How is Russian nationality determined? The concept of "nationality" in the understanding of philosophers

Nationality is a person’s belonging to a particular nation. It must be determined by geneticists, because human DNA is very interesting thing, not always external signs make it possible to accurately determine which nation a person belongs to. But externally one can also determine nationality. This is determined by the following criteria:

1) skin color;

2) eye shape;

3) nose shape;

4) figure;

5) hair structure and color.

For example. By these signs we can easily distinguish an Ethiopian from an Asian woman. Well, the fact that it is possible that there were Russians in the family of each of them can only be established by geneticists.

In order to answer this question as correctly as possible, you need to turn to some literature. But I must also point out that the answer will be purely subjective and many people may disagree with this opinion.

What is nationality

Nationality is the definition of a person to any ethnic group. Today, most countries are multinational, that is, they do not have a specific nation in the country. To the very multinational countries include:

  1. Russia;
  2. Switzerland;
  3. India;
  4. Philippines;
  5. African countries.

In the Constitution Russian Federation it is stated that Russia is a secular state, the power in which is exercised by multinational people. It follows from this that all citizens of the country, regardless of nationality, have the same rights.

Who should determine nationality?

Each person accepts his nationality independently and no one can force him to call himself one or another nationality. Currently, it is not necessary to indicate nationality in your passport. But in the USSR passport, each person was required to indicate his nationality, which confused people who were of a different nationality than most people.

By what criteria is nationality determined?

Since in the Russian Federation each person determines his own nationality, there are no special signs. Although not so long ago fascist Germany They came up with a special device that separated true Germans from Jews, but only this device had a very strong error and, along with the Jews, the Germans were also separated. If a person voluntarily wants to determine his nationality, then now there is a DNA analysis that will show what nationality you are.

In conclusion, I can say that the division of people should be carried out according to talents and skills, but not according to nationality. Therefore, if you know a person who despises a particular nationality - a skinhead - then immediately contact the police. Because it violates the basic law of the Russian Federation - the constitution and breaks public order.

An important criterion for individual freedom is the possibility of self-identification provided and guaranteed by law. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to determine and indicate their nationality, no one can be forced to determine and indicate their nationality. Thus, the Russian Federation recognizes, first of all, the right of everyone to freely determine and, at their own discretion, indicate or not indicate their nationality.

The basis of a person’s national self-identification is not just the desire to be a person of a certain nationality, but the awareness of one’s belonging to a certain ethnic community due to the spiritual connection with a common language and culture. The current legislation does not establish the procedure for determining the nationality of a citizen. The presence in a citizen’s birth certificate of an indication of the nationality of his parents does not in itself determine the nationality of this citizen.

In Russia, previously, along with citizenship, nationality was indicated in the passport; it was determined by the nationality of the father or mother indicated in the birth certificate. If the parents had different nationalities, then when issuing a passport for the first time upon reaching 16 years of age, the person himself determined which one to write down in the passport. The nationality record was not subject to change in the future. The “Nationality” column was also an indispensable attribute of all kinds of questionnaires and other accounting documents. Now such a column has been excluded from the passport. This column is also not present in other official documents, but if it appears somewhere, the citizen is not obliged to fill it out. You can, if you wish, indicate your nationality by making a corresponding statement (link) in your autobiography, resume, Internet, media, any public speech or during a sociological survey.

Information about nationality in civil status records is entered only at the request of persons (persons) who apply to the civil registry office with an application for state registration of a civil status act, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ “On Civil Status Acts” . If information about nationality is indicated in the civil status record, then it is also entered in the certificate of state registration of the civil status act.

From a legal point of view, determining nationality does not entail any legal consequences, because nationality cannot serve as a basis for granting a person any special privileges. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 19) guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of race and nationality. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 136) provides for criminal liability for violation of equality of rights and freedoms depending on the race and nationality of citizens. The vast majority of foreign countries have the same rules. At the same time, the importance of a person’s nationality should not be underestimated. The right to preserve and develop national and cultural characteristics is part of the fundamental, inalienable rights of peoples and individuals, proclaimed in international legal acts and national legislation of states.

IN modern world The question is quite acute: “Is nationality a political, social or biological concept?” Before talking about nationality, you should become familiar with the related terms.

