A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman": analysis of the work

Discovering many works of the world classical literature, readers often do not suspect that these books were once strictly prohibited and subject to destruction. The lists of unauthorized reading included the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Chukovsky and other writers. The reasons for strict censorship were very different, sometimes even absurd: sometimes even children's fairy tales were banned. the site has compiled a list of once banned books that everyone is currently reading.

The Sorrows of Young Werther, Johann Goethe

After the publication of Goethe's novel "Sorrow young Werther", Where main character commits suicide, in many European countries There was a wave of youth suicides. Books by a German writer were found in the pockets of dead young men and women. Investigators were unable to establish a direct connection between the suicides and the reading of the novel, but critics literally tore Goethe apart in their reviews due to the “corrupting influence” on the younger generation. The book was banned in Europe for promoting suicide. The ban was lifted only in XIX century. Subsequently, the novel became one of Napoleon's favorite books.

Suicide propaganda found in The Sorrows of Young Werther Photo:

“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, Alexander Radishchev

Radishchev’s work “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” was not allowed to be published due to the fact that the author described life too truthfully common people in Russia. The author printed the book on his own press and distributed it among friends. Quite by accident, one of the copies fell into the hands of Catherine II. The Empress called Radishchev “a rebel and instigator, worse than Pugachev.” The writer was imprisoned Peter and Paul Fortress and sentenced to death penalty, but then Catherine II relented and replaced the execution with exile to Siberia. However, Radishchev could not withstand such shame: after returning from exile, he committed suicide by taking poison.

Radishchev was exiled to Siberia for his “Journey” Photo: Photo courtesy of the library named after. Timiryazeva

"Gabriiliada", Alexander Pushkin

Pushkin wrote the poem “Gabriiliada” at the age of 22. In the work, the poet skeptically ridiculed the plot of the Gospel. Pushkin understood that censorship would prohibit similar essay, therefore, “Gabriiliad” was secretly distributed only among the poet’s friends. The investigative commission learned about the inappropriate poem only when the servants of Staff Captain Mitkov filed a complaint that “the master was corrupting them by reading the Gabrieliad.” During interrogation, Pushkin denied authorship, but Emperor Nicholas I found the poet’s arguments unconvincing. Then, on the advice of Vyazemsky, Pushkin spread the rumor that the poem was written by the late Prince Gorchakov. In subsequent years, publishers made several attempts to print the book, but each time the circulation was seized. The poem was published in its entirety only in 1918.

Pushkin's "Gabriiliada" was completely published only in 1918 Photo: Photo courtesy of the library named after. Timiryazeva

"Demon", Mikhail Lermontov

In the poem “Demon” Lermontov for the first time in Russian literature raised questions of meaning human life and the secrets of the origin of humanity. Spiritual censorship banned the work, despite the fact that the poet removed the conversation between the Demon and Tamara about God from the poem. Fifteen years after the death of the poet, “The Demon” was published in Germany in an edition of 28 copies - these books were intended exclusively for the top officials of the state. In Russia, the work was published only in 1873. However, even after this, the controversy surrounding the poem did not subside. In the 90s years XIX century, one of the reports to the Ministry of Public Education said: “What does a village boy, schoolchild and commoner need to know about the “Demon”?

Lermontov's "Demon" was banned by spiritual censorship Photo: Photo courtesy of the library. Timiryazeva

“The Little Humpbacked Horse”, Pyotr Ershov

For the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” the tsarist censorship called its author, Pyotr Ershov, a “nationalist-hater” and a “basurman.” In the hero of Ivan the Fool, who becomes king in defiance of his smart brothers, the commission saw a satire on Nicholas I, who ascended the throne thanks to the abdication of his brother Constantine. The fairy tale was considered non-pedagogical. On page 42, the censors actually found “pornography”: there “the king, the “old horseradish,” wants to get married.” The ban on publishing the book was lifted after the death of Nicholas I.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse" was banned because it was a satire on Nicholas I. Photo: Photo courtesy of the library. Timiryazeva

"The Adventures of Hucklebury Finn", Mark Twain

In America, the children's book "The Adventures of Hucklebury Finn" was immediately banned. Massachusetts censors said the work was "slum trash" and that the main characters used slang and had bad manners. В Бруклине книга не прошла цензуру из-за того, что Гекльбери Финн испытывал зуд и чесался, а в штате Иллинойс произведение забраковали из-за слова «ниггер». At Soviet customs, a batch of books about Hucklebury Finn was confiscated along with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Currently, the novel is allowed in Russia, but in some American states The book was removed from the school curriculum.

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was banned due to the negative image of the characters. Photo: Photo courtesy of the library. Timiryazeva

“Crocodile”, Korney Chukovsky

In Chukovsky’s harmless children’s book “Crocodile,” Nadezhda Krupskaya saw a hidden subtext. At the same time, the leader’s wife herself could not fully understand what this secret meaning, but I was sure there was a catch in the work. “The people are screaming, dragging them to the police, trembling with fear, the crocodile kisses the feet of the hippopotamus, the boy Vanya frees the animals: what does all this nonsense mean? - Krupskaya was surprised in her article. - Which political meaning does she have? Some clearly have one, but it is so carefully disguised that it is quite difficult to guess it.” As a result, in 1926, nine years after the first edition of “Crocodile,” the fairy tale was called “bourgeois turbidity” and removed from print. The work was allowed only in the 50s.

