Scenario for Motherland Day in the library. Scenario “Big Russia, a small corner”

“You are my native land! My little Motherland!

Scenario of the gala event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Kursk region.

Target: to form civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral

personality traits of students through visual arts

activities; cultivate love for your small homeland.


Instill love for native land, develop the desire to study the history of their native land and maintain a careful and respectful attitude towards the memory of their ancestors;

Develop students' creative and communication abilities;

Moral and aesthetic education schoolchildren by involving them in active creative activity;

Age of participants: 5-11 grades

Preparatory work:

    For hall decoration (balloons, posters)

    Choose costumes for participants

    Choose musical accompaniment

Presenters to the song by E. Krylatov on the lyrics. L. Derbeneva “Song about the Native Land” comes on stage.

1 presenter.

How many fabulous places Russia has.

Russia has countless regions.

Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,

But it won’t be more dear than here!

2 presenter.

Kursk region!

An excited bird

My soul flies to you.

Everyone who was born a Kuryan

Keep the spirit of the fatherland in your heart!

3 presenter.

And the native land lay wide and far away,

Where every corner of it is good;

But there is no place in fate more beautiful than the native land,

In which you were born and live.

4 presenter.

The earth lies warmed by care,

What do they give her? peasant sons,

Soaked in blood, hot sweat,

From our days to ancient times.

1 presenter.

You are known for your ringing glory

Since the epic times, apparently for good reason,

My native Kursk side -

Nightingale places in Russia.

The song “Kursk Region” is playing (Alexey Pogibelov)

A girl in a costume representing the Kursk region comes out, performs several dance moves to the song, and stops in the center of the stage.

2 Presenter. Each nation has its own history, its own heroes, its own memory. The ancient Kursk region, famous for nightingale trills, is part of the glorious history of the Russian people. This region cannot be confused with any other. Anyone who has visited here is imbued with sincere respect for the ancient cities on the banks of Tuskari and Seim - Kursk, Rylsk, Lgov, Sudzha, Oboyan. Known for a long time, inhabited by talented people, the Kursk region has rightfully become an important link in the long chain of the history of the development of the Russian state, being for several centuries a stronghold Kievan Rus, and then the Moscow state in their fight against external enemies, in expanding trade relations, in strengthening the economy and defense.

(Under musical accompaniment warriors appear.)

Glorious is our land, proud of its victories,

Glorious for those places where there were battles

We repulsed the Tatar-Mongol hordes,

They have reliably strengthened their borders.

We stood like a wall - trouble will only come,

Protecting our native lands;

And in Prince Igor’s regiment there were Kurians,

The brave ones are those who were fed from the spear.

Our commanders are highly valued,

That we were led to victory in a mortal struggle;

The glory of both Donskoy and Nevsky does not fade,

And Suvorov and Kutuzov are in our destiny.

We fought for Rus', we fought for freedom,

Every battle we fought with our enemies was holy with heroism;

Here we once had a wild field,

And now there are cities and villages here.

There is nothing more expensive than your native land,

That for everyone in life there is a reliable stronghold;

And our holy faith lives on for centuries,

That our people will always prosper.

(they leave to the music)

The song “Kursk Bulge - Kursk Territory” is performed (Evgeny2 Cherepnin)

Children with fragments of the Coat of Arms and Flag of the Kursk Region come out to the music, performing dance moves, the fragments are used to make up the Coat of Arms and Flag of the region.

Presenter 1

First, you united us into a family,

Districts, fraternal - a colorful bouquet!

You gave them maternal love,

And as if, children, she brought her into the light!

Presenter 2.

Districts, cherished, cherished, loved,

As if, mistress, - indoor flower,

And gradually, everyone turned,

In a picturesque paradise!

Presenter 1.

Let's walk through your neighborhoods,

For your anniversary! Everyone will come as one,

And like a mother, with a smile and a bow,

They will bring you a bouquet for good luck!

Song. “Kursk region” (Sergey Basmanov)

A group of children come out - readers. The children offer their hand to the Kursk Region and lead them forward.

You are young! Your anniversary is not years,

And 80 is still not a century.

And, as a worthy ruler of nature,

The main thing here remains - the person!

Experienced difficulties, adversity,

Aimed only at success,

Blessed be the great pride of Rus'!

Always - today, tomorrow and forever!

Your years are not old age - nonsense!

Until you remain as young in soul as ever!

With our love you will become more beautiful and sweeter,

With beautiful avenues, with the decoration of the squares.

Not caressed by words, native side.

Cost you centuries, my pearl!

Song “I look into the blue lakes”

The presenters come out.

1 presenter.

Hospitality and cordiality
Our Kursk region is famous.
Here are Russian songs for you,
And a honey loaf.

