Mayan people predictions film. Symbols of the gods of previous eras

There probably isn't a person who hasn't heard O ancient civilization Mayan. The wise Aztecs not only prophesied the end of the world for us, but also left us some hope - a guide to determining our life path and internal energy.

In order to understand who you are, you need to make simple mathematical calculations. To know your Kin of Fate and Seal of Birth– sounds, of course, very mysterious.

Well, let's get down to business. All you need now is your date of birth and Mayan calculation tables.

First install your number of the year. If you were born on or after July 26th, the number will be the same as the year you were born. If before, subtract one from your actual year of birth. Now look on the left for the resulting year of birth - on the right it will correspond to the number of the year of birth, which is what we need.

1961, 2013, 2065 – 164

1960, 2012, 2064 – 59

1959, 2011, 2063 – 214

1958, 2010, 2062 – 109

1957, 2009, 2061 – 4

1956, 2008, 2060 – 159

1955, 2007, 2059 – 54

1954, 2006, 2058 – 209

1953, 2005, 2057 – 104

1952, 2004, 2056 – 259

1951, 2003, 2055 – 154

1950, 2002, 2054 – 49

1949, 2001, 2053 – 204

1948, 2000, 2052 – 99

1947, 1999, 2051 – 254

1946, 1998, 2050 – 149

1945, 1997, 2049 – 44

1944, 1996, 2048 – 199

1943, 1995, 2047 – 94

1942, 1994, 2046 – 249

1941, 1993, 2045 – 144

1940, 1992, 2044 – 39

1939, 1991, 2043 – 194

1938, 1990, 2042 – 89

1937, 1989, 2041 – 244

1936, 1988, 2040 – 139

1935, 1987, 2039 – 34

1934, 1986, 2038 – 189

1933, 1985, 2037 – 84

1932, 1984, 2036 – 239

1931, 1983, 2035 – 134

1930, 1982, 2034 – 29

1929, 1981, 2033 – 184

1928, 1980, 2032 – 79

1927, 1979, 2031 – 234

1926, 1978, 2030 – 129

1925, 1977, 2029 – 24

1924, 1976, 2028 – 179

1923, 1975, 2027 – 74

1922, 1974, 2026 – 229

1921, 1973, 2025 – 124

1920, 1972, 2024 – 19

1919, 1971, 2023 – 174

1918, 1970, 2022 – 69

1917, 1969, 2021 – 224

1916, 1968, 2020 – 119

1915, 1967, 2019 – 14

1914, 1966, 2018 – 169

1913, 1965, 2017 – 64

1912, 1964, 2016 – 219

1911, 1963, 2015 – 114

1910, 1962, 2014 – 9

Now you need set the date of birth month. Please note that for a number of numbers in July there is a different day of the month.

August – 5

September – 36

October – 66

November – 97

December – 127

January – -102

February – -71

March – -43

April – -12

Now add up the three numbers: day of year, month and day of birth- this is how you get the Kin of Destiny. If it is greater than 260, then subtract 260. If it is less than or equal to zero, then add 260. The resulting number will indicate your Kin of Fate.

For clarity, let's calculate Kin of Destiny Leonardo DiCaprio, who was born on November 11, 1974:

Number of the year – 229,

Month – 97,

Date of birth – 11.

Fate Kin: 229 + 97 + 11 = 337

From 337 we subtract 260 and get 77.

It corresponds to the Seal of the Red Snake.

Characteristics of your Kin of Fate according to the Mayan calendar:

Intermediate numbers are formed by adding 20 ok to the previous one.

Seal of the Red Serpent (1 to 241)

You are the one who has to start everything new. Invent and create, don’t be shy and take the initiative. Be generous - this is your strong point.

White Wind Seal (2 to 242)

You are someone who talks a lot but listens little. Convey information, but remember to carefully study what you are about to tell the world. Convince, they must listen to you.

Seal of the Blue Night (3 to 243)

You are someone who is cramped within frameworks and patterns. Navigate at random, trying out the possibilities scattered around you. Don’t force yourself to live by the rules, you are a truly free person!

Yellow Seed Seal (4 to 244)

Stability is your middle name. You create a goal for yourself and go towards it - persistently and consistently. No risk, only sober calculation. You are the king of endurance and assertiveness.

