How to awaken your energy. How to restore feminine energy - the role of hormones

Ancient Eastern sages believed that feminine energy is the basis of all foundations. Psychology experts come to the conclusion that female energy is very important for a man - it can give him wings, revive fading forces, direct him in the right direction and stimulate him to further actions. It's time to figure out what feminine energy is, how to replenish its reserves and how to use it correctly.

In total, there are two energies in our world - male and female.

  1. Masculine energy represents courage, risk, aggression and leadership ability. But at its core, male energy is very weak and needs regular recharging. And a representative of the stronger sex can receive it from his woman, who gives him tenderness, affection and peace. Without feminine energy, a man cannot create anything! Therefore, it turns out that femininity is a special feminine energy that rules the world.
  2. A representative of the fair sex, filled with feminine power, she is able to inspire her man, protect him from troubles and mistakes, she can easily forgive and bless. It is believed that the harmony of married life depends seventy percent on the amount of feminine energy. And if there is a shortage of the latter, the marriage breaks up. A man is naturally inclined to follow female attitudes, for this reason he is unable to control family relationships.

A woman is called upon to become a good mother, to harmonize the environment in the house, creating peace and beauty around her. When a woman does not resist her feminine nature, everything she undertakes turns out easily and naturally. She easily achieves what she wants.

How to restore feminine energy - the role of hormones

Feminine physical and psychological health depends on the functioning of the endocrine glands and the secretion of special female hormones. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the state of the hormonal system to preserve your beauty, attractiveness and feminine strength.

Scientists have conducted many experiments on this matter and have found that women with an ambitious, masculine demeanor mostly suffer from certain hormonal disorders. They produce a lot of testosterone, which is the male sex hormone, which prevents the maturation of the egg.

And those representatives of the fairer sex who cannot conceive a child should change the priorities ingrained in our society and, instead of realizing themselves in society, doing household chores, pay more attention to themselves. All this ensures filling with feminine energy.

If a woman has a lot of masculine energy and wants to arrange her personal life, she needs to rethink her behavior, change her own actions and attitude towards the world around her. After all a real man never looks at social status girls, he is interested and attracted to her life-giving feminine energy.

There are professions that increase the amount of male energy in women. This is accounting, everything related to advertising and trade. This must be taken into account if you strive to develop true femininity.

It is also believed that a woman is energetically three times stronger than a man. Therefore, if she tries to become a leader in the relationship, this will invariably suppress the masculine energy of her spouse. It is important to maintain a harmonious balance!

This video will also tell you how to increase feminine energy.

Do you have enough feminine power?

If you constantly suffer from feelings of guilt, are in a depressed mood, get tired quickly, personal life collapses before our eyes - signs of energy imbalance are visible. Externally, this manifests itself in hair pathologies.

You can also find out the amount of female power by the state of your indoor plants. They are very sensitive to energy changes and if you notice that they quickly dry out and wither, take the necessary measures!

We also invite you to take a test to determine the amount of feminine energy you have. Follow these steps step by step:

  • Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Visualize a beautiful forest path along which you approach a beautiful house.
  • Enter it. Hear the sounds of relaxing music, watch the paintings that hang on the walls of your home.
  • Go to another room, in which there is an easel, and on it is a sketch of your portrait in full height, but it's black and white.
  • Nearby is a palette of colors, which includes white and red. You need to pick up a brush and revive own portrait, but do without mixing dyes.
  • When the work is completed, you need to move a short distance and evaluate the result. What color scheme will there be more in the picture?

Ideally, red should occupy about 75 percent of the picture (responsible for the feminine essence), and white should occupy about 25 ( masculine essence). If you get a different result, you should probably start changing your life attitudes.

Feminine energy: how to awaken it

Many girls are interested in the question of how to restore feminine energy.

The patron planet of female power is the Moon. It will help representatives of the fairer sex to be filled with lost feminine power. To do this you need to spend a little magic ritual- at night, when the Moon is shining brightly in the sky, retire to a quiet room (you can go out to the balcony) and ask her for blessings and support.

Also, when the Moon is growing, ask her to increase your feminine power and increase any benefits. And when it decreases, pray to get rid of any ailments, obstacles, envy and other things.

Another effective technique on how to fill yourself with feminine energy is to leave it in the rays moonlight your cosmetics and water. Be sure to remove all this with the first rays of the sun, which represent solar, masculine energy.

How to develop feminine energy that attracts men

Feminine energy comes from typically feminine activities.

