Do people’s character and life values ​​change as a result of working on themselves? How values ​​change with age.

Access to the value range of the universe.

Expanding the picture of the universe, revealing the field of possibilities, creating manifested creations - all this happens, is born at once.

There are points at which transitions are made and the possibilities of merging with spaces of perfection are strengthened. Today is one of those days that can activate and begin a new, more perfect round of conscious reality if you choose and step into THIS.

THIS does not concern those human preferences that are divided into “good and bad”, that make choices “pain or joy”, “black or white”.

THIS is the harmonious flow and balance in the higher spheres of creation, access to which always exists behind the scenes, but can also move into a conscious channel.

THESE are other accents of the flow of harmony, where there is no difference and human aspects.

By consciously coming into contact with these dimensions at such a time, you are able to switch from what you knew, who you were, how you used to feel about yourself and what to identify with, into another, more developed state. We can say that THIS is the sublime, expanded space of the universe, in which there is the manifestation of creation.

Each of you may think that he knows, has achieved, or comprehended something in this life (this may indeed be so). In comparison with what you carry in your potential, this is very little, perhaps even the smallest drop. But every drop of frequency that comes from awareness and achievement is important - it dilutes everything else.

Sometimes you get carried away by following someone's call. It seems to you that this is your own call, and you take one of the illusions and begin to play with it in a greater or lesser aspect, key. Then it becomes part of your space. When you take everything from it, it dissolves and disappears.

Everything that appears in your field of vision deserves your attention - especially what you want to reject, what you want to give up. Behind that external thing that attracts or repels, lies something else - something that is part of yourself, what you strive for.

When you strive for something, as it seems to you, “light” and start from something “dark”, it may turn out that, starting from the “dark”, you start from the light that stands behind it. It’s just that the “dark” is that buffer, like a micro-exam, which is important to pass in order to achieve what you are striving for.

Microexams are a test of the degree of maturity, of strength - the Universe always suits it. This is a way to show what you need, that it is valuable to you.

About value in this world.

They are now narrowed down to values ​​in various directions. The value is especially shown material goods. No matter how the person is individual consciousness disconnected from this value, he, in any case, will be dependent, powered by this value. Why? Because this is that narrow component of a large whole that leads into the value range of the Universe.

Very often, many people make the mistake of being pushed by theories that something is not necessary or important for them. Disconnecting from anything, in this moment– from the value component, which in some aspects is exaggerated and distorted, but in others it is a guide to the deep value of what is the connection with the Universe.

There are values ​​of the Universe. They are located, as it were, in the core of a ball, a sphere. On the periphery there is a point of material values. Many people fall on this point and remain in its areola without moving further. Others cover a little more, capturing the value of family, the value of memory, knowledge, skills and abilities.

The value of the Universe is much greater - it is the value of comprehending what lies beyond decoding, the ability to decipher a given state into words and phrases.

As soon as there is indignation at something or someone, there is a distance from the value of the Universe. It is indignation that throws you away from yourself and from your value.

Your value can be felt as the value of everyone around you and everything around you. Self-worth is what shows whether the person who is next to you is valuable to you or not. If you lose respect for it, if you lose the vision of what is significant in it, this is a sign to this being that it is disappearing, being separated from its deep value, losing its connection with the Universe.

At such moments, the value of material things, the value of owning something and one’s own stability, grows, and a substitution occurs. This substitution can become fraught when it takes up internal space that does not belong to it. At first, only one part, one point belongs to the substitution, but gradually, when a person devalues ​​what comes from others or from another, discards, devalues, refuses, something else takes the place of devaluation - what he possesses in the dense world.

This is how a person layers himself brick by brick in his field, in his space, with staticity and stability. It seems to him that his strength is growing, but at some point this strength begins to be his burden, because this burden needs to be fed with his own life force energy.

This is exactly how a lot of things work in social world now so that people experience overload, illness, so that their life span is shortened.

Everyone can influence this situation very simple: when he can see value in another person, when he can turn what were static bricks into a flow, and thus connect his connection with the value of the Universe.

