Where did Dima Bilan live as a child? Life after Aizenshpis

Dima Bilan is today a fairly popular performer of many favorite songs. And his name at birth and until June two thousand and eight was Viktor Nikolaevich Belan. Many fans are interested not only in the biography of the performer, but also privacy, Bilan's nationality and any interesting facts, especially scandalous stories. This is the price of dizzying success.

Brief biography of the singer: childhood years

The pop idol was born on December twenty-four, nineteen eighty-one, in the small village of Moskovsky, which is part of the town of Ust-Dzheguta and is located in Karachay-Cherkessia. Literally twelve months later, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and another five years passed - and they were already in the city of Maysky, and this is Kabardino-Balkaria. Here Vitya studies at school number two until the ninth grade, and then moves to the fourteenth, where he completes his school education.

Today, the singer is better known under the name Dima Bilan, due to the fact that in June two thousand and eight he began to use this pseudonym instead of real data. But already in two thousand and twelve he began new project, where, on the contrary, its native name Vitya Belan now uses her as a matronym.

The first musical steps of a future celebrity

In fifth grade, Dima begins studying the accordion at a music school and even becomes a soloist in the choir. Participates in various competitive events, reads poetry, sings songs and is involved in all holidays.

And in nineteen ninety-nine he went to the capital to become a participant in the famous Chunga-Changa festival, which was created specifically for young talents in connection with the anniversary of the collaboration between Entin and Tukhmanov.

The next time Dima visited Moscow was after graduating from school. He enters and begins to engage in creative self-realization.

Dima Bilan. Nationality and parents of a talented performer

The mother of today's idol was first an ordinary worker in greenhouses, and then went into the social sphere. And dad has a standard profession as an engineer. Dmitry has two more sisters, Elena and Anna. Of course, like all parents, Nikolai Mikhailovich and Nina Dmitrievna wanted their son to have a normal, more down-to-earth education that would help him not only get on his feet, but also feed his family. Therefore they for a long time opposed Dima's desire to become a singer.

Bilan's nationality, despite the fact that he was born in Karachay-Cherkessia, is Russian. Accordingly, his mother, Belan Nina Dmitrievna, and his father, Belan Nikolai Mikhailovich, are also Russian. As for the surname of this family, it is very interesting group, which came from “worldly” names. Due to the content of the root “bel”, such surnames were very common in Ancient Rus'. They could be given to a person based on his external data. White means light, very pale or white-faced, perhaps even blond.

And another possible meaning is that the surname could refer to the adjective "white", which means expensive, clean or good. And over time, it transformed into “Belan”. Therefore, the nationality of Dima Bilan can be judged, first of all, by the origin of his last name.

People's Artist Born in a Small Town

Once upon a time he was a small, ordinary boy, as many of his teachers said, very modest and shy. Today, his every step is known to everyone. And despite the fact that Dima does not like to be frank and does not let anyone get too close to him, there is always enough information for fans to think about.

In two thousand and six he took second place at the Eurovision Song Contest, and two years later he took first place. Such an event happened for the first time in the history of Russia, and, of course, then the whole country jumped for joy along with the winner. And he instantly became the favorite singer of millions. And questions rained down: who is he - Dima Bilan? Nationality of the star, where was he born? And the lack of information, as a rule, gives rise to many rumors.

The idol of millions has ceased to be himself

This story began fifteen years ago, in the usual high school the city of Maisky, which is located in the vicinity of Nalchik. When pronouncing the name of the idol - Dima Bilan, whose nationality and origin worries a lot of people - no one knew about Vita Belan. But it was with him that the ascent along the stellar ladder began.

It was he who, after graduating from school in nineteen ninety-nine, set off to conquer the capital. Here the talented guy was immediately noted. He produced the last album of the group "Kino" and popular artist nineties Vlad Stashevsky. And only then does Belan decide to choose for himself creative pseudonym, which greatly helped him liberate himself.

How did the death of the producer influence further creativity?

But when the producer dies three years later, his heirs declared the name “Dima Bilan” their property. Was huge amount ships, threats, and popular singer I had to go through enormous stress and anxiety. They tried to take away absolutely everything from him: songs, creativity, and even his pseudonym, since according to his passport he remained Viktor Nikolaevich Belan.

