What does the ball do, jump, jump. Physics “Why does the ball bounce? Sequence of learning to stop the ball with your hip

Lyubov Dubrovskaya
Project “Jumps, jumps, plays, never gets tired!”

Project- research - creative, short-term. Work on project was carried out through search and research activities, which were aimed at expanding the creative potential and intellectual abilities of children through the activation of children's life activities.


A prerequisite for the full development of a preschool child is a game. Currently, unfortunately, children spend a huge amount of time playing on the computer, are busy watching TV and spend very little time "alive", active, truly childlike games, and especially ball games, in which children learn to interact with each other and their motor skills develop. With all the abundance of various technical means, which our children sometimes understand better than us, they seem to be deprived of childhood and we, adults, must help children discover the value of playing with a ball.

Playing in kindergarten they played ball, the children really liked the way the ball hit the floor and returned to their hands again. When the children took rag medicine balls and began play with them, they were very surprised why the rubber ball jumps away, but not the rag one.

Target: find out why the ball jumps, increase interest in ball games.


Expand children's knowledge about balls

Develop children's research skills

To form knowledge about the quality and properties of the material from which the object is made based on a morphological table (MT) and little people (MC)

Develop the ability to search for information in different sources

Develop interest in research activities and a desire to learn new things

Develop a desire to share information, participate in joint experimental activities

Involve parents in the work project.

Hypothesis: A rubber ball is filled with air and due to the specific location of the ball, it has the quality of elasticity and becomes « bouncy» . If there is no air in the ball and it is made of a different material, it will not be able to bounce off the surface.

Stages of work on project:

Stage 1 - preparatory (1 Week)

At the preparatory stage, I conveyed to parents the importance and significance of this topic. The children brought from Houses: poems about the ball, illustrations of sports in which the ball is used, illustrations depicting different types of balls. Together with parents we designed an educational stand "A multi-colored ball along the path jumps, together with the children, we produced visual illustrated material (pictures, clippings from magazines depicting children, playing ball, prepared the fabric and rubber for work) Appendix 1.

Drew up an action plan for implementation project.

Since at the core project lies the research method of teaching, in which the child acts as an organizer and "scientist", included a series of lessons based on TRIZ methods, reflecting the study of the properties of rubber and its qualities.

Stage 2 – experimental (1 Week)

At the beginning of the practical stage, we conducted a number of classes, the first of which was “Getting to know the little people (MC, solid matter.

Target: give an idea of ​​the structure of a solid, replace the word "molecules" for the phrase "little people"; introduce the variety of solids, highlight their properties through observation and experimentation, teach how to work with a morphological table (MT).

Working methods:



Morphological analysis (MA);


Equipment used in the experimental stage:

Reference table-scheme

Morphological analysis table

Cards - symbols

As a result, the children learned that in all solid substances there are little people (MPs), but they behave differently depending on the material in which they are located. In the tree, the MPs are very friendly and obedient. They stand next to each other, like soldiers are in formation and form many rows. Using the empathy method, the children turned into MPs and demonstrated the properties of a solid. Appendix 2, photo 1.

The next step in our work was to conduct an experiment called "Elastic rubber".

Target: Using rubber as an example, continue to introduce the properties of solids - elasticity.

Working methods:




Preliminary work: games with rubber toys, rubber of different thicknesses, rubber ball game"Hot potato".

Appendix 2, photo 2.

At the end of the work, the children independently came to the conclusion that the MCH rubbers, although they were friends with each other, did not want to get into formation. They bend and twist as they please. If you pull a piece of rubber, the structure straightens, if you let go, it curls again. That's why rubber is so elastic. Using movements, children depict a rubber model.

Appendix 2, photo 3.

Another very important stage of our work was a comparison of the properties of fabric and rubber.

