The cell drawings are unusual and beautiful. Ideas for decorating checkered notebooks

Not everyone managed to graduate from art school to learn drawing techniques. If you want to make a creative card or fill out a diary original drawings, master drawing by cells. Small pictures by cells Even beginners can do it. The main thing is to buy a math notebook with light-colored paper.

How to draw by cells

Many people like to solve Japanese crosswords, which are based on drawing in cells. If you have ready-made crossword puzzles or answers to them, you can simply redraw large figures in your notebook.

Most good way use ready-made diagrams that were specially designed for those who do not know how to draw. You can color in the cells in your own notebook according to the diagram, and then surprise beautiful images loved ones and relatives.

Among the templates you will find

Look original fruits by cells. If you paint over the drawing well with bright felt-tip pens, then you can cut it out and use it for interior decoration or applique decoration.

Want to make a postcard or describe in your diary romantic story, then draw a heart in the cells.

Sweets, bouquets, flowers - all this can be drawn in cells.

If you master the principle, then you will be able to depict anything in your own notebook.

Want to come up with your own drawing? Then make a light sketch, and then start turning it into a drawing by cells. It's best to start with the outline. Then you can highlight small details. Don’t forget to note what color, what detail should be highlighted so that the drawing turns out bright and beautiful.

3D drawings by cells- This is a good way to spend interesting leisure time and realize your creative abilities.

Have you ever drawn by cells before? Then be sure to try it. This activity will appeal to both young children and adults. Experts noted that this hobby develops creative thinking, coordination of movements when writing, concentration and logic. Spend your leisure time usefully by inventing new 3D diagrams, simple and complex, for drawing in cells.

Complex pattern by cells

We offer photos of several popular schemes for beginners

Drawings by cells in a notebook - great way pass the time. This kind of drawing does not require special skills. All you have to do is open the sample drawing you like on our website and follow the geometry of the notebook - small squares. The standard size of cells in a notebook is 5x5 mm. The simplest school notebooks are suitable for drawing in cells.

Drawings on the cells in a notebook are a great way to pass the time

Drawing can keep you entertained when you're bored. Drawing by cells is not only exciting, but also useful. Those who don't have artistic experience, can get it thanks to this type of drawing.

Drawings by type:

Drawing on the cells in a notebook develops creative thinking, coordination and has an excellent calming effect.

Drawings by cells

Drawings by difficulty level

Our website provides examples of drawings of varying complexity. Here you can find drawings for beginners (suitable for children and those who want to quickly and effortlessly create a beautiful drawing), as well as more complex options. To begin with, you can try to create the most simple drawings, and then move on to a more serious level.

It doesn't matter what complexity you choose to draw. The main thing is that you can have a good time and relax well. Both adults and children who have never been creative can handle such drawings.

Benefits for children

If adults can just pass the time doing this interesting activity, then children benefit greatly from this. By drawing in boxes, children develop imagination, mathematical thinking and strategy. This provides some experience that can help children learn to draw larger and complex drawings.

Such drawing also has a positive effect on the nervous system. This helps calm nerves, relieve psychological stress and suppress hyperactivity. Drawing in boxes while listening to calm music is a great way to relax.

What can you draw?

You can draw anything using the cells: animals, plants, landscapes, beautiful inscriptions, emoticons, cartoon characters, etc. Our website presents different options drawings: for both girls and boys. You can choose any of them and start drawing right now.

How to draw?

To draw by cells, you need to stock up on a simple school notebook (or a larger one, A4 format) and writing utensils. To color the cells, you can use simple pens and pencils, as well as multi-colored markers, crayons and pens. Thanks to this simple dialing objects can be created truly beautiful and unusual drawings. Get started now.

Easy square drawings for beginners

Today, square drawings are popular among both children and adults. To create such drawings, people do not need any skills or abilities. Even if this is your first time holding a felt-tip pen in your hands, you will special labor you can create a beautiful drawing. All you need for this drawing is a simple school notebook, a few markers (or a simple ballpoint pen) and some free time.

