What year did Iron Man come out? iron Man

Superhero popularity Iron Man rose after the 2008 film of the same name, which opened the starting line for Cinematic Marvel Universe . Created in 1963, Tony Stark has always been interesting character for comic book readers, but Jon Favreau and Kevin Feige's risky move in casting Robert Downey Jr. paid off with the character's success across all media. Iron Man may now be even more popular than!


Iron Man quickly emerged from obscurity, and ten years ago no one could have imagined that this character, having successfully declared himself at the box office, would help Marvel pay Downey Jr. a crazy amount to keep him. Throughout his 50+ year history, Iron Man has had many adventures. A story that was not even close to the outstanding ones, Batman Superman or even Wolverine

, Stark performed in a way that could not have happened in any film. The character himself is compelling though, and Iron Man has been a key part of the Marvel Universe since day one. Here are the strangest and most amazing facts

about the Armored Avenger from both the comics and the big screen.

18. He owns Area 51 Tony Stark is a very rich man. "Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist," as Joss Whedon called him in"The Avengers"

2012, has quite a few things at his disposal (well, mostly Iron Man suits), but one of his most surprising acquisitions was casually revealed in the pages of Avengers #19. It turns out that he bought Area 51 from the military!

You never thought to pay attention to this, but then you probably wondered why the Armored Avenger wanted to buy it. The government probably removed everything that was there when they sold it. It is unlikely that he will build some strange hybrid Iron Man and UFO suits there...

17. He was trained by Captain America Without one of his Iron Man suits, Tony Stark is a simple man, but that doesn't mean he's completely powerless. For several years he trained with different people so as not to be completely helpless without armor, but one of the most bright examples

This was featured in the classic Demon in a Bottle storyline, and fans hoped that this moment would be brought to the screen someday. But apparently it’s not meant to be.

16. He got armor in different places

When Marvel returns to events that happened before last decades during modern stories, they update them if necessary. For example, a recent episode showed that Spider-Man became something of a YouTube sensation when he first appeared in front of people.

This change of events means that Iron Man's origin story was necessary to add changes over time. The attack and kidnappings that prompted him to create the Iron Man armor are no longer considered the Vietnam War. And this is not a war Persian Gulf, they have now come up with the idea that it happened during the war in Afghanistan, where Tony Stark eventually becomes Iron Man.

15. Stan Lee didn't write his first appearance.

Although Stan Lee created the hero and many of Iron Man's character traits, he did not actually write the story for Tales of Suspense #39, which introduced Tony Stark to the Marvel Universe.

The writer was working on many books at the time and was forced to hand over some of his responsibilities to Larry Lieber, so it was he, along with artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby, who played a key role in creating the character. The artists are actually credited with the idea appearance Tony, his armor and most its support staff.

14. Tom Cruise Almost Played Iron Man

Iron Man was a film that started out in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it wasn't the first time the character was brought to life on the big screen. Quentin Tarantino participated in writing one of the versions back in 1999, while Avengers director Joss Whedon also came up with his own in 2001.

And along the way Tom Cruise made it clear that he was interested in playing the role, and Paramount Pictures were interested in promoting him to the role of Tony Stark. Although this did not happen, other actors were considered for the role, including Nicolas Cage, Timothy Olyphant and Clive Owen.

13. Disney doesn't want you to know he's an alcoholic.

If you've ever seen Tony Stark in a movie, it won't be surprising if you don't understand his serious problems with alcohol. Marvel avoided this issue, despite at least hinting at the idea in "Iron Man 2".

Shane Black actually wanted to adapt Demon in a Bottle ( story line, in which his alcoholism manifests itself) in "Iron Man 3", but Disney will not allow this because large quantity children who watch Marvel movies. Although in the comics this issue still comes up occasionally, especially when Tony has relapsed several times over the years.

12. He founded the Avengers

He may not have had a hand in writing the first adventure, but Stan Lee included Iron Man in the first issue of The Avengers. After meeting during a confrontation with Locky, who was controlling the Hulk, Tony Stark assembled a team (which included Ant-Man, Wasp, Thor and the Hulk) at his mansion.

However, it took a little time for the team to change, and Iron Man handed over the post of chief to Captain America. Of course, he often led the team over the years in place of Steve Rogers. Like when Stark stole a piece of Thor's hair and created a clone of him several years later during the Civil War.

11. He had an affair with Emma Frost

Iron Man's theft of Thor's hair wasn't Civil War's only mini-retcon. When Tony Stark visited the X-Men to see if they would join the fight against Captain America, it was revealed that he and Emma Frost had something going on during their youth.

It's not clear when exactly this was, especially since Emma was the villain for a long time at the Hellfire Club. The X-Men refused to join him, so their absence from Captain America: Civil War (because 20th Century Fox has the film rights) isn't such a big loss.

10. The Mandarin should have been in the 2008 Iron Man movie

You may have heard that the Iron Man script was written while the film itself was being filmed, and this is actually true. At one point, Obadiah Stane, played by Jeff Bridges, was supposed to be the Iron Monger in the sequel, so they wanted to make the Mandarin the main villain.

