The most famous singers in the world list. The most famous singers in the world

20 The most influential female pop stars bring up the rear Gloria Estefan) - 53 year old latin singer and a songwriter who has won five Grammy Awards and sold over 90 million records.

On 19th place - Lily Allen- English pop singer, who won the 2010 Brit Awards nomination for best solo artist. The first single of Lily's second album, starting at number one in the British national chart, stayed there for a month, while the album itself became the top seller in the UK in the week of release.

18th The line is occupied by a Canadian singer, songwriter, music producer and actress Nelly Furtado¸ who took part in the first serious show in 2001 and has since sold 25 million of her albums.

American singer, songwriter and actress, Pink ended up on 17th positions. Popular performer Alecia Beth Moore became a member in early 2000. Having since won 2 Grammy Awards, 5 MTV Music Awards and 2 Brit Awards, Pink was voted Best Female Pop Artist between 2000 and 2010 by Billboard. According to the same magazine, she became the 6th highest-paid artist in 2009, earning $36 million in a year - and that’s just in the music industry.

16th became Amy Lee- vocalist of the band "Evanescence", whose repertoire includes the album "Fallen" - one of eight albums in the history of rock that spent a whole year in the US Top 50. The band's music sounds at ten feature films And computer games, and behind its composition there are as many as 2 Grammy awards.

On 15th line of the most popular and best-selling - Kylie Minogue ( Kylie Minogue) - Australian singer, actress and songwriter. Since launching her career in 1987, the 42-year-old pop star has achieved record sales of more than $100 million (including sales of 40 million albums and 60 million singles). In addition, Kylie was awarded the Order of the British Empire for her services to music.

14th the place went to a Canadian singer, songwriter, producer and actress Alanis Morissette. The star, who began his career in 1984, was still in adolescence, has since sold more than 40 million albums worldwide.

Shania Twain- Canadian singer, rightfully called one of the most successful contemporary country singers in the world, has become 13th . The singer's seven singles reached number one on the US country charts; her third album is in 7th place on the overall list of best-selling albums in Canadian history. Shania is also currently the only performer in the world to have been awarded Diamond albums three times in a row.

On 12th line is located Amy Winehouse(Amy Winehouse) is an English singer performing soul-pop with jazz motifs, recognized by critics as one of the leading British performers of the 2000s. Amy's career includes 6 Grammy nominations and wins in 5 categories.

11th turned out to be Shakira - Colombian singer, dancer, songwriter, composer, music producer and philanthropist, who performed 150 concerts in 100 cities in 37 countries in 2005. That year, over 2,300,000 people attended her concerts around the world.

American pop singer, actress and former model Whitney Houston closed 10 the most influential women, who conquered the world with their vocals. The star, having sold more than 170 million albums and singles worldwide, entered the list of " Rolling Stone Magazine" as one of 100 greatest performers of all times.

On 9th positions - Beyonce- American R&B singer, music producer, actress, dancer and model, declared by Billboard the most successful performer of the 2000s. and main radio performer last decade. Having sold more than 35 million albums and singles in the United States, in 2010 the singer was ranked second in Forbes' "100 Most Powerful and Influential Celebrities in the World."

8th the place, according to the magazine "Entertainment Weekly", was deserved by the American pop singer, dancer and actress Christina Aguilera ( Christina Aguilera) , who has sold more than 42 million albums worldwide and is ranked 20th on Billboard's Artist of the Decade list.

Mariah Carey- American pop singer, producer and actress - on 7th top 20 line. Having sold over 100 million albums worldwide, Mariah was named the best-selling pop singer of the millennium. According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), she is the third most popular singer in the world.

42-year-old Canadian singer, actress, songwriter and businesswoman Celine Dion became 6th , thanks to sales of over 200 million albums worldwide. Celine is also the only female artist to have sold over two million singles in the UK.

5 the most influential singers opens Cyndi Lauper- American pop singer, songwriter and actress, winner of the Grammy and Emmy awards. 57-year-old Cindy's total record sales, which include 11 albums and more than 40 singles, exceed 25 million copies.

4th the position went to Tina Turner- American singer and actress, whose music career lasted more than 50 years. With approximately 180 million records sold worldwide, Tina is the recipient of numerous awards and her achievements in rock music have deservedly earned her the title of "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll."