The benefits of drawing by cells

Drawing by cells is useful for both adults and children. Thanks to drawing in boxes, adults can pass the time with an interesting activity and also relieve emotional stress. Such drawing is very calming, which is very important for people living in the modern urban rhythm. Also, drawing by cells will be useful for those who want to gain a little experience in creative sphere. Thanks to this type of drawing, you can master the basics of creativity, which will have a positive effect on your general skills.

Thanks to drawing, children develop imagination, attention and even mathematical thinking. Drawing can relieve emotional stress and suppress hyperactivity in restless children. If you want your child to benefit from free time, make him draw. This is much more useful and educational than sitting on the Internet all day long.

Drawings by cells according to difficulty level

Our website presents drawings for both beginners and experienced artists. In fact, no matter how complex the drawing, anyone can handle it. It’s just that you need to spend less time on some drawings, and much more on others. To create some drawings, one simple pencil is enough, for others you need colored felt-tip pens.

If this is your first time visiting our website, you should choose. Such drawings are as simple as possible and take a minimum of time. In just 10-15 minutes you will succeed finished drawing, in the process of drawing which you will get a lot of pleasure.

What can you draw?

If you have chosen easy drawings by cells for beginners, you can draw a variety of emoticons, beautiful inscriptions, flowers, figures, animals and much more. Our website presents different designs, so you can easily find the one that suits you.

What to draw with?

To create a drawing by cells, you will need the simplest set: a simple school notebook, a set of colored pencils/markers or a regular pen. Choose any drawing you like and start drawing right now.

Photos of drawings by cells

Here is a catalog of photographs of examples and sketches for drawing by cells in notebooks.

Photos of cats

Small drawings by cells

Small drawings by cells- a great way to pass the time. This type of drawing is popular among adults and children. This allows you to relax and enjoy the process.

The benefits of drawing by cells

This type of drawing is not only fun, but also very useful. Those who want to learn how to draw beautifully can start with cell drawings, since they are as simple as possible and do not require much time. Schoolchildren can create a whole drawing during recess, and adults can create it during free time at work, which will allow them to calm down and relieve emotional stress.

What can you draw?

To draw small drawing by cells, it is enough to have a simple set of supplies: a regular school notebook and a set of markers (or a simple pen). You can draw a beautiful inscription, emoticons, small animals, various symbols and much more. The drawing process will take only 10-15 minutes.

From the list presented, you can choose any drawing you like and start drawing right now.

Drawings based on squares are in demand among both adults and children.

Drawings on squares are in demand among both adults and children. When you have nothing to do and want to relax, you should try this type of drawing. Checkered drawings are a great way to relax and give yourself pleasure.

To create such a drawing, you will need the simplest set of supplies: a school notebook, a simple pen or a set of felt-tip pens/pencils. It will take no more than 20 minutes to create one drawing.

Types of drawings

On a simple checkered sheet of paper you can depict almost anything: animals, flowers, smiley faces, cartoon or video game characters, various symbols and much more. On our website there is a separate list of “square drawings for girls”. The list contains both complex drawings and the simplest ones. You can do this kind of drawing at home or during breaks at school. The simplest drawing can be created in just 10 minutes.

Checkered drawings for girls will help you relax and improve your creative skills. Such drawing is not only educational, but also very useful.

Drawings for girls

Photos of the pattern by cells - Heart

Photos of drawings based on squares – Pony

Today, checkered drawings are very popular among teenagers.

Today, checkered drawings are very popular among teenagers. Very popular drawings for personal diary . Such drawings can depict almost anything: from animals to emoticons and various symbols.

The benefits of drawings by cells

Thanks to such drawings, children and teenagers can spend their free time usefully. Even if you don’t have creative skills, you can easily draw a picture using cells of any complexity. If you need drawings for a personal diary, check out our list and choose the most suitable options for yourself.

By doing this kind of drawing, children develop creative skills, imagination, attention and even mathematical abilities. Thanks to this drawing, you can perfectly relax and relieve emotional stress.

What do you need for drawing?

If you are keeping a colorful and vibrant diary, you will need a set of colored markers or pencils. If the colorfulness of the diary is not important to you, you can use a simple pen or pencil. You can draw 1 drawing in just 10-15 minutes.

