Passage for alin. Alone in the Dark (2008): Walkthrough

Passage of the game "ALONE IN THE DARK" for PLAYSTATION-2 release of the game: 2008 (ATARI)


Somewhere in the middle of 843 acres of Central Park lies a terrible secret. The park, founded in the middle of the 19th century by an international cartel (community) of powerful gentlemen, was supposed to be a quiet retreat in the heart of New York. But it turned out that the shelter was not intended for the townspeople at all. Something completely different lurked in the park...

For generation after generation, the keepers of the secret kept the truth hidden, at all costs keeping intact an island of greenery in the middle of the most expensive and powerful city in the world. But all the secret becomes clear.


Tonight you will discover the secret of Central Park. Overcome the border of death and fight the ancient forces. This final showdown will present you with a decisive choice, the eternal choice between good and evil.

Find out who you really are...


The game has 10 Episodes, each with 3-4 chapters.


EPISODE 1 - The Nightmare Begins

Chapter 1 - Wake Up

Your main character Edward Cornby is in the lab. The game starts from the first seconds. During the first cutscene, you need to constantly blink (R3 button), keep an eye on Eddie's vision, avoid blurring and loss of vision.

We leave the laboratory and follow the urgent request for unknown people. When you try to turn into another corridor, you will receive a decent poke from the guard. Don't forget to keep blinking (R3)! We go up the stairs, and something strange happens. Our escort is dragged through the door by an unknown force. We do not understand anything, clap our eyes (R3) and go through the opening. We go boldly forward, and approach the mirror. Small roller. We break the mirror. Our vision no longer bothers us.

Chapter 2 - Vertigo

We leave into the elevator shaft, the elevator rises from below to us. Let's watch the video. Some dark force engulfed the men in the elevator, after which it collapsed into the shaft. Carefully along the wall we pass along the narrow bridges. Hm! A woman's voice is heard asking for help, we must hurry. We unwind the fire hose and quickly go down it, we see huge fans, push off the wall and go down even lower. Attention! From above, the fragments of the building will fly, try to dodge to the side. Below is a doorway, jump into it.

Chapter 3 - Fire Escape

There is a fire in the corridor, do not hesitate and run forward as soon as possible. The fire spreads incredibly fast (burns in real time). Let's watch the video. The girl at the elevator asks us for help. We pass into the office building, take a fire extinguisher from the wall and eliminate all the fire. Remember, any unextinguished hearth will lead to further spread of fire. Extinguish the fire on the ceiling. This process is one of the most exciting in the game. Small roller. We meet the head of the office, who is in a panic and calls an employee named Anna, asking for help. Of course we will help him! With the same fire extinguisher we knock out the door. And here is the girl. -

"Hi Anna, so, it was you at the elevator, obviously. ;)"

A fire is raging in the corridor, we are enjoying the extinguishing. While the head of the office and Anna are arguing, we feel like a real firefighter. We need a corridor to the right, we put out the fire, do not forget the ceiling, we pass into the extinguished corridor ... - "OPA!" the floor has failed... there is a hole in front of us. We throw a fire extinguisher, do not jump over it. Run, jump... great! Fire on the right, go left, then right. Room.

Chapter 4 - Collapsing World

Room. We pass and inspect both rooms, there is nothing in them, but as soon as we try to get out, the forces of evil begin to destroy the building. Everything and everything shakes, and Edward Cornby falls into the abyss. But our hero is a hero, very tenacious.

EPISODE 2 - Close Encounters

Chapter 1 - Don't Look Down!

We are standing on the balcony of a destroyed building. Climb up the rope and jump to the left on the visor. A few steps forward and from above the debris breaks our visor. We cling to the remains with our hands and move to the right, crawl to the end and pull ourselves up to the ledge (square button), immediately we rise even higher. Now on the hands to the left side slowly crawled. Attention! Dodge large building debris falling down on you. On the rope, we push off the wall and reach a small ledge, jump up and go forward on our hands. -"A-A-A-Aaaaaa!!!" the wall is falling off, but Edward Cornby is definitely in luck!

We are on the balcony, we go into the ruined building, we climb the slab to the left of us. We're back on the outside of the building, climbing the rope like a young tarzan. We see Anna in the window, but we are not up to it yet, we are riding a rope. We jump to the balcony and enter the room.

Chapter 2 - Off the Beaten Path

In the room, you can take a globe or a trash can by the door, with the same object we knock out the door. We reach the middle of the room, and the floor collapses under us. We look around. Did you notice that the table can be moved? Let's drag this table to a large slab, go up and see a guard on the right in the opening. How can we get to the light there? So we see a wooden chair and a fire, excellent, set fire to a chair and quickly run in the dark along a narrow path to the light in the opening. Oh, you, that's bad luck, the floor collapsed under our feet, we will jump on the islands of the floor. Take your time, the flying pendulum fragment can kill the hero. Next, we jump voluntarily into the fire and sharply back. We take a fire extinguisher and knock out an iron, strong door. Let's watch the video.

Chapter 3 - Lifeless Reception

So, after the video, Cornby and the new hero Laura ended up in an elevator. We get out of it and see the corpse of a certain man, we take a flashlight from him. In the future, he will play an important role for passing. We jump into the next elevator and go out into the hall of the building. Let's watch the video.

Meet our first zombies! With a chair that was in our hands, we hit the zombies, a couple of hits is enough for everyone. We go behind the reception desk, in the room there is a corpse of a guard, we take a pistol from him. A well-aimed shot at the lock of the cabinet - and our two clips of cartridges.

To save ammo, we again take a chair and go out into the hall. Two zombies. Chair them with all the dope! Ready!

Frightened Laura is waiting for us at the door with the code. We dial a simple combination of numbers and enter. The necessary numbers are suggested in the game, they are stained with blood. Play with the numbers 2,4,9, after each option, press the lower right button (B). We go down the stairs. Let's watch the video.

Laura and Grandpa hide behind the car as we move further into the underground car park. It's time to take advantage of our unique super vision. Press and hold the movable lever-button R3 to see the items we need and all sorts of opponents. Cornby's super vision allows him to see through walls at great distances. In the future, we will often use the R3 button. Press and hold while looking around you. To the right is a large iron garage door, to the left are a couple of zombies. We take out the gun and shoot at the lock on the door. The garage door will open.

How to kill zombies!?

Each zombie monster has a black cracked stripe on its chest. This is the universal evil that has consumed the people and the city (New York). We shoot exactly at the crack, otherwise 4 rounds anywhere and you're done. To save ammo, I recommend bringing the same chair from the top floor. They'll love it.

We look through R3, the second garage door, but the lock is on the other side. We leave through the door, which was guarded by zombies. We go down two floors. You are on the (-3) floor underground. No more weapons are needed.

Chapter 4 - Car Park Nightmare

We go to the floor and immediately come across a black crack, it grabbed us and drags us along the floor until we resist, but we will! And we grab everything along the way and get out. The most important thing is not to lose the landmark and the direction where you need to run. From the door we run to the right and to the end to the car that stands across. There is a cross on the door. We press quickly and jump into the wheelbarrow. We examine the contents of the bordachka (cartridges) and the shield from the sun. We leave the car through another door. Zombies - they are nearby, coming towards you. And here we can save ammo, we run into the opening on the right and take a fire extinguisher from the wall.

We beat zombies if they interfere with L1 +<>. We extinguish the blazing car from the fire. Move the car away from the garage. We shoot at the lock - the door is open. Further, the rest of the zombies are waiting for the same fate. Kill them so they don't interfere. Look for a car in the parking lot with the headlights on. Get comfortable, you're in for a tough ride. Bordachok - cartridges, on top - the ignition key. R1-gas, L1-reverse, brake. We drove through the garage door we opened, into the tunnel and through the burning path. Let's watch the video.

As soon as our friends have loaded, we press on the gases and drive to the CLOSED garage door. (we go around in a circle) And we crash, a couple of times, we knock out the door! Let's watch the video.

EPISODE 3 - Dark Central Park

Part 1 - Flat Out on 59th Street

A black crack has swallowed up New York, buildings are collapsing, roads are heaving. Your task: with the maximum speed of this car, drive along the road, avoiding all obstacles. Flying, ramming cars, giant fragments of buildings falling from above will interfere with you. Drive to the center circle and turn left, two patrol cars (detour on the left side).

Part - 2 - Life Line

So, our grandfather could not stand such an overload. Shot himself. And why did we save him at all? Laura decided that everything was fine now, gave her a business card and set off on her way. Here it is - gratitude! ;) Well, okay, one is easier.

After such a hard landing, we have no health at all. We run towards the cliff and run through it. We rise and along the edge we run to the white brick building through the open door. Let's watch the video.

The door next to the trash can is closed. Since we are wounded and weak, we cannot take the tank and kick the door, so the gun will help us. We shoot at the door handle and run to the first aid kit. Let's watch the video.

Yes! Yes! We had to give these guys the medical spray, but there's more on the floor. We heal quickly. Take the ammo from the corpse. We look at the wall with our super vision, we see a map of the city. But we don't need it, so we'll be vandals. We take the tank and destroy the wall. A broken cable hangs on the left, we grab it and go down. We jump over to the next cable, push off from the wall to remove the cable from the stick. Attention! From below, a flame bursts out of the pipe, do not fall under it. We rise and jump to the ground to the right.

Part 3 - Blood Thirsty Rampage

To the left of us is a door, next to it is a man. Then a flock of bats swoop down on us and attack. You can’t enter the door, therefore, with all your strength, we run along the path to the bus. We take the first-aid kit from the floor and heal. We pass through the interior of the bus and sharply run to the right. We are looking for a small booth and run into the open door. Attention! Bats have a "Mommy", she is big and strong. Mommy can grab you with her tentacles by the leg and drag you away. Cut with a knife, get free.

In the booth near the blinds, take the cartridges, on the floor a first aid kit. Heal up again. Don't shoot mice, it's useless, and you'll need ammo now. We run out of the booth and run to the right to the standing car.

Part 4 - Skyride Assault

Push the car from behind to start the engine and quickly get into the passenger seat. As soon as you start moving, the bats will attack you again. Mommy's strong tentacles will lift your car into the air. Take out your gun and quickly shoot all the tentacles. When she leaves you behind, the car will land, but, alas, your driver will no longer be there. Well, now you can ride along a small alley and suppress unbearable zombies. Be sure to get on the bus and pick up the first aid kit, quickly run out of it, the bus will burn down. At the end of the alley, an employee of the sewer station is waiting for us. We go down with him.

EPISODE 4 - Sewage Refuge

Part 1 - Deadly Underground

Having gone downstairs and chatting with Laura on the phone, we follow the employee.

"Oh! What is this?" The bats grabbed him and carried him upstairs. Let's go boldly forward, since Edward Cornby can look through the walls and while nothing threatens him. We carefully examine all the nooks and crannies, they may contain precious cartridges. We go forward and to the right we see that the road is blocked by sparkling and dangling broken cables. Don't pass. We return and go into the bunker with a hatch, the cartridges are on the floor, we jump down and take the cartridges on the right. Go around the right side of the maze first, there are zombies and ammo. Then clean the left side, going to the end, pick up the first aid kit in the corner, next to the passage down. Let's jump.

