Children of Alla Dukhovoy. Love with or without rules? Alla Dukhova is the “godmother” for countless dancers who graduated from the TODES studio school

Alla Dukhova's life is divided between her beloved sons Vladimir and Konstantin and her other brainchild - the dance group "Todes", the permanent leader of which she has been for more than a quarter of a century. Despite the crazy work schedule, Alla was able to surround her sons with great love, and, at the same time, she always understood that they sorely lacked her attention.

Officially, she was married only once, but her marriage broke up after husband of Alla Dukhova Sergey went to America, but she did not want to go with him. He was a good programmer and always dreamed of working in the States, but Alla did not share this impulse.

So she was left alone with a small child in her arms. At this time, Dukhova was already leading a dance group, she had to work a lot, so little son She sent Vova to her sister in Riga, realizing that the child was better off with his mother, but she could not interrupt her career. She had to be torn between Riga and Moscow, and at that moment Alla’s sister, who herself had five children, provided her with invaluable support, for which Dukhova is eternally grateful to her.

In the photo - Alla Dukhova with her sons

Despite the fact that Vladimir grew up away from his mother, they were able to maintain a spiritual connection with him and remained close. The father of Kostya's second son was common law husband Alla Dukhova Anton is a former DJ, and then a lighting designer at Todes. They met in Bulgaria, but even after the birth of their son they never formalized their marriage.

Allah doesn't consider it prerequisite for a happy family life - for the first time, a stamp in her passport did not save her from divorce. They often had to part with Anton - either she went on tour, or he went with the team to install lights, but these partings only strengthened their love - they had no chance to get tired of each other. But there are also disadvantages to loving at a distance - you can completely lose the habit of each other.

In the photo - with my eldest son

By the way, now I no longer stage numbers without a happy ending. Even if it's sad story, she will definitely have happy ending. I just don’t want to predict bad things, because I’m one hundred percent sure that the creativity you do goes in parallel with your life.

Ballet "Todes" is a country within a country. There's a lot of it like sunlight on a fine day. Everyone knows him. Alla Dukhova is the president of this dance corporation. She is unique in that she skillfully combines her favorite business, which she is busy with almost around the clock, with motherhood. She has two sons, the second one is only two years old. Her main theme in choreographing dances is the relationship between a man and a woman. Maybe that’s why our conversation with her reminded me of a scattering of dances, where main theme there was love. Alla reasoned... Some verbal “compositions” are also called that way in their stage version.

Declaration of love

They have declared their love to me more than once, and thank God, I still listen to confessions. But there was one extraordinary thing that stuck in my mind. A man confessed his love to me in a huge cinema. He just suddenly stood up and began talking about love in complete silence. The effect was crazy. Everyone applauded. And I was terribly embarrassed. Unfortunately, I don’t remember verbatim what he said, but it was very beautiful. He chose such tender words...

But what is the most important thing in recognition? So that the love is mutual. Because no matter how beautifully a person explains things to you, if you don’t have reciprocal feelings for him, then his words sound like empty words. Although they are memorable. But if you love, then there is nothing more beautiful when you wait for recognition. This is called “stop, just a moment!”

Where does Dukhova begin?

There is probably nothing supernatural about me. Where does any person start? From birth. As far back as I can remember, from the very kindergarten Ballet has always delighted me. As a result, everything turned out very correctly in my destiny, and I can’t imagine any other life for myself, outside of choreography. There was never even a thought that I could do something else. Only dancing. So I walk - one goal, one road, I don’t turn right or left. I'm very happy. Going to work with pleasure is a happiness that not many people have. This is something to cherish and be grateful for. I wish this for everyone.


I am very sorry that man - a being of the highest intelligence on the planet - is subject to jealousy. This is a worthless and pathetic feeling. How nice it would be if we could not be jealous! Although someone will say: “How is it so, if not

to renew? This is wonderful! Jealousy can strengthen relationships." And someone deliberately provokes a loved one to jealousy. But keeping it in a suspended state, in tension, is manipulation. This is unfair! A person must be free. Yes, you may be responsible for the one next to you, but you do not have the right to infringe on his freedom. Jealousy is selfishness. When you truly love, you even perceive the departure of your loved one for another with the message of happiness. You love for yourself. But, alas, we are all subject to jealousy and possessiveness. It's instinct, there's no escape. And I went through it. Because, actually, he is a very jealous person. Maybe I won’t show it, but I’m very jealous. And I staged a number under this name just during the period of “exacerbation”.

