Examples of scientific discoveries in literature. Fiction about scientists and their work

This article will help you summarize all your knowledge on the topic " homogeneous members offers".

Homogeneous members are words that relate to the same member of the sentence or are explained by the same member of the sentence and answer the same question. Any members of a sentence can be homogeneous: subjects, predicates, secondary members.

How to find homogeneous members in a sentence

To find homogeneous members, you must first find the main members, and then make up all possible phrases and highlight those words that depend on the same word and answer the same question.

Homogeneous members can be connected by enumeration intonation with conjunctions (and, a, but, yes and others), or only by enumeration intonation (without conjunctions). Homogeneous members in a sentence are marked graphically by drawing a circle above each homogeneous member.

An example of a simple sentence with homogeneous subjects:

Blizzards, snow and fog are always subject to frost.

(What?) Blizzards, snow, fogs (what?) are submissive. This is the case when homogeneous members are explained by one member of the sentence.

An example of a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates:

Oh Oh
The old lady picked a very beautiful flower from the garden and gave it to Zhenya...

The old lady (what did she do?) tore it off. The old lady (what did she do?) served. Homogeneous predicates refer to the same member of the sentence - the subject.

An example of a simple sentence with homogeneous minor members:

Oh Oh
There is a short but wonderful time in the original autumn.

The time is (what?) short. It’s (what?) wonderful time. Short, marvelous - homogeneous secondary members, or rather, homogeneous definitions.

Often the student mistakes heterogeneous parts of a sentence for homogeneous ones, and confusion arises in commas. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to those words that are similar to homogeneous members, but are not.

Not are homogeneous members of the sentence

  • repeated words used to emphasize a variety of objects, the duration of an action, its repetition. Such combinations of words are considered as a single member of the sentence. Examples:

We seemed to be floating in the air and spinning, spinning, spinning. White daisies run back and forth under his feet;

  • repeating identical shapes connected by a particle not like that. Examples:

believe it or not, try, don’t try, write like this, write like this, work like this;

  • combinations of two verbs, of which the first is lexically incomplete, for example:

I’ll take it and say, I took it and complained, I’ll go and have a look;

  • stable combinations with double conjunctions, between which a comma is not placed (!). Examples:

neither back nor forward, neither for anything nor for anything, neither fish nor meat, nor sleep nor spirit, and laughter and sin, and this way and that, and day and night, and laughter and grief, and old and young, and so and so like this, here and there, neither more nor less, neither alive nor dead, neither yes nor no, neither day nor night, neither end nor edge, neither fluff nor feather, neither one nor the other, neither add nor subtract.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

IN elementary school they are not taught to distinguish between homogeneous definitions and heterogeneous definitions. Meanwhile, this is important, because in the first and second cases, commas are placed differently.

Homogeneous definitions indicate signs various items(English, French) or similar signs of one subject (boring, tiring day).
Heterogeneous definitions characterize an object or phenomenon from various aspects, often expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives(wonderful string orchestra) or qualitative adjectives of different semantic groups (cold large drops). Heterogeneous definitions appear only before the word being defined.

The difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions is as follows:

  • each of the homogeneous definitions relates directly to the word being defined;
  • the first definition of a pair of heterogeneous ones refers to the subsequent phrase.

A little trick: if you can insert a conjunction between definitions without losing the meaning And, then they are homogeneous. Between heterogeneous insert And impossible.

The glass plays with lights, like small precious stones.

You cannot insert a conjunction ( small precious stones). Small precious stones (what kind?). There is no intonation of listing. These are heterogeneous definitions.

Oh Oh
The hallway is cold and smells of damp, frozen firewood bark.

It is possible to insert a conjunction and ( damp and frozen bark). There is an intonation of enumeration. These are similar signs of one object; they characterize the object from one side. These are homogeneous definitions.

  • Adjective definitions that characterize an object or phenomenon from different angles are not homogeneous.

The large glass doors were wide open.

Large glass - designation of size and material, this Not homogeneous members.

In my archive I found a yellow school notebook, written in fluent handwriting.

Yellow school - designation of color and purpose, Not homogeneous members.

But sometimes in works of art there may be sentences in which between the definitions characterizing the subject with different sides, there are commas.

Rainy, dirty, dark autumn has arrived (Chekhov).

  • Definitions are considered heterogeneous if one definition is expressed by a pronoun or numeral, and the other by an adjective.

Why don't you wear your new dress?
Finally we waited for the first warm days.

How to put commas between homogeneous terms

Now that we have learned to find homogeneous terms and distinguish them from heterogeneous ones, let's practice placing commas.

Homogeneous members of a sentence can be connected with or without the help of conjunctions.