Krupskaya was sure that there was a hidden subtext in the fairy tale “Crocodile”. Photo: Photo courtesy of the library. Timiryazeva

The Catcher in the Rye, Jerome D. Salinger

Immediately after the publication of The Catcher in the Rye, the work was banned due to “vulgar language, blasphemy, sex scenes and trampling moral values, and also because of the description of actions inappropriate for teenagers." In England the novel was declared "obscene". Teachers who told students about this book were immediately fired. The controversy surrounding the work continues to this day.

In the book "The Catcher in the Rye" they found actions "inappropriate for teenagers." Photo: Photo courtesy of the library. Timiryazeva

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury described a near future in which people are prohibited from reading or even keeping books. In America, the novel was banned not only because of its ideology, but also because of the author’s use of curse words. Without Bradbury's knowledge, the publishers edited the work, removing everything from it. obscene words and mentions of abortion. The book was sold in this form for several years until a friend of the writer noticed the abbreviations and pointed them out to the author. Since 1980, the novel began to be published in its original form. Surprisingly, the work was not banned in the Soviet Union, despite numerous negative reviews from critics.

The book “Fahrenheit 451” was published in an abridged form for several years. Photo: Photo courtesy of the library. Timiryazeva

Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak

Initially, Gosizdat approved the works of Boris Pasternak “Doctor Zhivago”. Immediately after this, the author sent the book to an Italian publisher, but Gosizdat changed its decision due to the fact that the revolution was “depicted in the book as the greatest crime.” The censors demanded that the manuscript be returned for revision, but the publisher refused to give it back. When in 1958 Pasternak was awarded Nobel Prize in literature for Doctor Zhivago, Soviet Union stated that “the actions of the Swedish judges are a hostile political action, because works that are counter-revolutionary and slanderous have been recognized.” Pasternak was forced to refuse the prize, and he was later expelled from the Writers' Union.

For more information about these and other banned books, visit the Fahrenheit 451 exhibit at the Library. Timiryazev on the street. Shkapina, 6.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is an outstanding Russian poet, a classic of the Golden Age. Its famous" Bronze Horseman", the analysis of which will be offered below, is wonderful work literature.

It is dedicated to Peter the Great and his main creation - the city on the Neva, St. Petersburg. Analysis of the poem "The Bronze Horseman" is always very difficult, because not everyone has the same attitude towards the great reformer and his brainchild. A. Pushkin is a master of poetic form, and that is why he was not able to special labor portray the story in exactly this form.

“The Bronze Horseman”: analysis of the poem

The poem was created in 1833. By that time, the author’s own opinion about the transformations of the great king-builder had changed, because in Battle of Poltava Peter the Great was the hero. The poem initially did not pass the brutal censorship of Nicholas 1, but was later allowed for publication.

The focus is on two heroes - a young man named Eugene and the Bronze Horseman himself. This poem is easy to read, allowing for quick analysis. The Bronze Horseman is the one whom the young man blames for his misfortune (after a severe flood, the hero runs to the house of his beloved girl and sees that it is natural disaster affected his fate - Parasha is no more).

What is said in the first part of this poetic story? It tells about the beautiful autumn St. Petersburg. A young and hardworking Evgeniy lives there, who is very concerned and upset about his fate. He has a beloved girl - Parasha, whom he has not seen for many days and missed her very much. It was an ordinary day, Evgeniy was walking home from work and thinking about Parasha. At night, a strong flood begins, after which he learns that his beloved is no longer there. After this incident, the hero stops “living”: he leaves work, leaves his apartment, and lives on the pier. In one of autumn days For an unknown reason, he goes to the Bronze Horseman.

Bronze Horseman (analysis poem of the same name the great Russian classic A. Pushkin always makes everyone think) majestically rises on Senate Square. Pushkin uses the techniques of personification to show the connection between the hero and the monument. It begins to seem to Eugene that after his accusations, Peter the Great himself is chasing him (Eugene hears the sound of rushing hooves). The author himself calls his hero “a madman,” and majestically characterizes the Bronze Horseman: “...he is full of great thoughts.”

Poem "The Bronze Horseman", analysis and detailed analysis which will help you plunge into the atmosphere described by A. Pushkin - great work. This became possible thanks to an amazing sense of style and words, precise techniques and competent coordination of words. The use of Slavicisms gives the work a real Russian character and emphasizes the Russian nature of Eugene (brow, cold), while for Peter Pushkin uses a completely different stylistic connotation of words - “the ruler of half the world.” The poem “The Bronze Horseman” has become symbolic for the city on the Neva. It was after the publication of this poem that, turning to St. Petersburg, they began to say: “Beauty, city of Petrov...”