By the way, now I no longer stage numbers without a happy ending. Even if it is a sad story, it will definitely have a happy ending. I just don’t want to predict bad things, because I’m one hundred percent sure that the creativity you do goes in parallel with your life. If you plan a tragedy, there will be a tragedy in life. So I modulate the situation in positive side.


Reznik said that parting is a little death. Of course, when you part with your loved one, and even if forever, it’s a state of terrible depression. Although I am deeply convinced that a person can survive anything. Any pain dulls, time heals everything. I know from experience. The worst thing is real death when loved ones pass away. I've had breakups in my life. But already when there was no love. In this case, you break up without problems and even continue to be tender friends with the man.

Love at a distance

My husband Anton and I often have to separate; he is constantly on tour with Todes as a lighting director. Or I'm leaving somewhere. There's nothing wrong with "long-distance love" - ​​that's for sure. There are only advantages. We have no chance of getting bored of each other. And it turns out that every time we get to know each other, it’s like anew, so we really value our meetings. So our relationship is like a long-term romance. I'm afraid that if we lived side by side like so many ordinary people, then the romance would have ended long ago. Why? Yes because it started

would be a calm, everyday family life. And we would like to preserve feelings, passion as long as possible.


In our lives, betrayal is everywhere, no matter how cynical it sounds. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances, for whom betrayal occurs at every turn. Fortunately, there are amazing examples when people sincerely want only each other. This is encouraging. I believe this is possible. And I’m sure that will be the case for me. True, it is unknown what surprises life can throw up...

According to observations, husbands cheat on their wives more often, although this is controversial. Would I forgive the betrayal? On the one hand, it seems to me that no. But then it turns out that I could not bear the infringement of my pride. And this is probably wrong. After all, if you love, you will forgive everything. Most likely, I would forgive, no matter what. Although... I'm not sure. I just haven't had this before. No, I admit that they cheated on me. But, fortunately, I didn’t know this. So I think not.

True, for some reason it is believed that when you, say, meet with married man, then your relationship is not cheating. This is at first. And then... I once had an affair with a married man. This didn't lead to anything good. Since then, I have a strict taboo against all married people who pretend to have a personal relationship. For me these are men of the “other sex”.

I also don’t understand girls, women who don’t mind anything to steal a man from under their friend’s nose. For me, if my girlfriend or acquaintance came to visit with her husband or boyfriend, and the thought did not arise that I could flirt with him. It amazes me that many women have no principles and can play a double game. For me this is wildness. And now this can be found at every step.

Children: boy and... boy

I gave birth to my first son Volodya neither early nor late. At a normal age. The youngest, Kostya, gave birth well after 30, but also on time. Because I am sure that a woman needs to give birth after 30. Absolutely! Well, what kind of mothers are 18–19 years old who still need to educate themselves? Anecdotal. No experience, nothing. They don't even know how to truly love. You need to give birth consciously and with pleasure. I am very glad that I didn’t give birth at 19 years old. My motherhood brings me

happiness, joy and crazy delight.

Before my first pregnancy, I passionately wanted a girl. I gave birth alone then, because my first husband and I separated and he went to America. I understood that I had to raise a child alone, so I thought that with a girl it would be easier for me, she doesn’t need a father as much. That’s why I was sure, I don’t know why, that I was carrying a daughter. Moreover, the shape of the belly was as if it really was a girl. And only on recent months he stretched out. When the doctor said during the ultrasound that there was a boy in the stomach, I was shocked. But Vovka was born, and I realized that a boy is the best thing that can happen. Therefore, I already wanted a boy for the second one. I wanted to please both myself and Vovka. He wanted a brother. But my husband wanted a girl. If I gave birth to a third child, I would still be glad to have a boy. Although the brothers could be “diluted” with a sister.

Was it difficult for me to raise my first child alone? No. And I urge everyone not to be afraid of this. If you have male friends or relatives, you need to involve them in educational moments, that’s all. I was lucky, my sister’s husband Arkady replaced Vovka’s father, because we all lived in the same house in Riga. And we still live. I travel between Riga and Moscow. Then, I have many friends. They came, played on the computer with him, talked. A single mother is a relic of the Soviet Union. It's funny to call a woman that. If she has a child, she is no longer alone. I know many women who are raising children alone. They give a lot to the child. If there was a father, maybe I would have to give him attention. Maybe he would have been caught as an egoist, he would have been jealous and started scandals. It is still unclear which is better.

