Creation of a musical rock band time machine. Another biography

Sexual pleasure plays extremely important role in the life of every adult. After all, it is quite difficult to imagine a family, and simply love relationship between a man and a woman without sex. But in fact, as practice shows, not all of the fair sex fully enjoy intimate life. Someone does not get an orgasm during sex at all, and for someone it appears extremely rarely or is less pronounced than before. Let's try to figure out how to experience an orgasm for a woman with a man during sex?

Unfortunately, sexologists agree that about a third of women suffer from anorgasmia (lack of orgasm). Russian women. And this phenomenon cannot be called the norm. If up to twenty-twenty-three years the lack of pleasure during sexual intercourse can be explained by the lack of experience of partners, then it is not normal for a woman to have an orgasm and the inability to experience it with a regular sexual life at the age of more than twenty-five years. And the cause of such a violation can be many factors - both physiological and psychological.

Why there may be no orgasm?

Quite often, the lack of orgasm is due to the lack of sexual desire. It can decrease with insufficient activity of the partner, his neglect of sexual foreplay, or simply with the deterioration of relations in the couple as a whole.

A decrease in libido can also be pathological in nature, caused by hormonal disorders and other conditions.

Sometimes orgasm and sexual desire disappear while taking some medicines, for example, antidepressants or hormonal drugs (the same contraceptives).
Women who have recently given birth may also not have an orgasm with a man for some time.

This is due, firstly, to natural physiological changes, and secondly, to the restructuring of the woman's brain to care for a child, and not to sexual needs.

How to get an orgasm with a man during sex?

Orgasm with a man in a woman begins in the head. If you have an understanding partner, then you are lucky. Change your attitude to sex, tune in to it - read relevant books (novels or porn stories), watch movies that set you up for sex. Discuss your needs with your partner - the desire for a longer foreplay, certain actions, words and movements, tell what you need as a woman during sex.

The most main reason according to which an orgasm does not come during sex - the fear of a woman. Perhaps you are afraid of getting pregnant at the wrong time or seeming unattractive and unsexual to your partner. Perhaps you are afraid that a child sleeping in the next room will wake up, or that something will interrupt you at the most inopportune moment. Try to exclude in advance the possibility of realizing your fears, and be sure to fight with the complexes.

A lot of the problems associated with getting an orgasm are explained by the banal illiteracy of a woman, when she herself does not know what gives her pleasure. If this ignorance is supplemented by complexes, then the situation becomes even more neglected. In this case, you need to gradually open your body for yourself, learning self-satisfaction and discovering sensitive points. And if you connect a partner to this lesson, it will become even more exciting and help you tune in the right way. To overcome moral barriers, if they are present, you will, of course, have to try. But you can try to start with small revelations in a couple, and then move on. A small amount of alcohol helps some to relax, while others are set in the right mood by a romantic atmosphere.

It is worth noting that many women do not know how to experience an orgasm with a man during sex, although they easily give themselves this pleasure on their own. In this case, sexologists advise to devote a partner to the sacrament of their self-satisfaction. Show him how to stimulate you, and how you yourself reach the peak of pleasure. This practice will improve your sex life, will help you achieve maximum trust and give your partner information about your needs and desires.

Remember that if you do not perceive your body, do not feel your attractiveness, exclusivity and demand, you will not be able to completely relax and trust your partner. And a man will not be able to please you in this case, no matter how hard he tries.

What will help you experience an orgasm?

In order to learn how to get an orgasm with a man during sex, train your intimate muscles. Try to spend about twenty squeezing and unclenching intimate muscles several times a day. Over time, learn to do these exercises with varying intensity. Such exercises will help not only to get an orgasm, but also have a great effect on your women's health and will prevent many diseases.

Try to minimize the impact of aggressive substances on your body, including alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. All these elements harm us, and over time lead to a decrease in the severity of orgasm. Learn to have fun with natural things: sports, music, socializing, dancing, etc.



1. someone. Check by experience, examining the quality, suitability. Test the action of the motor. Test your strength. Test a new worker.

2. What. Experience, endure, feel (some event, experience, sensation). Experience misfortune. Experience fear. Experience the vicissitudes of fate. Experience remorse. Experience pleasure. Experience hunger.

Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

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Domestic rock band founded in 1969 Andrey Makarevich And Sergei Kavagoe and being one of the founders of "Russian rock".

About a year before the present legendary band « Time Machine”, in 1968, students of the Moscow school No. 19 organized an ensemble called The Kids, which included Andrey Makarevich , Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Sergey Kavagoe, Alexander Ivanov And Pavel Ruben. At the very beginning of the existence of the ensemble, it also included two soloists - Larisa Kasperko And Nina Baranova. The guys performed at school evenings, where they sang songs of famous English and American bands.