Drawings for boys using squares are very popular

Drawings for boys using squares are very popular. First of all, they are relevant for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully. Such drawings can be created in just 15-30 minutes, and also significantly improve creative skills, so children can quickly learn to draw.

Drawings for boys

This section includes drawings different types: animals, cars, characters from various universes (for example, Minecraft or Marvel), unusual emoticons and various symbols. It is noteworthy that drawings for boys are most often created in one color, so you can use a simple pencil or pen to draw. If colorfulness is important to you, you can use multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Drawings of Ninja turtles by cells

The benefits of drawings by cells

This type of drawing can improve drawing skills and abilities, as well as develop imagination and attention. In addition, drawing can be a great way to relax. By spending just 15 minutes, you can create a beautiful and attractive drawing.

Drawings by cells are an excellent solution for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully

Drawings by cells are an excellent solution for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully. Such drawings do not require special skills and abilities. All you need is a school notebook and a set of markers. You can also create a drawing by cells using a simple pencil. It takes 30-40 minutes to create a pattern using cells of average complexity.

How to draw?

There are no uniform rules for this kind of drawing. But it is much more convenient to draw from top to bottom, filling the picture from left to right. For general development you can try drawing from the center to the edges of the image.

Can be used for drawing simple pencils or pens, and multi-colored sets. You can depict anything: animals, flowers, characters famous cartoons or games, emoticons, beautiful inscriptions, etc.

Photos of drawings by cells

Our website presents high-quality photos of drawings different directions. Thanks to them, you can quickly create a beautiful drawing. The process of drawing will bring pleasure and help you relax well. You can get started right now.

Om yum on the cells

Cactus by cells

Ice cream - draw by squares

Word love in cells

Drawing of a dog by cells

Drawing a hamster by cells

If you liked the drawings, write in the comments!

It can be difficult to surprise children, but this does not mean that it is impossible to do. And after a whole day of running, jumping, dancing, playing, everyone should calm down a little and do something creative and educational. Small drawings in the cells come to the rescue. When you need to keep the kids busy, pull them out large leaf checkered paper so children can draw together.

Are small drawings in squares a good or bad idea?

Of course, small drawings on the cells in a notebook are also good idea, especially when you are on the road with a child and have nothing to occupy him. Small and cute, they will help your child have a good time, and they will get the most out of such activities. Small drawings in cells in a notebook - simple artistic activity, which combines art and mathematics.

Lollipops by cells photo

French fries in squares

Kitten in cages photo

Tools for drawing small pictures by cells

Don't tell the kids too much, make it a surprise, take the paper different types, markers or colored pencils and pens and let the kids start drawing. Drawings can be arbitrary; sometimes it is useful to give the child the opportunity to develop his imagination through drawing. But you can choose specific ones for 5 years.

If you have a home printer, then that’s great. You can customize and create your own graph paper in a special application. They have many options for graph paper - regular square, triangle, and more. But decide on this step after the children have mastered drawing in squares. The app still makes it easy to select the shape size you need, thickness, line color, and more. Then the layout is simply saved in pdf format and you can print it immediately.

Using regular checkered paper, you can make simple repeating patterns, chessboard patterns. You can combine squares to make larger shapes and divide squares into triangles and smaller squares and even octagons to make all sorts of interesting designs.

Triangles and hexagons also work well for patterns and paintings. For those who are already good at different figures and is well versed in the basics of geometric shapes, you can use emoticons from VK as a template. Let your child choose their favorite emojis and draw them in their notebook. Animals are also a good idea.

Drawing them for the first time may not be so easy if you use squares, but in fact, children will quickly pick up this idea and after some time they will be able to embody the most daring ideas on a sheet of paper with squares.

Even though this simple idea, it allows a lot of space for creativity, which with a lot of random math concepts is a big bonus for a child's development.

Watermelon by cells photo

Minions by cells photo

Superheroes by cells

Anime cat in squares

Graphic dictation

It is worth noting that tasks with graph paper are popular in kindergartens. One of the common techniques is to create a drawing without a sample. This is a kind of graphic dictation. This task can be easily reproduced at home with your child. For this exercise we will use 4x4 sheets of paper. Starting from the top left corner, we will begin filling in the squares using simple instructions. These instructions include:

  1. move one square to the right;
  2. move one square to the left;
  3. move one square up;
  4. move one square down. This is how we will write an algorithm to instruct a child (who will color the squares).