Shortage of men

I have to hear complaints modern girls that there are almost no normal men left. They don’t want to get married, they don’t know how to care, they don’t show masculinity, etc. But I’m still an optimist. And I believe that a man does not degenerate. There are wonderful and wonderful guys. Here I have a team of 60 people. I look at young boys and see that they are wonderful guys, with masculine qualities, well-mannered. And the fact that young guys don’t want to get married... Why, pray tell? And they do it right! It's idiotic to get married early! AND

early at 20, and even at 24. Because early marriages end in divorce. I don’t know a single couple that could withstand it. And why such an experience? Then the children are left alone. Maybe, thanks to our youth, we will finally begin to live according to the Western model, when we start a family consciously, at the age of no earlier than 30 years. Then reason will be activated, and not just passion. After all, in marriage there must be calculation. That's not bad. Because passion passes, no matter how you look at it. At most it lasts 5-6 years. And then you are left alone with the “monster”, all the shortcomings come out. And either you begin to love him in a kindred way, or you break up. The main thing is respect. That is why it is important to soberly assess all the disadvantages of a person in advance. It's possible.

If a divorce happens, there is no need to be afraid of it. It is important to arrange everything so that children do not suffer. Approach psychologically competently.

Love and career

One day, a man with whom I was in a relationship set a condition: either he or my work. God, that was funny to listen to. I immediately dismissed even thoughts about this condition. Taking my job away from me is like taking my child away. “Todes” is like an older child to me. This is my life. And what - to cross out life for the sake of love? No man deserves this. And the one who sets such conditions is wrong.

Love with or without rules?

There can be no rules in love. These are feelings and emotions. Of course, you somehow build relationships to make it comfortable. For example, I really love men with intuition, subtle ones who can understand my mood. By the look - how I look, how I talk... Even my intonation so that he understands. If suddenly I have Bad mood, I’m offended by him, it’s important that he understands this right away. And I realized why I was offended. It is much easier with such men. If such a man exists, that's great. My husband is exactly like that. It’s easy for him to navigate, he knows what can upset and outrage me. And I try to catch his mood. This is a normal relationship.

Recipe for Happiness

We need to be more attentive to ourselves and those around us. Be sure to be an optimist, try to do what you love, have children - the more, the better. Combining your favorite job and your favorite children is possible, believe me

Name: Alla Dukhova

Age: 51 years old

Place of birth: With. Kosa, Perm region

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 57 cm

Activity: choreographer, director of the ballet "Todes"

Marital status: Married

Dukhova Alla - biography

The famous choreographer and director of the ballet group “Todes”, a teacher at her own dance school, a talented and attentive woman. Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova lives up to her name, she is just as sincere and understanding.

Childhood, family

Alla from the Komi-Permyak district. She was barely a year old when her parents moved from a small village to Riga. The scope for development in the capital city determined the inclinations of the girl with early childhood. Music and choreography became a serious hobby, which became the most important component of Alla Vladimirovna’s biography.

The girl's mother was a very attentive and sensitive woman. Noticing how her daughter repeated the movements she had observed from the rehearsals of the choreographic club, she took her to dance ensemble. The girl was lucky with her teachers; the famous Laizane, Dubovitsky, Shurkin were on her way. In the life of the future dance star there were competitions and festivals, victories and ups.


Alla studied well at school, but while she was in high school, a circus toured Riga. The girl was friends with the daughter of a circus trainer and soon got backstage. Purposeful and easy to communicate with, Alla was invited to work. The next tour was already for the lineup, which included a pretty Riga woman who had just been hired. The girl had her first successes, but had to forget about the circus for the rest of her life. The circus performer seriously injured her ankle, and doctors forbade her from performing dangerous stunts.

This story with the circus greatly upset the girl; she worked as a janitor, a freight forwarder, and a teacher. dance studio at the pioneer camp. My last job as a teacher was appreciated. Alla worked selflessly and enthusiastically, which is why she received an invitation to the House of Culture. Alla always wanted successful career dancer, but what attracted her most was the process of staging dance numbers. The sixteen-year-old girl herself created her first team. Few people understood how important it was to stage dance correctly in the Soviet Union, since this art form had not yet been cultivated.

Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes"

The aspiring leader constantly improved herself by studying records famous dancers. The “Experiment” team was female, but one day at one of the competitions fate brought them together with men's group"Todes." The guys brokedanced, and the girls demonstrated polished movements and skills.

The dancers decided to unite, mixing two styles: clean graceful choreography and breakdancing. Alla was elected director of the newly created ballet. The biography of any creator always continues in the capital of Russia, Moscow. The Todes artists are on their way to real glory there were many obstacles.


Life in a hostel, independent organization of concerts and many other problems had to be overcome by the ballet guys and their leader. Help came from Alexander Birman and the Riga Philharmonic, who achieved a tour to the Ural city of Chelyabinsk. Performances dance group accompanied the performances of other pop stars. The performance was a huge success with the audience. Immediately, singer Rotaru signed a five-year contract of cooperation with the Todes ballet. And the way to the mass audience was opened by entrepreneur Igor Popov, who organized solo concert group.

From now on popular artists wanted to see Alla Dukhova's ballet as a backup dancer in their numbers. Almost all song stars collaborated with Todes. They submitted to him " New wave" and "Slavic Bazaar". Monte Carlo, Munich and Seoul applauded the band's performance when it accompanied the appearance of Michael Jackson, Ricky Martin and Mariah Carey.

"Todes" is expanding its composition. There are already 150 dancers in the ballet, in addition, Alla created a school with her famous team in Moscow, Riga and St. Petersburg. The director has many worthy graduates who shine on stages all over the world. The Dukhova Ballet has existed for 24 years, but its number of fans is not decreasing, on the contrary, it is increasing. Each concert of the group is interesting for its bright dance numbers, each dance is a separate performance. Alla has her own clothing line.

Alla Dukhova - biography of personal life

Life talented woman bright and unpredictable in any of its manifestations, and personal life is no exception. Three marriages, two sons. Dukhova's current husband Anton is always next to his beloved wife; he works as a lighting director in Alla's team. Native Latvia is proud that the famous artistic director lives in its capital. Alla herself built herself a large, comfortable house.

Alla Vladimirovna, this year you are celebrating two anniversaries at once - personal and professional: you have round date, and the TODES team turns 30 years old. Which of these events is more significant to you?

I just can’t believe that TODES is in his fourth decade. It seems like it all started yesterday. Imagine: we started with 14 people, and now the troupe has 150 professional dancers who are in demand not only in our country, but also abroad. In addition, we have the most large network dance schools in the world - in 111 branches in different countries There are 20 thousand students of all ages, and it is impossible to count how many of them there will be during the 18 years of the school’s existence. There is no analogue anywhere. When it was time for our first cast to leave the stage, I asked myself the question: what prospect awaits them? Who needs a retired dancer? No one. It's good if he has the acumen and is able to do something else. But these are exceptions. This means we need to take care of his future. Since then, having completed the stage dance career, our students become school directors, teachers, tutors and choreographers. Another pride of mine is our own theater, which opened two years ago. The most cherished dream has come true. And this is the most great gift for the anniversary. In comparison with such achievements, a personal birthday simply fades.

- Where did you come from with this crazy energy? From what family?

- (Laughing.) Oh, I should have heard you school psychologists, who tested students at the Riga school where I studied! They wrote me down as a phlegmatic person. Then everyone said: “Our Allochka is phlegmatic.” But the psychologists were wrong. I am not at all phlegmatic. I just have excellent stress tolerance. IN difficult situations I internally gather myself and “turn to stone”: I cannot be penetrated. But as a child, I really was surprisingly calm and obedient. The only thing was that I danced constantly, especially in front of the mirror. Realizing that I was obsessed with dancing, my mother took me to the folk dance ensemble “Ivushka”.

My parents, Galina Vladimirovna and Vladimir Solomonovich, were very creative people and worked as teachers. By assignment, they taught in the Komi-Permyak district, in the village of Kosa, and about a year after my birth they moved to Riga.

Every summer my parents and I went to a tent camp where we spent all our holidays. Dad organized competitions there for children and adults: athletics, rope climbing, fishing. And my mother gathered all the kids and prepared concerts with us. Naturally, everyone adored my parents. Alas, they are no longer alive...

- Did you decide on a profession immediately after school?

