From light to shadow and back, day four. What others think of me

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What others think of me.

Relationships and their strength

How many children will you have

What do they think about me, how do they treat me?

Test what they really think about me! What do they gossip about when we're not there?

Do you know what they are talking about behind your back?

Checking will show what others think of you. You can also judge what people gossip about in conversations. After all, what they say is what they think, so you can say.

What do others think and say about me?

The principles of spreading gossip are as old as the world and everywhere in all nationalities it has the same reasons. The desire to compete and look better by comparison is not new and psychologically creates a comfortable feeling.

What do others think of me and why are people happy to gossip?

Sometimes this has the function of creating psychological comfort by creating good self-esteem and people’s opinions about themselves. The simplest method is to point out the shortcomings of another person. By doing this you increase your status by belittling someone else’s. By pointing out existing, invented or exaggerated shortcomings, we tell ourselves “I’m not like that, I’m better.” As a result, for a time we are the most the easy way raised their status.
Even the implicit negative features of what is being discussed take on an exaggerated appearance. Sometimes the discussion reaches the point where a “monster” appears, and we acquire “angelic” features in comparison! All you need to do is chat! The actual lies about the person being convicted are not taken into account. The interlocutors, more often than not, are not angels, and they also experience the same feelings of superiority, “but I’m not like that”!
The method of increasing one’s self-esteem has been known for a long time. In this case, you can increase it in two ways. By becoming better yourself and humiliating your opponent. But developing yourself is long and expensive psychologically and physically. And the other is so easy and accessible! It is also important to take into account the degree of vanity; if it is high, then the choice for one’s own self-improvement is more frequent, since here it is not so much self-conceit that will be more important, but rather the opinions of other people.
Envy and rivalry can serve as reasons for spreading unfriendly gossip and be a consequence of love competition. To achieve the goal, all means are good. Envious people are more often in distant surroundings and are not so close to you.
Ill-wishers and competitors in a professional career are capable of more and can completely ruin your life and career. Slander and petty slander will create a negative attitude towards you from the entire environment of your work colleagues, and then it will reach your superiors. It’s worth reacting instantly in such cases, without wasting time; if you don’t argue, then “that’s how it is,” and non-resistance will serve as confirmation of your “mortal sin.”

What do others think of me? How can I influence the opinions of others?

By creating friendly relations with everyone and not conflicting with others, you can not only prevent the situation from developing, but also prevent it from arising. Friends will not listen to gossip, but will be able to intercede and rebuff the slanderer. You should not be in confrontation with anyone, it is not productive and serves as a breeding ground for anger and envy.
What do others say and think about me and how quickly should the situation be corrected?
Try not to leave things to chance. The longer rumors circulate, the more new details will emerge. Identify the slanderer and talk to him frankly in the presence of people. This will show that the “story” is not secret and is most likely fictitious and exaggerated. And you can put the liar in an awkward position, because if another incident involving such a character is repeated, no one will subsequently take his words seriously.

About true faith, obscurantists and “pop” - Andrey Muzolf, teacher at the Kyiv Theological Seminary.

- There is a certain negative background around Orthodoxy in society. Orthodoxy says unpleasant things: it points out sin, talks about punishment for violations, i.e. acts as a moral censor. This role irritates society. But in fact, Orthodoxy does not set itself such tasks. Please comment and explain what are the global goals and objectives of Orthodoxy?

To say that Orthodoxy creates some kind of negative background around itself is the same as saying that hospitals and other medical institutions are a breeding ground for illness and death, because it is in them that, to a large extent, people get sick and die. But such a statement is absurd!

Orthodoxy does not create negativity around itself. It only testifies to the fact that humanity is sick with sin and warns what consequences such a disease can lead to. If a doctor tells us that we have health problems, we will not blame him for telling us something unpleasant. Yes, it is unpleasant for us to hear about our diseases, but otherwise, if we do not know about them, we will not be able to cure them.

Orthodoxy is evidence that a person is sick, but has received hope for healing from the disease that he contracted in heaven, at the dawn of his existence. Having succumbed to the temptation of the devil - “a murderer from the beginning,” as the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian calls him, man fell away from God as the source of Eternal life and, as a result, began to die. According to St. Gregory Palamas, the primordial man died twice: the first time - spiritually - at the moment of committing a sin, and only after for many years life away from God, man died for the second time - physically. But despite the fact that man himself, by his own free will, left the Creator, God still comes to meet him. The Lord shows mercy and immeasurable love to to the human race: He Himself becomes one of us to save humanity from the power of sin and death.

Based on this, the main task of Orthodoxy, according to one modern Christian writer, is for every Christian to become a “little Christ”, to be able to embody in his life the ideal to which Adam was called from the moment of his creation - to become not only an image , but also in the likeness of God. And this is only possible if a person remains in the Church of Christ, because only there is real reunion with God possible, that is, deification.

People are happy to find something to reproach Orthodoxy for. They point to the “spots” and say, look at yourself, and then learn. How to be here? After all, Orthodoxy is about both holy and unholy people.

Let's give the usual life example: if a person does not trust this or that doctor, he will not reject the importance of all medicine entirely. A similar approach can be transferred to the church sphere: if we do not like this or that priest, this is not at all a reason to reject the importance of the Church and question the necessity of Its existence.
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh once said the following words about himself: “I am not good man, but what I say about God is true.” If a person sincerely seeks the Lord, he will definitely find Him. If a person comes to the Church to find the Truth within its walls, the Truth will be revealed to him, because the Truth is Christ Himself. If a person tries to catch the Church and its servants in something bad, then this means that this is his main goal, and not a spiritual quest at all.

A person’s external behavior is a kind of litmus test that reveals his inner world. And therefore, the abundance of gossip and slander addressed to the Church is, first of all, evidence that it is lies that fill the human heart, because, according to the Holy Scriptures, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). For Orthodox Christian slander has never been something horrifying. One ascetic once said: “It doesn’t matter to me what other people think about me; All that matters to me is what my God thinks of me.”