Bronze the medal was awarded Cher- American pop singer, songwriter, actress, director and music producer. The 64-year-old singer is one of the few people whose awards include an Oscar, a Grammy, an Emmy and three Golden Globes for her work in the film, music and television industries.

American singer Britney Spears ( Britney Spears) - on honorary 2nd place. She is recognized as the best-selling female artist of the 2000s and the fifth best-selling artist of all time. In June 2010, the pop star took sixth place in the Forbes ranking of the world's 100 greatest and most influential.

Headed the same rating of the most popular and best-selling pop singers Madonna- American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress, director and screenwriter, as well as a commercial successful singer, who sold greatest number of their records among all: more than 200 million albums and 100 million singles. In 2008, the artist, who deservedly bears the title of “Queen of Pop,” was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Every year, authoritative magazines publish ratings, the participants of which are people who have achieved greatest success in any type of activity. In 2016, Forbes calculated the fees of world-famous singers to determine which of these talented individuals was able to earn more than anyone else.

Nowadays, vocal abilities and the quality of the compositions performed have less and less influence on the singers’ fees. Much big role popularity, theme and participation in various promotions play a role. Therefore, it is not at all strange that the rating 10 highest paid singers in the world 2016 In 2009, the group included media personalities who were “riding” on their past merits, rather than providing unique and original musical content. There are also performers of legendary hits, such as the soundtrack to the film “Titanic,” but there are significantly more representatives of pop culture whose target audience is teenagers.

10. Celine Dion (Canada) $27 million

Some people have to travel all over the world several times a year. globe and pay special attention to Europe and the United States to get an eight-figure sum, but this is not about Celine Dion. The owner of a unique voice, who performed the legendary “My Heart Will Go On,” was able to receive 27 million simply by performing in one of the most popular halls in Las Vegas, the Coliseum. About 15 thousand people agreed to enjoy the live performance of one of the most sensual singers in the world and pay a tidy sum for it.

9. $27.5 million

If the 2016 ranking of the world's highest paid female singers only included country artists, Shania would have taken first place. In her third album, she still continues to master new techniques. The album sold 40 million copies worldwide, making it the most popular of its kind. musical genre, as well as one of the most successful in modern times and in the 21st century in particular. Despite the fact that Twain is a native of Canada, it is quite difficult to get to her concert in her homeland. For this purpose, we recommend visiting Las Vegas, where the singer has lived for the last 15 years.

8. $30.5 million

Britney's story is like a phoenix rising from the ashes. At the peak of her popularity, due to drug problems, she found herself at the bottom, but was able to rise and regain the lion's share of her former greatness. This year saw the release of her latest album, which was warmly received by critics, and Britney was lucky enough to sign a contract with Planet Hollywood, a club in Las Vegas, which will add $35 million to her bank account over the next two years. In addition, Spears appeared in the world of perfumery, launching her own line of perfumes, and also became part of the digital world, participating in the launch of a game for smartphones.

7. $39.5 million

The ageless JLo was able to break into seventh place in the ranking of the highest paid singers in the world in 2016. She is a great example permanent job over herself, because Jennifer is one of the few who was able to survive the crisis of the pop scene at the beginning of the second decade of our century and find the right direction for own creativity. In her compositions you can hear both familiar pop motifs and elements of youth and club music. The voice is not single source Lopez’s income, she acts in films and TV series, advertises her own line of jewelry with precious stones and cosmetics from the famous company L’Oreal.

6. $41 million

This year hasn't been particularly productive, but here's a success concert tour“Prismatic World Tour”, which brought the singer 200 million, will allow her not to think about it for a long time financial problems. If you follow news from the United States, you may have repeatedly noticed Katie participating in Hilary Clinton’s election campaign, but the singer claims that it was her own choice and she did not receive any material dividends from the campaign. The Claire and H&M brands decided to take advantage of the popularity of one of the most incendiary pop singers of our time and offered excellent advertising contracts that were simply impossible to refuse.

5. Beyoncé Knowles (USA) $54 million.

Another album that blew up the charts and firmly established itself at their top, allowed Beyoncé to get into fifth place in the top ten highest paid singers in the world in 2016. The album "Lemonade" became even more anticipated after a successful world tour, during which some of the new songs were played. It is worth noting that the singer donates part of her own income to charitable foundations, and also, being a US resident, pays huge taxes. We are confident that next year she will be able to significantly improve her results through song sales and performances on the biggest stages in North America.