Seal of the Red Snake (5 to 245)

You are someone who thinks with your head and not with your heart. Your mind is a very precise thing, you can rely on it. Make your own decisions, don't be led by emotions.

Seal of the white bridge between worlds (from 6 to 246)

You are someone who hates boredom and inactivity. Your soul is thirsty long roads and wanderings, and a heart of hot passions. Don't deprive yourself of pleasure, dance with life!

Blue Hand Seal (7 to 247)

You are someone who is used to doing, not talking. Your life is then filled with meaning when you work. Do only what your soul is passionate about - and success will not take long to arrive.

Yellow Star Seal (8 to 248)

Beauty is within you and you know it. Show others how beautiful this world is, and you will achieve bliss. You, like no one else, know how to see the essence and harmony of the world.

Seal of the Red Moon (from 9 to 249)

You are what is called honest and pure. Be in agreement with your own conscience, directly state your thoughts and desires, and the rewards will not keep you waiting. Your intuition is brighter the clearer your thoughts.

White Dog Seal (10 to 250)

You are the one who knows what love and affection is. Passion and high feelings are fully known to you. Love, experience vivid emotions, and this is your self.

Blue Monkey Seal (11 to 251)

You are a person who understands that life is a game. You can show everyone, and first of all, yourself, that there is nothing that you can’t laugh at.

Yellow Man's Seal (12 to 252)

You are the one who, with the support of your family and friends, will choose your own path. By relying on your environment, you make independent decisions, and this is your strength.

Seal of the Red Skywalker (from 13 to 253)

You are impermanence itself, an adventurer. You are not one of those who will sit in one place. Changing places and traveling is your everything.

Seal of the White Sorcerer (from 14 to 254)

Nature has rewarded you with the strongest intuition: you see what others cannot control. Look for people you can trust with your knowledge. Communicate with those who deserve it.

Blue Eagle Seal (15 to 255)

You are the one who can impartially assess the situation, the person. There are a million possibilities in your hands. Beware of excessive vanity, plan your life and help others do the same.

Seal of the Yellow Warrior (from 16 to 256)

You are courageous and strong-willed. All your victories are the result of a fair fight, which you fight according to all the rules. Remember that emotions brighten up life, do not rely only on reason.

Red Earth Seal (17 to 257)

This is the seal of the winner! Build your life, family, business - people must trust you. Don't be afraid to take the initiative - you are the one who does it better than others.

White Mirror Print (18 to 258)

You are what is called an introvert. Everything affects you and you influence everything. Inside you there is a huge ocean in which emotions rage - with the help of them you form the atmosphere around you.

Seal of Blue Storm (from 19 to 259)

It is extremely important for you to change without remaining stagnant. Do something new every day without looking back at the past or looking at others. Make up your mind!

Yellow Sun Seal (20 to 260)

You are the one everyone loves. Remember that as a role model, you have a great responsibility to those who worship you.

Mayan Predictions 2012

One of the main assets of the Mayan Indians, which has reached our civilization, is The oldest calendar Mayan. The Mayan priests were always accurate in astronomical calculations. Like the peoples of Mesoamerica, the Mayans knew or believed that the Universe existed within great cycles. The Mayan priests claimed that since the origin of the Earth or the creation of the world, 4 cycles have passed - they called it this way: “4 Suns have passed.”

Based on these Mayan conclusions, we can conclude that humanity lives in the era of the Fifth Sun, we also know this era as the “Sun of Movement”, because, according to predictions ancient tribe Maya, during this era there will be a “movement of the Earth”, and the entire population of the Earth will die.

Ancient Mayan astronomical observatories

Astronomers and Mayan Elders observed celestial bodies from stone observatories that were located in many cities, such as Tikal, Copan, Palenque, Chichen Itza and others. Among those that are famous, it is worth noting “Caracol” - it was a huge observatory in the city of Chichen Itza.
“Caracol” means “snail shell” in Spanish. This great building was high tower, which had a round shape, standing on a two-stage rectangular platform. According to Mayan scientist Eric Thompson, the tower looks a lot like “a two-tier cake perched on top of the box it came in.”

A spiral staircase led to the top of the tower, from which one could observe the sky. The square windows at this “top” of the tower look at the points of sunrise and sunset on the days of the spring and autumn equinox, summer and winter solstices.