Then the artist took a rather difficult step and received a document under a new name. Moreover, the passport was issued specifically in the name of Dima, and not Dmitry. And then new rumors began to spread. Why did he change his last name? Why did you give up your name? And yet, what is Dima Bilan’s nationality?

Therapeutic effect of new passport data

How is life different? ordinary person from the life of popular stars? First of all, because their every step, every action, personal relationship, any scandal - absolutely everything becomes public knowledge.

Dima had to experience the same thing as soon as he became a celebrity. Everyone wanted to know not only what songs he would perform, but also what he was doing in everyday life, who he was before, where Dima Bilan studied, the nationality of his parents and much more.

School teachers also remembered this boy as very shy and modest. To liberate himself on stage, Dmitry had to do a lot of work on himself. He succeeded. Now in this singer it is no longer possible to recognize that shy teenager who was so nervous before all his appearances on stage.

Nevertheless, each person needs his own personal space. There, in front of the public, Dima Bilan is cool, for him everything impossible is possible. But deep down in his soul there is still this young Vitya, who wants to be modest, perhaps not even recognized by the public. Therefore, this duality in many ways even helps to have a certain therapeutic effect on the singer’s life.

New project called Vitya Belan

The project created by the singer is probably an indicator of how sometimes you want to be yourself, to return to yourself. Anyone who follows Dmitry's life closely enough knows perfectly well that there was a lot in his life. highlights. And not only positive ones.

Various courts, proof of his own rights, lawyers, legal terms... And he faced all this, being completely unprepared. And the desire to be the Vitya he was before is quite justified. After all, it was there that there were no problems, there were no intrigues, there were no those who wanted to take away or appropriate something.

What is more important for fans of talent

And it doesn’t matter who he is: Vitya or Dima Bilan. What is his nationality? Who does he live with and how? The main thing is his creativity. He is not only a wonderful performer, but also writes wonderful songs, composes melodies.

His talent does not depend on where he was born or baptized. What you should be interested in first common man- this is not who Dima Bilan lives with, what nationality he or his relatives have, but what contribution this talented singer contributed to our Russian culture. Of course, in this delightful performer there is a certain piece of Caucasian upbringing, and even some oriental features. But this is only a silent tribute to the lands where he was born and raised, where he went to school and took his first steps on the stage.

And Dima quite often mentions his place of birth in many of his interviews. And also about simple life his parents, whom he loves and protects very much. After all, he already knows very well how traumatizing any carelessly presented topic in the media can be.

And when Dima Bilan appears on stage or on screen, nationality, his origin, personal life - everything fades into the background. Because at these moments you want to listen to his voice, which once again helped Russia become the first! And this is the most important thing!

Details Created: 08/18/2016 17:48 Updated: 09/29/2017 22:51

Dima Bilan is a popular and very charming Russian singer, actor, and just talented person. Below you will find out all the details of the star’s personal life, his biography and see interesting photos.


According to sources, the date of birth of the star is December 24, 1981 in the small village of Moskovsky (Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug of the RSFSR). Nationality is Russian (although some claim that he has Eastern roots due to his unusual appearance). Received the name at birth - Victor Nikolaevich Belan. Then, over time (in 2008), Victor will change his name to his stage name - Dima, because in his interviews he has repeatedly stated that he always wanted to be called Dimka, like his beloved grandfather.

Father in his youth and now

The boy was born into a family of ordinary workers. Father (Nikolai) worked all his life as an engineer and mechanic, and mother (Nina) cared for plants in greenhouses, and then became an employee social sphere. Dima is not only child, he has sisters: the eldest Elena (born in 1980) and the youngest Anya (born approximately 1994). Today, Elena is married (husband Gennady Zimin) and successfully works as a fashion designer, and the youngest Anya now lives in America, plays music and even records songs and films videos.

Little sister Anya

Dima's childhood was like that of ordinary children. The only fact is that when Vitya was little, parents and children often changed their place of residence. First they moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and a few years later to the city of Maisky and the boy had to change friends all the time.

Dima as a child with his sister Elena

When Dimka was in the 5th grade, his parents decided to send him to music school (he studied the accordion), especially since the boy really liked it. While at school, the little artist already begins to take part in various competitions, where he receives his first awards. After graduation, he submits documents to music school them. Gnessins, and three years later he enters GITIS to study.