However, director Jon Favreau decided that the character and his magical alien rings would not create the right atmosphere for the film, so he was immediately dropped. Some people didn't like this use of a well-known villain by Shane Black, but Lately Marvel's one-shot assured fans that a real-life version would be out there somewhere. Is this a reference to Iron Man 4?

9. He creates Pepper Potts her own suit of armor.

Iron Man 3 gave Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts a lot more action. However, in comics they went much further, there former secretary Tony Stark has his own armor. Iron Man secretly created a "Savior" suit for her, which initially had no offensive capabilities. He was created to save Pepper's life, not endanger her in superhero battles.

8. He Joined the Guardians of the Galaxy

Before as "Guardians of the Galaxy" became one of the top-grossing films of 2014, Marvel revived a comic book series that had been on the shelf for several years. However, feeling that fans might not be interested in reading about the team unless they had a big name superhero with them, they added Iron Man to the mix.

He didn't stay with them for long, but his interactions with Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon had fans dreaming and hoping that they'd see the story brought to life on screen in the two-part Avengers: Assassination. Endless War" For a while, there were even rumors that Iron Man 3 was going to end with Iron Man deciding to go into space.

7. He was once Minister of Defense

On the big screen, Tony Stark doesn't have the best relationship with the government, but in the comics, the President even appointed him Secretary of Defense. He assumes this position when the military tries to duplicate his Iron Man projects in order to monitor them and manage their work. This will help balance out the Avengers-related events.

However, he was forced to resign during the events of Avengers Fall when he went on a drunken tirade with the Latverian Ambassador to the UN. But in reality he was under the control of the Scarlet Witch.

6. He once rebooted his brain

After the events of Civil War, many fans began to hate Iron Man. Most sided with Captain America, and Tony Stark was often portrayed as the antagonist who hunts the new Avengers team, which includes fan favorites like Bucky and Spider-Man. In an attempt to somehow fix this, Marvel had Norman Osborn take over S.H.I.E.L.D. and forced Iron Man to go on the run.

To prevent the villain from learning his secrets, Stark "rebooted" his brain and severely damaged it in the process. However, there was still a backup created before the Civil War that saved him and gave him a chance at a new life.

5. He's based on Howard Hughes

Stan Lee describes the reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes as “one of the most colorful men of our time. He was an inventor, an adventurer, a multi-billionaire, ladies' man and, finally, a psycho.” Sounds familiar, right?

The screenwriter based Tony Stark on Hughes, and the similarities are easy to see. And it is not limited to enterprises that develop new military technologies. Although this is one of the main characteristics of the Iron Man character. However, Lee left out a lot of the man's mental issues that perhaps wouldn't have fit into a comic at the time.

4. He's a villain now

The recent events of the AXIS comics have dramatically changed the status quo of the Marvel Universe, changing many characters so that heroes become villains and villains become heroes. Most became themselves, but Iron Man remained in the guise of a villain. As a result, he was dubbed "Superior Iron Man" Iron Man), and he himself does only evil.

For example, he presented free version Extremis, which will give people anything they want, then raise the price to $99.99 per day and make people riot and loot just to find the money to buy it.

3. Does Robert Downey Jr. hate Iron Man?

Okay, not exactly, but he didn't appreciate the comic book character that much in his younger days.

In 1981, at the age of 16, Robert Downey Jr. was once suspended from school for snatching a comic book from the hands of one of his classmates and calling him a nerd, tearing it up in front of him. What comic? The Invincible Iron Man issue (and hopefully not the one that costs a lot of money these days).

This strange coincidence, because then the boy finds out that he will play Iron Man on the big screen from these comics that "nerds" read and worship.

2. Forbes lists Tony Stark as the fourth richest fictional character.

How rich is Iron Man? He has his own mansion and skyscraper in New York, not to mention a legion of Iron Man suits, and he certainly doesn't struggle to pay the bills like Peter Parker!

A couple of years ago, Forbes ranked Tony Stark as the fourth richest fictional character of all time in its "Fictional 15" list, with an estimated net worth of around $9 billion. Unfortunately for the Armored Avenger, he lost first place to Scrooge McDuck and Rich Rich. Although with that kind of money fourth place is not bad. Oh yes, he really is richer than Batman!

1. Meet the Iron Lantern

One of the rare crossovers between Marvel and DC comics saw their characters merge to create new ones that borrowed elements from the superheroes of the two universes. This led to the creation of Hal Stark, a millionaire and owner of Stark Aircraft.

After being seriously injured in a flight simulator, he used pieces of alien technology from a nearby crash landing and built a suit of armor that saved his life. Is that a turn? The armor was given power by a lantern like a battery, which later gave him the ability to create structures like this Green Lantern. His villains include Madame Sapphire and the bizarrely named Mandarinestro.

I'll be honest, I'm Iron Man!