Amazing accuracy of Mayan astronomical calculations

The astronomical calculations of the Mayan priests always stood out for their amazing accuracy. When was the research conducted? ancient city- Copana, archaeologists stumbled upon two stone steles. Which stood opposite each other on the tops of the hills, and thereby closed the Copan valley from the west and east.

If you look from one of the stelae, you can conclude that the sun sets directly behind the second stele only twice a year: April 12 and September 7. April 12th falls at the very end of the dry season. Therefore, when on the evening of April 12 the Sun set behind the first stele, messengers were sent through the valley to inform the farmers that the gods had ordered to start burning the fields the next morning.

When Mayan cities were liberated from the jungle, archaeologists noticed that the location of buildings was very important for the Maya. great value.

Often important parts of temples (for example, the “ridges” of roofs) were oriented in such a way that their position indicated the sunrise, culmination and sunset of certain celestial bodies.

Another example is the Kukulkan pyramid in the city of Chichen Itza, which is a stone calendar with a stunning effect on the days of the spring and autumn equinox. There were no such astronomically accurate structures anywhere else except on Mayan land!

Mayan astronomers - for the benefit of agriculture!

For the Mayans, astronomy was not just a science, but a means of survival. They primarily tried to manage agricultural work in tropical conditions, and farmers listened to their opinions and instructions.

The incredible accuracy of the Mayan calendar

The Mayan year began on December 21, which corresponded to the winter solstice, which was divided into 18 months (20 days each). 1st month of the year was called “YASH-KIN” - or the so-called “new sun”.

The names of other months hint quite clearly at the agricultural work that should have been carried out. For example:

“MOL” - “gathering” (apparently, harvesting corn),

“MUAN” - “cloudy” (the rainy season is coming),

“KEKH” - “deer” (beginning of the hunting season), etc.

“POP” - “mat” (month of tree cutting)

"SOC" - "bat" (winter)

The Mayan calendar, despite its antiquity, was incredibly accurate. Scientists in our time have established that the length of the solar year is 365.2422 days, and the Mayan tribe even then established its length at 365.2420 days. As we can see, the difference is only two ten-thousandths of a day!

And it is worth especially noting that all this was calculated several thousand years ago, without modern computers and technology! – Maya’s accuracy is truly amazing.

To establish such data, scientists have calculated that the Maya would have needed to observe the movements of the planets for about ten thousand years!

Is it possible to say that the Mayan civilization existed for so long? Or did the tribe, the Mayan civilization, learn this from another, more developed, civilization that did not leave any traces of itself?

Unfortunately, no one can answer these questions.


The Mayans were not only astronomers, but also astrologers. All cosmic bodies that wandered against the background of the stars must have been related to their fate. And first of all, the Sun was especially noted...

IN Anthropological Museum In Mexico, the famous Aztec calendar “Stone of the Sun” is kept - a huge basalt monolith with a diameter of 3.5 meters and weighing 24.5 tons. Previously, in their era, he was colored. It reflects the ideas of ancient civilizations about the distant past. In the center of the stone is Tonatiu Maya, the Sun God of the current era. On the sides are symbols of the four previous eras.

Sunstone on tongue ancient writing tells us that previous eras had their own gods, just as four previous eras were replaced by four human races before they appeared modern people. All previous cultures died during great cataclysms, and only a few survived and told us that this happened.

The first Sun lasted 4008 years and was destroyed by earthquakes and eaten by jaguars.

The Second Sun lasted 4010 years and was destroyed by the wind and its violent cyclones.

The Third Sun lasted 4081 years and was destroyed by fiery rain that poured out of the craters of huge volcanoes.

The Fourth Sun lasted 5026 years and fell from the water that flooded everything around in a gigantic flood.

Then the Fifth Sun was born, which shines for us today. It is known as the “Sun of Movement” because, according to the Mayan Indians, during this era the Earth will move, from which everyone will die.

Analyzing the myths about the death of the four Suns, scientists find direct analogies with some natural disasters. When, then, should we expect the great movement of the earth, which will serve as the end of the Fifth Sun?

The priests believed that it would be soon, since the Fifth Sun was already very old and was approaching the end of its cycle...