Working methods:

Morphological analysis;



Target: Show that the properties of substances depend on their internal structure. Learn to examine a substance and draw conclusions based on the examination results. Show that the rubber ball is filled with air using a pump, and the rag ball is stitched and contains fabric inside. Appendix 2, photos 4, 5

Equipment: MT, scraps of fabric, MC of solid matter, cards symbolizing the quality of materials, templates for making a medicine ball, needle, scissors, rubber samples of different thicknesses. Children, with the help of an adult, conduct experiments. Modeling of MC.

Appendix 2, photos 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Since in preschool age a game is the main activity, the children took part in ball games with great pleasure. We have included games such as "Hot potato", "I know five names", "Dodgeball", "Doggies".

The purpose of the games is to learn how to catch a ball, develop dexterity, coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

When performing movements in games, the children constantly remembered the MCH and how they were behaving at the moment.

Appendix 2, photo 11.

Another highlight of our work was the entertainment dedicated to the opening of the Olympics, in which we included games and relay races with different types of balls, so that the children were emotionally charged with positive energy and once again compared how balls made from different materials behave.

Appendix 2, photo 12,13.

Stage 3 - final (2 days)

As a result of our work, the children acquired research skills, were involved in conducting experiments with great interest, and really enjoyed the modeling and work on MT. We summarized the children’s knowledge on this topic, gave an idea of ​​different types of balls, found out which game is used for which ball, and got acquainted with new games. Throughout project fostered the need for a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

The result of the work was the publication of the newspaper DOU No. 4 on 02/02/2014, on topic: "Ball jumping and frolicking» , in which we reflected the work done with children and parents

Appendix 3.

Our hypothesis was confirmed. The guys concluded that the rubber ball is filled with air and made of dense rubber, where the balls can bend and twist. They are not very obedient and do not maintain formation, but they can return to their original position, due to which they jumps and« jumps» and, if there is no air in it, it will remain motionless.


Poems about the ball

Ball (V. Berestov).

They beat him, but he doesn't get angry

He sings and has fun

Because without beating

There is no life for the ball.

Ball (A. Barto).

Our Tanya is crying loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

My cheerful, ringing ball!

(S. Ya. Marshak).

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you go gallop?

Yellow, red, blue

Can't keep up with you!

I smacked you with my palm

You jumped and stomped loudly

You 15 times in a row

Jumped into the corner and back.

And then you rolled

And he didn’t turn back.

Rolled into the garden

I reached the gate.

rolled under the gate,

I reached the turn.

Got under a wheel there

It burst, popped - that's all.

N. Radchenko

My funny ball

Jumps and gallops:

Jump to the corner,

And then back

That's how we are tonight

We had a nice time!

T. Prokusheva

Multi-colored ball

Along the path jumps

Jumping, does not beat

It’s not given into your hands!

G. Kuznets.

The ball jumps and jumps

The ball bounces on the threshold

Jumps 10 times in a row

From the palm and back.

Z. Gorbovskaya

What is this, what is that noise?

The ball is bouncing: boom Boom Boom!

Jump-jump-jump and


Rolled under a bush.

I. Oleneva

Ball jumping - frolicking!

How can he stop?

I just dropped my hands

And my ball became sad.

Here is a good way to ensure that children behave relaxed and at ease, while remaining under the control of adults. Invite the children to use their imagination by imagining themselves as one of the inanimate objects they see in front of them. Start with, say, a hair tie: first pull the elastic, then let it return to its original shape, stretch it hard, throw it in the air and let it fall. Let the children try to imitate the movements of the rubber band.

Then you can move on to a ball, a wind-up toy, a ball of rope, etc. If, after playing for a while, their energy has not diminished, invite them to come up with what else they would like to become: rockets, robots, snowballs, sparklers, etc.

Funny face

To prepare for this game, first cut a large oval out of flannel. Glue it onto whatman paper or a large piece of thick dark paper. Draw hair around the oval and attach a bow tie at the bottom. Then cut out eyes, nose, ears and mouth from colorful flannel. If you wish, you can also cut out eyebrows, a pipe and a hat.