And regarding the idea that the Church, which preaches the high ideal of holiness, itself should consist only of holy people, while avoiding everything unclean and vicious, the famous Orthodox theologian L. Uspensky noted: “ Orthodox Church never equated holiness and infallibility.” The Church is holy not because its members are holy, but because its Head is holy - the Lord Jesus Christ. An interesting description of the Church was given by the Christian ascetic of the 4th century, St. Ephraim the Syrian: “The whole Church is the Church of the penitent... all of it is the Church of the perishing...”

Unlike sectarians, the Orthodox never claimed that they were holy, so to speak, a priori, only because they became a member of the Church, and therefore “automatically” chosen by God for Eternity. Eternity is not given to a person just like a “club card”: it must be earned, and this is not an easy matter, because “the kingdom of heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). And only the Church can show a person the path that will lead us to eternal life in Christ.

Why is Orthodoxy not fashionable? Why doesn't it keep up with the times? Protestants, for example, go door to door, campaign, invite people to cafes, throw parties... This is fashionable and fun. Why can’t Orthodoxy become a little “pop”, because then the people will flock?

Famous English writer last century, G. K. Chesterton wrote: “The Church always seems to be behind the times, when in fact it is timeless.” AND main reason why the Church has always been and will be timeless is that the Gospel is that Good News about the salvation of the fallen man by God which the Church reveals to each of us has no boundaries, either temporal or spatial. The Gospel is intended for every person, regardless of his place of birth, material or social status.

If we want to change something in the Church, if we don’t like something about it, we must think about one elementary thing: the Church has existed for almost two thousand years and in its history it has already seen more than one hundred similar “reformers”, who tried to free her from something, to somehow “improve” her, to make her more accessible to the public. We should remember the words of the great teacher of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, who in one of his sermons said: “A person comes to the Church not to bring something into it; a person comes to the Church to take away with him nothing else and no one else but Christ Himself.”

Based on this, the main task of the Church is to sanctify man, and through man, the entire visible created world with the grace of the Holy Spirit. This is the mission of the Orthodox Church, this is its salt. And, in the words of Christ, “If the salt loses its strength, then with what will you make it salty? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out for people to trample underfoot” (Matthew 5:13).

- “The Orthodox are obscurantists, ignoramuses, aliens from the 10th century, generally backward people in all respects.” How can you comment on such statements addressed to Orthodox believers and priests?

Despite such statements, the Orthodox Church has never encouraged ignorance. Saint Philaret of Moscow said: “The Faith of Christ is not at enmity with true knowledge, because it is not in league with ignorance.” We all know well that most great scientists, such as Copernicus, Bacon, Kepler, Leibniz, Descartes, Newton and many, many others, have always positioned themselves as deeply religious people. For example, the founder of quantum physics, the German physicist of the last century M. Planck wrote: “No matter where and how far we look, we do not find any contradictions between religion and natural science... Religion and natural science are not mutually exclusive...the two areas are complementary and dependent on each other.”

Another question: what exactly modern society does the concept of “obscurantism” mean the Orthodox? By the “obscurantism” of believers, we mean, first of all, that the Orthodox do not want to make concessions to the modern secular world. What concessions? First of all, recognize sin as the norm of human life.

Today in almost all media mass media what is extolled is something that half a century ago was considered something shameful and unnatural. Even the holy Apostle John the Theologian wrote that all the values ​​of the world come down to three main factors: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life (see 1 John 2:16). That is why, in the words of another apostle, “friendship with the world is enmity with God” (James 4:4).
Hence, modern world and the Church point a person to completely opposite values: if the world demands to take everything from this life, to strive for ambition and vice, then the Church, on the contrary, calls its children to humility, meekness and piety. And it is in such piety that modern society, unfortunately, sees “obscurantism.”

They say: “Orthodoxy is difficult to understand. Everything about it is complex and incomprehensible to modern man. None of this is relevant today.” Please tell me, is Orthodox teaching accessible to the average person? How can he comprehend the incomprehensible truth that philosophers and theologians have comprehended throughout their lives?

It is impossible to understand Orthodoxy, if only because it is not a philosophical concept at all. Orthodoxy can only be experienced on oneself, or rather, in oneself. Orthodoxy is not a theory, it is not the sum of some knowledge or philosophical conclusions. Orthodoxy is, first of all, life in Christ. And therefore His relevance does not depend on certain chronological boundaries. Orthodoxy will always be relevant as long as this world still exists and until man reaches his highest goal - the general resurrection of the dead and Last Judgment Christ's.

Unlike the comprehension of a particular philosophical system, which requires some preliminary intellectual preparation, the general educational level is not important for the perception of Orthodoxy, because God does not look at a person’s intellect, but at his heart: “Blessed are pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matthew 5:8).

Philosophers of the pagan world tried to comprehend the truth of existence, neglecting the Creator of this existence. And it is quite understandable why they could never achieve their desired goal. None philosophical system could not give man what he could receive in the Church, namely, God Himself. That is why the English writer G. K. Chesterton, whom we have already mentioned above, says that if such lights of ancient philosophy as Plato, Pythagoras or Aristotle had stood for even a minute in the light that comes from Christ, they would have understood that the light of their own teachings - twilight.

What you think of me is yourswhat I think about you is mine

After the morning meditation there was breakfast, as usual - in silence. But the participants had already learned to understand each other without words, they laughed a lot, managing to joke with their facial expressions, hums and gestures.

This morning was surprisingly light and sunny - the first truly spring, although there were still a few days left before the calendar spring. And the sherrying took place on the street, in the yard, around the sandbox. The participants sat down, exposed their backs or faces (who or what) to the sun, and almost purred, it was so good. Sexy Don't Give a F*ck spoke first.

“I’m beautiful,” she said, stretching like a cat, “I want to say that today for the first time in for a long, long time I slept great. At home I don’t fall asleep without TV, or music, or the laptop needs to work. I was terrified of silence and darkness... and now I can say “afraid” in the past tense.

- So this is neurosis... you lived in neurosis, baby.