According to the media, a breakthrough in the aspiring singer’s career was the fact that MTV Russia launched his first video clip for the song “Autumn.” The filming was sponsored by Dima's producer, Elena Kan.

Video clip for the song "Autumn"

Then he acts as a contestant in the project “ New wave"(2002) and takes an honorable 4th place. First, the young singer works with Yuri Aizenshpis (his producer), shoots many videos, and records singles. A pAfter the death of his beloved producer, he had some conflicts with the new director and the recording studio, but the scandal was soon hushed up.

At the New Wave competition

Big role in career young singer took part in international competition"Eurovision".At first he tried to get into the competition in 2005, but in the qualifying round he took 2nd place (Natalia Podolskaya was ahead of him). Then, in 2006, he tried his luck for the second time and received the coveted ticket to the Eurovision final. But here, he was unsuccessful again, because he took second place (he was ahead of Finland group Lordi). Then, in 2008, Bilan tried his luck for the third time and still took 1st place with the song “Believe”.

"Believe" Video

Thus, according to the media, he becomes the first contestant to bring victory to Russia at Eurovision (before and after that, no one has yet managed to repeat his feat).He tried to conquer the Eurovision stage for the fourth time in 2012 (this time paired with Yulia Volkova), but again did not pass the qualifying round (took 2nd place).


Bilan has earned many awards (he has so many that it’s hard to count), because he is a truly talented guy. Albums:

2003 - "I'm a night hooligan";

2004 - “On the shore of the sky”;

2006 - “Time is a River”;

2008 - “Against the rules”;

"I'm a night hooligan"

2009 - "Believe";

2011 - “The Dreamer”;


2013 - “Reach”;

2014 - "Alien";

2015 - "Don't be silent."

"Don't be silent"

Singles that won the hearts of millions of TV viewers:

  • "Never Let You Go" (2006);
  • "Believe" (2008);
  • "Dancing Lady" (2009);
  • "Catch my colorful dreams" (2012).

"Catch my colorful dreams"

He voiced one of the characters (Hans) in the cartoon "Frozen" (2013). He also proved himself as an actor. Starred in the following films: " Star Vacation" And " Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" (2007); "Golden Key" (2009); "Theater of the Absurd" (2011); "Hero" (2016).In 2017, a film with his participation, “Midshipmen IV,” will be released.

Trailer for the film "Hero"

Interesting facts

His height is approximately 182 centimeters, and weight is about 75 kilograms. Glamor magazine has named him Men of the Year several times. According to the media, the singer is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and soon plans to become a space tourist. The star has two names, because for his fans he always remains Dima, and for his parents - Victor.

The star loves active recreation, as well as communicating with friends in nature. Also, according to sources, Dima loves to eat delicious food and therefore independently practices in the kitchen (cooks with soul).

Personal life

Dima has always been an enviable groom and a favorite of women. Many spread dirty gossip that he had gay, and all because of the scandal with the rapper Timati (he accused Dima of using drugs and hinted that he was gay). But this is just gossip, and the singer himself has a weakness for beauties.

According to the media, he had a long affair with model Lena Kuletskaya. They dated for many years, but it never came to a wedding.

Dima with Lena Kuletskaya photo

And then new rumors appeared about him love affairs with another model Yulianna Krylova. But Dima reassured the fans, saying that they were just friends.

with Yulianna Krylova

Then she was replaced by a model Adelina Sharipova. In 2012, he was credited with an affair with singer Yulia Volkova, which did not last long.

with Adelina Sharipova

There were also rumors that Bilan dated for a long time with a simple girl Inna Andreeva (trainer for therapeutic exercises). Allegedly, Bilan’s older sister personally shared this information with journalists. The artist did not tell the press anything about her, because she is not from show business. For the popular creative person, according to his producer, an ordinary girl from the people is not suitable as a wife (it must be a star), otherwise the public will not understand such a relationship.

with Yulia Volkova

According to sources, today Bilan’s heart is free, but his wife and children are absent. The celebrity claims that his girlfriend should be faithful, bright, dynamic, understand his profession, give him freedom and be a mystery to him all her life. He really dreams of having his own children, but hasn’t found one yet the ideal woman with whom I would like to start a family. In one of the interviews, he stated that his busy work schedule does not allow him to create a real family and he would not want his chosen one to feel lonely because of his profession. Therefore, starting a family is postponed until the future.