  1. If between there are no homogeneous members of unions, then a comma is added.
  2. Before unions a, but, yes meaning but,but, however in the meaning but between homogeneous members Always a comma is added.
  3. If homogeneous members connect single union and, yes, in the meaning of and, or, or, then there is a comma before it Not is placed.
  4. If homogeneous members connect repeated conjunctions and...and, neither...nor, or...or, either...either, then... then, not that... not that, then between they have a comma is put. That is, if conjunctions are repeated, then punctuation marks are placed in the same way as with non-union communications. A comma is placed between all homogeneous members even in the case when only part of them is connected by repeating unions, and the rest are connected by a non-union connection.
  5. In the case of compound conjunctions (if not..., then; if not..., then; although..., but also; both..., and; not only..., but also; not so much... ., as much..., as much; not that..., but; not that..., a) a comma between homogeneous terms is put.

Between Not homogeneous definitions comma Not is placed.

If homogeneous terms are separated by a comma, then commas are placed only between them.

But I loved the birds taking flight, and the boat, and the oars on the boat.
Oh and Oh and Oh

Commas are used only between homogeneous terms (take-off, boat, oars). There is no comma before the word take-off, because it is the first of the homogeneous terms.

The sun looks from the sky, and shines, and burns, spreading across the fields and meadows.
Oh and Oh and Oh and Oh

There is a comma before the first repeated conjunction, because this conjunction stands between homogeneous members (looks, shines).

I told about the dog, and about the baby elephant, and about the little doe.
and oh and oh and oh

There is no comma before the first repeated conjunction, because it is not between homogeneous members, but before the first of them.

Commas in simple sentences with homogeneous members without conjunctions

  • If there are no unions, commas are always placed between homogeneous members. Example:

The river is spread out, flowing, lazily sad...

Commas in simple sentences with homogeneous members connected by a single conjunction

  • If the union and, yes in the meaning of and, or, or single, no comma is placed in front of it.

Oh Oh
Birch branches And poplars are seen from the garden.

I love buns, buns, loaves And cupcake!

  • If there is a union between homogeneous members a, but, yes meaning but,but, however in the meaning but, that is, an adversative conjunction, then a comma is always placed before it.

Oh Oh
I will put not the race, but the mind as a governor (Pushkin).

Union however should be distinguished from introductory word however: the conjunction can be replaced by the synonymous conjunction but. If however is a conjunction, then the comma is placed only before it.

Oh Oh
The task was not difficult, but time-consuming. (The task was not difficult, but time-consuming.)

If however there is introductory words, then commas are placed on both sides.

He, however, remained calm.

Commas in simple sentences with homogeneous members connected by repeating conjunctions

  • A comma is placed before repeating conjunctions only between homogeneous members.

No longer visible neither land, neither trees, neither sky.

I was paying attention And to the cry of birds, And to their songs And for the flight.

I love bread And cake, And cakes, And gingerbread

  • A comma is placed between all homogeneous members, even when only part of them is connected by repeated conjunctions, and the rest are connected without the help of conjunctions.

He is blind, stubborn, impatient, frivolous, and arrogant (Pushkin).

  • If a conjunction connects homogeneous members in pairs, then a comma is placed only in front of paired groups.

I am happy and strong, free and young (Bryusov).

  • Paired conjunctions can be connected by a repeating conjunction and.

Mines exploded both near and far, to the right and to the left.

  • With two homogeneous members with a repeating conjunction, a comma may not be placed if the homogeneous members form a close semantic unity (such homogeneous members do not have explanatory words):

and brothers and sisters, and parents and children, and body and soul, and poetry and prose, and days and nights, and knives and forks, etc.

Most often, such unities form antonyms:

and glory and shame, and love and hatred, and joy and sorrow.

  • Sometimes an alliance seems to be repetitive, but in reality these are single alliances connecting homogeneous members of different groups.

At home and at work He searched and didn't find peace.

The first union connects homogeneous circumstances of the place: at home and at work; the second conjunction connects homogeneous predicates: I searched and did not find; therefore, each of these conjunctions is single, no comma is used.

Compound conjunctions

  • Homogeneous members with compound conjunctions (if not..., then; if not..., then; although..., but also; both..., and; not only..., but also; not so much. .., as much... as much; not that..., but; not that..., a) are separated by only one comma, which is placed before the second part of the conjunction.

Oh Oh
I have an errand How from the judge so and from all our friends to reconcile you with your friend.

Unions and also, or even may have a connecting meaning (meaning “and moreover”). Please note that after the second homogeneous member of a sentence with such a conjunction, a comma is not placed (remember that a comma is only placed between homogeneous members). For example:

Oh Oh
It can be difficult or even It is impossible to immediately understand such a situation.