“Right now I’m just in a great mood...

- JUST! - the Shaman barked.

The girl who doesn't care jumped up and began making a frog, without stopping her story. And she ended with the phrase “I’m fine...”

- Sit down 10 times for EVERYTHING, and while you squat, we listen to the next one.

- I am an Esoteric Woman... I slept soundly. Meditation... dragged along... I felt my legs, I was leaning into the ground, I saw bright spots. And unlike yesterday, I was not tired. Thoughts...for the first time I began to think about those present.

“She noticed us,” the Shaman drawled ironically.

- It turns out there are a lot of people here! – Sakhis laughed and everyone followed her.

— I understood the reason for my irritation with the Pofigistka. This is the part that was mine until I became an Esoteric Woman. And now, when she sends someone, including me, I am so happy for her!

- Yes, “went to ...” is not a reason to quarrel...

- That's it. And again I was visited by tender feelings for the Luxurious Woman... unconditional love some kind And I see the Dragon, but for some reason I avoid it.

- A dangerous creature, fire-breathing...

— And without the Shaman there’s simply nowhere...

- And a frog for JUST! – The shaman did not forgive, even for compliments.

The Esoteric Woman made a frog and repeated that she lives in paradise...

“I’m Little Trash... I woke up angry today,” the next participant began her performance after the bell rang.

- It's great when you have feelings!

“And although it was brighter than yesterday, I realized that they probably took pity on us, and we should be happy, but I’m still angry.” When we were doing meditation, my arms hurt, my back ached...

- The tail was falling off...

- Yes. The tail was falling off, so I decided it would be better to sleep... and just went to make a salad.


The rubbish acted on the “frog” and the conversation continued.

“I want to tell you, Little Trash, that you are far from stupid, and you have a lot of attention to monitor your internal processes - thoughts and feelings. But then there is a glitch - instead of let they happen and enjoy their beauty, you prefer to bury them inside you, God forbid someone thinks that you are alive! Think about it in your spare time.

Little Fleabag listened carefully to Sakhis and said nothing, her time to kill the Controller had not yet come...

The Dragon spoke next. His speech was about the Power and harm of thoughts that confuse the right path. He also took advantage of the opportunity and advertised the book that he managed to write here.

-Have you written a book? Here? – the Shaman was surprised.

“Yes,” the Dragon proudly confirmed, “Strictly speaking, this is not a book, but a manual on psychology.” It’s called “Toilet Therapy”*, anyone can get acquainted with it, I decorated it beautifully and hung it in the fireplace room. To be honest, Fleabag and I wrote this and had such a blast, there was so much energy in it! I slept for two hours today, but I slept well...

The company responded with another burst of laughter, it was a fun morning, but they didn’t rush to read, the sharing continued. The sun was warming up, although it was cold in the back; half of the participants had already taken off not only their outerwear, but also pulled off their T-shirts and sweaters. The Wild Barbarian sat with his torso naked the whole time, enjoying and demonstrating beauty, without realizing it. Barbarian, what can we take from him?

The luxurious Woman sadly talked about the pain that lives in her and does not allow it to manifest itself. And about her fear that this pain will burst to the surface and then flood her whole life.

“I have to make a lot of decisions, men’s decisions at my job, and it stresses me out, tears me apart. And I don’t know yet how my image of a Luxurious Woman can be integrated into my life. ...And during meditation I danced, got high and imagined myself as a snake.

“In the world of spirits there is nothing (I am deliberately generalizing!) good or bad,” said the Shaman. – I look at you and your uncertainty is incomprehensible to me. For me, you are a high-speed person with great potential. I am sometimes amazed by how bold and polar you show up. You have such unpredictability, such beautiful features, and you don’t need to fight it, you need to appreciate it! When you show your unpredictability so rarely, you deprive people of great pleasure. Continue, my Spirits support you. I said everything!

“When I was a man,” the Dragon objected, or rather added, “I drove a car and I know how important stability is at speed.” I agree with what the Shaman said, but if I were you, I would devote myself now to developing precisely this quality.

The bells rang and the floor passed to the next participant. It was the Girl Pripevochka.

Here it is necessary to make a small digression and talk about one more nuance. When naming the name of the Shadow, each participant, in addition to the name itself, received a phrase and a corresponding gesture, with which they had to confirm their image of the Shadow when performing at sherrings, or even in ordinary communication. For example, the Shaman raised his hands to the sky and said: “I am a Shaman, the Spirits speak to me,” then he lowered his hands and continued, “And I speak to you, people.” The Esoteric Woman’s phrase was “I’m flying, I’m in heaven!” The Sexy Don’t Give a Fuck showed the fact with the words “Fuck you, I’m beautiful!” The wild Barbarian beat his fist on the table or the floor (whatever came his way), and growled with determination male voice"I said!!!". The dragon spread his arms like wings: “I create what I want!” Little Fleabag gave out clicks to whoever happened to be nearby. And the Luxurious Woman purred: “What I want, I take and enjoy...” It helped to stay in character, and besides, it was very cool.

The phrase of the Little Girl Prepevochka sounded like this: “I scored on everyone!”

And now at the sharing session she shared her realization:

“I want to be free, I want not to depend on the opinions of others. And when I say, “I’ve given up on everyone,” it still has an eye on others. It’s as if I live not to rejoice, but to protest, and endlessly prove something to someone.

- Well done for noticing! - Sakhis answered.

“And if I protest,” the Girl continued, “...then I’m still NOT, there are others who set conditions and limits for me.” What do I want? This is what is important for me to know. I'm going in the wrong direction, I realized that.

“Everything goes there step by step,” Sakhis began to explain, while doing squats, the example of the participants inspired her and her body asked physical activity, - At first, a person, “raised” by his parents to the point of complete paralysis of the soul, gets very excited, twitches and looks around at everyone who comes into his field of vision and tries to be an ideal boy (girl). And in this case, he does not hear his desires and does not live his own life. The second phase - nothing without it! – phase of the rebellious child. He draws the line with all his might, aggressively...

