How a girl should dance in a club. How to dance at a disco for a guy: be yourself

The girl is an airy creature. Their movements are characterized by plasticity and beauty, and they dance, as a rule, gracefully and attractively. Dancing comes naturally to girls, but sometimes they need help learning it. How can a girl dance in a club and what moves are in fashion now? Welcome to our useful tips!

Nowadays there are dance floors and clubs in almost every village, and the question of correct technique dance is very relevant. Previously, you could just jump up and down, shifting from foot to foot, but now the quality of dance among regulars at club venues has improved significantly. This is not surprising, because quite a lot of directions have appeared and a lot of room for development. own style, which many hastened to take advantage of. For guys, of course, it’s easier - breaking and tectonics seem to be created for them. Girls traditionally receive more demands; greater grace and plasticity are expected of them. Simple rules and a simple home workout will teach you to dance freely and beautifully, delighting visitors in the club with your confidence.


At home, see how flexible you are and what you can do better. To do this, stand in front of a mirror and try to move only your hips, leaving your shoulders, arms and legs motionless. If it doesn’t work out and your whole body dances, then you’ll have to work on yourself. Listen to your body, feel each part of it separately. The beauty of the dance is influenced by the amplitude of movements: high and sweeping will give you energy and expression, low - grace and tenderness.

Now there are a lot of videos on the Internet on different dance styles. Girls who do this professionally will share how to move, explain which parts of the body are involved in this and demonstrate various tricks in detail. You can watch one of the videos below.

You can learn to dance and pick up fashionable moves by watching various tricks and techniques in video clips.

Scroll through your favorite combinations of pelvic rotations and steps in your head. Think about how you can move your hands. Try it right away, do you like your image? Dance at home to different music, change its tempo and try it out. Feel free to improvise.

Let's join the atmosphere of club dance

Do a little reconnaissance: come to the club and, sitting at the bar, watch dancing girls. As you can see, most girls dance without any complex movements, and their style is approximately the same. Highlight what you like and take these movements into your arsenal. Note what from the outside looks clearly unsuccessful and, accordingly, do not use this manner in your dance.

Consider the capabilities of your clothes and shoes; tectonics are unlikely to succeed in heels. Dress comfortably so that your clothes do not restrict your body.

When you enter the dance floor, do not immediately rush to dance actively, waving everything you can. Smoothly adjust to the rhythm of the music, tune in internally. Start the movements lightly and gradually increase their intensity.

And finally, the most important thing - relax and don't be nervous. Dancing will only come naturally when you feel free. Believe me, those dancing around don’t care, they’re relaxing and don’t care about you. Therefore, move as you feel comfortable, without constricting or limiting yourself. Gradually increase the complexity of the combinations and you will succeed.

Even if you are not an avid visitor to clubs and parties, but do not want to lag behind everything that interests young people, you will have to learn a little before you learn how to dance beautifully in clubs. And may the first visits to such places not be so joyful and pleasant, because “ fall face down in the dirt“You probably don’t want to, but don’t give up on your attempts to learn to dance.

Dance. History and modernity

Having been to a nightclub at least once, you have noticed guys and girls crowding around, not on the dance floor itself, but around it. And their envious glances at the dancers do not leave them for a minute.

These guys often don’t dance not because of reluctance, but because of simple modesty or lack of dance skills and mastery. And in this article you can find information on how to learn to dance in a club.

splash active development club life was celebrated in the 80-90s of the last century. The dance culture itself is rooted in thousands of years of history. Dance has always been one of the main ways to attract others, usually the opposite sex. And the essence of such a “demonstration” of oneself in all its glory does not lose relevance.

It is important for both girls and guys not only to “join” the club culture, but also to be able to make an impression. But not with simple convulsions and twitching of limbs, but with the harmony of its dance moves. How to learn this?

Rules to help beginners

First and very important rule: don’t be afraid of the dance floor, because, in fact, it’s the same place as an ordinary bus stop, only people stand there and move here. If you are not a sociopath, it will be easy for you to take a step towards the dance floor and join the club movement.

You will need:

  • Stylish comfortable clothes. Advice for girls: if you have never danced before, for the first time choose jeans and stable shoes without heels;
  • The ability to observe and the desire to repeat the simplest movements;
  • A positive attitude and faith that everything will work out.