Topic 2

A.S. Pushkin

Poem "The Bronze Horseman"

Genre: poem

Original language: Russian

Year of writing: 1833

Publication: 1834 (excerpt), 1837

Completed in 1833 in Boldino, the poem will not pass the tsarist censorship and will be published with cuts after the death of the poet. Belinsky sensitively realized that the most important lines (Eugene’s challenge to the autocrat) were missing. The poem is a unique creation even in Pushkin’s work: the Petersburg story (the first romantic poem was also defined by this genre), where one main character is the “little man”, poor Eugene. Against him are the elements of water and wind, the power of autocratic power. Eugene’s ideals are emphatically personal and everyday. Once again, Pushkin’s great idea - the state is determined by the personal happiness (or misfortune) of its citizens. What to do little man, if the meaning of life disappeared, if Parasha died?

Pushkin glorifies "Peter's creation", the beauty of St. Petersburg, sovereign current Neva. Peter's plans came true: all the flags floated to visit, St. Petersburg was built. But some moral laws were not taken into account and even trampled upon by the transformer of Russia. The process carried out by the autocratic will is full of insoluble contradictions. “The Duma on the brow of the copper idol, its fatal will” is one layer of Russian life. Poor Evgeniy is from another layer of him. Natural elements are the third layer. Although all of them, taken together, are Russian life.

Evgeny as a type - result historical development society. His personal tragedy (unlike Vyrin) does not receive an everyday justification, but is inserted by the author into the circle of spontaneous and historical-social events. The action of the poem is transferred from the bureaucratic closet to the streets and squares of the capital. From modest and ordinary thoughts at the beginning of the story, as a result of a cruel moral test, the hero comes to “terrible thoughts.” “The noise of internal anxiety” - this is how Pushkin defines the new internal state hero. Evgeniy's madness is not last stage destruction of personality. The main conflict is the clash between Eugene and the Bronze Horseman. The riot is the climax of the poem. The spiritual state of the hero is given in development; Pushkin conveys the smallest portrait details (forehead, eyes, heart, hands). The hero remembers the past, a terrible clarification of thoughts occurs before the final fall into the abyss of madness.

Against whom and in the name of what is Evgeniy rebelling? Much in the poem is symbolic, and in this - artistic originality poems.

What is Pushkin's attitude to rebellion? Pushkin does not believe in either rebellion or revolution, but, exploring history and modernity as an artist, he came to the conclusion that violence gives rise to protest. In "The Bronze Horseman" it is shown how Eugene's rebellion is naturally born, the hero's daring performance is natural and justified.

Text of the poem




The incident described in this story is based on truth. Details of the flood are taken from magazines of the time. The curious can consult the news compiled by V. N. Berkh.


On the shore of desert waves

He stood there, full of great thoughts,

And he looked into the distance. Wide before him

The river rushed; poor boat

He strove along it alone.

Along mossy, marshy banks

Blackened huts here and there,

Shelter of a wretched Chukhonian;

And the forest, unknown to the rays

In the fog of the hidden sun,

There was noise all around.

And he thought:

From here we will threaten the Swede,

The city will be founded here

To spite an arrogant neighbor.

Nature destined us here

Cut a window to Europe,1

Stand with a firm foot by the sea.

Here on new waves

All the flags will visit us,

And we’ll record it in the open air.

A hundred years have passed, and the young city,

There is beauty and wonder in full countries,

From the darkness of the forests, from the swamps of blat

He ascended magnificently and proudly;

Where was the Finnish fisherman before?

Nature's sad stepson

Alone on the low banks

Thrown into unknown waters

Your old net, now there

Along busy shores

Slender communities crowd together

Palaces and towers; ships

A crowd from all over the world

They strive for rich marinas;

The Neva is dressed in granite;

Bridges hung over the waters;

Dark green gardens

Islands covered her,

And in front of the younger capital

Old Moscow has faded,

Like before a new queen

Porphyry widow.

I love you, Petra's creation,

I love your strict, slender appearance,

Neva sovereign current,

Its coastal granite,

Your fences have a cast iron pattern,

of your thoughtful nights

Transparent twilight, moonless shine,

When I'm in my room

I write, I read without a lamp,

And the sleeping communities are clear

Deserted streets and light

Admiralty needle,

And, not letting the darkness of the night

To golden skies

One dawn gives way to another

He hurries, giving the night half an hour2.

I love your cruel winter

Still air and frost,

Sleigh running along the wide Neva,

Girls' faces are brighter than roses,

And the shine, and the noise, and the talk of balls,

And at the time of the feast the bachelor

The hiss of foamy glasses

And the punch flame is blue.

I love the warlike liveliness

Amusing Fields of Mars,

Infantry troops and horses

Uniform beauty

In their harmoniously unsteady system

The shreds of these victorious banners,

The shine of these copper caps,

Through those shot through in battle.

I love you, military capital,

Your stronghold is smoke and thunder,

When the queen is full

Gives a son to the royal house,

Or victory over the enemy

Russia triumphs again

Or, breaking your blue ice,

The Neva carries him to the seas

And, sensing the days of spring, he rejoices.

Show off, city Petrov, and stand

Unshakable like Russia,

May he make peace with you

And the defeated element;

Enmity and ancient captivity

Let the Finnish waves forget

And they will not be vain malice

Disturb Peter's eternal sleep!