Part 2 - Draft to Survival

Take out the flashlight and put away the gun. Edward will replace the flashlight with an efficient lighter. Nothing threatens you in these half-flooded tunnels, your goal here is the same - to find a way out. Seek and go to the light! Climb the stairs and take the ammo under your feet. Get ready to fight the next monster. This zombie is very tenacious. Your miracle vision will tell you where to shoot. On the body of a zombie, you will see a bright spot, it can move. Shooting requires a lot of ammunition. Let's kill him quickly and effortlessly! To do this, we combine a medical spray and a lighter, we get a hand-held flamethrower. Works very effectively against everyone! Use the can wisely, release the liquid in small portions. Do not forget that you will be treated later with nothing! After the massacre, look around and go into the light bunker. Jump on the ladder and it will go down. We rise and go to the grate with a lock. We select the first-aid kit from the floor. We shoot at the castle. To the right on the wall, we remove the ax and we pass further. Do you recognize the place? We approach and chop with an ax along the wires. The path is clear. We raise the cartridges in front of the grate, knock out the lock in the door with an ax, throw the ax and raise the first-aid kit with cartridges. We reach the stairs up, sorry, but the ax will have to be left here. We rise and press the button on the left, the sim-sim has opened, and the path to freedom through the next staircase is open. Hooray! Air! Earth!

Part 3 - Flaming Desire

We run into the house, immediately at the entrance we take a garbage container and use it to knock out the next door. We replace the tank with a gas cylinder, ignite the gas at the included burner. We get a flamethrower. The door that leads to the exit is littered with boards, set fire to the door while it burns, fry the bat through the grate. When the whole room is engulfed in flames, we run out into the street. Zombie. An ambulance is waiting for us at the gate. Let's watch the video.

EPISODE 5 - Unexpected Expeditions

Part 1 - Blood Sucking Chase

We quickly take a bottle of alcohol or a bag of blood, this good is to our right. We toss up and hit the object with an accurate shot. If you hit the bottle, it will explode and destroy the little mice. If you hit a bag of blood, it will splatter over the rest of the mice, and they can even kill each other. Constantly blow up Mommy mice. When you run out of ammo, turn around and take another magazine from the medical officer. Keep shooting and blowing everything up.

Part 2 - Monster Hitchhike

As soon as Mommy moves to the roof of the car, the nurse will open the hatch in the cabin, climb up and open heavy fire on all the mice from there. Don't forget to take ammo from the bottom of the nurse. With an exact hit in Mommy, she emits a characteristic screech. Attention! Another dangerous enemy will appear on the roof of the car! It's a monster with claws. He climbs onto the roof from different sides and attacks you, causing great damage to your health. Shoot back from him and go back to Mommy and her small children. Shoot Mommy and watch the cutscene.

Part 3 - Mind the Gap

Behind you on the concrete barrier, take the ammo. We are moving forward on the road. BOOM! The road collapsed, but it's okay, we go around the edge of the cliff in a circle and run to the red headlights of the tow truck. With miracle vision we see the trigger lever, shoot at it, and the car rolls off the tow truck. Now we will push this car from behind, we will free the road. We run along the alley and look for a free car. Now everything is clear. We need to use the tow truck as a springboard. We accelerate, crush zombies along the way and jump over the cliff.

EPISODE 6 – The Manic Museum

Part 1 - Playground Railing

We go into the gate and very quickly run to the right, a black crack will chase us. If she caught you, then cling to everything along the way and hurry to the platform with verandas, it's safe there. Laura will follow you. You now need to get to the building, through the cliff. Go to the edge of the abyss and you will see a button (square). We run up and jump onto the cable of the iron bridge. Lower the elevator platform using the button (left). We enter the restroom, pay attention to the body lying at the door. Super vision tells that the monster is alive. Do not get close to him, otherwise he will attack you and kill you. But you can deceive him, for this we quickly run along the wall on the right and dive into the saving room. We take a first aid kit, we are treated, we rejoice. There is a garbage can and a gas cylinder lying nearby, but we don't need them yet. Medical spray and a lighter, that will work great! We burn the monster and knock out the door with a gas cylinder.

Part 2 – Egyptian Art…Or Disaster

We run to an open fire and make a flamethrower. We pass forward, on the way we burn a couple of zombies and a fence of wooden beams, then we burn three more zombies, we go to the elevator. We raise the cartridges on the floor and click on the desired floor. We leave. Let's watch the video.

Part 3 - Terror Exhibition

From the elevator to the right are cartridges. We go straight to the sculpture that stands in the center of the hall. Saving rounds will always appear on it, but, unfortunately, only two rounds in the magazine. The characteristic sound of a black crack is heard, we run again to the elevator so that the crack does not swallow us. We meet a new monster from this crack. Big, scary, but harmless as such. We have two options for eliminating it. Spray and a lighter, which is optimal for us now, or shoot at close range, in his luminous points on the body. We use miracle vision. Slowly move towards the sculpture and shoot the monster. We take cartridges and enjoy the fact that he does not give back. Requires a lot of ammo! Think about it. After all, to finally deal with the monster, you need 22 accurate shots. Now let's look at the hall of the museum, at the stairs there is an iron stick, and in the corner there is a bedside table with flammable liquids. We need to throw the can and shoot so that the tree burns down and the ladder is free. You can also use a spray and a lighter, and take fuel with you (for the future). We rise and burn the next zombie. Behind us we pick up a first aid kit. In the next passage, the opening wraps around the tree, we burn it and go down the stairs to the dining room. And there! Tons of good. We collect everything that fits in our pockets. We welcome the lonely monster from the crack, as he loves, with a spray and a lighter. Move away from the blazing monster - you don't need burns. On the left side of the hall there is a combination lock with a piece of paper -23-. We go to the right side of the hall, where the picture with the number -23- is lit and hangs. Let's use our super vision. WOW! Yes, that's the code! We remember it and run to the code door, in the center of the hall there are a lot of cartridges, collect if necessary. We typed the correct code and we pass into the corridor with paintings. We approach the sensor, put a palm. Let's watch the video. After a short conversation with the guard, he agrees to open the door for us. We take the elevator to the desired floor.

Part 4 - No Forkin' Brakes!

Warehouse space. To the right in the box are cartridges, and we go to the forklift. We sit down and go to the opening, which is blocked by three large tall boxes. We drive up to the middle box and lower the invader down (lower or raise the arrows on the joystick), hook the box from the bottom and take it aside. Use the (X) button to drop the box and drive through the gap between the boxes. Now squeeze your hands tightly on the steering wheel and lower the invader, he will serve as a brake for us! Move through the tunnel as slowly as possible, press (L1) at high speed on the descent. Now you have to go around the abyss on the road, obstacles and blockages. Dangerous area, steep descent! Have you reached the end? Well done! We put the forklift in the parking lot and along the gentle slope we go down and to the left, then we pick up the first aid kit. Climbing up the stairs, we see two bottles of fuel on the shelf. The boxes have a hammer. The road to the elevator is blocked by very passive bugs. Wait for them to gather in a crowd, set fire to them and throw fuel bottles at them. Run to the elevator, press the button and wait for it. Next to the left of the elevator, you can take a shovel and chop the rest of the bugs. We jump into the elevator and drive away. We leave, and there is a hammer on the left, you can use it for two zombies, which we see through the wall, with our super vision.

EPISODE 7 - Seeking Room 943

Part 1 - The Maze of Antiquities

We kill the zombies and go through the opened door. We are in the museum. We extinguish the fire and accidentally hook on the laser beam, the alarm turns on. We press the button at the door and turn off the screech of the siren, the next door is open again. It is necessary to hook the beam, the doors will close. We take a fire extinguisher and spray near the bedside tables with lasers, now we can see them. Carefully go through all three rooms.

Part 2 - Deeper Underground

We go into the big hall. Super vision tells us about several zombies. Our monster has crawled out of the crack and is ready to receive its share of lead. We take an ax from the sculpture and go to the corpse of the guard. We need his hand, or rather palm prints. We chop. We take away the hand and go to the doors with sensors. In the right door we pick up a couple of first-aid kits and go to the left, in the freight elevator we take another first-aid kit. In the elevator through the hatch we go up, shoot off the block at the rope, go down into the elevator and go down the rope to the door. There is a black mass in the corridor, a killer. As soon as she crawls back, we run forward and to the right. Room.

Part 3 - Darkness in Room 943

Below us is a liquid black substance. This mass is afraid of the light. We need to turn on the searchlights so that the mass retreats back. There are only three spotlights, but the third one doesn't work! Carefully inspect the room, below is the door and next to the barrel. We need to get into this room 943. So, we turn on the spotlight at the top at full power, and the timer starts to decrease. We hurry to the hatch and jump down to the next searchlight. We repeat actions. We quickly go upstairs and jump from the side of the bridge towards the door. There are cartridges on the barrel, but it doesn’t matter, we shoot at the door handle and quickly run inside the room until the mass swallows us up. Darkness.

Darkness in room 943. We examine the room with the help of super vision. Some things glow brightly, which means we will need them. In this room we use only a flashlight. We press the button (X) on light objects. Poster on the wall, gramophone, handle on the door, perfume on the shelf, drawer upstairs. We approach the brick wall and shine with a flashlight. Let's watch the video. Waking up, press the button (X) on the wall, the box hangs on the right, open and activate the lever. The brick wall moves apart, we enter a bright room and take some paper from the shelf. We head to the door with the symbol, it is already open, go up the stairs. Let's watch the video.

EPISODE 8 - Location is Key

Part 1 - Air Crash Survival

Our helicopter crashed. Those bats again! To them! We climb the rope to the helicopter, but unsuccessfully. We avoid meeting with the cobblestones that fall from above on us. How we didn’t crawl and shout to Peter, but we have to jump onto the train car. We run up the wall and hook on the edge of the car. Let's watch the video. We jump into the hatch of the car, a crash occurs. We quickly get out of the car along the rope. Wow! Three monsters that are quite difficult to kill. Medical spray and a lighter, that's what we need. We don't have enough ammo for them! We rise to the platform of the station, we take cartridges on the floor. We shoot small, boring bugs. Meet the new monster! It looks like a monster from a crack, but it is very active! With dagger-like hands, it deals heavy damage to your health. Burn it and go to the train at the station. On the left we take a fire extinguisher and head to the open door of the last car. In front of the door are boxes with a first-aid kit. We pass to the end of the car and with a balloon we knock out the right door. We burn two zombies and rise to the next platform, take the cartridges and go down into the tunnel. Use super vision to see the number of enemies.

Part 2 - Dead End Track

We destroy insects and a couple of zombies. We go into the train car and climb through the top hatch, go along the roof to the end of the cliff. We jump off, take cartridges and inspect the next car. Wow! Yes, it's the control panel! Let's try to go. What's happened? Why don't we go? One more time. Maybe something is interfering? Let's go out and have a look. Thank you super vision! We shoot at the clutch of wagons. Well, now you can ride. We approach the remote control and the lever forward. Go! Great! –A-A-A-……BOOM!

Crash. Okay, we're alive. We go out and take a look. Jumping from one platform to another is useless. Do not crawl under the train and do not enter the car. The right railroad goes down, we go down a bit and see a rope. We jump on it and rise from the depths of the subway to the ground.

Part 3 - The Belvedere…Free Entry

We go up the stairs to the castle. Peter is standing on the observation deck, warning us about the strange black water at the entrance. Hm! We already know what it is and how to deal with it. At the column we raise cartridges, take out a pistol and with well-aimed shots we hit the light lamps. The black mass has receded, the entrance is free. We go up the stairs. – Hello, Peter! - We put out the fire and go upstairs to the door, which we knock out with habitual movements. Area.

