Hit Girl - actress Chloe Grace Moretz (film "Kick-Ass"). One of the most sought after

The beginning of a creative career

When she was not yet known as Hit Girl, actress Chloe, after moving with her family to Los Angeles in 2001, actively began attending all the castings of various TV series. Debut young talent the role of Violetta in the television series “The Protector” appeared on the screen, after which the girl played cameo roles in The Family Plan and Desperate Housewives.

In a big movie

Moretz's first serious film project was a remake of the thriller The Amityville Horror (1979). The film of the same name was released in 2005, exceeding even wildest expectations. The success of the box office is off the charts, as is the demand among the audience. Critics notice and give positive assessments to the dramatic talent that Hit Girl demonstrated (actress Interesting fact: the eight-year-old actress was not allowed to attend the premiere of the film due to established age restrictions. During the same time period, the girl starred in the series “My Name is Earl” and in the movie “Today You Die.”

Next, Chloe played leading roles in the horror films “House of Zombies” and “Room 6”, and appeared in a cameo role in the action comedy “Big Momma’s House 2”. For some time, the actress who played Hit Girl did voice acting animated films, for example, such as the animated series “My Friends Tigger and Winnie.” Her voice can be heard in “Fairy Tales for Friends” (in the first part), “Secrets magical forest"(in the second), "Musical Big forest"(in the third) and in "Volta".

"Star" period

2008 was no less fruitful for the aspiring film star. The girl starred in the crime drama film The Third Nail and the horror film The Eye. Moretz's filmography in 2009 was enriched by the exciting thriller "Can't Forget" and the stunning romantic melodrama "500 Days of Summer", in which the girl's partner was the inimitable Joseph Gordon-Levitt. But resounding success came to the actress in 2010 - in the spring, Matthew Vaughn’s crime blockbuster-action film “Kick-Ass” was released, in which one of central characters the cute Hit Girl performs. The name of the actress who played the role of this heroine becomes known to the whole world. Chloe plays the daughter of a stern hero. The girl is truly a virtuoso with both edged weapons and firearms, and mercilessly deals with enemies.

Breakthrough of the Year

In preparation for the project, Vaughn Hit Girl (an actress whose real name is Chloë Grace Moretz) trained for three months with the team responsible for special effects, stunts and Jackie Chan's fight choreography. The girl worked hard, proving her professionalism, and as a result, she performed most of the stunts during filming on her own. The role of the dangerous little girl brought Moretz worldwide fame and the love of moviegoers all over the planet. Critics did not stay away from discussing it acting, recognizing Chloe's talent. Participation in the film brought the girl a lot of MTV film awards, including the most significant: “Breakthrough of the Year” and “The Star that Made Everyone.” Chloe was also nominated in the Best Directed Fight category.

One of the most sought after

In the fall of 2010, Hit Girl (actress Moretz) played a role in the movie “Let Me In. Saga,” she played a vampire girl in the American remake of the Swedish horror film of the same name. Chloe's busy filming schedule during this period could be the envy of any famous star of the Dream Factory. The girl is filming continuously, films with her participation are released one after another: “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”, “The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea”. Already in 2011, the crime thriller “Fields” directed by Amy Kanaan Mann began its triumphal march on world screens. Chloe's partners in the film were Sam Worthington and Jeffrey. This was followed by the young film star's participation in the film adaptation of the novel "The Invention of Hugo Cabret", Martin Scorsese's project "The Timekeeper", Tim Burton's fantastic comedy melodrama "Dark Shadows". In 2013, the girl’s career is gaining momentum, Chloe is busy filming many films, including playing in the films “Mirliton Ballet”, “Telekinesis” and “Kick-Ass 2”.


In the second part of the movie, which brought Moretz worldwide fame, Hit Girl appears again. The girl has grown up, and together with the charismatic Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), the glamorous Mindy graduates from college. Among other things, the heroes acquired a new support team, led by Colonel America. At this time, Chris D'Amico (aka Mazafucker - actor Christopher Mintz-Plasse), who wants revenge, recruits a team of thugs and is going to send both heroes to the next world. In the first part, the viewer saw mainly Hit Girl and did not see Mindy at all, but the sequel demonstrates a weaker, more humane, and therefore vulnerable side of the heroine, which is truly interesting.

