Extracurricular activity for primary school students in the school local history museum.

This is normal Belarusian language. All phonetics and 80% vocabulary. But there are many regional words and two I found Ukrainian (garna, youngster). Otherwise it’s just a Belarusian dialect.
“Zaletas,” “ployma,” and “klopat” may be contextually misunderstood. Flew up - the year before last (cf. fly, fly). There is a lot of ployma (possibly for children, too, in the sense of a crowd). Klopat - care.

And one more thing:
“Celebration of provincial old age on 5 June 1918
place of Chernihiv

14) In the village of Lyshchichi, on the night of June 25, unknown attackers placed two pyroxylin bombs under the house in which the district chief of the district warta, Tarasevich, was located, which exploded, and the explosion damaged the walls of the house and shell-shocked the named chief of the district warta, Tarasevich, and his son.

For the provincial elder Savitsky
TsDAVO of Ukraine F. 1216. – Op. 1. – Ref. 103. – Arc. 133-138".

“Celebration of provincial old age on November 30, 1918
place of Chernihiv
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that during the period from November 14 to 24 of [his] year, I received the following messages about the state of the Chernigov province:
6) Novozybkovsky district. The Bolsheviks, having crossed the demarcation line, headed for Velikaya Topal. A detachment of Cossacks was sent against them. The situation is alarming. The mood of the German troops was generally calm, although drunken groups began to appear singing revolutionary songs. Local German councils receive prudent directives from Kyiv.
7) Starodub district. On November 14, a battalion of Bolsheviks arrived in the village of Lyshchichi. in full force. The Bolsheviks were well received by the Germans and were quartered in barracks together with German soldiers. Bolshevik delegations appeared in the villages of Kustich and Pyatovsk and, finally, at the Staroduba station, and later in Staroduba itself. Everywhere the Bolsheviks met with a friendly reception from the Germans. The latter fraternize with the Bolsheviks and allow their detachments to cross the border. On this occasion, a protest was made to the German command locally and in Kyiv. By latest information from the district, the departure of German troops is expected in the very near future. The Bolsheviks planned two infantry regiments to enter the territory of the district after the Germans retreated. The mood in the district is alarming. A small regular military force is required to guard the borders. Being late will cause complications.
8) Surazhsky district. An accumulation of Bolshevik gangs was observed along the demarcation line. In Robchik and other places along the demarcation line, fraternization between Germans and Bolsheviks took place. Urgent measures have been taken to form volunteer detachments. In Klintsy, the mood is extremely alarming due to the events in Germany, the beginning of the collapse of the German army and the decline in discipline among them.
Original to the Minister of Internal Affairs, typewritten
TsDAVO of Ukraine F. 1216. – Op. 1. – Ref. 79. – Arc. 288-290."

I wonder if the information below has anything to do with the Bogunsky Regiment?
“Celebration of provincial old age on June 16, 1918
place of Chernihiv
On August 29 of this year, by order of the German military authorities, ninety-four households were burned in the village of Pyatovsk, Starodub district, and sixty-three households in the village of Yankovo local residents for the fact that in the village of Pyatovsk and the village of Yankovo ​​there are more than thirty people who are in Bolshevik gangs operating in the dacha forests of Pyatovsk and Yankovo ​​and neighboring villages. This gang, by agreement with some residents of the villages of Pyatovsk and Yankova, on the night of August 29 of this year, brought four machine guns into Pyatovsk and began to fire from four sides at the school in which the German troops. In turn, German troops also opened fire on the Bolshevik gang, which fled. By order of the German authorities, a meeting of Pyatovsk and Yankov was convened, where it was proposed to extradite those who participated in the attack on German troops, after which it was established that among the residents of the village of Pyatovsk, Nil Pasinok, Kozma Korotky, Klimenty Podolny and Dmitry took part in the attack Golushka, who, after the shelling, fled from the village along with the gang; In addition, the Germans took cattle, bread and various property in the form of indemnity, shot the brother of the Bolshevik Savely Suslov and a resident of the village of Oskolkov Mendel Ryklin, with whom the Bolshevik gangs had shelter. I report this to Your Excellency.
Provincial elder Vysotsky
Original to the Minister of Internal Affairs, typewritten
TsDAVO of Ukraine F. 1216. – Op. 1. – Ref. 79. – Arc. 38".
The link to the source of information is provided on the page http://offtop.ru/radimich/v15_720927_11_.php

Dear Alexander!
Your version is quite logical, and we ourselves thought about it first. We admit that the journalist who wrote the article could inadvertently “rename” the settlement, as is done very often now.

