Married to a Latino Life Stories. Foreign Affair: Cuba and other Latin American countries, women for love and for money, thoughts

“When I was a little girl and dreamed of a prince on a white horse, for some reason I already suspected that my prince would not be quite ordinary,” says Anna Guerrero. The girl’s intuition did not let her down. A year ago, Anya married a Latino, a graduate of one of the Kursk universities. For three months now, she and her husband have been living in Quito, the capital of Ecuador.

“For three years we lived on the Internet”

AiF: - Anya, you and Enrique got married when he was in Ecuador, and you are here in Russia. What caused this decision? So that she doesn't run away?

A.G.:- Before Enrique left for his homeland, we only dated for two months. And then still at a distance - near three years. He came twice. On his second visit we had a wedding. At first we thought of getting married after I graduated from university. Then we looked at the family budget from a practical point of view: after the fifth year, it will be quite expensive to get married and move. And the questions: “Will he run away?”, “Won’t it work?” didn't arise at all. All these three years, of course, we were very bored, but we talked on Skype every day. I got up at five or six in the morning, due to the time difference (in Ecuador it is eight or nine in the evening), to talk. He told me how his day went, I - How will it go for me? There is some kind of romance in this. It never got boring, we never had doubts or mistrust of each other. Questions and doubts arose among others. For three years we lived on Skype. We didn’t go anywhere separately from each other, didn’t have fun, didn’t travel. And I didn’t want to. There was no desire to do anything without him.

AiF: -How are Latin American men different from Russian men?

A.G.:- Firstly, they know how to love. I'm not saying that this doesn't exist in Russia. Maybe I don’t have enough experience, but, for example, among young people of my age I have not seen this love manifested in such a way. Of course, before we had people who knew how to appreciate a woman, treat her as a sacred vessel, but now, it seems to me, this has been lost. And second - This is a reverent attitude towards family. Maybe religion has an effect here, I don’t know.

AiF: -By the way, about religion. You are Orthodox, Enrique is Catholic. Did you and your parents have any disagreements?

A.G.:- No. After all, Orthodoxy and Catholicism - this is all Christianity. There's nothing I can't go to catholic church. I'm always welcome. True, in order to get married, they set a number of conditions for me. From childhood, Catholics attend certain classes, receive levels, and undergo initiation. I also need to receive this kind of education, but it is not necessary to change my religion.

AiF: -Are there any differences in mentality now?

A.G.:- The people here are very simple and cheerful. No money - dance, eat - We dance too. No sun - nothing to worry about, etc. They don’t seem to have any problems.

Hospitality Lessons

AiF:- Anya, weren’t you afraid to leave for a foreign country? How did your parents react to this step?

A.G.:- I was leaving with my loved one, so it’s not scary. My parents have always supported me. They, of course, were worried and worried, but when they got to know Enrique better, they realized that, in principle, there was nothing to be afraid of. But my friends dissuaded almost everything. And for some reason they asked: what will you do there? I said: just like here - work, love, have children, enjoy life...

AiF: -By the time you moved, had you already learned the language well?

A.G.:- In fact, I thought that was enough. But when I arrived here, I didn’t understand anything at all for two weeks. I don’t know, maybe it was a shock: I’ve never traveled abroad. Then, when I started leaving the house alone, trying to buy something, knowledge began to emerge, I was already trying to say something.

AiF: -What was the hardest thing for you to get used to?

A.G.:- I was surprised by the food. A month after I arrived, I got a job, went to lunch and saw rice, beans, and potatoes in one plate. Here they always eat a lot and all together. I still can't get used to it. That's why I'm having yogurt for lunch now. As for people and culture, I was already ready for this. I read a lot.

I was accepted as family. I don't feel like an expat here. There are many Russians in Quito. When you hear Russian speech in a store, you run as fast as you can to its source, shouting: hello, what city are you from? There are a lot of foreigners here from Europe, the USA, and Japan. Therefore, in terms of appearance, you do not stand out. Of course, I miss home. But again, every day I talk to my parents on Skype and share everything.

AiF: -You got a job almost immediately. Is there any language barrier there?