I’ll say right away that I love films about robots, transformers, in this case about a man with a glowing heart and an iron suit (although, as the founder of the model himself claims, the suit has gold, and it would be very rude to treat the suit that way).

So. The film is about a rich guy who fights evil and all sorts of unwanted objects. This thought occurred to Toki when he was captured by the Afghans. Terrorists forced the inventor to assemble a new, super powerful rocket for military action. But, not wanting to get killed after he helps kill people with his own weapons, Tony develops a crude model of Iron Man. The first exoskeleton was not pierced by bullets, did not burn in fire, was very heavy, but upon impact the opponent felt unbearable pain. Still, having escaped from captivity and returned to the USA, Stark realizes that not the sweetest life awaits him.…

What I like about this film is, firstly, that it explains that billionaires are people too, with a “heart”, and even more so, they serve for the benefit of humanity, that’s who Tony Stark was? Tony was a womanizer, a lover of drinking, being rude to people, etc. And who did he become? Stark is still a womanizer, a rude man who drinks expensive whiskey. That is, in the film we do not observe changes in his character, as is often done in other films. Tony simply became a hero of our time. How can this be explained? Did the Afghans straighten the minds of a billionaire? Has he gone crazy? Do you like the suit? Has your conscience woken up? We don’t know this, and we will never know, it remains a mystery, which gives the film intrigue. Secondly, to do this you will have to compare the film. Let's remember Nolan's favorite film " The Dark Knight" In it, Batman hides his true self, just like in Spider-Man, Teleport and other superhero films. In Iron Man everything is much more realistic. What kind of person who created an impossible suit, who prevented and is still preventing the murders of hundreds, if not thousands of people, just a real hero wants to hide? Thirdly, the special effects were done very well and appropriately. The fights of the iron giants and Tony's flights look incredibly beautiful, mesmerizing and amazing. Why is it only Stark's suit that is interesting to watch during flight? I'll explain now. Of all, Tony's suit was more compact, i.e., not the size of a high-rise building. And the flight was carried out more beautifully. There weren’t too many of these action scenes, but everything was in moderation and nothing got boring, unlike other science fiction action films. Iron Man is remarkable for its relevance. The picture operates on the principle: “A little bit of everything.” Fourthly, before watching, I thought that if the film adaptation of a comic book, especially Marvel Studios, especially the action genre, then there would be nothing else in the film except fights. If you think so, then you are very mistaken. In the film, although it is not stated, there is a dose of melodrama under the word “genre”. This complicated relationship with Pepper adds, I would even say, romance to the picture. Another plus, and this has become familiar to me, is that there is some comedy. Naturally Robert influenced this. Nothing can compare to his flawless performance. What I'm getting at is that Downey can't be seen in a film, even a serious one, always with a comedic twist. And this, perhaps, became a cliche for Robert. Even if there are no jokes, even if humor is not planned at all in the film, the actor’s very behavior says otherwise. Fifthly, music. I warn you right away that I don’t understand anything about it, so don’t judge it too harshly. Well, what is most memorable is the music during the decisive battle, for example, or during Tony's first flight. It sounds like an anthem after a victory. I call it action music. As it plays, I even feel proud of the hero.

Robert Downey Jr. With each new viewing of a film with his participation, I am more and more amazed by him. And I am terribly offended that such a brilliant actor is still without an Oscar, although he was nominated. Well, he portrayed the spoiled billionaire hero without a single blemish. Ha, unusual combination. The game was simply amazing. His task was not only to make the audience empathize, but also, as I said above, to give the film humor. This is what this wonderful actor did. Bravo.

Gwyneth Paltrow. Why I love this actress. So this is not for her appearance (sorry), but for her talent. I have watched many such actresses from beautiful face and a mediocre game. This skill of Gwyneth created an amazing errand woman for Tony. Perhaps, in the entire film, Pepper was the most positive character. She was a realist, a kind realist. She always helped Tony, was his best and probably only friend and faithful assistant.

Jeff Bridges. For clarity, I say that Obadiah bad guy. What provoked this? Of course, envy. It was this feeling that gave Stein more ruthlessness and even hatred from the audience. In many films, a person becomes a villain because he has a desire to take revenge on someone. The hero is ruled by this feeling. And the audience develops understanding and pity for him. Agree, you can understand a person if his family was killed, or one of his members, a relative, a friend, or anyone, as long as he was dear to the avenger. So we don't like Stein. As for the game, Jeff did it well. And great!

In conclusion, I would like to say that “Iron Man” is one of my favorite, even one of my personal top three, comic book adaptations. Given that I have a very harsh view on this.

P.S. If anyone is interested, this very comic trio includes such films as “The Dark Knight” and “X-Men: First Class”.

“Sorry, buddy, but this is a cool car, but the car in the back sucks.”

In this article you will learn:

Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark- genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Character Marvel comics from Earth 616.