Homogeneous members in sentences with a generalizing word

In sentences with generalizing words, punctuation marks are placed in accordance with the rule: if the generalizing word is before homogeneous members, we put a colon after it; if after homogeneous members or the sentence continues, we put a dash after the homogeneous members.

  • If a generalizing word comes before homogeneous members, then a colon is placed after it. Example:

Yellow maple leaves were lying everywhere: on paths, on benches, on car roofs.

  • If a generalizing word comes after homogeneous members, then a dash is placed in front of it. Example:

On paths, on benches, on car roofs – everywhere yellow maple leaves lay.

  • If a generalizing word comes before homogeneous members, and after them the sentence continues, then a colon is placed after the generalizing word, and a dash is placed after the homogeneous members.

There were yellow maple leaves on the paths, on the benches, on the roofs of cars.

We figured out homogeneous members in simple sentences. But how to correctly place punctuation marks in complex sentences with homogeneous members? Let's take a closer look.

Complex sentences with homogeneous members

To correctly place commas in a complex sentence with homogeneous members, follow the algorithm. First, we define the basics of each part of a complex sentence. We put commas between parts. Now imagine that each part is a simple sentence. We find homogeneous terms and place commas according to the rules given above. Example:

We find the main terms:

The little girl stood on the ball and then suddenly ran, but the ball spun under her feet and she started driving around the arena again.

We see 3 basics: The girl stood, ran. The ball spun. She went. This is a complex sentence consisting of three parts. We put commas between them.

The little girl stood on the ball and then suddenly ran , but the ball spun under her feet , and she drove around the arena again.

We find homogeneous members (stood and ran). We determine whether commas are needed between homogeneous terms. They are connected by a single conjunction and. There is no need for a comma between them. It turned out:

Oh Oh
The little girl stood on the ball and then suddenly ran , but the ball spun under her feet , and she drove around the arena again.

Another example:

Someone handed her various bell-shaped bracelets and she put them on her shoes and hands and again began to slowly spin around on the ball.

Finding the basics. Someone filed; she put it on and began to spin - 2 basics. This means that this is a complex sentence consisting of two parts. We put a comma between them.

Someone handed her various bell-shaped bracelets, and she put them on her shoes and hands and again began to slowly spin around on the ball.

Now we find homogeneous terms. In the first part there are no homogeneous members. In the second part there are homogeneous predicates dressed and began to spin. She (did what?) dressed. She (what did she do?) began to spin. Homogeneous predicates are connected by a single conjunction and. There is no comma before it.

There are also homogeneous minor members on shoes and hands. I put it on (where?) on my shoes. She put it (where?) on her hands. They are also connected by a single conjunction and. There is no comma. Result:

Someone gave her various bell bracelets,

and she put them on her shoes and on her hands and again
began to spin slowly on the ball.

And let's fix it:

In addition, the girl knew how to glow in the dark and she slowly floated in a circle and glowed and rang.

Let's highlight the basics. The girl knew how; it floated / glowed / rang - 2 basics. This is a complex two-part sentence. We put a comma between them.

The girl also knew how to glow in the dark , and she slowly floated in a circle and glowed and rang.

In the first part there are no homogeneous members, we do not touch it. In the second there are homogeneous predicates connected by a repeating conjunction and, therefore, we put commas between homogeneous members.

The girl also knew how to glow in the dark,
and she slowly swam in a circle , and glowed , and rang.

As you can see, the main thing is to correctly determine the basics and find homogeneous terms, and placing commas is as easy as shelling pears!

Now let’s practice composing sentences with homogeneous members on our own and using punctuation marks correctly.

Common mistakes when placing commas in sentences with homogeneous members

The most common mistake- a comma in a simple sentence is not placed BETWEEN homogeneous members, but before the first of them or after the last of them. A comma is placed BETWEEN homogeneous members.

The second mistake is “they don’t separate flies from cutlets,” they don’t differentiate parts of a complex sentence and homogeneous members.

Be careful, place commas according to the algorithm given by our 7th guru and everything will work out!

Make up a few simple sentences with homogeneous members

We will give examples, and by analogy you can come up with a couple more similar sentences.

Daisies, cornflowers, bluebells and forget-me-nots grew in the meadow.

Oh Oh
The dog whined and barked with joy.

Autumn was golden, sunny, warm.

Several complex sentences with homogeneous members

Oh Oh
The cat climbed onto the roof of the booth, and the dog tried to jump and catch him.

Oh Oh
The weather was clear and sunny, and the guys walked until the evening.

Without definitions that explain the properties and quality of an object, human speech would be “dry” and uninteresting. Everything that has a characteristic is conveyed in sentences using definitions. It is the description of objects that creates our knowledge about it and our attitude towards it: tasty fruit, bitter experience, handsome man, white and fluffy rabbit, etc. Such explanations characterizing objects help to better understand them.