A.G.:- Yes, still do. There are many of them. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to explain or show something. But I have a very good boss, he helps. And the mentor is very good. So I manage somehow. In fact, the knowledge that was given at the university - especially to draw, to do something, - enough.

AiF: -What should Russians learn from Ecuadorians?

A.G.:- In Ecuador, I became convinced that the service sector in Russia is terrible. Theoretically, I am a foreigner here, but I don’t feel like a stranger. I myself am not from Kursk, but from the north, from Murmansk region. And so, when I moved to Kursk, I more often felt this feeling of alienation, that I was missing my parents, something familiar. This is not the case in Ecuador. Because here, wherever I go, I am always welcome. Even if I can’t explain myself, they will ask me to draw, just to help me. Therefore, Russians should probably learn this openness and hospitality.

Latin America is everything located in the Americas, south of the United States. Accordingly, Latin America is inhabited by Latinos - Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking peoples with similar mentality and customs. The term hereinafter is used not in a derogatory, but in a defining context.

And since Latinos are so similar, we can rightfully generalize when describing the characteristics of Latin American countries.

Latin America, lo and behold, is almost homogeneous. Most Latin American countries have approximately the same level of development. From our point of view, this can be explained very simply: the majority of residents of these countries have common origin and common roots. These roots go back to the times of Christopher Columbus and the conquistadors who followed him, whose descendants today form the population of modern Latin America.

In the process of development, Latin Americans took as a basis mainly the Spanish and Portuguese cultures, and a very small part of the culture and life of the indigenous inhabitants of America - the Indians. And over time, their own habits and traditions, typical only for Latin America, were born. Having spun off from the European heritage, Latin America is developing completely independently, without sharp ups, but also without rapid failures.

Besides, business card Latin America can be characterized by coups and coups. In terms of overthrowing the existing political system no region can compete with Latin American states Globe. Chile and Honduras, Nicaragua and Argentina, Colombia and Brazil, and other countries throughout their history have changed governments many times, so to speak, in an unparliamentary way. The fate of former rulers in most cases is unenviable: they were executed publicly, imprisoned for for many years or they were simply torn apart by an angry crowd. Some former presidents they were luckier - they managed to leave the country, and lived in a foreign land until the end of their days.

Latin America is a champion in another form. The number of odious dictators here is astonishingly high. Presidents in Latin America becomes not the one who is able to offer the best program, but a person who can get the crowd going as much as possible. All Latin Americans are like this; they often live not by reason, but by emotions. Hence all the troubles of Latin America - Hugo Chavez, Castro, Peron and Pinochet, as well as many dictators of lesser rank.

The mentality of the inhabitants of Latin American countries

The mentality of “Latinos” is a talk of the town, a subject sharp jokes and ridicule. Of course, most of the traits attributed to residents of Latin American countries are nothing more than stereotypes. Not every Cuban or Puerto Rican has a huge knife in his pocket, and not every one of them wears an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt over a T-shirt, jeans and pointy boots.

Latin America is inhabited different people– rich and poor, good and evil, calm and aggressive. Here, as in other parts of the world, honest work, service to society, family values and honesty are common human virtues.

And yet, the inhabitants of Latin America are noticeably different from representatives of other parts of the world. Of course, the differences do not lie in criminal inclinations or in a pathological, painful attraction to opposite sex. Of course, this is not true. The average Latin American is a completely law-abiding citizen of his country, moderately lazy and not at all aggressive, and family values ​​in Latin America are quite traditional and strong.

Many people perceive Latin America as a paradise for drug lords and smugglers. In fact, these are idle fictions. Of course, there are several drug cortels with which the governments of Colombia, Bolivia and Argentina are waging a fierce and quite effective fight. However, the influence of the barons and the volume of drug trafficking are greatly exaggerated, primarily through the efforts of Hollywood.

Mexico is a paradise for fugitives. How often in American films the successful bank robbers in the finale solemnly sip champagne in Acapulco Bay... And this, to put it mildly, is a stereotype. Most Latin American countries have long signed mutual extradition treaties with the United States, and strictly implement them by deporting fugitive criminals.

