Map for minecraft nuclear apocalypse. Nuclear apocalypse

Following Donald Trump's announcement of the use nuclear weapons The hands of the Doomsday Clock, which reflects the level of danger of nuclear war, have moved forward by 30 seconds. The decision was made after analyzing new risks. This suggests that in America they are aware of the possibility of such a development of events and want to protect themselves as much as possible from time pressure.

A nuclear conflict may begin due to unforeseen developments in Ukraine, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, or during US military maneuvers near the borders of the DPRK. We will take this scenario as the most likely.

Korea is a hot spot in Southeast Asia

Pyongyang conducted five nuclear tests: in 2006, 2009, 2013 and 2016, with two last year. After this, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against the DPRK and issued resolutions prohibiting it from developing nuclear weapons and means of their delivery. Pyongyang did not recognize these documents.

According to the military-strategic plans of the US Department of Defense, there are possible options for the use of American armed forces in Southeast Asia, including to help South Korea in the event of an escalation of the situation. In particular, the Committee of Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces has created two constantly adjusted plans for conducting combat operations in Asia with the use of nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons). One concerns participation in defense South Korea from possible intervention (OPLAN 5027). The other is intended to ensure the protection of the Korean Peninsula from invasion by potential enemy forces in the event of any other emergencies and events that may occur there (OPLAN 5077).

China is another headache for the United States. In January, Beijing redeployed DF-41 intercontinental ballistic missiles to the northeastern part (Heilongjiang province), bordering the Russian Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. The launch weight of the DF-41 is about 80 tons. For comparison: the weight of the Russian Topol-M mobile-based ICBM does not exceed 46.5 tons. The DF-41 can carry up to ten multiple warheads with a yield of 150 kilotons each or have a monoblock warhead greater than one megaton. Flight range is from 12 to 15 thousand kilometers. The redeployment demonstrates the need for the Chinese armed forces to strike the mainland United States. The positional area of ​​Chinese ICBMs turns out to be closer, for example, to Chicago than to Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Taking into account the officially announced and already implemented geostrategic priorities of the team of the new American president, who has named China as the main threat, Beijing’s military preparations are taking on a completely different color. In the near future, China may well face unfriendly, or even openly hostile, actions by the United States, and not only of an economic nature. Trump's alleged anti-Chinese steps could include an escalation of tensions around Taiwan and a return to the issue of the legality of China's presence on the disputed islands in the South China Sea. These are the weakest points foreign policy Washington can easily use Beijing to resolve the “Chinese issue.”

Timeline of Armageddon

Americans have quite specific plans untying and leading modern wars, taking into account the practice of using two nuclear bombs in World War II, as well as an analysis of the results of exercises using nuclear weapons. Command and staff games are in use, in which numerous scenarios are rehearsed, compiled by research institutes (such as the Brookings Institution) and centers (the Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University). And everywhere in the final part - nuclear war. Moreover, two specific options are being considered for its start in 2019 and 2020, despite the fact that the final result is mutual destruction of the warring parties. The supposed enemy is a coalition of Russia and China.

Analysts in the USA and Russia calculated how events would develop using supercomputers in hours and minutes.

August 2019. Beijing says it has military power and can thwart any attempts by Taiwan to declare independence. Warns that its nuclear weapons arsenal could be used against American carrier strike forces if the Americans interfere in China's internal affairs.

March 2020. Taiwan's new leadership removes the ruling Nationalist Party from power through elections. At the helm in Taipei is the Democratic Progressive Party (DDP).

April 2020. The PRC signs an agreement with the Russian Federation on the joint use of the GLONASS navigation system. Gains the ability to install its elements on warships and other weapon systems, which significantly increases their combat capabilities and guidance accuracy.

May 2020. Chen Shui-bian was inaugurated as President of Taiwan. In his first speech, Chen denounces the “Two Countries, One Nation” agreement with China and declares that during his tenure in office he intends to build the country’s policy as independent of the PRC.

June 2020. China breaks off all contacts with Taiwan. The news of Mr. Chen's presidential speech is brought to the attention of the Chinese public, and this causes concern within the country. Chinese officials have harbored hatred of the United States since the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade during the Kosovo War.

August 2020. The United States is beginning to supply Taiwan with weapons necessary to create an “anti-missile shield” on the island’s territory, in particular the Patriot PAC 2.