I am pleased to note that my message did not go unanswered.
Perhaps, if associated with the name Shchors, the author of the note meant Bohunets? Bohunets is a former village of Unechi district, Naitopovichi village council, 3 km southeast of the village of Naitopovichi. Dropped from the registry in 1978. The maximum number of inhabitants is 190 people (1926).

Dear Alexander!
The museum staff was not aware of the ski promotional crossing you mentioned. Thank you very much for the information.
We did a little research, but we could not find any living participants or witnesses.
A settlement with the name Sherskovskoye was also not found. Maybe it was called Shchorsovskoe? But such a point was not found either. There is a version that for some time this was the popular name for some point that had a different official name.

BRYANSK WORKER. 1945, No. 49 (7448) (MARCH 10)
In this issue of the newspaper on the fourth page there is a note “Ski propaganda crossing along the Shchors path” with the following content:
"UNECHA. 25 railway athletes high school carried out a ski trek along the Shchorsovsky route - Unecha-Naitopovichi, Sherskovskoye. The team of athletes was led by history teacher Comrade. Kozhevec. Having covered 40 kilometers on skis, the participants of the agitation transition held conversations with collective farmers about civil war, about the military affairs of Shchors, about the heroes of the Patriotic War and about the Crimean Conference of the Three Allied Powers." Link to newspaper clipping - http://radimich.narod.ru/Forum/br.1945_49-7448-10_marta-s4.jpg.
Questions for the author research work“On the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Bohunsky regiment and the historical “fraternization” in Lyshchichi: 1) Do you know anything about this propaganda transition?; 2) are there any participants and witnesses of this agitational transition among the living residents and natives of the Unechi region?; 3) On what part of the route could Sherskovskoye be located, which is indicated in the note?

According to such a publication as “List of populated places in the Chernigov province with at least 10 inhabitants, according to 1901 data”:
"Unecha, village near the station railway, Mglinsky district, Pavlovsk volost, near the Unech river, the number of male residents is 34, female residents are 48. Postal address is Unecha station.
Unech, village, Surazh district, Lyalich volost, near the Unech river, the number of male residents is 141, female residents are 148. Postal address is the city of Surazh.

I'm afraid not yet. But when they grow up a little and come to a lesson dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, we will definitely tell them about it. As well as about other fellow countrymen who heroically fought against the Nazis.

Western Front!
48th Army!
217th 《Unechskaya》Rifle Division.
My grandfather Aslanbek Sakhamovich Batsoev also held the rank of mortarman of the 2nd Mortar Regiment as part of the 740th Infantry Regiment.


《In the battle for the village of Svyatoe Ozero, Rogachevsky district of the Gomel region, acting as part of a crew from his mortar, he destroyed one enemy heavy machine gun with his crew, thereby giving infantry units the opportunity to advance forward; on June 25, 1944, the village of Svyatoe Ozero was liberated from the German fascists.
Commander of the 740th Infantry Regiment (Yaroshenko)

According to official version Having headed the 44th Infantry Division, Nikolai Shchors was killed on August 30, 1919 by a stray bullet at the combat positions of the Bohunsky regiment near the village of Beloshitsy - now the village. Shchorsovka, Korostensky district, Zhytomyr region.
Yesterday, August 30, 2017, marked the 98th anniversary of the death of the legendary division commander.

I wonder where the creators could have gotten it from? encyclopedic dictionary"Settlements of the Bryansk Territory" the following information: "Rassukha is a village in the Pogarsky district of the Bryansk region, Prirubkinsky rural settlement, 3 km west of the village of Prirubki. It has been mentioned since the 18th century as a farmstead; perhaps - the location of the chronicle village of Rosukha, usually identified with the modern village of Rassukha, Unechi region"?