It is impossible not to mention the interest of the majority of Latinos in the United States. Many Cubans, Mexicans and Argentines flock to the States every year in the hope of establishing a foothold there and eventually moving their families by hook or by crook. And one noteworthy interesting fact: idle at home, the average Mexican is ready to work up a sweat in the United States to realize the “great American dream"and become a prosperous American citizen. If this enterprising macho had shown at least 10% of the energy spent in the States at home, he could have achieved more. But the United States has been and remains a kind of branch of earthly paradise, attracting Latin Americans like a magnet.


Latin America is a poor continent. Most developed countries– Argentina and Brazil. But they also lag significantly behind English-speaking countries in industry and development. North America and Europe.

The average Latino's salary is something like 200-odd dollars a month. However, since life here is very inexpensive, this money is, in principle, enough for a modest existence. Naturally, the exceptions are large cities - Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Caracas. Life in big cities much more expensive, but the incomes of city residents are correspondingly higher.

Latin America has a very low middle class percentage. There are much more poor and very poor people there. Poverty is especially widespread among the indigenous population - the few surviving Indians. Most of them do not have the opportunity to receive an education, and are forced to eke out a living through odd jobs and day labor until old age.

As elsewhere in the world, Latin American countries also have a certain number of very rich people. These are industrialists, successful stock speculators, and businessmen. In rare cases multi-million dollar fortunes are family-owned and have a long history.


Latin Americans willingly spend money, if they have it, of course, on clothing and improving their living conditions. A car in Latin America is more likely not a matter of prestige, but a means of transportation and transportation of goods.

Latin women love jewelry, stylish, fashionable clothes haute couture, bright or moderate makeup. Naturally, all this should be provided by husbands, and if the woman is not yet married, by grooms. And they provide, often to their own detriment or by working overtime. This is all Latin American: by all means, a lady should look brilliant! They pay attention to a woman, and often according to her appearance assess the well-being of the spouse.

Going to a cafe or restaurant is something ordinary, not considered particularly chic. The rich go to luxury expensive restaurants, middle class prefers quiet, small family establishments. And poorer people go to noisy pubs and bars, fortunately there are a great many of them in any Latin American city.

Recreation and entertainment

Latin Americans are very musical. Not a single event is complete without the sound of guitars and melodic songs. Residents South America I’m always not averse to having fun, getting together with a friendly group, and eating delicious food.

Since family ties are strong among the peoples inhabiting Latin America, travel here is confined to trips to visit relatives. Trips to the sea, to camping or on a cruise, of course, exist, but they are much less common than among Americans or Europeans.

Taverns and coffee shops are an integral feature of any, even the smallest, Latin American city. These are mainly regional establishments with their own signature cuisine and a constant circle of visitors. However, a new person in such an institution will be very welcome and will be given all possible honors.

The poor spend free time mostly at home. And most people have no free time at all - often, in order to live, you need to work 12-14 hours every day.

Very rich Latin Americans travel the world and do not disdain social events and brilliant receptions. Among the Latin American elite, it is not customary to spare money for luxury yachts, mansions and limousines. As well as a staff of servants, the more of whom there are in the house, the heavier the owner’s wallet.

Latin America is a region with the richest nature. The Amazon jungle and prairies, mountains, sea and beautiful corners of untouched virgin nature attract many tourists from all over the world. They don’t disdain their own natural resources and residents of Latin American countries.

Politics can easily be called a characteristic pastime for residents of all Latin American countries without exception. During elections in these countries, completely unrealistic passions run high, and the situation is literally tense to the limit. Everyone, young and old, participates in campaigns to promote candidates, and everyone is overwhelmed with emotions. We can say that politics is second only to carnivals favorite activity Latin Americans.

And a separate part of Latin American recreation is TV series. Everyone watches Argentine and Brazilian soap operas here. And the most tragic and popular of them are capable of paralyzing life during the time they are shown on television. small town. In institutions, shops, hairdressers, cafes and restaurants where a TV is installed, be sure to watch the series. Sometimes the owners of the establishment are in no hurry to tear themselves away from the screen even to serve visitors.