September 2020. Chinese fighters are being deployed to Fujian province, located near Taiwan.

October 2020. The United States is sending the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk with a group of escort ships to Sydney, under the guise of conducting a mission there “ goodwill" Beijing is deploying several ships of its navy to the conflict area. American government declares its determination to defend Taiwan from aggression.

November 1, 2020. The Australian ECHELON communication intercept system at Pine Gap records an increase in the intensity of military communications between Beijing and a combat group in the Taiwan area.

November 4, 2020, 4.00. China launches a CSS-7 SRBM missile, equipped with a 250-kiloton nuclear warhead, against heavily defended Taiwanese facilities. At the same time over Taipei high altitude A nuclear device that emits a powerful electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) is detonated. The main radio-electronic equipment, command and control systems of the Taiwanese Armed Forces are disabled. Shortly after the HEMP detonation, a significant number of cruise missiles are launched against the main military installations located on the island. They put most of the country's 400 combat aircraft out of action. An armada of Chinese warships is blockading Taiwan's main ports.

November 9, 2020. American fighters attack the enemy in mainland China and in this chaos the plane Russian President, who by that time accidentally found himself over one of the NATO countries, is forced to make an emergency landing, but he makes attempts to return to his homeland. War is declared on the Russian Federation as an ally of the PRC.

Descent into Chaos

November 11, 2020. Russia attacks US military satellites: two ground-based laser systems are used to disable reconnaissance vehicles flying in low orbits around the Earth. Interceptors are launched designed to destroy or destroy spacecraft in other orbits. Part of the Russian civilian population is taking refuge in bomb shelters and metro tunnels, and is being transported from cities to towns and villages.

November 12, 2020. Fighting global scale with the use of nuclear weapons will begin when the Russian Federation carries out a disarming nuclear strike (as Russia launches a preemptive strike). More than a thousand Russian missiles, carrying 5,400 warheads, are launched as a counterforce strike against the United States and its NATO allies.

12.05 PM CDT. Nuclear explosions occur on several Russian satellites in low orbits while passing over US territory. Most unprotected computers and related equipment break down, communication systems, information stored in storage devices, and electricity supply systems on a nationwide scale are destroyed. Vehicles using electronic equipment fail. Civilian and military casualties are observed. Numerous civilian systems and structures in the continental United States were disabled.

American strategic bombers take off from permanent airfields. The air force includes twenty B-2s and five B-3s in Texas, with four of them flying out of Bergstrom Air Force Base, located near Austin. 25 aircraft carry 400 nuclear bombs and missiles.

12.10 PM CDT. NATO Pershing II and Griffin missiles stationed in Europe are launched at targets in Russia and the CIS.

Russian submarines armed with ballistic missiles strike designated targets in the United States. 55 warheads out of 76 missiles launched from SSBNs reach the target. Each explosion creates a fireball that emits intense light for about 10 seconds. All flammable materials and objects located at a distance of three to nine kilometers ignite. People and animals located 6.5–18.5 kilometers away suffer second-degree burns. The atmospheric shock wave from each nuclear explosion causes complete or partial destruction of all buildings within a radius of 1.5–4.5 kilometers.

12.50 PM CDT. A massive attack of American missiles launched from SSBNs overcomes the missile defense system around Moscow. The nuclear strike involves SLBMs from the United States, Great Britain and France. About 200 missiles reach their intended targets (about 49 are destroyed by Moscow's missile defense systems). Most of the leaders of the Russian leadership, being in underground shelters, remain alive, but a significant part of the civilian population who were in subway tunnels and other shelters die within a few hours. The total affected area is about one hundred thousand square kilometers. There will be nothing alive left here.

In the United States, about 800 thousand people were killed, up to three million were wounded or injured.

1.00 PM CDT. The third wave of nuclear strikes reaches targets in the United States, 146 warheads fall on US territory. In the Rio Grande Valley, one warhead with a capacity of 350 kilotons exploded over the city of Brownsville, three 350-kiloton warheads exploded in the area of ​​the city of McAllen, and a 550-kiloton warhead exploded on the ground in the area. Harlingen and Cameroon County Airfield. Massive fires.