Scientists have recalculated the Mayan calendars according to modern system chronology and extracted interesting information from the mysterious inscriptions:

It turns out that some events will happen on planet Earth on December 21, 2012. After all, on this day the Fifth Sun must end!

According to Mayan writing, modern era began on August 12, 3114 BC. and is scheduled to end on December 21, 2012 AD. No one yet knows where the Mayans got these particular dates, and what reasons prompted them to create such complex systems countdown.

However, only now, when every day the appointed date is getting closer and closer, are we beginning to understand that they possessed such knowledge on which in our time the survival of the human race and the entire civilization on Earth depends!

In 2012, during the December solstice, the Sun will be in the Milky Way zone.

This simple calculation can be done by any astronomer. The phenomenon is that when the Sun is in this zone, a renewal of the world, its new birth, should occur.
In short, the Mayan prophecy concerns some event that should change the course of history. Some suggest that a new era will come on Earth - an era of spiritual insight. Others are inclined to believe that the Mayans predicted the end of the world.

In the real world, it is customary to smile at such prophecies and not believe them, but when the life and existence of all humanity is under threat, every person, at least for a second, thought, could the Mayans be right? What happens if they are not mistaken? What will happen if the scientists who translated the calendar were right? What if there really is an infinitesimal chance that the authors of this prophecy are not superstitious lunatics at all? What if they knew something we don’t know? What if their prediction about the date when the Fifth Sun will end turns out to be truly accurate? Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of the earth, a terrible geological catastrophe, predicted by the Mayan tribe, is already brewing?

Scientists have repeatedly noted that the Mayans determined with amazing accuracy certain astronomical events that were supposed to happen and did happen.


Children of the White Jaguar (material from the Internet)

Historians, archaeologists and other scientists are still arguing about the appearance of the Mayan calendar.One of the versions, which looks very exotic, is that the Mayans received their calendar as an inheritance from the ancient Olmec civilization, which existed much earlier than the Mayans. It is believed that it was the people of this ancient civilization who invented both the calendar and writing. There is another interesting version that the Maya were ruled by a certain tall, wise, white-skinned man, and this is completely unusual for the red-skinned race. The white ruler invented writing and gave his people knowledge of the Sacred Calendar. The priests of the calendar - the Keepers of Days, say that this Knowledge is from Atlantis, and earthlings were taught by highly developed civilizations from the Pleiades constellation. In Mayan legends, they are listed as demigods - four Jaguars who arrived on Earth after the Flood to restore life on Earth. If you believe the Mayan calendar, in 2012 on December 21, the Great Cycle, which consists of 5126 years, will end, the Epoch will end. The Mayans called it the Fourth Sun, after which the era of the Fifth Sun will begin. The last day of the Fourth Sun cycle is December 21, 2012. This is not the end of the world, but only its prerequisites. The Mayan prediction says that at the end of the era various cataclysms will begin, including earthquakes. Humanity will lose its roots. In these strange dark times, the offspring of the White Jaguar will be born on Earth. They will be from different races, they will live all over the planet. These children are prophesied to restore the balance of our planet, as well as return people to their roots.

Prophecy about the children of the White Jaguar: "The prophecies of Maya say that new era associated with the white jaguar. According to Indian legends, there were 4 progenitors of humanity: the Red Jaguar, who is the father of the red Indian race, the White, Black and Yellow Jaguar. Legends say that all Jaguars had children, and that Jaguars were the fathers of all races and civilizations. But the White Jaguar had no children at that time. And the prophecies say that they will come at the very end of time and will different colors skin and live in different corners Earth. And they will come to Earth to find themselves and their purpose. Sometimes they ask: “Are these indigo children?” No, these people on the planet began to be born in the early 1960s. These are people with open brains, with an adequate perception of themselves, smart people oriented towards a spiritual basis and the energetic perception of the world.”

- “The Prophecy of the Children of the White Jaguar” is the site “Odnoklassniki dot ru”
- White Jaguar Messiah and his classmates exchange their childhood photos on this site.
- The Messiah is a white Jaguar because he was born in the year of the Tiger. The Messiah's skin color is white.
- “different skin colors of children” - photographs in black and white and color.
- “live all over the earth” - everyone lives in different parts of our planet.