The concept of homogeneous members

To further reveal the content of a sentence or strengthen any part of it, sentences are often used. They answer the same question and explain or relate to the same part of the sentence. Homogeneous members are absolutely independent and are connected in a sentence either by enumerative intonation, or rarely they can be connected by concessions or reasons for what is happening that convey the meaning.

For example:

All members of a sentence, both secondary and main, can be equally homogeneous. Difficulties in placing punctuation marks often raise doubts about their uniformity. To know when commas are needed and when they are not, you need to understand what distinguishes between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions heterogeneous and homogeneous

Definitions that relate to one member of a sentence or that characterize it and answer one question are considered homogeneous. Commas are placed between homogeneous definitions, since they describe an object from some aspect or list its varieties, for example:

Heterogeneous definitions give a description of an object from different sides, characterizing it by its various qualities.

This is what distinguishes homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Examples have shown that homogeneous ones are divided according to the characteristics and conditions that they characterize. They are also characterized by enumerative intonation.

Heterogeneous definitions

According to the method of expressing characteristics and place in a sentence, homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions can be divided.

Heterogeneous ones include:

  • Definitions that characterize or reveal the properties of an object from different sides. At the same time, its various qualities may be listed - shape, color, width, height, material, etc. For example: a long black scarf was wrapped several times around the neck (definitions indicate the length and color of the object).
  • Definitions consisting of a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives. For example: a girl took a red woolen mitten from her hand and stroked the kitten (“red” is a qualitative adjective characterizing the color, “woolen” is a relative adjective indicating the material).
  • Definitions represented by qualitative adjectives included in different semantic groups. For example: his cheerful green eyes narrowed (two qualitative adjectives characterize the word being defined from different angles).

Another feature that distinguishes homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions (examples clearly demonstrate this) is the absence of enumerative intonation when they reveal different properties of objects.

Main signs of homogeneity

To determine what type of definitions in a sentence belong to, you should know what specific features of the subject they can characterize. In the section “Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Definitions” (grade 8), the main features indicating homogeneity are given:

  • listing the qualities of various objects: aspen trees were decorated with yellow, purple and red foliage, birch trees - golden (definitions characterize foliage of different colors);

  • revealing the signs of an object, on the one hand, or a state: warm, quiet, unhurried rain rustled across the leaves (uniform definitions convey the state of rain);
  • each subsequent definition reveals or complements the meaning of the previous one: every September the forest is briefly transformed, acquiring a special, bright, unique appearance (the subsequent definition reveals the meaning of the previous one);
  • between the definitions you can substitute the conjunction and: on the table there were pencil and ink sketches (pencil and ink sketches);
  • when they convey different signs of an object, united in a common context by a single property: inflamed red eyes (red due to inflammation);
  • when they come after the defined word: we immediately looked at a fluffy, tall, slender Christmas tree (the defined word “Christmas tree”, followed by definitions describing it);
  • when this minor member the sentence is an adjective and those following him took out a fragrant, browned loaf from the oven.
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions are also distinguished by punctuation marks in a sentence. With homogeneous minor terms they are always placed.

    Punctuation marks for homogeneous definitions

    It is important to correctly determine whether or not to put punctuation marks when there are homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions in a sentence. The lesson (8th grade) on this topic gives the following examples of comma placement:

    • When homogeneous definitions are expressed by a single adjective and a participial phrase following it, a comma is placed between them: the son handed his mother a large bouquet of wildflowers that he had collected.

    • When they list the characteristics of various objects, for example: red, yellow, orange, blue flowers, drawn by children on a gray fence, made it festive.
    • When listing different properties of one object, pointing out one of its properties: The cold, hard scoops of ice cream were different colors.
    • When all homogeneous definitions refer to one word and between them you can put a conjunction and: he answered with an honest, calm look (an honest and calm look).
    • When they are located immediately after the word being defined: he saw an elegant, fragile, gentle girl.
    • When synonymous properties of an object are listed in a single context: a stormy, roaring, deafening storm broke out.
    • When there are signs due to mutual dependence: heavy, prolonged downpour (prolonged because it is strong).
    • Commas are not used if homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions are separated by the coordinating conjunction and. For example: red and yellow balls (uniform definitions); the house was large and made of stone (heterogeneous definitions).

      Additional signs of homogeneity and heterogeneity

      In addition to the main ones, there are additional signs indicating that the definitions are homogeneous. or poetic forms bound by the requirements of rhyme or terminology. In such speech constructions, definitions, even those that come after the object they define, may be undefinable. For example:

      Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions (the exercises confirm this) can move from one quality to another. For example, when one definition comes before another, forming a single phrase with the subject: a long train.