Tony was a blue-eyed brunette. He was a very smart man, having graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was best student. Stark was famous as a brilliant inventor and engineer who created the Iron Man suit. Despite his genius, Tony liked to drink and girls.


Tony Stark, the son of the richest industrialist Edward Stark, received the company from his father at the age of 21. And the young playboy not only brought the company to one of the leading positions in the field of weapons production, but also made the whole world talk about himself.

Only one event could end the life of a popular favorite in its prime. In Asia, Stark was captured by Wong-Chu, a weapons baron. While being captured, Tony was wounded in the chest by shrapnel, putting his life in danger. Wong-Chu proposed creating a weapon mass destruction in exchange for life-saving surgery.

That's when Tony met Ho Yinsen. With it, he began working on a completely new device - a modified exoskeleton with heavy weapons built into it. Former prisoner Yinsen, in secret from the captors and even his billionaire friend, built a chest plate that was supposed to protect and support Tony's life. Stark decided to use the suit to escape from captivity. He managed to carry out his plan, but Ho Yinsen himself was killed.

Becoming Iron Man

Already in America, Tony made adjustments to the design of the suit to increase its efficiency and convenience and decided to conduct double life- philanthropist-inventor Stark and Iron Man.

To ward off the threat and suspicion, Tony made up a story according to which his guard was the same hero in the exoskeleton. Tony hired a driver, Happy Hogan, who immediately had his sights set on Stark's assistant Pepper Potts, with whom Tony was secretly in love. Pepper and Happy eventually got married.

Stark's suit had been hunted for some time by several foreign agents and spies in an attempt to steal the company's invention or military secrets. Over time, Tony shifted the emphasis from personal interests to national interests, first of all, national security: he played important role in service with the SHIELD organization and became a sponsor of the Avengers, to whom he gave a mansion in Manhattan for use.

As part of the Avengers, Stark fought against evil with such heroes as:,.

Avengers Team

Despite successful business ventures and a life of luxury from birth, Stark’s everyday life is at first overshadowed by the forced wearing of a chest plate that protects the heart, alcoholism, and disorderly behavior. personal life.

Over time and life experience the billionaire understood his responsibility for new technologies, so he stopped collaborating with the government, turning the inventor’s potential towards improving life ordinary people. Tony opened several charitable foundations. Realizing that his double life cannot continue indefinitely, and being a superhero comes with a responsibility, he tells the world that he is Iron Man. Thus, he became one of the few heroes whose real name is known to the general public.

Over the years, Tony improved his suit, which eventually became very light. He even underwent a heart transplant and thereby stopped wearing a metal plate in his chest.

Iron Man and Pepper Potts

For a long time, Stark became depressed, almost becoming an alcoholic.

Stark faced a variety of enemies: foreign agents, super-criminals, conquerors hungry for world domination. However, The main opponent has always been the Mandarin. It was he who advocated for the superhero registration act. The act was eventually passed, and Tony became director of the secret government organization S.H.I.E.L.D. As director, Tony spoke out against friends who did not agree with registration. He took care of the mantle of Captain America, who supposedly died after passing it on.

The end of the Civil War. Death of Captain America

After the invasion of Earth by aliens (Skrulls, capable of completely changing their appearance), he was fired from his post and went on the run. The reason for this was Norman Osborn - he hoped to extract information from Iron Man's mind about all the superheroes who were registered under the act.

When Tony Stark was captured by Osborn, he chose to deliberately fall into a coma in order to keep information from the villain.

When Stark woke up, he apologized to his old friends and created new company Stark Resilient, trying to restore its former wealth. Tony took Pepper Potts as director of the new company. Due to a virus in his body, his Iron Man suit became fused with his body.

Subsequently, Iron Man fought with the X-Men as part of the Avengers, he even helped the Guardians of the Galaxy, while exploring the Universe.

Tony as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy


In the HD suit, Stark had super strength. He had at his disposal a variety of weapons from cannons to missiles. In the suit, Tony could fly. The helmet contained a communications device, a scanner and many other gadgets.

  • Tony was a football fan
  • Stark is the image of the famous inventor Howard Hughes
  • The hero took 8th place in Forbes, among

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Chitauri scepter from the movie "The Avengers"

Hero card:

Full name:

Anthony Edward Stark \ Anthony Edward Stark


Shellhead, Golden Avenger, Iron Knight, Hogan Potts, Spare Parts Man;

Personality: Well known

Universe: Earth 616

Position: Good

Height: 186 cm / 210 cm (armor)

Weight: 225 lbs / 425 lbs (armor)

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black


Howard Anthony Stark (father, deceased), Maria Collins Carbonell Stark (mother, deceased), Morgan Stark ( cousin), Edward Stark (uncle, deceased), Isaac Stark Sr., Isaac Stark Jr. (distant relatives, deceased)

Members of organizations:

SHIELD. S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, Initiative, Hellfire Club (outer circle); Illuminati, Thunderbolts, Force Works, Queen's Vengeance

Place of Birth: Long Island, New York

Citizenship: USA

Interesting Facts

  • The Stark character has a real-life prototype, Howard Hughes. American entrepreneur, engineer, aviation pioneer, director, producer. In the words of Stan Lee: “Howard Hughes was one of the most colorful men of our time. He was an inventor, a traveler, a multimillionaire, loved women and, finally, was just a psycho."
  • The character's first appearance was in Super Friends #5 DC Comics.