- Yes! But here the effect is that he also does NOT hear his desires, because he is holding the defense with all his might! Attempts by educators can break through its boundaries. But if he is persistent, he will be able to win his freedom. And teachers will give up at some point. And then he can exhale, relax... and then - the third phase - he can finally start living his life!

— I came to the realization of my name: Girl Pripevochka - The One Who Walks Through Life Happily. I hear my song, I sing it and dance it! And what do others have to do with it?

- Yes, great! But remember, there is another one here important nuance– how not to start dancing with your neighbors? If you have relatives who you think you need... and it is important for you, for example, that they support you, for example, warm your butt on the right (left)... how can you not coordinate your dance with them? Therefore, keep in mind that couple relationships have TEMPTATIONS - not to dance your own dance, but to dance along with your loved one.

- Oh, I’m still more neglected! My beloved and child are in the “obviously” category. I realized that even strangers are important to me! I may be tempted to be nice and polite to passers-by whom I see for the first time. last time in life. ... And then I remembered our “hand dance” and it was an interaction and it didn’t bother me... which means it’s possible in principle! This inspired me and gave me hope.

“Excellent...” Sakhis summed up. “I like your conclusions.” Who's next? Our Wild Barbarian speaks... He is always the last to speak... And it makes me sad...

- Usually I like to listen to others...

- Usually... And we’re here at UNUSUAL event gathered. So from now on you will always be the first to speak, train your masculine qualities leader.

The Wild Barbarian described his meditation and then began to talk about his cards (all participants drew cards from the Tarot deck as a hint on where to move next). His cards were the Hermit and Death.

The hermit hinted that the Barbarian does not feel, does not see, and does not live in essence without a relationship. To understand what HE himself wants, you need to distract yourself from relationships and go into the loneliness of SELF. And then there will be the Death of that person who lives and does not understand why, who follows other people’s goals and repeats other people’s steps in dance. And then after Death there will also be something... And there is no doubt that it will be more interesting than what is now.

— Did the shaman speak? – asked Sakhis.

— The Shaman’s feet are frozen and the Spirits say that it’s time to go home! – answered the Shaman.

There were several more practices that day, one of the most striking was “Corridor”. The participants stood in pairs opposite each other and looked into the eyes. The last one in the “stream” chose anyone and stood, wedging into the pair, opposite one of the participants. I looked into his eyes as much as I wanted... long enough, no less than 2-3 minutes. Then he turned and looked into the eyes of the other, then moved on. So everyone walked along the corridor, touching very deeply with something BIGGER than a glance.

It’s difficult to describe, it’s probably not worth it. However, if you remember when suddenly you met the gaze of stranger and, overcoming embarrassment, or driven by something unknown and attractive, they did not look away... And they felt through the wall of awkwardness, courage and will the sensation of how SOMETHING from the eyes of another person flows into yours, and from there it plunges into your essence and changes it...

This is called Direct Transmission in some traditions. It is believed that through looking at and contacting the Teacher’s aura one can receive his wisdom. In our case, in this practice at the Mystery, the participants received and shared wisdom with each other. And stupidity, by the way, probably also... And it’s good that it was possible to separate one from the other, but who knows? Stupidity turns into wisdom and vice versa, depending on who uses the tools and in what condition they are kept...

People tend to worry a lot about what others think of them. Come up with what they think and start cooking it in your head. What “others” love or hate... Start building your relationships with them, based not on reality, but on your own imagination. It looks extremely crazy, but it is widespread everywhere. Everyone lives in their own Universe, that’s true!

Discussion of the CORRIDOR practice is exactly about this.

The Luxurious Woman spoke first.

— I caught myself thinking that I usually don’t look people in the eyes for a long time. Only the faces on the icons. And when we were doing the practice, I had the feeling that I was in church. This process was very sacred for me. However, I was unable to establish contact with some.

- With whom exactly?

- With the Wild Barbarian and the Little Fleabag. The look is cold, frightening, even hostile.

Sakhis corrected her:

“It would be better if you say, “I read this look as hostile.” We’ll ask them what they really think. By the way, where are they?

Wild Barbarian and Little Fleabag was not at the table. We were late.

- Barbarian, take Fleabag by the scruff of the neck and drag him here! - the Shaman barked.

-Are they together? - asked the Esoteric Woman, - Two autists...

This person’s tongue continued to remain extremely sharp and did not hesitate to injure those around her. However, making fun of each other was not prohibited. On the contrary, such a manner was even slightly welcomed in order to wean one from the censorship that is accepted in society. Get used to the fact that it is POSSIBLE to tell the truth. And feel how to live freely if you don’t wear the usual mask of lies and politeness. Politeness is politeness.

Luxurious continued, “I’m stuck on the Esoteric Woman.” At first she seemed aggressive to me and I envied her. I would also like to manifest myself like that, boldly and brightly! ...But with the Girl Pripyovochka there was a very easy and gentle contact. She is soft, understanding and accepting.

“Everyone has their own movie, don’t forget,” Sakhis noted, “Now let’s listen to her and find out, your internal “films” may not coincide. Continue.

- It was interesting with Pofigistka... she looked hostile, does she really think that I will take the Dragon away from her? They were just staring at each other, and seemed to be having a good time, and I wedged myself into their couple. I also decided to look at her with hostility, but I didn’t succeed. With the Dragon... he worries me, and I tried to hide it and express it with a look: “Who are you?” But when I approached him for the second time... I burned myself out! He smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but answer. And I was scared of the Shaman, it seemed to me that he knew more about me than I knew about myself.

- Definitely! – answered the Shaman.

Esoteric Woman: - I flew... again. It started with Sakhis's eyes... I actually don't really like looking into people's eyes. This is a problem for me. I read in one book that this is typical for autistic people, maybe I’m a little autistic. I gave up on this a long time ago, I don’t look at it and I don’t look at it, but now! Sakhis has a portal to space in her eyes. THERE IS NOTHING THERE! I was afraid that I would fall into the abyss and disappear. And she allowed herself to fall there. And after that, in all the other eyes I saw space, and my condition practically did not change.

