A museum you want to return to. Museum riddles

Abidova Dilora
NOD "Museum of my city"

Topic " My City Museum"



Expand children's knowledge about museums of the city of Nyagan.

Give an idea of ​​the purpose museums.


Develop an interest in the history of your native land.

Shape careful attitude to cultural heritage

Develop the ability to make a pattern from two elements: square and triangle, combine two close ones in color colors: blue with blue.


Form and activate a vocabulary, introduce new words and phrases into speech (tour guide, museum exhibit, architectural ensemble)

Cultivate love for family city.

Methods and techniques:

- verbal: story-conversation of the teacher, literary word;

- visual: slide show "Species museums» , « Museum - cultural center » city ​​of Nyagan;

- practical: making an ornament on a doll’s fur coat

Travel game;


Methods of stimulation and motivation of activity children:

game motivation, verbal encouragement.

Preliminary work:

1. Examination of illustrations in encyclopedias about city Nyagan and its attractions.

2. Reading fiction O city ​​of Nyagan, reading fairy tales of the Khanty people.

3. Didactic games on patriotic education.

4. Excursions: in local history museum, around the garden.

5. Conversations about city ​​of Nyagan, about the professions of people who live and work in Nyagan.

6. Show slide pictures about city ​​of Nyagan, about the Yugra region.

Equipment: computer presentation about the excursion to « Museum and cultural center» city ​​of Nyagan, "Species museums» ; video film; invitation to a tour; pictures depicting the Khanty peoples, a doll in a fur coat, handout for applique (squares, triangles, glue, napkins.

Types of differentiated approach:

1. According to individual psychological characteristics

By level of achievement.

2. By organizational form training

Frontal form of organization of children,

Individual work with a child.

3. According to the form of providing pedagogical support to children

Additional questions

Related instructions, instructions,

A partial sample of the task.

Progress of the lesson

Main part:

Today, guys, we will learn a lot of interesting and new things about museums.

Guys, we received an email. Let's see it. (An envelope is shown on the screen).

Sound writing. Riddle about museum.

Who can tell me what it is museum? (Answers children: the museum is a place, a room where antiques are collected and preserved; take care of them, show them to people).

Guys, we were in museum on excursion(application).

Who gave the tour to museum? (Children answer: tour guide)

What are the names of things that are in museum? (Answers children: exhibits).

What exhibits did you see in museum? (Children's answers).

First slide: in this window we saw the horns and tooth of a bison, a mammoth fang, and a shark tooth.

Second slide: objects of the Khanty peoples. Lamp, irons, samovar.

Third slide: items hunting: bear trap, fish trap, ermine trap, boat.

Fourth slide: clothes and toys of peoples Khanty: daytime cradle, dolls for girls – Akan, Deer from a duck’s beak for boys.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Guys, after working with a laptop, you need to do some eye exercises.

1. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds and open them. (Repeat 3-4 times).

2. Let’s blink quickly so that what we see doesn’t have time to disappear. (Repeat 3-4 times).

3. Now close your eyes and stroke with your hands,

We will dream about our beloved mother.

Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids with your fingertips. (Repeat 3-4 times).

4. Look to the right with your eyes - one, two, three,

Look to the left with your eyes - one, two, three. (Repeat 3-4 times).

Look right - left.

5. The finger moves towards the nose, and then back,

We are very pleased to see him. (Repeat 3-4 times).

Extend your hand forward. Watch the tip of your finger, slowly bringing it closer to your nose, and then also slowly moving it back. (Repeat 3-4 times).

Guys, all these exhibits people donated them to the museum who are engaged in excavations, and ordinary people, residents of our city ​​of Nyagan.

Video about the donor museum Chipigin Vera Nikolaevna.

Guys, what do you know? museums? (Children's answers)

- Museums are different. (Slides, teacher’s story about the types museum and their purpose).

Email (envelope). Invitation with "Crafts Culture Center small peoples north" on "Crow's Feast".