What does the value of the Universe mean?

This is the core of its connection with the Common. When you achieve it, you realize the merger with the universal, integral Consciousness. Then the reverse process occurs for you, when the integral Consciousness - that value of the Universe, begins to nourish you and flows, fills all those micro-capacities of value that are in your field: in your unconscious, in your consciousness, in your many levels.

It fills those voids that were formed in childhood, in previous incarnations, formed where you cannot restore your connection with yourself, where you cannot use your knowledge and your skills, where what you feel does not work. should work.

Then completely different laws come into play, when there is no need to forcibly build automatic chains. You simply begin to direct your attention, and a flow of value flows in that direction. And since it correlates with the Universe, and in it itself there is that same value, the formative grain, then everything accumulates, is structured, formed and created.

Earlier we talked about the ether field. Now this field of ether is also being extended, but from a more capacious state - from the Universe, from the state of engaging its core, its value filler.

This Knowledge and the ability to perceive this Knowledge are not for everyone, because it is translated into words and is quite difficult for human awareness to perceive. In addition to words, there is also energy that flows in certain time open portal.

If there is no perception at the conceptual level, but there is an internal feedback that “there is something in this” for you, that “there is some kind of grain”, and you can admit the existence of something that is now not decipherable, incomprehensible or inaccessible, then you simply allow this unknown, but valuable, which fills the Universe, to be activated, integrated and create your own connection. It is the connection of the individual, which once separated and entered into the choices of duality, with the universal One, which is ready, willing and eager to manifest itself through the individual in the most perfect way.

This most perfect method can be given to you.

At the same time, there is not a single moment that you have lived in vain. There is not a single moment of your interactions, choices, or situations that were, are, or will be imperfect or less suitable for you.

What is is a greater degree of awareness or intelligence of the individual being. By being intelligent, you click and create greater ability to include yourself in general processes Universe. You do not just flow like a blade of grass in a stream of water, but are capable of participating, capable of interacting with your consciousness and transmitting your desires and perceptions, as well as hearing the desires, perceptions, possibilities and values ​​of the world around you and participating.

Once again: value always comes from value. You see the value of who is with you, what is around you. Seeing this value connects, merges, flows and creates opportunity.

The world is infinitely diverse.

There are many layers and subworlds in the world that contain different shapes life, different degrees of situation.

Many of you, finding yourself in some seemingly illusory situations, simply dive into certain worlds. In these worlds, through illusion (through a dream, fantasy, idea) they live themselves to others. This may be unknown, due to the fact that in this incarnation it is not revealed to them.

There are those who have a greater ability to expand and stretch. These are the ones who need it. Others are less capable of stretching. They clearly follow their direction and tasks. All these are just different spectrums of life, different spectrums of perception.

You may not be disappointed or offended by those who do not perceive you as you are, who are not able to hear your values, who are not able to perceive the world that is reality for you. Just give him the opportunity to see him, this being, as valuable – with and for who he is.

This way you will begin to get closer and closer to your values.

As for material values, this is the very first step on the path to yourself, to your highest values, which you can treat with respect and attention, understanding that this is not something you need to stop and focus on, attaching yourself to it, but , which gives you the opportunity to conduct and follow further to reveal yourself more.

A state of gratitude to the values ​​of any plan also opens up opportunities for further movement on the path.

Often cataclysms with the values ​​of the material world can be something that a person is very attached to and values ​​​​them. He begins to transfer the values ​​of the material world from a tool into goals and achievements, and then these values ​​themselves, their consciousness, tries to shake up the human being so that it takes the right, correct position.

There is no pride in the fact that you have accumulated more material values. They don't belong to you. They are given to you as a tool so that you are able to correctly distribute them in the range and in those environments that are with you, and not in order to crush, hide and accumulate for yourself.

When someone accumulates and tries to hold on, seeing everyone else and the world as a threat, then other plans and other levels of him begin to collapse, because he steps on the value layer of himself in the highest range.