Total power of all nuclear explosions amounted to about 128 megatons (40 times more than all the exploded ammunition and conventional bombs and shells used during World War II). About three million five hundred thousand people were killed in the state of Texas.

2.00 PM CD. About 700 thousand square kilometers are burning in the United States, Russian territory– up to 250 thousand, about 180 thousand square kilometers – in Europe. Constant or periodically appearing and extinguishing flames are observed in a third of the territory American states– North Dakota, Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts.

As major dams and dams are destroyed as a result of nuclear explosions in the United States, water flows from reservoirs rushing into valleys, the beds of the largest rivers, such as the Missouri, Colorado and Tennessee, will suffer the most.

Results and consequences

5:00 PM CDT. Clouds formed after a series of nuclear explosions at altitudes of 100 to 300 kilometers are moved by winds, forming huge formations of smoke, ash and dust. In the darkness, under the formed clouds, the air cools noticeably.

Evaporation from the surface of the earth mixes with radioactive remnants of nuclear explosions and is deposited in places over which clouds pass. Radiation from fallout is so powerful that it causes radiation sickness in military and civilian survivors of a nuclear explosion. Black rain coming from clouds is radioactive - in some cases it is quite enough to cause skin burns.

The smoke generated by the burning of urban buildings is also radioactive and dangerous to life. Explosions and fires destroy 70 percent of the world's industrial potential.

12:00 am CDT November 13, 2020. The nuclear exchange ends. 5,800 nuclear warheads with a total yield of 3,900 megatons explode in the United States. Russian nuclear weapons have been successfully used in Europe. About 6,100 nuclear warheads with a total yield of 1,900 megatons have been detonated in Russia. During a global nuclear war, about 50 percent of all strategic and tactical nuclear weapons were used up.

About 10% of all ammunition launched at targets and objects did not reach their targets, 30% were destroyed on the ground. In total, during the Third World War, 18 thousand nuclear warheads with a total capacity of 8500 megatons were blown up. Taking into account tactical nuclear weapons, there were 67 thousand nuclear weapons in the world.

In the US, a total of 110 million people died. In Russia – 40 million. Hundreds of thousands of victims in a number of CIS countries. On the territory of mainland China, about 900 million people were killed out of the country's two billion population.

As for the victims of nuclear war in other countries, in Great Britain 20 million people were killed (out of 57 million), in Belgium - two million (out of 5100 million people), in Australia - three million (out of 16 million people), in Mexico - more than three million, most of whom lived in cities bordering the United States.

The total number of people killed in a nuclear war is about 400 million.

9:00 AM CDT. People who survive exposure to the damaging factors of nuclear explosions have little chance of medical care. In the United States, there are only 80 thousand beds in special hospitals, while in the country there are about 20 million wounded and injured. About nine million people have suffered severe burns to their bodies, while only 200 beds remain in hospitals where people with burns can be treated varying degrees. There are enough large number victims of exposure to electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Fires continue, people receive additional exposure from induced radiation and other damaging factors.

November 18. Clouds of smoke in the northern part of the hemisphere spread and form a kind of plume around the earth, covering mainly the countries that took part in the conflict. Huge number smoke and dust in the atmosphere include about 1500 million tons and they, absorbing sunlight, block the sun.

November 20. The average dose of radioactivity in the United States after nuclear attacks is about 500 roentgens. By comparison, a dose of 100 roentgens received over a week causes illness in half of the people exposed to radiation. Up to 50 percent of people who received a dose of 450 roentgens short time will die within 30 days. With a received dose of radioactivity of 1500 roentgens, almost everyone will die within 10 days.

People staying indoors for one week reduce their radiation dose by about 70 percent.

For the entire United States, the average radiation dose in open areas is 1200 roentgens. For Russians who are in approximately the same conditions - 150 roentgens. The difference is that in Russia nuclear weapons are more powerful and the territory is larger. In European countries, people in open areas can receive an average radiation dose of 500 roentgens. Radioactive fallout falls on the ground completely differently in density and volume: in the United States, infection doses of more than 1800 roentgens are found in eight percent of rural areas; radiation doses of more than 500 roentgens in Russia cover only one percent of the territory.