2 presenter.

My dear side! Such a painfully dear land!
You ring a ringing song within me, you live with me in the same destiny.
So mysterious, wonderful, with a beautiful pure soul
And with the trill of a nightingale, and with a song about our Kursk Root.
(the song “Root” sounds)

1 Presenter:


2 Presenter: Remembering and loving our Motherland is our duty!

Peaceful work on earth is the main thing
We live for the ages to come
Illuminated by good glory
Famous fellow countrymen
IN new music I can hear the old one
Above the water of man-made seas,
Kursk region – Small Motherland
The honor and pride of Russia is mine

Song about Kursk Region

Alyosha Boroznyak

Song about Kursk Region

My heart is my native land,
I'm happy here with you,
Pain and melancholy - get out of your chest!
Reward me with your strength!

I sing a song, I praise, I write,

Nightingale's land, I will dawn yours
I give this line to the people of Kursk!

IN long journey, long way,
I'll never find someone more beautiful than you,
Your apple trees have an unearthly aroma
It’s like a magnet always attracts you back!

I sing a song, I praise, I write,
I cry, I love, I breathe deeply...
Nightingale's land, I will dawn yours
I give this line to you all!

Trills and maples, whispering leaves,
The smell of lilacs, your lakes,
You are everything to me, my dear land,
Bloom and prosper forever!

I sing a song, I praise, I write,
I cry, I love, I breathe deeply...
Nightingale's land, I will dawn yours
I thank you with every line...










Knowledge lesson "My small Motherland"

Goals: introducing schoolchildren to the spiritual and moral values ​​of Orthodox culture and traditions Russian society, instilling in the younger generation respect for the history of the Russian people, developing a sense of love for the Motherland, showing the importance of the homeland in the life of every person. Expanding and deepening students' knowledge of history hometown, sat down. Fostering a sense of love for one’s small homeland and pride in it.
Objectives: Educational: generalize the concepts: Motherland, small homeland Developmental: develop children’s speech, horizons, memory, attention, develop interest in reading documentary and historical literature.
Educational: teach children to see and feel the beauty of their native land,
cultivate respect for the moral experience of representatives of the older generation. To create a need for the preservation of historical and cultural and Orthodox monuments native land.
Design: multimedia presentations, a video with the song “Rus is called holy” by Archdeacon Roman (Tamberg), a video with a song based on the verses of M. Matusovsky performed by M. Bernes “Where does the Motherland begin?”, a video with the song “What could be better than Russia,” drawings by students.
Form: conversation hour.

Progress of the lesson.
Teacher: Dear guys! Our entire huge country today rejoices at the most important school holiday - Knowledge Day. For some it's like that important event happens for the first time for someone last time, and for you, for the sixth time, the bell in our native Orthodox gymnasium “Tenderness” heralds the beginning of a new academic year.

Knowledge Day is a holiday for the whole country,
When all schools open their doors,
And everywhere the happy laughter of children,
And maples in red greet everyone in schools,
I congratulate each of you
WITH wonderful holiday autumn and I wish
To become successful start class in life,
Where we start studying in the fall.

And our meeting today will be dedicated to the road for every Russian and Orthodox man topic. And what we will talk about, try to guess for yourself by listening to the poem:

Gorelov Andrey: I get out of bed early,
So that thanks to the Creator,
Look like out of the fog
The dawn is breaking.
Diyanova Katya: From a blade of grass to a haystack -
Everything seems to be singing.
Everyone stands up to praise God -
Bird people and sunrise.
Vikhlyantsev Dima: Here is a flock of birds chirping:
“How bright it is to live in Russia!”
And me too, Holy Rus',
I will love you forever.
Lemyakina Liza: I am with a radiant candle
I get on my knees,
God with the Most Pure Mother
I will pray for Russia
Prosvirov Vadim: My Rus', beloved Rus'! I look at you, boundless, now leafy, now snowy, I look and can’t see enough.
Davydova Polina: I magnify you again, Dear epic land, I glorify every height and inch, I admire the fields and valleys.
Ruslina Zhanna: I glorify every path of yours, I glorify every early dawn, With tireless spiritual thirst I write a bright verse from daisies
Teacher: So what topic will we devote our class hour?
Students: Today we will talk about Russia and our small homeland.
Teacher: Correct. You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spreads freely from the snow and ice of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. And all this is sacred, God’s gift to us, Russians.
Our path is through fields, forests...
All our sweet stuff is here:
We are both soul and eyes
Let's look at everything that is here.
Well, they will tell us, what a miracle
Pines, spruces, and rye...
Is it really that beautiful?
Is your region really that good?
Instead of answering over rye
Blagovest suddenly sings:
“Everything here is holy, everything is God -
Sky, nature, people!..”
It stands in truth, not in strength
This prayed-for region;
Wonderful expanses of Russia:
This is where heaven begins.
Teacher: From time immemorial, Rus' has been called holy. Holy Rus' is not sinless Rus', Holy Rus' is a people who feel sacred in their hearts and strive for purity and holiness in any trials.

