Full name is Garik Martirosyan. Dream in hand

Garik Martirosyan is, without a doubt, one of best comedians Armenia and everything post-Soviet space. Thanks to his many years of work, our today's hero managed to become a true legend many comedy projects, including such programs as “KVN”, Comedy Club, "ProjectorParisHilton" and some others. Currently, Garik is at the zenith of his fame. He is popular, successful and loved by millions of television viewers. Looking at how organically this talented Armenian looks on stage, you might think that all his achievements came very easily to him. But is this really so? Of course not. After all, any success is a result painstaking work and great effort.

Early years, childhood and family of Garik Martirosyan

The future famous showman was born in sunny Yerevan on February 14, 1974. As noted in some sources, the true date of birth of the famous humorist is February 13th. The thing is that immediately after birth, the mother of our today’s hero asked me to slightly correct her son’s documents. The reason for this was a banal superstition associated with the number “13”.

Perhaps this one small episode and predestined everything future fate humorist. He grew up to be an extraordinary child. And, in the end, he became a famous comedian and successful Moscow producer.

However, let's not get ahead of ourselves too much...

Despite the fact that no one in the family of the future actor was directly connected with art, the parents of the future artist always paid great attention moral education their sons. From the very early childhood Garik Martirosyan and his brothers Ambratsum and Levon visited music school. However, for our today's hero, training in this institution ended quite soon. The thing is that as a child, Garik was a very active and fussy child, and therefore often simply fooled around in specialized classes. For such behavior he was expelled from the music school, but this unfortunate misunderstanding did not force the future artist to give up music. Subsequently, he independently learned to play the piano, guitar and percussion instruments quite well.

In addition, already in school years Garik began playing in various semi-amateur productions. As noted in some biographical sources, the debut role for the future comedian was the role of Archimedes in one of the children's plays staged on the stage of his native school.

KVN Garik Martirosyan tore up the hall

Garik loved art, but the most significant influence on our today's hero during this period was his mother. By profession, Jasmine Surenovna was a doctor, and therefore, looking at her, Martirosyan also decided to choose this profession. Having received documents about graduating from school, the future artist entered the Yerevan State Medical University, where he began to study as a neurologist-psychotherapist. However, looking ahead a little, we note that Garik worked as a doctor for only three years. Already while studying at the university, he main passion became KVN games. Thus, choosing between the career of a doctor and the career of an artist, our today's hero chose the latter.

Star Trek by Garik Martirosyan: KVN, Comedy Club

While studying at the university, Garik Martirosyan joined the young KVN team “New Armenians”. Our today’s hero performed in this team for a total of nine years, during which he managed to become a Champion Major League(1997), two-time winner of the Summer Cup (1998, 2003), winner of the Jurmala festival “Voting KiViN”, as well as a laureate of many other prestigious awards from the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

A brilliant career on the KVN stage opened the doors to the world for Garik Martirosyan Russian show business. In 2005, our today's hero, together with other teammates, decided to organize a new comedy project, which was launched in the very near future. This is how the TNT channel began airing a humorous program called Comedy Club, created like the American stand-up show. Within of this project Garik Martirosyan worked as a producer and one of the regular participants. And very soon such efforts brought the artist serious success. The talented Armenian became known in all countries of the post-Soviet space, and also earned a name for himself in the production circles of Moscow.

In November 2006, Garik Martirosyan decided to start new project, which would be radically different from everything that he had created before. The British show “Little Britain” was taken as a basis, which very soon organically transformed into the Russian project “Our Russia”.

The new show brought its creator new success, and as the host of the “Minute of Glory” program, Garik Martirosyan appeared already in the status of an established star.

Garik Martirosyan now

The late period in the work of the talented Armenian was remembered for many new victories and new successful projects(“Laughter without rules”, “Show News”, etc.). Garik, as before, worked on creating new releases of the Comedy Club, “Our Russia”, and some time later began to appear as a permanent host of the “ProjectorParisHilton” project. For his work on this TV show, Martirosyan received the prestigious Tefi Award in the nomination for the best infotainment program of the year.

Currently, Garik Martirosyan is working on new ambitious projects and making plans for the future.