Family life

Latin Americans are devout Catholics. Divorce or adultery in most cases they cause a storm of protest. Relatives and friends try in every way to reason with the initiator of the divorce, condemning and cursing the culprit of the conflict.

The average Latino is fanatically attached to his own children. The offspring are pampered and nurtured in every possible way, they receive all the best, within the capabilities of their parents. Send the child to the best school of the possible - not a priority, but a law. People with little income want their son to become a famous lawyer or banker, politician or judge. However, in practice, few poor families realize these dreams - mostly representatives of wealthy families become judges and prosecutors, lawyers and politicians.

Latin Americans are sentimental. Therefore, husband and wife can maintain ardent, passionate love to each other for life. Declaration of love is the most common SMS message template in all Latin American countries.

Latin America is a distinctive and quite interesting region, inhabited by normal, good-natured and hospitable people. Many traits attributed to Latinos are nothing more than stereotypes.

It is possible to live in Latin America, but only if you have some source of external income, or sufficient funds to open your own business.

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There is no doubt that foreign men prefer lately marry Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian women, because unlike, for example, German women, our girls do not forget to take care of themselves after marriage, cooking is not a particular problem for them, which, moreover, significantly saves the family budget. Also girls Slavic nationalities They are more kind to children and are ready to sacrifice a lot for them.

Features of men of different nationalities

But what attracts our girls to marry foreigners? The main argument is the abuse of alcohol by Russian and Ukrainian men. But, in fact, this is just another cliche. For example, in Latin American countries, men love to “go out” no less; holidays and family celebrations can last for weeks and are accompanied by a huge amount alcohol. If you want to marry a foreigner, then, first of all, you should study national traditions, find out how it is customary to care for a woman in a particular country, what a man expects from a woman after registering a marriage: should she bring money to the family or give herself completely to the family, etc. Let's first try to consider how men different nationalities look after girls.

Features of European men

In Europe italian men are considered one of the most enviable parties. Italians are open, trusting and do not hide their intentions. If an Italian makes you his chosen one, you will immediately understand it. He will look after you beautifully and will be persistent in his desire to meet your family. French men will turn out to be completely different from Italians. They are capable of courting several girls at once, and until the last moment it is impossible to guess their true intentions. Although the French are in no way inferior to the Italians in the beauty of courtship and are able to make a relationship with a woman especially romantic and tender, while spending a minimum of material investments. The main feature of the French nationality is commercialism, although it is believed that they do not spare money and are able to lay out everything they have at the feet of their beloved. Spaniards are as open as Italian men, but they are more jealous and expect submission and concessions from women. The peculiarity of the German nation is considered to be prudence and pedantry. And perhaps there is a grain of truth in this: Germans are capable of passion, they are ready to devote themselves to a relationship with the girl they love to the end, but they prefer to marry for convenience, and no relationship, even the most ardent one, can stop them.

Features of the Balts and Scandinavians

The attitude towards marriage and the courtship procedure looks completely different in Nordic countries. The further north you go, the more preferable it is for a man to first get to know the woman well. As a rule, men from the Baltic states, Finland, Sweden, and England formalize an already established marriage. A man and a woman have been leading for several years general farming and live like a full-fledged family, and decide to register only when they think about children. It should be noted that northern men have a more responsible attitude towards children, but they “get into the soul” of their other half less, and frankness may not be understood and accepted with surprise and bewilderment. True, this rule may not apply to the British. The British are very attentive to the feelings, concerns and experiences of their companions and are ready to listen to them and help; moreover, they believe that such conversations between spouses are necessary to maintain an even and stable relationship. The divorce process in England is very expensive, so English men choose their companions especially carefully and may not formalize the relationship for decades.

Characteristic features of oriental men

The peculiarities of the nations of China and Japan are the complete equality of men and women, all household responsibilities are divided equally between spouses. Men are in a hurry after working day home, helping their wives prepare dinner and clean the house. In China, it is customary to give a woman rest after the birth of a child, and only the man bears the entire household load for a month. But when marrying a Japanese or Chinese man, you should know that you will be expected to contribute to the family budget on an equal basis with a man.