Video with the song “Rus is called holy” by Archdeacon Roman (Tamberg).

Teacher: Russian squads, warriors of Prince Igor, heroes of the Kulikovo field went into battle for the Motherland. The great word “Motherland” knocked in their hearts, it forced painters to take up their brushes, it sounds in the music of composers, in the words of poets.
Since ancient times, the theme of the Motherland has become main theme Russian literature. Pushkin and Lermontov, Nekrasov and Tyutchev, Prokofiev and Yesenin dedicated inspired lines to her.
What is HOMELAND for a person? What does he consider his homeland? Vadim Prosvirov will tell us about this.
What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I grow up,
And a birch tree by the road,
Which way we are walking.
What do we call Motherland?
Sun in the blue sky
And fragrant, golden bread
For festive table.
What do we call Motherland?
The land where you and I live!
Teacher: Where does the Motherland begin? A person will not immediately answer this
question. For each, probably, from something different, personal
Video with a song based on the verses of M. Matusovsky performed by M. Bernes
“Where does the Motherland begin?”
Teacher: Homeland begins on the threshold of your home. She is huge and beautiful. And everyone has one, like a mother. The homeland is the mother of its people. She is proud of her sons and daughters, takes care of them, comes to the rescue, and gives strength. We love our Motherland. And loving the Motherland means living the same life with it.
If they say the word Motherland,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
By the river there is a birch tree - a shy one
And chamomile hillock
And others will probably remember
Your Moscow home yard.
The first boats are in the puddles,
The clatter of feet above the jump rope,
And a large neighboring factory
Loud joyful whistle.
Or the steppe is red with poppies.
Golden virgin soil
Homeland is different
But everyone has one! (read by Polina Davydova and Violetta Kapranova)
Teacher: The homeland is the land, the state where a person is born.
The word "Motherland" comes from ancient word“Kin”, which denotes a group of people united by blood (Kinship).

Competition "Relatives" (you can involve parents).
It is suggested to name as many words as possible with the root “genus”.

(Options: give birth, parents, relative, relatives, relatives, pedigree, people, nationality, spring, native, etc.)
PARENTS - father and mother who give birth to children.
RELATIVE - relative, member of a clan.
RELATIVES - relatives.
PEDIGREE – a list of generations of one kind. People are proud of their ancestry and study it.
MOTHERLAND is the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.
PEOPLE – nation, inhabitants of the country.

Teacher: Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, this is where my small homeland begins.
A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work or study, service to God and the Fatherland. Birth mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - so simple, warm, human values become the basis of true love for the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.

Proverbs speak of how carefully the Russian people have always treated their Motherland and the Orthodox Faith.

Game “Make up a proverb” (made up together with parents)
Motherland is mother, serve the Motherland.
To live - know how to stand up for it.
A man without a homeland is all under God.
The Russian land is like a nightingale without a song.

Teacher: The concept of “Motherland” is broad and capacious. The vast expanses of Russia with the breadth of its fields, rivers and lakes, forests and arable lands immediately appear in my thoughts. And among all this diversity there is earth, there is a point, there is the very dear to the heart and a place for your soul: this is your small homeland.

Small Motherland -
An island of land.
There are currants under the window,
The cherries have blossomed.
curly apple tree,
And under it there is a bench -
Affectionate little one
My homeland! (read by Andrey Gorelov)

Teacher: And now the children themselves will tell us about their small homeland.
Diyanova Katya - Volzhsky,
Kozmina Vika – p. Zaplavnoe.
(Creative individual assignment– story with presentation) - Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?
- Do you know famous fellow countrymen? - What can you tell about the history of your region?
- What Orthodox churches are there in your city or village?

Teacher: Our Motherland - Russia is famous for its abundance Orthodox churches and churches. All over the country (even in the smallest town) you can find Orthodox Church or a small temple. The city of Volzhsky, Volgograd and the village of Zaplavnoye were no exception.

Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle:
Let it be a difficult time for the Motherland,
But not a fairy tale, not an epic
The White Temple rises above the ruins.
God's temple rises freely,
He also sings a bell song!..
A smooth song floats to the skies -
Orthodox Rus' is coming to life!
My village Zaplavnoye
Glorious in the rays of dawn,
The silence is immense,
My village Zaplavnoe,
You are incomparable to anything.
Embraced by the blue of heaven
Yes, the sun is so scorching,
Rich in history
In the past and in the present.
There has always been kindness here
Continuity is holy,
Became a village tradition
And the village is rich in them.
Rich in lush beauty
And the floodplain expanse,
The sparkling Akhtuba River -
You can’t take in everything at once.
There are countless medicinal herbs here
And clay by the road.
There is a primordial source,
As God pleases.
The village of Zaplavnoe stands
As a symbol of our life,
Glorious in the rays of dawn,
It gets even more beautiful over the years.
L.N. Zinevich
(read by Dima Vikhlyantsev and Zhanna Ruslina)

Teacher: Centuries, decades have passed, but even today we protect native land, to withstand the harsh tests of time, not to flinch, helps us
the power of the Orthodox faith

Love Russia like a mother - Love in sickness, in health And in her heart Orthodoxy Try to understand and accept.
We are in the center of a spiritual war. Cruel and nervous times. And only with one faith can we still be strong.
These words may be loud, but I really want to repeat them! Believe me, Russia will not end, As long as faith is alive.
As long as the temples remain tall and golden-domed! Let time change. The main thing is to love Russia like a mother! (N. Tananko.)

Teacher: Our class hour is coming to an end. Russia, Motherland, small homeland. Such painfully familiar words. Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth. But wherever we are, our native land will always be for us that bright light that will be ours bright light invite us to our native lands. Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his family.

About the homeland - I speak quietly: After all, about great love There is no need to shout. She is my joy and reward, I’ll say about her - I’ll say a prayer: “Be forever in prosperity and glory, Give you strength, Almighty, to preserve peace, Give us strength to live without further ado, And not to lose ourselves before you!” (read by Katya Diyanova)

Video with the song “What could be better than Russia.”
Presentation of memorable gifts (Icon Mother of God“Increasing your mind”, lesson schedule).

NOU "PEK gymnasium "Tenderness"

Knowledge lesson "My small Motherland"
for 6th grade students

class teacher
6th grade
Prokhorova T. D.

With. Zaplavnoe

13PAGE 14815

Heading 1 Heading 315

MOTHERLAND DAY. HOST. Where does the Motherland begin? Each of us, sooner or later, tries to find the answer to this question for ourselves and each of us solves it in our own way. For some, homeland is a house, a yard, a street in big city, another will name a small, quiet village where he spent every summer of his happy childhood. But we also have something in common, big Motherland– the country in which we were born and raised. She gave us a language in which there are so many kind words, in which our favorite books and songs are written. Our native land poured into us enormous, lush strength with air, water and bread, grown by a grain grower and baked by a Russian woman with love.