No, at first I wanted to become a circus performer. A circus came to Riga for a long tour, and Taya Kornilova, the daughter of hereditary trainers, who herself worked in the arena with a small elephant, began to study with me in the graduating class. We became friends with her. Seeing me at the concert, she suggested: “Let’s go to our Elephants and Dancers attraction.” I came to the circus, her mother, who was in charge of the attraction, tested me and said: “We’ll take it!” Naturally, we discussed everything with my parents: they seemed to agree at first, but then began to actively dissuade me. I resisted. However, they still turned out to be right. Immediately after graduating from school, I went on tour with the circus to Chisinau, where for two months I was introduced to the program: I learned to easily climb on an elephant and perform tricks on its back, after which we went to Minsk. I successfully completed the first performance, but on the second... I broke my leg - at the ankle. The fracture was very difficult, it took almost a year to recover.

In the summer, I got a part-time job at a pioneer camp, teaching dance classes. The director of the House of Culture in Jurmala noticed me and invited me to work. There I quickly put together a group of girlfriends. I studied illegally imported videotapes with recordings of dancers’ performances from Europe and the States and somehow transformed them. Six months later, our girls' team became a city laureate dance competition young talents in Riga. After that, we were invited to perform at the most fashionable disco in Riga - at the Popov plant's cultural center. It was impossible to get there at that time; scalpers were selling tickets at ten times the price.

One day we went to the first breaker festival in Palanga. There we met some guys from Leningrad, it was spectacular breakdancers. Their team had an unusual name - TODES. We decided to combine two groups into one, performing modern choreography all styles. The name was retained - it is bright, catchy, sonorous. This term refers to one of the elements figure skating- an extremely difficult trick. And then someone else said that with German language this word translates as "death spiral". (Laughing.) I don’t know how it is there in Germany, but our ballet, on the contrary, is very life-affirming. In short, as soon as the two groups merged into one, it immediately became clear that there should also be one artistic director. Called general meeting, and... everyone voted for me.

- It’s scary to even think about some kind of novel. You have to go on dates, preen your feathers, put on makeup, adapt to someone...
No, no, no!Photo: Nikolay Denisov

How did an amateur dance group get promoted and get into the stellar orbit of pop celebrities?

With a combined team of 14 people, we made a 40-minute solo program, and she and I were taken to the North Ossetian Philharmonic. We traveled all over the Caucasus, but then due to a conflict with the director we were fired. And we, ownerless, went to Moscow. At two or three concerts they performed through someone else’s intermediary, and that’s all - silence. A period of distress has arrived. Money - zero. Sometimes they were left completely without food for several days. The hungry went into the supermarket and, I confess, carried bread - our men put the buns in their pockets and took them out. It’s a shame, of course, but what can you do - hunger drove me. But for some reason it was fun for us fools. Now I remember with horror.

First, we settled in a dorm in Lyubertsy, and then we rented two one-room apartments in Moscow and lived in them - 12 people in each. They slept on mattresses, and when leaving, they rolled them up and put them in a pile. Cleanliness was maintained to perfection, duties were assigned: some were responsible for the toilet, some for the stove, some for the dust. In the evenings we cooked something simple and everyone sat down to eat together. Let's light a candle, chat, laugh, discuss plans - and on the side. It was great, fun.

Gradually creative life began to improve. My girlfriend’s dad, Alexander Aronovich Berman, administrator of the Riga Philharmonic, sent us on a big tour, where we came into the attention of a woman who invited us to work with her. Of course we agreed to this tempting offer. I remember at the first rehearsal we were simply stunned. It seemed that Sofia Mikhailovna was much more shorter, and then she comes out in heels, tall, stately, elegant, takes the microphone and starts singing “Lavender” - then it was a hit. But we, I confess, did not like this song: we, young people, had other musical priorities. But as soon as we heard her, as they say, live, it became clear why this singer has such an army of fans. It was something amazing, magnetic, and it gave me chills. We all immediately fell in love with her, irrevocably and completely. And they loved “Lavender” - as, indeed, all Rotaru’s songs.

Everyone warned us: we need to keep our eyes open with Rotaru, they say, her character, to put it mildly, is not sugar. And I will say this: she has a wonderful character. She’s just a hard worker, no matter what you look for, and, naturally, she’s very demanding - both of herself and of those around her. You can't spoil her: sometimes a plate can fly towards a careless musician or sound engineer. But these are creative, working moments, no one was offended. But in essence, Sofia Mikhailovna turned out to be fair and kind. And incredibly easy to communicate. We had a tradition: before a rehearsal or concert, I always went to her dressing room, and we chatted heart to heart - about nothing and everything.