- This is the level at which there is Love. What you are used to calling love is an emotion in which there are passions, there is jealousy, and it moves from one pole to the other. And where there are no poles, but there is ALL diversity - this is Love as a state. At this level of depth there are no waves, there is calm.

“I disappeared, and it was as if I didn’t exist.” I felt enchanted by the cosmos that approached me, I felt their difference, but my state practically did not change from this. The only reaction that was different was to the Dragon. But this is not about sex. This is not about sex at all! The body's reaction began, as in holotrope, my body began to vibrate, and his eyes began to shine. Beautiful!

“I felt the masculine energy in Varvara,” the Esoteric Woman continued with inspiration, “I wanted to stir him up somehow, but I even liked what I saw.” I wanted to convey some message to some. For some reason I felt my brother’s energy in Little Rubbish.

- Not sisters? – Fleabag was surprised.

- No, just my brother. And the Shaman is his own person. We flew together...

The girl who doesn’t care started from a low start and immediately rushed into battle:

“I’ll start right away with what the Luxurious Woman said about the Dragon, that something was happening between us... How could such a thing come into your head?!” And I come to you... yes, I played with different states, including aggression. And you were fooled,” she was now turning to Roskoshnaya, who batted her eyelashes offendedly. Her naivety attracted attempts to tease her.

Sakhis also addressed her:

— What you may perceive as sincere emotions may be a game. It would be good for you to remember this.

- And the lack of emotions? – asked the Luxurious Woman.

- Same. Showing indifference can also be a game.

- Exactly!!! I had this happen in my life! The more I liked the guy, the more I froze!

Yes, truly, everyone watched their own movie. They didn’t see what happened, but they interpreted (certainly!) everyone to the best of their usual scenarios. AND internal directors the participants rejoiced at such entertainment. And then... they were taken to clean water, right now!

The dialogue with Luxury continued and was very instructive for the others. Sakhis said:

— People who are afraid of feelings are afraid of their own own feelings. Is there a catch here? If this is part of your strategy, then the World will catch you: it’s easy to turn you on, manipulate you, deceive you into emotion. It happens like this: you are presented with an emotion, and you are drawn to it as if it were real. They begin to play with you, evoking feelings, and there is a very high probability of getting “stuck” in these essentially insincere relationships.

And a woman can experience such inner magic and create stories for herself! From the category: “I talked in my head with a photograph of a man (and the photograph answers her!)... She confessed her love to him, he answered her, she was offended, he answered again! Time passes, they meet, he looks at her, and she is somehow different. He doesn’t know that she talked to the photograph!” There is a gap in reality...

During this monologue of Sakhis, the participants in the mystery laughed excitedly, apparently because of the situation. She described something familiar to everyone.

Then the Pofigistka continued:

— I’ll start... or rather, I’ll continue with conclusions. The most important thing is that I realized: all people meet in life for a reason. When I passed the 1st circle of the corridor, I made contact with two of them. But the second time it happened, it was completely new!

And appeared interesting effect: Each subsequent contact changed my opinion about the previous one!

- Note, this is coming from a girl who, on the first day in the circle, said: “I understand everyone from the first sentence, and everyone is not interesting to me!”

“That is,” said the Shaman, “Everyone new person changed the picture of the World, turning your awareness? And this process is endless?

- Yes, it was so. And the deepest contact I had was with Little Fleabag. I felt that it was like a part of me, my blood, something dear...

— Such a resonance occurs with those with whom there is a lot general programs, and from this comes great inner understanding. - said Sakhis.

“And I also realized how important it is to show emotions and show them, not to think, not to hope that the person will figure it out on his own.” And it is not at all necessary to “return” a person’s emotions. That is, if he is angry with me or shows something like love and affection, then I am not at all obliged to respond in kind!

- Great!

- I will feel MY way, what I choose!

“This is indifference – real and high-quality,” responded the Esoteric Woman.

— I would also like to mention the Dragon. He clenched his hands throughout the entire exercise. And then, when I started playing with emotions - getting angry, flirting, offended... he released them. And I also liked it with the Wild Barbarian. I provoked him, but he didn’t comply! And in this I felt his masculine fortitude, masculine energy.

“It’s good that you are talking about this, you see this,” said Sakhis, “There is masculine energy in him, he has the feeling that when he was a boy, he was thoroughly beaten for these qualities and now he lives in the conviction that being a man is dangerous! This is his conclusion. And male energy can only manifest itself in very safe conditions. I also want to say that these masculine manifestations can be so hammered by upbringing that they do not appear at all, it’s as if they don’t exist. It's here!

And these suppressions are the trauma personal history. Something happens to a girl or boy in childhood, the child makes a DECISION. If a girl is somehow humiliated in matters of sex, not even sex, but innocent girlish coquetry... she decides to abandon this topic altogether and pretends that she has no gender at all. And the boy may decide not to show strength, toughness, aggression, because it is dangerous, or someone in his presence strongly condemned it.

The Wild Barbarian responded to this monologue.

- Yes, it's about me. My father was so... just “barbaric”, rude, and my mother did not love him for that.

- In fact, if you do not enter into the strength of your father, you will not become a man.

“Yes, I guess that’s how I behave with women: I listen to what they want, because I don’t want to be like my father, to be judged in the same way.”

There was a short silence. Then someone said: “Keep going since you started!”

The Wild Barbarian’s speech unwinded like a ball of wool: slowly, calmingly. The text was appropriate:

— I had a slightly barbaric approach to this practice...

The group became interested, pricked up their ears, Varvar continued:

- I had a desire to analyze...

- Yes indeed! A very barbaric approach, to say the least! Analytics is barbarism, and what else?! – Shaman complained.

The whole group laughed, but Varvar did not even smile and did not fall for the general emotion.