      A special type of definition

      A special type includes definitions that connect explanatory relations. In this case, it is easy to determine where the definitions are homogeneous and heterogeneous. The test for distinguishing them is to substitute the conjunctions “namely” and “that is”.

      • A completely different, interesting time has come (different, namely interesting).
      • The play received a new, original sound (new, that is, original).

      A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions associated with explanatory conditions.


      As the rules show, they may have exceptions or notes, which is confirmed by the study of the topic “homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.” A class 11 lesson introduces students to a note on this topic. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions tend to change the meaning of a sentence, for example:

      • New, yellow taxis appeared on the city streets (the previous ones were not yellow).
      • New yellow taxis have appeared on the city streets (the number of yellow taxis has increased).

      In the first example, the emphasis is on the fact that taxis in the city have turned yellow. In the second, new cars appeared among the yellow taxis.

      Double punctuation

      Depending on what intonation the speaker uses, in some phrases the definition following the first may become not homogeneous, but explanatory. For example:

      • New proven methods led to the result (before these methods did not exist).
      • New, proven methods led to the result (previous methods were not proven).

      In the second example, you can substitute the conjunctions “that is” and “namely”, so a comma is added and the intonation changes.

We continue to explore the levels language system, based on the book "Russian language: I understand - I write - I check." We will talk about homogeneous members of the sentence.

Lesson 28. Homogeneous members of the sentence. Homogeneous members connected only by intonation. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Homogeneous are members of a sentence that are interconnected by a coordinating connection and have the following characteristics:

1) often appear as the same parts of speech, used in the same grammatical form;

2) are interconnected by a coordinating connection, therefore they are equal and do not depend on each other, unlike the components of a phrase;

3) if these are minor members, then they extend one member of the sentence and define it lexically in the same way;

4) in speech they are often connected with each other by a special enumerative intonation.

Exercise. Read two sentences and determine in them: a) grammatical basis; b) guided by signs of homogeneity, which members of the sentence are homogeneous.

1) It was necessary to sell furniture, horses, and a dacha.(A. Chekhov)

2) The earth, air, month, stars are chained together, riveted by frost.(A. Pushkin)

The listed signs of homogeneity and the completed task show that:

a) each of the homogeneous members and all together act as identical members of the sentence: in the first example as additions, in the second as subjects and predicates;

b) any members of a sentence can be homogeneous - both main and secondary.

I. Homogeneous members connected only by intonation. Members of the sentence that are not homogeneous

When homogeneous members are connected by intonation, the punctuation marks commas, semicolons and dashes are used in writing.

1. Comma- the most common punctuation mark, separating homogeneous members from each other, connected by the intonation of enumeration (a connecting conjunction can be inserted between them And), For example:

They're crowding along the embankment steamships, schooners, barges . (A. Serafimovich)

Sentences with homogeneous members can be complicated by isolated secondary members. When placing punctuation marks, watch the intonation of the statement, and then analyze the structure of the sentence, for example:

Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another, advice from a dying old man to a young man beginning to live, an order passed on to a sentry going on vacation to a sentry taking his place.(A. Herzen)

Exercise. Explain all the punctuation in this sentence. Which parts of the sentence are homogeneous?

2. Semicolon common homogeneous members connected by the intonation of enumeration are separated, especially if there are commas inside them. As a rule, this happens if the speech is divided into clear parts-pictures, for example:

Along the ravine on one side are neat barns, cages with tightly closed doors; on the other side five-six pine hut with plank roofs.(I. Turgenev)

Exercise. Prove that it is incomplete sentence. Which part of the sentence is missing?

3. Dash put if homogeneous members are connected by adversarial relations, that is, they are opposed to each other, and unions can be inserted between them A or But. In speech, an intonation pause is made in place of the adversative conjunction, for example:

Not fishing sail small - ships I'm dreaming.(N. Nekrasov)

Compare the synonymous sentence with the conjunction: Not a fishing sail, but (but) I dream of ships.

Exercise. Remember the figure of speech of non-union. What is its essence?

4. There are words and expressions that are not homogeneous members, they are used mainly in colloquial, artistic and artistic-journalistic functional styles and give imagery to speech. Such words and expressions can generally be used without punctuation marks, separated by a comma and a hyphen.

No signs punctuation is not separated:

1) two verbs included in a complicated simple verbal predicate. The predicates in this case represent a single semantic whole, for example:

I'll go horse with oatsI'll feed you ;

2) repeating identical forms of words included in the complicated predicate, connected by particles no, that’s true (believe it or not, like it or not, write it like this, you have to write it like that), For example:

Like it or not , but you will have to make a concession.