The next rule: no need to show your bad side. You won't be able to hide your inability to dance for long under the guise of banter. Awkward movements will very soon become the subject not of laughter, but of ridicule.

What to do? Don't tell yourself: " This is not mine, well, I don’t know how and that’s all" You can learn about how to dance in a club correctly from a lot of sources. Your ability to look and see will be very useful to you. When choosing a dance, remember that club culture It is not at all monotonous and there are no clear dogmas to follow.

And a truly interesting and spectacular dance often combines a lot of styles and movements from a variety of directions. You can only dance hip-hop, but clubs don’t always play music suitable for this style.

Add elements to the dance, for example, funk, which will give your dance liveliness and novelty. This is mainly due to the wide musical palette that DJs use for their tracks.

Features of training

If you take a close look at how modern youth dance in nightclubs, you will notice that in most cases there is nothing complicated. The task for you and your body is to be able to adjust and feel the rhythm of each melody, to skillfully change from one movement to another. If you learn this, then your movements will be unusually bright and appropriate, and the audience will not ignore it.

If you're serious about dancing on every dance floor available to you, it's worth visiting a dance studio at least a couple of times. This will come in handy for a guy who wants to know how to dance attractively in a club. Just a few lessons will be enough to gain basic skills.

There are even more options for girls. Sometimes even visiting the nearest fitness studio is enough. A couple of basic dance aerobics moves ( side steps) will really help you out in the club. The best part is, you don't need to have any dancing ability to do aerobics.

How to choose a mentor

You may want to do some research before going to the studio. Its essence is to study the services offered. The main criteria: price, studio location and reviews.

So, the price depends on a number of factors. First: the professionalism of teachers. The cost of training with a good and famous choreographer will not be low, but the quality of the services provided (attention of the trainer, conditions in the studio, ease of choosing the time of classes, etc.) will be at a high professional level.

Usually girls and guys who want to know how to dance in a club are concerned about which instructor is right for them. Read information about the coach, or better yet, watch videos of his training and performances. If your potential choreographer dances beautifully, as you like, feel free to go to him.

Also, do not forget to find out how the classes are going, whether you will have to train in a group of beginners or “join” an already training group. The first option will give you not only the necessary knowledge, but also comfort during classes.

The location of the studio in the part of the city closest to you is also very important. You will have less opportunity to be lazy. After all, even if you find the best choreographer in the country, it will take a very long time to travel to his classes, and you may lose the desire to study. After all, the inconvenience of travel will create other problems, while people who suffer because they do not know how to dance in a club should first of all feel moral pleasure from the classes.

A very important criterion when choosing a studio is feedback from training visitors. By reading them, you can learn about the quality of services. Study the information well, and only then decide whether you should go to the studio or not.

What's your style?

There are a lot of ways to dance in a club. In addition to searching dance studio, it is important to think about choosing the style you want to learn. After all, your body is more inclined towards some directions. Therefore, you need to learn what comes easiest to you.

The easiest and suitable dance For girls who have never danced before, it will be Zumba. This is a type of dance aerobics. This kind of dance can develop your sense of rhythm - a fundamental point for dancing in a club. Young people often choose krump, hip-hop, funk and even disco.

When choosing, try not to think about the popularity of a particular dance. After all, if it does not bring you pleasure, there is no point in spending time and money studying it. You want to learn how to dance in a club, and not become a prima ballerina.

In addition to classes in studios, you can train at home. This method can save you time and money if you cannot afford to pay for classes or time after work or study. Listen to new releases dance music, just turn on the radio with club music to get into the rhythms of the tracks.

Next, you can try to copy the movements of dancers from Youtube. Don't rush to cover everything at once. Start small simple steps and follow the advice that seasoned dancers give. It is important that you feel comfortable and that your dance is not simple dialing mechanical movements, and creative process, charging others with positive energy.

This will help you find “your” movements that you will like. They will become the basis for your further education.

Dancing girls attract a lot of attention from guys. Dance is a hint of looseness and dominance. Even animals have their own mating and other dances. But it’s not easy for a girl to understand how beautifully to dance in a club. After all, not every lady is born an easy beauty, capable of creating elegant movements on the go. Many people have to learn this skill for a long time.

How can a girl learn to dance in a club?