There was a lot of talk about him here, as if he was not present. A common occurrence at mysteries, completely impossible in society. They say what they think, and a person absorbs it as best he can - to the best of his ability. Varvara, apparently, had a lot of strength, he spent it on patience, well, his choice! And he continued calmly:

— The first was Luxurious Woman. At first I decided to help her see without glasses, then it seemed to me that she was trying to please me. Little Fleabag was mature to me, like a mother, Little Fuck was young and sexy. The Esoteric Woman was tense for me, and the Little Prepevochka Girl had a wandering gaze. I tried to look into one eye, and then - between the eyebrows - into the third eye.

“Deep barbarian knowledge...” someone noted. The barbarian did not pay attention to the remark and continued.

— There was also internal tension in the Shaman, and with the Dragon, I wanted to come closer to study. Sakhis saw an all-knowing gaze, but it was like glass... there was no emotion in it.

- You wanted to control the situation and influence, this is very masculine. If I were you, I would go further and ask myself: “What should I do when this happens? What do I want to do with this? By the way, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that again you were not the first to speak out. I have the urge to awaken the Man in you. And this is leadership, courage, aggression. Yes, you can evoke emotions in people, and they can be different - you may like you, you may not like you, but you ARE. And you allow yourself to be uncomfortable for some.

At this point, the discussion of the Wild Barbarian was completed and the floor passed to the Girl Pripevok.

- I want to give feedback Luxurious Woman. When she came up to me, I saw a girl in her, small, good... we matched!

“Wonderful,” said Sakhis, “this confirms the mirror theory.” You mirror each other. Since there is no skill to express emotions, this reflection occurs unconsciously.

— I didn’t like the indifference, I made a terrible face... I communicated with the Esoteric as with a friend, but with the Shaman it was very cool - complete trust and safety. I saw anxiety in Varvara’s eyes, and the second time when I approached, it was completely different—I saw strength and courage.

Sakhis: - Yes, it happened when the women of this circle gave it to him with their attention. As long as they looked into his eyes, he was ACCEPTED, and he was saturated with acceptance. They filled his field with admiration, and he returned to you as if from a battlefield. He returned as a hero. That’s why it’s so useful to let go of your partners...

The girl Pripevochka thought for a while, as if archiving for later comprehension, and continued:

“Little Fleabag stood opposite, and we had a lot of time, I started experimenting, looking at her with different colors and tracking her reactions.

- This is the desire to control. And it's burning! “If I want to control a person, I don’t like what I see...I want to CHANGE it!”

- What's wrong with that? - asked Pripevochka.

- Of course, nothing! – answered Sakhis, “However, you should know that there is a level when you DON’T WANT TO CHANGE ANYTHING, which means to manage.” This is when we humans are faced with something greater than the EGO. You can’t control this, let me quote: “If you start looking into the abyss, it starts looking into you...”

It’s somehow difficult for me... - the Dragon who accepted His Power entered the discussion.

— What’s difficult is what’s interesting!

— It was more interesting to see the depth in people...

- Name list! – the Shaman barked, insisting on specifics as always.

— I liked it with Pofigistka, very lively, active look.

“When we like someone,” said Sakhis, “it means that there in bloom and beauty is WHAT we have in the beginning.”

- I liked everything!

“You have a lot of things in the making!” – the Shaman laughed.

But Little Fleabag had a hard time talking. She was afraid of offending or something... She wasn't Trash, she was still a Good Girl...

The shaman usually spoke last. This was already common.

“An amazing practice,” he said. “I experienced almost nothing.” Some shadow of emotion - for the Little Girl Pripevochka. I saw a small, innocent child. The main partner was the Dragon, I looked at him with pleasure, his eyes were beautiful. At first the pain in the eyes was mild, but then it went away. The rest of the time I made myself available, my eyes, for the use of “Look if you need.” And I didn’t experience feelings, emotions... anything. Calmness, even indifference. I listened to you, O people, with great pleasure and surprise. Almost everyone saw something in me, a manifestation of some feelings, a reflection of some thoughts... THIS IS YOURS, PEOPLE, NOT MINE!

SHADOWS give an interview

There were a lot of conversations that day, they were informative and interesting, but the main event, the HIT of this day, was the interview with the Shadows!

SHADOWS are alive, just like light. Who doesn’t believe this - light a candle in the room, dance and see how YOUR shadow will change, bend, dance... demonstrate itself! Demonstrate from “DEMON”... Your personal Demon... Your personal SOMETHING that guides you, grinning, not allowing you to see yourself in the mirror, unless by the light of a fireplace, or a candle, or a fire... something very natural... And unless in the presence similar Shadows...

2 chairs were brought into the fireplace room. Usually there was nothing there except carpets and pillows; during classes they sat in a circle on the floor (also, by the way, an unusual position for many, which brings back one to a “child”).

Sakhis the Revealer of Talents sat on one chair, one of the participants sat on the second and told the story of his Shadow, which was supposed to “remember” him in the mountains. Yesterday. Unthinkably long ago! And it's good that it is so. There was still time to remember.

The others sat on the floor in a semicircle and could also ask questions.

The first was Wild Barbarian. It was difficult for him to speak, human language was difficult for him, but from his inarticulate speech it became clear that he lived in the mountains in a cave, hunted wild animals, and did not disdain livestock either. Scares local residents with his unkempt and unshaven appearance. He doesn’t remember his parents, he’s not friends with anyone except Girl Pripevochka, whom he recently met.

Values ​​strength, agility, and speed. He has no plans for the future, because he lives in the present, and he doesn’t know how he can live differently.

The culmination of his appearance on stage was going beyond it, when he proved his courage by swimming almost at night in the cold and stormy river. The audience watched, applauded, admired.

Girl Prepevochka told about her happy life in the royal palace, where she is a princess. Beloved daughter of the king and queen. She talked about how she loved freedom, playing on the lawn under the trees, how she talked with birds and rabbits, how wild animals came to play with her.

She spoke with gratitude and love about her father and mother, who allow her to be free happy child doing what she loves and not limiting her in any way. And also that she has a secret - she recently made friends with the Wild Barbarian - a forest man who is scary and cruel, but not with her. Her credo has recently been “I can do anything”...