Personal life of Garik Martirosyan and political aspirations

IN recent years reports began to appear frequently in the press that Garik Martirosyan was going to join the United Liberal-National Party of Armenia, which he heads brother Levon.

Garik Martirosyan with his wife in the program “Smak”

According to the artist himself, the only obstacle to his political career is his family. Therefore, with acceptance final decision Garik is still hesitating. The thing is that a political career in Armenia will mean his inevitable move to Yerevan and separation from family and friends - his wife Zhanna Levina (works as a lawyer in Moscow), as well as his daughter Jasmine (born in 2004) and son Daniel ( born 2009).

Currently, the entire family of the comedian lives in the Russian capital.

Garik Martirosyan is key figure in modern humor. Fans of TNT, viewers of Channel One, and the audience of Russia-1 know him. But how was this charming Armenian able to make his way to the top without losing his cheerful disposition? Why do all projects with Garik's participation become successful? Let's figure it out from the very beginning.

Garik Martirosyan was born in Armenia, in the city of Yerevan. Due to the parents' superstition, the newborn's date of birth was changed - instead of February 13, it was recorded a day later. Thanks to this coincidence, the famous comedian is now organizing a holiday for two days in a row.

Nowadays, the popular Armenian often plays the guitar or piano, although he does not have a finished music education. Garik was expelled from music school for inappropriate behavior, but he mastered the instruments on his own.

After graduation secondary school young Martirosyan went into medicine - he entered the State Medical University, located in hometown Yerevan. Here the showman received the profession of neurologist-psychotherapist, but the diploma was useful to him for only three years.

Meeting with KVN

Doctor Martirosyan’s career ended after meeting KVN. The club of cheerful and resourceful people immediately charmed the Armenian, although he admitted that he liked the profession he received and brought him pleasure.

Garik began playing in KVN as part of the New Armenians team in 1994, and three years later he became captain. Previously, the team was called “Relatives from Yerevan,” but then took a more sonorous name. For the first time, Armenians were noticed in the city of Sochi at a festival; they qualified for the KVN First League. In 1995, Martirosyan’s team managed to reach the final of the First League and receive an invitation to the Higher League. But the guys failed to win even at a high level; they were beaten by the “Makhachkala Tramps” from Dagestan.

Later, the “New Armenians” team still took prize place(in 1997 and 1998), and also won the international cup twice music festival KiViN.

In the 2000s, the team, which gained wide popularity and love from the public, began touring the world. In addition to Russian cities, they visited America, Germany and the CIS countries.

A team from sunny Yerevan, who finished playing KVN, decided to create new product. The idea was born back in 2001, but was only realized in 2004 and not on the first try. Comedy show Club appeared on the MTV broadcast schedule, however, only as part of the New Year's meeting, and after the assistance of Alexander Tsekalo, a pilot episode was filmed for the STS channel. But even here the Armenians suffered a setback - General Director Rodnyansky abandoned the non-format product.

Luck smiled on the KVN players 9 months later, when general manager TNT offered profitable cooperation and the launch of the show on the screen. Viewers first saw the Comedy Club in April 2005.

Two years later, a large multidisciplinary production company Comedy Club Production was created, which is now responsible for the release of this comedy show and some third-party projects.


“ProjectorParisHilton” is another important project in the life of Garik Yuryevich. At one time this television broadcast was one of the most popular on Channel One, it was broadcast almost weekly, and the presenters became much more popular. The entertainment and information show appeared in 2008 and became a rating show almost from the first episodes.

In an ironic manner, four presenters (Tsekalo, Urgant, Svetlakov and Martirosyan) discuss the news. Politicians, show business stars, foreign actors, and musicians fell under the scalpel of their humor. Thanks to charisma and an unusual presentation of information, this concept became popular; later they even tried to apply it to other projects, but to no avail.

Starting from the 15th issue, guests began to be invited to the Projector studio. They were different - the ballerina Volochkova, the politician Zhirinovsky, the Basque singer, the actor Khabensky, and the musician Makarevich. At the end of the episode the presenters sang musical number- played instruments, sang themselves or invited groups.