December 20. In the Northern Hemisphere, smoke in the lower atmosphere begins to dissipate while at higher altitudes it still absorbs sunlight. Marked strong winds in some coastal areas. Fogs shroud the ocean coasts, and smoke envelops North America and Eurasia. U large quantity Civilians and personnel suffering from high doses of radiation experience additional symptoms of radiation sickness: hair loss and leukopenia.

December 25th. Smoke in the northern part of the hemisphere covers most of sunlight and due to the fact that it penetrated into the atmosphere, most The ozone hole has moved to the Southern Hemisphere.

Naval fighting between NATO and Russian navies has eased. In the US Navy, out of 15 aircraft carriers, three were destroyed by Russian submarines on the first day of the war, and another five were destroyed in ports a little later.

Most civilian satellites have been disabled. In orbit, other spacecraft are damaged by fragments, radiation from exploded nuclear weapons begins to be oriented by the magnetic force lines of the Earth, turning the space around it into a dead zone for many years...

These are the forecast estimates of the development and consequences of the nuclear apocalypse. I would really hate for this gloomy scenario to ever become a reality. But it is a stark reminder that the possibility of nuclear global catastrophe very high. Therefore, in the near future, the leaders of the USA, Russia, China, and other countries must take comprehensive measures to save humanity from falling into the abyss.

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We offer you a cool map that will take us to a time after the nuclear apocalypse. You will find yourself in a fairly large town, which may well be the last on earth. There will still be some small settlements nearby that are still holding out in this harsh time.

If you search, you can soon stumble upon the remains of a military base with useful resources. While surviving in this dangerous area, you will have to use skills and abilities, and acquire some on the go. Cool graphics and a fascinating, well-thought-out plot.

What exactly the backstory was, the game is silent. We only know that a nuclear war happened. You yourself will create history from scratch in dangerous world. Be prepared for the most unusual and frightening things.

You are one of the lucky ones who survived. During the day you will have to look for resources in the destroyed wasteland. And at the same time explore the area. And at night you have to fight off the hordes of creatures that have invaded the new world. They will regularly try to infiltrate the city and eat you.

A giant nuclear wasteland is exactly what this map has in store for you. If you are ready to plunge into this world full of... scary monsters, and challenge fate, then all that remains is to download the nuclear apocalypse map for minecraft.

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When I was exposed to a monstrous attack Japanese city Hiroshima. Fortunately, humanity no longer dared to repeat such fatal mistakes. In the cinema nuclear apocalypse is a fairly common topic. However, in films such stories are not revealed with the aim of demonstrating the superiority of one state over another, but are a warning to everyone about the dire consequences of using prohibited weapons. Let's look at which films about the nuclear apocalypse deserve the attention of a wide audience.

"The Book of Eli" (2009)

Our list of films about the nuclear apocalypse opens with the film “The Book of Eli.” The story tells about the lives of people who are on the verge of extinction. Civilization fell into complete decline after terrible disaster. Devastation, chaos, hunger and poverty reign everywhere. Clinging to the last chance for existence, people turned into aggressive, soulless creatures, ready to commit any crime in search of water and provisions.

The only person who manages to resist his animal instincts in the atmosphere of a nuclear apocalypse is Eli, a sage and philosopher from the highway. The word of God guides him forward. The hero wanders through deserted spaces, protecting Scripture. Soon, Eli's path is confronted by a gang of the powerful tyrant Carnegie, who plans to enslave the survivors and become the sole ruler of Earth. Will the saint be able to resist anger and blasphemy on the way to his cherished goal?

"Letters from a Dead Man" (1986)

The film is the first example of a good Soviet post-apocalyptic film from director Konstantin Lopushansky. The film, the script of which was developed in collaboration with himself, gives his own view of how life would have turned out if there had been an armed confrontation during the “ cold war" After all, during that difficult period, the US intentions to blow up the USSR were seriously considered. Nuclear apocalypse as a result of the confrontation between two superpowers - this was the theme chosen by the authors of the film.

The plot of the picture introduces the viewer to Nobel laureate named Larson The latter sends letters daily to his missing son, who was lost after a disaster that occurred as a result of an accidental nuclear explosion at one of the American military bases. At this time, the remnants of humanity, hiding in underground shelters and catacombs, are trying to establish a new social system. The finale of the film is an eloquent warning to humanity on behalf of real world scientists about the dangers of nuclear technology.