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in working family. The artist's real name is Victor Belan. The boy was born in Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug. Later his family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria.

Finished music school by learning to play the accordion masterfully. The boy quite often participated in various music competitions, taking prizes.

In 2000-2003, Vitya studied vocals at Gnesinka. In 2003, he changed his name to that of his beloved grandfather Dmitry.

Later, Dmitry Bilan's songs appear quite often on music channels and fashion radio stations, consistently becoming hits. The singer participates in the New Wave and Eurovision music competitions, where he takes first place the second time.

Currently, the guy acts as an experienced mentor for the adult and children's music show “The Voice”. Also, Dmitry Bilan tries himself as an actor.

If o creative life Almost every fan knows the singer, but Dmitry Bilan’s personal life remains a secret behind seven seals. This handsome and undoubtedly talented guy does not like to talk about her. Because of this kind of mystery, very contradictory rumors and speculations are circulating throughout Russia regarding the singer’s amorous affairs.

One of these gossips is Dima Bilan’s affair with Yana Rudkovskaya, who after Aizenshpis’s death became the guy’s producer. However, neither the singer nor his charming producer deny the fact of a love relationship. Moreover, Yana has been in happy marriage with figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. She claims that she views Dima exclusively as a worldwide famous brand, which brings good profits.

The yellow press quite often attributes the singer to a relationship with different girls. After he began to deny a love relationship with them, Dmitry was suspected of unconventional sexual orientation. Even his “fiancé”, a certain Rovens Pritula, was found, but the rumors remained rumors.

Does Dmitry Bilan have a wife? Young woman?

For quite a long period of time, it was believed that Dmitry Bilan’s wife could well become famous model Lena Kuletskaya. This relationship continued for quite a long time, and the fact that the ring was presented at Eurovision indicated an imminent wedding. However, the miracle never happened. A little later, the couple announced that they had never had a close relationship, and they called everything that was happening a game for the public for the sake of PR.

After breaking up with Dima Kuletskaya, Bilan began to be suspected of having an affair with another beautiful fashion model Yulianna Krylova. The girl even starred in several of the singer’s videos, which are striking in their frankness. However, Dmitry Bilan himself claims that there is only strong friendship between them.

He said the same thing about possible love relationships with Natalia Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich and even ex-wife Mel Gibson by Oksana Grigorieva. Even the infamous “tattoo” girl Yulia Volkova played the role of Dmitry Bilan’s lover.

Despite the abundance of women around him, Dima quite often calls a certain Lyalya the love of his life. But she also doesn’t have a ring on her finger, like the other contenders for the singer’s heart.

IN lately his latest hobby they call the singer Pelageya, who is Dmitry’s colleague in music show“Voice” on Channel One. However, the stars only quietly chuckle at these suspicions, without refuting or confirming this fact.

It is not known for certain whether Dmitry Bilan has a common-law wife, but his sister hints that his brother has a sweet girlfriend. There is also information that this girl is very far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

Son of Dmitry Bilan photo

Oddly enough, Dima Bilan’s son still exists. Which is true, not at all by blood and born from one of his many women. This blond boy is his godson famous singer Sashenka. He is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson and quite often posts photos and videos of him on social networks.

The singer talks about his own children given time doesn’t think yet, preferring to play with dogs in the company of children.

Dima Bilan's family: who, where and when

You can talk a lot about Dmitry’s girls and make various assumptions about his personal life, but the closest people to him will always be his family members.

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two sisters. The guy simply idolizes his mother and father and tries to spend time with them as often as possible. There is love, understanding and support in the family.

Dmitry's older sister Elena has been working as a fashion designer for quite some time and is happily married. The youngest Anya lives in the States and plans to become opera singer.

By the way, the paparazzi quite often attributed to Anna the role of either the daughter or the young wife of Dmitry Bilan. This is partly true, since the older brother had to raise the little fidget.

The girl occasionally appears in her brother’s video clips, sings a duet with him and even recorded a song. However, brother and sister do not see each other very often. This is connected with dense tour schedule Dmitry and the fact that his sister lives abroad.