Comma is placed between repeated words used to emphasize the multitude of objects, the duration of an action, etc. These words act as one member of a sentence, for example:

White fragrant chamomile flowers run under his feet back, back. (A. Kuprin)

Hyphen put:

1) between repeated words, if the repetition is intended to strengthen an action or attribute; at the same time, they are pronounced with a single intonation, different from the intonation of the enumeration, for example:

By blue-blue Clouds are floating in the sky.(A. N. Tolstoy);

2) between paired synonymous combinations (find out the truth), antonym combinations (conditions of purchase and sale), combinations of associative nature (collect mushrooms and berries), which represent a single concept, for example:

We called a neighbor on the other side and went there more than once, this and that we tasted it, but everything was sober.(N. Leskov)

II. Homogeneous and heterogeneous single consistent definitions

Before you start studying this paragraph, remember:

a) which adjectives are qualitative and which are relative;

b) what definitions are called consistent;

c) reasons for separating agreed definitions.

When single agreed definitions, expressed by adjectives and participles, are adjacent, it is quite difficult to establish their homogeneity and heterogeneity, since a comma is placed between homogeneous definitions, but not between heterogeneous ones.

Definitions are homogeneous (a comma is used) Definitions are heterogeneous (no comma is used)

1. When the word order is reversed, when agreed upon definitions appear after the word being defined, for example (watch the intonation):

Alyosha handed him a mirror, small, foldable, round.

2. In direct word order, when agreed definitions come before the word being defined, if the adjectives or participles expressed by them are combined according to some common characteristics (by appearance, similarity of the impression made, causal connection, etc.). Then:

1) each definition directly relates to the defined noun;

2) there are synonymous relations between definitions, the intonation of enumeration arises when a conjunction is allowed And.

For example: Big, fat, fattened The hog was digging the ground with his nose right next to the house.

The hog is big, and fat, and well-fed; all definitions characterize the defined noun as " appearance subject."

3. In direct word order, if this definition is an epithet:

Gloomy, homeless night found the travelers in the forest.

4. In direct word order, if the first definition is an adjective and the second is a participial phrase:

It was kind of sad about it old, already touched in the fall garden.

In direct word order, if the adjectives or participles expressed by them characterize the object from different sides, that is, they represent features related to different concepts. Then:

1) the preceding definition refers to the combination of the subsequent definition with the defined noun;

2) there are no synonymous relations between definitions, no intonation of enumeration arises, and a conjunction cannot be inserted And.

For example: Alyosha gave it to him small folding round a mirror standing on the chest of drawers.(F. Dostoevsky)

Three definitions related to complement mirror, are heterogeneous: a) the adjectives expressed by them characterize the subject from different sides: small indicates the size of the object, folding- on the property, what can be done with this item, round- on appearance; b) each previous definition refers to the combination of subsequent definition(s) + noun: small folding round mirror(a folding round mirror could be large), folding round mirror(the round mirror might not be foldable).

Homogeneous definitions-epithets serve education stylistic figure gradations. What is the stylistic significance of gradation?

From the examples in the table it is clear that homogeneous definitions are most often expressed by qualitative adjectives. Heterogeneous definitions are usually expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives, since they denote different characteristics.

A comma is placed between definitions expressed by adjectives of different categories if there is closeness lexical meanings, and refers to optional punctuation marks, for example:

It was ending summer, warm night.(I. Sokolov-Mikitov) - Here, in the author’s opinion, the concept warm stands integral part concepts summer.

Exercise. Read the sentences in which the definitions come after the word being defined and are therefore homogeneous. Rewrite each sentence so that the definitions come before the word being defined. Analyze phrasal intonation in both cases and evaluate the stylistic meaning of word order.

1. Katya quickly took off the beautiful velvet glove from her hand. 2. The women rushed to the wounded soldier walking in front. 3. After a few steps, a large tree, looking like a huge giant, blocked our path. 4. Near the road there stood an oak tree, gnarled, old, squat. 5. The boys, untanned, who had just arrived on vacation, were fishing from a boat.

Several definitions may refer to the same word in a sentence, which may be homogeneous or heterogeneous. With non-union communication commas separate only homogeneous definitions, and between heterogeneous definitions no comma.

I. The definitions are uniform:

1. if indicated distinctive signs of different objects, characterizing them on the one hand.

  • ...at a great distance the city lay out and quietly flamed and sparkled blue , white , yellow lights.(V. G. Korolenko)
  • (Some lights are blue, others are white, others are yellow.)

2. if indicated various signs of the same object, characterizing it on one side.

  • Loved Chapaev strong , decisive , hard word.
  • (D. A. Furmanov)

3. if they characterize an object either only with positive sides and they can be assessed with a “+” sign, or only with negative sides and they can be assessed with a “-”.