Dr. Strangelove, or How I Stopped Being Afraid and Loved the Bomb (1964)

Let's continue to review the best films about the nuclear apocalypse. Without any doubt, perhaps the most sensational film about the global crisis in the entire history of cinema deserves the attention of a wide audience. It's about about the film by the cult director Stanley Kubrick - “Doctor Strangelove, or How I Stopped Being Afraid and Loved the Bomb,” which was released back in 1964. The film, based on Peter George's literary work Red Alert, was released at the height of the Cold War.

According to the plot, a certain high rank of the American army - General Ripper gives the order to blow up the USSR. The nuclear apocalypse here is not happening in reality, but in the minds of powerful, self-righteous politicians. Fortunately, the entire confrontation ultimately boils down to just satirical verbal skirmishes in the offices of the leaders of world powers.

"Testament" (1983)

“Testament” is a powerful message to humanity about the horrors and hardships that await all of us after a nuclear war. The director of the film, Lynn Titman, managed to fully reveal the theme of human existence in conditions of a large-scale disaster.

The story takes the viewer to a city that becomes a real cemetery after a nuclear bomb attack. Absolutely everything turns out to be contaminated with fatal radiation, including life-saving water supplies. Without access to safe food, mothers are forced to feed their children poisonous breast milk. Adults drag out miserable lives in the hope of help from those in power. However, salvation never comes.

It is worth noting that the film “Testament” has a very weak plot. But the strength of the film is not in the complex and intricate narrative, but in the amazing acting. Conveyed especially realistically great game young actors involved in the film.

When the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred, the world found itself on the brink of a global catastrophe - a large-scale nuclear war between two superpowers, the USSR and America. What would the remnants of human civilization be like after a massive exchange of blows? The military, of course, predicted the outcome using computers. They like to calculate everything, this is their strong point.

Walter Mondale once said that “there will be no World War III veterans.” Contrary to this seemingly absolutely correct remark, in just a few decades since the creation of the atomic bomb, the world has turned into a huge powder keg. Although, if it were gunpowder. By the end of the Cold War, the number of strategic nuclear warheads and related medium-range munitions alone in the arsenals of NATO and the Organization Warsaw Pact exceeded 24,000 units.

Their total power was 12,000 Megatons, more than enough to repeat the tragedy in Hiroshima approximately a million times. And this does not take into account tactical nuclear weapons, various mines filled with atomic warheads, torpedoes and artillery shells. Without an arsenal of chemical warfare agents. Not counting bacteriological and climate weapons. Would this be enough to bring about Armageddon? Calculations showed that - behind the eyes.

Of course, it was difficult for analysts to take into account all the factors, but they tried, in various institutions. The forecasts turned out to be frankly depressing. It has been calculated that during a large-scale nuclear war, the parties will be able to rain down on each other about 12,000 bombs and missiles of various bases with a total capacity of about 6,000 Mt. What could this number mean?

And this means massive attacks, first of all, on headquarters and communications centers, locations of intercontinental ballistic missile silos, air defense positions, large military and naval formations. Then, as the conflict grows, it will be the turn of industrial centers, or, in other words, cities, that is, areas with a high degree of urbanization and, of course, population density. Some nuclear warheads would be detonated above the surface to cause maximum damage, and some would be detonated at high altitudes to destroy satellites, communications systems and the power grid.

Once upon a time, at the height of the Cold War, the military strategy that implied all this madness was called the second strike doctrine. American Defense Secretary Robert McNamara defined it as “mutually assured destruction.” American generals calculated that the US Army and Navy would have time to destroy about a quarter of the population of the USSR and more than half its industrial capacities before they themselves are destroyed.

We should probably not forget that in terms of the invention of new weapons, humanity has advanced much further than in the manufacture of anti-cancer drugs, so the American “Little Boy” bomb, which destroyed Hiroshima in August 1945, is nothing compared to modern exhibits. So, for example, the power of the SS-18 Satan strategic missile is about 20 Mt (that is, millions of tons in TNT equivalent). This is approximately one and a half thousand “Kids”.

“The thicker the grass, the easier it is to mow.”