Productive part:

Guys, let's go visit and prepare a postcard as a gift.

You have a badge on your chest, look what color it is. Find an icon of the same color on the table, go to your workshop.

Children sit at a table on which there are accessories for appliqué.

Guys, look how beautiful this fur coat is, it’s all embroidered with ornaments. (I show 4 pictures depicting people of the indigenous Khanty population in fur coats. We look at the ornament on the clothes). Each ornament has its own meaning. There are many types of ornaments. Here are some of them: "deer antlers", "bunny ears", "pike teeth", "man on reindeer" and others (showing ornaments). Today we will get acquainted with the ornament "pike teeth".

We consider the location of the ornament on the doll’s clothes, a sample on the board.

Triangles are depicted on the edge of the fur coat - an ornament "pike teeth". On the sleeves and in the front there are squares with triangles - this is an ornament "The Horns of a Young Deer". Today we will use the ornament in our work "Pike Teeth" And "The Horns of a Young Deer".

I give my own to the children at every table. exercise:

1 subgroup of children: sign yellow- decorate the edge of the fur coat;

2nd subgroup of children: green sign - decorate the sleeves of a fur coat;

3 - 4 subgroups of children: A red sign decorates the front of the fur coat.

Gymnastics for arms.

One, two, three, four, five, let's stretch our fingers (clapping for every word).

This is Vanya (shows thumbs,

The strongest, thickest and biggest (wiggles thumbs).

Styopa is needed to show it off (thumbs extended from fist, index fingers swaying).

And Sergei is the longest, and he stands in the middle (they take their middle fingers out of their fist,

And Matvey, he is nameless, he is the most spoiled (extend ring fingers).

And Nikita, although small, is very dexterous (extend little fingers) and deleted (straighten all fingers).

Now, guys, let's get to work.

When working, I remind the children how to carefully smear the shapes with glue and press them with a napkin. (I help children individually).

Your gifts for museum ready. When we go to museum on"Crow's Feast", we will definitely give these cards as a gift.

Guys, did you like your cards? (Children's answers).

What type of ornament have you depicted in your works? ( "Pike Teeth", "The Horns of a Young Deer").

What new did you learn today? (Children's answers).

Guys, I propose to organize an exhibition of your postcards in the group. Tomorrow when we go on an excursion to museum"Center for the Culture of Crafts of Small Peoples of the North", you will take your cards as a gift.

The guide told us,

How to get to such and such a hall.

We looked at the mummy

We saw what we were wearing.

Even a mammoth stands here,

He closed his eye as if he was sleeping.

If you are not a mouthful,

Then go quickly to... (museum)

Oh, there are a lot of plants here,

Many of them are blooming.

There are in pots, there are in greenhouses.

There are countless numbers of them.

Fortunately, not unfortunately,

We visited... (botanical garden)

All excursions are led

Man - ... (tour guide)

With backpacks and tent

Our class goes in order.

We all sing songs together,

We'll drink tea at the rest stop,

Let's bake potatoes in the fire.

We are a cheerful people

Just a little tired

Tired us all... (hiking)

We're driving around the city

And we observe them.

Places that are valuable to us

They represent themselves.

These could be parks, cultural museums,

Or maybe an architectural monument.

What are they called, do you know

Such places unearthly beauty? (Attractions)

We watched The Nutcracker

The stage and curtain glittered.

All the actors played like this -

We forgot about everything.

There were just no rats in sight

Because of the velvet... (backstage)

In the theater everything is called differently:

“Intermission” and “parterre” are difficult to remember.

Velvet curtains are called “curtains”,

And the people who play are... (actors)

The actors dress up and apply different makeup.

This room is very convenient and comfortable for them.

There are mirrors here, a chair and a shelf.

This room is... (dressing room)

In this cage there is a lion and a lioness,

And there lives a marten over there,

There are monkeys in cages nearby.