4. $75 million.

Her songs never leave the airwaves of leading radio stations, her videos receive millions of views, and a ticket to even the most modest performance costs fans a tidy sum. However, this does not prevent the young singer from continuing to be commercially successful outside the stage. A shocking image acts like a magnet for advertising companies. Judge for yourself, in just the first six months, Rihanna was able to conclude four major deals at once: perfumes and clothing from Dior, electronics from Samsung, sports equipment from Puma and custom fashion from Stance.

3. $76.5 million

Not the most productive year for the pop diva, but it still allows her to get into the top three with the highest paid singers in the world in 2016. “Rebel Heart,” Madonna’s last tour, turned out to be extremely profitable, with total grosses estimated at $170 million. In addition, no one doubts the dividends from supporting Hillary Clinton during the presidential race. A particular resonance was caused by the singer's shocking statement that she was ready to satisfy orally anyone who would vote for Hilary. Obviously, this was just a publicity stunt aimed at attracting public attention to his own person.

2. $85.5 million

Silver is awarded to a singer who, in most respects, differs from other representatives of the rating. Firstly, she is the author of all her compositions, which indicates that she has remarkable talent. Secondly, the lion's share of her income comes from the commercial success of her albums, the latest of which, “25,” became the best-selling album in the world. And thirdly, she is not at all averse to gathering an entire stadium or large venue, because such events are rewarded with seven-digit numbers.

1. Taylor Swift (USA) 170 million.

The highest paid singer in the world in 2016 year - Taylor Swift. The singer’s sole victory comes from her stunningly successful “1989” tour, which brought in 200 million within the United States alone, and another quarter of this amount was received from foreign venues. Album sales also contributed - more than three million copies were sold in a year, and this does not take into account individual tracks on digital services. Swift is no stranger to advertising business, she became the face of several Apple projects, the Keds shoe brand, and perfect figure was a great illustration for a Diet Coke campaign.

Music is a happy component in our life. When we are under stress, music can help us heal our Bad mood. Beautiful music it needs singers who have an amazing voice to be a component. With their beautiful voices along with their fiery styles, they are becoming popular in the entertainment industry. Today, we present to you the top 10, most popular foreign singers in 2017. If you want to know who the most popular singer in the west, enjoy reading the list below.

Rihanna was born in St. Michael, Barbados in 1988 and she is a famous Barbadian singer, actress and fashion designer. She began her singing career in 2005, and her first debut album, “Sun,” was released the same year. Betting on singing career and with great effort, she has won 22 Billboard Music Awards, 6 Grammy Awards and many more. In 2012, she took fourth place as the most influential celebrity according to Forbes magazine. In the same year, she became the most popular singer.

Born in London, England in 1988, Adele is a singer and songwriter. She began her singing career in 2006 after a friend posted her demo on MySpace and brought her to the attention of XL Recordings. Two years after signing the contract, her first album comes out and makes her famous. Later, the second album sold over 26 million copies worldwide. Moreover, she has been awarded 6 Grammy Awards due to her beautiful voice for the movie “007. Coordinates: "Skyfall". Due to her many achievements as well as her talent in her singing career, she is the second most popular singer in 2015.

A charismatic and gentle singer, Taylor Swift was born in Pennsylvania, United States in 1989. At the age of 14, she began her singing career. She is best known for her country songs, which have earned her 11 Country Music Association awards. Her soft and beautiful voice reaches out to the public, making her debut album sell out quickly and be downloaded frequently. Due to all these reasons, she is known as the third most popular singer in 2015.

Lady Gaga recognized crazy artist. Her clothes, makeup and dance style are so whimsical and colorful. However, she is one of the most popular singers in 2015. She has won many awards, including 5 Grammys. Her debut album “The Fame” made her famous as it sold millions of copies. She was born in New York, USA in 1986.

Shakira is not only famous singer, but she is also a choreographer, songwriter and model. She attracts the attention of the public with her very entertaining performance. No other singers can actually move the hip spiral beautifully just like her. She won countless awards with her debut album “Hips Don’t Lie.” Among the numerous awards: Grammy, Billboard Music Awards and others. She was born in Atlantico, Colombia in 1977.