A person does not directly connect attachment to material values ​​and p

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Trying to look into the future and imagine ourselves in 10-20-30 years, we constantly make the same mistake. It seems to us that we will not change. No, no, we understand perfectly well that we will get older and lose our agility. Perhaps we will gain weight, although we will try not to. Let's go gray - and we will be proud of our gray hair or carefully paint over it. But all these changes are external. Like other changes that we imagine: pictures of success achieved in our careers or an idyllic life in retirement in a house by the sea, adult children... However, this future life we look with today's eyes, forgetting about the main thing: we will change not only externally, but also internally. And who knows how important career success, the opportunity to live by the sea, and even relationships with children will be for us, the future.

Our values—what we believe in and strive for—change as we age. Once again and very clearly this truth has been proven international group psychologists. They conducted Study 1 on an impressive sample of 36,000 Brazilians aged 12 to 65 years. There were approximately equal numbers of men and women in it, since the researchers also wanted to find out whether values ​​change differently depending not only on age, but also on a person’s gender.

Boys with gray hair

Scientists have created special technique survey called “Analysis of Core Values.” 18 basic concepts classified as basic values ​​were divided into 6 groups. The values ​​of emotional arousal included pleasure, emotions and sexuality. The values ​​of social growth included power, prestige and success. Affection, a sense of belonging and support constituted the relationship values. Normative values ​​were represented by readiness to follow instructions, loyalty to traditions and religiosity. Psychologists have designated the ability to appreciate beauty, knowledge and development as actualization values. Finally, the basic values ​​of existence were represented by health, stability and the possibility of survival. Then all participants large-scale research assessed the importance of each of the presented concepts for themselves personally.

Processing the results showed that various groups values ​​perceptibly gain or lose importance depending on age. Thus, the values ​​of emotional arousal, as you might guess, are valued most highly by adolescents. Subsequently, their importance steadily decreased, reaching minimum values ​​among the most age participants. Looking ahead, it must be said that only in this category was a serious difference between men and women identified. Their attitude towards other values ​​changed more or less equally over the course of their lives. But even the oldest men considered emotional arousal much more important than their peers. Probably, this result can serve as scientific confirmation of the popular idea that a boy lives in the soul of a man until a very old age.

When family is more important than career

The dynamics of the social growth category turned out to be interesting. Power, prestige and success were presented equally important people the very young and those who have crossed the mid-life mark. And suddenly they lost importance for 30-40 year olds. Psychologists explain the result by the fact that at this age the interests of the family and raising children usually come to the fore. We most strive for social and career success either earlier - before we have had time to start a family, or later - when the children are little by little getting on their feet and starting to independent life.

Relationship values ​​undergo the least changes over the course of life. Their importance decreases, but not too significantly. And this is hardly surprising or requires explanation: everyone needs affection and support at absolutely any age. But normative values ​​showed the highest growth among all categories. The older the study participants were, the more they valued religiosity and loyalty to tradition. Researchers suggest that adherence to these values ​​helps older adults find meaning in their lives. (It is interesting, by the way, that older women turned out to be somewhat more active supporters of religion and traditions than older men.)

What does old age treasure?

Actualization values ​​also gain importance - but until about mid-life. Then their schedule plateaus, becoming almost straight line, And further growth, although present, is not very noticeable. The reason, researchers believe, is that by midlife, most people find themselves too preoccupied with rather practical matters. Conventionally speaking, go to a museum or library for those who do not have immediate practical benefit beauty and knowledge - a luxury permissible only for those who do not need to rush to other places and on more pressing matters.

And finally, the dynamics of the attitude towards the basic values ​​of existence are very eloquent. They are of great importance in adolescence and in his youth. Then their importance decreases noticeably. Understanding the value of health and life, we at the same time begin to clearly realize that it is, alas, impossible to keep them intact, psychologists explain. But closer to old age, this value increases again: approaching last line, we begin to value more what we have been given.