In the work of German authors Andreas Weigelt, Klaus-Dieter Müller, Thomas Schaarschmidt, Mike Schmeitzner. Friedrich Mann / Todesurteile sowjetischer Militärtribunale gegen Deutsche (1944–1947): Eine historisch-biographische Studie. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 22 April 2015. - S. 435. - 1272 S. provides a brief curriculum vitae by Friedrich Mann. Let's quote it in full:

Friedrich Mann (German Friedrich Mann) was born on September 20, 1904 in Langensalza (Thuringia), lived in Langensalza, co-owner of the book publishing house Hermann Beyer and Sons (German: Hermann Beyer und Söhne). With the rank of Oberleutnant, he served in the intelligence department of the headquarters of the 29th Motorized Infantry Division. In January 1943 he was captured in Stalingrad and on December 3, 1946 in Moscow he was sentenced to death on the basis of Decree No. 43 of the Moscow Military District.

From the indictment: “War criminal. From 1941 to 1943, as head of the intelligence department of the 29th Infantry Division, he committed crimes in the occupied territories of Bryansk and Oryol region regarding prisoners of war and Soviet residents. On his personal orders, three prisoners of war, a political worker Soviet army.

In August 1941, on his orders, the school director Otrokov, his wife and the head of the post office Zubtsov were arrested and shot on suspicion of connections with partisans.

In the Minsk region, on his personal order, a Soviet prisoner of war was shot because of his patriotic statements. Up close settlement Innocent Soviet citizens were shot in Ryabchishchi on the Roslavl-Bryansk highway.”

On February 7, 1947, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR refused amnesty. The final verdict came into force on February 14, 1947.


Interesting stuff. You can add to it some information from the materials of the Unechskaya Gazeta concerning Mikhail Ivanovich Melnikov, mentioned in the work of Cheplyanskaya E.A. Watch here - http://unecha-gazeta.ru/ludi/imi_gordimsya/529-VPOBEDEESTOTTSAZASLUGA.html

One must have remarkable talent to create a local history museum in which to house historical exhibitions that are not only beautifully designed, but also truly interesting.
It worked here.

We are visiting the Museum of Local Lore in the town of Sudogda, Vladimir region.
It is located in the same building as the local administration.
I think it’s wonderful - it will always be orderly, warm and clean.

The museum is small in area, but every corner is used and attracts attention.
Here's an example of an old poster:

and here is a full-wall photograph of the local St. Catherine’s Cathedral, the enormous size of which is fully realized here.

We go into the first room. Almost a hut.
With wooden walls, icon and fine embroidery. It even smells like a village.
This is the exhibition “Crafts of the Sudogodsky District”.

Here there are not only household items of local residents,

but also the results of their labor.

Here, for example, is the unique Vladimir smooth stitch - poti embroidery without rough threads at the back,

but here is a colored tablecloth that is already 200 years old!

Today's youth are not lagging behind.
Well done!!!

Nowhere without cats!

And here is the “Sudogodsky bast shoe” - a basket for storing eggs, woven from pine root.
By the way, one of these days expect a couple more riddles about our historical life.

We admired the hipsters of that time and moved on to the next room.

And here is the classic 19th century!

Fandorin immediately appears before my eyes...

Exhibition "It Was a Century Ago"
A typical apartment of a Sudogod resident of that time.
More likely, wealthy, of course..

The priests had business cards!

And the Nestlé company was already known in Russia then!

There are many interesting details here, for example a collection of fans from all over the world,

various documents.
Here, by the way, is the testimony of... the viral grandmother.

Entering the “Made in the USSR” room caused a storm of emotions among the entire company!

How much is here, dear, almost forgotten...

Collection of cameras,

expensive and rare, at that time, music centers.

Clocks, alarm clocks, radio, burner!

3D of my childhood!

And toys!
They say that some women cannot hold back their tears when they encounter something almost their own...

Every little thing takes your breath away.
How a child reacts to everything: But this is how I had it... But Lenin, like my dad’s at work... Check! Rubles! Calipers!..

Here, however, I broke my brain...

Unfortunately, we were limited in time, so we were not able to examine in detail the exhibition “Sometimes there are no names left from the heroes of bygone times..”.
But in general, it is clear that she has collected her soul.
By the way, if anything, you haven’t seen the machine gun.