    What is Motherland? It's the smell of bread
The sun is radiant, the sky is blue. These are lush grasses, these are fast rivers, These are dusty steppes and fragrant meadows.
    What is Motherland? Everything that is sacred to people
And the grave of a soldier who fell for the Motherland. Let the sun come out over our Fatherland, No beloved of the Motherland, and sweeter, and more beautiful.
    Favorite region! I dream about my heart
Stacks of sun in the waters of the bosom. I would like to get lost in your hundred-ringed greens.
    What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I grow up, And the birch trees along the road along which we walk.
    What do we call Motherland?
The sun is in the blue sky and fragrant, golden bread at the festive table.
    What do we call Motherland?
The land where you and I live, And the ruby ​​stars - Stars of the world above the Kremlin. HOST. How do you imagine your homeland? Why do you love her? Children show their drawings and read excerpts from their essays. HOST.Where did the word “homeland” come from?
    The word “homeland” comes from the ancient word “clan,” which denotes a group of people united by blood. Each of us is a descendant of some ancient ancient family. And the word “genus” itself means the most ancient Slavic god Rhoda. Main city The Russian tribe was called Roden (Kinfolk). It was dedicated to the god Rod. To give birth means to give birth to offspring. A woman will give birth, an animal will give birth, she will give birth
    Parents are the father and mother who give birth to children. Kinsman is a relative, a member of a clan.
Relatives are relatives.
    Pedigree – a list of generations of one kind. People are proud of their ancestry, and
they look forward to her.
    The Motherland is both the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person. People – nation, nationality, inhabitants of the country. There are many more words with the root -rod-: nationality, people, relatives, spring and others.
HOST. Let's continue the conversation about our Motherland. Our state is called Russia, the Russian Federation. How does one state differ from another?
    They differ in the language the people speak, their symbols, history, customs, traditions, and geographical location.
HOST.Name the main symbols of the state.
    The coat of arms is a state symbol that can be admired as a work of art; you can read it by solving the symbols. We have a very beautiful coat of arms. The background of the coat of arms is red. This is the color of life. Against the background of a red shield is a golden double-headed eagle. The eagle's wings are like golden sun rays, and the golden bird itself is like the sun. The eagle is a symbol of the sun, heavenly power, fire and immortality. The eagle's right paw clutches the scepter - a staff decorated with intricate carvings, gold and precious stones. In his left paw there is an orb - a golden ball with a cross on top. We see crowns above the eagle's heads. In ancient times, crowns, scepters and orbs served as symbols of power. Today they remind us of the historical past of our Motherland, symbolize the unity of our state and its independence from other states. On the eagle's chest there is an image of a horseman against the background of a red shield. This is Saint George the Victorious. He is on a white horse, a blue cloak flutters behind his shoulders, right hand he has a silver spear, which helped him defeat the serpent. The black snake is a symbol of evil. He is defeated by the hero. A faithful horse tramples the dragon with its hooves. Our coat of arms is very ancient. It appeared more than five hundred years ago - in 1497. It was first introduced by Tsar Ivan III Vasilievich- Grand Duke of All Rus', that’s what they called him. It was the coat of arms of the Moscow State, the Russian Empire, and now it is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.
HOST: What is the meaning of flowers Russian flag.
    There are different versions. According to one, this is the unity of sea, earth and sky. According to another, this is a community of three Slavic peoples. According to the third, the colors of the flag symbolized: white - faith, purity; blue – sky, nobility, loyalty; red – heroism, courage, loyalty. There is also this version: white is faith, blue is hope, red is love. These colors are most often used in folk costumes and decorative arts. The white, blue and red flag of Russia is more than three hundred years old. Each state has its own national anthem. Anthem is a solemn song or melody that is performed on especially solemn occasions: during the raising of the national flag, during national holidays, during military rituals and sports competitions. When the anthem of any country is played, people listening to it stand up and men take off their hats. This is how respect for the country whose anthem is played is shown.
(the first verse and chorus of the anthem are performed)
    My Rus', I love your birches!
From the first years I lived and grew up with them, That’s why tears come to my eyes, weaned from tears.
    I love the smoke of burnt stubble,
In the steppe, a convoy spends the night on a hill in the middle of a yellow field, a row of white birches.
    You are so beautiful, little birch
And at noon, hot, and at the hour of dew, That Russia is unthinkable without you, And I cannot imagine without your beauty.
    In a clearing, on a hill,
Under the window among the fields, a blond birch tree is a symbol of my Motherland. PRESENTER. The dear, dear birch tree has long been considered a symbol of Russia, a symbol of the Motherland. The birch tree is sung in poetry and prose, in music, painting and folklore. Russia and birch! These two concepts are inseparable.
    People call the birch the beauty of Russian forests. Slender, with thin long branches and a spreading crown, it is attractive at all times of the year. Many songs, epics, legends have been composed about the birch, many have been created picturesque paintings. Everyone knows it, it is the most common tree. The symbol and pride of the Russian people. Beautiful white birch both in an open field and in a bright forest clearing. And the white trunks of a birch grove against the background of summer grass and bright flowers - such a picture will be remembered for a lifetime. What a cute and charming tree! Not one of the trees contains so many concepts, does not give birth to so many images and comparisons. Wherever you are, peering into the birch forest, looking at the slender, white trunks flying towards the sky, you always remember our Motherland. Young birch trees are slender, straight, as if on tiptoe reaching towards the sky, reminiscent of a girl’s beauty, slender and stately, with a flexible waist and light brown braids. Green hairstyle,
Girlish breasts, Oh, thin birch tree, Why are you looking into the pond? What is the wind whispering to you? What is the sand ringing about? Or do you want to be in the braided branches? Are you the best comb?
    Open up, tell me the secret
Your woody thoughts, I fell in love with Your sad pre-autumn noise. And the birch tree answered me: “Oh, curious friend, Tonight, on a starry night, here the shepherd shed tears.
    The moon cast shadows
The greenery shone. He hugged me by my bare knees. And taking a deep breath, he said to the sound of the branches: “Farewell, my dove, Until the new cranes.” HOST: It is impossible to imagine the life of our ancestors without birch. Their source of light was a birch beam, which illuminated their homes for many centuries. And everything from birch goes into business. Medicines are prepared from the kidneys. The branches are used to make brooms and brooms. From birch bark craftsmen they make tueski, baskets for collecting mushrooms and berries. Birch firewood is the best fuel in a Russian stove. The wood is used to make plywood, furniture, durable skis, turpentine, wood alcohol, and vinegar.
    Who among us doesn’t like birch sap or kvass infused with it? Healing properties I have young birch leaves, unopened buds, a mulberry mushroom - chaga: fruit growths with a black surface. The fate of the Russian birch is amazing. IN peacetime she is a joy, a friend, an adviser, and in war she is a warrior. During the terrible years of the war, the birch was a symbol of the invincible Motherland. Behind the village, in the distance, at the crossroads
Field, barely noticeable paths, I recognized familiar birch trees, Where I dug a trench for myself. And I involuntarily remembered how their branches groaned from explosions and fire... Near those birches, my comrades picked me up, barely alive. Since then, Black deep scars have remained on the birches, Since then, with love, birch trees Soldiers often told me. “You wouldn’t have overcome evil death, you wouldn’t have endured serious wounds, if we hadn’t given you to drink the bright tears of birch trees... HOST. Russia has always been famous for its songs and dances. In songs, Russian people are sad and happy, cradle children, protect the house, sing native nature. The song is also a symbol of Russia. We must know, love and pass the song on from generation to generation.
    Singing about Russia - why strive to go to church
Across forested mountains, field carpets... To sing about Russia is to welcome spring, To wait for a bride, to console a mother... To sing about Russia is to forget melancholy, To love love, to be immortal...
    Russian song glorifies native nature.
The Russian song in the birches, The Russian song in the bread - In the meadows, in the frosts, On the sleigh and in the meadows.
    Rowan trees rustle in the wind.
Everyone is ready to listen to them. How many songs does Russia have, How many flowers are there in the field.
    The Russian song sang of animals that helped to live.
“Oh, my meadow duck!” I don’t know who put it together, Only that song is kind, A song dear to me from childhood, both a friend and a sister!
    Russian songs calmed and lulled, protected. They grieved and cried with the Russian song.
And her simple words touch my soul to tears. Russia has so many songs! How many birch trees there are in the groves!
    They rejoiced and had fun with the Russian song.
Fair - “Oh, pancakes!” We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time, We wanted pancakes.
    Russian songs are like this
What a desire to sing along. No one can count how many songs Russia has! HOST. What is the Motherland, what does this word mean to you? It turns out that there are a lot of things. Today we have touched only a small part of what we call the Motherland.
    Take care of Russia -
There is no other Russia. Take care of its peace and quiet, This is the sky and the sun, This bread is on the table And the dear window In a forgotten village...
    Take care of Russia,
We cannot live without her. Take care of her, So that she may be forever. Our truth and strength, Our whole destiny. Take care of Russia - There is no other Russia.
    Just think about it, listen to the name Russia!
It contains dew, and blue, and radiance, and strength. I would ask only one thing from fate - So that the enemies do not go to Russia again.
    Oh, Russia! A country with a difficult fate.
I have you, Russia, like one heart. I will tell a friend, I will tell an enemy: Without you, like without a heart, I cannot live.
    Why do we all love our Motherland Russia?
Because nowhere is there a more beautiful Motherland. Because nowhere is there better than our arable lands, Better than our blue rivers and our clearings. We sing songs about our Motherland, Because nowhere is there a more wonderful Motherland.