  • ... I saw a woman young , beautiful , kind , intelligent , charming.
  • (A.P. Chekhov)
  • Has arrived rainy , dirty , dark autumn.
  • (A.P. Chekhov)

4. if they represent figurative definitions (epithets).

  • Dry , metal His inflamed gray eyes sparkle.
  • (According to D. A. Furmanov)
  • Met us empty , abandoned house. (Adj. + adverb.)
  • I love strong mornings, hot , awakening coffee. (Adj. + adverb.)
  • That was first , not clouded by any fears the joy of discovery. (Adj. + proverb.)
  • (D. A. Granin)

6. if they are standing after defined word.

  • On both sides of the clearings there were pine trees high , ship .
  • (Wed: high ship pines.)

7. when describing appearance .

  • Almost at the house she met us modest , shy , rustic girl about eight years old.

8. if are opposed other definitions related to the same defined word.

  • We were passing through then small , deserted stations, then nodal , lively.

Each of the homogeneous definitions is directly related to the word being defined.

II. Definitions are heterogeneous:

1. if include not directly to what is being defined, but to noun combination with the definition in front of it.

  • Can you imagine bad southern county small town?
  • (A.I. Kuprin)
  • (Cf.: county town - southern county town - nasty southern county town.)
  • Holly dressed up in amazing tight lace dress.
  • (S. Ahern)

2. if they characterize an object With different sides.

  • Blueberry is a shrub with small round fresh black and blue berries. (Size - shape - taste - color.)

Heterogeneous definitions can become homogeneous if they acquire some common feature in the context.

  • Started small , pricking rain. (The common feature of these definitions is an unpleasant sensation.)
  • Bought as a gift Beautiful silk handkerchief.
  • While working here, he acquired huge political experience.

III. Some cases allow ambiguity:

  • Wed: She dressed new , mink fur coat
  • She dressed new mink fur coat

Comma placement V first case means that second definition explains the first(She put on a new one, namely a mink coat).

Missing comma in second case means that the definition of new refers to the combination of a mink coat (She is wearing a new mink coat, although there is another mink coat, apparently already old).

July 17, 2015

Incorrect punctuation is one of the typical mistakes allowed in written speech. The most complex punctuation rules usually include the placement of commas in sentences where there are heterogeneous or homogeneous definitions. Only a clear understanding of their features and differences helps make the entry correct and readable.

What is the definition?

This is a minor member of a sentence, denoting a sign, property or quality of an object denoted by a noun. Most often expressed by an adjective ( white scarf), participle ( running boy), pronoun ( our home), ordinal number ( second number) and answers the questions "which one?" "whose?". However, there may be cases of use as a definition of a noun ( checkered dress), a verb in the infinitive form ( dream of being able to fly), adjective in simple comparative degree ( an older girl appeared), adverbs ( hard boiled egg).

What are homogeneous members

Definition this concept is given in syntax and concerns the structure of a simple (or predicative part of a complex) sentence. Homogeneous members are expressed by words of the same part of speech and the same form, depending on the same word. Therefore, they will respond to general question and perform the same syntactic function in a sentence. Homogeneous members are connected with each other by a coordinating or non-union connection. It should also be noted that it is usually possible to rearrange them within a syntactic structure.

Based on the above rule, we can say that homogeneous definitions characterize an object on the basis of common (similar) features and qualities. Consider the sentence: “ In the garden, white, scarlet, burgundy buds of roses that had not yet blossomed proudly towered over their fellow flowers." The homogeneous definitions used in it denote color, and therefore characterize the object according to the same characteristic. Or another example: " Soon, low, heavy clouds hung over the city sweltering from the heat." In this sentence, one feature is logically connected to another.

Video on the topic

Heterogeneous and homogeneous definitions: distinctive features

This question often causes difficulties. To understand the material, let’s take a closer look at what features each group of definitions has.



Each definition refers to one word being defined: “ The cheerful, uncontrollable laughter of children was heard from all sides.»

The closest definition refers to the noun, and the second to the resulting combination: “ On this frosty January morning I didn’t want to go outside for a long time.»

All adjectives are usually qualitative: “ A beautiful, new bag hung on Katyusha’s shoulder.»

Combination qualitative adjective with a relative or with a pronoun, participle, numeral: big stone castle, my good friend, third intercity bus

You can insert a connecting conjunction AND: “ For the craft you needed white, red,(AND) blue sheets of paper»

Cannot be used with I: “ In one hand Tatyana had an old straw hat, in the other she held a string bag with vegetables»

Expressed by one part of speech. Exception: adjective+participial phrase or inconsistent definitions coming after a noun

Refers to different parts speeches: " We finally waited for the first light frost(numeral+adjective) and hit the road»

These are the main features, knowledge of which will allow you to easily distinguish between sentences with homogeneous definitions and heterogeneous ones. This means using punctuation marks correctly.