National characteristics of Latin Americans

In Latin American countries, men are freer than women. A man expects female consent and submission. Women from Latin American countries feel freer when they marry Russians and Ukrainians. Among other things, a married woman must work and run the entire household; childcare also lies with the woman. Men from Latin American countries are jealous and have a strong sense of ownership. If we return to the conversation about Italians and Spaniards, it should be noted that they are also very jealous. Italians demand from a woman an account of her day down to the minute; they are emotional and quickly flare up, but quickly cool down. You will constantly have to monitor your communication with others, not enter into conversations with men unless absolutely necessary, etc.

Definitions of the characteristics of nations are conditional and relative. It is impossible to fit an entire nation into a certain mold, and, of course, a lot depends on the individual. Therefore, communication with a foreigner plays the main role, and for this you will have to overcome the language barrier. At the beginning of communication with a foreigner during correspondence, you can use online translator. But for this you need to know how to use an online translator.

Among other things, you should get acquainted with the family of the foreign groom in order to determine how he sees future husband model of your family. Differences social level between foreign spouses are usually not fundamental; the most important criterion is the coincidence of the cultural level of the future spouses and attitude towards children. If you have decided to marry a foreigner, do not rush, weigh all the negative and positive aspects of such a marriage, get to know your chosen one and his family better. Many marriages between foreigners have positive results, many have negative results. The fate of your marriage and family will depend only on you.

Kaplinskaya Anna Olegovna

The article was prepared specifically for -

Look, Olenka, how the Russian men cried out, and their secrets are spilling out and stinking all over YouTube: anger, curses, insults of almost everything feminine, and even some kind of wild national jealousy with a mixture of racism. Russian men in all their glory, so to speak:) And women, regardless of nationality, want respect, understanding, love. I have watched more than one video of this beautiful girl. The way she loves her husband is wonderful! It’s not so often that you meet a girl who is ready to support her husband as the leader of the family, who is ready to go to the ends of the earth for his sake. She said in a video about moving to New York (if I’m not mistaken) that for the first time she met a person with whom she had such a close relationship, such mutual understanding. What woman doesn't want to be loved by the one she loves? What woman would want to give up her man, even if it’s not her nationality, for the sake of who knows why? For the sake of men like you, dear gentlemen, who, instead of at least respecting the choice of another person, openly insult? I wouldn’t be surprised if you also humiliate your wives, and then go after your daughters. Funny and sad.

Sandra Moore

Lord, what vile, disgusting and redneck male primates are here in the comments. The girls didn’t compare who was better or the pros and cons of both, they didn’t draw the conclusion that “fuck these Russians, let’s date others.” They told what the differences are and what their men (of a different nationality than themselves) do. There was no call for marrying foreigners in this video. Russian “men” here have gone so crazy in their attempts to “more gracefully” insult girls that they simply humiliate themselves and their nation with such words and behavior. And also future (or already) heads of the family... Shame. What difference does it make to you with a guy, what nationality these girls meet? If they did not find suitable and worthy men in their country, then why immediately “cheating” and so on? What nonsense? Maybe the problem then is not with women, but with men, if Russians are increasingly finding husbands abroad rather than in their own country? Not? Maybe they don’t like such vile, disgusting and trash men of their country who insult everyone and everything for no reason?
With such words and behavior, “men,” you only push girls of your nationality away from you, because you show disrespect in all your “glory.” You should be ashamed. It’s scary to imagine where you grew up and with whom you were pouring out such aggression and verbal diarrhea on people who never said a bad word about you.

And thank you very much to the girls for telling us about some of the features of a different national culture :)

Like if you saw their husbands in GTA San Andreas!

Why didn’t they touch on the point about what kind of womanizers they are? I have been living in America for 10 years. Almost all of my friends are Latinos. And my boyfriends were Latinos. Argentinean and Mexican. I really don’t know another nation where men cheat so much, and their women also like to go to the left. All the Latinos I know cheat on their girlfriends, fiancees and wives. And believe me, I have a lot of acquaintances, friends, and even Latinos who beat up guys. I know that a lot of Russian guys cheat too, but Latinos are 100% straight. As friends they are certainly cool but serious relationship It's better not to start with them.