Viktor Nikolaevich Belan (pseudonym Dima Bilan) was born on December 24, 1982 in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. When the boy was one year old, the family moved to the city of Naberezhnye Chelny (Republic of Tatarstan) to live with his grandmother, where he lived until he was 6 years old. Then Dima's family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria.
Musical ability appeared in Dima in early childhood. At school he took part in all cultural events: he read poetry and sang songs. In the fifth grade I took part in a competition to enter a music school. He was accepted immediately and began to study accordion and become a soloist in a children's choir. Then there were children's competitions, festivals, regional concerts and other paraphernalia of a budding singer.

While studying in the tenth grade, Dima came to Moscow to participate in the Chunga-Changa festival dedicated to children's creativity and thirty years joint activities composers Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov.

After graduating from high school and music school, the singer again came to Moscow to enter the music school named after. Gnesins. He managed to pass the competition and enter the class academic vocals. By that time he already had own song called "Autumn" in the style of "chanson". While studying in his third year, at one of the parties, Bilan met the famous music producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who drew attention to the young singer. Having made a test recording of the song “Baby”, the author of which was Ilya Zudin from the Dynamite group, Yu. Aizenshpis decided to work with Bilan. The first song to appear on radio stations and music channels in the spring of 2002, the song "Boom" became available. In the summer of the same year, Dima Bilan took part in music competition young performers "New Wave" in Jurmala, where he took fourth place. This was followed by new hits - “Night Hooligan”; "You, only you"; "I love you so much" and others.

In 2003, the singer graduated from the College. Gnessins and entered GITIS - immediately into the second year of the faculty acting. The debut album "Night Hooligan", released by Gala Records, was released on October 31, 2003.

In December 2005, Dima received two Golden Gramophones in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata for the song “You Should Be Nearby.” On the set of “New Songs about the Main Thing,” he received the Channel One Grand Prix from the professional jury.

In 2005, Bilan took part in the Eurovision qualifying round, but lost to Star Factory participant Natalia Podolskaya.
On March 7, 2006, a special commission, which included famous journalists, producers and musicians, nominated Dima Bilan for the Eurovision 2006 contest.

On March 14, 2006 in Kyiv, Dima Bilan took part in the International music award"Golden Organ", where he received the award as performer of the year. It was there that the incendiary song “Never let you go” was first performed, with which Dima represented Russia at Eurovision 2006. At the competition, which took place in Athens, Bilan took second place.

In March 2008, Bilan fought for the second time for the right to go to the main European music competition.

The candidates' concert took place on March 9 in Moscow concert hall"Academic". During the audience voting and jury voting, it was decided that Russia would participate in the international music competition "

Biography of Dima Bilan is interesting story about how an ordinary Kabardian boy from a small town reached unprecedented heights in Russian show business.

The main breakthrough in the performer’s career was the victory at Eurovision 2008, which no one had been able to achieve until that moment. Russian performer. In the same 2008, Dima was awarded the title People's Artist Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Childhood and youth

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the family of an engineer and a social worker. The future idol was born in the small town of Ust-Dzhegut (Karachay-Cherkessia). Dima Bilan's real name is Viktor Nikolaevich Belan.

In addition to Victor, the Belan family had two daughters - Anna and Elena. Later family future star moved to Kabardino-Balkaria and settled in the city of Maisky.

Dima had a passion for music since childhood. From the 5th grade, the future singer attended music school, graduating educational institution accordion class. Even then, the talented guy participated in various competitions, and in 1999 he even went to Moscow to children's festival“Chunga-Changa”, where he received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon himself.


The singer's career began with an acquaintance with producer Yuri Aizenshpis. This one music manager recommended the young man to take the pseudonym Dima Bilan. In collaboration with Aizenshpis, Bilan tried his hand at the “New Wave”, where he took 4th place.

In 2003, Bilan’s first album “I am a night hooligan” was released. Videos and songs from this disc soon became popular in Russia. Fans especially remember the song “Baby”. The artist's subsequent albums become equally interesting to the public.

In collaboration with Aizenshpis, the album “On the Shore of the Sky” appeared in 2004. Among the new songs, fans and critics noted a composition called “You Should Be Nearby.”

On September 20, 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis passed away. Dima immediately received offers of cooperation from other production companies. As a result, the singer decided to sever relations with the center former mentor. At that moment, Aizenshpis’s company demanded not to use the Dima Bilan brand, the right to which belonged to this organization. But in 2008, thanks to the union of Dima Bilan and Yana Rudkovskaya, the conflict was resolved. Soon the singer himself officially changed his name.