Several exhibits are systemically divided: medicine,

German weapons

and the weapons of our defenders.
Local search engines - honor and praise!

And of course, thank you for the museum for existing and for this wonderful excursion!
Well, to the inventor of the camera, for the fact that thanks to him it is possible to capture this beauty.

It’s better, of course, to come here!
And perhaps more than once.

Do you have any rare items in your home, e.g. antique coins, paintings famous artists, some strange shells or deer antlers? When there are a lot of such rarities in the house, guests say: “Well, you just have a museum!”

Have you been to a real museum? Even the smallest towns have local history museums. There you can learn a lot of interesting things about your native land.

Work in museums scientists, guides, restorers. Scientists are preparing exhibitions of rare things. Museum items are called exhibits. Next to each exhibit is placed short story about him. Guides lead museum visitors through the halls, talking about the exhibits and pointing them out with a pointer. You are not allowed to touch things in museums with your hands! Museum visitors do not see restorers. They work in quiet workshops and tidy up the museum curiosities that are in the ground. They have to be carefully cleaned of dust and dirt with soft brushes in order to be placed in the museum.

REFERENCE: May 18 is International Museum Day. In Russia, on this day, museums open their doors to everyone, completely free of charge, showing their exhibition halls and new exhibits. The opening of new exhibitions and festivals is often timed to coincide with this holiday. Timed to coincide with this holiday is international action- “Night of Museums”. As a rule, it is held on the night of May 17-18. “Night of Museums” is an initiative of French colleagues. In Russia, the Night of Museums has already been held several times. Non-state museums and private galleries are joining this action in Russia.



Having gone to a resort, hotel, recreation center, or city, they definitely offer to visit local attractions and listen to the history and interesting facts from the guide. A guide accompanies groups of people on excursions.

PROFESSION HISTORY: Previously, almost any citizen who wanted to earn extra money in the summer could call themselves a tour guide. Philologists, history teachers, and students enjoyed conducting excursions in resort areas. But in the early 70s, only people who had undergone special training or had an education in tourism could call themselves guides.

HOW TO BECOME A TOUR GUIDE: To become a tour guide, you need to graduate from the Institute of Tourism or take relevant courses. The task of a tour guide is to broaden people's horizons. Thanks to their work, tourists become more educated and cultural.

The guide must thoroughly know the history of the region that is the subject of the excursion. The tourist can ask tricky question, and the guide must know the answer. Knowledge of the basics of psychology will help in future work with in large groups people - for example, holding their attention for a long time or telling those facts that are interesting to different age groups tourists. The guide's diction must be perfect.

The opportunity to share your knowledge, hear words of gratitude from tourists for interesting excursion- this is happiness for every guide.


If you go to the museum,
It will be difficult for you to understand
Without the learned strict aunt,
Where should your inspection begin?
Auntie slowly follows
Leads the whole group.
They listen to her diligently,
After all, she is a tour guide.
Before us are the exhibits:
Mammoth up to the ceiling.
I know this beast, guys,
You're probably familiar with it.
Nearby - it’s hard for us to believe -
Primitive man.
He lived in a cold cave,
His life was short-lived.
First here is the ax and the nets,
There is also a bow and arrow.
Like different centuries
A line passes here.
So wander around with a guide
We are ready all day.
Here is nature's favorite hall -
The deer stands as if alive.
Here is a big clay pot,
It is shoulder-high;
And a cross-section of an ancient hut:
A spinning wheel, an unsteady wheel, and a stove nearby.
And here, look, there’s a cannon,
The kernels are stacked in a mountain.
In a helmet, forged chain mail
Russian warrior. He is a hero!
Theater posters,
Lampshade, carved chest of drawers.
Each item will describe you
Erudite tour guide.
And to the space hall
Will bring you, of course.
Like a rocket flying high,
Here you will hear the story.
Here is the astronaut's spacesuit
And a training plane.
Someday, guys,
Such a flight for you too.
The end of the inspection has come,
Everyone knows a little more.
And the guide helped you -
He showed it all!


He will show us the whole city,
He will also tell you everything about him.
And he expects questions from us,
And he will find the answer to everything.


