Brief biography of Andersen Nightingale. Andersen analysis of the nightingale


During the classes


Hello, dear guys! Today in the lesson we turn to the work of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, whose fairy tales you have been familiar with since childhood.
More than a hundred years ago, in a small town in Denmark - Odense, on the island of Funen, extraordinary events took place. The quiet, slightly sleepy streets of Odense were suddenly filled with the sounds of music. A procession of artisans with torches and banners marched past the brightly lit ancient town hall, greeting the tall blue-eyed man standing at the window. In honor of whom did the inhabitants of Odense light their fires in September 1869?
It was Hans Christian Andersen, elected an honorary citizen hometown. Honoring Andersen, fellow countrymen praised best storyteller peace. When the writer died on August 4, 1875, national mourning was declared in Denmark. Years passed, and a monument to Andersen was erected in the Royal Garden in Copenhagen with the inscription: “Erected by the Danish people.”
More than a hundred years have passed since his death, and the fairy tales and stories of the Danish writer continue to be published in all countries of the world.
Andersen comes to you guys in different ways. Then he quietly creeps into the room and makes you feel as if good wizard Ole-Lukoje, wonderful dreams. Then the fairy tale floats along with Thumbelina on a water lily leaf. You will forever be captivated by the love of the courageous and gentle Little Mermaid. But more often than not, Andersen’s fairy tale boldly and cheerfully bursts into the world of your childhood: “A soldier was walking along the road: one-two! one-two!”
And today a fairy tale will fly to our lesson on the wings of a small bird, a nightingale.
“It was a long time ago, of course, but that’s why it’s worth listening to this story until it’s completely forgotten!” - Andersen wrote.

Where does the fairy tale take place?
(IN Ancient China, in the wonderful palace of the emperor)

And what was the most wonderful, miracle of miracles in his domain?

Did the emperor know that a nightingale lived in his domain?

Who in the palace knew about this?
(Poor cook girl)

Guys, how did it happen that the whole world knew about the nightingale, they even wrote about it in books, but the emperor didn’t know? Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some kind of different worlds X? Let's divide into groups. Group 1 will tell us where the nightingale lives, and group 2 will tell us about the emperor and his courtiers.

(The children are offered a table that they will have to fill out using the text of the fairy tale)

Let's summarize. What is the difference the world nightingale from the emperor's world?

Natural beauty wildlife

Artificial beauty of the palace

So, guys, it’s not hard to guess why only the poor girl knew where the nightingale lived. Let's read the episode of the search for the nightingale by role (From the words “And so everyone went into the forest...” to the words “He will be a huge success at court”)

How did the emperor perceive the nightingale's singing? Find the answer to the question in the text of the fairy tale.
(The Emperor was very pleased, tears came to his eyes)

Why did the nightingale refuse the reward? Support your answer with the text of the fairy tale.
(“I saw tears in the emperor’s eyes - what other reward could I wish for!”)

Why are tears in the eyes of the emperor more valuable than any gift? Who else cried from the nightingale's singing?
(Poor girl: “Tears are flowing from my eyes, but my soul becomes so joyful, as if my mother was kissing me”)

Guys, why does the nightingale's singing bring tears to tears? What is singing?
(Real, beautiful singing is an art; it affects a person and evokes various feelings in him. “Tears are the most precious reward for a singer’s heart,” says the nightingale)

Remember how the court ladies sang, imitating the nightingale (they took water into their mouths so that it gurgled in their throats). Can singing like this bring tears?

One day, a large package with the inscription “Nightingale” was delivered to the emperor. So another nightingale appears in the fairy tale. What kind of bird was this? Let's characterize each image and then compare them.
(The teacher can prepare cards in advance with the characteristics of birds, which the children will distribute into columns and draw a conclusion. This can be done at the board)

Real nightingale

Artificial nightingale

Lived in the branches of trees hanging over the water

All sprinkled with diamonds, rubies and sapphires

The fisherman listened to him, forgetting about his worries

His tail shimmered with gold and silver

Poets wrote the most beautiful poems in honor of him.