Part 4 - Astronomical Revelation

We look at the sky through an astronomical instrument. Let's watch the video. We need to run fast before we get caught. On the right we notice a rope, we go down, we jump. Us to the car.

EPISODE 9 - Concealed by the Park

Part 1 - Alchemists on our Tail!

Here you need to do everything very quickly. We sit in a wheelbarrow, open the panel with wires, quickly sort through the wires and find the right ones, start the engine. Switch the camera to see the car and the road. Gas all the way to the floor and drive as fast as possible, a car with criminals will always rush behind you. The road ahead is very difficult, winding with obstacles on the way. Avoid trees and cars. To quickly and accurately fit into a sharp turn, press (L1). This is the tricky part of the game, as it's hard to remember all the turns.

After the detour of the cobblestone, off-road will begin, but the path is visible, follow it. A narrow and dangerous path will lead to a small cliff. Jump off the cliff onto the track and rush further. All! You broke away from the bandits! Let's watch the video.

Part 2 - Beat Around The Bush

Well? After a long dialogue between Peter and Eddie, have your hands stopped shaking from the trip? Good, because here you can completely relax. We need to walk through a dark park and find a path leading to a white brick building lit by a spotlight. Are looking for.

Part 3 - Come to Light

Strange square structure. In the middle is a flagpole with a raised US flag. What does your super vision tell you? Light strip along the labyrinth grooves. Right. We turn on the flashlight and direct the light to the beginning of the maze. Can't raise the flashlight that high? Let's take a lighter in our right hand. Now let's draw a light strip to the end of the maze. A passage opened up on the floor. Let's watch the video.

EPISODE 10 - The Light Carrier

Part 1 - Light Initiation

We pass through the tunnel and sit in the funicular. A room with a beam across. Feel free to go through the beam to the bedside table. We move the pedestal so as to block the beam. We pass through the door. We carefully jump over the ledges in the rocks and go into the hall. We move the cabinet, close the beam, the platform drops. The concrete block moves the pedestal and the platform rises. We manage to jump, we go upstairs. We stand on a ledge, around the abyss. We jump onto the rope and go down to the very bottom. We jump down to the lower platform and go to the rope, go down and jump to the next rope. We swing and jump to the ledge. We enter the opening.

Part 2 - Light Progression

This is an interesting place. Remember, we led a beam of light with a flashlight, as if through a maze. It seems. So, we take a curbstone and we approach two light beams. We wave along the right beam and see that part of the wall has moved. A ray of light ran through the labyrinth on the walls. Avoiding sharp spikes, we run to the next safe place. We wave along the beams, we look behind the beam. Our goal is to hold the beam to the doors and then they will open. We go further. We see a long beam of light and next to the pedestal. We take the cabinet and stand on the black square. We lower the pedestal (X button) and block the beam, start moving along the beam. Be careful, deadly knives fly out of the black cracks. Raise the cabinet (X button) and stop your movement. We pass further and go down the spiral path to the next room.

Part 3 - Light Confirmation

In this room, everything is much more complicated. Everything is connected here. A bedside table, a beam, spiked walls, a platform, a button, and even a flying, fiery censer. Try to first explore the room on your own and understand all the interactions of objects. Try…… try……………

Well? Can't get on the platform? Are you constantly stomped with thorns? Okay, let's get it right.

We drag the pedestal to the button, the walls move, the fiery censer flies by and sets fire to our pedestal. We grab the cabinet and close the beam of light. We run to the lowered platform and wait for the pedestal to burn down. We went upstairs. We admire how the iron spiked mouth closes its deadly jaws. Brrr……

Wow! Abyss! How will we get through? And what do we need super vision for!? Right. While holding down the button (R3), we pass along the paths to the first column of light. As soon as we cross it, the ceiling begins to descend. We run to the left pillar and raise the ceiling, standing in the light beam. Carefully inspect the path leading to the exit. Remember and run out of this room. We pass along a narrow path to the next and already the last room.

Part 4 - Revelation

This is our final rebus riddle. Very simple, which is even a shame. Let's decide. We turn on the flashlight and highlight various symbolic signs on the walls. When you hear a characteristic click, climb onto the large gear in the center. Turn and direct the beam of light from the control panel to the door we need. We pass and take the curbstone we have already fallen in love with, we break the wall in the cracks with it.

Put down the hot joystick and watch the cutscene.

Alone in the Dark - game completed.

I played with you and simultaneously wrote this passage Tisha.
Specially for the site.

Unlike Cairnby, there is much less shooting here (at first, cartridges are issued literally by weight), but there are more riddles and puzzles. Therefore, the first thing you do when you see a monster, shout loudly and try to drive it away with a flashlight. It is also recommended to immediately run to the switch and turn on the light.

Once on the roof, go to the window, you will wave your flashlight at Cairnby. Climb inside, where the conversation with the old woman will take place. She will give you the key. Look at the magazine on the bedside table and go to the exit. A strange creature will appear there, scare it a little with a flashlight so that it disappears. In the corridor, quickly run to another wall and turn on the light, the creatures will disappear. Go through the door, run through the monster room, through the new door. In this room, take the save amulets from the barrel. Back to the room with two three-legged creatures, further through another door. Through the corridor, through the door. In the new room, take the key from the table on the right.

Return to the very first switch that you pressed in the corridor, open the door next to it with the key. Down the spiral staircase, eavesdrop on the conversation at the door. Further down, turn on the light, open the door. There will be three doors in front of you, now only the left one opens. Turn off the light there, you will see a cabinet in which lies a revolver. Open it with the key that the old woman gave you, take the weapon. Now kill the creature that appeared, I personally did not have enough cartridges for it, and I made my legs.

Go to the door next to the window (the professor will run away), along the corridor, through the door, turn on the light. Then through the door that was just shown to you in the video. Past the door "NM", will have a conversation with Alan.

Wake up lying on the bed. Turn on the light, take the L-shaped screwdriver from the table next to the mirror. Open the mirror door, down the stairs. At the very end, look through the peephole. Go back, grab a three-barreled shotgun between two stairs. Further into the room with the bed. Meeting with Carnby.

In the attic, talk to the spirit of the mirror, turn on the light, enter the door. Then go straight through the door to the right. Step into the old woman's room and talk to her. After talking to the door next to the "first" switch, down the spiral stairs. The door that was previously closed will now open. To the left through the door, turn on the light, go to the mirror and take it.

Take a new pistol from the table, read a book, go out into the corridor. Soak the small creatures that fall from the ceiling to the right. Through the door to the left of the switch. Take the ammo to the left of the bed. Go to the right of the bed, the ghost of the mirror will talk to you, go straight into the mirror. Answer the ghost "NO", he will disappear, and you will receive a statue. Conversation with Carnby.

Back through the mirror, exit the room. Conversation with Edenshaw, Carnby. In the corridor to the right door from the switch, down the stairs, to the right, past the double door. At the end you will run into two doors, you will enter the door on the right. Kill a couple of zombies, then through the left door. Immediately turn on the light, take the cartridges from the table and shoot at the mirror on the wall. It will break, take the book after it. Another book will be to the right of the mirror.

Return to the attic to the old woman, talk to her (the door is at the switch), she will give you a glass prism. Go out into the hallway, through the door at the switch, down the spiral stairs, through the door on the left, through the left door again. You will find yourself in a room with a spotlight. Turn on the light, insert the lens and your flashlight into the projector. Watch the video.

Then take a small cube, remember the date on it - 1991. Leave the room, along the corridor, to the left to the end, through the door. Turn on the light immediately, the monsters will disappear. There will be a note on the table, a book on the table by the bed, a first aid kit in the corner by the mirror.

Exit back to the corridor, through the door to the left (it is to the right of the switch), down the stairs. To the right, through the double doors - and you are in the library. At the statue, look at the book, at the table there is another book. Climb the stairs, the secret door is open, grab the shotgun shells. Then up the stairs between the bookshelves. To the left, climb into the tower. Take a box of grenades from the cabinet.

Return to the library, to the four shelves on the first floor. Go between the first and second on the left, look at the left. Enter the code on the spines of the books - 1991. A door will open in the bookshelf. Come inside and take the tablets (bark with symbols), first aid kits, amulet of preservation. There is also a lever here - press it. A container with a monster will appear - fill up this cool monster (you will meet him again), pick up half of the medallion. Go to the exit, you will find yourself at the bed of the old woman Lucy. Talk to her.

She will give you the other half of the medallion. Combine both halves in inventory. Go to the main hall and insert the medallion into the large mirror next to the bust (HM). Open the mirror door, down the stairs, open the grate. In the basement to the right, up the stairs, you will find yourself in a greenhouse, the hatch to which you will open with a screwdriver.

Conversation with Edenshaw, after the door on the right. On the street to the right (a cool monster will appear), through a metal grate, into a new gate (2 dogs!). Further to the right, at the end there will be a couple of boxes of ammo and a pack of grenades. Back to the gate and the other way. A large monster from the library will again appear at the entrance to the new section of the cemetery. Enter the crypt at the end, through the door marked "Jeremy Morton", collect useful things. Look at the sarcophagus, read the inscription on the metal plate, take the metal cover. Combine this cover with the flashlight in inventory.

Go back to the previous room and look at the big framed cross on the wall. You need to light the bolts so that the letter "M" is obtained.

3* 7*
2* 4* 6* 8*
1* 9*

Here it is better to control the mouse and move a couple of steps away from the wall. The door will open to a new burial, to the grave of Richard Morton. Go there, look at the corpse. Then run along the corridor for a long time and crawl out into the fresh air.


Run through the forest, open the gate, go to the bridge of the fort. Climb up the bushes to the right of the entrance, then to the right, go down the stairs. Open the gate from the inside, so that later you don’t run through the top again. Then get down further down, climb over the wall and make two monsters. Up the stairs (a couple of zombies), through the door to the left. In this cell, you will meet Morton's brother. Take the black metal plate in the corner. Exit the cell and continue down the stairs. You will come to two doors, on the right there will be a combination lock with symbols (stars, lightning), while you are on the left. Down the stairs, in the basement, take the metal part of the perforator and wire cutters. Also look at the diagram of the punch itself, which you will need to assemble. Read the diary.

There will also be ammo, an amulet of conservation, a first aid kit. Near the place where you took the wire cutters, go up the stairs to the top (3 monsters). Take metal molds. Now return to the courtyard of the fort, where the last time they climbed over the wall, there will be a passage. Open the chest with the wire cutters, get a rusty key, a bar of steel. Go to the stairs, up, then to the very top. There will be a wooden door that leads to the workshop. You will open it with the found key.

In the workshop, take the perforator handle, the orange accelerator, the cylinder, and the glass lens from the cabinet. Read the book on the table. Go to the machine at the stairs and insert metal molds and a bar of steel into it, pull the lever. As a result, you will get a metal tube. Exit the workshop (not through the door), insert the lens into the telescope and look at the large totem. Go further along the wall, it will collapse under you... you will fall into the water.

Swim out of the water, through the door, up the stairs. At the metal door, open the drawer and take a gold plate, a red plate, a silver plate (now you have 4 such plates). Open the door, up the stairs. Return to the workshop, exit through the wooden door, down the stairs. Approach the door with the symbols and insert the plates into it in the following order from left to right: silver, gold, red, black. The door will open and you will be in the planetarium.