Born in California, USA in 1984. Katy Perry became famous for her single "Ur So Gay", released in 2007. She has won numerous awards including Guinness World Records and is known as the highest paid woman in music according to Forbes magazine.

A popular American singer, songwriter and actress, Beyoncé was born in Texas, USA in 1981. She has been a very popular singer for at least one decade due to her cute and beautiful voice. She puts all her efforts into the entertainment industry and tries to find fashion, dance and hairstyles to keep fans attracted to her around the world. She ranks 7th in the TOP 10 list of the most popular singers in 2015.

Miley Cyrus began her career as a singer in 2006 when she appeared as Miley Stewart in the Disney Channel television series Hannah Montana. She emerged to later become a teen idol. Although there is a lot of criticism about her nudity and seductive antics, while on stage, she tries her best and doesn't let those critics ruin her fame. And after all, she is still one of the most popular singers to this day. She was born in 1992, in Tennessee, USA

The penultimate most popular singer in 2015 is Jennifer Lopez, who was born in New York, USA in 1969. In 1980, she began singing professionally. She remains the most popular singer in the world and has one of the best-selling albums worldwide. She is not only a singer, but also an actress, fashion designer and songwriter.

The least, but not the most popular singer in 2015, Cheryl Cole was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, England in 1983. She began her career in 1990 as a singer and later became a songwriter, dancer, entrepreneur, model and TV presenter. Amazing work along with her with a unique voice won the hearts of fans all over the world.

When it comes to relaxation and entertainment, we can't do without music. Music is food for the soul. Almost everyone loves music and considers it their favorite pastime. Some artists compete for the best album, while others compete for popularity. Some focus on money, others on creating masterpieces.

Famous hits:

  • “Get the party started”,
  • "Don't Let me Go"
  • “Like a Pill.”

Thanks to gossip about Miley Cyrus' affair with Patrick Schwarzenegger, the popularity of the 22-year-old singer has become completely obvious. She is one of those young talents who quickly becomes famous. Miley became famous thanks to club hits “ Wrecking Ball" And " We Don't Stop”.

Beauty, divine voice and Katy Perry ultimately give perfect combination. Real name: Katherine Elizabeth Hudson. When she came to music industry, then worked miracles, became famous and popular, thanks to unique style singing. Unlike other singers who focus on love, money and sex, the themes of her songs revolve around social issues. Katie is one of the 12 celebrities who should become bikini models.


  • "Roar"
  • "Firework"
  • "Teenage Dream"

Married to successful rapper Jay-Z, but this does not explain her popularity. She became famous thanks to her hard work. At a younger age she was a popular member famous groupDestiny's Child" Then even more popular after the release of the solo hit “ Dangerously in Love" Beyoncé's immense fame can be judged by the fact that she has sold millions of album copies and won 5 awards." Grammy". HER can be found in the ranking of the 10 sexiest and most powerful women in the world.

Top hits:

  • "Crazy in Love"
  • “Drunk in Love.”

Lady Gaga shone at the 2015 Oscars. The composition “ Sound of Music” takes her one step beyond the popularity she already had thanks to the hit “ Bad Romance" Gaga's stage performances and outspoken personality are the reason for her popularity. Her synchronized dancing and vocal performance make her a top-notch singer. Talent cannot be described in words.

One of the most anticipated albums of 2015 is Adele's third studio album. There are rumors that it may not be released this year. But let's hope these are just rumors. The album will feature collaborations with Harry Styles and Lady Gaga, and her popularity is entirely dependent on this album. Adele has won several notable awards, including a Grammy. Adele is a philanthropist, which makes her personality even more attractive.

Married to Gerard Pique, a popular Spanish football player, she is known to the world as a popular singer. She gave birth to a son, Sasha Pique Mebarak, which only added to her popularity. Shakira's hits that are worth listening to “ Dare (La La La)" And " Hips Don't lie" Shakira is not only a wonderful singer, but also a very beautiful woman. Included in the ranking of the 10 most beautiful women in Colombia. She is one of the few popular singers who knows how to become famous and remain a person.