Attach a piece of paper with a flannel oval to the wall at the child’s eye level. Take turns blindfolding the children and let them attach one part of their face to the oval. The flannel should stick to the flannel on its own, but if necessary, you can use loops of velcro tape on the back of the “face pieces.” The funny face that will result from this procedure will certainly cause a lot of laughter.

When the game is over, leave this face hanging on the wall. Perhaps one of the children will want to continue the experiment.

Or catch a jerk 112

Ask your child to help you prepare for this game. Your child can cut out fish in the simplest shapes from multi-colored construction paper. Write a letter on each fish so that one or more simple words can be made from different letters on the fish. Attach a paper clip to each fish, and then put all the fish in a bucket.

Now take a small twig or a suitable stick and attach a string with a small magnet at the end to one end. Let all the children take turns catching a fish, and you see if they can make words from the letters on the caught fish.


Usually children's fun can be organized from what is at hand. But if you know in advance that you will be entertaining a group of children, go to a store that sells all sorts of things and buy a special jar for blowing soap bubbles. One such jar contains real magic - children's laughter and happiness.

How to save soap

An excited child with a full jar of soap suds in his hands may accidentally spill it out. Open all the jars and pour half of the liquid from each into a jug (or some other vessel). If the jar tips over, then all is not lost, and, besides, when the children finish their soapy fun, you can fill the jars for future use, for next time.

Bubbles are especially great if you need to keep children of different ages occupied. Even teenagers enjoy them.

Depending on what you blow into, bubbles of various sizes are formed. Very small bubbles fly out of plastic straws dipped into a soap solution. The lids of plastic jars with a hole in the middle blow out bigger bubbles. If the “tool” you choose is too large for a jar of foam, pour the soap solution into a bowl and put your “tool” in it, then take it out with tongs, shake it, and you will see how huge and rainbow-colored bubbles you get.

Homemade lotto

This game is good for any company. Playing it - whether with two children or ten - will give everyone the same amount of fun. Prepare several cards in advance. On each card, draw eight or nine squares and write in each of them a different letter (or number - from one to nine). All cards must be different. Then prepare many small cards with one of the letters or numbers printed in the squares of the large cards.

Give each player eight or nine buttons, bottle caps, pieces of foil, or other small objects to use as counters. You or one of the children will be the leader. Take one of the small cards with a letter or number (of course, they should all be mixed and face down) and name it. If you want, you can pick it up and show it to the children. If they find the same letter or number on their square card, they will put it on 113

this square is a button or anything else selected for this. The child who has covered all the squares shouts “Victory!” - He won.

structural unit of the state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school "Educational Center" named after Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Dmitrievich Vanichkin p. Alekseevka municipal district Alekseevsky Samara region - kindergarten "Firefly"




SECTION “The world around us” (physics)
“Why does the ball bounce?”
Shiryakina Ekaterina Alekseevna,

preparatory school student

groups "Bear Cubs"

Scientific adviser: Savenkova Lyudmila Viktorovna,

physical education instructor

first qualification category

Neftegorsk, 2016


During one of our physical education classes we learned how to dribble a ball correctly. I wondered why he was jumping. Physical education instructor Lyudmila Viktorovna offered to help me figure this out. This became the goal of my research. I consider my work relevant because it increases interest in the study of physics and is accessible to people of different ages, even those who do not have extensive knowledge in the field of technical sciences. Every person should have an understanding of the physical phenomena and laws that they directly encounter in everyday life from early childhood.

Purpose of the research work: study of the properties of balls and their capabilities.

Research objectives:

1. study the history of the origin and transformation of the ball, its varieties;

2. find out what is inside the ball;

3. find out what sports games are played with a ball;

4. conduct an experiment explaining why one ball is easily pushed off the floor, while the other

hardly jumps;

Research hypothesis:

In order to actively use exercises with the ball in games and in classes to develop the eye, accuracy, reaction, coordination and speed of movements, you need to get acquainted with

the origin of the ball, types of balls, their properties, as well as master a variety of

game actions with different types of balls.