Goals and objectives:

  • Cognitive: introducing students to folk traditions Russian, Bashkir and Kazakh culture, with the history of their native land, objects of ancient life;
  • Educational: education of citizenship, patriotism, love for one’s native land, formation of a tolerant consciousness of students, acceptance respectful attitude to different nationalities;
  • Developmental: development of family creativity and cooperation between family and school, nurturing a sense of love and respect for parents, pride in one’s family;

Design: the name of the holiday “My land is my native home”, in the center is a map of the Orenburg region, around the map are pictures of the peoples inhabiting the region in national costumes


  • costume for brownie Kuzi,
  • grandma's chest with relics,
  • cards with situations for dads
  • quiz question cards
  • paper, pens for commands

Presenter 1:

Oh, Holy Motherland,
What heart does not tremble,
Blessing you?

Presenter 2: Our Motherland is Russia. But everyone living in this vast country has a place close to their hearts, where they want to return again and again. For us, this place is our Orenburg region.

Student 1: (reads a poem)

Native land
(R.P. Gerasimov)

On the map - the size of a palm or even smaller,
If you’re on foot, try to get around it!
Look: endless - endless
All the steppes and steppes run ahead.

Should I express the river in words?
I couldn’t find a better comparison -
By the hard hand of our native Orenburg region,
The Ural flows like a blue vein...

The people are rooted, hard-working, broad-shouldered,
The soul of the people is as wide as the steppe.
Come out to dance:
Movements like shots.
And the songs are slower than the clouds.

I love everything here
And everything here is familiar to me:
And the sky and the sun that wanders in the bread.
I remember forever
Like in my parents' house
The smell of a loaf in mother's hands.
And is the heat drying us out?
Do snowstorms blow?
We are proud, having washed the fields generously,
What's in the Coat of Arms of our Motherland
Orenburg Bread
We wove the golden ears.