In 1969, the first composition was formed new group « Time Machine"(Initially they wanted to call the group "Time Machines"). The team recorded their first magnetic album of 11 English-language songs. The recording was made on an ordinary tape recorder with a microphone, standing in the center of the room.

Until the mid-70s, the composition of the group was constantly changing, with the exception of the trio Andrey Makarevich(guitar, vocals) Sergey Kavagoe(drums) and Alexander Kutikov(Bas-guitar).

In 1971 " Time Machine"gives his first concert in the "cradle of Moscow rock" - DC "Energetik".

Creative collaboration began in 1972 "Time Machines" With famous group « Best years» ("The Best Years"), which lasted for several months. After that, the former drummer of the band "The Best Years" Yuri Fokin been playing for a while "Time Machine". In the same year, they are drafted into the army Igor Mazaev, also the drummer leaves the band Yuri Borzov. The team comes Max Kapitanovsky, but soon he was also sent to the service of his homeland. Sergey Kavagoe sits down at the drums. Later in the group appears Igor Saulsky from the team "Best Years".

In 1973 from "Time Machines" to the group "Leap Summer" leaves Alexander Kutikov. In the same year, the record company "Melody" releases a record Dmitry Linnik together with "Time Machine". This is the first official mention of the group.

In 1974, the first filming took place. "Time Machines" in one of the episodes of the film "Afonya" (Georgy Danelia). The group receives their first fee of 600 rubles, which they spend on buying a tape recorder for recording songs. Reappears in the composition new member- guitar player Igor Degtyaryuk.

In 1975, the group comes Evgeny Margulis who plays bass guitar and writes for "Time Machines" blues songs.

In 1976, winning first place at the Estonian festival "Tallinn songs of youth - 76", "Time Machine" becomes popular all over the country. This is where you get to know the group. Aquarium" And Boris Grebenshchikov who invites "Machine" on tour in Leningrad. Concerts are hugely popular. Second performance in Tallinn in 1977 it was already not so successful.

Appears in the group new soloist from Leningrad group "Myths" Yuri Ilyichenko, as well as ovens Evgeny Legusov And Sergey Velitsky, who was replaced in 1978 Sergey Kuzminok.

Spring 1978 of the year "Time Machine" took part in Sverdlovsk at the festival "Spring UPI" and also recorded her first studio album "It was so long ago…". The work took place semi-underground, at a speech studio GITIS. The album consisted of songs, repeatedly performed by the group at concerts. The recording was played all over the country and brought the group great popularity.

In 1978, the group was on the verge of breaking up due to a serious conflict between Makarevich And Kawagoe. Sergey Kavagoe And Evgeny Margulis go to "Sunday", and returns to the team Kutikov. Later joins the group Pyotr Podgorodetsky. New composition "Time Machines" produces songs like "Candle", "Crystal City", "Turn" which became real folk hits.

In 1979 "Time Machine" enters into a contract with Rosconcert and becomes part of the touring theater troupe, and later tours as an independent group.

By 1980 "Time Machine" already popular rock band . Yet some songs are still banned for performance as politically incorrect. This year "Time Machine" makes a splash with his performance Tbilisi rock festival, leaving behind "Aquarium" And " Favorite". The group leaves the underground and becomes all-Union. Hits "Time Machines" sound on radio and television. The band receives an offer to record a soundtrack for the film "Soul".

In 1982, during campaigns against amateur ensembles in the newspaper « TVNZ» an article appeared "Blue Bird Stew", sharply criticizing creativity "Time Machines" for which the editorial office of the newspaper was inundated with letters from outraged fans. During this period, the group leaves Podgorodetsky, and it includes Sergei Ryzhenko And Alexander Zaitsev.

1983 - the time of a temporary creative lull "Time machines".

Until 1985 concerts "Time Machines" banned in Moscow, it is actually not shown on television, not a single official album has been released. Nevertheless, the group's songs are very popular. They are distributed on magnetic records. Also "Time Machine" performs a song for the animated series "Monkeys", writes soundtracks for films "Speed", "The Mystery of the Blackbirds".

In 1987, the first official album was released. "Time Machines" entitled "Good time." Andrey Makarevich starring in a de facto autobiographical film "Start from the beginning". The group actively takes part in various musical TV programs: « Funny boys”,“ Song-86 ”,“ Musical Ring ”.

Albums released in 1988 "Rivers and Bridges" And "Ten years later". The group goes to the first foreign tours (Bulgaria, Canada, USA, Spain, Greece).