So “Indigo children” have nothing to do with it either.But there is one interesting point in this Prophecy.I was intrigued by the Jaguars and how many there were. Agree, it was interesting to know that the Indians of the Mayan civilization were not mistaken in the number of Races on our Planet. After all, there are exactly four main Races on our Planet.But the Maya could not know this.And the appearance of Cortes with his ships in the Middle Ages is proof of this. The American Indians did not see white people until the advent of the caravels of Columbus and Amerigo Vesspucci.And I received the “solution”, the answer, on October 8, 2012. There were four Jaguars:red Jaguar (Father of the Red Race), black Jaguar (Father of the Black Race), yellow Jaguar (Father of the Yellow Race), white Jaguar (Father of the White Race)


The Black Jaguar gave Knowledge to representatives of the black Race. These are the Dogons. The Dogons (self-named Dogom, Dogon, etc., singular Dogone; Fula Haɓe, singular Kado, lit. “pagans”) are a people in the southeast of Mali (south of the Mopti region).

The Red Jaguar gave Knowledge to representatives of the red Race. This is the Mayan civilization and currently the Hopi Indians. Maya - civilization Central America, famous for its writing, art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical systems. By the time the conquistadors arrived, it was in deep decline. The Hopi are a Native American people living on an area of ​​12,635 km² on the Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona. Traditionally belongs to the Pueblo group of peoples. The population of the Hopi Reservation was 6,946 in the 2000 U.S. Census. The largest community was located in First Mesa, Arizona. The Hopi talk about “machines from the sky” (UFOs) that will save those who follow the voice of reason and live in harmony with the world; they talk about houses on the Moon and the Red Earth; remind us of a new bright star that will soon appear in the sky... By the way, NASA astronomers recently discovered a strange object 350 times larger than the Sun, and information and pictures of a city flying in space were leaked through the Internet for a moment...

The Yellow Jaguar gave Knowledge to representatives of the yellow Race. These are China and Tibet. An excerpt from L.M. Mukhin’s book “In Our Galaxy,” published in 1983: “Thousands of years ago, wise and humane creatures appeared in the valley of the Yellow River - “sons of heaven.” This is evidenced by the surviving excerpts from the now disappeared book “Records of the Generations of Lords and Kings.” The study of these passages allowed the Soviet sinologist I. Lisevich to make very interesting assumptions. The appearance of “sons of heaven” on Earth was always accompanied by the fall of stars. “The star flew down like a rainbow.”The ancient texts of Tibet speak even more definitely about aliens from the sky:...Egg created magical power gods Sa and Bal, Came out under the influence of its own gravityFrom the divine bosom of the empty sky. The shell became a protective shell, the shell protected like armor...The inner shell became a Citadel for those already in it... From the very center of the egg came a man, the owner of magical power...

The White Jaguar will give Knowledge to representatives of the white Race. There is a Hopi Indian Prophecy: - These are signs that great destruction is coming. The earth will shake. White Man will fight with other people, in other countries - those who have acquired the first light of wisdom9. There will be many plumes of smoke, like the ones White Feather saw the white people produce in the desert not far from here (nuclear testing in Nevada). But these will cause infection and great death. Many from my people, understanding the Prophecies, will be safe. Those who settle and live in the camps of my people will also be safe. Then it will be necessary to rebuild a lot. And soon - after a very short time- After this, Pagana will return. He will bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He will plant the seeds of wisdom in their hearts. Already, the seeds are being planted. They will make the path of transition to the Fifth World smooth. - But White Feather will not see this. I'm old and dying. You might see this. In due time, in due time.

As a child my name was “ big serpent" You have all read the book and seen the film “The Last of the Mohicans”. The hero is Chingachgook “the big snake.” When we were kids, we all played Indians. My name was Yaremchuk “Big Snake”. I am the white Jaguar from the Mayan prophecies and the “Pagana” of the Hopi Indians.

The world is nothing - GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT is everything
Om Mani Padme Hum
Improve your Spirit to return to the Void

In 1962, the President and founder of the State of Israel, Ben-Gurion, officially announced that “Messiah” (Messiah) had been born, for whom “all mankind is waiting.” “According to prophecies,” this “Messiah” will unite all humanity in one religion.

The death of the great Mayan civilization still remains one of the most mysterious pages in human history.