On his neck he had a ribbon with the inscription

Little gray bird

Sang like a winded organ-grinder

His singing was enough to touch the heart, and tears appeared in his eyes

It was all glittering with jewels

Sang in his own way

I sang the same thing 33 times and didn’t get tired

You never know in advance what exactly he will sing

You can give yourself a full account of his art - everything is known in advance

You can disassemble it and show its internal structure

The people listened to him and were pleased, as if they had drunk plenty of tea

Not bad, but still not the same, something is missing in his singing

25 volumes of the most sophisticated Chinese words were written about him

Guys, now let's compare who is more beautiful? Who sings better? What feelings does your singing evoke in people? So what is the difference between a live nightingale and an artificial one?
(Guys add another row to the table)

Have we found out what real art is? Now let's think about what his strength is? What is true art capable of?
(The mechanical nightingale broke down and the emperor fell ill. And the living nightingale saved him from death with his song)

Could an artificial nightingale do this?
(No, because only the real singing of a living nightingale can defeat death and even those evil forces that live in the human soul. Real art makes a person better, purer, more beautiful)

How has the emperor changed?
(He allowed the nightingale to live in the forest, allowed him to fly in and sing songs only when the nightingale himself wanted it)

So the fairy tale ends. The nightingale saved the emperor from death, promised to fly to him and tell him about that real living life that cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and which no flowers with crystal bells can replace. And at home I will ask you to reflect on the topic of the lesson and write an essay on the topic “What is the wondrous power of art?” To summarize, let's think again about why Andersen asked us not to forget this fairy tale?

(Because this fairy tale is very interesting and instructive. The nightingale, deprived of brilliance, turns out to be stronger and freer than the emperor himself. And the main idea of ​​the fairy tale is the immortality of true art and the impossibility of replacing it with a mechanism.


1. Andersen H.K. Fairy tales. Stories: Per. from date/entry Art. K. Paustovsky. Comp., comment. L.Yu. Braude. – M.: Education, 1988. – 271 p.: ill.
2. Kutuzov A.G. How to enter the world of literature. 5th grade: Toolkit/ A.G. Kutuzov, A.G. Gutov, L.V. Colossus; Ed. A.G. Kutuzova. – 6th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2002. – 112 p.
3. Moiseev M.V. a guide to the world of literature. 5th grade: Method. Benefit. – M.: Bustard, 2004. – 96 p.


In the fairy tale “The Nightingale” there are many beautiful and outlandish things: a palace made of precious porcelain, wonderful flowers with silver bells, an artificial nightingale showered with diamonds and rubies. But the best thing is a little bird living in the neighboring forest. “This is the best of all,” said overseas travelers about the nightingale’s singing and considered the small gray bird “the main attraction” of the great state Chinese Emperor. Everyone loved her simple people, only the emperor could not truly appreciate the bird until he was convinced of the power of the art of nightingale singing.
When the emperor fell ill, a living nightingale flew to encourage and console him. With his singing, he drove away death itself, and tears appeared in the emperor’s eyes.
A living nightingale, of course, is not as beautiful in appearance as an artificial one. But his singing is beautiful because it sings alive soul who knows how to be sad and rejoice, understand other people's pain, yearn for freedom and freedom. She knows how to love unselfishly: “I love you for your heart more than for your crown,” says the nightingale to the emperor. Flying away, he promises the emperor to visit him: “I will sing to you about the happy and the unhappy, about the good and the evil that lurk around you... my song will both please you and make you think.”
That's how much a little gray bird with a wonderful voice and a living soul can do!

Literature lesson in 5th grade

H.K. Andersen. "Nightingale": instructive meaning fairy tales

Lesson objectives: in the process of textual analysis of Andersen's tale; identify the main idea of ​​the fairy tale - the idea of ​​the immortality of true art and the impossibility of replacing it with “mechanism”; define artistic features works;

develop the skill of expressive, thoughtful, “slow” reading, selective retelling, literary and creative skills;

to help students, using the example of a work, to master a cultural norm-model (the relationship between art and reality, the purpose of art).

Equipment: portrait of H.K. Andersen, illustrations to the fairy tale by E. Narbut.

Epigraph to the lesson:

None outer beauty cannot be complete

If she is not enlivened by the beauty within.

Victor Hugo

During the classes

  1. Organizational stage.
  2. Motivational stage.

introduction teachers.