The tandem with Yana Rudkovskaya turned out to be fruitful. By the end of 2005, the singer received two Golden Gramophone awards. Dima Bilan's songs received recognition, awards rained down on the artist like from a cornucopia - “Singer of the Year” (2006), “ Best Performer of the year" (2007), " Best Album", "Best Composition" for the song "The Impossible is Possible".

Gradually Dima becomes the best, improving his professionalism. Recognition of the artist’s undeniable talent was the role of Ambassador of the 2014 Olympics entrusted to him.

Virtually every composition performed by Dima Bilan becomes a hit. Such a composition was the song called “Dreamers”, which became the favorite single of millions of Russian fans of the singer.

In 2009, the first English language version was published. studio album by Believe, which was recorded in Los Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia. And immediately - a new victory in the “Album of the Year” nomination at the ZD Awards 2009 ceremony.

The video for the song “I Just Love You” became a winner on the MuzTV Chart in 2011, staying in the top ranks for 20 weeks. The list of victories and awards in Dima Bilan’s career is huge. In 2011, fans liked the song “I’m Choking,” the video for which was called the best in the artist’s career.

2015 was no less successful for the artist. The musician presented an album called “Don’t be silent.”


Bilan decided to try his hand at an international competition for the first time in 2005, choosing the song Not That Simple. Then Natalya Podolskaya beat the singer at the national selection stage. Dima took second place.

2016 was a fruitful year for the singer. The artist toured with solo concerts in Russia and abroad, acted in films, and still participated in festivals and television projects.

Dima Bilan's performance at the New Wave 2016 competition was spectacular. The number for the song “Indivisible” was again among the best. In addition, the singer performed the song “Mama” together with Danil Pluzhnikov, winner of the “Voice. Children-3."

In 2016, Bilan presented the song “In Your Head.”

The premiere took place in October 2016 animated film“Trolls”, in which Dima Bilan in tandem with Victoria Daineko voiced the main characters of the film. Participants in the show “The Voice” became a huge gift for the singer. Children" who attended the premiere.

This is not the artist’s first experience in cinema. Hans from the American full-length cartoon “Frozen” spoke in Bilan’s voice. The singer first appeared in a cameo role on New Year's Eve musical film"Night in Disco Style" in 2005. Next were the works “Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “Golden Key”.

Bilan's debut in a feature film was the melodrama "Hero", where the artist appeared in leading role together with Svetlana Ivanova. The premiere took place in 2016. Dima Bilan's films will probably be released more often, because the artist showed his best side in cinema too.

Personal life

The personal life of Dima Bilan worries millions of fans. The singer dated model Elena Kuletskaya for a long time. By the way, Dima Bilan publicly announced that if he wins Eurovision, he will marry Elena. But the artist did not keep his word, the wedding never took place. This romance did not end in anything, and the couple broke up.

It is unknown who owns the heart of the eligible groom. Fans often attribute the man to relationships with prominent representatives of show business, and some even suggest that the singer has returned to ex-girlfriend, but does not report this publicly.

Perhaps the fans’ fantasy was also the alleged affair with the man’s longtime acquaintance, opera singer Julia Lima, who some time ago worked as a backing vocalist for Dima. Photos with the performer appeared on social networks, and fans immediately started talking about a romance between the celebrities. However, there were no comments from the artist.

Such secrecy of Bilan forced the yellow press to distribute publications about the artist’s orientation, and ill-wishers more than once called the singer gay. The artist himself does not comment on such hype around his name.

The life and career biography of the tall (height 180 cm, weight 75 kg), sports artist is watched by millions of fans on the social networks Instagram and Twitter. There the singer shares personal and work photos. Both accounts have passed official verification. Dima also has a verified VKontakte page.

In July 2018, the artist posted an emotional post on Instagram, where he wrote that he was thinking about radical change place of residence. The singer also shared that he is not yet planning to have a wife and children. Dima told fans that he was not ready to join serious relationship and let someone into your inner world.

Previously, there was information on the Internet about Bilan’s affair with former member“Voices” by Yulia Tereshchenko. Similar rumors appeared when the artist posted on his personal page general photo with a girl. But later it turned out that this was only a meeting of old acquaintances.