In 2010, the movie “Kick-Ass” was released, the main characters of which were crime fighters who did not have superhuman abilities. The highlight of the project was the heroine nicknamed Hit Girl. The actress who played this role soon acquired cult status. However, how did she captivate the audience? Let's find out more about the plot of the film "Kick-Ass", about what attracted the audience to its main character and what is Hit Girl's real name?

What is the movie “Kick-Ass” about?

The plot of the film is based on the comic books of the same name. At its center is teenager Dave Lizewski. He loves comics about superheroes and dreams of becoming one himself. One day he orders himself a masked hero costume by mail and goes out into the streets in it to fight criminals.

As one might expect, Lizewski, who has no specialized skills, is severely beaten and ends up in the hospital with numerous injuries. But this does not stop him and, having recovered, he takes up his old ways again.

One day, a young man comes into the view of video cameras and, thanks to YouTube, everyone knows about him. He is given the nickname Kick-Ass.

The film simultaneously tells the story of former police officer Damon McCreeley and his 11-year-old daughter Mindy. Macready is raising her daughter to be a fighter: at a young age, she is fluent in martial arts and knows how to handle weapons perfectly.

This unusual family, like Kick-Ass, wears masks and fights crime. But unlike Dave, Macready are professionals. They soon encounter Kick-Ass and save his life.

All three heroes cause trouble for the local mafioso, Frank D'Amico. He asks his son Chris to pretend to be a fan of Kick-Ass and use his help to find MacReady.

The guy succeeds, and D'Amico decides to execute Dave and Damon on live television so that no one else tries to follow their example. However, Mindy manages to save Kick-Ass at the last moment, although her father dies. Together with Dave, the girl deals with the D'Amico clan.

After all the events, Mindy adopts close friend Her father is Sergeant Marcus Williams and she is going to a regular school for the first time.

The plot of the film "Kick-Ass-2"

The success of the first film (the profit from which was 3 times higher than the funds spent) contributed to the fact that its sequel was released 3 years later.

Dejected by the death of his father, Chris decides to become the first supervillain. He gathers a gang and begins to commit various crimes. However, he is opposed by the Justice Forever team, which includes Kick-Ass and other masked volunteers.

At first, this group manages to fight the criminals very effectively, but gradually Chris and his henchmen begin to exterminate them. To stop this, the police decide to arrest all the masked heroes. Saving his son, Dave's father impersonates Kick-Ass and ends up in prison. Here he is killed by Chris's men. And at the funeral they try to finish off the remnants of Justice Forever.

Meanwhile, Mindy yearns to become an ordinary girl. She makes friends with classmates and enjoys the delights school life. But when her friends try to humiliate her, the girl takes cruel revenge on them and decides to take up her old ways again. She saves Dave and his comrades.

Having gathered the strength of Kick-Ass, Hit Girl and other masked heroes deal with Chris and his gang. The supervillain himself, having believed in his immortality, accidentally mutilates himself.

After defeating their enemies, the masked heroes decide to become ordinary people, but Dave secretly trains hard. Mindy leaves New York.

The main character of the film “Kick-Ass” is Mindy MacReady (Hit Girl)

Fate was not always fair to this girl. While other parents carefully raised their children, gradually accustoming them to thoughts of a cruel world, Damon MacReady raised her to be a fighter from childhood.

On the one hand, he turned his daughter into a brave, independent person, capable of repelling anyone and achieving her goal. On the other hand, despite all her fighting skills, she was unable to live normally in society, having become accustomed to dividing the world into white and black.

The heroine's life before the death of her father

As for the biography of this heroine, it was slightly changed compared to the Kick-Ass comics. The film portrays her father as a former cop who was imprisoned as a result of a frame-up and, upon his release, decided to fight crime as Batman.

During his imprisonment, Damon's wife committed suicide, abandoning her little daughter Mindy to the mercy of fate.

Having freed himself, MacReady took the baby to himself. Thanks to many years of intensive training, Hit Girl (actress Chloe Moretz) learned to cope with any opponents and kill without feeling regret for her victims.

Having met Kick-Ass, the girl immediately realized that he was a simple amateur, but his desperation made a favorable impression on Mindy.

The early years of Hit Girl in the comic book version

In the original comics, things were a little different.

In the story, Damon MacReady was an ordinary loser accountant, like Kick-Ass, who loved comics. When his wife left him and took his daughter with her, he stole the baby and began to train intensively with her.

After some time, father and daughter began to travel to various cities in the United States and kill local criminals. Soon fate brought them to New York. Then events began to unfold in the same way as described in the film.