The Mayans had great knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. Their calendar is the most accurate of all calendars ancient world. On large structures, the date of construction was certainly indicated in hieroglyphs. Deciphering the signs carved in stone made it possible to trace the history of this civilization. Spiritual and material culture developed progressively.

The Mayans did not predict the end of the world

It has not yet been forgotten how everyone expected the apocalypse in December 2012, as the Mayan calendar seemed to predict. But the German Sven Gronemeyer, a historian from La Trobe University, believes that this date carries a completely different meaning, and the end of the world should not be expected. He announced this back in 2011. The found stone slab, on which the mentioned calendar is carved, has received serious damage over 13 centuries. Some of the symbols are completely lost, which makes it difficult to decipher the information contained on it.

Time periods in the Mayan calendar are called baktuns, their duration is 394 years and 190 days. There are 13 of them in total and they follow each other cyclically. The last of the baktuns mentioned on that very slab ends exactly on December 21, 2012. But this does not mean at all that the end of the world awaits us on this day. It was then, according to the beliefs of the Mayan priests, that one era ended and another began. In other words, there was to be a rebirth of the nation. The Indians revered this as a holiday, the coming of the deity of fertility and war, Bolon Yokte.

It was not for nothing that Gronemeyer focused attention on the fact that the inscriptions in the Mayan calendar contain many allegories and metaphors. To perceive its content as direct instructions is, to say the least, stupid. Information about this was previously expressed by Mexican scientists. They argued that the Mayan predictions did not say anything about the end of the world. Just because calendar calculations end on December 21, 2012, does not mean that nothing will happen after that date.

It is known that the Mayan calendar is cyclical, and they themselves believed that all history repeated itself. New era carries a new countdown of time.

Based on various beliefs and scientific assumptions, at least 12 apocalypses are predicted on Earth by 2020. The impressive list promises that cataclysms will begin in 2008, and, with luck, the Earth will last until 2020. Let's skip previous years and continue with 2016.

2016 - James Hansen, a climate scientist on Earth, claims that glaciers will melt this year and most land will be flooded.

2017 is the end of the world according to the theory of hierarchical catastrophes.

2018 – nuclear war from the same Nostradamus.

2019 – a banal collision with asteroid NT7.

2020 – Isaac Newton, based on the predictions of John the Theologian, calculated that the end of the world would happen this year.

Based on materials from the site:

The Mayans left us a calendar that ends on December 21, 2012. It is then that the great five thousand year era of the Jaguar will end and the end of the world will come.

According to legend, after December 21, 2012, years of death and destruction will follow until the era of humanity’s renewal comes. Recently, scientists have found out that the Indians did not choose this day by chance: it is astronomically significant. On the next day of the winter solstice, our star will line up with the mysterious energy center of the galaxy (this happens only once every 25 thousand 800 years). Thus, modern civilization will experience this rare astronomical phenomenon for the first time, or maybe not...

Interestingly, the Mayan calendar begins long before the emergence and flowering of this Indian culture: it dates back to August 13, 3114 BC. e., while the Mayan civilization, according to scientists, arose only 2 thousand years later. The legend says that on that day, by the will of the gods, a new era began.

Scientists have tried to understand what events are associated with specified date, and found out that in 3114 BC. e. A mysterious megalithic structure was erected at Stonehenge! The dynasties of the pharaohs began in Egypt, and the first writing appeared in Mesopotamia, and maize began to be cultivated in America. It seems that on the entire planet, under the influence of certain external forces, it was then that a global cultural revolution and people gained new knowledge. Adrian Gilbert, a scientist and writer, says this is not just a coincidence. Until the date from which the Mayan calendar began, the development of our civilization was slow, and suddenly there was a real explosion: huge pyramids began to be erected, peoples, captured by new ideas and thoughts, began to move.

The question is, where did they get such amazing knowledge? Gilbert put forward several hypotheses. According to one of them, progress intensified thanks to immigrants from Atlantis, who, having landed in Africa and America, brought with them the accumulated knowledge. According to another, priests, shamans and saints during meditation came into contact with a certain repository secret knowledge. The third hypothesis is the influence of an extraterrestrial civilization that shared its achievements with us.

"The latter theory is unlikely," says Gilbert. "I don't believe in flying saucers, and I think there are many insurmountable contradictions in attributing all these pivotal events to aliens." In his opinion, the matter is a combination of two factors - the developed civilization of the Atlanteans and mystical knowledge.