On the left, pick up the plasma gun and the amulet of preservation. Take half of the metal ring on the box. Climb up the spiral stairs. Conversation with Carnby. Take the note, then set the machine to the date 10-31-2001. It indicates when the gate can be opened. Watch the video with the planets.

A door will open below, behind which you need to take a large bronze key, a ring, a small rusty key, a statue of a snake. Then go to the northern door in the planetarium and open it with a bronze key. Approach the totem and talk to Cairnby. Kill a bunch of small monsters and return to the planetarium (3 medium monsters). Go to the door, next to which they took the key, up the stairs, tunnel, stairs. Leave the fort through the main gate, over the bridge, through the forest. At the grate, Carnby will give you a stone disk.

Run back to the totem and insert this stone disc into it. Get aluminum sleeve (energy stone) and fish statue. It's time to collect the Perforator:

  • remove half of the ring from the tripod;
  • connect the two halves of the ring;
  • connect the ring with the energy stone;
  • orange accelerator - with a handle;
  • tripod - with a perforator cylinder;
  • photopulsar with orange accelerator and cylinder;
  • connect a photopulsar with an orange accelerator to a tripod with a perforator cylinder;
  • what happened - with an energy stone.

And here it is - the finished puncher. If you can’t match something or get confused in the names, try using other details of this device, there are not so many of them. Go to the workshop at the very top, up the stairs next to the machine. In the control room, turn on the light and go up the stairs again, up again. On the roof, unlock the hatch with the little key you still have. Get down downward and press the lever. A hatch will open on the roof. Get down into the control room and press the lever on the remote control. The countdown of seconds will start and a healthy monster will appear. Now you can deal with him completely.

To do this, you need to run around the central round pedestal, which will regularly hit the blue electric beam. If you are directly opposite the monster, then he will jump through it and fall directly under the beam. You need to catch him this way three times. Will have to indulge. Turn the switch on again to start a new countdown of seconds, and run to the basement, to the cannon where you took the wire cutters. It's better to run around monsters or you just won't make it in time. You can, of course, first put down all the monsters, and only then start the time.

In general, having reached the cannon before the expiration of the established period, install a perforator there. There will be an explosion, the wall ahead will collapse. Go into this hole, pick up a new gun and a note. Through the cave, down the stairs, across the bridge. Down the stairs on the wall of the crater, through the blockage. Meet Carnby. Follow him, along the way you will decipher the ancient inscription. Further down the cave, across a long bridge, Cairnby will run after you. Open the hatch on the right, take the first aid kit, charger, lightning bolt, save amulets.

Further, with the help of blue crystals, you can recharge the battery for your guns. Alan and Edenshaw talking. After the conversation, go into the cave, up the stairs. Walkie talkie with Carnby. Through the cave with columns, in the next cave, climb over a couple of blockages. Down the spiral staircase over the abyss. Climb up in the new cave. Come to the fortress of the Abakanis. Climb up the big staircase to the top. In a dark cave, up the stairs, into the passage.

You will find yourself in a cave with an altar and stones around it. Press the plates on the altar, and then collect the stone disks from the pedestals that will open against the wall. You must collect six of these disks. Set up a wall to reveal the stairs again. You leave on the square of the fortress and climb on the roof of the semicircular house. On the roof, go down inside the building, pick up an Indian flask. She can be treated, also filled from a green luminous source.

Insert six disks into the appropriate stones against the wall, they are easily picked up by a simple search. See how the hole in the floor closes. Go down the passage and take the stone pyramid, get out of this building. Climb up the wide stairs again. In the dark cave there will be an altar in the form of a pyramid (it is marked on the map), put your pyramid on top of it. Everything around will be illuminated with bright light.

Take the stone head, talk to the spirit, exit the fortress. In the next cave, down the stairs, along the stairs, keep going down further. Pass the lava room a long cave, then across the bridge. In the next cave, you can fill the flask from the healing spring. Then climb the ledges, you will see how Alan goes down the rope. Return to the bridge and climb down the rope. Meeting with Alan. Obed will jump into the abyss with him, and Alin will pick up the eagle statue.

Climb into the hole in the cave. Conversation with Johnson. Go through the cave with water, talk to Johnson again. Go down into the cave, then into the cave with columns. One of them will fall and form a bridge. On the bridge you will be met by Obed Morton, who needs to be soaked. To do this, shoot him many times (I don’t remember how many, lost count) from a beam weapon. When I ran out of energy in the battery, I finished him off with a shotgun. Watch a video about how Lunch will protect you from a pack of bloodthirsty monsters.

Heal from the source, although now it's on the drum - there will be no more monsters. In the next cave, insert the head statue on the pedestal by the gate. Cairnby will place a third head and the gate will open. Go through this gate and watch the final cutscene.

The end of the passage for Alin.


Estate. Floor 3

Walk forward and climb into the illuminated window. Find the old lady (Lucy) - the mother of the Morton brothers. She will give you a small "Gilded Key". To the right of Lucy's bed you will find a first aid kit, and by the window on the bedside table there is a magazine with information about Obed Morton. A snake appears at the carpet door. Shining on her lantern, go through the door and turn on the light with the switch at the end of the corridor. Walk through the rooms available to you, collecting shotgun and pistol cartridges, first aid kits, and most importantly, find another key (3rd F East). Now return to the door near the switch, use the found key and go down the spiral staircase to the basement.

Estate. Ground floor

From the corridor, go into the room on the left and turn off the light in it - now a useful thing in a stone box will become visible. Using Lucy's key, equip yourself and shoot the creature that appears. Contact Edward and go to the window. In the meantime, someone will unlock the door - go through it and see Martin running away. Catch up with him - and he will break you on the first number! You will wake up already on the first floor and see that your troubles were not limited to injuries - Professor Alan Morton, not disdaining looting, stole your jacket.

Estate. Floor 1

Looking around the closet (hoping to find a jacket, probably), you will find a curved key (“Allen Wrench”) and first aid kits. Alan's diary is by the bed, and on the chair is a conservation medallion ("Charm of Saving"). There is no jacket. Go through the door behind the mirror and be sure to pick up the three-barreled gun. Further, at the clogged door, pick up a first aid kit, take a look at the door window and - run into the room with a mirror. And there you are already met by Edward, who dreams of transferring you to the next level.

Estate. Floor 2

The ghost in the mirror wants his mirror back. Jump into Lucy's bedroom and after talking with the old lady, go down the spiral staircase to the landing below. Now the door is open. Enter it, go through the nearest door on the left - you will find a first aid kit, a grenade launcher and Alan's notes. Exit and enter the door to the left of the switch. There you will pick up phosphorus cartridges and a medallion of conservation. The ghost is also here, demands his mirror and invites him to the hiding place. Go to the hiding place, don't give back the mirror. After the cutscene in the stash, get "Abkanis Statue". By the way, if you are wondering what will happen if Elin says: “Yes” (give up the mirror) - experiment, but I advise you to save the game before the experiment.

After leaving the cache, you will meet the old Indian Edenshaw and go to the living room. Admire the mirror here, in the frame of which a piece of ornament is missing. Further, walking along the floor, do and find the following: in a hefty room, observe the changes in the image in the picture in the dark and in the light; find two journals (one with Obed Morton's entries); pick up revolver ammo and cracked mirror. Now finish off the mirror from the revolver and get another magazine. Read it and go through the door near the closet to the old lady. Lucy will give you a glass prism ("Glass Prism"). Now go to Alan's room (where they took the mirror) and turn on the light, use the prism and your flashlight in the projector. Take the cube from the projector. Examine it from different sides and see the number "1991". The main thing is done. In principle, you can go to Morton's Dinner room and take a couple more interesting documents ... Now along the spiral staircase to the library.

Estate. Library

Examine the shelf on the left and enter the previously seen code "1991" on the spines of the books. In the secret room, pick up stone tablets ("Abkanis Tablet"), first-aid kits and grenades. After that, turn off the switch and meet the boss.

Boss daddy Morton, quite frisky. Dodge his blow, fire a grenade launcher, repel a new attack and repeat the procedure. When finished, take from the flask, located at the place where the boss was waiting for you, half of the medallion ("Half Medallion"). Climb the stairs and in the secret room take the ammo for the three-barreled shotgun. After going even higher, make your way to the turret, where you will find grenades. Now - back to Lucy, who will give you the other half of the medallion.

Go to the mirror in the living room. Having connected both halves, insert the missing part into the mirror frame - now the passage to the basement has opened through the previously blocked door. There, find a ladder and, using Alan's curved key, go to the greenhouse. After another conversation with the Indian, go out the door and, without messing with dad, run in a straight line until you reach the ruins of the Morton crypt.

Crypt of the Mortons

After picking up a portable rocket launcher along the way with a supply of rockets, take a lantern attachment ("Cover for Flashlight") from the tombstone and read the inscription on the slab: "Only the symbol of light will open the tomb." After leaving the crypt, examine the metal structure with sparkling patches, located on the wall. After attaching the nozzle to the lantern, from left to right, draw something like the letter "M" on the inclusions. The plate with the inscription "Richard Morton" will be unlocked and you will be able to take the note lying on the body of the deceased. Now run to the surface - the first disk for Elin is passed.


There is nothing to do at the bell gate yet, run in the other direction, to the fort. To the right of the fort gate, climb up the thickets and from there go down the stairs to the courtyard of the fort. From the gate down another ladder, through the passage, where we take the first aid kit. Reach the chest on the chain and take the grenades to the right of the closed door. A little back and climb onto the dilapidated wall on which the cartridges lie. After going down the stairs from the other side, go into the passage (on the map to the right) and open the cell door where Obed Mortan is languishing. Pick up the black card and save medallion on the floor.

Return to the corridor in front of the camera. One door is locked with a cunning lock, so - into the third door. In the room on the unit, similar to a weapon with a shield, take the tongs and the workpiece. Nearby are Jeremy Morton's notes and a drawing of a perforator. Look around. Trophies: medallion, first aid kits, rockets. Climbing up the stairs near the unit - guns, take the mold with metal. Return to the courtyard to the chest on the chain. Cut the chain with pliers, take a metal bar and a patterned key. Use this key to open the door at the top of the fort (where you climbed the wall). Here is the workshop.

To the left of the strange machine, read the document. To the right of the passage leading outside, activate the switch. Take the accelerator, barrel and butt from the wall. Take the lenses in the closet. First aid kits are on the floor. Push the mold and metal bar into the machine. Unfold the cloth and get the first half of the finger. Go out into the passage and use the lens on the telescope (an interesting statue is visible through the telescope). Going further, go down into the sewer, where a crocodile welcomes us joyfully. Wait until the beast jumps out from behind, and from his shotgun, the bastard. Get out of the water and, after going through the door, take the ammo. Climb the stairs and take the cards from the chest on the left, as well as
first-aid kit on the right (left of what? on the right of what? Doors, stupid). Come out. Bah, familiar telescope! Now - into the corridor in front of Lunch's chamber, to the same locked door. The code on the door is: silver, gold, red, black plate.


Pick up the Plasma Cannon and Save Medallion. On one of the boxes - the second half of the ring, and next to it is a first-aid kit. Climb up the spiral stairs. After talking with Edward, inspect the planetarium upstairs, find a piece of paper with a blueprint. Contact Carnby again, great help. Now enter the month, day and year on the implement. What is the date? What day do the events take place? October 31, 2001! Take away the key (Large Browse Key) and seal (Seal) from the box. Having picked up another small rusty key and a figurine, open the door to the left of the box and run from the fort to the bell gate.