Presenter 1: (reads a poem)

My region

My land is Orenburg,
The edge is wormwood!
A world of trembling aspens and birches.
Over the loamy steppe road
Flash of salt
The whites were fading.
In a long time ago, almost an epic year
From the Volga gloomy land
Along this long, long road
My father and grandfather came here.
I walked and ran along it,
He fell on his face on the far boundary.
To their now last night
I come to stand in silence.
I hug the earth with my soul
Dear until the end of days.
Clouds like cherries in white May,
They float slowly over it.

Presenter 2: But every person also has a small homeland.

Student 2: (reads a poem)

Small Motherland
(V. Tikhomirov)

Small homeland!
My father's land, I am your blade of grass.
You can leave...
No one will judge.
How many people are sitting at the stations?
People believe in a bright future.
What lies ahead for them?
Maybe I'll leave too one day
I've seen better places in Russia.
But is it really not important for the heart?
Where two cherry bushes will bloom.

Small homeland!
My father's land, I am your blood.
The sun is shining or bad weather is beating,
I am without you like a fire without fire.

Presenter 1: At the confluence of the rivers - Kuraganka and Blyavy - The village is located, Blyavtamak is my native.

Presenter 2:

Here in the world we are year after year
We live, friend helping a friend,
And he lives here with us
History of the native land.

Presenter 1: Small Motherland, father's house, family is the beginning of everything.

We are family.
Fatherly strict
Our native lands come to us.
And the Fatherland, too, in the end -
No, not just people, but family.

We are united by love and faith,
We are united by land and labor.
And the doors are open to friendship
To our good, stable home.

Presenter 2: Today our families will open their friendly doors for us.

(Representation of families).

Presenter 1: Our families will be assessed by a Family Council consisting of:

(Introduction of the jury members).

So we begin our holiday “My land is my home.”

Presenter 2:

The family is like a fortress - impregnable, indestructible,
And every year it becomes more reliable and durable.
Everyone has their own - united and loved,
And it is famous for its foundations and tradition.

Presenter 1: So, according to tradition, the first “Business Card” competition.

(Families present their business cards.)

Presenter 2: The ethnic picture of our region is multifaceted. The land of the Orenburg region is very ancient, preserving the memory of many generations, historical events. There are about 80 nationalities in the region. The multinational population of the Orenburg region includes, in particular, Russians, Bashkirs, and Kazakhs. Therefore today in competitive program families of different nationalities participate.

Presenter 1: The culture of the Orenburg region consists of ancient traditions and customs different nations, which are carefully stored, respected and passed on from generation to generation. And today our competitors will demonstrate to you the features of the national song, dance and cuisine. You've probably already noticed that our competition participants are in national costumes. Please demonstrate them.

(Families show their national costumes, perform national songs, dancing, offering their dishes to the audience and jury).

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the Family Council (scores for the business card).

Presenter 2:

I am happy: my homeland is a village.
It gave me the joy of creativity.
And I draw strength from the earth,
Which the fathers were able to save.

I am glad that my native land exists in life.
I can’t count my favorite places in it.
And if they ask where my soul is,
I will answer: “The house where I was born!”

And now our contestants will have to answer questions in a quiz dedicated to their native land.

Local history:

  1. When was the village of Blyavtamak formed?
  2. Where does the Kuraganka River originate, and why is it called that?
  3. In what year was Blyavtamak secondary school opened?


  1. How is the name of the river “Blyava” translated from the Bashkir language?
  2. How is the name of the village “Blyavtamak” translated from Bashkir?
  3. How is the Yaman-Kasa copper ore deposit translated from the Bashkir language?


  1. Name the rivers that flow through the territory of our city and are polluted by industrial wastewater and household waste.
  2. For what reason were the waters of the Kherson reservoir drained?
  3. Name the enterprises of the city, the production of which has a detrimental effect on the ecology of the city of Mednogorsk.

Presenter 1: Word to the family council (scores for costumes, dance, song, dish).

Presenter 2: IN today's world difficult, uncomfortable. People sometimes run somewhere without noticing each other, and are inattentive to each other. We argue, we regret kind words and warmth for your loved ones and relatives.

Presenter 1: And it depends only on us what our home will become - a continuation of these problems, troubles, uncertainty and anxiety, or a source of cheerfulness, optimism, warmth and tolerance.

Presenter 2: The British said correctly when they locked the door: “My home is my fortress”

Presenter 1: And I propose to open the gates, lower the bridges, open the windows and let more light and warmth into your fortresses.

(Suddenly the lights on the stage begin to flash, hooting and the sound of a broken bowl are heard).

Presenter 2: What is this? Who is this?

(A “quack” is heard and “Brownie” appears on the stage.)