It was a terrible time

The memory of her is fresh...

About her, my friends, for you

I'll start my story.

My story will be sad.


Over darkened Petrograd

November breathed the autumn chill.

Splashing with a noisy wave

To the edges of your slender fence,

Neva was tossing around like a sick person

Restless in my bed.

It was already late and dark;

The rain beat angrily on the window,

And the wind blew, howling sadly.

At that time from the guests home

Young Evgeniy came...

We will be our hero

Call by this name. It

Sounds nice; been with him for a long time

My pen is also friendly.

We don't need his nickname,

Although in times gone by

Perhaps it shone

And under the pen of Karamzin

In native legends it sounded;

But now with light and rumor

It's forgotten. Our hero

Lives in Kolomna; serves somewhere

He shies away from the nobles and does not bother

Not about deceased relatives,

Not about forgotten antiquities.

So, I came home, Evgeniy

He shook off his overcoat, undressed, and lay down.

But for a long time he could not fall asleep

In the excitement of various thoughts.

What was he thinking about? about

That he was poor, that he worked hard

He had to deliver to himself

And independence and honor;

What could God add to him?

Mind and money. What is it?

Such idle lucky ones,

Short-sighted, sloths,

For whom life is much easier!

That he serves only two years;

He also thought that the weather

She didn’t let up; that the river

Everything was coming; which is hardly

The bridges have not been removed from the Neva

And what will happen to Parasha?

Separated for two or three days.

Evgeny sighed heartily here

And he daydreamed like a poet:

"Marry? To me? why not?

It’s hard, of course;

But well, I'm young and healthy

Ready to work day and night;

I’ll arrange something for myself

Shelter humble and simple

And in it I will calm Parasha.

Perhaps a year or two will pass -

I’ll get a place, Parashe

I will entrust our family

And raising children...

And we will live, and so on until the grave

We'll both get there hand in hand

And our grandchildren will bury us...”

That's what he dreamed. And it was sad

Him that night, and he wished

So that the wind howls less sadly

And let the rain knock on the window

Not so angry...

Sleepy eyes

He finally closed. And so

The darkness of a stormy night is thinning

And the pale day is already coming...3

Terrible day!

Neva all night

Longing for the sea against the storm,

Without overcoming their violent foolishness...

And she couldn’t bear to argue...

In the morning over its banks

There were crowds of people crowded together,

Admiring the splashes, mountains

And the foam of angry waters.

But the strength of the winds from the bay

Blocked Neva

She walked back, angry, seething,

And flooded the islands

The weather became more ferocious

The Neva swelled and roared,

A cauldron bubbling and swirling,

And suddenly, like a wild beast,

She rushed towards the city. In front of her

Everything ran, everything around

Suddenly it was empty - suddenly there was water

Flowed into underground cellars,

Channels poured into the gratings,

And Petropol emerged like a newt,

Waist-deep in water.

Siege! attack! evil waves,

Like thieves, they climb into windows. Chelny

From the run the windows are smashed by the stern.

Trays under a wet veil,

Wrecks of huts, logs, roofs,

Stock trade goods,

The belongings of pale poverty,

Bridges demolished by thunderstorms,

Coffins from a washed-out cemetery

Floating through the streets!

He sees God's wrath and awaits execution.

Alas! everything perishes: shelter and food!

Where will I get it?

In that terrible year

The late Tsar was still in Russia

He ruled with glory. To the balcony

Sad, confused, he went out

And he said: “With God's element

Kings cannot control.” He sat down

And in the Duma with sorrowful eyes

I looked at the evil disaster.

There were stacks of lakes,

And in them there are wide rivers

The streets poured in. Castle

It seemed like a sad island.

The king said - from end to end,

Along nearby streets and distant ones

On a dangerous journey through stormy waters

The generals set off on him

To save and overcome with fear

And there are drowning people at home.

Then, on Petrova Square,

Where a new house has risen in the corner,

Where above the elevated porch

With a raised paw, as if alive,

There are two guard lions standing,

Riding a marble beast,

Without a hat, hands clasped in a cross,

Sat motionless, terribly pale

Evgeny. He was afraid, poor thing,

Not for myself. He didn't hear

How the greedy shaft rose,

Washing his soles,

How the rain hit his face,

Like the wind, howling violently,

He suddenly tore off his hat.

His desperate glances

Pointed to the edge

They were motionless. Like mountains

From the indignant depths

The waves rose there and got angry,

There the storm howled, there they rushed

Debris... God, God! there -

Alas! close to the waves,

Almost at the very bay -

The fence is unpainted, but the willow

And a dilapidated house: there it is,

Widow and daughter, his Parasha,

His dream... Or in a dream

Does he see this? or all ours

And life is nothing like an empty dream,

The mockery of heaven over earth?

And he seems to be bewitched

As if chained to marble,

Can't get off! Around him

Water and nothing else!

And with my back turned to him,

In the unshakable heights,

Above the indignant Neva

Stands with outstretched hand

Idol on a bronze horse.