Today in class we will talk about the interesting and difficult tale of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen “The Nightingale”. During the lesson, we will try to understand the meaning of this fairy tale, what it can teach us.

– Did you like this fairy tale?

– What do you think she’s talking about?

(Students cannot yet answer the question accurately, so it is necessary to return to it at the end of the discussion)

III. Analysis of the fairy tale "The Nightingale".The main technique used in the lesson is “reading with stops”: repeated slow movement through the text, accompanied by problem-solving conversation and commenting on individual details.

1. Read the description of the palace of the Chinese emperor. Do you think it is convenient, is it good to live in a palace made of the most precious porcelain, so fragile “that it was scary to touch it”?

– Why were bells tied to the “most wonderful flowers” ​​in the emperor’s garden?

(To once again admire the beauty of flowers, the clink of silver, the shine of porcelain, in a word, the external splendor and splendor of the imperial house)

– Why didn’t the emperor know anything about the nightingale? Why didn’t the courtiers hear anything about him?

2. Read carefully the fragment in which the author talks about the place where the nightingale lived.

Why does he live in deep forest, which begins behind the garden"?

Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Describe these worlds: what does the nightingale hear and see every day, and what do the courtiers and the emperor see?

What's funny about the scene of the courtiers searching for the nightingale? Don't you feel a little sorry for them?

4.What is the first minister trying to compare the nightingale’s singing to? Why is his comparison ridiculous?

5. Why did the nightingale still agree to fly to the emperor’s palace, despite the fact that his songs “are much better to listen to in the green forest”?

6. How did the emperor perceive the nightingale’s singing? Re-read this scene.

Why did the nightingale refuse the reward - the golden slipper around her neck? Find the answer in the text of the fairy tale.

7. Find in the text the answer to the question: how did the courtiers try to imitate the nightingale? What, in your opinion, is the absurdity of the nightingale’s fame in the city?

Tell us about what happened during the competition between two nightingales. Where did the real nightingale go?

8. Find in the text the answer to the question: what does the “court supplier of nightingales” see as the advantages of an artificial nightingale? Why does the writer depict it in such detail, and why is the portrait of a natural nightingale so short?

9. Read what the poor fishermen said about the artificial nightingale. Why did the courtiers particularly like the artificial nightingale?

10. Retell the episode “The Emperor’s Illness” (work with an illustration by the artist E. Narbut).

Why was the emperor left alone during his illness? Why was the emperor so scared?

(It was not death that was terrible, but life, revealed on the day of judgment as a scroll of good and evil deeds)

How did the nightingale manage to save the emperor? What was the nightingale singing about? What does he ask the emperor to do, what does he promise him?

(The cemetery in the nightingale’s song evokes not fear, but a feeling of humility; it is full of beauty - special, but not cold, like the imperial palace. Salvation is that the nightingale awakened “good feelings” both in death and in the emperor, who had good business, because he cried when he first listened to the nightingale)

11. What does the nightingale sing about and will always sing about? Re-read this fragment.

IV. How would you now answer what this fairy tale is about?

(Students conclude that the world of the nightingale (nature) and the world imperial palace– two completely different worlds. “Mechanism” (the creation of human hands) is contrasted in Andersen’s fairy tale with nature, its living voice - the voice of the nightingale. The voice of nature would never have reached the palace (another world) if not for the nightingale and his songs.

Which heroes of Andersen's fairy tale can we attribute to the world of nature and the world of the palace? Let's name them.

V. Conclusions. The nightingale sang and will sing to the emperor about that real, living life, which cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and which no flowers with crystal bells and magnificent gardens can replace.

The nightingale is an image of a free singer, an allegorical image of art that speaks in the language of nature itself about everything in the world; only it is capable of defeating death and even those evil forces that live in the soul of man himself; art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful.

Justification and grading.

VI. Homework.

Compose a letter from the Chinese emperor to the Japanese after recovery or a letter to Andersen about a fairy tale you read (optional).

Hello guys! Sit down. Wish you Have a good mood and I invite everyone to cooperate in the literature lesson. How can you explain main idea fairy tale "The Nightingale" that you read for the lesson? What can we call our lesson? Let's define those learning objectives, which we will have to solve today. Set a personal goal for yourself. How do you understand the meaning of the words “lesson”?