The color of clothing is also important - give your preference to light tones that are lunar.

  1. Stylish jewelry. Jewelry not only looks beautiful, but also provides energy protection:
  • short length beads will act as a talisman for the throat chakra;
  • long beads are protection for the energy center;
  • dangling earrings – act as protection for the upper chakras;
  • bracelets – help protect the main energy channel running along the spine. When we move our hands, we provide ourselves with protection and accelerate energy flows.
  1. Sweets. You may have noticed that if you exclude sweets from your diet, your mood immediately worsens, and hormonal disorders occur in the body. And this is not surprising, because sweets are the basis of the female hormonal system. Also for high level Feminine strength requires regularly eating vegetables and consuming dairy products. But you should give up meat, as it contributes to the development of aggression necessary for manifestation in social sphere, but not for the family.
  2. Refusal of haste. Very effective method How to restore feminine power - be in a calm state and not rush anywhere. Eliminate fuss and constant rush from your life. Do everything slowly and with pleasure.
  3. Household chores. They represent a very powerful source of feminine strength. A woman becomes more feminine when she cooks delicious food, is busy arranging the family nest and doing housework.

But there is one important point- you need to do all this while being in a calm, harmonious state, so that household chores are a joy and not a burden.

For feminine energy, maintaining order and cleanliness is important, especially in the kitchen. Therefore, do global cleaning more often, buy new decorative items and your state of mind It will definitely get better.

If you like to bake, give your preference yeast dough– it is this that gives you feminine strength.

  1. Planning. Feminine energy is lost due to the presence of unfinished business. Therefore, it is important to make plans for the future and implement them.
  2. Communication with friends. You may have noticed that when communicating with friends, your mood becomes better, you are filled with energy and charged with positivity. Therefore, talk on the phone more often, organize bachelorette parties and go shopping together.
  3. Women's hobbies. Their goal is to create something beautiful and decorate the world around them. Women's hobbies allow you to develop sensuality and femininity.

Traditional women's activities are embroidery, sewing, drawing - with the help of which the opportunity to freely express their thoughts is opened, and dancing - which prevents energy stagnation and provides seductive female figure. Singing causes cleansing of the female chakra.

You can replenish the balance of female power if you regularly do the following:

  • work in the garden;
  • engage in growing indoor plants;
  • walk barefoot in nature;
  • have picnics;
  • walk under the moon.
  1. Feminine care. In order for a woman to maximize her feminine power, she needs to show care towards those who are next to her - these can be both people and animals.

Therefore, practice charity, pamper your family with pleasant surprises more often, help your loved ones - all this will develop feminine power in you.

Feminine energy gives the fair sex energetic strength. When is it most evident in a woman? feminine essence- life begins to turn into a pleasant fairy tale, in which all your dreams easily come true, and you get everything you want. Therefore, you need to carefully protect the feminine power within yourself, love your inner woman, pamper yourself, make pleasant surprises and unconditionally believe in your great feminine power. Only then will you achieve positive changes in your life.

Every day, worries and problems fall on us and almost completely fill our lives. As a result, we lose a lot of energy and rarely restore and replenish it. This leads to a decrease in joy from life, and there is simply no time left for love. In the evening, you want to get to bed, put your head on the pillow and lose yourself in sleep. What love and joy there is here.

And so every day... Life passes in constant solutions to problems, and happiness and joy are left “for later”. But at the same time, many women complain that men have stopped paying attention to them, as if they were wearing an invisible hat and their life has turned into a gray, dull existence.

It's all about the lack of feminine energy, to which men react. Surely you have noticed that there are periods when men do not notice you at all, but as soon as you fall in love, they immediately begin to hover around you. This is due to the fact that your level rises and your field is filled with love and erotic charges. The people around you feel this and cannot pass by you, since your field attracts them.

When you are in love, you feel positive energy within you. Life transforms and begins to play bright colors, my heart is warm and joyful, stress and depression pass by. But you can wait a long time for love to visit you, so you need to awaken this wonderful energy in yourself on your own.

Feminine energy: how to awaken it...

Step one. Reconnecting with yourself.

Modern people, as a rule, rarely touch each other. We try to touch other people as little as possible, and do not tolerate other people's touches. As a result, tactile sensations freeze in us, and we simply stop enjoying them, and our body begins to get sick, grow old and bring only negative emotions. It is important to establish a sensual relationship with yourself and learn to receive joy from tactile sensations. How to do this? There are special exercises:

This is interesting:

Touch. Take a feather or living flower and lightly stroke your body with it. Relax and enjoy yourself. Using gentle rotational movements, touch the body lightly, starting from the cheek, moving to the neck and chest and going down below. Soon you will feel how energy has awakened in you and flowed through your body.