This phrase was said by Alaric, the legendary Gothic leader, who made proud Rome tremble. In a hypothetical nuclear war, residents of all large cities without exception would become this very grass. About 70% of the population Western Europe, North America and former USSR consisted of city dwellers and suburbanites. If they exchanged massive nuclear strikes, they would be doomed to immediate death. Calculations show that the explosion of even a bomb as obsolete by today’s standards as “Baby” over a city the size of New York, Tokyo or Moscow would result in the immediate death of millions of people. Just imagine what losses could be caused by the use of thousands of atomic, hydrogen and neutron bombs.

This, at one time, was more or less accurately predicted. As a result of a large-scale nuclear war, most of the cities of the warring parties were prepared for the fate of radioactive ruins. The shock waves and heat pulse would destroy buildings and highways, bridges, dams and levees over areas of millions of square kilometers in a matter of seconds. This is not so much in relation to the entire land surface of the Northern Hemisphere. But it is quite enough for the beginning of the end.

The number of people who evaporated, burned, died in the rubble or received a lethal dose of radiation should have been seven figures. Electromagnetic pulses, which spread over tens of thousands of kilometers during high-altitude nuclear explosions, caused paralysis of all power supply and communication systems, destroyed all electronics and would lead to an accident at those thermal and nuclear power plants that miraculously managed to survive the bombing.

Most likely, they would disrupt the Earth's electromagnetic field. As a result, this would provoke destructive natural disasters: hurricanes, floods, earthquakes.

There is an assumption according to which, with the massive use of weapons mass destruction The position of the Earth relative to the Sun would change. But we will not deal with this hypothesis, we will limit ourselves to such “trifles” as the destruction of storage facilities for spent nuclear power plant assemblies, and the depressurization of military laboratories producing bacteriological weapons. Some next superflu, hundreds of times deadlier than the notorious “Spanish flu,” once released, would finish the job that was started by the cholera and plague pandemics raging over radioactive rubble, overflowing with decaying corpses.

Humanity has accumulated millions of tons of toxic chemical waste, primarily dioxin-containing. Occasional accidents, in which a small part of them end up in river basins, lead to environmental disasters local scale. It’s better not to imagine what could happen in a disaster on a one-to-one scale. Serious scientific sources they assure you this difficult question have not been explored in depth. As you can see, it is unnecessary. And it is clear that this would be the end.

Bah, we forgot about penetrating radiation - the fourth factor behind thermal radiation, shock wave and electromagnetic pulse, which distinguishes nuclear weapons from other products that are designed to destroy their own kind. Radioactive contamination would have poisoned colossal territories, the regeneration of which would have taken centuries. In rural areas, crops would be damaged by radiation, leading to starvation among the survivors.

Increased doses of radiation are a source of cancer, pathologies in newborns and genetic mutations due to disruption of DNA chains. In a post-apocalyptic world, after the health care systems are destroyed, these issues from the field of modern medicine would move under the jurisdiction of sorcerers, because the survival of individual doctors does not at all mean the preservation of medicine as a whole. The millions burned and maimed at the first stage of a nuclear conflict, immediately after the exchange of blows, do not count. They would have died in the first hours, days and months after the nuclear Apocalypse. Long before the advent of healers.

"And those of you who survive will envy the dead"

And these ominous words were spoken by John Silver, one of the most famous heroes English writer R. L. Stevenson. They are said on a completely different occasion, but surprisingly fit into the context of describing the world after a nuclear war. Scientists agreed that nitrogen oxides generated in the fireballs of nuclear explosions would be thrown into the stratosphere, where they would destroy the ozone layer. Restoring it could take decades, and this is at best - at our level scientific knowledge it is impossible to predict the timing more accurately. Once upon a time (about 600 million years ago), the ozone layer of the stratosphere played the role of a kind of cradle of life, protecting the Earth's surface from the deadly ultraviolet radiation of the Sun.

According to a report by the American National Academy of Sciences, the explosion of 12,000 megatons of nuclear weapons could destroy 70% of the ozone layer over the Northern Hemisphere - presumably the theater of war - and 40% over the Southern Hemisphere, which would lead to the most disastrous consequences for all forms of life. Humans and animals would go blind, burns and skin cancers would become commonplace. Many plants and microorganisms would disappear forever, completely and irrevocably.