Luxurious Woman...Oh, this one bright character worthy of an almost verbatim rendering of his monologue.

“I have always known, since childhood, that I was beautiful and luxurious. My dad told me that I would grow up and drive all men crazy with my beautiful forms. Mom dressed in glamorous outfits and knew a lot about it. She approved of my coquetry and desire to please, and she taught me this. Dad loved to go with me to places where I could get a lot of male attention. And he was proud that he had such a beautiful daughter.

When I turned 16, I began to make a career as a fashion model, visited different countries. My nude photos were in all the magazines. IN lately I found myself as a model for artists and an actress. One can only dream of a life like mine. I enjoy my body, which gives me the opportunity to live such highlights and delight the World with your presence.

Sexy Don't Care behaved extremely cheekily. She lounged in a chair and shocked the audience with a story about her plans for the future. Since her business is planned to be highly criminal, it will not be mentioned here. She doesn't care what others think, future business and everything else except sex. Before leaving the studio, at the request of the audience, she demonstrated a demo version of seducing men, calling one of those present from the audience for this purpose. When she got down to business, through the Shadow (which is the Sexy Don't Give a Fuck) her Ego peeked through for a split second, which was confused and frightened by what the Shadow had just said. And what I was going to do now. It looked out and hid again... The girl who doesn't care successfully completed her task.

Little Fleabag answered the journalist’s questions timidly. Apparently because it's small. She hasn’t grown up to become a big Rubbish, so she doesn’t take part in big scandals. All he can do is steal other people’s boots and take them to different rooms, and be capricious about food. She is too serious and cannot yet sincerely believe that the people around her sincerely do not care about anything other than themselves. They have no time to follow her and evaluate her actions from the point of view of good or bad. The shadow is transparent, through which the Ego can be seen in all its glory. Bye. We'll see what happens next.

Once again about what kind of Shadows there are

How many of them can one person have? When do they appear? The question is far from theoretical, it is very important for life, whether you had to go through the Mystery or not. You have a Shadow, and of course, not alone.

A shadow appears in a person at the moment when he (usually in childhood) exhibits certain qualities, and those around him scold them or doubt them.

Thus , Shadows are divided into those “for which people are scolded in society"(Sexy Don't Care is from this category, Luxurious Woman is too). What could it be? Rudeness, swagger, demonstration of sexuality or aggression (like the Wild Barbarian). Even childish carelessness (Girl Pripevochka) can be condemned: “You’re already big, you should be serious!” And... done! The energy of childhood and carelessness (sexuality, aggression, etc.) went into the Shadow.

The second group of Shadows is a manifestation of healthy ambition when a person does not give himself the right to be strong, rich, wise. Why? Usually this is also “greetings from childhood” from parents, or from school, from some kind of bummer that was very painful and was remembered so much that the person forbade himself to go in that direction so as not to experience pain.

The Dragon Who Has Accepted His Power

“You are a legend, Transformer Man, you are a Dragon, one of the few remaining on Earth...” Sakhis began the interview, “Tell the story of your birth.”

He breathed, was silent and glared at the journalist.

“They told me that I came from an egg, but I don’t really believe it.” Probably, I am still from the viviparous breed. I can fly and swim, I can inhabit all the elements. Most of all I love mountains, it’s so convenient to watch from them, what’s going on below and you can fly to any point.

- Do you like to be on top? – asked the Shaman.

— Shamans know that being on top is always better.

“It’s not only the Shamans who know about this,” the Sexy Fat Gist retorted, “I can say it too.” That being on top is a special pleasure!

She clearly had a tendency to lead the conversation towards sex, but the Dragon ignored the hint.

“The stages of formation are of great interest to our viewers,” Sakhis continued the conversation. “At what point did you discover that the wings had grown?”

“Every time something bad, difficult and dangerous for me happened in life, my wings became longer and wider. We dragons feed on difficulties, difficulties and sorrows. We grow where people die.

-Can you be human?

- Yes, I can transform... into at the moment This is exactly the state I am in.

“Sidha...” Sakhis noted philosophically.

— Who do you prefer to have sex with, dragonesses or human women? - question from the audience.

The conversation stubbornly shifted towards sex and the Dragon stopped resisting it... He told me that he loves tenderness, and does not limit himself to quantity. He respects reptiles like himself. However, not just any snakes, but something more serious.

- And when you transform into a person, what do you do? With the Dragon form it seems clear - you fly, scare people, kidnap young maidens... What about in human form?

The dragon sighed, raised his eyes, as if contemplating whether to tell the truth, and exhaled:

— I advise politicians!

Luxurious Woman shamelessly got into the dialogue with the question:

— Tell me, is the slogan “Devastation achieved, stability overcome” your work? - and winked at the Dragon, clearly hinting at something.

- Alas... competitors! It's not me...

“There are rumors,” said Sakhis, “that you have entered into your power like never before... how can this be illustrated?”

- Australia... that's the key. I'm working to overcome the tilt that's happening to this continent... and don't ask me for details, I can't tell. Because I haven’t yet figured out how this can be leveled. This is what my Power, about which you ask, is now using. When Australia comes to harmony, it will be a sign to you that my Power has won.

The spectators were very puzzled... But Dragons, they are like that... the human mind cannot understand them...

Sakhis smiled, shook herself and asked what the Spirit advised. The shaman replied that there was an Esoteric Woman on the threshold of the studio.

- Has the taxi arrived?

- No, she’s on elephants...

She appeared in the fragrance of oriental incense and the sounds of mantras, did namaste, smiled detachedly and gently sank into a chair. Sang OM...

Esoteric Woman

“In this Universe, I appeared in a meadow with daisies, when the parents of my earthly body came to barbecue,” she began her story, “But even the rough food that they ate did not prevent the incarnation subtle soul, because there was Love between them... The opposite energies of YIN and YANG came together and seethed for a long time, the result of this seething was the Self.

— It must have been a special lunar day... Shakti and Shiva merged in ecstasy on a global scale, and you were born...