Brownie(looks around at all the presenters, studies the scenery): Have they really forgotten about me? Everyone knows well that the brownie loves families who live in complete harmony, and those owners who take care of their property and keep their yard tidy and clean. If one of these people forgets to feed the cow or simply turn off the kettle on the stove, then the brownie himself will take care of him. Don't you agree?

Presenter 1: No, no, grandfather Brownie! We know and believe that you testify to vitality house spirit and close to good human interests!

Presenter 2: Yes, Grandfather Brownie, look, because today wonderful families came to visit us: students from our school along with their fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, grandparents. The families are friendly, cheerful, talented: everyone sings, dances, plays musical instruments.

Brownie: Now we’ll check it!

Presenter 1: As many as you like!

Brownie: In the old days, how smart the kids were!

Presenter 2: And ours are no worse either!

Brownie: I have a chest. This is my great-grandmother's chest. I often find gifts from the owners in it: then interesting book, then a candy, then a piece of pie... Oh! There are so many surprises here! But so be it, I’ll share it with you.

(The brownie takes out the contents of the chest.)

Presenter 1: It seems to me that these are antiques that few people use nowadays.

Presenter 2: But despite this, we must know what they are called.

(Children guess the correct name of this or that antique item and what it is intended for).

Presenter 1: What do you say, Grandfather Brownie, smart children?

Brownie: That’s right, may they be healthy. By the way, I want to check whether all mothers know how to keep their children healthy themselves, without the help of a doctor. For example, a small illness attacked. Tomorrow there is school, and the children need to be put on their feet overnight.

Presenter 2: So try it. I think our mothers know secrets traditional medicine and they will tell you now how garlic, radishes, and potatoes help with diseases.

(Moms tell recipes of traditional medicine, for example: Garlic treats sore throat, hypertension, insomnia, flu, and serves to remove warts and calluses. Radish helps with cough, kidney stones, neuralgia, anthelmintic, removes freckles. Contraindicated for stomach diseases. Potato used for burns, eczema, for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, for gastritis and ulcers in its raw form, as a cosmetic with milk and yolk.)

Presenter 1: Write what associations you have with the phrase “your family.” The result of this competition depends on how many matches there are in the answers of parents and children.

(This information, obtained simultaneously from both children and parents, helps determine the child’s position in the family, the parents’ desire to know their child, his problems, his internal state.)

The answers are read out by the parents one by one, then by the children.

Presenter 2: “Nature in the house is the family healer.” Now let’s listen to the ditties that the cheerful girls will sing to us.

Presenter 1: But let’s forget about illnesses, we are here, thank God, healthy, and let illnesses not overshadow the holiday.

Brownie: Agree! And now it’s the turn to see what the heads of families are capable of. It often happens that fathers take a passive part in the life of the family; they have no time to pay attention to their children, wife...

Presenter 2: No, ours are not like that, they know how to support a company, they are cheerful, resourceful, sociable and attentive.

Brownie: Please console my state of mind with a proverb or saying. Cheer me up!

  1. I lost a large amount of money.
  2. I forgot to buy my wife a gift for March 8th.
  3. I'm called to school again.

(Dads recall proverbs or sayings that correspond to this situation, for example:

  1. Money doesn't buy happiness.
    Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
    Whatever is done is for the better.
  2. Better late than never.
    It's like a gift.
  3. I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.
    Small children are small problems, big children are big problems.
    Seven nannies have a child without an eye.)

Presenter 1: Word to the Family Council. (The jury evaluates previous competitions).

We have heard how our mothers treat. Will they be able to remember how small their children were, tell a fairy tale or sing a lullaby? I am very pleased to announce the “Evening Tale or Lullaby” competition.

Brownie: Well done! Passed the test. Now I am sure that when guests come to any of your families, they will not get bored, if they are sick, they will improve their health, and will be surprised by the smart kids. This means that you can be admitted to any holiday.

Presenter 2: And now he came to the family’s house (state the family’s last name). We are ready to listen and attend their holiday, but first each family will talk about one of their national holidays.

Presenter 1:

  • Family... shows family holiday
  • Family... shows a family holiday...

Presenter 2: Just great! There were so many guests, and even more fun! But, unfortunately, we must sum up the final results of our “Family Holiday”.

Presenter 1: Word to the Family Council.

Presenter 2: Friendship has won! It couldn’t be otherwise. This means that we will meet again as a friendly multinational team. We will sing and dance, cry and laugh, which means we will live, all Russians, Bashkirs, Kazakhs together... Let's live together!

Presenter 1: Thank you very much families, all participants, those people who helped us in preparing and holding this big bright holiday!

Presenter 2:

Let the spring wind tease everyone,
We cannot live without holidays.
Don't leave your heart, holiday,
Until new holidays, friends!

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