Choose a simple design, such as a checkerboard, to use as an example. This is a good way to enter all the characters in the key. To get started, fill out a chart for your child—square by square—then ask him to help describe what you just did. First, you can speak the algorithm out loud, then you can turn your verbal instructions into a program. An example of an algorithm: “Move to the right, fill the square, move to the right, move down. Fill the square, move left, move left, fill the square.”

If the child copes well with this exercise, then this is a reason to come up with an alternative task. similar essence, but more complicated. If there is still confusion, save this assignment and try again the next day, but in the meantime, work with another example.

If the child understands the algorithm and can identify the correct symbols for each step, he is ready to move on. Depending on your child and their age and development, you can either try to make a complex grid together, or move on to having your child work in pairs with a friend. They will enjoy playing together, giving each other such tasks. This is a great way to get your child to work creatively by coming up with their own funny pictures and breaking them down into algorithms for moving through cells and filling them.

Small drawings by cells in the photo:

How to draw different cells by cell beautiful drawings.

IN lately The method of creating patterns using cells is gaining popularity. Not only children like to draw “pixel pictures”. Adults take up this style of drawing with the same interest.

From the article you will learn how to learn to draw by cells, what materials and skills are needed, and select the drawing schemes that you prefer.

How to learn to draw in squares for beginners and children?

  • It is not necessary to have the talent of an artist to transfer the images and shapes you like onto paper. Drawing by cells - easy and interesting way diversify your leisure time, fill out the pages of a sketchbook or regular diary.
  • For work, markers or colored pencils of bright colors are used. A wide variety of designs are obtained by painting cell by cell. Using this method of drawing, you can transfer a landscape to paper, draw a person or animal, fairy tale character or simply create a beautiful and unusual ornament.

  • If you decide to learn how to draw by cells, then try to draw one of the drawings presented in the article. To begin with, stop at the most simple version. After the drawing is ready, you can try to transfer a more complex diagram from the gallery pictures onto a sheet of paper.
  • Using this method of drawing, you will definitely not get bored, because after trying to draw by cells, you will definitely want to continue this interesting activity.

Video: How to draw Angry Birds by cells

How useful is drawing by cells:

  • Our photo collection contains more than just picture diagrams. Every image is an option graphic dictation. Such pictures have become very fashionable now.
  • Probably, the growing interest in them is due to the ease of execution and the fact that this activity is also very useful.
  • Drawing in boxes helps develop perseverance, acquire writing skills (if a child draws), develops logical and abstract thinking, and relaxes.
  • Thanks to this method of drawing, you can correct the correct movements when writing and improve coordination.
  • Funny pictures seem to appear on a sheet of paper by themselves. It’s not a shame to spend your free time doing something like this.

The drawing is created in two ways:

  • the first method is line by line: filled different colors line by line
  • the second method is to paint the cells one by one: first one color is used, then another, and so on

What you will need for the drawing:

  • colored pencils or markers (you can use felt-tip pens, a simple pencil, a regular pen)
  • squared notebook with light sheets or graph paper (for creating large-format drawings)
  • will need more good mood, a little free time, and also a lot of schemes from our gallery

Feel like a real artist! Your future masterpiece may look very simple or consist of several complex patterns.

Schemes of drawings by cells

How to draw small, easy and simple drawings step by step and beautifully in a notebook: diagrams

  • If you don’t have training in art school, but you have a desire to learn drawing techniques, then try to master the method of drawing by cells.
  • Original drawings created using this technique are perfect for creating a creative postcard or filling out a personal diary. Even a beginner can handle a small picture.
  • The pictures presented in our article or solved Japanese crossword puzzles are suitable as diagrams, because they are based on drawing in cells.
  • If you don't know how to fill in the boxes Japanese crosswords, then use the answers to them and redraw larger format figures in your notebook.
  • Another drawing option is to use ready-made diagrams, designed specifically for those who are drawing in cells for the first time and do not have drawing skills.