But now, having had enough of destruction

And tired of insolent violence,

The Neva was drawn back,

Admiring your indignation

And leaving with carelessness

Your prey. So villain

With his fierce gang

Having burst into the village, he breaks, cuts,

Destroys and robs; screams, gnashing,

Violence, swearing, anxiety, howling!..

And, burdened with robbery,

Afraid of the chase, tired,

The robbers are hurrying home,

Dropping prey on the way.

The water has subsided and the pavement

It opened, and Evgeny is mine

He hurries, his soul sinking,

In hope, fear and longing

To the barely reconciled river.

But victories are full of triumph,

The waves were still boiling angrily,

As if a fire was smoldering under them,

The foam still covered them,

And Neva was breathing heavily,

Like a horse running back from battle.

Evgeny looks: he sees a boat;

He runs to her as if he were on a find;

He calls the carrier -

And the carrier is carefree

Willingly pay him for a dime

Through terrible waves you are lucky.

And long with stormy waves

An experienced rower fought

And hide deep between their rows

Every hour with daring swimmers

The boat was ready - and finally

He reached the shore.


Runs down a familiar street

To familiar places. Looks

Can't find out. The view is terrible!

Everything is piled up in front of him;

What has been dropped, what has been demolished;

The houses were crooked, others

Completely collapsed, others

Shifted by waves; all around

As if in a battlefield,

Bodies are lying around. Evgeniy

Headlong, not remembering anything,

Exhausted from torment,

Runs to where he is waiting

Fate with unknown news,

Like with a sealed letter.

And now he’s running through the suburbs,

And here is the bay, and home is close...

What is this?..

He stopped.

I went back and came back.

He looks... he walks... he still looks.

This is the place where their house stands;

Here is the willow. There was a gate here -

Apparently they were blown away. Where is home?

And, full of gloomy care,

He keeps walking, he walks around,

Talks loudly to himself -

And suddenly, hitting him on the forehead with his hand,

I started laughing.

Night haze

She descended upon the city in trepidation;

But the residents did not sleep for a long time

And they talked among themselves

About the day gone by.

Because of the tired, pale clouds

Flashed over the quiet capital

And I haven’t found any traces

Yesterday's troubles; purple

The evil was already covered up.

Everything returned to the same order.

The streets are already free

With your cold insensibility

People were walking. Official people

Leaving my night shelter,

I went to work. Brave trader,

Not discouraged, I opened

Neva robbed basement,

Collecting your loss is important

Place it on the nearest one. From the yards

They brought boats.

Count Khvostov,

Poet beloved by heaven

Already sang in immortal verses

The misfortune of the Neva banks.

But my poor, poor Evgeniy...

Alas! his confused mind

Against terrible shocks

I couldn't resist. Rebellious noise

The Neva and the winds were heard

In his ears. Terrible thoughts

Silently full, he wandered.

He was tormented by some kind of dream.

A week passed, a month - he

He did not return to his home.

His deserted corner

I rented it out when the deadline passed,

The owner of the poor poet.

Evgeny for his goods

Didn't come. He'll be out soon

Became alien. I wandered on foot all day,

And he slept on the pier; ate

A piece served into the window.

His clothes are shabby

It tore and smoldered. Angry children

They threw stones after him.

Often coachman's whips

He was whipped because

That he didn't understand the roads

Never again; it seemed he

Didn't notice. He's stunned

Was the noise of internal anxiety.

And so he is his unhappy age

Dragged, neither beast nor man,

Neither this nor that, nor the inhabitant of the world,

Not a dead ghost...

Once he was sleeping

At the Neva pier. Days of summer

We were approaching autumn. Breathed

Stormy wind. Grim Shaft

Splashed on the pier, grumbling fines

And hitting the smooth steps,

Like a petitioner at the door

Judges who don't listen to him.

The poor man woke up. It was gloomy:

The rain fell, the wind howled sadly,

And with him far away, in the darkness of the night

The sentry called back...

Evgeny jumped up; remembered vividly

He is a past horror; hastily

He stood up; went wandering, and suddenly

Stopped - and around

He quietly began to move his eyes

With wild fear on your face.

He found himself under the pillars

Big house. On the porch

With a raised paw, as if alive,

The lions stood guard,

And right in the dark heights

Above the fenced rock

Idol with outstretched hand

Sat on a bronze horse.

Evgeny shuddered. cleared up

The thoughts in it are scary. He found out

And the place where the flood played,

Where the waves of predators crowded,

Rioting angrily around him,

And lions, and the square, and that,

Who stood motionless

In the darkness with a copper head,

The one whose will is fatal

A city was founded under the sea...

He is terrible in the surrounding darkness!

What a thought on the brow!

What power is hidden in it!

And what fire there is in this horse!

Where are you galloping, proud horse?

And where will you put your hooves?

O mighty lord of fate!

Aren't you above the abyss?

At the height, with an iron bridle

Raised Russia on its hind legs?5

Around the foot of the idol

The poor madman walked around

And brought wild glances

The face of the ruler of half the world.