- Yes, it was Shakti and Shiva who embodied in my parents, which created the opportunity for me to have a special subtle sensitivity to energies.

- I appeared as a result of quite hectic life my parents both intimately and emotionally. As a result, I, tired of this, wanted to create a sphere that could protect me from the violent manifestations of the material world and directly connect me with the Cosmos. OM... And I created a large and joyful rainbow biofield that protects from base energies...

— At some point, I found myself in a chamomile field, from which came a call to my soul to incarnate into an earthly body... I thought why the hell did my parents start all this? I was sad and depressed... But daisies, cornflowers and this wonderful sun penetrated my soul and told me that life is beautiful if I don’t think, but live. I began to retire more often to nature and feel my aura... I worked on my chakras and felt more and more that I was in Paradise...

— What advice can you give to those who want to join high energies?

- Go to the mountains... Or at least to the bathhouse! Cultivate a state of High Indifference in yourself, you should not care who is swearing in your home, and even what the TV looks like... and you will merge with the energy of the Universe... OM... you must always KNOW that we live in paradise, it looks and smells like this, and it sounds like yours everyday life. You just need to feel the emanations of Paradise... This is the highest ecstasy! If you don’t feel this, it means that one of your chakras (or more than one) is not working well, you need to fill it with energy... It’s not the world’s fault that you don’t know how to perceive it as happiness. OM...


- I am a Shaman... I was born a long time ago, when one of the Great Volcanoes of this World was born. It was I who was this volcano... it was my beginning many thousands of years ago, however, time has no meaning for someone like me.

— Since then I have lived in many countries. And he was the bearer, guardian and conductor of many cultures. I CAME when people needed it, when they CALLED. It was at the turning point of their history, when it was hard for them, and they Called. Then I Came, and in order to understand them, I embodied myself in the bodies of women and men, living them earthly history. So I entered their culture in order to comprehend their aspirations with the BODY, which is the essence of SPIRIT. Then I could help them, people. I hear the Voices of Spirits, and I can Live in Their World. But for now I prefer the world of people. They need me as a Guide, and I help them.

- When did you come here, Shaman? To our world?

- About 2 thousand years ago I came to that country that you call Europe. I walked on water from Africa. Lived in Italy, Spain, England, and many other places. I was called a druid, a heretic, a priest... It doesn’t matter what, because my mission was unchanged.

— What is your mission, Shaman?


—What do people come to you with, Shaman?

- With ordinary human requests - health, love, wealth, power.

-Are you helping?

“I help when there are no obstacles in the person himself.” I help remove obstacles if there are any.

— Were there any requests from people that were different from these?

-... Yes, I remember there was... one. Funny incident, greatly amused me and the Spirits. He WANTED TO BECOME ME!

- And what? Did you help him or drive him away?

- No, why? I gave him what he asked for. He was a stream, I was an ocean. I absorbed it and it has been with me ever since.

- Did you kill him?

- No, I gave him a chance to live forever, although I probably shouldn’t have. His name was Sad Shit...

Yulia Ergin


* Application: Book of the Dragon

Here is the inspired creation of the Dragon Embracing His Power and Little Trash, to which they dedicated the previous evening. This is a new psychostomatic technique for working with your beliefs, as well as obsessive thoughts. Protected by copyright. Licensed. For wide use.

Toilet therapy

7 steps to success!

A thought-passing method specially designed for intellectuals.

  1. We think, we think, we ANALYZE. We write down the process of thinking on a piece of paper.
  2. We are waiting for you to want it big.
  3. We sit on the toilet and reread our thoughts on paper.
  4. We visualize how thoughts from the head pass through the body and intestines.
  5. Through the anus we release thoughts into the toilet, along with the feces.
  6. We use a sheet of paper with thoughts for a second purpose.
  7. When the result is completely in the toilet, let the water run and exhale. We feel relief and pleasure from life!

Important!!! ...We take paper, preferably soft

Rotten. 2015. Circulation 1 copy.

8 chosen

Man is a social being and, no matter what we say, the opinions of others will always be important to us. This is genetic; even in ancient times, the worst thing was to become an outcast. After all, loneliness meant inevitable death. So it's easy to say: "I'm not a dollar to please everyone" but it is much more difficult to actually be guided by this principle in life. But excessive dependence on the opinions of others will also not lead to good. Let's think about how to deal with it.

What will they think?

A question that worries every person from time to time. Moreover, the correct answer in 80% of cases is: nothing. I’ll tell you a secret: people are much more interested in thinking about themselves and their problems than noticing the shortcomings of others. We wouldn't worry so much about what others think of us if we realized how rarely they do.

Look around: perhaps these people are now tormenting themselves with thoughts of what you think about them.

And even if they think about it!

And if people around you think badly of you or even say nasty things out loud, you shouldn’t take it to heart. The thoughts of others are not your problem until you let them into your head. As I said Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” And this is pure truth. She gave me another brilliant recipe for independent thinking Coco Chanel: "I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all."

Remember, people who tend to notice and discuss the shortcomings of others usually suffer from their own psychological problems and complexes. So in a simple way they are trying to raise their not very high self-esteem.

Laughter is the best medicine

Self-irony– an excellent defense mechanism from other people’s traumatic assessments. When a person is not averse to laughing at himself, he deprives all the critics and comedians around him of work. It is extremely difficult to offend or offend such a person.

Among friends

But, of course, every person needs recognition and approval. Children suffer the most from the judgments of others school age, because their social circle is limited by the composition of the class, and it is not always possible to find those in it who will accept you for who you are. Adults are more free in this matter and are not at all obliged to communicate with those who do not like them. Find a social circle in which you will feel easy and comfortable, where people will share your values ​​and interests. This is much more pleasant and productive than trying to please those with whom you have nothing in common.

Your way

Often a person is very concerned about the opinions of others due to the fact that he is not sure of the correctness of his own actions. First of all, you need to understand your own goals and find an explanation for your decisions. In general, realize and understand your path. If you understand why you live this way and not otherwise, the opinions of others on this issue will cease to worry you.