Taste. Place several types of natural products on a plate (spices, fruits, honey, jam, etc.). Blindfold yourself and start trying one product after another, monitoring your sensations. Feel how they change, not only in your mouth, but throughout your whole body.

Smell. Buy aroma oils whose smells you like. Soak cotton wool in them and eyes closed start inhaling each aroma separately. Observe the sensations in your body.

Nature. Being filled with energy from nature is right and natural. Observe what your body reacts to most strongly: rain, wind, sun or rainbows. What is your favorite thing to look at? Water, mountains, fire or sky... Look at it and absorb the energy.

Practice, observe. Soon you will begin to feel incredible pleasure from the release of energy that has been suppressed in you.

Step two. Liberation from the burden of the past.

Having experienced love disappointment, a woman often closes her soul and decides that she will never love anyone else. She suppresses her emotions and does not allow herself to feel. The burden of “uncryed” grievances is especially heavy. This is when a man offended her, but she said to herself: “I’m strong, it doesn’t hurt me at all,” suppressing her emotions. But the problem is that these repressed emotions will periodically emerge from your subconscious and significantly ruin your life.

Firstly, you need to allow yourself to experience certain emotions without getting stuck in them.

Secondly, you need to cry and talk it out. You can go to church to see your priest, you can talk with a close and sympathetic person, or go to an appointment with a psychologist. As a last resort, you can talk it out and cry on your own, saying it all out loud or writing about your experiences in a diary. It is important to “let off steam”, ease the soul and not suppress all these emotions by deceiving yourself.

Thirdly, you need to psychologically and energetically break away from the person who offended you. To do this, you need to imagine that there is a white thin thread stretching between your hearts, with which you are tightly connected with your offender and any movement causes you pain. Mentally take the scissors and cut this thread, saying: “I forgive and let you go. And forgive me. You are free! I'm free!

Step three. Falling in love.

You need to fall in love. To whom? For starters, into yourself... And then, at least into the cat). If your feminine energy is asleep, then this is not due to the absence of a loved one, but due to general mental ill-being. There is no need to deprive yourself of love and joy of life just because at the moment there is no man next to you. Love for yourself and for life works wonders, read about this in the article. Remember that like attracts like, and when you send vibes into the Universe true love, warmth and kindness - she answers you the same!

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Every day we face problems and solve them difficult tasks and worries. They fill our lives and there is very little time left for making love, and sometimes there is simply no strength or desire left for this. How wake within yourself these feelings and recharge yourself with sexual energy and desire?

Many people have probably observed: there are times when you seem to be wearing an invisibility cap. Men, bumping into you, apologize: “Oh, I didn’t notice you!” But as soon as a admirer appears in your life, as soon as you fall in love yourself, the eyes of passersby of the stronger sex not only open, but also fall out of their sockets. Psychologists explain this simply: your energy field is filled with erotic charges. And those around you feel it. When you feel this positive energy, life is transformed: joy arises out of nowhere, you don’t nod off on the subway in the morning, stress and depression disappear.

But... you can wait a very long time for mercy from nature - when love visits you. It's better to try it yourself wake I have this in myself sexual energy.

Principle No. 1. Free yourself from the burden of the past.

Sometimes love disappointments penetrate so deeply into the soul that a woman closes herself: “It’s better not to love anyone at all than to suffer like this later.” However, you should not let your emotional trauma control you. You are much stronger than that incident, no matter how unpleasant it was. We are especially tormented by “uncryed” stories. Once a man really offended you, but you said to yourself: “Nothing, it’s all nothing, it doesn’t hurt me at all.” In the language of psychologists, you have suppressed your emotions, which means that they will periodically emerge from the subconscious and poison your life. What can be done in this case? In many cultures, there is a tradition of confession: you need to talk it out and cry in front of an understanding and sympathetic person. But few of us go to church. To heal yourself, you can write about your feelings in a journal or talk about them good friend. (Although it is better, of course, to consult a psychologist - it will be faster, although more expensive).

Having spoken, perform such a “magic” ritual. Imagine that a long white thread stretches from your heart to the heart of the person who offended you. You are firmly connected to it, and any hesitation causes you pain. Now mentally take the scissors and cut this thread. Repeat several times: “I am free! I allow myself to enjoy sex with another man!”