“Our arrows will block the Sun from you”

This famous phrase: “Our arrows will block the sun from you,” said the envoy of the Persian king Xerxes to the Spartan king Leonidas, who fortified himself in the Thermopylae pass. Leonidas’ answer is known from history books: “Well, that means we will fight in the shadows.” Fortunately, the brave Spartans did not know the consequences of using nuclear weapons. In the “shadow cast by atomic arrows,” there would simply be no one to fight.

In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, due to water pipelines destroyed by the shock wave, it was impossible to localize the fires. A “firestorm” developed. This is the name of a powerful fire that causes intense vortex movement of air. The city was covered with a huge thundercloud, and it began to rain - black, greasy and oily. Attempts to fight the fire, which was caused by an atomic flash and many short circuits in electrical networks, ended in complete fiasco.

We can say with absolute certainty that in the event of a large-scale nuclear war, there could be no talk of any such attempts, because there would simply be no one to put out the fires. In general, the fire would have spread in earnest, compared to the sea of ​​flames that engulfed Dresden after the ritual raids of allied aircraft. Nowadays, industrial centers contain colossal reserves of paper, wood, petroleum, lubricants, gasoline, kerosene, plastics, rubber and other flammable materials that are capable of blazing and darkening the sky to blackness. Ejecting millions of tons of smoke particles, ash, highly toxic substances and highly dispersed radioactive dust into the atmosphere over the Northern Hemisphere.

Calculations prove that in a few days impenetrable clouds comparable in size to continents would cover the Sun over Europe and North America, and impenetrable darkness would fall on the Earth. The air temperature would drop by 30 - 40°C. Earth's surface was struck by bitter frosts, which in a short period of time would have turned it into permafrost. The cooling would continue for centuries, aggravated by a gradual decrease in ocean temperatures. That is, the end result of a large-scale nuclear war is a climate catastrophe.

At first, due to significant temperature differences between the continents and the ocean, severe storms would arise. Then, as the temperatures dropped, they would have calmed down a little, the surfaces of the seas and oceans would have been covered first with ice chips, and then with hummocks. Even at the equator it would become more than cool, about -50 degrees Celsius! Animals and plants that would survive a nuclear cataclysm would certainly die from such cold weather. There would be total extinction. The jungle would turn into a forest bound by severe frosts, a taiga of dead vines and palm trees. Well, people who could miraculously survive would probably know that there is real hunger.

Radiation would permeate almost everything - air, water, and soil. Surviving viruses and insects, having undergone powerful mutations, would spread new ones fatal diseases. A few years after a nuclear war, a population of seven billion would be, at best, an insignificant shadow - about 20 million people scattered across the Earth immersed in nuclear twilight. Maybe it would have been Twilight of the Gods. Humanity would return to its primitive state under incomparably worse conditions environment. I don’t want to think about looting, ritual murders and cannibalism, but probably the most terrible pictures of the apocalypse drawn by science fiction writers would become commonplace.

Degenerate descendants of the Normans

There is no doubt that humanity would be very lucky if it were able to survive the cataclysm at all. And what kind of knowledge would he have preserved, and the memories of cars, airplanes or televisions passed down from generation to generation would not become akin to the legends that Plato brought to us. Albert Einstein once said: “I don’t know what weapons it will be with, but I know for sure that the Fourth World War will be with stones and sticks.” Do you think this is not a particularly optimistic forecast? And just imagine yourself as Robinson on desert island and honestly admit: will you be able to recreate a hot water supply system, design a radio receiver or just a telephone?

Alexander Gorbovsky in his book “Fourteen Thousand Years Ago” cited as an example the fate of the Norman settlements that were founded in the 14th century on the coast of North America. Their sad fate is very indicative. In a nutshell it looks like this. The colonists brought with them from Scandinavia knowledge of pottery, the ability to smelt and process metal. But when communication with the metropolis was interrupted, they found themselves assimilated by local Iroquoian tribes, who were at a much lower stage of development, and knowledge was lost forever. The descendants of the settlers were thrown back into the Stone Age.

When European conquerors arrived in these places 200 years later, they found only tribes that were light-skinned and used a number of Scandinavian words. And, that was all! The great-grandchildren of the Vikings had no idea of ​​the crumbling, moss-covered structures that had once been iron smelters and mining shafts. But they didn’t have a nuclear winter...