten - to eternal love.

If you see a beaten dog, your faithful friends doubt you.

To see a beaten cat - a neighbor will slander you.

Beating yourself in the chest - to the loss of a relative.

If you knock on the floor - to a promotion (for a bankrupt, this is a good dream).

If you were beaten to death - trouble and grief will end soon, to a happy life.

If you order someone to beat another person to death, then this person will be your reliable friend.

If the patient sees such a dream - to a speedy recovery.

Interpretation of dreams from

Did you happen to beat a person in a dream? You are clearly unhappy with the current situation or with your own actions in reality. Do not look for the guilty, better understand yourself! Why else dream of this action, popular dream books will tell.

Interpretation of the dream book of Dr. Freud

Why dream of hitting a person in this dream book? He is sure that you achieve your goal, despite the dissatisfied opinions of others. But this is not always the only correct way out.

Had a dream that you beat someone? On the face of a clear tendency to sadism, but more moral than physical. Watch yourself, you probably really like to offend those around you.

Opinion of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why else dream of beating a person? If you beat a defenseless stranger or a child in a dream, then you yourself are literally on the verge. Very soon life will be filled with failures and catastrophic events. But only you are to blame.

But to beat a husband or wife in a dream is much better. You will finally be freed from jealousy or forgive your spouse for past sins.

Interpretation of the image from other dream books

Collection of dream books I am sure that beating a person in a dream is a victory over life's difficulties or enemies. Had a dream that you beat someone? Try to restrain excessively passionate impulses, otherwise you will harm yourself.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov I am sure that beating a person literally means the triumph of justice, reconciliation after a quarrel and finding peace of mind.

If in a dream you often beat various characters, then, according to esoteric dream book, in reality you hold back negative emotions. But they will certainly find a way out, and you will earn trouble.

Small Velesov dream book claims that beating a character in a dream symbolizes an early reconciliation with an old enemy. This is also a sign that you will have to communicate with a person who sows discord and scandals everywhere.

Why dream of beating a person familiar, unfamiliar

Did you dream that you beat a friend? You are probably really trying to force your point of view on him.

If in a dream the skirmish was not particularly serious, then soon the tension in ordinary life will subside, and you will be able to breathe freely. Sometimes beating a friend in a dream calls for immediate action.

If you happened to hit a completely unfamiliar character hard, then in reality a grandiose conflict has ripened, which will end in big troubles.

What does it mean to hit a person in the face, head

Why dream that you hit someone on the head? In the real world, get involved in a scandalous story. The vision warns against rash actions and hasty decisions. In addition, take a good look at others, among them there is an enemy hiding under the mask of goodwill.

Had a dream that you gave a resounding slap? In the near future, you will receive information, using which you will warn someone of the imminent danger. If in a dream you had a chance to hit a person in the face, then in real life you will meet someone whom you have not seen for a very long time.

Why dream of beating a person to blood

If you beat someone to the point of blood, then soon relatives will come to visit. If blood splattered from the blow, then try not to intervene in the coming conflict, otherwise you will harm yourself. If a bloody yushka sprinkled your clothes, then you will certainly get rich.

Beating a person to the blood literally means that you are frivolous and careless in an important matter. Try to pull yourself together and take action.

Beating a person in a dream - examples of transcripts

Why else dream that you had a chance to beat a person? This is a reflection of inflated self-esteem and excessive significance. For a more specific interpretation, minor details should be taken into account.

  • beat a child - profit
  • son - luck, work
  • boy - unpleasant chores
  • daughter - marry her
  • girl - irritation, frustration of plans
  • spouse - long family life
  • subordinate - good news, good luck
  • unfamiliar man - calmness, confidence
  • lover - to the satisfaction of all whims
  • woman - scandal, deceit
  • brother - strengthening family ties
  • sister - the collapse of hopes
  • another relative - change
  • parents - disappointment
  • friend - need advice
  • enemy - unexpected luck
  • beat with a stick - gratitude
  • whip - show courage
  • belt - condemnation, gossip
  • hands - break other people's plans
  • feet - refuse support
  • slap - reward
  • slap - failure

If you dreamed that in a dream you kicked someone, then in reality you will literally have to push and push those around you. If it happened to beat a person and generally kill him, then in reality make a fatal mistake or get rid of problems forever.

why dream Beat, see Beat in a dream

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why dream of Beating the dream book:

To beat a Man is to achieve supremacy, prove the rightness, harmony in the family, for non-family - success in love affairs. Beat the snake, defend yourself from it - to luck, victory; to beat a dog is the support of a faithful person, a cat - to treason. Beating a child is family trouble.