He called into a telethon where he spoke with Batman, where he donated $75,000 to the Heart Fund.

  • Tony Stark is an ardent football fan.
  • Tony Stark is included in Forbes ratings. the richest fictional characters where he ranks 8th, his fortune is estimated at $3 billion.

First Appearance

Key Numbers

  • Red and Gold Armor Debuts (Tales of Suspense #48, 1963);
  • traveled to Camelot with Doctor Doom (Iron Man #149-150, 1981);
  • succumbed to alcoholism (Iron Man #167-182, 1983-1984);
  • Jim Rhodes became Iron Man (Iron Man #169-199, 1983-1985);
  • Tony Stark returned as Iron Man in red and silver armor (Iron Man #200, 1985);
  • fought in the Armor Wars (Iron Man #225-231, 1987-1988);
  • Snomva went to Camelot with Doom (Iron Man #249-250, 1989);
  • manipulated Kearson DeWitt in Armor Wars II (Iron Man #258-266, 1990 -1991);
  • James Rhodes returns as Iron Man (Iron Man #284, 1992);
  • Tony Stark became Iron Man again (Iron Man #289, 1993);
  • helped form Force Works (Force Works #1, 1994);
  • traveled through time with Doctor Doom (Iron Man #11, 1997);
  • returned from Counter-Earth (Iron Man #1, 1998);
  • became a member of the Hellfire Club (X-Men #73, 1998);
  • the armor became “intelligent”, killed Knut (Iron Man #26-30, 2000);
  • Ulron gained control of the armor (Iron Man #46-49, 2001-2002);
  • Became Secretary of Defense (Iron Man #73-78, 2003);
  • became a member of the Thunderbolts as Cobalt Man (Avengers/Thunderbolts #1-6, 2004);
  • helped form the new Avengers team (New Avengers #1, 2005);
  • became director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Civil War #7, 2007)

Powers and Abilities

  • An armored suit equipped with the latest weapons that gives superhuman strength.
  • Genius inventor, mechanic, engineer.
  • Flight ability
  • Neural connection with the suit
  • Mastered martial arts skills
  • Weapons - light pulses.


A custom-designed, unique reactor-based suit provides protection from bullets and stab wounds and acts as an exoskeleton, multiplying Tony's strength. The suit is equipped with various weapons: a pulse cannon, missiles, lasers, tasers and flamethrowers. The boots have built-in motors that allow flight by maneuvering with the help of additional motors while wearing gloves. The helmet provides communication with satellites and allows you to scan the area, search for information and give instructions to headquarters.

General characteristics of the character:

The genius millionaire Tony Stark, the successor of the Stark family, became the head of a weapons production company.
First version iron armor was designed after a serious injury to maintain the vital functions of the body. The following prototypes had more capabilities, including defensive ones.
The armor was of interest to many corporations, as a result of which Tony Stark more than once had to solve problems with agents and intelligence officers who entered his service undercover. In order not to reveal his identity and not create additional hype around Iron Man, Tony Stark did not take off his suit in public, so for a long time the public was under the misconception that the new Superhero was Stark’s special security.

Later, under the influence of his innate eccentricity, Stark admitted that in fact it was he who was hiding under the mask of Iron Man. After this statement, the hero is haunted by all sorts of problems and failures associated with numerous villains who want to stand in his way.

Zhelezny participated in the creation of the Avengers team and provided material and technical support.