It is worth noting that the study does not claim to be universal. The patterns he identified can be largely explained by the specifics of the culture and way of life of Brazil. And it is possible that in other countries the results would have been different. And yet, it is useful to keep in mind the dynamics of changes in attitudes towards certain basic values ​​over the course of life when planning your future.

1 V. Gouveia et al. "Patterns of Value Change During the Life Span. Some Evidence From a Functional Approach to Values". Online publication on the website of the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin dated July 17, 2015.

Interest in a career may be higher at 60 than at 40. Adults worry less about health than teenagers. And most importantly, in ten or twenty years each of us will be a different person with different priorities, although today it is very difficult for us to believe this.

Trying to look into the future and imagine ourselves in 10-20-30 years, we constantly make the same mistake. It seems to us that we will not change. No, no, we understand perfectly well that we will get older and lose our agility. Perhaps we will gain weight, although we will try not to. Let's go gray - and we will be proud of our gray hair or carefully paint over it. But all these changes are external. Like other changes that we imagine: pictures of success achieved in our careers or an idyllic life in retirement in a house by the sea, adult children... However, we look at this future life with today's eyes, forgetting about the main thing: we will change not only externally, but also internally. And who knows how important career success, the opportunity to live by the sea, and even relationships with children will be for us, the future.

Our values—what we believe in and strive for—change as we age. Once again, and very clearly, this truth was proven by an international group of psychologists. They conducted a study on an impressive sample of 36 thousand Brazilians aged 12 to 65 years. There were approximately equal numbers of men and women in it, since the researchers also wanted to find out whether values ​​change differently depending not only on age, but also on a person’s gender.

Boys with gray hair

Scientists have created a special survey methodology called “Analysis of Basic Values.” 18 basic concepts classified as basic values ​​were divided into 6 groups. The values ​​of emotional arousal included pleasure, emotions and sexuality. The values ​​of social growth included power, prestige and success. Affection, a sense of belonging and support constituted the relationship values. Normative values ​​were represented by readiness to follow instructions, loyalty to traditions and religiosity. Psychologists have designated the ability to appreciate beauty, knowledge and development as actualization values. Finally, the basic values ​​of existence were represented by health, stability and the possibility of survival. Then all participants in the large-scale study rated the importance of each of the presented concepts for themselves personally.

Processing of the results showed that various groups of values ​​noticeably gain or lose importance depending on age. Thus, the values ​​of emotional arousal, as you might guess, are valued most highly by adolescents. Subsequently, their importance steadily decreased, reaching minimum values ​​among the oldest participants. Looking ahead, it must be said that only in this category was a serious difference between men and women identified. Their attitude towards other values ​​changed more or less equally over the course of their lives. But even the oldest men considered emotional arousal much more important than their peers. Probably, this result can serve as scientific confirmation of the popular idea that a boy lives in the soul of a man until a very old age.

When family is more important than career

The dynamics of the social growth category turned out to be interesting. Power, prestige and success seemed equally important to the very young and to those who had crossed the threshold of midlife. And suddenly they lost importance for 30-40 year olds. Psychologists explain the result by the fact that at this age the interests of the family and raising children usually come to the fore. We most strive for social and career success either earlier, before we have had time to start a family, or later, when our children are gradually getting on their feet and starting an independent life.

Relationship values ​​undergo the least changes over the course of life. Their importance decreases, but not too significantly. And this is hardly surprising or requires explanation: everyone needs affection and support at absolutely any age. But normative values ​​showed the highest growth among all categories. The older the study participants were, the more they valued religiosity and loyalty to tradition. Researchers suggest that adherence to these values ​​helps older adults find meaning in their lives. (It is interesting, by the way, that older women turned out to be somewhat more active supporters of religion and traditions than older men.)

What does old age treasure?

Actualization values ​​also gain importance - but until about mid-life. Then their graph reaches a plateau, turning into an almost flat line, and further growth, although there is some, is not very noticeable. The reason, researchers believe, is that by midlife, most people find themselves too preoccupied with rather practical matters. Conventionally speaking, going to a museum or library for beauty and knowledge that has no immediate practical use is a luxury permissible only for those who do not need to rush to other places and on more pressing matters.