In 2012, the program was closed (due to the new contracts of Sergei and Garik on the TNT channel), but in 2017 it was released again. The lineup of presenters remained unchanged.

Garik Martirosyan worked not only on TNT and as a co-host on Channel One. In 2006 he won the music show“Two Stars”, in 2007 he tried out as the host of the entertainment project “Minute of Fame” (2 seasons included his participation, then Tsekalo became the host, and then Oleshko).

In 2013, the comedian supported his colleagues Kharlamov and Batrutdinov by starring in cameo role in their project "HB".

In 2015, the showman hosted another music program « Main stage", but already on the Russia-1 broadcast network. In 2016, he became the host of a sports program on this channel - “Dancing with the Stars.”

Garik Martirosyan's newest project is a humorous own show, aired on the TNT channel. “Martirosyan Official” was published in April 2018.


The comedian did not bypass the film industry either. His first debut took place in the musical “Our Yard 3”, after which the TV presenter appeared in TNT projects: “Our Russia” and “Univer”.

In 2017, Garik took part in the filming of the controversial film “Zomboyashchik,” which received many negative reviews and negative ratings. The film featured many popular personalities from the TV channel, who each received two or three roles. Martirosyan became a magician and executioner.

Garik Yuryevich has been happily married for a long time. He met his future wife Zhanna back in 1997 thanks to a KVN game in Sochi.

The couple has two children - daughter Zhanna (born in 2004) and son Daniel (born in 2009).

The showman does not like to show his children to the public, but he willingly shares photographs of his wife on his personal Instagram page. Zhanna also maintains an account where she tells funny and funny incidents from family life, posts photographs, writes notes on exciting topics.

Meeting with the President

In 2011, Garik Martirosyan and his other fellow comedians managed to attend an informal meeting with the first person of the State. Dmitry Anatolyevich gathered popular comedians on April Fool's Day (April 1) at his residence in Gorki.

Discussions were on both serious topics and humor. The invited guests joked, and the president did not remain in debt. Photos from the meeting were widely circulated online, and the occasion itself for a long time was a hot topic.

  1. Garik Martirosyan is a football connoisseur. More than once he expressed his sympathy for the Moscow Lokomotiv and the English Manchester United.
  2. The showman has a younger brother, Levon. He did not follow in the footsteps of his older brother and made a good political career. At one time he was the leader of the United Liberal National Party, at the moment Levon works in the Government of Armenia (Assistant to the President).
  3. Garik Yuryevich does not like airplanes - he flies extremely rarely and only when absolutely necessary. The TV presenter developed a similar dislike in the late 90s, when their team was actively flying throughout the country and abroad. Saturated tour life and Garik is so tired of frequent flights that he is now trying to avoid airports. The famous Armenian prefers to travel exclusively by land transport; for example, he likes to travel to Armenia by train. And according to the Armenian himself, he used the plane last time in 2012 to fly to Yerevan and back.
  4. Garik is a polyglot - he knows 3 languages ​​perfectly (English, Armenian, Russian) and 3 more in good level(Czech, German, Italian). He also has the ability to phonetically repeat almost any language - in the program “ProjectorReperisHilton” the TV presenter imitated Portuguese, Polish, Serbian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Hungarian, French, Hebrew.
  5. The man is a music lover; at ProjectorReperisHilton, together with his friends, he sang rock songs, jazz compositions, and pop tracks. And in the program Evening Urgant together with Ivan Garik read a rap.
  6. Daughter Jasmine shares her father's hobbies - official page a former KVN player posted a video where a girl reads a Nicki Minaj track quite well. As users note, Jasmine does a good job.
  7. Yuri Dud, popular on the YouTube platform, released an interview with Martirosyan at the end of 2017. The video received over 6 million views.
  8. In 2007, the famous Armenian comedian participated in the recording music album Pavel Volya.

Although the showman from Yerevan now appears on the stage of the Comedy Club not as often as at the dawn of the humorous project, leaving this program he's not going to. Martirosyan helps with numbers, often writes jokes and stage numbers, and takes part in touring life.