If you don’t know how to dance at all, then you should start by admitting yourself. Subconsciously, you consider yourself stupider (in terms of dancing) than other people. And if you see yourself from the outside, you will feel ashamed. It's impossible to learn dancing that way.

That's why you should dance at home in front of the mirror. Don't be afraid to do something stupid or look funny. Imagine that you don’t give a damn and are completely weird. This way you will get liberation, which is the basis of all dance movements.

What dances are suitable for the club?

You don’t have to learn to dance in a club like you do on stage. They rest there ordinary people who are not pros. And they absolutely don’t care about your prof. preparation.

Learn just a couple of simple movements. They can be combined and adjusted to any music. With the right approach, you can master the dance technique in just one evening.

Also look at the rest of the dancers. Borrow moves from them. And move to the rhythm of the crowd. Look at those who don't move very well and outside the box. Never do anything that makes you look stupid.

And remember that in the club you need to be dressed comfortably. If your dress is tight or your shoes are squeezing you, you will not feel comfortable. Your movements will be constrained, and you will definitely look stupid. Therefore, you should not perceive the club as a podium or a social evening.

Hips are everything

The main movement for any girl is to sway her hips, as in oriental dance. Stand in front of a mirror and try to dance with just your hips.

If at the same time your whole body hesitates or dancing from the hip does not work out at all, then it’s worth practicing.

But you can move your hands as you please. Don't worry about it. Even just arms bent at the elbows can look quite good if the girl moves her body well.

And don't try to do striptease moves. It might look really nice. But if you move vulgarly, then you will attract unhealthy attention from the opposite sex. And your friends may start spreading obscene gossip about you.

Club Dance Basics

As soon as any person hears a melody, his body begins to reproduce the movements by itself. And if you don’t restrain it, then you will already get your own, natural dance.

This is what the movements in the club are based on. There are no difficulties in them. And if you dance too well, it will even be somehow wrong.

It is worth noting that some girls have no natural skills at all this issue. You can visit dance school. Don't be shy. It's better to solve your problem at the root.

And remember your physical fitness. The better your figure, the better your dance. Although among full ladies there are some good dancers. But still, it’s better to be slim. Then you definitely won’t be embarrassed to go out on the dance floor.

There are many modern dance styles, but before you copy the movements that you liked from this or that video clip, you should work on your plasticity and grace. To do this, you don’t have to attend choreography classes, just spend a little time practicing at home.

How to learn to dance at home?

Before you start training, objectively assess your abilities. To do this, turn on the music, stand in front of the mirror and dance. Try different movements: raise your arms, move your hips, move your shoulders. If something turns out badly, then you need to work.

During this “spontaneous” dance, try to feel your body as a whole and each part of it separately. Feel your arm, leg, waist, and entire body separately.

Remember, more sweeping movements convey energy, but if you make them smoother, you can convey all your tenderness and calmness.

In the process of learning to dance, the main thing is practice. Therefore, do not limit yourself to going to the club. If you feel shy about dancing at first, be an observer. Watch how other girls dance, divide these movements into beautiful and unsuccessful ones. When you get home, try to repeat what you liked best. Practice and perfect these movements.

How to dance freely in a club?

If you think you've practiced enough at home, it's time to hit the dance floor. We will give you some tips that will help you quickly get used to it and conquer everyone with your sense of smell.

The main thing to remember is that dance is lightness and positive emotions, so don’t complicate it, just enjoy the moment, and mastery will come with time.

How to learn to dance - video

The easiest way to relax after everyday work, relieve stress and take your mind off problems is dancing. However, many avoid it because they do not know how to dance. But don’t be afraid, because it’s very easy to learn, even at home. The main thing in club dancing is to feel the rhythm and move beautifully to it. First, practice at home, and when you are confident in yourself, feel free to go out on the dance floor.

We present to you a training video lesson on club dancing for girls. It is suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level and age. The main thing here is the desire to learn to dance.
This lesson will help you learn on your own basic movements club dancing. The choreographer will show you the simplest ones dance elements. You
learn to move beautifully and gracefully to club music. With a little practice, you can
feel free on any dance floor and will confidently improvise to the music in the club.

So cast aside all doubts and make up your mind. Learn club dances for girls at home. The main thing is to relax and be yourself. Turn on the video lesson, music and dance to your heart's content. You will definitely get a boost of energy and
positive emotions. Good luck!

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