Research methods:

  • Conversation with adults

  • Search and study of information

  • Excursion

  • Survey

  • Conducting experiments

  • Analysis of the results obtained


In my research, Mom and Dad helped me answer a number of questions.

Here's what we learned with them:

  • The first balls were made from leather, clay, stone and grass.

  • The balls were then made from wood, animal skin and stuffed with straw, moss and seeds.

  • In Russia, balls were woven from birch and willow bark.

  • The first rubber ball appeared in America.

  • Basketball “basket” is a basket, “ball” is a ball.

  • Variety of balls in the modern world.
I asked Lyudmila Viktorovna what games are played with a ball? And she said that just tomorrow we are going to the new sports complex for a real basketball competition “KS Basket”, and you can see for yourself. (photo 1)

I asked my friends in the group what ball games they know

And this is what they answered:

  • Football – answered Anton Eremenko (photo 2)

  • Rugby – answered Sapozhnikov Vova (photo 3)

  • Volleyball – answered Savina Ksyusha (photo 4)

Photo 2 photo3

I decided to conduct experiments

1. What is in the ball?

First I pressed the ball and felt that it was not empty, there was something in it. Then we opened the valve and the air came out of the ball. Thus, I found out that there is air in the ball. (photo 5,6)

Photo 5 photo 6

2. Which ball bounces better?

I took 4 balls - a basketball, a football, a volleyball and a regular ball.

The basketballs and soccer balls were well inflated.

The volleyball is slightly lowered, and the regular ball has no air at all.

The basketball and soccer balls were bouncy and bounced very well. (photo 7,8)

Photo 7 photo 8

The deflated ball did not bounce at all, but the volleyball did, but it required a lot of effort. (photo 9,10)

Photo 9 photo 10

I managed to discover the secret of bouncing balls: the more air in them, the better they bounce.

In our work, we conducted an experiment that turned out to be clear and feasible for me. It turned out to be very interesting and unexpected. I found out that when the ball hits the floor, the air in it is compressed, and when the ball bounces, the air expands and pushes the ball away from the floor with force.

This means that knowledge of the laws of physics is used not only in scientific research, but also in playing with a ball.

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create an animated bouncing ball!

We'll draw a ball that bounces up and down. Our bouncing ball will be looped, meaning that the first frame is the last frame of our animation. We can use the same animation frame over and over again ad infinitum.

1. Draw the ball in different positions

In the case of our bouncing ball, the first frame will represent position 1, and the last frame will be called position 2. The animation will loop as it plays.

Step 1

Draw a floor line about 2cm from the bottom of the page.

Step 2

Draw a sketch of the ball. It doesn't have to be a perfect circle. Don't try to draw an even circle right away. Let's draw our ball a centimeter from the top of the page. This is position 1. The ball is above the floor, ready to fall and bounce!

Step 3

Now let's draw our ball in the second position. The ball is on the floor, ready to bounce to position 1. You can leave a semi-transparent layer of the previous frame so you can see the position of the ball in relation to the previous frame.

Step 4

Let's go back and add an in-between frame between positions 1 and 2. In-between frames give the illusion that one position fades into another.

In the gap that we draw in this step, for the action between position 1 and position 2, I layer the frame on top of the previous one so that the animation frame of our ball is not exactly in the middle, but closer to position 2.

Step 5

Then add an in-between frame between position 2 and position 1 to show the ball bouncing back to its original position!

Let's take a look at our animation. Looks good, but something is missing. The ball seems to be flat.

Step 6

To give our bouncy ball some elasticity, we can make a slightly flattened ball shape in frame 2. I left a light image of position 2 so you can see the difference in relation to this position. The mass of the ball should remain the same. This means that when flattened it becomes wider..

Much better already! Adding a flattened shape to the ball gives it a bounce feel.