Tony Stark was born into the family of Howard Stark, the founder of Stark Industries, and from childhood he was surrounded by technology; the boy had an extraordinary mind, so already in early age began to design his own mechanisms, with age his innate skills only developed and upon reaching his youth, Tony Stark could be called a genius. Later, upon reaching the age of 21, after the tragic death of his father in an accident set up by the Hydra corporation, Stark inherits his father's weapons production company. Under his leadership, Stark Industries reached unprecedented heights and became a supplier of military equipment to all corners of the world. While testing one of the weapons in Asia (technological armor for creating super-soldiers), Tony Stark was seriously wounded in the chest, projectile fragments penetrated to the heart, putting the life of the inventor at risk. As it later turned out, the incident was not an accident. Stark was captured by the weapons baron Wong-Chu and forced to develop a super-powerful weapon in exchange for saving his life and carrying out a complex operation. Stark agreed, but instead of creating a terrible weapon, he carried out his plan to return from captivity, together with another captured and martyred Ho Yinsen (laureate Nobel Prize in physics), Stark began creating modified armor to support heavy weapons. Yinsen secretly added a special detail to the suit on the chest plate that would alleviate the condition of the wounded Tony Stark. The plan was to use this armor to ensure the safe release of both scientists, but unfortunately in the process of breaking through, HO Yinsen was killed by enemy forces and thus gave his life allowing his friend to escape persecution. Wong-Chu's lair was destroyed and he himself was killed. Tony Stark returned to his homeland, successfully restored the body's functionality and began work on the suit; the reconstruction of the armor added new properties to it: lightness, maneuverability and weapons. Stark did not intend to advertise his involvement in the armor, which was called “Iron Man,” and came up with a cover, telling the public that Iron Man was the inventor’s bodyguard, created to prevent possible assassination attempts in the future. In fact, the armor came out great opportunity for Tony Stark to lead a double life and pursue personal interests in its use, such as eliminating unwanted criminal elements. Many enemy corporations introduced spies and agents into the billionaire’s circle to find out the working mechanism and drawings of the unique armor, but Stark kept his secrets especially carefully. Later, realizing the impact his company had on the situation in the world, Stark began to show interest and concern in issues of global security and terrorism. Iron Man was one of the founders and sponsors of the Avengers team. Despite his outward impeccability, Tony Stark's personal life is very complicated. Former alcoholic Since the beginning of his career he has been forced to maintain his health; he has neither family nor close friends. Creating the armor and the image of Iron Man is a way for him to isolate himself from his life and imagine himself as a different person. On the way of Iron Man there are endless enemies and ill-wishers, from ordinary scammers and terrorists to invaders who want to subjugate the whole world. As Stark grew older, he realized that his family's company was having a destructive impact, Stark Industries' contract with the government was terminated and production was redirected to peaceful purposes. Despite his many shortcomings, Tony is a noble young man who knows the value of honor and gratitude. He becomes a benefactor and founder of many foundations to help art and disadvantaged people. Having accepted final decision change your life for the better. Stark reveals his identity and admits that the Iron Man armor is his design. Thus, Stark becomes the only superhero so well known to society.

Civil War.

Tony Stark played an important role in the outcome of the Civil War
On his initiative, a meeting took place with Professor X, Doctor Strange, and Mister Fantastic.
At which a secret action planning management group was created.
The meeting adopted the name "Illuminati", and was aimed at creating single organization on issues of superheroes around the world, monitoring their actions and compliance with their rights. IN future plans The organization was not destined to come true due to the differences in the mentality and lifestyle of superheroes, some preferred to hide their identity and live in the shadows. But many still agreed to give their information and contacts.

Soon information appeared that the government was planning to issue a law regulating the activities of superheroes; the law provided for the disclosure of the identities of all secret superheroes and their entry into the official ranks of law enforcement defenders in the state.

Stark was an ardent supporter of this idea and pushed superheroes to respond to the government’s proposal, arguing that in this way they themselves would be able to create laws in relation to people with abilities, but he was misunderstood and most superheroes were furious at such intentions; only Stark supported him at that moment Mister Fantastic

Despite the objections of the superheroes themselves, the Registration Law was nevertheless adopted, since the event that gave rise to the entire Civil War occurred: in one of the battles involving people with abilities, civilians suffered, and more than 50 children also became victims.

After this, public opinion became sharply negative and the law came into force as soon as possible.
Stark made an official statement in favor of the law, but the unrest among superheroes did not stop and superheroes were divided into two camps.

Tony Stark was in favor of the Law. Who later persuaded Spider-Man to join a campaign to promote law among superheroes, the first step towards achieving peace between the state and its special citizens was revealing the identity of Iron Man (Civil War Front Line #1)
However, having learned all the ins and outs of the government program, and in particular plans for a regime of restrictions and a prison for undesirables, Spider-Man stopped supporting the program and went over to the side of most superheroes, refusing to participate in the Law. The Team For the Law, led by Tony Stark, and the Team Against, led by Captain America, eventually collided in a large-scale battle that caused terrible destruction to the city and its inhabitants. The battle continued for a long time until Captain America realized the consequences of the quarrel between the heroes. He admitted that these actions would not lead to the cancellation of the Registration and surrendered to the authorities.

As a result of the battle, Stark becomes director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the confrontation does not subside, it only moves to another level and after another surge, Captain America dies.

Victory and achieving his goals takes a bitter turn for Tony Stark and as he bids farewell to the Captain, he deeply regrets his actions. Having said that political games are not worth the loss of good people.

Relationship with the Hulk

The Illuminati considered the Hulk one of the most dangerous and unstable superheroes, so the decision was made to expel him from the community and from planet Earth.

Tony Stark took responsibility for committed actions and did not hide what happened; in one of his official speeches, he revealed the plans of the Organization and publicly admitted to what he had done.

However, the Hulk’s exile was short-lived, he found a way to return driven by the desire for revenge, but the billionaire genius foresaw this scenario and met the Hulk in a new, specially designed armor capable of withstanding the power of this beast, “Hulkabuster.”

The meeting of opponents turned out to be a one-on-one battle: the whirlwind of destruction from the two superheroes was so strong that the others did not have a chance to engage in battle.
New York suffered more than the battle of the Civil War, Stark Tower was also destroyed.