/ Dream Interpretation Beat a person

If you see in a dream that someone in a fit of anger rushes at you and starts to beat you, this is not a good sign. You can expect family troubles and disagreements with loved ones. Beating a child means that in the near future you will take advantage of some benefits that you got undeservedly.

Dream interpretation of Madame Hasse. Why dream Beat

To beat yourself - you will fully achieve the goal; to be beaten - well-being; to think of beating someone - you are waiting for some suitable occasion; to see someone being beaten - you will regret something; to see a lot of fighting - you will be a witness in court.

If in a dream you had a fight with your wife or husband, then peace and harmony will reign in your family. Slaps in a dream to receive or give mean the same thing. Single, such a dream predicts an imminent love interest and reciprocity. If a husband beat his wife in a dream, then soon he will receive evidence of infidelity.

Sometimes such a dream tells a woman that she is afraid of her husband. A wife to beat her husband in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent illness and betrayal of a spouse. If she beats her lover in a dream, then a scandal awaits her because of this connection and the termination of relations with him.

A dream in which you brutally, to the point of blood, beat a person or animal, predicts great losses, emotional distress, sorrow and tears. If in a dream a dog attacked you and you beat it, then the dream predicts you a certain victory over embittered enemies. If it was not a dog, but a cat, then you will be disappointed in love, false promises and an early separation from your lover. Perhaps forever.

Beat someone in a dream? In reality, you have to make a fair decision or someone will make one regarding you. Also, this dream

that in your personal life you will find consent and reconciliation.

Fear symbolizes a dream during which someone beat you.

If a person dreams that someone is beating him, then this means that in reality the dreamer is afraid of this person, expects a trick, a trick from him. If he beats someone himself, this is how hidden aggression, unspoken discontent, resentment, suppressed anger is expressed.

Moreover, these emotions are not necessarily directed at the one whom the person beats in a dream. If the dreamer beats the horse, this speaks of dissatisfaction with the progress of the case too slow, of the desire to "spur" circumstances and people and encourage them to act more actively.

From the point of view of Eastern philosophy, the dreamer has accumulated a lot of masculine yang energy. This energy, like a pure substance, dissolves in the sky and represents light. In addition, yang represents warmth, the creative Sun. Yang can manifest itself through this dream as an all-conquering principle possessed by the dreamer. Ancestors called Yaril the Sun - a person experiences rage in a fight. People notice that when they wake up after such a dream, they feel an incredible burst of energy. If the opposite happened, and the enemy in the dream won, this may portend some kind of failure. Fighting a man with his brother in a dream, and a woman fighting with her sister is a good omen. This dream predicts a strong friendship with these people in reality. In the same way, a dream predicts a good relationship with a friend or girlfriend.

To dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show baseness of character. You have to put in a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice.

Are you being beaten or are you being beaten? Who are you fighting? Is there any reason to fight? - emotional themes associated with such dreams are dominance, persecution, control over someone and aggressiveness. It is very important to understand the scope and result of the beating. Is this a normal fight or is it fatal?

Dreamed of a broken forehead- to win and luck; otherwise, be less direct.

In the old Dream Interpretations, such a dream promises a win and unexpected luck. However, in a more modern interpretation, a Broken Forehead in a dream indicates that you should behave less cocky and straightforward - you may suffer through your own fault.

Break spirits in a dream, Dreamed of broken spirits- plans are not destined to come true; otherwise, dissatisfaction with current relations.

Accidentally breaking Spirits in a dream, you received a warning- your plans are in jeopardy, They are unlikely to come true. If you deliberately Broke the Spirits, This indicates problems in the relationship, Which, Probably, have ceased to please you and bring satisfaction.

Break the TV in a dream, I dreamed of a broken TV- a quarrel with a loved one; otherwise, a refusal to accept any information.

The dream indicates that you categorically do not want to perceive any information, Information or avoid some people. It is also possible that you have accumulated a lot of negative emotions inside. TV in this case is just a way to give them an outlet. In reality, a strong emotional outburst awaits you.

Old French dream book

If you dream that you are hitting someone, the dream is warning you to hold back your impulses, otherwise you may hurt yourself. Beating your husband in a dream is a sign that his love for you is sincere and deep. Beating your lover (lover) in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that your secret affection will soon be revealed to others.

Why dream of hitting the dream book -

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

The man kicks you. - Acquisition of wealth.

You beat your wife or concubine. - You will lose strength.