Abidova Dilora
NOD "Museum of my city"

Topic " My City Museum"



Expand children's knowledge about museums of the city of Nyagan.

Give an idea of ​​the purpose museums.


Develop an interest in the history of your native land.

Shape careful attitude to cultural heritage

Develop the ability to make a pattern from two elements: square and triangle, combine two close ones in color colors: blue with blue.


Form and activate a vocabulary, introduce new words and phrases into speech (tour guide, museum exhibit, architectural ensemble)

Cultivate love for family city.

Methods and techniques:

- verbal: story-conversation of the teacher, literary word;

- visual: slide show "Species museums» , « Museum - cultural center » city ​​of Nyagan;

- practical: making an ornament on a doll’s fur coat

Travel game;


Methods of stimulation and motivation of activity children:

game motivation, verbal encouragement.

Preliminary work:

1. Examination of illustrations in encyclopedias about city Nyagan and its attractions.

2. Reading fiction O city ​​of Nyagan, reading fairy tales of the Khanty people.

3. Didactic games on patriotic education.

4. Excursions: in local history museum, around the garden.

5. Conversations about city ​​of Nyagan, about the professions of people who live and work in Nyagan.

6. Show slide pictures about city ​​of Nyagan, about the Yugra region.

Equipment: computer presentation about the excursion to « Museum and cultural center» city ​​of Nyagan, "Species museums» ; video film; invitation to a tour; pictures depicting the Khanty peoples, a doll in a fur coat, handout for applique (squares, triangles, glue, napkins.

Types of differentiated approach:

1. According to individual psychological characteristics

By level of achievement.

2. By organizational form training

Frontal form of organization of children,

Individual work with a child.

3. According to the form of providing pedagogical support to children

Additional questions

Related instructions, instructions,

A partial sample of the task.

Progress of the lesson

Main part:

Today, guys, we will learn a lot of interesting and new things about museums.

Guys, we received an email. Let's see it. (An envelope is shown on the screen).

Sound writing. Riddle about museum.

Who can tell me what it is museum? (Answers children: the museum is a place, a room where antiques are collected and preserved; take care of them, show them to people).

Guys, we were in museum on excursion(application).

Who gave the tour to museum? (Children answer: tour guide)

What are the names of things that are in museum? (Answers children: exhibits).

What exhibits did you see in museum? (Children's answers).

First slide: in this window we saw the horns and tooth of a bison, a mammoth fang, and a shark tooth.

Second slide: objects of the Khanty peoples. Lamp, irons, samovar.

Third slide: items hunting: bear trap, fish trap, ermine trap, boat.

Fourth slide: clothes and toys of peoples Khanty: daytime cradle, dolls for girls – Akan, Deer from a duck’s beak for boys.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Guys, after working with a laptop, you need to do some eye exercises.

1. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds and open them. (Repeat 3-4 times).

2. Let’s blink quickly so that what we see doesn’t have time to disappear. (Repeat 3-4 times).

3. Now close your eyes and stroke with your hands,

We will dream about our beloved mother.

Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids with your fingertips. (Repeat 3-4 times).

4. Look to the right with your eyes - one, two, three,

Look to the left with your eyes - one, two, three. (Repeat 3-4 times).

Look right - left.

5. The finger moves towards the nose, and then back,

We are very pleased to see him. (Repeat 3-4 times).

Extend your hand forward. Watch the tip of your finger, slowly bringing it closer to your nose, and then also slowly moving it back. (Repeat 3-4 times).

Guys, all these exhibits people donated them to the museum who are engaged in excavations, and ordinary people, residents of our city ​​of Nyagan.

Video about the donor museum Chipigin Vera Nikolaevna.

Guys, what do you know? museums? (Children's answers)

- Museums are different. (Slides, teacher’s story about the types museum and their purpose).

Email (envelope). Invitation with "Crafts Culture Center small peoples north" on "Crow's Feast".

Productive part:

Guys, let's go visit and prepare a postcard as a gift.

You have a badge on your chest, look what color it is. Find an icon of the same color on the table, go to your workshop.

Children sit at a table on which there are accessories for appliqué.