And he himself was captured by the green beast, and only watched from the side as the Hulk took out his aggression on the rest of the superheroes. All means had been exhausted, thoughtful methods could not stop the Hulk, all that remained was to launch Plan B, turn on the lasers of the satellites of the SHIELD organization and concentrate their energy at one point, making a powerful blow to the Hulk. He fell unconscious and resistance was stopped.

Later, considerable funds were spent. Both personal and Shield organizations to restore New York and Avengers Tower.

Impact of the Virus

An alien virus enters the control systems of Iron Man's suit and affects Tony Stark's consciousness, which the Skrull queen took advantage of and almost lured Tony to the side of evil. However, Natasha Romanoff interrupts the plans of the conquerors in time and helps Tony get out of the influence of the virus and repair the armor.

Tony immediately enters the war against the Skrulls, defending the city, but at some point his armor fails him again, forcing him to leave the battlefield to get a new suit. The President of the United States takes advantage of the momentary confusion and declares Stark guilty of an alien attack. Moreover, he fires him from the SHIELD organization and closes the entire department, declaring that SHIELD poses a danger to civilians.

As a result of these events. Despite the victory over the invaders, Tony's life goes downhill: the armor does not work, the systems fail, the organization is closed and the company suffers losses and there is no one around who is ready to help him.


After the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. was created. new corporation HAMMER, headed by Norman Osborn, in fact HAMMER was supposed to replace SHIELD and completely take over its functions and employees, as well as existing projects.

To run the HAMMER service, Stark had to give access to all SHIELD databases, including the personal information about all superheroes and villains, but Tony did not trust the new organization and instead of the full database, this one gave it a “shortened version” in which it read “Beginning:.

Iron Man Anthony Edward Stark.

The complete database was recorded in the most reliable source; with the help of the Extremis virus, Tony recorded the database in his brain. However, this medium is also protected from hacking by HAMMER agents, so Stark began implementing a plan to protect the information.

Maria Hill was transferred HDD with some information that, according to Stark’s instructions, needed to be conveyed to Bucky Barnes, second captain America.

Management of the Stark Enterprise company is placed in the hands of Pepper Potts for bankruptcy proceedings.

And Stark himself left the radar and constantly changed his location, stopping at the most unexpected points in the hope of erasing all available information without a trace. However, long-term exposure to the Extremis virus disrupted brain function and, by erasing parts of the database, Tony erased other fragments of memory, which led to a decrease in intelligence and increasingly frequent memory lapses.

As the brain's abilities gradually deteriorated, it became more difficult to maintain contact with high-tech armor and Stark was forced to turn to past models.

But Tony Stark did not intend to leave the world without Iron Man, but he could no longer fulfill his role. He created a hiding place where he hid New version armor created specifically for Pepper, there was nothing destructive in this suit, the armor was designed to protect and save people. The girl took advantage of the opportunity given to her and became a new superheroine.

Despite their well-thought-out plan, they were unable to hide from the HAMMER for long; Pepper and Maria were caught and captured; fortunately, they later managed to get out of there. But this time was enough for HAMMER agents to find Tony.

This happened during the last stage of the plan, when he was hiding in Afghanistan and preparing for the final stage of removing the base from his consciousness. Stark was practically infirm, did not remember many details about himself and his life, but clearly knew what he needed to do. Only the very first version of the suit, his Tin Can prototype, helped him.

Norman Osborn almost won the battle and was about to kill his main enemy, but suddenly helicopters of reporters with cameras appeared and in order not to lose face in front of the public, Norman could not commit murder in front of everyone. And this delay was enough for Stark to completely erase his memory and save hundreds and thousands of people with abilities all over the planet.

Loss of identity

After the intervention, Tony Stark ceased to be himself, there was not a hint of his past genius, millionaire, playboy and philanthropist. The brain stopped communicating with the body, there was no memory of the past, even the basic abilities of the body disappeared. Heartbeat and breathing were regulated by machine.

But he still remained famous person and his condition was constantly monitored not only by doctors, but also by camera lenses, not giving Osborne the opportunity to complete what he started. However, in this state, Stark no longer posed a threat, and if the situation changed, he would immediately be sent to trial.

It was decided to transfer Tony’s almost lifeless body to remote Bronxton under the supervision of a good specialist.
This specialist was Thor, who lived there undercover. Stark's transfer plan worked and as soon as Thor saw Stark on his doorstep, he notified all his close acquaintances, even the first Captain America arrived on the scene. Steve Rogers had only recently fully recovered, but was able to find the strength and opportunity to help.

Together they found a videotape containing instructions that Tony had left before putting the plan into action. Following the instructions of Tony's past, work began on restoring his personality, a new type of reactor was connected to his body, and the same hard drive that Maria Hill was supposed to give to Bucky Barnes was connected to his head. As it turned out, a copy of all memories was recorded on this drive, and with the help of a small After the discharge created by Thor, the brain started working again and accepted the information received.
Despite the restoration of brain function, Tony did not come to his senses for a long time, then Doctor Strange, who also participated in the rescue, helped him.