Below is a photo selection of drawings by cells:

Video: Drawing by cells - SPIDER-MAN

How to draw different beautiful drawings in cells for a personal diary in a notebook?

  • A beautifully drawn picture can be used as interior decor. To do this, the picture is cut along the contour and glued to thick paper. Then the brightly decorated drawing can be placed in a frame.
  • By placing a checkered drawing in a homemade frame, you can turn it into a creative hand-made gift.
  • The pattern on the cells can become an element of the applique. You can make fashionable cards by decorating them with checkered drawings or “illustrate” a romantic story written in a diary. Hearts drawn in squares, faces of girls or boys, cartoon characters, cakes, candies, flowers - any image can be created using this method of drawing.
  • This method of drawing will be an excellent simulator for practicing fine motor skills. Therefore, this activity is useful not only for children, but also for adults. You can enjoy creativity after one of the schemes proposed in our selection is completely transferred to your notebook.
  • You can also use part of the diagram. For example, if you want to depict some animal not completely, but limit yourself to drawing only a single element to fill a diary page with a picture.

Having mastered the principle of creating drawings by cells, you will be able to come up with diagrams yourself and draw any objects you like in a notebook.

How to draw your own drawing?

  • think about what we want to depict
  • make a light sketch
  • transform the initial lines into a drawing by cells
  • First of all, we outline the contours
  • Let's move on to highlighting small details
  • we note which detail should be painted over with what color (this is necessary for a bright and beautiful drawing, but you can also create black and white pictures)
  • expand the collection of your own 3D diagrams with simple or complex pictures of the cells
    You should not copy a drawing you saw somewhere exactly or repeat the color scheme.
  • To fill out a notebook original pictures, make changes to the schemes, change the colors. Let these small pictures become a reflection of your inner world.

How to teach a child to draw by cells?

  • Drawing by cells will help your child believe that he can create beautiful drawings on his own. But it is precisely from inspiration in early age depends on whether the child will turn to any creative activities in the future.
  • To make it more convenient to draw by square with your child, it is better to print out the template you like in advance.

  • When your child has a set for drawing by cells, including a notebook sheet, markers and a printed template, he can immediately start drawing his favorite ones. cartoon characters or animals.
  • Before you start sketching cells in a notebook, you can discuss with a 4-5 year old child future drawing. Let young talent He will tell you what colors he will use for the drawing and what elements he will start drawing first.
  • After the discussion, select the markers for your child to use while drawing.
  • Tell your child about the principles of drawing pictures by cells.
  • Invite your child to choose a cell on the template from which he will begin to “build on” the remaining elements. Ask why this particular cell became the beginning of the drawing. Find with young artist this cell in your notebook.

Video: Drawing by cells # 40 Fawn

  • Since a 4-5 year old child does not have enough perseverance, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 15-20 minutes. You can return to the drawing again during the day.
  • If you need to interest a child, then try this method: transfer the diagram of the picture in a box onto a sheet of paper, omitting one or more elements. Then ask your young talent to complete what is missing in the picture. To draw the missing part, the child can use a ready-made diagram.
  • If desired, the cells in the drawing diagram can be filled not only with decorated squares, but also various signs can be used to fill part of the drawing. This method will help you create a truly unique drawing.
  • We begin to transfer the diagram with the correct location of the drawing on the sheet. You can start drawing a picture from the top, or from the bottom. It all depends on what kind of scheme you have. If more elements are located at the top, then you need to start the drawing from this part, “building on” the remaining cells.
  • The method of drawing by cells can also be used to transfer an image onto a sheet of paper. This way you can redraw everything: from a pattern to a painting. Drawing on squares was used even before the advent of tracing paper or other methods of copying an image. You can even draw the face of a friend or relative and present an unusual self-portrait for your birthday.

4.7 (93.8%) 158 votes

Checkered drawings or pixel art are very popular look art among schoolchildren and students. During tedious lectures, drawings by squares save you from boredom. The prototype of drawing by squares was cross-stitching, where a cross pattern was drawn on a canvas, a fabric marked with squares. We were all once students and schoolchildren and drew different pictures in boxes out of boredom, imagine my surprise when I learned that this is practically art with its own masterpieces and geniuses. I began to study the issue in more detail and this is what came out of it...