Principle No. 2. Reconnect with yourself.

In our frantic city life, we, as a rule, do not tolerate other people's touches and try to touch another person as little as possible. As a result, tactile sensations freeze in us, we forget how to enjoy them. The body begins to bring only negative emotions: it hurts, gets fat, gets old. But there is simple exercises that will help you establish a sensual relationship with yourself. Thanks to them, a long-lasting sense of one’s sensuality develops.

Find a quiet place where no one will see you, sit and relax. Relax by taking slow, deep breaths. As you exhale, imagine how fears, resentments, and shyness leave you.

Touch. Take a living flower or feather and stroke your body with it. Start from the cheek, neck, chest, then go lower. Make gentle rolling movements. Erotic energy awakens precisely from such light touches.

Taste. Take several types of natural products: for example, some fruits, honey, spices. Place them on a plate. Blindfold yourself and try one product after another. Watch for changing sensations. Moreover, not only in the mouth but throughout the whole body.

Smell. Buy aromatic oils whose scents are most pleasant to you. Place the cotton wool moistened with them in front of you and, with your eyes closed, inhale the aroma of each in turn. Observe how your body reacts to them.

Nature. Energy is transmitted to us from nature. Think about what state your body reacts to most acutely: the soft gentle sun, a thunderstorm, the wind, a rainbow. Look at the flowers, forest, pond, absorb the mood of nature.

Don't stop being amazed by these miracles. You will feel incredible pleasure from the release of the energy suppressed in you.

Principle No. 3. Fall in love... even with a cat.

If your sexual energy sleeps - this happens due to the general mental
wow trouble, but not at all?
?-for the absence of a loved one. You don't have to condemn your sexual self to oblivion just because you're not dating anyone right now. Fall in love with life: with a late flower in the country, with your soft cashmere sweater, with the cat, in the end, who looks out the window when you leave work.

Remember again: like attracts like. You send vibes of goodness, warmth, love into the Universe - it responds to you in kind.

Your life may seem pretty good to you, but at the same time, you, like many women, may well have lost touch with your feminine energy. Do you want to feel the taste real life? Do you want to regain your femininity? Then these will come in handy simple tips. Feminine energy is something that exists inside every woman, but at the same time it can quietly doze off and not show itself outside. Do you want to wake her up? Do you want to achieve incredible femininity? Then you will have to work on yourself a little. Unfortunately, feminine energy is often considered the less important of the two main energies in Western society. In fact, there is no main one among them, because male and female energies are halves of a single whole. They complement each other and create balance. If there is unbalanced energy, masculine or feminine, this can result in serious problems, because balance is actually extremely important. How to release feminine energy? How to constantly replenish its supply?


Feminine energy is the energy of movement. Oceans, hurricanes and others weather phenomena- everyone is a metaphor for her, since they are always in motion, constantly changing. If you're stuck in your office and haven't been particularly active in lately, it's time to get your body moving. This could be anything - a walk in the park, stretching in a yoga class, or even dancing in your underwear in your bedroom to your favorite music. Either way, your feminine energy is activated along with the movement.

Take off your jeans

Since feminine energy is pure movement, it does not like to be closed or limited. Women don't like being told what to do or how to feel, just like a hurricane would never want to be tamed. Jeans and pants tend to be restrictive. It's time to arrange a kind of “detox” and wear only skirts and dresses for at least a month. See how you feel. Do you think it's easier to navigate through life this way? Do you feel less restricted and more feminine? Soft, flowing fabric is a reflection of moving feminine energy.

Make time for women

Spending time consciously with other women can seriously recharge your feminine energy. When you are in the same company exclusively with people of the same gender, something incredible happens. It is much easier for you to drop your masks and be who you really are.

Have more orgasms

If men quickly lose their masculine energy if they ejaculate too often, then women, on the contrary, benefit more the more they experience orgasms. Everyone can see what happens to girls and women who experience orgasms frequently and on a regular basis - they become more creative, feel better emotional connections, have better intuition, and these are just a few of the improvements - the full list is endless.

Make receiving a priority

Masculine energy is penetrating power. Feminine energy is energy aimed at receiving, at opening. When you receive love, attention, strength, your inner energy well is filled. And it's not just about sex (although it also plays important role). You can receive through a massage, a pedicure, or even a meal prepared by someone else. In the case of a massage, for example, you breathe calmly and relax, which allows the hands of the massage therapist to penetrate the layer of your stress, which has an extremely positive effect on your feminine energy. So get out your calendar and schedule yourself some receiving sessions.