Growing Up Hit Girl

"Kick-Ass 2" almost completely repeats the plot original comic, except for the finale. Just like in the movie, when Mindy went to public school for the first time, she encountered cruel world teenagers Accustomed to killing her enemies, the girl was not ready for the world of gossip and pretense. However, at the insistence of her guardian, she tried to forget about the past and even stopped training Dave.

Trying to become normal, as others wanted her to be, Hit Girl (actress Chloe Moretz) gradually begins to realize that the so-called norm is not for her. The cute girlfriends and gallant boyfriends that the girl encounters turn out to be just as bad as the criminals she fought before her father’s death. It’s just that the scale of the evil they commit is smaller and society turns a blind eye to them.

Having realized her essence, the heroine discards everything unnecessary and again turns into a crime fighter. But in the movie, Mindy leaves the city, but in the comics, the police block Hit Girl’s path and arrest her. Despite public protests, the girl is sent to jail.

Chloe Grace Moretz - actress who played the young superheroine

If in the comics the main character is simply charming, then in the film she is the very charm.

Her sincere Blue eyes and blond hair, as well as beautiful child's face make the girl look like a young angel. When she is revealed to be a ruthless killer of criminals, it comes as a surprise to the viewer. AND main merit in this the young performer of this role, an actress named Chloë Grace Moretz.

Chloe's fast-paced career

Born future star in Atlanta in 1997. When she was still just a baby, the family moved to New York, where young Chloe Grace began studying acting.

Moretz made her debut at the age of 7 in the series “The Protector,” but her first fame came a year later when she played in “The Amityville Horror.”

After this project, the actress became incredibly in demand. She often appeared in films and television, as well as in commercials.

Before appearing before the audience as the fearless avenger Hit Girl, the actress managed to star in 26 projects. Her role in this film was highly appreciated by viewers and critics, bringing the performer world fame and making her one of the youngest and highest paid actresses in Hollywood.

After the role of Hit Girl, Moretz began to be very often invited to lead roles in high-budget projects. So she played in the remake of the film “Carrie” - “Telekinesis”, Cassie Sullivan in “The 5th Wave”, Teri in “The Great Equalizer”, Mia in “If I Stay” and many other roles.

Recently the girl celebrated her twentieth birthday. Despite her age, she has already managed to star in more than 30 films and win a lot of prestigious awards.

IN Lately there are rumors about the appearance of the third part of Kick-Ass, and if they turn out to be true, Hit Girl fans will soon have new meeting with your favorite heroine performed by the charming Chloe.

Chloe Grace Moretz was born on February 10, 1997 in Atlanta, Georgia, to plastic surgeon McCoy Moretz and nurse Teri Moretz. Chloe has four other older brothers: Brendan, Trevor, Colin and Ethan. The girl's interest in an acting career began when her second older brother Trevor was accepted into the Professional Performing Arts School in New York.

Chloe's brother Trevor Duke is an actor known to mass audiences for the films “The Invisible Chronicles”, “Protest of Youth”, “Playing with Fire” and “The Werewolf”, etc.

In 2001, the Moretz family moved to Los Angeles, and Chloe began auditioning for roles in various TV series. The young actress’s first appearance on screen was the role of Violetta in the TV series “ Defender", then came episodic work - in the TV series "Desperate Housewives", the TV movie " Family plan».

Film career of Chloë Grace Moretz

First big project Chloe Moretz was a remake of the 1979 thriller of the same name, The Amityville Horror. Released in 2005, the film was a great success, the film with a budget of 20 million dollars grossed over 100 million at the worldwide box office, and critics noticed and appreciated the performance of the eight-year-old actress.

Chloe Moretz was not allowed to attend the premiere of The Amityville Horror due to age restrictions.

In the same year, Chloe starred in the film " Today you will die"and the TV series "My Name is Earl", and next she appeared in a supporting role in the film "Big Momma's House 2" with Martin Lawrence and played the title characters in the horror films " Room 6"with Christine Taylor and " Zombie House" with Geoffrey Lewis. The year 2007 was marked for the actress with filming in the TV series “Dirty Wet Money”, as well as voice acting for the cartoon “ My friends Tigger and Winnie", etc. Later, the characters of the video cartoons "My Friends Tigger and Winnie: Fairy Tales for Friends", "My Friends Tigger and Winnie: Secrets of the Magic Forest" and "My Friends Tigger and Winnie: The Big Forest Musical" spoke in Chloe's voice.