We walked in... (zoo)

Big screen and loud sound

No faces are visible, no hands are visible.

There is no light, the hall is so dark.

The whole class we came to... (cinema)

Demonstration of achievements

Arts or hobbies -

Cultures, sciences, cinema -

There will be one name. (Exhibition)

In the theater acts are divided among themselves

Those breaks that call... (intermissions)

She is there at school too,

Very similar to the theater.

All performances are required

We are shown on... (stage)

At the circus bright light flashes

The music is playing loudly.

Musicians and maestros

They are called... (orchestra)

The sky is full of stars during the day

With class we will only find it here.

There are people here, both young and old -

Everyone comes to... (planetarium)

We were at the planetarium

It was as if we had landed in space.

More interesting places No -

We saw five... (planets)

And also, I won't lie,

We looked at... (moon)

Yes, it was not in vain that we went,

We saw... (constellations)

What we cannot see with our eyes,

What can't be seen from Earth?

That device will immediately show

You just need to look. (Telescope)

They say that what is this planet,

There is no hotter planet.

And it became known to me

That it is closest to Earth.

The planet shines too much,

After all white... (Venus)

IN solar system planets

You won't find more than this.

This planet is made of gas,

There are no hard surfaces.

Rings surround her

What is the name of the planet? (Jupiter)

This planet


There are dust storms here

Geysers and sands,

Seas, polar caps

And even continents.

Named after the god of war.

Well, who, tell me, is she? (Planet Mars)

This is the first planet from the Sun.

And I'll tell you without a secret,

There is simply no smaller planet,

But it is full of craters.

She also spins the fastest.

Did you find out? What is the name of the planet? (Mercury)

The planet consists only of gas,

There is nothing more amazing than her -

Flat rings surround it.

What kind of planet? Who can guess? (Saturn)

The clowns made us laugh for two hours,

And the dogs began a canine waltz,

The acrobats climbed into the dome.

Where, tell me, are we today? (Circus)

Hippopotamus in the arena

He opened his square mouth.

He puts the bread as if in a ladle,

Hippopotamus... (trainer)

Raise them under the dome,

Like on strings of dolls.

They hover over the auditorium,

It's as if they're really flying.

Jumping, swinging,

They revolve around themselves. (gymnasts)

He throws balls into the air.

We know for sure: he will catch everything,

Not a single one will drop

He's the only one in the circus. (Juggler)

He walks on a tightrope

Not afraid that he will fall.

It won't fail without insurance.

Everyone loves... (tightrope walker)

Suddenly the ribbon became a rabbit,

The hat is full of butterflies.

The audience asks: “More! We don't have enough

Magic and witchcraft."

It turns out everything is simple,

I have no questions for the master.

He has not been a student for a long time,

He is good... (magician)

What's unusual about the circus building?

Tables instead of chairs? Or is there a hole in the dome?

No! Look, this is a wonderful scene!

It's round in shape! What is this? (Arena)

Here are ballerinas, ballerinas

They thanked us with a bow.

They danced wonderfully on stage,

And the hall was crowded.

There is no better performance in the world,

Why is this fabulous... (ballet)

There are plenty of pictures here,

Come all in it.

And artists' alley

Look in... (gallery)

It took a long, long time to gather

We were in a hurry, getting ready.

We took thermoses, a tent,

So that we can sleep sweetly in it.

A pot and matches too,

And we'll put in some more food.

We haven't forgotten anything

We took everything. And so,

Prepared for a long journey

And we went on... (hiking)

I packed for a hike

Bread, potatoes, matches, water.

Only in this knot

Didn't fit... (bowler)

Night has come on the hike,

Nowadays we sleep in nature.

The stars appeared in the sky

We washed ourselves from the lake.

Your sleep will be sound and sweet,

We are very warm in... (tent)

We're on the road with us

Wouldn't like to take a lot:

A book, matches, a bowler hat,

A couple of hats and stockings...