Surprise! There is no one at the gate! Return to the planetarium and use the large key to open the locked door. Pick up the grenades and examine the familiar statue. Now meet Edward at the bell gate and after the nix you will get a stone disc (Stone Stele). Insert the disk into the hole of the statue and get a glowing stone (Lumiscene Stone) and a figurine. Ring - on a pebble, and then connect with a perforator.

Now - to the workshop. Climb up the stairs to the right of the strange car. After turning on the light, take the second ladder to the roof, unlock the lock on the hatch with a rusty key. Now save and activate the panel in the round room above the workshop.

Now it's time for the fun. Run around the spike so that Father Morton jumps over the spike in the center of the room behind you. Having caught three lightning bolts, the boss will get rid of you for good. Reactivate the panel. You have two minutes to run to the gun carriage and activate the perforator there. Only one shot, but the passage is broken.


Immediately pick up the pulsar from the floor. Now a run through several caves before a joyful meeting with Edward Carnby. Elin will decipher the inscription on the plate. Dark Gate nearby. After the territory with the bridge, open the hatch to the right (of the character) and take first-aid kits, a battery and an electric gun. A scene will follow with the super-egoist Alan Morton, where Carnby will be dragged after Alan into the hole in the gate of Darkness.

Collecting energy crystals that recharge the battery, go to the connection with Carnby. then read the inscription on the stone. In a cave with "evil" music, where creatures climb, run down the map into the passage. Next, Elin will climb past the stairs to the Abkanis Temple. In this room, go up a long staircase and, past the pyramid, into the passage. The stone hospitably drives off and you get to the round pedestal of the gods of Light. By pressing the levers on the pedestal, collect six disks. With them, go back to the hall with a long staircase. Pick up an Indian flask and insert each of the disks into the slot with the pattern corresponding to the disk. After taking away the stone pyramid, return along the stairs to the cave leading to the pedestal of the gods of Light, and put your small pyramid on top of the big one. After taking the head of the statue that appears and listening to the speech, go back. After descending the stairs, go up the map - to the left.

Scorpion lava cave

A few caves after it, a glowing green area is visible on the map. This is a fountain where you can fill an Indian flask. A little further you will see Alan and - back to the bridge. The bridge now has a rope on the side, down it. Pick up Alan's backpack and a sentimental meeting of the Morton brothers will follow in the cave. After that, after jumping down after them, find the last figurine needed by Edenshaw. Then make your way to the cave with columns. One of the columns will make a bridge for you, but Obed Morton, suffering from a split personality and mutated, will appear. Save. Careful firing. I didn't understand exactly how to cut it out. Somewhere in the middle of the column, trying, stepping forward and backward, to hit Obed in the back.

Then a scene will follow with the rescue of this monster Elin. That's it, now into the next cave, where you put the stone head taken on the pyramid in place near the gate. Edward appears with the last stone head taken from Alan. Having gone out into their own world, the brave guys give the magical figurines to the Indian Edenshaw, who forever closes the passage of Darkness to the normal world. The island is collapsing. Johnson's helicopter takes Edward and Elin (who gave Johnson a hefty slap in the face for his idiocy for putting the world in such danger) off the island. Elin Sedrak still had stone tablets with inscriptions. To not think that she dreamed all this.


Forest near the estate

From the tree on which the parachute hung, go right, from under the arch turn left, where you will find a mutilated man. Exit and, after hearing the shots, return to the wounded man. He mysteriously disappeared, but there was a pool of blood in which you will pick up a bronze key ("Bronze Key"). Activate the key on the gate and enter the estate. On the way, pick up cartridges with magnesium ("Magnesium Bullets") and return to the archway. Climb up the stairs and move on until you enter the gate at the dog's corpse. You will see a valve on the left - turn it and head down into the sewer. Here you are attacked by a "crocodile", which has an interesting ability - it always attacks from the back. That is why the tactics of dealing with him is as follows: when the “crocodile” barks joyfully behind you, turn around, take it at gunpoint and shoot once. Then wait for a new attack from the back and repeat the technique. And so six times.

Go up the stairs and pick up the medallion of conservation ("Charm of Saving"). In the basement, take a three-barreled shotgun, cartridges and a first aid kit. Now check who hid in the coffin near the lattice door. And here is the Gilded Key. Now you can go through the door to the corridor, and from there - to the door with mirror glass. Just keep in mind: the mirror will not let you back.

Estate. Floors 1 and 2

Immediately move the statue to the right by the mirror and you will see the letters "H" and "M" in the mirror. Type this combination on the statue and take the rusty key "Rusty 3rd F West Key" from under the picture. Move aside the closet and go into the next room. Next to the mirror, take the Acrobat Statuette and the voice recorder. Near the bed, read Alan's document, go behind the mirror, go to the boarded door and pick up the safe medallion from the floor.

Return to the living room, go through the double doors and get another medallion from the Indian. Take a walk along the corridor (note that the revolver does not work on zombies), go into a large room, where you will take: a crowbar (“Crowbar”), a flask (“Flask”), three documents and cartridges (from one of the shelves). Fill the flask with water from the amphora by the window and exit through the second door back into the living room. Again - through the double doors to the corridor. Here, in a place familiar from the game for Elin, equip yourself with a first-aid kit and a revolver and go through the door in the middle of the corridor. Pick up ammo, wolf mask and photo. Take a look at the broken aquarium and compare with the image in the picture. Found differences? Use the flask of water on the aquarium and again (for the umpteenth time!) return to the living room.

Take the key from under the second painting on the left ("1st F East"). Through the painfully familiar double doors, go into the sickened corridor. Using the found key, enter the room opposite the one where the amphora was. Pick up the key from the table ("1st F West") and... put the wolf mask on the owl sculpture! And here is the Steel Key 2nd F East. With him - again into the corridor and up the spiral staircase - to the attic.

You will immediately find a grenade launcher. Using a rusty key, go into another room where you will take cartridges and a lighter ("Lighter"). Go to the crooked room with four doors. Attention: in one place the floor boards creak underfoot. This is a hiding place. Use the crowbar and get two keys: "Small Key 2nd F Office" and "Gilded Key 1st F West". Go to the farthest door (on the plan - from the bottom right), pick up the cartridges and find a candle in the corner.

Use the LIGHTER on the candle. To the right of the candle, use the crowbar again and go through the punched hole into the next room and turn on the light. Bah, and here is Lucy! After chatting with the old lady about the difficulties of life, go through the door near the switch, go down the spiral staircase one flight and through the door enter Alan Morton's office. Use the steel key on the desk drawer and take the "1st F Library" key and half of the photo. Examine it carefully (using the arrows and joystick buttons) and read the number "2518".

After going out into the corridor, unlock the door near the switch, but do not go into it, but go through the door to the left. Shoot the lamp with the revolver, pick up the rocket launcher and medallion. There are also boxes of shotgun shells. Now - down the hall past the bust of Morton to the door at the end. Turn on the light right away. Pick up the other half of the photo and the document from De Certo. By the bed there is Lunch's diary, and by the bookcase there is also a shaped key, a medallion, cartridges and a first aid kit. Everyone, now one floor down. You are in the library.

Estate. Library

After the splash screen, contact Elin, turn on the light. Unlock the door near the switch, but do not enter there, but take a look around the library. Find two documents below, go up the library stairs and pick up the rockets. Having reached the second staircase, connect both halves of the photo. "1408" + "2518", how much will it be? On the device by the stairs, enter the result - "3926". A room opened up at the back. Turn on the light, place the acrobat figurine with the rest of the figurines and take the telescope. What do we see? And we see the inscription, which, when read backwards, reads: "The key to the portraits is the dates of birth of the people depicted on them." Exit the room and go up the stairs to the tower. Pick up the medallion in it and install the telescope. Look into it and at maximum magnification above the window you will read the date - "1692". After the cutscene, return to the library, pick up the figurine in the secret room, and enter the number you saw on the switches. One of the documents has a diagram drawn by Richard Morton.

On the edge of the third library floor in a dead end - the first book with a lever. Go downstairs, be sure to turn on the light and activate the second book to the left of the switch. The third book lies near the stairs. Now get yourself together. Climb the stairs and beat the boss (if you are not sure of yourself, first save in the secret room).

The last book is two screens to the right of the stairs to the ledge. In short dashes, make your way to it and take the book. Return to the living room, to the portraits. Take the flamethrower, bronze key and metal plate with symbols. From left to right, enter the dates on the portraits: "1852", "1874", "1899", "1931". Take the carved bronze key from the opened table clock. Use it on the big double doors and leave the house.

Forest near the estate

After examining the area near the house and picking up a first aid kit and a gas canister, unlock the entrance gate with the last key. Now running, without contacting anyone, to where Edward's adventures began - to a tree with a parachute hanging on it. After leaving the gate, save near the place where the mutilated man disappeared. From the parachute, go to the right and at the gate enter the code written on the plate found behind the portrait.



Examine the corpse on the gate and take the first-aid kits and clip. In the middle of the bridge, wait for the enemy change, then run to the corpse and across the bridge to the altar - this way you will save ammo. At the altar at the highest sculpture, talk to Elin and go from the severed head to the caves. Climb up the ladder and pick up the crates of missiles. Go to the swamp and, moving to the left, find your plane. Inside, take first aid kits, wire cutters (Wire Cuttek), blue lens (Blue Lens) and rockets. Immediately connect the lens to the flashlight. If you approach and talk to the pilot trapped in the wheelhouse, the plane will sink halfway and you will not be able to help him, all that remains is to escape. But if you get out of the plane without approaching the pilot, the plane will remain in the same position. Observation is interesting, but to what - it is not clear.

Return to the severed head at the altar and follow the bloody footprints visible in the blue light to the swamp. Climb up the stairs again along the way. Here is the first character. In the swamp, go a little to the right of the passage to the plane, into the arch. Immediately from the flamethrower - fire! Turn onto the stairs, at the bell gate on the stone - the second symbol. Go down the stairs. bite the chain cutters on the doors of the chapel. Inside is a book (no, not the Necronomicon), rockets and a third symbol. Enter all three characters to the right of the doors (top-right, center, bottom-right). Going down the hatch, you will see a steel door and a slot for a special key on the right. Return to the altar again, contact Elin and follow her instructions until she guesses the right sculpture. Standing at the sculpture, say the spell recorded on the recorder (third word, second, fourth, first). Take the stone circle (Stone Stele) and the statue (Abkanis Statue) from the altar. At the bell gate, Elin will take you for a setup, but then he will take away the stone disk and give you a ring - a seal - as a consolation. Go down in the chapel to the steel door and use the seal on the fixture on the right. Yes, it's a turnstile!


Go straight without turning, pick up the save talisman along the way. Alan is gutting someone's corpse and is clearly going to create a monster again. Caught doing this, Morton locks the doors and cuts out the lights.

With the help of Elin, activate the three switches and find the letter on the table. To the left, near the corpse on the table, there is a first-aid kit and a gas cartridge. Go to the unlocked door. In the corridor, first select the door on the left, find Lem's curious note. Now to the second door of the corridor. familiar basement. Another Indian Edenshaw. The hatch is unlocked, through it - into the greenhouse. Having found cartridges in the closet, and nearby a first-aid kit, climb the stairs and push the statue, find the second ring and figurine in the wreckage. Return to the turnstile and use the ring.


Meeting with Elin. Run across the bridge, on the next screen to the right of your hero under a wooden cover - a bunch of useful junk. The best thing is the lightning bolt. The special battery can be charged with energy crystals, which you will then come across everywhere. After a certain time, another crystal will appear instead of the taken crystal.