Step 7

Our ball looks good, but it's still missing something. Let's make the ball extend after bouncing off the floor. On the slide you can see how the stretched ball is positioned relative to the last drawing. Notice how the mass stays the same, stretching the ball and making it longer and narrower.

Now the ball looks elastic and elastic, like rubber. Great!

Here's a look at the progress. I marked positions 1 and 2 and highlighted the intermediate frames in green.

Step 8

Let's add another intermediate frame to smooth out the animation as the ball approaches position 1. The more frames in the animation, the slower and smoother the action.

Step 9

As the ball approaches the top position, add another intermediate position to slow down and release the action. This will make the movement more realistic. When the bouncing ball bounces and reaches its highest point, it slows down due to gravity and begins to fall back to the ground.

I labeled positions 1 and 2 and highlighted the in-between frames in green and our last two frames in blue.

Now let's look at the animation. This is a great bouncing ball! We're almost done! But first…

2. Ball animation clearing and color

Step 1

It's time to polish up the animation and clean it up since we drew the frames roughly! Let's give the outline of the ball a nice and clean look.

We'll do the same with the rest of the frames!

The ball animation now looks great! Great job! There's only one thing left:

Step 2

Let's color the ball! Let's color the ball blue in all frames.

In no time, you've created an animated bouncing ball with weight and mass!

Simple questions. A book similar to an encyclopedia Antonets Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Why does the ball bounce?

Why does the ball bounce?

The ball is one of humanity's most favorite toys. The oldest balls were found in Egypt. They are approximately 4000 years old. They were made of wood and could not bounce off the ground. American Indian balls are about 3,500 years old. They are made of rubber, and it was these toys that could bounce off a hard surface. Both the Egyptians and the Indians often had ritual games. The Egyptians played not for themselves, but for the gods represented by the team. Among the Indians, the loser was sacrificed to the gods. The ball has been known for a long time in many countries and everywhere had a similar structure - a leather shell with an elastic inner filling made of rags, wool, etc.

The inflatable ball was invented by the ancient Greeks. Apparently it was not bouncy, but it was light. Christopher Columbus brought elastic rubber balls to Europe from America.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the modern inflatable rubber ball was invented. Over time, it improved and specialized for a wide variety of games - football, volleyball, basketball, tennis.

In all of these games, rebounding is very important. What determines how it turns out? This is a very difficult question from a mechanical point of view. Practice confirms this with an unusually large number of balls of different types, technologies for their manufacture, as well as all kinds of coating designs. Therefore, only a qualitative answer can be given.

The rebound is characterized by duration of time and height. For example, according to these parameters, tennis grass, clay, hard and carpet courts differ so much that no player can play equally well on all of them.

In order for the ball to bounce high, it is necessary that the ball does not give off energy when it hits the field surface. To do this, it must be less elastic than the coating and quite heavy. Moreover, the greater the ratio of the ball’s mass to its elasticity and the softer the surface, the slower the rebound.

The elasticity of an inflatable ball mainly depends not on the properties of the shell material, but on the amount of air pressure inside it. In a soccer ball, the internal pressure is 1.6–1.7 atmospheres. To do this, the ball is inflated with a pump, and the referees check the pressure with a pressure gauge before the game. In a tennis ball, the internal pressure is 1.0–1.2 atmospheres. This pressure is created in it due to the fact that during manufacturing tablets of sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride are placed inside. When the preform is heated to vulcanize the rubber, these substances decompose, releasing nitrogen, and the pressure inside the ball increases.

The elasticity of a table tennis ball is mainly determined by the elasticity of the shell, and not by the air pressure inside. Such a ball may bounce poorly from a thin table, as it will excite vibrations in it. For this reason, designers are very careful about the design of the table.

Of course, when we watch football or tennis, we don’t think at all about how the ball bounces, but enjoy a good game. True, when the ball bounces poorly, a good game does not happen.

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