And also some sweets and a pillow

And your favorite toy...

It doesn't seem like much

But everything is not included in... (backpack)

We sat around him

They sang songs with a guitar,

Potatoes were baked on coals,

Everyone got a little bit.

And then we went to bed,

We had to fill it up. (Bonfire)

This has long been no secret in the theater,

There are dolls on the stage - there are no artists.

And they are controlled by a puppeteer,

And the people will be happy.

Dolls small, large,

Pot-bellied, kind and funny...

We sat on the fifth row,

We watched the performance with delight...

And now I want you to tell me

What theater did we all visit? (Puppet)

We learned a lot here,

Different horses seen...

They gave them oats to eat.

This is true - not miracles.

We even rode horseback

There was a trip to... (hippodrome)

The Pushkin Museum is full of secrets and mysteries. In the previous post I already showed which unexpected discoveries can be done by walking with a special tour through the halls of the museum. But the most amazing and strange composition that attracted the attention of the adult generation in the Middle Ages hall was

sculpture of the prophet. Guess who it is? I just ask you to be honest, without searching on the Internet, it’s more interesting. Comments will be hidden until tomorrow evening.

The answer is that this is indeed the prophet Moses. He is depicted at the moment when he, having descended from Mount Sinai with the commandments, discovered that his people, without waiting for a leader, had invented an idol for themselves - a golden calf, and worshiped it. And he is horned because of a translation error. This is the power of words! IN Latin translation The Bible, authored by Blessed Jerome, made a mistake in the word “qrn”, which means horn, ray, shone, radiated. So Moses became horned.

And here are the main experts: sarycheva_s , dracena_08 , martann , tata_lind , alba_ruthenia01 , jd_ganna

Here's more detail:
In the last post about Michael Angel's Moses, the question was asked why famous sculpture- horned. I decided to write a post on this topic.

The fact is that in the time of Michelangelo, Moses was actually considered horned. It was alleged that the prophet's horns grew after (and as a result of) a personal conversation with God on Mount Sinai. Allegedly, it was because of the horns of Moses that the Jews who worshiped the Golden Calf were so afraid.

Moreover, it is with horns that Moses is described in all Latin (that is, Catholic) texts of the Bible until the beginning of the 17th century.

Why was this exactly so and who dared to change the text of the Bible?

The fact is that the original text of the Tanakh ( Old Testament) - in Hebrew. But around the 3rd century BC. e. a Greek translation was made, the so-called Septuagint, or translation of the seventy. According to legend (recognized by Christians as a canon), 70 wise men translated the Tanakh separately from each other and received seventy completely identical texts in Greek, which was perceived by everyone as proof of the divine accuracy of the translation.

Because Greek was better known in the ancient world than Hebrew and Aramaic; they translated mainly the Septuagint into other languages, including Latin, only occasionally checking with the Hebrew original.

It was from Greek that Saint Jerome translated the Tanakh into Latin in the 4th century.

The translation was made into high level, catholic church recognized it as authoritative, although she considered it a matter of scholarship, and not of divine inspiration, and it would seem that some kind of canon could eventually be agreed upon. But the fact is that all the books were handwritten, and the scribes often made mistakes, made notes in the margins (which other scribes mistook for part of the text) or generally added to their own understanding. Therefore, in the Middle Ages - it just so happened - in Europe it was, perhaps, impossible to find two identical Bibles, and they differed quite strongly from country to country. And therefore, it was impossible to make any option mandatory for everyone down to the last point...

But in all these versions it was said: Ex. 34:29. “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, and the two tablets of the testimony were in Moses’ hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that his face became horned because God had spoken to him.”

And in general, this translation is quite correct. If you do not take into account that in the Hebrew tradition vowels were not written, and without vowels the words “ray”, “radiate”, “shine” are written in the same way as “horn”. And it would be no less correct to translate not “his face became horned”, but “his face began to emit light.”