In March 2018, the artist played in the popular intellectual game"What? Where? When" in the composition unusual team- former KVN players. After the game, Martirosyan noted that they were far from professional experts, but they behaved with dignity (6:4 in their favor).

Expected in autumn 2018 another comeback entertainment and information program “ProjectorParisHilton”, if the contract is extended, then Channel One viewers will again see an intelligent comedian at a large table with other presenters.

Also, the popular Armenian does not forget about social networks– his Instagram page is actively updated. From latest photos: selfie with my wife, footage from the 2018 FIFA World Cup, videos from filming, beautiful shots of cities. The comedian has more than 1.5 million subscribers, which allows him to create advertising posts and launch columns with cash prizes, and actively share your life.


Many people know Martirosyan as a popular TV presenter, a cheerful and resourceful comedian. But he is also a wonderful family man, an intelligent and educated showman. Garik puts his soul into any business, which is why his personal pages on social networks are popular, and all projects turn out to be original and ironic.

He reports) was born in the city of Yerevan, on (February 14), in 1974. As a child, he caused his parents a lot of trouble. The boy was noisy and restless. The naughty boy was sent to music school at the age of six in order to slightly moderate his ardor. But that didn't help either. Soon Garik was expelled from musical institution for bad behavior. At school, he, naturally, was the leader, a great inventor and just a cheerful guy. And already during these years, Garik’s artistic talent manifested itself - in the sixth grade he received his first role in a school play.

Where else did Garik Martirosyan study? His biography reports that after school he graduated from the State Medical University in Yerevan. Few of the artist’s fans know that he worked for several years in his specialty, namely as a neurologist-psychotherapist. And, perhaps, his life would have flowed in this direction if one day he had not met the members of the famous KVN team “New Armenians”. Humor has always been his strong point. And since 1993, Garik’s life changed dramatically - he began playing in KVN. He himself claims that it was KVN that made him strong, purposeful, accustomed him to the frantic rhythm and pace of life, and the ability to work in a team.

Garik Martirosyan (his biography tells about this) first appeared on television in 1997. He was the screenwriter of the well-known program “ Good evening"with Ugolnikov. Gradually he became a participant in many projects, shows, and programs. And one of his victories in this field was in the “Two Stars” project. Excellent vocal abilities and a talented partner led him to success. But as a TV presenter, Garik first appeared on screens in the “Minute of Fame” program. This was a huge project for him.

Of course, we cannot ignore the “Comedy club” program, one of the founders of which was Garik Martirosyan. His biography says that it was clean water experiment. Several talented and active people We met one day and decided to slightly modify the Russian humor that is familiar to everyone. Among the founders of this program are Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov, and many others. However, the residents were not immediately able to make their way onto television screens. And when the audience was able to see the first episode, despite huge amount positive and enthusiastic reviews, there were still ill-wishers who were not satisfied with the guys’ openly impudent humor.

Many people are interested in whether Garik Martirosyan is married. The biography (the artist’s personal life, by the way, is not very publicized) reports that his wife’s name is Zhanna Levina, and the couple met back in 1997. And in 2004, the talented artist became a father. The children of Garik Martirosyan are his daughter Jasmine. Although many believe that the Comedy resident has other offspring. Despite busy schedule, Garik always tries to devote as much time as possible to his family.

Biography of this person - shining example how humor and charisma help you succeed in life. And it doesn’t matter where you are registered, what city you were born in, where you studied. The main thing is a dream, perseverance in achieving goals and bright look for life, optimism.

Garik Martirosyan is a man who has an excellent sense of humor. His work is proud not only in Russia and Armenia, but also outside these countries. He constantly hatches new plans, which he shares with his fans. Even when he was not performing on stage, many KVnova fans admired his sparkling jokes, following the work of the team “ Burnt out by the sun" During these years, Garik's talent as an author only became more powerful. After a short time, the hero began to appear before a large audience, admiring his sparkle and accuracy of jokes on the topic of the day.

Besides acting, the artist perfectly performs many other roles, being the artistic director and permanent resident of the Comedy comedy show club. He produced “Show News”, “Our Russia” and “Laughter without Rules”, which are popular among television viewers.