People. Ethnos. Nation

The people are a “new race”, a “born race” of people united by one common territory, is a fundamental concept in our topic. From the definition it is clear that this is an exclusively biological term - people who are closely related.

An ethnos is a people, that is, over time, a group of people formed from close peoples who have the same language (belong to the same common origin, roots, but not geographically connected.

A nation is a people with its own general history development, culture, customs. If one people creates its own, it will be called a nation. So it's already more aggressive, political concept. A nation may include several closely related national groups.

Nationality is...

Nationality refers to a nation based on biological characteristics. It has no connection with a country or specific territory. For example, Germans, Kazakhs or Englishmen who live permanently in Russia - their nationality remains the same with a change of place of residence or state. Without nationality (a characteristic of kinship between people), there will be no development of the people, they will not become a nation.

Now almost all states are multinational, although there are still separate national republics.

It is important not to confuse citizenship and nationality. The first concept is social, meaning which society the individual belongs to. The second, as can be seen from the definition, is biological and shows who a person is by birth and origin.

Although in some countries the word “nationality” is still a definition of an individual’s nationality.

People's nationality

The people are the smallest unit in today's discussion; you can literally take this word as a clan, a family. In the course of their development, families (tribes) grew, separated, and united with neighbors. But since they had common roots, and life passed in interaction with each other, territorial proximity, then common, similar features gradually formed, so strong genetically that they were passed on to descendants regardless of time and distance - the nationality of peoples or folk nationality.

So, if you look at the Germans, for example: non-Saxon Germans, Franconians, Saxons, Swabians, Bavarians - that’s how many subethnic groups (peoples) belong to one nationality of people.

Russians have about thirty throughout Russia and beyond. And there are only two dialects - Northern Russian (okaya) and South Russian (akay).

How to determine nationality

It would seem that nothing could be simpler. He lives in Germany, his father is German, his mother is German, he is also German! But the path of humanity on Earth is already quite long. Everything is mixed up - peoples, ethnic groups, nations... It is very difficult to determine whether a person belongs to a specific nationality. Especially when dad’s family is Poles and Jews, and mom’s is Spaniards and Finns, and everyone lives in Australia.

There are still several ways:

  1. The child takes on his nationality from his father. Father from his father, and thus a fairly clear family (national) line is built. This happens almost all over the world, except for a few nations. Among Jews, for example, the child takes on the mother’s nationality.
  2. Some folk groups there are very bright, similar external signs. Body structure or character traits. Based on these characteristics, a person is classified as one or another nationality.
  3. People who do not have the opportunity to find out the nationality of their ancestors (orphans, for example), take on or accept in the process of upbringing, growing up, traits of that national group with whom they interact the most (foster parents or orphanage workers).
  4. The most basic method has two interrelated determination processes - subjective and objective. The first is what nationality a person considers himself to be: what traditions he observes, what features of appearance and character he has, what language he is a native speaker of. The second is how his relatives perceive him. That is, do people of the selected national group identify this person with themselves. Thus, nationality is personal consciousness and surrounding agreement that a person belongs (is related) to some group of people (peoples, ethnic groups).

NATIONALITY NATIONALITY - 1) a person’s belonging to a certain ethnic community of people, distinguished by the characteristics of language, culture, psychology, traditions, customs, and way of life. According to Part 1 of Art. 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, no one can be forced to determine and indicate their N.; 2) in a number of Romance states, a term (Spanish nacionalidad) used to designate citizenship or nationality (Spain) or a person’s belonging to a specific national state that does not completely coincide in its content with the relations of citizenship (for example, in Mexico, persons with Mexican N., who have reached the age of majority and “lead a decent lifestyle”).

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .


See what “NATIONALITY” is in other dictionaries:

    nationality- and, f. nationalite f. 1. State, nationality. Notice also the unattractive rules of the Historian regarding those reasons that established and exalted Russia, and which, in his opinion, should be for future times... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    NATIONALITY, nationalities, women. 1. Same as a nation. “...Only subject to development national cultures It will be possible to involve truly backward nationalities in the cause of socialist construction.” Stalin. “The Supreme Soviet of the USSR... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    1) belonging to any nation, people; 2) the people themselves. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. NATIONALITY Nationality, totality distinctive features and properties of the people. Explanation 25000... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    This is a political and legal category, denoting a set of characteristics formalized by law, the possession of which makes a person a full member of the national state. The concept of nationality developed in the 19th century, in the process... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    See nation Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. nationality noun, number of synonyms: 5 ... Dictionary of synonyms

    NATIONALITY, and, female. 1. see national. 2. In certain combinations: the same as a nation. 3. Belonging to what n. nations, nationalities. Ukrainian by nationality. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    English ethnicity; nationality; German Nationalitat. 1. National and ethnic group, nationality. 2. The individual’s belonging to the class. national or ethnic group, nationalities, nations. 3. Citizenship or nationality; legal financial affiliation with one or another... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    NATIONALITY- NATIONALITY, 1) designation of modern. nationalities, nations and other ethnicities. groups inhabiting the country (for example, nationalities of the USSR); does not usually apply to tribes. 2) Belonging of a person or group of people to a certain nationality or nation.… … Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    nationality- Belonging to a particular nation, national state... Dictionary of Geography

    NATIONALITY- (Spanish nacionalidad) in a number of Romance states, a term used to designate relations of citizenship or nationality (Spain) or relations of a person’s belonging to a particular national state that do not completely coincide in their ... ... Legal encyclopedia


  • Nationality and Socialism, P.L. Lavrov. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1887 edition (publishing house 'Paris'). IN…
  • Nationality and Socialism, P.L. Lavrov. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1887 edition (Paris publishing house...

Accurate knowledge of belonging to a particular ethnic group may be necessary for a person when he is looking for his relatives, restoring family tree or is planning to move to another country and obtain citizenship there. And in almost every case the question arises - how to determine ethnicity with maximum accuracy?

If previously traditionally studied family archives, then now the development of modern technologies, the emergence of new types of research have brought DNA analysis for ethnic origin to a new level.

How to determine a person's ethnicity

A modern, accurate and reliable DNA testing method allows you to get answers to a whole series issues related to the genealogy of a person and his belonging to a particular ethnic group. During the process of evolution, various mutations accumulated in the human genome and were passed on from generation to generation. As a result, each nationality has characteristic genetic markers that determine skin color, eye shape and other appearance features.

A special study of DNA fragments allows us to determine the ethnicity of a particular person and his genetic history. Today, four special groups of populations are used for this:

  • European – includes countries of Europe and the Middle East.
  • East Asian - South and North Korea, Japan, China.
  • Southeast - Australia and Oceania, Philippines.
  • African – Libya, Egypt, etc.

To determine the percentage of each group in the human genome, 175 SNP markers are used on all chromosomes. Alleles that are determined by these markers correspond to certain group. As a result, the share of a person’s ancestors from a certain corner is established globe. For example, the person being studied may have 15% of his relatives from the southeastern group and 80% from the African group.

How to find out your ethnic origin

Genetic examination is carried out in special laboratories that have the necessary equipment and reagents for this. To find out your ethnicity, you need to provide a sample of biological material. In most cases, buccal epithelium is used for research, which is obtained from inside cheeks. If it is not possible to take such a smear, then use another material - stains biological fluid, hair, skin particles and much more. Such samples are called non-standard.

DNA testing is carried out according to different methods, depending on the gender of the person being studied:

  • Women. Determination of maternal ethnicity is carried out by examining mitochondrial DNA, which is isolated from one’s own biosample. To test on the paternal side, a male DNA sample is required. This can be any man on the father's side, for example, uncle, brother, grandfather, etc.
  • Men. To establish a relationship to a certain group along the male and female lines, a man’s biomaterial is sufficient. This material is sufficient for both the study of the male line (Y chromosome) and the study of the female line (mitochondrial DNA).

By studying the mitochondrial haplogroup, ethnicity can be determined at the continental level. Determining a haplogroup allows you to determine a person’s nationality using a DNA test.

How to determine your ethnicity in the DTL laboratory

The DTL Center offers to undergo a modern genetic examination and find out your ethnic origin, genealogy, a certain race. We offer clients the most modern technologies, the latest equipment and experienced geneticists.

To test, you need to submit a sample of biomaterial, wait a few days and receive an official conclusion with the result obtained. More detailed information can be obtained from the Center’s specialists by calling the specified telephone number.