The most interesting thing is that in the Septuagint the option “to emit light” was chosen, and for the Slavs Cyril and Methodius generally translated as evasively as possible “the image of the flesh of his face is glorified.” But Jerome preferred to consult the original and chose the version of Moses with horns, defining for centuries the Catholic tradition of depicting this prophet, which, by the way, was one of the points dividing Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

But the Latin text of the Bible was finally considered infallible only in 1604, when the so-called Clementine Vulgate was published. The final text took many years to agree on, with conflicts, intrigues and scandals, but given that printing had been around for a century, uniformity was (finally!) possible to maintain. And in Clement’s Vulgate, Moses’ face was no longer horned, but simply shone. The authority of Jerome remained the authority of Jerome, but the horns were recognized as his mistake...

Although it is difficult now, of course, to say whether this was truly an accidental mistake or whether it was a principled position.

The fact is that horns are ancient symbol divine power, analogous to the crown. Especially in Egypt, where the supreme god, Amon Ra, was depicted with the head of a ram and ram's horns were his symbol (and also the symbol of the moon god Yah and the creator of man, the god Khnum). There were many other gods as well. And in the perception of ancient people, the horns that grew on Moses’ head could mean that he was the executor of the divine will and that the Lord himself had appointed him ruler. Nowhere else in the Bible, except for the story of Moses, are horned people found, but, firstly, God very rarely spoke to people himself, usually angels did this on his behalf, the case with Moses was, although not unique, exceptional. It is logical that God, who appears so rarely, would do something special. Secondly, the luminous face of Moses seems no less incredible than his horns - there are no more such cases in the Bible. And thirdly, we do not know the entire complex of texts that initially accompanied this plot, but did not receive canonical status, were not included in the Bible and were lost over the centuries. So Saint Jerome in the 4th century may have simply heard something about Moses that we have no idea about now...
Taken from here

And a little about the “Well of the Prophets” or “Well of Moses” itself. The structure was originally a majestic pedestal of the sculptural group “Calvary”, lost in the 17th century, which was created by the outstanding Dutch sculptor Klaus Sluter together with his assistant Klaus de Verves, commissioned by the Burgundian Duke Philip the Bold for the Carthusian monastery of Champmol in Dijon. The well stood in the center of the pool and symbolized the source of life. The pedestal is decorated with six figures of major and minor Old Testament prophets, who hold in their hands scrolls with prophecies about the sacrificial death of Christ. Above the prophets are figures of mourning angels. Sluter created expressive and plastically powerful images. The prophets are united in pairs and contrastingly compared. Next to King David, majestic in his meekness, stands Jeremiah, aged from sorrow. The passion of the wise and righteous prophet Daniel, with which he points out the timing of the fulfillment of the prophecy, is contrasted with the thoughts of Zechariah about the essence of betrayal, the thoughts of the wise Isaiah set off the strength of spirit of the lawgiver and God-seer Moses.
information from the official website of the Pushkin Museum

Museums always attract people with their mystery and spiritual connection with history. Works of art different eras and movements, brilliant authors, ancient relics and still unsolved mysteries attract hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. Don Wildman, host of the TV show "Museum Mysteries" on the Travel Channel, examines the mysterious monuments of cultural and historical heritage. In search of extraordinary stories, he travels around the world to create unique video a tour of the most interesting and fascinating places on the planet. In the show "Museum Mysteries" he will visit famous museums in America and try to solve historical secrets and see with your own eyes the objects that the whole world is talking about! And in December, Don will continue his fascinating journey as part of the new show “Monumental Secrets”, he will go to and introduce viewers to the history and legends of the most amazing monuments located in, and. We invite you to go with Don to educational journey and learn about the most mysterious museums and ancient exhibits, the mysteries of which have not yet been solved.