In 1989 " Time Machine" gives a grand concert in Luzhniki, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the group. Former and present members of the band performed at the concert. The 89th year was also marked by the release of the first solo album Andrey Makarevich "Songs for the guitar".

In 1990 "Car" performs "New Year's song" in "Blue Flame" Return to the group Margulis and Podgorodetsky. "Time Machine" recording an album "In the Circle of Light" at the studio Synthesis Records.

In 1991, after the cessation of activities Rosconcert, "Time Machine" becomes an independent group. All members of the group take part in the defense white house during the putsch.

During the 90s, the group released 7 albums, among which "Freelance Commander of the Earth", "Breaking Off", "Cardboard Wings of Love". There's a hit like "One day the world will bend under us" on which the video is being filmed.

During this period, the group has two anniversaries: the 25th anniversary (1994), marked grand concert on Red Square in front of an audience of 300,000 people, as well as the 30th anniversary (1999) - the concert takes place in SC "Olympic".

In 1999, the keyboardist was fired from the group. Peter Podgorodetsky, and a singer is invited in his place Andrey Derzhavin.

In 2000, a joint tour with the group begins. "Sunday", named "50 years for two". From the same year "Time Machine" becomes a permanent member of the annual rock festival "Wings".

Since 2001 "Time Machine21 century" registered as open Joint-Stock Company, and the group name becomes a trademark. Albums released from 2004 to 2009 "Mechanically", "Time Machine"(Studio " Abbey Road").

Eau de toilette launched in 2009 "Time Machine" presented by the group at the exhibition InterCHARM 2009. The band is celebrating its 40th anniversary by embarking on a 40-city tour ending final concert V SC "Olympic".

2010 was marked by performances at festivals "Rock over the Volga" And "Invasion".

The current composition of the group:

  • Andrey Makarevich- lead vocals, guitars, songwriter (since 1969)
  • Alexander Kutikov- bass guitar, guitars, vocals, songwriter (1971-1975, since 1979)
  • Evgeny Margulis- guitars, bass guitar, vocals, songwriter (1975-1979, since 1989)
  • Valery Efremov- drums, percussion (since 1979)
  • Andrey Derzhavin- keyboards, vocals, songwriter (since 2000)


Studio albums:

  • 2007 – Time Machine
  • 2004 - Mechanically
  • 2001 - A place where there is light
  • 1999 - Watches and signs
  • 1997 - Breaking out
  • 1996 - Cardboard Wings of Love
  • 1993 - Freelance commander of the Earth
  • 1992 - It was so long ago ... (recorded in 1978)
  • 1991 - Slow good music
  • 1989 - In the circle of light
  • 1987 - Rivers and bridges

Live albums:

  • 2010 - Day 14810th
  • 2005 - Kremlin Rocks!
  • 2001 - Time Machine and Resurrection. 50 for two
  • 2000 - XXX years of the Time Machine
  • 2000 – A little prince(recorded 1979-1980)
  • 1994 - Unplugged
  • 1991 - Time Machine - XX!


  • 2010 - Typescript
  • 2009 - Do not park cars
  • 2006 - Time Machine. Part 1
  • 2004 - Unreleased. Part 2
  • 2001 – Best songs 1989–2000
  • 1998 - The Best (Supplement to Stereo & Video magazine)
  • 1996 - Unreleased
  • 1996 - Megamix
  • 1996 - Whom did you want to surprise?
  • 1993 - Best Songs 1979-1985
  • 1987 - Ten years later
  • 1986 - Good afternoon

Other notable recordings and works:

  • 2007 - Old Days (Compilation of rare songs 1973-2005)
  • 2005 - Recorded on TV (recorded in 1975)
  • 1999 - Unreleased. Part 2
  • 1997 - Turn (recorded in 1980)
  • 1985 - Fish in a jar
  • 1984 - Strangers among strangers
  • 1982 - Running in a circle
  • 1982 - Failed concert
  • 1982 - Fortune Hunters
  • 1981 - Moscow - Leningrad
  • 1979 - Time Machine - 79
  • 1978 - Birthday


  • House of the Sun (2010)
  • Loser
  • Election Day (2007)
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas (2006) - cartoon, dubbed
  • Dancer (2004)
  • Thieves in law (1988)
  • Captain of the Pilgrim (1986)
  • Bartender from Golden Anchor (1986)
  • Start Over (1986)
  • Breakthrough (1986)
  • The Blackbirds Mystery (1983)
  • Speed, dir. D. Svetozarov (1983)
  • Monkeys - animated series (1983)
  • Soul (1981)
  • Six Letters on a Beat (1976)
  • Athos (1975)