And finally, the dynamics of the attitude towards the basic values ​​of existence are very eloquent. They are of great importance during adolescence and young adulthood. Then their importance decreases noticeably. Understanding the value of health and life, we at the same time begin to clearly realize that it is, alas, impossible to keep them intact, psychologists explain. But closer to old age, this value increases again: approaching the last line, we begin to value more what we have been given.

It is worth noting that the study does not claim to be universal. The patterns he identified can be largely explained by the specifics of the culture and way of life of Brazil. And it is possible that in other countries the results would have been different. And yet, it is useful to keep in mind the dynamics of changes in attitudes towards certain basic values ​​over the course of life when planning your future.

The Byzantine Church, which came to Russia in the 16th century, established its own rules. Government policy has changed. However, the priests were not destined to rule the country for long. The emperors, who did not want to share power, greatly curtailed the rights of the clergy.

Such state “leapfrog” affected life ordinary people. Each century passed under the banner of new ideological values.

How have the spiritual and ideological values ​​of Russians changed over time? Fakrtum collected the most interesting information about the beliefs of Russians, from the 16th century to the present.

XVI century: Moscow - the third Rome

At the end of the 15th century, a Byzantine princess Sofia Paleolog marries the king Ivan III. Two nations unite. Sophia did not come empty-handed: with her the Byzantine faith penetrated Russia. Around the same time, Moscow began to be called third Rome. And not only for rapid development. At that time, Russia was considered the last stronghold Orthodox Christianity. Ideological values ​​in Rus' naturally changed after the rapprochement with Byzantium. In addition to the king and his entourage, priests are also allowed to govern the country. Such a management model appears most clearly during times Ivan the Terrible. Government changes also affected the lives of ordinary people.

17th century: the church rules the country

In the 17th century, the position of the church was significantly strengthened. Orthodox Church gains independence from Constantinople, which makes it a powerful ideological unit. Reforms Patriarch Nikon, supported by the king Alexey Mikhailovich, finally divide power between the clergy and the state. Alexey Mikhailovich himself called such a union a “symphony.” The idea that the reign of the king was the will of God was actively propagated. However, Nikon's reforms lead to a split in the church. IN late XVII centuries, the clergy is relegated to the background.

18th century: European style

Peter I finally determined the place of the Russian church. The clergy had to serve the sovereign and support him in every possible way. Peter implements laws that he “spied” in Europe. This not only led to a change in the appearance of the courtiers, but also to the spread of European cuisine and life. In the 18th century the main thing became civil law, and not the postulates of the church. Such changes led to the ideological modernization of society. After declaring himself emperor, Peter completely abolished the position of patriarch. People began to believe in the law and tried to think rationally. The rapid development of production and science occurred precisely during this period.

19th century: Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality

The emperors who ruled Russia in the 19th century returned power to the church. The main motto, which was popular during the Napoleonic War, read: “For the faith, for the Tsar, for the Fatherland!” Minister of education Sergey Uvarov also introduced the famous triad “Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality.” This formula accurately conveys the ideological currents of the XIX century. The values ​​promoted by the state are supported even by the intelligentsia. The intellectual layer of society, which, in fact, was the flagship, advocated the preservation of the greatness of the church, recognized the effectiveness of autocracy and called for preserving national Russian traditions.

20th century: the new “holy trinity”

The Church completely lost authority after the Great October revolution. A new “holy trinity” was proclaimed - Lenin, Marx and Engels. During this period there is sudden change ideological values. Religion and the clergy are being replaced by materialism. Research institutes are starting to be built instead of churches and monasteries. People no longer believe in rulers or the salvation of souls. The structure of society is also changing. The leading class is the workers. The intelligentsia mainly consists of scientists, engineers and prominent politicians.