His chest felt tight. Chelo

It lay down on the cold grate,

My eyes became foggy,

A fire ran through my heart,

Blood boiled. He became gloomy

Before the proud idol

And, clenching my teeth, clenching my fingers,

As if possessed by black power,

“Welcome, miraculous builder! -

He whispered, trembling angrily, -

Already for you!..” And suddenly headlong

He started to run. It seemed

He is like a formidable king,

Instantly ignited with anger,

The face quietly turned...

And its area is empty

He runs and hears behind him -

It's like thunder roaring -

Heavy ringing galloping

Along the shaken pavement.

And, illuminated by the pale moon,

Stretching out your hand on high,

The Bronze Horseman rushes after him

On a loud galloping horse;

And all night long the poor madman,

Wherever you turn your feet,

Behind him is the Bronze Horseman everywhere

He galloped with a heavy stomp.

And from the time when it happened

He should go to that square,

His face showed

Confusion. To your heart

He hastily pressed his hand,

As if subduing him with torment,

A worn out cap,

Didn’t raise embarrassed eyes

And he walked aside.

Small Island

Visible at the seaside. Sometimes

Lands there with a seine

Late fisherman fishing

And the poor man cooks his dinner,

Or an official will visit,

Walking in a boat on Sunday

Deserted island. Not an adult

There's not a blade of grass there. Flood

Brought there while playing

The house is dilapidated. Above the water

He remained like a black bush.

His last spring

They brought me on a barge. It was empty

And everything is destroyed. At the threshold

They found my madman,

And then his cold corpse

Buried for God's sake.


1 Algarotti somewhere said: “Pétersbourg est la fenêtre par laquelle la Russie regarde en Europe.”

2 Look at the verses of the book. Vyazemsky to Countess Z***.

3 Mickiewicz described in beautiful verse the day preceding the St. Petersburg flood in one of his best poems - Oleszkiewicz. It's just a pity that the description is not accurate. There was no snow - the Neva was not covered with ice. Our description is more accurate, although it does not contain bright colors Polish poet.

rider"? Who... the main character poems and why? V poem Theoretical and literary knowledge What are the signs poems How genre to me...
  • Document

    genre topics in images “ MednyRider poems Pushkin " CopperRider" ...

  • Internal predictor of the USSR - the bronze horseman - this is not a copper serpent


    Poetry”, in which he called for a return to traditional genre rhetorical ode. This was what caused... topics in images “ MednyRider“” - we didn’t pull it out of thin air. 2 A.P. Mogilyansky. “The problem of interpretation poems Pushkin " CopperRider" ...

  • Literature

    A.S. Pushkin. The originality of the disclosure of this topics V poem « Copperrider". The main stages of Lermontov's creativity... 9 Define genrepoems « Copperrider"" A.S. Pushkin. 1) romantic poem 2) philosophical poem 3) social and household poem 4) historical...

  • B. Shatilov

    If you look at Pushkin’s works published in the 19th century, you will not find many poems in them - and just those that are now published in all anthologies and learned by heart. You will not find “Liberty”, or “Village”, or “To Chaadaev”, or “Dagger”, or a message to the Decembrists “To Siberia”.
    In other works of Pushkin you will find omissions, rows of dots instead of verses, and in still others such alterations and distortions that destroy the political orientation of these works.
    The incompleteness of the editions, omissions and distortions, of course, changed the entire character of Pushkin’s work, and for many years our people knew Pushkin differently than we know him now. The censorship worked hard to distort the image of the “rebellious” poet in order to hide from the people what we still value Pushkin for and what he himself was proud of.

    I freedom..."

    This is what Pushkin considered his merit, his feat worthy of immortal glory; and it was precisely those works in which he glorified freedom, rebelled against the tyranny of kings and the slavery of serfs, that remained banned by censorship for many years.
    Pushkin was subjected to censorship persecution from the very first years of his life. literary activity. This persecution especially intensified when, in May 1820, Tsar Alexander I expelled Pushkin from St. Petersburg to the South. The very name of the disgraced poet alarmed and frightened the censors, and they stupidly and absurdly crossed out and forbade printing even what they would not have paid attention to if Pushkin’s name had not been on the manuscript.
    Pushkin knew this and was forced to publish some of his poems without a signature, for example, “To Ovid,” where he talks about exile, about his fate, equal to the gloomy fate of Ovid, who was also once expelled by Emperor Octavian from Rome to distant Scythia, to the shore Black Sea. Thus, he managed to deceive his “old friend”, the clueless “old lady” - the censorship.
    Pushkin's letters to friends from Chisinau and Odessa are full of complaints about censorship and censors. But Pushkin was never satisfied with complaints alone. Then in Chisinau, in 1822, he wrote “Message to the Censor” - caustic satire against censorship officials, persecutors of education, and on the lists he allowed her to “walk around the world.” This satire was published only in 1857, twenty years after Pushkin's death.
    In 1826, Tsar Nicholas I returned Pushkin from exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye and, as a special favor, announced to him that he himself would be his censor.
    The tsar's censorship turned out to be even more severe than ordinary censorship. If a weak-minded censor prohibited or crossed out something, one could argue with him, one could complain about him to the Minister of Public Education, but how to argue with the tsar and to whom should one complain about him? In addition, the tsar's "mercy" did not always free Pushkin from ordinary censorship, and thus Pushkin found himself under double censorship: the tsar and the Censor Committee.
    In the summer of 1831, Pushkin lived with his wife at a dacha in Tsarskoe Selo. There, in a circle of close friends, among whom were Zhukovsky and young Gogol, he read “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.” Gogol and especially Zhukovsky listened with delight a new fairy tale Pushkin, admired her simplicity, humor, her truly folk spirit.
    And in fact, this is one of the most folk tales Pushkin. In it, Pushkin expressed the people's view of clergy.
    The clergy themselves often lived completely differently from what they taught. Their hypocrisy and lies outraged the people. He thirsted for justice, severe retribution and composed funny, witty tales in which the greedy clergy was ridiculed and honest, shrewd laborers always prevailed over them.