How to draw pictures by cells

This art is accessible to anyone, the main thing is to follow the cells clearly. School notebooks are ideal for drawing images; the size of their squares is 5x5 mm, and the notebook itself is 205 mm by 165 mm. On at the moment Spring notebooks with an A4 sheet are gaining popularity among box artists; the size of this notebook is 280mm by 205mm.

Professional artists create their masterpieces on graph paper (drawing paper), that’s where there’s room to roam. The only disadvantage of graph paper is that it is pale green, which is not noticeable when you sketch with colored pens.
When choosing a notebook for drawing, pay attention to the thickness of the paper; the quality of your drawing in the cells depends on its density, and whether it will appear on the wrong side of the sheet. The ideal sheet density is no less than 50g/sq.m.

How to draw pictures by cells

To color pictures by cells, you don’t need any special tools; any pencils and pens will do. Monochrome paintings are very cool, but I really want to add some color to my life. In order for the colors to become varied, go to a stationery store and choose whatever your heart desires, gel pens, oil, ball.

Ballpoint pens for pixel art

Felt pens for drawings by cells

If you like to draw with felt-tip pens, your right, the colors of the felt-tip pens are very rich. It is worth remembering that felt-tip pens are divided into two groups: alcohol and water-based; water-based ones are safer, but they can soak the paper. Alcohol can also soak paper, and the smell is also not for everyone.

Pencils for drawings by cells

Pencils are another type of sketching device. Pencils are no exception in the variety of types; they come in plastic, wax, wood and watercolor. We paint with wood early childhood, and we know that they often break the stylus. Plastic and wax ones break less often, but they are thicker, which will be less convenient for drawing. About watercolor pencils out of the question, since after painting with a pencil you need to cover the drawing with a moistened brush, and this is unacceptable for notebook sheets.

Watch a video about how easy it is to draw pictures in cells and how beautiful the result can be:

A few more drawing schemes that I liked:

Dot graphics - pixel art technology

We figured out what accessories are needed, now let's get acquainted with the technology. Pixel art technology is very simple, it is dot graphics.

Before we begin to consider pixel art methods, let's go back to our childhood in the 80s -90s. Of course, those who grew up in post-Soviet times, remembers 8-bit video games, game graphics, which are built on pixel graphics.

The best way to master anything is practice, let's try to master pixel art:

Let's take a black and red oil pen and a checkered notebook sheet.

First, let's make a simple drawing. Let's count the cells, determine the outline and color it according to the colors.

For example, let's draw a heart:

  1. Take a checkered leaf and a pen with black ink, put 3 dots, as in the picture, the dots mark which cells will be painted black.

  2. Draw lines indicating the contours of the picture.

  3. Mark three points on each side, see figure.

  4. We mark the area of ​​the drawing with two lines.

  5. Let's put one more point on each side and draw boundaries under the top points.

  6. Let's draw 8 points vertically and 4 points on both sides, as shown in the figure below.
  7. After spending vertical lines, as shown in the figure, we will fully indicate the boundaries of the figure.
  8. In the same way, mark the lower part of the heart on the left and right.

  9. We outline the cells as in our image.

  10. The next thing we need to do is paint over the inside of the heart with a red pen, leaving the highlight of the light unpainted.

  11. And lastly, use a black pen to shade the cells marked with dots. Now you have learned how to draw eight-bit pictures.

If you think that big and 3D pictures not for you, you should try to draw a photo from the Internet. Are you scared? Not worth it.


  • black pen,
  • pencils,
  • squared notebook,
  • computer,
  • photograph or picture from the Internet
  • Photoshop program.

For application volumetric drawings we need to count the number of cells that will be painted. It's pretty hard not to make a mistake large quantities. Also, be sure to choose shades of colors similar to the original image.
So, let's act:

I’ll give you one piece of advice that helps me a lot: if you have a color printer, print the drawing, if not, no problem. Draw a grid of 10 cells with a thicker outline. On a printed sheet, using a ruler and a contrasting pen, if there is nowhere to print, you can open the image in Paint.
I wish you creative success.