“morality”, “caring”? I agree with your answers and propose to summarize them in the topic of our lesson, which we will call

« Moral Lessons based on the fairy tale by H.K. Andersen's "The Nightingale".

Teacher's opening speech.

Guys! Do you think there are some common spiritual values ​​and concepts for all people that are important at all times and in all countries?

Today in class we will think and reason about an interesting and complex fairy tale by the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen

"Nightingale". In the course of our work, we will try to understand those spiritual truths of the fairy tale that can become useful moral lessons for each of us.

You have read a fairy tale. Let's express our first impression of what we read in the form of a syncwine.

Yes, guys, reading the fairy tale “The Nightingale” makes us think about our actions and deeds. The theme of the life-giving power of the present human feelings, opposing deathly lack of spirituality, worried many writers, but no one resolved it as brilliantly as Hans Christian Andersen, and most importantly, by such simple means: in the space of a few pages. This is a literary miracle, and the Danish magician has many such miracles... I suggest you re-read the fairy tale together and reflect on what you read.

“In the whole world there would not have been a better palace than the imperial one.”

Why do you think this tale begins with a description of the extraordinary imperial palace? Why was the palace “fragile” and made of “precious porcelain”?

Describing the garden and dense forest, Andersen seems to deliberately force the reader to compare and contrast them with a porcelain palace. For what?

What feelings does the phrase “Lord, how good!” express?

- “Nightingale? But I don’t even know him!” “She is considered the main attraction of my great state!”

Express your opinion about why it is so important that the emperor did not know about the bird that surprised everyone with its singing?

How does the storyteller characterize the emperor?

Why does everyone know about the nightingale - the poor fisherman, travelers, the girl, except the emperor and their subjects?

How do the courtiers explain their ignorance? Why are they ready to mistake the mooing of a cow or the croaking of a frog for the singing of a nightingale?

Let us turn to the text in order to find the lines characterizing the nightingale.

The Emperor receives a mechanical nightingale as a gift. Why did he choose in his favor? Let's compare two birds? What is the difference between them? Let's compare.

How do you understand the conductor’s words that the artificial nightingale is “superior to the real one not only in its dress and diamonds, but also in its inner merits.”

How do you understand what is inner world? Do you agree that

a person’s inner virtues are his inner world, his spiritual qualities, his talent.

The emperor faced a test: he fell ill and found himself alone. Why did everyone turn away from him except the nightingale? What developments do you expect after these lines?

Let's turn to the text. The storyteller introduces a sad motif into the story. “... there was dead silence in the palace.” The emperor lay alone and “completely motionless and deathly pale.” "Death sat on his chest." Why do you think the emperor shouted: “Music here, music!”? How could music help him?

Not only Death appeared before the gaze of the dying emperor, who else?

Explain how you understand these words?

Why did the nightingale fly to the emperor when he learned about his illness? Could the emperor himself console and encourage another?

Let's read the dialogue between the emperor and the nightingale.

What reward does the emperor offer the nightingale and why does he refuse?

How do you understand the words “Tears are the most precious reward for a singer’s heart.”

Why does the nightingale call itself a “singer”?

The Emperor invites the nightingale to live in the palace again, but now free. “You must stay with me forever! You will sing only when you want!”

Why does the nightingale refuse, since no one dared to refuse the emperor?

Let's reread last page fairy tales.

What are the main words here and what are they about?

Who awakened the spiritual qualities in the emperor? Why didn't the nightingale want others to know about him? "That's how it is it will go better

- " Hello!" - this is how the tale of the great Andersen ends. Do you think there will be changes in the reign of the Chinese Emperor?

What will the emperor have to think about?

What is the power of a small, inconspicuous bird that ensured victory over death?

What lesson did the nightingale teach the emperor?

5. Conclusion: the moral lessons we learn from the fairy tale are

Closeness to nature;

Attention to others;

Availability own opinion;

Respect spiritual qualities, and not external appearance;

Understanding true art;

Caring for others.

What other moral lessons can be learned from this tale?

    What was the most important thing in the lesson?

    Have the goals and objectives of the lesson been achieved?

    Are you satisfied with your job?

    What moral lessons can be learned?

An essay on the topic “What did the fairy tale “The Nightingale” teach me?