We performed together for about five years, and then we started working with Valerochka Leontyev. He is also an absolutely brilliant person and also has an incredible capacity for work. He’s also intelligent and well-read: you won’t see him in his spare time without a book. God, how he communicates with people! I learned from him. Actually, I already treated everyone with respect; Dinka and I were raised decently by our parents in this regard: if we allowed ourselves any insolence or spoke in the wrong tone, they would hit us right on the lips - literally for our intonation. And yet Valera is unique in this sense. I remember this episode. I once told him: “Valera, what admires me about you, besides your talent, is the way you communicate: absolutely the same way with everyone - you treat everyone with such respect, even reverence. This is amazing! He replied: “That’s the only way it’s necessary. At least for selfish reasons: you don’t know how the fate of this or that person will turn out - maybe today he cleans the stage, and tomorrow he will become president. Or your impresario. Could this be? Maybe. This is the first... No, no, that's wrong, this is the second. And the first and most important thing: if you want people to treat you with love, treat them the same way. To everyone." That's it - everything is very simple: how you want to be treated, treat others the same way. It seems he didn’t say anything new, but from his lips this worldly wisdom sounded somehow special - parting words and meaningful. Subsequently, I tried to communicate in this way with all the people around me.

- And they say that as a leader you are very tough...

But this is only in a team, during work. And even then when I’m in the heat of the moment. But, firstly, I am rather loud, rather than tough. Although I used to often raise my voice, but now I have become wiser - I don’t spoil my nerves. And secondly, I try to be fair. If I understand that I need to be punished, I punish. A fine or reprimand. For what? For being late, for inattention, for shoddy work. There is no other way. If I had been a wimp, we wouldn't have achieved anything. Another thing is that I always try to take into account the character of a person, his psychological characteristics, life situation- I look for my own approach to everyone.

It seems that TODES's first major solo concert coincided with Kristina Orbakaite's first major performance. I wonder who, let’s say, pulled who?

We met a long time ago - much before creation TODES. Alla Borisovna came to Riga with concerts, Christie was with her. These tours were organized by the same chief administrator of the Riga Philharmonic. And his daughter, Tanka, dragged Kristya home to watch the tapes on VCR. A lot of us gathered there. Christina later told me: “Can you imagine, I have never been allowed to hang out for the night in my life. And then suddenly my mother gave the go-ahead.” So it was a significant moment for her - going out for an overnight stay! She was about fifteen years old. Then we met Kristya at Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings,” where she instructed our team to provide backup dancers for Kristina’s performance. This is where our friendship with Krista began. I have been convinced more than once that she is a very kind and sympathetic person. So, when TODES was supposed to perform a solo program for the first time, I asked: “Christy, can you help us?” She says: “Come on. What do you need? I explained: “We only have enough rooms for one and a half sections, could you perform with us to make the concert complete?” Christina, like us, was just beginning to take her first independent steps on the big stage and had not yet performed in such a large format. But she still agreed to support us. I remember being terribly nervous before the performance. But the concert turned out great and was a huge success. We filmed it, and Christy then brought the recording to her mother. Alla Borisovna reviewed it several times and analyzed how we worked. Naturally, she was primarily interested in Christina. Then she reproached me: “Why did you offend my daughter? She sings so many numbers, but it’s unclear where they put her. Wrong positioning of the artist.” I explained: “Alla Borisovna, what arrangement are we talking about?! We asked Kristya to help, and she simply helped us out. We didn’t even formulate the program, let alone think about such subtleties...”

From Alla Borisovna I learned how to properly structure a program, arrange people in a concert, and simply the laws of the genre. She has a brilliant director's instinct - at the level of intuition. He always clearly knows when to play which song, at what point to address the audience, what to say, with what intonation, where and how to bow. She feels it to the smallest nuance.

- I have a whole guard at home: sons, daughter-in-law, granddaughter. They don't leave me alone. And that's good
. Photo: Nikolay Denisov

- Alla Vladimirovna, how does your busy dance life combine with your family life?

Difficult. I got married in Riga at the age of 22. Seryozha was a DJ at that fashionable disco that I talked about. We lived married for several years, and then my husband decided to leave for America - for good: this was his dream. It so happened that this opportunity presented itself to him when I was pregnant. He offered to emigrate together, but I didn’t consider this option for myself for a second. “What are you talking about?! - she said. - How can you give up everything? Here are friends, family, favorite work, and in general the whole life. Never and never!” We divorced, he flew away.