In 2008, Moretz played Cammy in the drama House of Poker"with Jennifer Lawrence, starred in supporting roles in the crime drama" Third nail"with Huntley Ritter and the horror film "The Eye" with Jessica Alba. In addition, the actress took part in the voice acting of the cartoon “ Volt", and in 2009 appeared in the thriller “ Impossible to forget" And romantic melodrama“500 Days of Summer”, where Joseph Gordon-Levitt became Moretz’s filming partner.

2010 was a truly stellar year for Chloe. Then in the spring Matthew Vaughn's blockbuster "Kick-Ass" was released, where young actress played the daughter of Nicolas Cage's character, who masterfully handles bladed weapons and firearms and easily kills enemies. In preparation for the role of Hit Girl, Moretz trained for three months with Jackie Chan's stunt choreography team. The girl performed it herself most episodes during filming. Her work in this film brought her not only fame and love from moviegoers, but also critical acclaim.

For her performance in the film “Kick-Ass,” Moretz received MTV Movie Awards in the categories “The Star Who Killed Everyone” and “Breakthrough of the Year,” and was also nominated for an award in the “Best Fight” category.

In the fall of 2010, the world premiere of the film “Let Me In. Saga", an American remake of a Swedish film "Let me in", released in 2008. The main character drama is a vampire girl, whose role was played by Moretz. Then she appeared in the family comedy Freudenthal's Torah"Diary of a Wimpy Kid" with Devon Bostick, Steve Zahn and others. In October 2011, the crime thriller “Fields” was released on world screens, in which Chloe Moretz played the role of Anne Sliger. Her co-stars were Sam Worthington, Jessica Chastain and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. In the film adaptation of the book “The Invention of Hugo Cabret” - Martin Scorsese’s adventure film “The Keeper of Time”, the actress played the role of the orphan Isabelle, who became friends with the main character, Hugo Cabret (Asa Butterfield), and in the tragicomedy with Eddie Redmayne “ Provincial"appeared in the form of a 13-year-old schoolgirl Luli, who was holding a pistol.

Chloë Moretz about work: “I always choose non-leading roles because I love sharp and controversial characters, which manifest themselves in individual episodes... On film set I like to be perceived as an adult actor. We all put a lot of effort and time into our work, so there is no difference in age. Besides, I have school and a lot of other things to do, so it’s even harder for me.”

Over the next few years, Moretz starred in Tim Burton's fantasy film with film stars Johnny Depp, Eva Green, Michelle Pfeiffer and Helena Bonham Carter "Dark Shadows" (2012), which brought talented artist nomination for the Saturn Award, the action comedy Kick-Ass 2 (2013) with Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Christopher Mintz-Plasse, as well as the horror film Telekinesis (2013). For her performance in it, Chloe Grace received a well-deserved “Saturn” as the best young actress. In 2014, the melodrama “Baby” was released, where Chloe played together with Keira Knightley, the dramas “Sils Maria” and “If I Stay”, in which Moretz starred with Juliette Binoche and Jamie Blackley, respectively. At the same time, the thriller “The Great Equalizer” was released, where Chloe reincarnated as a young prostitute Teri, who became friends with a strange coffee shop visitor, Robert McCall (Denzel Washington), who turned out to be a retired intelligence officer. This role brought Chloe her fifth Saturn nomination.

After Moretz was involved in the films “Dark Secrets” (2015), “Neighbors. On the Warpath 2 "(2016), " November criminals"(2017), etc. She was approved for filming in the film "Suspiria" - an American-Italian horror film from director Luca Guadagnino, a remake of the 1977 film of the same name.

Personal life of Chloë Grace Moretz

In 2014, Chloë Moretz met Brooklyn Beckham, her eldest son. famous football player David Beckham and actress and singer Victoria Beckham. The young people became friends and subsequently began dating without advertising their relationship. In the spring of 2016, a photo appeared on the Internet in which Chloe was captured hugging Brooklyn, and then she admitted on a TV show that she was having an affair with him. During their relationship, the couple quarreled and broke up more than once. This happened in September 2016. The young people decided to break up after spending the summer in Los Angeles, realizing that the long distance was an obstacle to their communication. Chloe continued. acting career in Hollywood, and her ex-boyfriend returned to London to complete his studies at school.

The situation changed in the summer of 2017. In August, it became known that 18-year-old Brooklyn entered an American university and moved to New York to study as a photographer. Soon after, Chloe and son Victoria Beckham reunited, the couple's relationship quickly gained momentum.