Today fans are sure that new darling performer Polina Gudieva became the singer. Recently Dima shared a photo where he could see female legs. Fans thought about several candidates, but decided on Polina.

Interestingly, Bilan is on the list of the most gambling celebrities. This is the opinion of Forbes magazine. According to the publication, Dima dedicates gambling a lot of free time.

Dima Bilan now

Bilan's photo shoot in art house style caused a mixed reaction among the artist's fans. Some users called the artist's figure chic. At the same time, other users noticed melancholy and loneliness in the eyes of the singer lying naked in the bathroom. Most of all, fans of the Russian singer were interested in who captured the artist in the bathroom while listening to music. The musician's followers were delighted with the new photos, since the performer rarely shares such photos.

That same year, Bilan's fans learned that the singer was ill. Fans who were worried about their idol’s health even found out Dima’s phone number in order to support him with advice. According to Bilan, fans often manage to get his number. This forced the singer to stock up on a pack of SIM cards.

It is known that doctors discovered a herniated spine in the performer, which pinches a nerve, causing severe pain. The singer had to undergo a long course of treatment to get rid of the disease.

“It’s true, I’ve been in hellish pain lately. I couldn’t do basic things: zip up, open my wallet, hold something in my hand. When I went to the doctors, I couldn’t sit for an MRI for half an hour - the drugs weren’t working. The chiropractor found not even three, but five hernias on my spine,”

– Dima Bilan said in an interview with media representatives.

In March 2017, the Russian singer published an image on Instagram in which he appeared in a new image - with a shaved head. Media workers suggested that Bilan’s decision to “become bald” is a kind of challenge to those who spread rumors about the alleged fatal disease performer.

The singer himself believes that such trials made him think about the future. According to the artist, he concluded:

– Dima Bilan noted, commenting on his physical condition.

In May 2017, the singer presented new clip for the song "Labyrinths". The music video was directed by Alexey Golubev, and the video producer was Yana Rudkovskaya. Fans once again sing the familiar chorus, which begins with the words “I will run across the thin sky.”

Viewers note that the video turned out to be exciting and mystical due to the mass of special effects. Fans liked the video, and many were impressed by the huge glowing ball, clouds of smoke and multi-colored glow. All this created an extraordinary beautiful picture, harmoniously combining deep drama with an exciting plot.

Today Bilan continues to actively perform. In 2017, viewers saw the long-awaited joint performance Dima Bilan and Sergei Lazarev at a concert held as part of the Muz-TV award. The unexpected duet presented the song “Forgive Me.”

Back in 2017, Bilan presented new songs “Hold” and “You are my ocean.”

In February 2018, Love radio turned 10 years old. In honor of this event, a grand show took place. Dima Bilan, the permanent headliner of the project, took part in the anniversary series of concerts in Russian cities.

In the spring, the singer presented a new video for the song “Girl, Don’t Cry.” The video came out colorful and dynamic. Fans appreciated the new creation of their favorite performer and his team.

In May, Dima was awarded the “High Five” award for “Best Show”.

The beginning of summer was marked by the release of a new single by Dima Bilan and singer Polina “Drunk Love”. A little later, the artist posted the first footage from the filming of the video for this composition. As planned, the performer in the video gets married and participates in a brawl at a wedding. Prominent representatives appeared in the video Russian show business and the blogosphere.

Dima Bilan is considered one of the richest Russian celebrities. According to Forbes magazine for 2017, the singer is in 5th place with an income of $6 million.

This annual salary allows the star to work own business. So, in the summer of 2018, the artist boasted about his “brainchild”: the man opened a hotel that received the “3 star” classification and is intended for budget holidays.

The release of the film “Midshipmen IV” directed by Svetlana Druzhinina and Ivan Krivoruchko is scheduled for 2019. The story will unfold in Russian Empire in 1787. According to the plot, the midshipmen will have to help commander Suvorov defeat the Turks, and Catherine the Great will announce the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

The long-awaited film will star Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexander Domogarov, Mikhail Mamaev, Mikhail Boyarsky and other famous people Russian actors. In addition, Nikita Presnyakov, Kristina Orbakaite, Tatyana Navka are participating in the project. Dima Bilan played the role of Captain Giuliano De Lombardi in the film.


2003 - “I am a night hooligan”

2004 - “On the shore of the sky”

2006 - “Time is a River”

2008 - “Against the Rules”