Your wife or concubine beats you. - Misfortune, misfortune.

A stranger hits you. - Gain strength.

The women are fighting. - portends illness.

More interpretations

In a dream, to injure an enemy with a knife - to victory over competitors due to your courage, determination and perseverance. Woke up with the thought - why are they beating me? Aesop will help you find out what this means. Aesop's dream book believes that such a plot is a sign that in reality there will be difficulties in finding what you want. Had a dream that you beat eggs? This means that in reality with your own hands destroy the existing happiness.

To strike someone with a fist or with a tool - soon disputes and mutual reproaches will fall on you. Being hit in the world of dreams predicts that in our world you will physically weaken and get sick. If in a dream someone with a club is approaching you and you are afraid, then in reality you will have to survive the intrigues of enemies, if you overcome fear, then in the real world you will manage everything and you will be very happy in the end result. To beat a person with a club yourself - you will recover on a journey, it will be difficult and completely useless. To pounce on someone with a knife portends that you will not show yourself from the best side. You need to make every effort and work on your views in order to change for the better and develop a sense of valor in yourself. To see (know) in a dream that a fatal blow awaits you - you need to gather your courage, a serious experience awaits you. Inflicting a fatal blow in a dream on a person or an animal that attacked you is a symbol of good luck in everything, rapid career growth awaits you. In a dream, you are trying to hit with stones at someone who is attacking you - you will overcome the evil that could happen to you, thanks to your faith in justice.

beat in a dream what is it for

To hit anyone with a whip in a dream - you will pour out all your accumulated emotions in the near future. Subsequently, you will feel relief, but also shame because of your deeds. They gave you a slap in the face - you need to commit an act in order to establish yourself in this life. To assert yourself - you need to do it without the help of outsiders. To see how you hit someone on the cheeks in a dream promises you a failure in business, all your plans will not come true. To be hit by someone in a dream and not have time to defend yourself - in reality you need time to really think about everything that is happening at this stage of your life path. You hit some person - you will receive unexpected news. They wanted to hit you, but you were able to dodge - you will get out of any situation in reality. Protecting loved ones, you received a blow - due to the actions of loved ones, you can suffer significant losses.

beat dream interpretation

You beat someone in a dream - it means that you will make the right decision that will bring peace to your personal life. In a dream, they beat you - this means that you are filled with fear.

dreamed of beating

To beat someone with stones - that person will offend you. If, as a punishment, you are stoned, then this symbolizes the cleansing of the beaten from his sins. To seriously injure someone in a dream and see that the wound does not bleed is a sign that you are facing a person who will say the word of Truth. If blood flows from the wound, then the dreamer will dishonor him with what really happened. Seeing lashes in a dream is a sign of bad speech. To strike with a saber - promises victory over enemies. Getting a slap in the face predicts that you will be in the place of the victim because of someone's low slander. In a dream, you are beaten by a dead man - expect the return of the lost and all the blessings. Seeing how you are beaten in a dream and at the same time you are dead indicates that you will show the firmness and inflexibility of your Faith.

hit the dream book

You dreamed about how you beat a person you know and are an aggressor - this indicates that you have accumulated anger, negativity and these emotions need to be released. And the person you beat is the source of your negative emotions. You dream that strangers beat you - this means that something frightens you, that is, fear of something or someone does not give you rest.

what does it mean if you beat in a dream

In a dream, you beat someone - which means that in life you lose your strength, potency, or transfer it to another person. And when they beat you in a dream, on the contrary, this is a good sign that says that you have support and friends are ready to help. You dream about how you beat your subordinates - this means that they do not take you seriously and do not want to listen to you. When in a dream you beat your wife, be prepared for betrayal. If you beat your mother in a dream, it means that you worry about her, constantly think about her. I dreamed that you hit your wife with your palm in the face - you will swear. If a woman beats her husband in a dream, a pleasant gift or surprise awaits her, new acquaintances.

what does it mean if you beat in a dream

In a dream, they saw how you beat yourself - this means you will achieve your goals. And if in a dream you beat someone - luck is on your side, you can safely make decisions. And when they beat you, it means you will regret your act.

beat in a dream what is it for

You dream about how a stranger beats you - this means you will gain strength. And when a stranger kicks you, it means that wealth awaits you. We saw in a dream how you beat your wife, lover - this means a breakdown, malaise. And if you dream about how your wife or lover beats you - expect trouble, misfortune. I dreamed that women were fighting - this portends a disease. If in a dream you saw that brothers were fighting, it means great happiness, benefit.