Chloë Moretz starred in the Beat Coast video for the song Our Deal, directed by actress Drew Barrymore.

  • Chloë Grace Moretz Awards and Achievements

  • 2015, Saturn: nomination - best young actress (“The Great Equalizer”).
    2014, Saturn: win - best young actress (“Telekinesis”).
    2013, Saturn: nomination - best young actress (“Dark Shadows”).
    2012, Saturn: nomination - best young actress (“The Timekeeper”).
    2011, MTV Channel Award: victory - Breakthrough of the Year and the “coolest” star (“Kick-Ass”).
    2011, Saturn: win - best young actress (“Let me in. Saga”).

Filmography of Chloë Grace Moretz

  • Actress
  • White Circus (2019) / The White Circus
  • The Widow (2019)
  • Suspiria(2018) Suspiria... Patricia
  • The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) ... Cameron Post
  • Red Shoes & the 7 Dwarfs (2017) Red Shoes & the 7 Dwarfs ... Snow White, voice acting
  • November Criminals (2017) November Criminals ... Phoebe
  • I Love You, Daddy (2017) I Love You, Daddy ... China
  • Brain on Fire (2016) Susannah Cahalan
  • Neighbours. On the Warpath 2 (2016) Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising ... Shelby
  • The 5th Wave (2016) Cassie Sullivan
  • Dark Places (2015) Young Diondra
  • The Great Equalizer (2014) The Equalizer ... Teri
  • Snackpocalypse (2014, short)
  • If I Stay (2014) If I Stay ... Mia Hall
  • Sils Maria (2014) Clouds of Sils Maria ... Jo-Ann Ellis
  • Muppets 2 (2014) Muppets Most Wanted ... Newspaper Girl
  • Baby (2014) Laggies ... Annika
  • The Tale of Princess Kaguya (2013) Kaguyahime no monogatari ... The Princess Kaguya, voice acting

Hit-Girl aka Mindy McCready - the brutal killer from the comics " Kick-ass«.

Original story

Mindy's father, determined to make his daughter's life interesting, kidnapped her from her mother. He convinced her that he was a former cop, and her mother was brutally murdered by the mafia. Instead of playing with dolls with her friends, from infancy Mindy trained with her dad, who intended to make his daughter a superhero killer.

The grown girl knew how to handle almost all bladed weapons and was ruthless and cruel. Mindy took revenge for her mother, not realizing that she was alive.

Mindy's dad (by the way big fan comics) took the pseudonym Big Daddy, and Mindy Hit-Girl. Having made costumes for themselves, they began to instill fear in crime bosses cities.

For mass murder, Hit Girl used katanas, sometimes a flamethrower and a Glock 23.

Once upon a time, Hit-Girl saved the costumed hero Kick-Ass from death. At a time when all the heroes were making a name for themselves on the Internet, nothing was known about Hit-Girl.

The girl persuaded Daddy to join the unfortunate hero and the father agreed, believing that such a company would be fun for his daughter.

Although Kick-Ass (Dave Lizewski) compared Mindy to Rambo, the girl loved Hello Kitty, comics, films of Clint Eastwood and John Woo.

When Kick-Ass brought Mindy and Pops together with another hero, Red Frenzy, he turned out to be the son of mafia boss John Genovese. Genovese lured Pops and Hit-Girl into a trap from which only Mindy escaped.

The killer decided to avenge her father's death. With the help of Kick-Ass, she broke into the Genovese residence and killed the mobster. After this, Mindy was finally able to grieve her father's death. She asked Kick-Ass to hug her.

Hit-Girl became a street legend.

Soon, learning that her mother was alive and living with Marcus, an investigator and an old friend of her father, Mindy returned to her having found a real family.

In between, Hit Girl tried to teach Kick-Ass some fighting techniques. Together they were going to join the team of heroes, but Marcus, who knew about the girl’s secret affairs, forbade her to get involved with thugs.

Hit-Girl gets back into action when Motherfucker's (former Red Fool) crew attends Kick-Ass's father's funeral. In a subsequent fight against the villain team, Mindy was seriously injured. She stole a cops' car and drove away from them for a long time until she was detained. The girl was charged with 60 murders. Mindy was sentenced to imprisonment in a maximum security prison, where she immediately began to restore her order.

The girl managed to escape, having beaten many corrupt police officers. After this, she became an international assassin, deciding to take on as an apprentice little boy who was bullied by his parents.

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