In addition, when performing syntactic and punctuation analysis of a sentence, you need to remember the following important points.

Definitions that are always the same

  1. Adjectives next to each other characterize an object according to one characteristic: size, color, geographical location, assessment, sensations, etc. " At the bookstore, Zakhar purchased reference books on German, Italian, and French culture in advance.».
  2. A group of synonyms used in a sentence: they call the same feature differently. " From early morning everyone in the house was in a cheerful mood, festive mood caused by yesterday's news».
  3. Definitions that appear after the noun, with the exception of terms such as grab overhead crane. For example, in A. Pushkin’s poem we find: “ Three greyhounds are running along a boring winter road" In this case, each of the adjectives refers directly to the noun, and each definition is logically highlighted.
  4. Homogeneous members of a sentence represent a semantic gradation, i.e. designation of the characteristic in increasing order. " The sisters, overwhelmed by a joyful, festive, radiant mood, could no longer hide their emotions».
  5. Inconsistent definitions. For example: " He entered the room briskly tall man in a warm sweater, with shining eyes, a bewitching smile».

Combination of a single adjective and participial phrase

It is also necessary to dwell on the next group of definitions. These are adjectives and participial phrases used side by side and related to the same noun. Here, punctuation depends on the position of the latter.

Definitions that correspond to the scheme “single adjective + participial phrase” are almost always homogeneous. For example, " In the distance, dark mountains towering above the forest could be seen" However, if the participial phrase is used before the adjective and refers not to the noun, but to the entire combination, the rule “punctuation marks for homogeneous definitions” does not work. For example, " Yellow leaves swirling in the autumn air smoothly fell onto the damp ground.».

One more point needs to be taken into account. Consider this example: “ Among the dense, spreading fir trees, darkened in the twilight, it was difficult to see the narrow path leading to the lake" This is a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions expressed by participial phrases. Moreover, the first of them is located between two single adjectives and clarifies the meaning of the word “thick”. Therefore, according to the rules for the design of homogeneous members, they are distinguished in writing by punctuation marks.

Cases when a comma is not required but is preferred

  1. Homogeneous definitions (examples of these can often be found in fiction) denote different, but usually accompanying each other, causal features. For example, " At night,(you can insert BECAUSE) Long shadows from trees and lanterns were clearly visible in the deserted streets" Another example: " Suddenly, deafening sounds reached the old man’s ears,(BECAUSE) terrible thunderclaps».
  2. Sentences with epithets that give a diverse description of the subject. For example, " And now, looking at Luzhin’s big, pale face, she... was filled... with pity"(V. Nabokov). Or from A. Chekhov: “ Rainy, dirty, dark autumn has arrived».
  3. When using adjectives in figurative meaning(close to epithets): “ Timofey's large, fishy eyes were sad and carefully looked straight ahead».

Such homogeneous definitions - examples show this - are an excellent means of expressiveness in a work of art. With their help, writers and poets emphasize individual significant details in the description of an object (person).

Exceptional cases

Sometimes in speech you can find sentences with homogeneous definitions, expressed by a combination qualitative and relative adjectives. For example, " Until recently, old, low houses stood in this place, but now there are new, tall ones." As shown this example, in such a case, two groups of definitions are distinguished, relating to one noun, but having the opposite meaning.

Another case concerns definitions interconnected by explanatory relationships. " Completely different sounds, alien to the boy, were heard from open window " In this sentence, after the first definition, the words “namely”, “that is” would be appropriate.

Rules for placing punctuation marks

Here everything depends on how homogeneous definitions are related to each other. Commas are used in non-union connections. Example: " A short, wrinkled, hunchbacked old woman was sitting on a chair on the porch, silently pointing to the open door." If there are coordinating conjunctions (“usually”, “and”), punctuation marks are not needed. " Women in white and blue homespun shirts peered into the distance, hoping to recognize the horseman approaching them." Thus, these sentences are subject to punctuation rules that apply to all syntactic constructions with homogeneous members.

If the definitions are heterogeneous (their examples are discussed in the table), a comma is not placed between them. The exception is sentences with combinations that allow for double interpretation. For example, " After much debate and reflection, it was decided to resort to other proven methods" IN in this case it all depends on the meaning of the participle. A comma is used if “namely” can be inserted before the word “verified”.


Analysis of all of the above leads to the conclusion that punctuation literacy in to a greater extent depends on knowledge of specific theoretical material on syntax: what is a definition, homogeneous members of a sentence.