Guys, look how beautiful this fur coat is, it’s all embroidered with ornaments. (I show 4 pictures depicting people of the indigenous Khanty population in fur coats. We look at the ornament on the clothes). Each ornament has its own meaning. There are many types of ornaments. Here are some of them: "deer antlers", "bunny ears", "pike teeth", "man on reindeer" and others (showing ornaments). Today we will get acquainted with the ornament "pike teeth".

We consider the location of the ornament on the doll’s clothes, a sample on the board.

Triangles are depicted on the edge of the fur coat - an ornament "pike teeth". On the sleeves and in the front there are squares with triangles - this is an ornament "The Horns of a Young Deer". Today we will use the ornament in our work "Pike Teeth" And "The Horns of a Young Deer".

I give my own to the children at each table. exercise:

1 subgroup of children: sign yellow- decorate the edge of the fur coat;

2nd subgroup of children: green sign - decorate the sleeves of a fur coat;

3 - 4 subgroups of children: A red sign decorates the front of the fur coat.

Gymnastics for arms.

One, two, three, four, five, let's stretch our fingers (clapping for every word).

This is Vanya (shows thumbs,

The strongest, thickest and biggest (wiggles thumbs).

Styopa is needed to show it off (thumbs extended from fist, index fingers swaying).

And Sergei is the longest, and he stands in the middle (they take their middle fingers out of their fist,

And Matvey, he is nameless, he is the most spoiled (extend ring fingers).

And Nikita, although small, is very dexterous (extend little fingers) and deleted (straighten all fingers).

Now, guys, let's get to work.

When working, I remind the children how to carefully smear the shapes with glue and press them with a napkin. (I help children individually).

Your gifts for museum ready. When we go to museum on"Crow's Feast", we will definitely give these cards as a gift.

Guys, did you like your cards? (Children's answers).

What type of ornament have you depicted in your works? ( "Pike Teeth", "The Horns of a Young Deer").

What new did you learn today? (Children's answers).

Guys, I propose to organize an exhibition of your postcards in the group. Tomorrow when we go on an excursion to museum"Center for the Culture of Crafts of Small Peoples of the North", you will take your cards as a gift.

Local history club lesson

« Museum riddles and discoveries"

Target: continue to get acquainted with household items, utensils of our ancestors, and their way of life.


    Familiarity with household items and their practical purposes.

    Development of attention, observation, ability to work in a group, cognitive interest, creative abilities.

    Fostering respect for working people and the historical past of our small homeland.

Venue: school ethnographic museum"Northern Hut", museum of the House of Culture "Gornitsa"

Equipment: cards with riddles, utensils, photographs of huts.

Before the start of the lesson, the children are divided into teams of different ages.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher: Good afternoon, guys! Today our meeting is dedicated to household items and household items northern peasants. Our school museum accumulated many riddles that students composed. We'll have a little team competition. In front of you is a museum exhibit - an old straw box. Spools of thread were stored in it. And today I put cards with riddles in it. Each team takes turns taking out the riddle and giving the answer. But if there is no answer, then the right to answer is transferred to the second team. After you answer the riddle, you need to explain how our ancestors used this item. So, let's start the game!


    Squeals and clangs, sings.

Everyone in the village recognizes her(saw)

    Iron head

Wooden handle-

It doesn't come in tin(axe)

    To hem felt boots

Need this tool.

Just take care of your fingers -

Will have holes in a moment(awl)

    There's a castle on the barn

And he has a faithful friend!(barn key)

    I look like a month.

He's handsome, but I'm as sharp as a knife!(sickle)

    They rub the floor with me,

May it shine white!(wood)

    Slender, useful,

Flies over the grass.

Only it’s not a butterfly,

After all, he cuts the grass(hand braid)

    I am woven from birch bark with love,

They gave me a place on the belt.

I am familiar with the scythe and the sharpener,

There are many of us in the house, but we are called...(wallets)

    There is a candle under the ceiling, a candle in the hut,

I cast circles, a shadow.

I will serve you in the dark

So that you are not overcome by laziness(kerosene lamp)

10. Willow twigs up and down,

Ready to serve for mushrooms and berries.

Carry me in your arms, care for me!