After some time, Tony Stark fully revived and regained his personality, but there was one “but” the copy of the memories was made a long time ago and did not contain the events of the civil war, having learned about all the destruction and especially the death of Captain America, Stark again plunged into depression and shock , despite the fact that Steve Rogers was in the same building with him and they talked every day.

Return to the battlefield.

The next important event in the chronicle of the universe was the attack on Asgaard, which diverted Osborn's attention from Tony and allowed him to calmly fill in the gaps in his memory and gain strength by reading the news of those times that were not included on the hard drive with the memory recording.
Although the Extremis virus had a devastating effect on Tony’s body, it also gave him new opportunities, the Stark’s body began to better maintain contact with the reactor, and his mental abilities moved to an unprecedented level.
In addition, after the influence of the virus, Tony gained the opportunity to partially fuse his body with the shell of the suit and could not wear the suit, but, if necessary, call it from his DNA,
Having reassembled all the technology and improved his armor, Iron Man entered into battle with Osborn, confronting him during the siege of Asgaard. Now, the Iron Patriot armor available to Osborn was significantly behind the improved suit in technology, and also had some damage that Osborn himself was unable to fix. After the victory over Osborn, he was arrested and the HAMMER organization was closed, SHIELD returned to its previous positions and, instead of the old company, founded a new one, Stark Resilient, which manufactures new generation reactors.

Iron Man Video

All Tony Stark's enemies: from Loki to Ivan Vanko

Many years ago, on a cloudy and particularly inspired evening in March 1963, writer Stan Lee came up with the image of an extremely interesting person. He was brilliant, handsome, charming and rich. True, despite all the gifts of fate, he is not at all spoiled (except for female attention) and is moral. Then Stan Lee was joined by screenwriter Larry Leiber and artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby. And so a colorful and attractive story was born about the grandiose Iron Man - a warrior in yellow-red armor, with a sword of courage and a shield of justice.

Today, the story of Iron Man is experiencing a rebirth. From a glossy comic book image, it came to the big screens, fitting into three films (if you don’t count “The Avengers”). It turned out that Russian film fans also liked the heroic tale about the unusual “hobby” of the billionaire, playboy and philanthropist – Tony Stark.

On his victorious heroic path, Iron Man has seen a lot. Among his enemies were various eccentric guys who strove to take away his original suit, kidnap a girl, or even take over the Earth altogether. They managed to accept various shapes and images - from alien gods with claims to world domination, corporate employees, to high-profile criminals who want to master its technologies.


The lone gun baron of the mountain underground was first on the list. Plans to enslave the world and capture Stark failed. As a result of a grandiose failure, the world received the priceless Iron Man - the threat of all the world's bandits, young and old.

Ivan Vanko

An obscure Russian scientist with manicured hands, dreadlocks, vodka and a passion for parrots.

Let's be honest - the most epic failure. Unsuccessful implementation evil genius found itself in a Russian citizen dissatisfied with the living conditions in the country. If you ever see a forty-something-year-old man standing outside a store with a grocery sign, a bottle in his hand and a fiery, vengeful gaze, you know that Americans are making movies again. Of all those who are hostile to Tony Stark, he is the most ridiculous. But, of course, it is gratifying that in the West they still think that among the poor in Russia there are wild intellectuals. Even under the weight of alcohol, they firmly retained their ability to perform mathematical analysis. Nice.

Alien from Outer Space (Loki)

Iron Man's most eccentric enemy. The most atypical and malicious. Inhumane, logical, and most interestingly, a wanderer with a cold gaze, an unloved child, he fascinates with his icy nature, tough battles and duels with Stark. Although, at the same time, he is funny, even a little positive. But still, the worst of the worst, the worst of the worst enemies of Iron Man and the team who have ever penetrated planet Earth, the brother of the handsome Thor - Loki. And what are his costumes worth?!

Industrial conflict (Obadiah Stein)

Be that as it may, the worst enemy is the person you work with. Smiling, shining and a kind person, a friend of Stark's late father, is number one among the film's villains. He is driven by envy and hatred, blind rage due to the awareness of his own inadequacy - this is how Mr. Stein appears to us, performed by the incomparable Jeff Bridges.

Enemy in reflection

But the grand prize of the villain competition must be given to the dark side of the heroic soul. After all, saving the world is a truly difficult task, especially if you combine it with a full and vibrant social life.

Sometimes it hits the heroes and they give in. Spider-Man, all the time wayfinder renounce his heroic lot. Batman disappearing from view on long years. But not Tony Stark, not Iron Man. He did not lose faith in his work and never veered from his chosen path. What about the villains? All of them, having experienced temptation and envy of Tony Stark's chic simplicity, entered the wrong path of conflict. And they were defeated.

Oktyabrina Morkovina