Women form bonds primarily through verbal communication, while men prefer touch. It's no secret that women, once they reach puberty, become much more concerned with becoming effective and fluent verbal communicators with their peers. Thus, the feminine energy in you is replenished through expanded contacts with loved ones - mom, dad, brothers and sisters, close friends, and so on. So turn off the TV, call someone you haven't talked to in a while, and share what's going on in your lives. Don't set any goals for yourself - just tell what happened to you and listen to what happened to them.

Pamper yourself

Men are more likely to get lost in thoughts, while women are more likely to get lost in feelings. So if you want to replenish your feminine energy, you need to pamper your senses. To pamper your sense of taste, eat a bar of chocolate, drink red wine, or treat yourself to any other favorite food. To pamper your sense of touch, go shopping and touch all the soft and pleasant fabrics of different clothing items. Choose a place where you can pamper as many of your senses as possible - and go there. Leave your head and come fully to your body, consciously addressing each of your five senses.


Masculine energy is destructive, while feminine energy is creative. To bring something bright into your life, you can start drawing, writing poetry, composing song lyrics, cooking delicious dishes for yourself and for others and so on. And there is no need for your poem, your dish or your song to be good - they just have to be created by you. Forget about expectations and just create for the sake of creating.

Women are creatures who succeed everywhere. In the morning they serve as a kind mother to their children and husband, then they go to work and actively earn money. While working, they also do household chores at the same time: calls from school, kindergarten, trips to the clinic during lunch break, and so on. At the end of the working day, they buy groceries, pick up the children, and run home to become a mother again. And at night I can also caress my husband.

Not everyone can withstand such a rhythm, and turn into driven workhorses without makeup or hair styling, in a stretched sweater and shoes without heels.
And men love with their eyes!
We present you with some tips on how to become more feminine and desirable for your man! Be real women and love yourself!

What actions should you take to become more feminine?

- We allow ourselves to be weak.
Probably the first thing every woman who wants to change her life needs to do is allow herself to be weak. Undoubtedly, keeping the situation under constant control is much easier than entrusting the decision complex issues to my husband. But you definitely need to give yourself some slack, especially since this will have a positive impact not only on your life, but also on the men around you. They will become more responsible.

- Enjoy the massage.
Massage is one of the universal remedies, the positive properties of which are appreciated by all peoples inhabiting the earth. A good massage can help you relax or re-energize, and can be used to relieve stress and bring back lost inspiration. A massage can be the first step towards yourself.

- We are looking for friends.
We women are designed in such a way that we definitely need friends. Virtual girlfriends are also good, but, unfortunately, communication on the Internet takes too much effort and energy. And they will be useful to us for solving other problems. And it’s better to meet friends in real life, for example, at a children’s sandbox, in a cozy cafe, in a museum, theater or just in a spring park, in a word, where you can get new impressions, a charge of vivacity and optimism.

— We read women's magazines.
Many ladies treat with contempt women's magazines. However, sometimes a magazine can remind you that being a businesswoman, but at the same time remaining beautiful woman capable of making you fall in love with yourself and loving life - this is quite possible. And a magazine purchased on time can lift your spirits. So why don't we use this simple, but very in an efficient way.

- We play balls.
Have you noticed that both cats and women are partial to balls? What do you think I'm talking about? Yes, about the most ordinary, or rather not ordinary, but bright, delicate, slightly prickly balls of thread. Even if you're not into knitting, try going to a store that sells yarn. Look at those endless rows of fluffy balls. I am sure: somewhere in their depths there is always hiding good mood. By the way, inspiration also lives on these shelves. Let's try to find him?

— We are looking for our ideal of femininity.
Unfortunately, not all of us had before our eyes an example of true femininity. Rather, on the contrary, our mothers, and we, too, following them, strive to solve all problems on our own, have long forgotten about skirts and plunged headlong into the world of business or politics. But fortunately, we still have someone to learn from. There are many women in the world worthy of emulation. So let's look for our ideal of femininity and change in better side!

— We learn to create culinary masterpieces.
As you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. And the woman reveals her talents by starting to cook. Unfortunately, the dominance of semi-finished products has led to the fact that we are increasingly entrusting these pleasant chores to some unknown manufacturers. It's better to act differently. Try creating your own (even if simple) culinary masterpiece today. Believe me, the kitchen can give its owner and her family a lot of positive emotions.