    Pop "fat forehead". Drawing by A. Pushkin

    Pushkin knew and loved these fairy tales. He wrote down one of them, “About the priest and his worker Balda,” and then processed it into poetic form.
    Pushkin was not a religious person. The priest in his fairy tale is greedy, heartless, dishonest, stupid, a real “fat forehead”. And Pushkin’s farmhand Balda is a hard worker, a hero, a jack of all trades. He is smart and sharp-witted, not afraid of work, or devils, or anything in the world.
    Pushkin didn’t even try to publish “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda,” he knew that the censorship wouldn’t let it through. After his tragic death, when the poet’s friends were publishing a collection of his works, Zhukovsky decided to publish a fairy tale about the priest. In order for censorship to pass, he was forced to replace the priest with the merchant Kuzma Ostolop, and the tale was published under the title “The Tale of the Merchant Kuzma Ostolop and his worker Balda.”
    In Zhukovsky's reworking, Pushkin's tale lost all its political edge.
    Expressiveness has disappeared in some places. Pushkin’s fairy tale begins energetically, concisely, cheerfully:

    "Once upon a time there was a priest,
    Thick forehead."

    And Zhukovsky’s is heavy and long:

    "Once upon a time there was a merchant Kuzma Ostolop,
    Nicknamed Aspen Forehead."

    In Pushkin’s words: “A click is a click,” sounds very expressive.

    Zhukovsky changed “click” with the diminutive word “click”:
    "Click click after all."

    The stern masculinity of Pushkin's verse has disappeared from the fairy tale. The tale became sluggish, dull in form and lost its militant, political meaning.
    It was printed in such a distorted form for many years, and only in 1882 was it first published from a manuscript.
    Pushkin was always keenly interested in popular uprisings, studied them and described them in his works. In 1833, he wrote the story "Dubrovsky", about the uprising of serfs, and now he decided to write a novel " Captain's daughter"about Pugachev's uprising and at the same time - "The History of Pugachev", scientific work without any fiction. To collect material for a new novel and “The History of Pugachev,” on August 18, 1833, he left St. Petersburg on horseback to long journey- to Kazan, Simbirsk, Orenburg, where Pugachev once operated. Just on this day a terrible storm hit St. Petersburg. It was raining and the wind was blowing from the sea. When Pushkin approached the Trinity Bridge, the Neva was bubbling, swelling, roaring, beating against the granite banks and was so high that the wooden drawbridge stood on end. At the entrance to the bridge, the police stretched out a rope and did not let the crews through.
    Pushkin did not want to return home. He ordered the coachman to drive along the embankment up the Neva, and he finally managed to cross the river on another bridge. The storm knocked down trees. On Tsarskoselsky Avenue, Pushkin counted about fifty fallen trees. There were puddles everywhere, and they were all agitated, boiling and foaming.
    Pushkin visited Orenburg, Uralsk, the village of Berdy - the former capital of Pugachev, everywhere he recorded songs, stories of old men and women who saw Pugachev with their own eyes and remembered him well.
    At the end of September, Pushkin left Orenburg on his way back, and on October 1 he was already in the Nizhny Novgorod province, in the village of Boldino, on his father’s estate, and there, in silence and solitude, he set to work. His head was full of plans. The image of the boiling, rebellious Neva and above it the “Bronze Horseman” - a monument to Peter I - had been persistently standing before him since the day he left St. Petersburg and was now closely intertwined with images of popular indignation and Pugachev’s uprising.
    The Tsar and the people, the contradictions between them again riveted all Pushkin’s thoughts. These contradictions worried him back in 1825 in exile, in the village of Mikhailovskoye, when he was working on the tragedy "Boris Godunov". Now, in Boldin, they embraced him again, and he wrote one of his most perfect works, “The Petersburg Tale” in verse - “The Bronze Horseman.”
    Pushkin highly valued Peter I as statesman, but he was ardently indignant at his despotism, cruelty, and the fact that he dealt with the people like an “impatient, autocratic landowner.” In "The Bronze Horseman" he sincerely praised Peter - the builder of St. Petersburg, the builder of Russia, and the same Peter, but the despot, the "autocratic landowner", the desperate, distraught from suffering poor official Eugene throws in the face of the prophetic and menacing: "Already you!"
    Pushkin expressed his thoughts not only in words, but often in drawings. Here you see a few of them.
    In 1829, upon returning from a trip to Arzrum, Pushkin worked on the poem “Tazit” - about how the morals of the mountaineers should change with the development of enlightenment: will disappear family revenge, robberies will disappear, etc. Next to the poems, Pushkin painted Falconet’s monument to Peter - a horse rearing up, but without I Peter, without the “Bronze Horseman”. This drawing, as it were, finishes what Pushkin did not finish in “Tazit”: that with the development of enlightenment, not only the savagery of morals, but also monarchical power will disappear, and once again emphasizes the direct connection of Pushkin’s thoughts, “hidden” in “Boris Godunov”, with "Bronze Horseman": "A horse sometimes knocks down its rider..."
    At the end of November 1833, Pushkin arrived in St. Petersburg and soon sent The Bronze Horseman to his censor, Tsar Nicholas I. On December 14, he wrote in his diary: “The Bronze Horseman was returned to me with the sovereign’s comments. The word “idol” was not passed by the highest censorship; poetry