Height, weight, age. How old is Garik Martirosyan

His height, Southern temperament and ability to laugh at himself and make others laugh have attracted attention for a long time. True KVN fans have been following his work since the mid-90s. They know absolutely exactly what the popular showman’s height, weight, and age are. How old Garik Martirosyan turned this year is also known. On his birthday, which falls on Valentine’s Day, he came to visit Ivan Urgant, where he was given royal honors in honor of his 43rd birthday. Our hero's height is 183 cm and his weight is 75 kg, although Garik seems somewhat plump on screen.

Since his youth, the well-known KVN player began running. Even now, although he is incredibly busy, he manages to devote a small amount of time to sports activities. In addition, he loves traditional Armenian cuisine, dishes from which his wife sometimes spoils him with.

Biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan

Our hero was born in mid-February in 1974. Although his actual birth falls on the 13th, his parents, driven by superstitious motives, made him a day younger by recording him on the 14th, so the artist celebrates the holiday for 2 days. Garik was a very restless child since childhood. During his school years, he loved to joke with everyone.

But everything was said with such a serious look that everyone around believed. For example, in the 1st grade he called himself the grandson of Leonid Brezhnev, which everyone believed: from students to teachers, until his mother came to school, who was summoned for her son’s bad behavior. The future showman was expelled from the music school for the same reason. But this did not stop him from learning to play several musical instruments. At the moment, our hero is fluent in guitar, drums and piano, and has also written several popular musical compositions, which sounded from the KVnov stage.

The creative biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan took place thanks to KVN, in which he began to take part in the mid-90s, as a student at Yerevan State Medical University, after which he became a practicing Moscow neurologist-psychotherapist. But still, KVN and the ability to joke outweighed everything. Now our hero is a popular comedian, whose work is admired by many residents of the vast expanses Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Talent popular comedian could be enjoyed in many projects, the most memorable of which were “Comedy Club”, ProjectorParisHilton, Show News.

Martirosyan is also a popular producer who has made several humorous films.

Family and children of Garik Martirosyan

The popular showman calls 2 cities his homeland - Yerevan and Moscow. He was born in the first, and the second became his real hometown, since this is where he lives happily big family and the children of Garik Martirosyan were born precisely in the Russian metropolitan metropolis. The artist loves to visit Armenia, enjoying the beautiful sun and peace, since here he is known only as one of the residents who moved to Russia. Moscow attracts the hero with its scale and ability to change. He loves to take a break from its noise with his family, to whom he devotes all his free time.

Garik's mother and father often come to visit him, not daring to leave their beloved Yerevan forever, although their son calls him to him. The artist also has an older brother, Levon, who lives with his wife and children in Armenia. Although the brothers are separated by a long distance, they constantly call each other and congratulate each other on the holidays.

Son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel Martirosyan

In 2009, he was born on the penultimate day of October 2009. On the same day, one of the episodes of ProjectorParisHilton was released with the participation of the popular American film actor Steven Seagal. When Garik announced that he had a son, the popular Stephen suggested calling him Daniel. Seagal assured that a child with that name will have happiness in the future. Martirosyan said he would think about it. After some time, it turned out that the showman still named his son Daniel.

For a long time, Garik did not show his son to the general public. But recently the son of Garik Martirosyan, Daniel Martirosyan, was introduced to the public. This took place on Timur Kizyakov’s program “While everyone is at home.”

Daughter of Garik Martirosyan - Jasmine Martirosyan

Garik Martirosyan's daughter, Jasmine Martirosyan, was born in 2004, 5 years earlier than her brother. The parents named their daughter in honor of Garik’s mother, who lives in Armenia. The girl is very artistic, as many of those present at the Jurmala humor festival in 2013 could see for themselves. She went on stage and danced so fieryly that all the spectators present in the hall were amazed.

Now Garik sometimes talks about his daughter’s successes. She studies at one of the best Moscow schools. The showman says that her character is completely similar to his childhood. The girl loves to make fun of her classmates, but these jokes are absolutely harmless.

Garik Martirosyan's wife - Zhanna Levina

Garik and Zhanna met at the Sochi festival. After Sochi, the comedian and his future lover met only a year later. A candy-bouquet period took place, which soon led to the wedding. The celebration was celebrated in Russia and Armenia. Garik's mother and father treated their daughter-in-law very well. They call her daughter, and she, in turn, considers them second parents.