There is no harm, there is benefit from me(wicker basket)

Teacher: Well done, guys! You did a great job. Both teams receive prizes for participating in our game. And now we are going to the “Gornitsa” museum, which is located in our House of Culture(students and the teacher go on an excursion to the “Gornitsa” museum at the cultural center)

Teacher: Guys, we went from one museum to another. Today we will open the world of the northern room. And the atmosphere of the museum-upper room will help me with this. In our Gryazovets region there are small huts, with windows facing the ground, and quite large ones. Guys, look at the photographs of village houses. What did you notice?(student answers: large huts are divided into two parts, as if two houses were built under one roof; one half of the house is larger, and the second is almost half as large)

Teacher: Well done, guys! You are very observant! The smaller part of the hut was called the upper room. This was the cold part of the house. In the summer, especially when it was hot, they slept in the upper room. In the hut the stove had to be lit almost every day. There were no shops in the villages, so the village women baked bread and pies every day. In the morning they put soup in the stove, which simmered in it until lunch. At lunchtime the whole family gathered around the large table. The hostess took the soup out of the oven and poured it into a large dish. They put it on the table homemade bread, salt. Everyone was waiting. Dad (father) cut the bread and served a piece to everyone. Then he hit the table with a wooden spoon. Only after this signal did everyone begin to scoop up the broth. The spoon was carried and held over a piece of bread so that not a single drop would fall. When the broth ran out, my father hit the spoon again. At this signal, you can start eating the thick parts of the soup: potatoes, vegetables. When the vegetables were eaten, my father tapped the spoon again if the soup contained meat. But he was the one who had to eat the first piece of meat. If one of the children started eating without waiting for the father’s signal, he was hit on the forehead with the same wooden spoon.

Since the stove was lit every day, it was impossible to sleep in the hut because of the stuffiness and heat. It was then that the whole family spent the night in the upper room. Usually there could be three or even four beds. It depended on the number of household members. Families did not live well and could not afford many beds. Most often there was only one bed in the upper room. My parents slept on it. They took the youngest one with them, small child. Everyone else went to bed on the floor. Mattresses were laid on the floor, which were stuffed with dried sedge (sometimes the sedge was replaced with straw). They gave off a herbal aroma. Every year, parents made sure to mow down sedge in a swampy place and dry it. Why, guys?(students’ answers: mattresses were filled with sedge, potatoes and vegetables were covered with sedge in cabbage rolls; they were warm under the sedge, and mice and rats did not gnaw them, since sedge cuts their paws and they do not walk on it)

Teacher: That's right, guys! It fell asleep on fresh air, and even smelling like cut grass, very good! True, in the middle of the night everyone began to wake up from the songs of annoying insects. What do you guys think?(mosquitoes) Our ancestors were smart people. They came up with a canopy that was sewn from thin linen or gauze. The canopy was pulled over a wooden frame and hung over the bed. Look, guys, what does the canopy look like?(students’ answers: on the curtain, on the tent) Under such a canopy, mosquitoes were not scary! When the parents, having trimmed the cattle, went to work, the younger children loved to play in the upper room. This half of the house became their kingdom. Nobody bothered them here. Children climbed onto their parents' bed and played on it.

In winter, the room turned into a large storage room. Meat was stored here, because there were no refrigerators then, cranberries, and utensils not used on the farm in winter. In the spring, they put things in order in the upper room and prepared for the summer. They wiped down the walls, ceiling, and washed the floors with wood. The floor was unpainted. And when they rubbed it with wood, the floorboards became yellow and clean.

Guys, Vologda poet Nikolai Rubtsov wrote a poem “It’s light in my upper room.” Listen to it performed by a student(student reads N. Rubtsov’s poem “It’s light in my upper room”)

Teacher: At the end of our lesson, let's play rhymes. I name the word, and you try to find a rhyme to the topic of our lesson.

Gornitsa - water

Shelf - broom

Izba is good

Pie - threshold

Window - dark

Stove - candle

Komarik - flashlight

Samovar - var

Haymaking - mowing

River - sheep

Porch - face

Povet - sing

Path - firebox

Woodpile - not lazy

The village is ancient

Teacher: Well done, guys! For our next lesson, using these rhymes, try to write poems on the topic “ Native village» Our tour of the upper room museum has come to an end. To new meeting, Guys!