    "And before the younger capital
    Old Moscow has faded
    Like before a new queen
    Porphyry Widow"

    Scratched out. Placed in many places (?)..."
    This greatly upset Pushkin. He tried to save his story, change some things in it, and abandoned it. The royal hooks stood against central place stories:

    "All around are the feet of the idol
    The poor madman walked around
    And brought wild glances
    The face of the ruler of half the world.
    His chest felt tight. Chelo
    It lay down on the cold grate,
    My eyes became foggy.
    A fire ran through my heart.
    Blood boiled. He became gloomy
    Before the proud idol
    And clenching my teeth, clenching my fingers,
    As if possessed by black power,
    "Welcome, miraculous builder!"
    He whispered, trembling angrily.
    "Too bad for you!.."

    A horse without a rider. Drawing by A. Pushkin

    These verses contain the main idea of ​​"The Bronze Horseman". Is it possible to remake them without distorting the main thing - the sharp, political orientation story, what did Pushkin value most about it? So it remained unpublished during Pushkin’s lifetime. After his death, at the end of 1837, Zhukovsky published it in the Sovremennik magazine with the following alteration of the most important lines:

    "The poor madman walked around
    There are rocks all around with wild melancholy,
    And I read the bright inscription,
    And my heart is in great sorrow
    He felt embarrassed. His brow
    It lay down cold on the grill.
    My eyes became foggy...
    A chill ran through my limbs
    And he shuddered - and became gloomy
    Before the wondrous Russian Giant.
    And raising your finger to Him,

    Here everything seems to be turned inside out and now sounds to us like a blasphemous parody of Pushkin.
    Disappeared from The Bronze Horseman main idea, and the story lost its deepest meaning. This is not the fault of Zhukovsky, who passionately loved Pushkin, but the fault of the tsarist censorship, through which Zhukovsky wanted to push Pushkin’s poem through by any means.
    Six months before death. August 21, 1836. Pushkin, as if summing up his many years of arduous literary activity, wrote the poem “Monument”. In it, he contrasts his glory as a poet with the glory of a king.

    “I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands.
    The people's path to it will not be overgrown.
    He ascended higher with his rebellious head
    Pillar of Alexandria."

    "Alexandria pillar" - a monument to Alexander I - a giant granite column topped with a bronze angel trampling a snake with a cross, was unveiled in St. Petersburg on Palace Square August 30, 1834. Pushkin was then a chamber cadet and was obliged to attend this “celebration.” But he did not like his persecutor, Tsar Alexander, and five days before the opening of the monument he deliberately left St. Petersburg.
    Zhukovsky was present at the “celebration” and in the same year described it in detail in the article “Memories of the Celebration of August 30, 1831.” Exalting Alexander I, he wrote about the unity of the king with the people.
    Pushkin in “Monument” objects to Zhukovsky. A Russian, a Kalmyk, a Finn will remember not the Tsar, whom they never loved and could not love, but the one who defended and glorified their freedom:

    "The rumor about me will spread throughout Rus'
    And every tongue that is in it will call me,
    And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finns, and now
    Tunguz, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.
    And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,
    That I awakened good feelings with the lyre.
    That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
    And he called for mercy for the fallen."

    Pushkin did not print “Monument”, and could not print it: the Tsar would not have allowed it. Zhukovsky published it after the poet’s death, replacing the “Alexandrian Pillar” with the “Napoleonic Pillar”, thereby destroying the proud opposition of the glory of the persecuted poet to the glory of his persecutor Tsar Alexander. The most important verse in which Pushkin speaks about the feat of the poet-citizen:

    "What in my cruel age glorified
    I freedom..."

    Zhukovsky redid it:

    "What the charm of living poetry I was

    The feat of the fighter for people's freedom has disappeared. By the will of censorship, Pushkin was proud only of the “charm of poetry”, of poetic form.
    With such distortion, the poems were carved on the pedestal of the Pushkin monument, erected to the great poet in Moscow on Tverskoy Boulevard in 1880. And only after October Revolution the original poems of Pushkin were restored on it.