Next, you will see Alan, who is about to open the gates of Darkness. I would have simply fired a double shot from Edward's double-barreled revolver in the forehead of this psycho, but the main characters have a different upbringing. As a result, Edward ended up in the caves of the world of Darkness. Run fast forward while looking at the map. Through several caves, when Edward tries to get over the rope on the wall to another part of the hall. Alan will try to spoil him. Nifiga. Go into the cave and find the body of Archibald Morton, a pulsar gun (it takes a long time to prepare for a shot, but how shy!) And a flask of healing water. Nearby is a diary, from where you will find out that De Certo abandoned Morton here. And the poor man died of hunger.

Rope up from the cave and run again. Near the place where Alan was disappointed with the sight of the living Edward, pick up the save talisman. You will meet both Alan and Elin at the huge hole. And then Obed Morton, crippled by experiments, will appear and throw his brother into the hole. Elin jumps after them (well, a girl!), And you will have to climb up the rope at the end of the cave. On the bridge you will be contacted by one of the employers, Johnson. He tells interesting things.

Another run. After the scorpion-lava cave, once again contact with Johnson. In the next cave, climbing over the rocks, run into the passage on the map on the left. Elin will contact you in the hall. Cross the fallen column to the other side. In a luminous source, you can fill a flask. Then find the remains of ancient Indian warriors in the cave. See the pedestal at the stone gate? Two of the statues don't have heads, that's what they're missing. Go into the passage and go down the rope. One of the heads stands on a stone below, but a very tenacious zombie does not allow you to take it. Running from side to side, stun her with shots and run down the map - to the right, to a dead end. There, something will change you into the costume of an ancient Indian warrior. It remains to impale the insolent Alan on a spear and take the head of the statue, and then put the head at the stone gate above. Together with Elin - into the open gate.

Magazine "Great Dragon", 2001.

After the crash, we appear next to burning trees, but the plane that flew through Canada some time ago is not nearby. First things first, you need to get a piece of metal that is stuck in your palm. Then we move higher, towards the cave, picking up everything that the game gives us along the way. We build a fire there, heal our wound with a bandage and go to bed.

After we have slept, Day 2 comes. The main character will tell us in every possible way that he is tormented by thirst. We leave the cave and look for supplies again: we examine the boxes and the area around. It doesn't hurt to find fuel to build a fire with a higher probability. When the supplies are collected, you can return to the cave and make a fire there. We melt the snow - we get water, and then we boil it to disinfect it. Mackenzie will rudely hint that his wound hurts and there is a risk of infection, so it is necessary to apply an antiseptic.

Day 3. On this day, we collect sticks and break boxes to keep the fire going all night. When the right amount of ingredients for the fire is collected, we breed it. We warm ourselves and make supplies of drinking water for the future.

Day 4. The game gives a hint - don't ignore flocks of crows. They usually circle over animal remains or even human corpses. A massive tree fell due to a night storm. We climb it and find our jacket, some useful things and, most importantly, Astrid's suitcase. After that, we watch the video. Not far from the suitcase there will be a carcass of a deer. We collect raw meat and, if you want, you can cook it right away (but it's better to do it a bit later). Trying to climb the slope, Mackenzie will fall and sprain his ankle. To heal, we need rosehip tea (how to make it, read the link).

Day 5. Climb up the fallen tree again and climb onto the same ledge, followed by another. We pass forward and see our plane. This is where the first chapter ends and another cutscene begins.

Chapter Two - Astrid's Footprints

We follow in the footsteps of Astrid, but do not forget to loot everything that comes to hand. We pass through a clearing in which a family of rabbits lives (you can try to catch a few), and, near the frozen carcass of a deer, turn left. We crawl under a fallen tree and get into a cave. We search the corpse lying here. You will find matches and a torch - it's a sin not to use it. After clotting the cave completely, we go outside.

Ahead of us is the first meeting with a predator. The wolf is busy with the deer carcass and you are of little interest to him. Therefore, moving on your haunches, slowly pass on the right side.

Once on the road, we move to the left, to the bridge. There you will meet the wolf again. Try to get past him, if it doesn't come out, run to the car and rest for an hour or two. We go around the bridge along the path on the right, after turning right again. Going straight ahead, we meet a wolf who has just caught a rabbit. Crouching, we go around the predator on the left side of the lake. Back on the road, go straight ahead. Ahead of you is a blue trailer with a bunch of utilities.

Now we need to look into the church. True, there is a problem - there are a lot of wolves around it. We take a torch in our hands and in case of an attack we throw it to scare away the predator. We pick up everything we need in the church and move towards the bridge. Hide behind cars and use a torch so that the wolves do not bite you.

Chapter Three - The Gray Mother

We go to the barn for an axe. It is necessary to fill the woodpile, which is located right in front of the entrance to the Gray Mother's house, with 60 kg.

Please note that now, if you take an item that is highlighted in red, you will become a thief. If you steal something, then your relationship with the character who is the owner of this thing will fall. To fill the woodpile, we go to nearby houses and break all the furniture. As you fill it completely, you can visit the Gray Mother.

After the video, we go to collect food for the old woman. We need 10 thousand calories. If you don’t have that much, then hide the abandoned houses and deal with the wolves that you meet in the city. Having filled the old woman's refrigerator to the heap, we speak with her. The Gray Mother will share some facts, and then she will say that she is tired and needs to rest. We sleep for a few hours or go about our business and return to her.

Now the malicious old woman will send us to check on what happened at the tunnel on the outskirts of the city. We stock up on food, repair things and move forward. After leaving the house, turn left and go forward past the gas station. Near the bus that transported the prisoners, we examine the case and see a cut-scene. We return to the Gray Mother, fighting off the wolves along the way and collecting Reishi mushrooms with sticks (give them to the old woman to increase confidence). The lady will be extremely upset that the tunnel is littered and wants to rest.

Returning after a while, we watch the dialogue. To find out bank vault code in Milton, we need the Banker's house, the key to which we took from the bank. After that we go to the farm. From the exit from the house of the Gray Mother to the left, and after reaching the crossroads to the right. There will be a farm at the end of the road. There, in the hangar, a wolf is waiting for you. You have to deal with him. After the fight, examine the corpse on the floor. He will have the key to the safe. The key to the farm itself can be found in the blue pickup truck on the dashboard.

In the farmhouse, in the room on the right, in a vase on the fireplace, you will find the key you need. Read more about finding all the keys to safe deposit boxes at the link. Returning to the city, go to the bank. Open slot 15 and take the things that were stolen from the Gray Mother. We return her things.

And for us, the old woman has another assignment. We need to find Lily's grave in the cemetery near the church and lay a pearl jewel there. Returning to the Gray Mother, we learn the story of her daughter. She will allow us to take Lilia's equipment from the room upstairs and advise us to go to the Relentless Mills.

Chapter Four - Paradise Lost

Wait for the morning before you hit the road, and it is desirable that it be clear. We stock up on food, water and other consumables. We repair our equipment and move forward. We go towards the gas station, but right in front of it we turn right and move to the mountain park. In the park itself, keep right to the picnic areas. Here we use a climbing cable and go down.

At the end of the descent, the rope will break, and the main character will receive a slight bruise. We check with the map of Lilia / We move not along the slope, but to the left, along the mountain, until we reach the hanging cable. Before climbing, you can arrange a small halt. Climbing up, you will see a fallen tree, along which you need to go to the other side. We move forward and find a waterfall.

There will be a cave behind the waterfall. We pass through it and see the fight between the bear and the hunter. This completes the passage of the first episode of The Long Dark.

* Monsters.

- Aracnocid
These are small monsters from the spider family. Their body is the size of a soccer ball, and their numerous legs reach a length of more than a meter. They live in dark corners on the ceiling in whole colonies, are terribly afraid of light and are constantly moving so that even the slightest ray of light or a lantern does not hit them. Cornered, they jump to the floor and attack.
These monsters usually lie in ambush, waiting for the victim to be under them, and then jump from the ceiling and wrap their numerous paws around the head of their victim. However, throwing them off is pretty easy, just grab their legs and slam the spiders to the ground. As soon as they are on the ground, the spiders immediately jump up and try to bite on the knees. But with a powerful kick they can easily be destroyed.

- Night Ripper
These monsters are quite decent in size, perhaps over 3 meters in height. They move very fast, and therefore it is difficult to kill them. In the attack, they try to cut off the head of their victim. Night Ripper usually appears after midnight, most often attacks alone, but sometimes a couple of these monsters come together to hunt together. Before rushing to the attack, they emit a deafening howl.

- The Protosaurus.
Jeremy Morton apparently had dinosaurs in mind when he named these monsters, as they bear a clear resemblance. These devils of Darkness avoid the light at all costs and are very strong, attacking with their very sharp tongues, hitting the victim even from a considerable distance. As soon as you hear their heartbreaking cry, immediately prepare some kind of bright lantern or drape with all your might.

- The Hounds of Tindalos.
These monsters can be called darkhounds, they are very fast, they attack in a pack, and their razor-sharp fangs are able to cut deep into the victim's body. These are not very powerful monsters, although they can deal serious damage, and because they are extremely fast and move in large packs, they are not easy to deal with.

- The Ophthalmicides.
Archibalt Morton called them such a refined name, who noticed that these extremely aggressive monsters first attack their opponent in the eyes. They do not have much strength, but their bites are extremely painful and it is very difficult to dodge their swift attacks.

- The Phocomelus.
Water monsters and sometimes ghosts. Able to drag their victim into the very depths of Darkness. The wounds they inflict are very dangerous and often fatal. It is pointless to try to elude them. It's actually the best way to die. Fight and don't give up on them.

* Weapon.

- The Disc-Launcher (disc launcher, weapons only for Elaine).
This weapon fires a magnesium-coated disk that spins rapidly and glows brightly. At the same time, it can cause serious damage to the enemy and ricochet off the walls, which makes it extremely dangerous. It is a multi-purpose weapon, it can be used in ranged and close combat, and when the disk ricochets off the walls, bright flashes occur, hitting all monsters that are afraid of the light. There are five discs in the "store" of this disk launcher, so you can conduct fast aimed fire. This is one of Jeremy's wonderful inventions.

- Laser Gun (laser gun, Kearnby only)
This weapon was developed by Jeremy Morton literally recently. His idea is based on theoretical research in the field of laser technology, which was carried out by Dr. Heinrich Strausmann (Heinrich Strausmann) in the forties. The results of these studies allowed Jeremy to create a very simple and efficient portable laser. This weapon fires deadly beams that strike monsters in near-total darkness. A successful combination of power, range and energy.

- Aline Colt (normal colt).
- Colt Custom-made (Cairnbn only).

This is actually a unique weapon. A double-barreled Colt pistol and because of this, it has twelve rounds, not six. In addition to this important technical characteristic, the pistol uses 9mm cartridges. By the way, tracer 9 mm rounds can also be used, which Kearnby can find in sufficient quantities on the island.