Rihanna's pink dress at the 2015 Grammys was one of the most talked about topics this year on the red carpet. But the critics were silenced when she won a Grammy for the song “ The Monster” with Eminem. She became the first black female brand ambassador. Dior" Being black and being on the front page of every fashion magazine is something of an achievement. Rihanna is included in the ranking of the 10 sexiest stars under 30. Without a doubt, the vocals are beyond discussion. New album“P8” will be released in 2015 and will become, as always, a bestseller.

She gained great popularity thanks to the football world cup. Jennifer performed the official song “ We are One” at one of the most anticipated events with Pitbull and Claudia. The song was appreciated all over the world. In addition, she recently released the studio album “A. K. A.”

Jennifer Lopez is a very talented actress, songwriter, fashion designer, producer and dancer. She occupies a leading position in the Top 10 stars with the most beautiful smile. The style of singing is unique. However, many spiteful critics often associate Jennifer's popularity with the unusually large size of her buttocks. There have long been rumors that she insured her butt for a million dollars!

Being among the best is the dream of many people. However, only a few have a large enough combination of talents to be on this list. The same applies to a career in the entertainment industry. We see more and more popular singers, the number of which is growing every year, thanks to television, social media platforms and television show for example, like X Factor. We present you the rating the most popular and best singers world 2017.

10. Shakira

Singer Shakira is considered the most sought-after Latin American star. She is originally from Colombia. Her parents are quite wealthy people. As a child, she began writing her own poetry. She studied in dance clubs. Interested many talented people. She released her first disc in 1991. The career of the famous dancer is growing every day.

9. Cheryl Cole

Singer Cheryl is one of the top ten foreign artists. From early childhood, adults began to notice creativity. Participated in a competition for small talents. In her youth she was a winner in children's event. Over time, great showmen began to notice her. They were invited to musical performances. Now she is considered famous English singer international level.

8. Lady Gaga

The birthplace of the unsurpassed Lady took place in America. In early childhood I was often interested in music. I sang children's songs at home. Visited with adults cultural events. The young girl's father always studied vocals. IN preschool age started composing own songs. In 2006, she first began recording her unique albums. Surprises music lovers with its unusual image.

7. Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus was born into a family of musicians. Her real name is Destiny Hope. As a child she was the most happy child. She first saw the stage at the age of 8. Her musical activity intrigued in childhood. At first young lady began acting in films. Over time, I finally decided to become a singer. She recorded several great albums. It has become in demand all over the world.

6. Rihanna

Born pop singer in Barbados. It is quite popular in America. They listen to it on almost all radio stations in Russia and in foreign countries. In 2005 she released her unique album. After that, many composers began to invite her. Participated in all television projects. She received nine awards for her skills. Currently sold huge amount albums.

5. Jennifer Lopez

The popular singer was born in New York. She is grateful to her parents for her artistic talent. At the age of 5, my beloved daughter was sent to singing lessons. She studied in an interesting way dance moves. At a young age she began doing gymnastics. My creative activity she started in teenage years. Her voice was captivated by an audience of millions. She combined music with beautiful choreography. Acquired great love from the fans. And she is the fifth most popular singer in the world.

4. Nicki Minaj

The beautiful forms of the famous singer never cease to amaze fans. She herself is the author and performer of her songs. The girl's childhood was not very pleasant. Peace of mind she was looking precisely in music. Teachers at school discovered her vocal abilities. She took part in various performances and performed on stage. Over time, I began to get involved in rap. Musical direction completely changed her destiny.

3. Beyoncé

Charming and unique Beyoncé captivated the public with her creativity. She performs at various festivals. On stage she dances amazingly different styles. Her parents were close to musical creativity. In preschool, she developed an insane desire for music. She's in junior classes received an award for her talents. At a young age she was accepted into a dance group.

2. Taylor Swift

American singer Taylor Swift is popular all over the world. She has received more than 200 awards for her skills. Directors provide her with unique roles in film sets. Parents could not think about the child’s abilities for music. They were eager to educate their daughter financial activities. However, fate decreed differently. The little girl regularly participated in music competitions. As a result, she became a successful and sought-after singer.

1. Adele

Most Popular Singer 2017 it is Adele who is a unique pop performer. She recorded three gorgeous albums of popular hits. Her songs are known all over the world. She was born in London. Parents discovered a talent for music in early childhood. She was afraid to appear on stage because of her appearance. Over time, she stopped having complexes and came out on stage. She captivated absolutely all her listeners with her unsurpassed talent.