Dom perignon

Yes, the comments of male individuals, who cannot be called men, speak for themselves! They really don’t like the fact that such beauties leave with men from other countries. They can’t draw conclusions due to underdevelopment of the brain. Good luck to you in your new life, girls! You are beautiful and you will succeed!

Yulianna Sobol

In my opinion, such a comparison is disgusting from the lips of Russian girls, and they also say that men are “male”, but, for the most part, we are not looking for Asian or African women (although there are breathtaking beauties), and many girls, in in particular, in the countries of the Middle East, they are well brought up, which, I think, is important for a man. Don't deceive yourself and others - it's not you, it's you....All over the world.

Alimkhan Bdyashev

Kudakhtakht akh. Po-po-pok. Cluck-cluck-tah-tah.

You can summarize the comments and draw conclusions from moaning Russian women:
1) there are no men in Russia
2) she alone carries a thousand people, visits children’s homes and at the same time cuts down forests on Saturdays
3) all Russian guys are drunk and incapable of anything
4) having gotten married, she doesn’t want to get married because it’s too hard and they didn’t teach her anything
5) they come abroad - they are fucked and then thrown out
7) they return to Russia.

And the conclusion is this: Russian guys have weakened their power in the country, and the ladies have gotten very greedy. such a schedule. And the videos usually reek of propaganda and Russophobia.

Andrey Korobov

Would you rather tell me what your husband does, where he works, who he works for, or does he just dance and apply creams and use drugs in between?


So you need to remember this is a normal topic)).

I can imagine these gopniks coming up to you, like give me the phone to call, and you

Lyokha zOyBiRg

In fact, everything is correct, I had a Spanish wife and a bunch of Canadians, Americans, French women, etc... now - no one except Russians

And you yourself will understand everything when you grow up

And Latinos are in the trash right away, if only they had married an Arab. and by the way, the girls were (and are) MUCH more beautiful than these stupid 2 sluts

Hola Olga Rojas, vi tu video en otro canal de youtube y estaba subtitulado al todo perfecto contigo y tu amiga el unico detalle es HABLAS DEMACIADO RAPIDO:)


Olya, it’s always interesting to learn about the characters, traditions, and customs of other nations, other countries, if your consciousness is not limited to the nightly study of the influence of brewer’s yeast on the human brain. Don't pay attention to this negativity, it comes from dissatisfaction with life. I'll leave mine positive feedback, since self-development and broadening one’s horizons are one of the main priorities in life. Interesting and lively conversation, I feel like I’m with you in Central Park)) Thank you! Good luck!

Tatiana Ermishina

Her curves are just not good either. Board. No offense.

I was very pleased with the fact that Latin American men are not afraid to express their feelings. Otherwise, all these stupid stereotypes I'm a man means the face should be a refrigerator only ruin life!

Elena Kondrateva

I listened to the girls and got the impression that the Latin men good husbands for life in some prosperous Mediterranean country. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems to me that they don’t have enough “traction” to live in Russia (somewhere in the Tyumen region or Krasnoyarsk Territory). Especially in our rural areas.

And Dud

In general, it makes sense to talk about marriage with someone after at least 10 years life together. The first years of marriage are one thing, but many years of marriage are another. At first everything seems like a fairy tale. As life shows, many people living in Latin America return to Russia after ten years. So, wait and see how your marriage ends. In the meantime, your video looks as if you met a guy, met once, and then you tell your girlfriend how cool he is, and soon it turns out that he is “a jerk, like all men.”


"There is nothing worse than wandering in foreign lands." - Homer. 8th century BC e.

I looked at the comments - where did so many come from? evil people? I think it's envy. Not everyone manages to leave Russia. And what difference does it make who sleeps with whom and who marries whom? Guys from the comments, pass by if you have so much negativity.
Olga, you speak very well, you are tongue-tied. Nice to watch and listen to. I wish you and your husband happiness!

Nina Murzilkina

I wonder why the Latnos guys are beautiful and their girls are scary, but on the contrary, our Russian girls are beautiful, and the guys are sad shit both in mind and in appearance