21st century: strong and independent

Modern Russia is built under the motto "Unity, patriotism, independence." The official ideology implies the unification of Russians to achieve a common goal - greatness Russian Federation. It is the idea that is being promoted general work over the well-being of the country. Russians are urged to be patriots and honor their history. In addition, it is noted that a Russian person must be healthy in soul and body, therefore healthy image life is an integral part of ideology. In independence, the authorities see complete freedom from European values. In a complex multipolar world, Russians, according to the state, should remain faithful to their traditions.

The eternal problem of fathers and sons, disagreements between elders and younger ones, the superiority of some and the rebellion of others. Almost every generation ridicules the previous “old” behavior pattern and establishes a new one. Each generation has its own views and its own values. But how did these beliefs change? The editor of the site, Anna Baklaga, pulled up the archives of history and tried to understand the pressing issue today.

Different historical periods cause generational conflicts

The value system of society is formed based on a certain number of factors influencing a person. There is no doubt that the defining vectors in our consciousness arise as a result family education. But no less, we are also influenced by social events that occur during the period of personality formation. It follows that worldview conflicts occur precisely because of growing up in different historical periods.

The theory of generations was created in the nineties by American scientists. And in the 2000s, already by a Russian team, it was adapted for Russia. Based on this theory, from the twentieth century to the present day, six generations have been formed.

The Greatest Generation (1900–1923)

Material values ​​did not matter much to these people, since many times they had to lose everything they acquired. They had to go through a revolution Civil War and collectivization. The personality that was being formed at this time was distinguished by responsibility, hard work, family traditions, faith in a bright future and categorical judgments.

During the period of repression, people had to strictly control their speech

The Silent Generation (1923-1943)

Those born during this period had to learn to strictly control themselves in society, so as not to say anything unnecessary. Only in the family could they discuss problems and talk on any topic, so family was the main value for them.

The Great Patriotic War, Stalin's repressions, the destruction and restoration of the country - all this influenced this generation. They respected the law and the status of other people. They also unconditionally trusted doctors, since it was at this time that antibiotics were discovered.

Baby Boomer Generation (1943-1963)

The society that emerged during this time period is distinguished by unprecedented patriotism. This period was a surge in the enthusiasm of the people and, by the way, in the birth rate. Hence the name of the period. Events such as the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet “thaw”, space flights, guaranteed medical care - instilled faith, optimism, respect and pride in their country in the population.

The post-war generation believed in their country like no one else did

It was then that the chains of specialized stores “Svet”, “Radio”, “Hunter-Fisherman” and others appeared in the country. People of this period are active and inquisitive. They embrace emerging technologies with interest and are open to everything new.

Generation X, or the Unknown Generation (1963-1984)

People of this period, as a rule, were early accustomed to independence. They are more individualistic than their parents. At this time, the number of divorces increases sharply. The family is no longer as important to society as it used to be. Many women start working out own business. Freedom of choice is very important for people of this time.

Stagnation, cold war, the war in Afghanistan, the emergence of drugs, the beginning of perestroika - all these are the events of generation X.

Generation Y or Millennials (1984–2000)

Unlike their independent parents, Generation Y are more dependent. This is the time of the collapse of the USSR, military conflicts, terrorist attacks, rapid development of communications, digital technologies, the Internet and mobile technologies. Generation Y is also called generation thumb. After all, they are fantastically fast at typing messages in their gadgets. Another one distinguishing feature gamers - they are not ready to wait; in almost any activity they need immediate results.

The generation of the nineties is the generation of the thumb

Basically, people of this time period do what is fashionable, even if it harms them. This is the era of brands. Drug addiction, smoking, and alcoholism are among the main problems of this stage. The era of publicity has arrived, the erasing of boundaries - everything can be seen on television and on the Internet.

Generation Z (since 2000)

Representatives of this category are still born. Therefore, the question of their formation remains poorly understood. Global financial crisis, business consolidation, creation retail chains- all this, according to scientists, forms the next “silent” generation. A society is being created that draws its conclusions based on information received from the Internet. A virtual communication becomes preferable to the living.