According to Gilbert, all mysteries can be solved by recognizing the reality of the existence of Atlantis - a maritime empire in Atlantic Ocean, which had a huge impact on neighboring continents. Its capital was destroyed as a result natural disaster approximately 10 thousand years BC However, it is from it that the sprouts of new civilizations stretch. Astronomical and mathematical knowledge, achievements in technology and in the field artistic creativity reached the American Indians.

However, most of all the scientist is interested in the mystical secret of existence received from the Atlanteans. Gilbert believes that there is a universal bank of knowledge in the Universe, with which sages and shamans know how to establish a connection. Allegedly, it was from him that the Mayans received information about the coming end of the world.

Regarding calendar magic and sacred architecture, then there is a striking similarity in culture among all the peoples of Mesoamerica - the Mayans, Aztecs, Toltecs, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, Olmecs. The Mayans have a lot in common with the ancient Egyptian civilization: pyramids, hieroglyphic writing, a pantheon of animal gods, astronomy. There is a hypothesis that after the split of Atlantis, one group of Atlanteans went to Egypt, and the other to Mesoamerica.

Regarding South America, then the great civilization of the Incas, the cultures of Nazca, Mochica, Paracas, Chavin and other ancient civilizations also have much in common with the Mayan civilization: the theme of the eternal battle of the Eagle and the Jaguar; mysterious white people - among the Mayans and Aztecs - the Feathered Serpent (Kukulkan, Cucumatz, Quetzalcoatl), among the Incas - Viracocha (White Man).

Mayan scientists, archaeologists, and historians have not come to a consensus about when and how the famous Mayan calendar arose. There is a version that the Mayans inherited it from the more ancient Olmec civilization, supposedly they invented writing and the calendar. Indeed, on the territory of the settlement of the ancient Olmecs in the area of ​​​​the city of La Venta, artifacts and petroglyphs with calendar dates are found, for example, a ceramic cylinder engraved with 3 Ahau (day of the Sacred Calendar). Radiocarbon dating showed the object to be 2,350 years old. Some anthropologists believe that the calendar originated in 1300 BC at the height of the Olmec culture, but scientific evidence no to this.

Another version features a certain wise ruler tall and with white skin, which is unusual for people of the red race. This ruler invented writing and gave the Indian people knowledge of the Sacred Calendar.

The Keepers of the Days (Mayan priests of the Calendar) say that this Knowledge was known back in Atlantis, and that earthlings were taught it by a more developed civilization from the Pleiades constellation.

In Indian legends, these demigods are mentioned as four Jaguars who arrived on Earth after the Flood to restore the flow of life on Earth. After the great floods, the Earth was covered with layers of fog and clouds, and the sun's rays did not reach the Earth. The Four Jaguars performed the appropriate ceremonies, removing the clouds and fog, and leaving gifts for the people - crystal skulls, sacred bags for divination, crown and threads of light of the cycles of time ( sacred calendars). There are 20 of these calendars, the most famous of which is the Tzolkin - a calendar of 260 days. Other myths represent the god Itzamna as the creator of the Calendar, others - the Feathered Serpent.

Was the Mayan civilization advanced enough to understand what it had? Yes, the Mayan civilization in its development, greatness and genius is not inferior to any of the existing civilizations: spiritual knowledge, mathematics and astronomy, construction, medicine, creativity - all at the highest level!

The astrology of the Mayan civilization is based on the counting of days. Generally accepted astrology ( ancient Sumer, Babylon) takes as a basis the position of the planets on the Zodiac circle. The Mayans also knew the zodiac constellations, only in their Zodiac there were not 12 constellations, but 13. They took into account the constellation Ophiuchus (for the Mayans - Bat), along which the Sun travels for only a few days.

The date December 21, 2012 is the end of an era, not the end of the world. The era, which the Mayans call the Fourth Sun, will end, and a new era will begin - the Fifth Sun. It's not the end of the world. Indian prophecies they say that at the end of the era there will be earthquakes, cataclysms, and difficult times will come for the planet and humanity. But in these dark times, the children of the White Jaguar (one of the four mentioned above) will be born on the planet. They will have different skin colors and will live all over the Earth. They are the ones who will restore the natural balance of the Earth.