- The Photopulsor (photopulsar, Kearnby only).
This is perhaps the most powerful weapon that Jeremy Morton has created, and it is certainly his outstanding technical achievement. Since so many monsters have quite a lot of power, it was for this that Jeremy created, as it were, the final weapon. It is capable of attacking the enemy with powerful charges, as well as deadly beams. In this case, a bright flash of light occurs, reminiscent of the flash of a nuclear bomb, but, of course, on a completely different scale, so there is no need to accurately point the weapon at the target. It is important that the enemy is approximately in the line of fire, and as soon as you go down into the grotto, the weapon will be ready for the next attack in just a few seconds. Keep in mind that from a bright flash your character will also be blinded for a few moments, but when the vision returns, he will see that destroyed or seriously wounded monsters are lying around. This weapon uses a huge amount of energy, so Jeremy was only able to conduct initial tests. It is understandable that Kearnby prefers some other weapon, such as a laser pistol, which consumes significantly less energy, but, nevertheless, the photopulsar remains the best weapon in the game and a clear testament to Jeremy's true inventive genius.

- Plasma Torch (Weapon only for Kearnby).
The Plasma Lantern was also designed by Jeremy Morton after he met some amazing monsters. With this lantern, you can suddenly illuminate the monsters of Darkness hiding somewhere in the corner, and then easily elude them. This is exactly what happened to Jeremy. And then he realized that he needed a melee weapon capable of destroying several monsters in just a split second. The result of the research was a plasma flashlight. This weapon uses natural gas, which, mixed with oxygen, creates a powerful jet of very high temperature flame, and this gas stream has the shape of a cone that expands as it approaches the target. True, this consumes a huge amount of gas, and it is advisable to use this weapon only in critical situations.

- Archibald's triple-barreled shotgun (Cairnbn only).
A rather strange three-barreled shotgun, available only to Kearnby. It was invented by Archibald, Jeremy's father. The invention of weapons was a family tradition. He added a third barrel to a conventional hunting rifle and modified the trigger so that it was now possible to shoot from all the barrels at once at the same time. Homemade cartridges supplied with magnesium are used as ammunition. This weapon is very effective. If you manage to make an accurate shot, then almost any monster of darkness that is at close range will be literally torn to pieces. In this case, the gun can be effective and at a fairly decent distance. Unfortunately, after each shot it needs to be reloaded, and this is a serious drawback. Once this invention was Archibald's favorite weapon, and he was a famous adventurer, perhaps the brightest representative of the Morton family in this regard.
It is clear that this gun is a rather primitive weapon, but it served its inventor for quite a long time in his numerous battles with the monsters of Darkness. Unfortunately, this rifle has disappeared somewhere, perhaps Kearnby will be able to find it and use it.
This is where we end the maybe even too long introduction, which allows you to better feel the atmosphere of the game, and proceed to specific tips and walkthrough.

* Adviсe.

* Try to save ammo, especially at the beginning of the game. You will really need them when you get inside the estate, especially when you play as Elaine.
* The revolver is a very useful weapon, especially against small enemies, but in no case should you use it against large enemies such as zombies. It's practically useless.
The gun works great against large enemies. You can easily destroy the zombies. However, you can only attack one enemy when you shoot them, so don't expect to kill several monsters at once with one shot.
* Be sure to turn on the light if you see a switch. Some monsters will never come to you if you have time to turn on the light. When you play as Elaine, some puzzles require you to turn off the lights or you won't be able to solve them.
* Use the medallion when solving certain puzzles. Especially if you have some stock. In this case, you will not have to start the game again if you make some stupid mistake, for example, spend all your ammo or turn the lights on or off at the wrong time. You always have a chance to correct your mistake if you have a medallion in stock.
* Try to know exactly the next place where you need to arrive and what you need to do. In this case, you will save a lot of time, never get lost, you will be able to choose the best route and save precious ammunition.
* Some monsters can be easily dodged. In this case, do not waste ammunition. When you meet one, just run as fast as you can.
* Often useful to press a button R2 for more information about the game's plot twists.
* Use a flashlight. With it, it is much easier to find items that are sometimes quite difficult to find. In the light of a lantern, they sparkle brightly enough, and it is almost impossible to miss them.
* Always try to use the examine option to look into your inventory and see if you have key items at your disposal. In this situation, you will always know where and how to use the appropriate items. And do not forget - you can view them in close-up or, on the contrary, reduce them by pressing the buttons, respectively. L2 And R1.
* Always try to look around the room after loading a previously memorized game, if you, of course, memorized the game in this room. Some items may retain their original location and return to their original place, even if you took them before remembering the game.
* Use left analog button L3 to direct the light of the lantern to the right place.
* Crystals in the last cave appear again after you take them. Wait until they reappear, and then you will have an excellent supply, and you can always recharge the batteries.


You can choose to play as Edward Kearnby or Elaine Cedrac when you start a new game. In Edward's scenario, you have to fight more, however, this scenario is noticeably shorter and simpler. In any case, Kernby already has a double-barreled gun and is armed at the very beginning, unlike Elaine, who has only a flashlight at her disposal. On the other hand, Elaine's scenario has more puzzles and is noticeably longer. In particular, Elaine is much worse armed, so we advise you to start playing for Kearnby. At the same time, you will noticeably get used to the various territories and when you start passing for Elaine. It will be much easier for you.

* Screenplay by Edward Kearnby.

- The wood (forest).
So, if you have chosen Edward Kernby as your character, then you find yourself in the thick of the forest. Immediately you will see two main paths. One leads to the left, the other to the right. The left path is blocked, there is a locked gate. Therefore, go to the right, and as soon as you go a short distance, Elaine will contact you. After a short conversation, move on until you are in front of an empty house. It is empty only at first glance, as soon as you enter it, you will see a seriously wounded man. His hand was cut off. Talk to him, do not forget to press the X button and immediately find a bronze key on the floor. Otherwise, it's easy to miss it. Get out of the house and continue your journey. After a short transition, you will hear two shots from a gun. Now you can go back, but you may not come back. If you return, you will find that the wounded man has disappeared somewhere. Apparently, the journey will not be easy.

- Around the estate.
Use the found key to open the locked gate, go through it, watch the cutscene, and then pick up the clip of magnesium bullets on the side of the road. Open the gate at the top of the screen, go through it and after a while you will have to watch another video clip, after which you will find two clips of magnesium bullets on the road. Move further up until you see the first aid kit on the sculpture. Be sure to take it, and then return to the place where you entered this area and go up the stairs. Finally, you will meet the first enemy, this is a dog. Use your double-barreled gun, take a few accurate shots, then the doggie is finished. The double-barreled shotgun is very effective against fairly small enemies, but be sure to switch to some other weapon when you encounter someone larger. At the same time, be sure to save ammo, try to count each shot, otherwise you can get into serious trouble if you do not have enough ammo. By the way, you don’t have to destroy the dogs, it’s enough to dodge, which is quite simple, but you still need to finish off the first enemy, if only for the sake of interest.
Then you can go along any road, because you will still end up in the same place. After reaching the flight of stairs, climb up, go through the gate and move further up until you see the next gate at the bottom of the screen. They are locked, so ignore them for now. Watch another cutscene and then a monster will try to attack you. To kill him, you will have to spend a fair amount of ammo, so your best bet is to try to avoid fighting him. Run down the stairs, go through the gate, turn right, turn the steering wheel-valve to drain the water, and you can continue your journey. As soon as another monster appears, try to avoid a fight with him, go down the stairs and find yourself in the sewers. Here in the conduit, everything is quite simple. Move up until you reach an open area, and as soon as you get to its center, a monster will suddenly appear. Shoot the enemy, do not try to dodge the fight, as you can get serious problems. So shoot the monster, go up a few steps, wait for the monster to appear, and shoot him again. Continue to act in the same manner, and, in the end, the monster will fall behind you. Turn right, dive into the hole in the right corner, climb the wall, take the amulet and go through the door. Now you are inside the estate, it's time to find Elaine.

- Ground floor.
Climb up the ladder, enter the closet, grab the Magnesium ammo clip on the crate and the first aid kit on the table, and don't forget to search the three-barreled shotgun near the table, otherwise you'll have a hard time going forward. It's pretty easy to miss, so be very careful. Open the basket near the locked gate, watch the cutscene, and then take the key and open the gate with it. There are other locked gates in this room, but ignore them for now. Go through the open gate and up the stairs. When you pass the mirrored door, you will find yourself in the lobby of the first floor. Please note that the mirrored door will be locked immediately. That is why it is necessary to find a three-barreled gun, because it will not be possible to go back.

- The first and second floors of the estate.
As soon as you enter, Elaine will immediately contact you. She is trapped and needs to be released. Pay attention to the statue, push it so that it is in front of the mirror and recognize the password letters H and M that are painted on the statue. The mechanism under the painting on the first floor will work, and you will be able to go to the first floor. After examining the picture, you will find a small key. Look in your inventory, "examine" the key and you will find out that they open the door on the third floor.
Do not rush to the third floor. Move the cabinet next to the painting you carefully examined, go through the door and meet Elaine. After a short conversation with her, don't forget to grab some important items in this room. In particular, the diary near the bed, read it. There are two doors in the room, and one is locked, and the other is like a mirror. Go through this mirrored door, go down the stairs and see the next door. Unfortunately, it is locked and you cannot enter it. Look through the "spyhole" and you will see something like a laboratory. Find another medallion near the locked door and go back where you came from. Exit through the door, go down to the basement, take another medallion near the main door. Unfortunately, she too is locked and cannot be used.
Enter the door behind the flight of stairs and immediately see the old Indian. He will claim to be the guardian of the island. I wonder how he managed to survive surrounded by so many monstrous monsters? Then, after a short conversation, the old man (and this is, in fact, the Edonshaw Indian) will suddenly disappear, but before that he will give you another medallion.
Now turn left, go to the end, take a clip of phosphorus cartridges on the shelf, enter the door to the left of the stairs, and here a couple of zombies are already waiting for you. It is quite difficult to dodge them, it is easier to finish them off. After dealing with them, go to the end, take the first aid kit, go out of the hall through the door. Beware of small monsters hanging on the ceiling, look for a clip of phosphorus ammo and another clip of magnesium. They are on the table. Then be sure to grab the Wolf Mask and a photo, but that's on the next screen. Carefully inspect the picture and you will see that some detail is missing behind the glass on the scales. Go outside again, finish off the three zombies waiting for you, then go all the way to the other side and enter the door. The library is just opposite, but the entrance is closed, this should be remembered.
As soon as you enter the room, finish off a couple more zombies and enter the door to the left. First of all, activate the switch and you will see an amphora filled with water. Pay no attention to her for now. Take the crowbar, examine the box, be sure to find Richard Morton's will, read it carefully and on the last page you will find a hint that will help you deal with the puzzle in the library. Examine the bookshelf in the center of the room and find another book, and on the opposite side of the shelf is a clip of phosphorus cartridges.
Read the ObecTs diary, which is on the same shelf, take the flask from the table, fill the flask with water from the amphora, go to the other side, inspect the closet, find the first aid kit, deal with a couple of monsters that have appeared, open the door and exit into the lobby.
Go through the door behind the flight of stairs again, but this time turn left, go back to the room with the scales and the boat, pour water from the flask on the scales. As a result, the second painting on the first floor will be activated. Now you can return to the first floor and carefully examine the picture. When the mechanism starts, you will receive a golden key. Look in your inventory and find out that this key must be used on the first floor.
In fact, the first floor is, as it were, the basement floor, and the next floor will already be the second, and not the first.