Garik Martirosyan's wife, Zhanna Levina, devotes her life to her husband and children, trying to make them happy. But the young woman is also successful in her work. She, on the advice of her husband, became a very popular interior designer, from whom many beau monde stars consult.

On her Instagram page, the showman's wife often presents pictures. They depict Garik Martirosyan with his wife and children. The photos are always bright and unforgettable.

Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan

The popular star of the humorous beau monde runs his own page on Instagram, and Garik Martirosyan’s Wikipedia is full of information about him and his creative activity. In terms of the number of subscribed users on Instagram, the popular KVNist occupies one of the leading positions. The number of subscribers is incredibly quickly approaching the million mark. Here you can view pictures of Garik from his childhood to the present time, get acquainted with the members of his large family and see who is listed as his friends.

On the Instagram page, the official website of which is maintained by Garik himself, you can find out what the jokes lead to and bet him with friends. For example, after his favorite team won the English Premier League, the comedian cut his hair.

Garik Martirosyan is a Russian showman and TV presenter who has gained wide popularity, primarily thanks to the Comedy Club project, in which he is a co-producer and artistic director. Also, during his activity, Martirosyan implemented several other television projects, which became very popular.

Martirosyan is a native of the Armenian city of Yerevan, it was there that he was born on February thirteenth, 74 of the last century. Garik's superstitious parents believed that 13 is a number that brings misfortune, so they asked to rewrite their son's date of birth to the fourteenth of February. Now the artist has 2 birthdays.

Martirosyan's family was very wealthy by Soviet standards, his father worked as the chief engineer of an automobile plant in Yerevan, and his mother was a gynecologist. According to Garik himself, at home they had the most “scarce” things of that time, for example, a color TV and a VCR. They could also always afford quality clothes. There were no problems with food; Garik and his two brothers ate what was inaccessible to the majority of the population.

Parents strived with early years to instill in their sons a love of art, so they sent them to study at a music school. But Garik was restless and did not listen to anyone, as a result he was kicked out of there due to unsatisfactory behavior. True, thanks to his talent, the future comedian was able to independently master the art of playing several musical instruments at once - guitar, piano and drums. Moreover, Martirosyan learned to write his own music.

Since childhood, Garik loved jokes and pranks, for example, only when he arrived in first grade, he began to tell everyone that his grandfather was Leonid Brezhnev himself.

At school, Martirosyan played in plays; in the 6th grade he first appeared on stage, playing the role of Archimedes.

Start of a career

After graduating high school, Garik decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps and entered the Medical University in Yerevan to major in psychotherapy.

There he began playing in KVN, becoming a member and then captain of the New Armenians team, which won the Major League in 1997.

After receiving his diploma, Martirosyan worked in his specialty for only three years, because by this time he realized that he wanted to connect his life with television and show business.

Garik became one of brightest stars KVN of the late nineties and early 2000s, he not only performed, but also wrote jokes, including for other teams.

Martirosyan immediately made a name for himself on television, becoming a screenwriter television program“Good evening with Igor Ugolnikov.”

Career blossoming

In 2003, Martirosyan, together with others former participants KVN created a new project called “Comedy Club”, the feature of which was tough and frank humor. According to Garik, he did not think that the project would succeed and generally considered it unpromising.

At first, “Comedy Club” did not take root on two television channels, but in 2005 the TNT channel became interested in it, where it began airing in April. The project quickly gained enormous popularity throughout the country, and its participants as a result became real symbols of the generation.

In 2007, Comedy got its own production company, Comedy Club Production. A year before, Martirosyan launched a new project called “Our Russia,” which also quickly gained popularity.

Now Garik continues to work on new releases of the Comedy Club, and is also the host of a humorous show on Channel One, ProjectorParisHilton.

Personal data

Martirosyan is married to Zhanna Levina, a lawyer by profession. They have two children - daughter Jasmine and son Daniel.

Garik's height is 186 centimeters and his weight is 92 kilograms.