The most mysterious museum in the world

The Louvre is certainly not only one of the most famous museums in the world, but also one of the most mysterious. Its collection includes exhibits from the period of the birth of ancient civilizations and delights tourists from all over the world. Until now, no one knows for sure where the name of the museum came from. According to one version, it arose from the ancient Saxon word “lower” - “fortress”, according to another - it is somehow connected with the word “loup” - “wolf”, and this is not surprising, because the Louvre was built on swamps, which were then literally filled with wolves. Another mystery of the museum is the sculpture of the Venus de Milo displayed here. Historians are still wondering who the author of this work of art is and why the sculpture has no hands? There is an opinion that the monument could initially have been created without these parts of the body, on the other hand, perhaps the marble goddess was holding something valuable in her hands... Some researchers claim that she had a mirror in her hands, others believe that it was a veil , with which she covered herself. IN lately the most popular story is about the French envoy to Russia, who allegedly managed to solve this mystery. He visited the Buttoni family, the head of which had once found Venus. His already elderly son replied that Venus had an apple in her hands!

This assumption created a real sensation: the unusual turn of Venus’s shoulders and complex pose did not at all fit with the apple in her hands. Moreover, for such a complex Greek statue, the apple would have been more biblical in nature.
More than one expedition was sent to the island where the goddess was found, but the search yielded nothing and no hands were found there. On the other hand, this incredible story gave freedom and imagination to activists who create various models of hands and send them to the Louvre. Sometimes museum workers even arrange a photographic display of Venus with hands, but the surprising thing is that none of the hand models fit this statue.

The most mysterious picture

"The Crying Boy" is perhaps not only one of the most mysterious, but also one of the most famous paintings in the world. The author of this masterpiece spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin. At first glance, the picture is absolutely harmless; it depicts little boy in tears. Upon closer examination, you will notice that the boy does not look very upset or offended, but there is anger in his eyes. There is a legend that the boy’s father (who is also the author of the portrait), trying to achieve brightness, vitality, real emotions and naturalness of the canvas, lit matches in front of the baby’s face, while the boy was deathly afraid of fire. The baby was crying, and his father was drawing his emotions on the canvas. One day the child could not stand it and shouted at his father in fear: “Burn yourself!” A month later, the boy died of pneumonia, and soon the artist’s body was found in his own burnt house next to a painting that miraculously survived the fire. On this sad story could have ended if, in 1985, British newspapers continued to report that in almost every burnt-out building firefighters found reproductions of “The Crying Boy,” and the most amazing thing is that the fire did not even damage them. To this day, just looking at the picture makes me feel uneasy.

The most unusual mechanism ever created

In the small village of Kag there is a real work of art called “The World Machine”. In 1958, Franz Gsellmann, the son of a poor farmer, saw large model atom at the Brussels World Exhibition. The iron sculpture “Atomium” immediately became a symbol of the peaceful use of atomic energy and literally fascinated Franz. He acquired a model of a sculpture of such an atom and conceived his own project, to which he eventually devoted 23 years of his life, using scrap metal, scrap iron and parts from second-hand markets as materials.

Franz built his strange contraption around a model of the atom, adding bells, clocks, fans, conveyor belts, whistles, chains and even a xylophone. His project was eventually completed, the 6 m long and 3 m high structure was a complex mechanical system consisting of a wide variety of components. Even today, this design can capture the imagination of anyone, on the other hand, it can be called the strangest mechanism ever created in the world. The fact is that no one knows what the author intended this machine for! He hid his creation from his family until it was almost completely finished, and then he died unexpectedly without revealing the secret of the World Machine's purpose. The parts of this design operate on 25 electric motors and perform various kinetic processes: shaking, rocking, rotation, and also reproduce light and sound effects. There are currently many theories about why Gselmann dedicated best years of my life building this crazy machine. Although exact answers to the questions have not yet been found, the World Machine is still one of the strangest projects in the history of mankind. I would like to believe that with the help of this mechanism Franz wanted to show and open the most intimate and hidden doors of the human soul.