So, go back to the basement, go through the door behind the stairs again, turn right, go through the door at the very end, kill the zombies, open the door, go inside and here you will be greeted by another monster. Kill him, inspect the bookshelf near the window, find a first aid kit, as well as another golden key on the table. Here you will see a statue of an owl. Put a wolf mask on him and get a steel key. Now you can leave the room, there is nothing else to do here.
Enter the door directly opposite the one you left through and go into the lobby. Go back to the door behind the stairs, turn left this time, enter the door on the right side of the stairs, climb up the spiral staircase, you will find yourself in the attic, where the first thing you will need to find is a grenade launcher.
Keep in mind that once you get the grenade launcher, you will definitely need to save your grenades for the last boss fight, because it is unlikely that you will be able to find additional ammo for the grenade launcher as the game progresses.

Go to the locked door and
Elaine will contact you immediately.
She will report that in your room, more precisely, in the attic, there is a hatch door and some people think that it may be useful. In fact, this is not true at all. Don't waste time running around the room trying to find the hatch door. You will find it, only you will look very stupid.
Use a small rusty key to open the door, and immediately you will see a couple of monsters that are terribly afraid of the light. So, if you light your lantern, they will rush off, mad with fear. Grab a couple of clips with phosphorus bullets, and don't forget to look for a lighter in the southeast corner. It is very easy to miss, and you will need it. Then exit through another door. Contact Elaine, and she will inform you that after all the hatch door must be found. In fact, you will find it on the second screen, open it with the crowbar you found earlier and as a result you will receive a golden key and another very small one. Exit through the next door and here you will see a whole bunch of small monsters hanging from the ceiling. In no case do not even try to pass directly under them, otherwise they will jump down on you and attack. Find a clip with phosphorus cartridges and another one with magnesium cartridges on the cabinet and at the end of the room find a candle, light it with a lighter, click on the wall and be sure to hear a "response" sound. Hit that spot with your crowbar. After punching the hole, exit into the next room.
Here you will meet a couple of monsters. Quickly turn on the lights in this room and they will immediately disappear. The door near the switch is locked, so open it with the small golden key, but don't go in yet. First of all, enter the door opposite. In front of it, take a first aid kit, and going inside you will meet Lucy. This old lady stayed at the manor and is not afraid of terrible monsters at all. Then go back to the door you just opened and exit through it.
Go down the spiral staircase and as soon as you see the first door, open it. This door leads to the first floor. Go through it, then go through the door on the right and you'll be in Alan's office. Take the first aid kit and read the note left by Alan on the table. The locker is closed, but if you use the small key that lies on the floor, you can open it. As a result, get a large original key and half of the picture. Pay attention to the numbers written on the back.
Exit the room and go to the end of the corridor, then turn left and go all the way to the end until you see a bust of Richard Morton. Use the steel key to open the door. Once inside, take the large original key and the medallion on the small chair in front of the bookshelf. Then inspect the bookshelf, find a clip of phosphorus cartridges, and at the same time take the second half of the picture on the table and read the letter. Connect both parts of the picture and read the numbers written on the back. Now they form the number 3926. Before you leave here, read the diary lying near the bed. You have both keys to the library at your disposal, but you should not rush there yet. After leaving the bedroom, go to the switch, turn it on, go through the door to the left of the switch and find yourself in another bedroom. Approach the bed, but be careful, because three hefty tentacles will instantly appear from under the bed and throw you back like a toy. Shoot the lamp hanging from the ceiling and roast this monster right in its lair.
Take the rocket launcher and three clips of phosphorus bullets on the table, find a first aid kit and another medallion on the fireplace, and then you can safely leave the estate, there is nothing more to do here. It's time to go to the library.

- Library (Library).
Remember the door we mentioned a little earlier? Approach her, use the large original key that you found in the Lunch room, open the door, go inside, watch the video, contact Elaine and turn on the light after the conversation. The library looks very impressive. Use the second original key to open the next door. There is nothing interesting in this room, so do not waste time on meaningless searches.
Here you have to solve two main puzzles. Let's start with the easy one. First of all, read the diary on the table and find out the Morton Family's biography.
On the last page of this biography, you will find vital information that is absolutely necessary for the successful solution of the puzzle.

Now head up the stairs, pick up the crate of rockets along the way, and you'll see a panel on the second floor of the library room. Try to solve the code yourself before continuing to read the walkthrough. If you can't decide right away, think carefully. Just in case, we will give you one more hint. Remember the digital code written on the back of the picture, cut into two parts? If B is forgotten, we will remind you: 3926. Enter this code and the passage behind the bookshelf will open. Once inside, the first thing to do is turn on the light. Then look around the wall and you will see several statues stacked on top of each other, but the top statue is missing. Place the acrobat statue on this spot and the panel will open. If you do not know the code, then do not waste time trying to figure it out. It is better to look on the shelf and find a note. Here is what it says: THE KEY TO THE PORTRAITS IS THE DATES THOSE THEY REPRESENT WERE BORN ON. This phrase is translated as follows: The key to a portrait is the date of birth of the people painted on it. Try to guess what it means first. You will definitely need it.
Before you leave the room, take the telescope and climb up until you see a ladder. Climb up it, exit to the roof, enter the tower, take the medallion on the barrel (these medallions allow you to remember the game). Then use the telescope by placing it near the window, get the maximum magnification by aiming it at the window ahead, and you will see the numbers 1692. This is the code that will allow you to open the panel in the secret room. Climb back down, enter the code, and one of the painting mechanisms on the first floor will be activated. But you should not rush. You have to solve another puzzle here. Be sure to remember the game. You may not feel the need, just take our advice.
Now you need to "activate" four books in the library. We will give two simple diagrams that may help you to cope with this task.

Books 1, 2, 3 and 4 must be shifted in the correct order. When you "activate" the third book, go up the stairs, watch the cutscene and get ready for the boss fight.
In fact, you absolutely have to kill the boss before you move the last 4th book. He is very difficult to defeat, he flies around quickly, and it is quite difficult to hit him even with a rocket launcher. It's best to stand still and wait for him to attack, and then, as soon as he tries to pounce on you, shoot him with a rocket or some other powerful weapon. The monster will get what he deserves, but will not calm down. Wait for it to fly back and repeat this procedure. This tactic will allow you to deal with him without any problems. However, you should have at least 3-4 first aid kits in your inventory, as the boss's attacks are very powerful and fast.
After dealing with the enemy, move the last book, and the last painting on the first floor will be "activated". Now go back to where the paintings are. Activate the left picture and get a small bronze key, and at the same time a plasma cannon. This is a very powerful weapon, unfortunately, effective only in close combat. So you need to get close to the enemies in order to destroy them. "Activate" the last picture (third from the left) and you will get an interesting metal picture, inspect it and find out the code with which you will open the locked door at the very beginning of the game, you will have to go back there to do it.
Now you can enter the correct codes on all pictures. The panel is open, enter the codes from left to right. You will learn the code for each picture from the biography of the Morton family. They, in fact, denote the dates of birth of the respective ancestors. Richard Morton was born in 1952, Archibald in 1874, Jeremy in 1899, Howard in 1931. When you enter all the codes correctly, a passage will open on the basement floor. Go downstairs, find the key, use it to open the main door and exit the estate.

- Garden (Manor's graden).
Take the medallion near the gate, you will definitely need it. Then go to the back of the estate and see the doghouse. Look into it, you will find two first aid kits and a gas cartridge, which is necessary for the plasma gun. Now go back to the gate, open it with the found key, and you know how to return to the starting point of the game, since everything here is familiar to you. We will not repeat. Take a look at the previously found metal plate to remember the code that opens the lock, and easily deal with it. By the way, when you leave the estate, beware of the monsters. There are a lot of them here. Of course, there will be surprise attacks, and you need to keep your weapons ready. After you open the gate, you will receive a message that you need to insert a second disc. Note. You may be surprised that you still have one key left in inventory. This key actually opens some doors inside the estate that will take you to the very places you've already been to, so don't mind that.

* Aline Cedrac.

Screenplay with Elaine.

Manor / 3rd floor
Elaine starts on the roof of the manor. Climb through the window and see an old lady lying on the bed. I wonder how she managed to survive in this terrible place? After a short conversation, she will give Elaine a small bronze key. Look around the room, there are more useful items here, and when you try to leave, a monster will suddenly appear. You, unfortunately, do not have a weapon, so immediately turn on the light using the switch, and the monsters will immediately disappear. They are terribly afraid of the light. Go back, turn right, take the medallion and go through the door on the left. Look for the phosphorus ammo clip on the barrel and another medallion on the table, and then go through the door right in front of the table that had the medallion on it. Once in the corridor, go straight ahead, enter the door, look for a small golden key on the table and a first aid kit on the crate. Don't forget to grab the magnesium ammo in this room. The door is locked here, so you have to go back to the room where you turned on the light to get rid of the monsters. Open the door near the switch using the key you just found, go into the next room, go down the spiral staircase and hear the two men talking. Looks like one of them is Professor Lunch. Then continue the descent down, go through the door and find yourself on the basement floor.

- Manor / Ground floor.
Enter the door on the left, turn off the light, examine the statue, use the key the old woman gave you to open it and get a revolver. It, of course, is not as powerful as the modified Kernby pistol, but still it is some kind of weapon, and so you are with just one flashlight. As soon as you take the revolver, a monster will immediately appear. Dodge the fight to save ammo, run straight to the window and hear someone open the door. Enter it and see Professor Morton running away. Climb straight up, enter the last door, turn on the light and go through the door to the left of the stairs. Move to the very end, where you will meet Professor Morton. After a short conversation, he will pounce on Elaine, who will wake up after a while and find that she is in a room on the first floor, and for some reason her jacket has disappeared. The professor is a terrible bastard.

- Manor / First floor.
After talking with Kearnby, look around the closet and find a rather strange wrench for unscrewing bolts and nuts, as well as three first aid kits. At the same time, you can read Alan's Diary, which is located near the bed, and take the medallion on the chair. Then enter the mirrored door, go down the stairs. You need to be very careful when you come to the first door, because there is a gun here, which easy to miss.Get it by all means, enter the door and go down until you are near the door.Watch the cutscene, get another first aid kit on the floor, then go back to the room where you will meet Kearnby.Elaine is a very self confident girl, she will refuse to act together with Kearnby. She thinks she can handle it. Anyway, you find yourself in a room on the second floor.

- Manor / Second floor.
Here you will meet a "talking" mirror, which will ask you to find a mirror for it and will immediately disappear. Open the door, enter it, find the old lady, talk to her again, and then leave the room and enter the door near the switch. Go down the stairs, enter the door behind which you heard the conversation of two men, now it is open. Then exit through the door to the left and, once in the room, look for a first aid kit near the weapon rack. Take the mirror and the grenade launcher under the table, exit the room and move straight ahead until you see blood flowing from the room, and then numerous small monsters that resemble huge insects will fall down from the ceiling. You can easily dodge them if you run as fast as you can. Don't waste ammo.
Run through the door to the left of the light switch and find yourself in a room resembling a bedroom. Hear some strange sounds, as if someone is calling Elaine. Never mind. Find a clip of phosphorus cartridges, go to the right side of the bed, and then Decerto will speak to you. Go straight through the mirrored door and you will be presented with two options, whether you give the mirror you found or not. If you choose the option "No" (No), then you have to kill Dessert, if you choose the option "Yes" (Yes), then he uses a mirror to turn Elaine into a monster, which means that your game is over.
After receiving the Abkanis Statue, exit through the mirror and meet the old Indian Edenshaw. He will congratulate you on a wonderful victory, because you killed Dessert. After a short conversation, Elaine will contact Kernby, then open the door next to the one she entered through and proceed through. You will now be back in the lobby.