- Wasn’t it scary to be a single mother?

To be honest, I didn’t decide to have a baby right away. I seriously thought about the situation. I understood that I would be left alone, without help. Dad had already died by this time, and mom wasn’t feeling well. How to cope, how to combine caring for a child with work? Here my sister Dina and her husband Arkady played a decisive role - he works construction business. They said: “Hello, give birth! Don’t think about problems, we will help!” Important words for me, key ones. Moreover, they did not yet have their own children. I stayed up all night thinking about all this. In the morning I said to myself: “That’s it, I’m giving birth!” And, I remember it very well, suddenly inside me it was like - wow! - as if the one who was sitting there breathed out a sigh of relief. (With a smile.) Subsequently it turned out to be Vovka, who is now 22 years old.

- Didn’t the appearance of a child and responsibility for an ever-expanding team come into conflict?

Somehow I got out of it. I traveled from Riga to Moscow and back. At first, I literally popped out to work for two or three days and immediately returned. Then she began to linger longer. I was lucky: I gave birth at a good time - in the summer, when we had a break from work and I was able to breastfeed for three months. And then the milk disappeared. By that time, Dina had also already given birth to a daughter, Polina, and Vovka stayed with them. It was good for him - under the supervision of his relatives, loving people, and around fresh air, pine trees. And we could already afford a nanny. In general, my soul was calm. And now I rarely visit my sister, I usually come to her for New Year and in summer. Dina heads the Riga branch of our Dance School. She herself was in the first line-up of TODES, and now she has five children, and four of them dance. Whether my nephews will become professional dancers or not is the question. It's whatever they want. But they have been going to practice for many years.

But my Volodka was not interested in dancing. He graduated from the Faculty of Directing in the USA, at the New York Film Academy, received a bachelor's degree, but decided to return home and complete his master's degree here. Intends to try himself as a theater director. He also plans to teach at the university - he was invited. In addition, he is a musician, writes good music. Already married - to his classmate Anya. It seemed to me that the guys started family life too early, although they, the young ones, of course, knew better. Two years ago they gave me a granddaughter - Sofia. This is an unimaginable miracle!

And my youngest son, Kostik, is 14 years old. He is currently most interested in prehistoric animals. But Kotka also loves to dance, goes to dance school with pleasure, does not miss the performances of our theater, and watches it many times. His dad works as a technical director on our team. Although Anton and I separated a long time ago, we continue to be friends. He often comes to us, Kotka loves him, we all communicate wonderfully. But we didn’t have family life in the usual sense.

- So, if you devote yourself to work as selflessly as you do, personal happiness is impossible?

It's probably still possible, you just have to try hard. This requires strength. And there are not enough of them. For children - yes, but for everything else - no. In addition, everything needs to coincide on both sides: mutual understanding, support, sensitivity. To close person He understood you in everything, didn’t pull you when you were like a raw nerve inside. He should feel that at this moment it is better to just leave him alone, let him come to his senses, and not bother him with questions or pestering. Everything has to grow together, and this is very difficult. On the other hand, why on earth should he adapt to you, and not you to him? I tried my best, but sometimes mental strength not enough: I was too exhausted at work. Of course this is not normal. So I blame myself first of all. I just didn't have enough resources.

- Now your personal space is still not filled with anyone?

Wow not filled! There is a whole guard at home: sons, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, not to mention the “guardsmen” at work. This is the same huge amount people, and everyone keeps pestering us - about work, about personal issues, about health, and about all sorts of nonsense. I explode: “Are you going to leave me alone or not?!” (With a smile.) No, they don’t leave. Of course, I get involved in their problems. But actually it's great. They are all my children. And by by and large Who else do I need besides them? It’s scary to even think about some kind of novel. You have to go on dates, preen your feathers, put on makeup, adapt to someone... No, no, no! What dates, have you lost your mind? God forbid! I feel great as it is. (After a pause.) But maybe I’m wrong. Of course, I’m wrong, you shouldn’t listen to my nonsense, much less act like me. My position is wrong. Everything should be the other way around: all women should have husbands - reliable helpers, caring and attentive. This is clear.

With sons Konstantin and Vladimir, daughter-in-law Anna and granddaughter Sofia
. Photo: Nikolay Denisov

However, for most people you are still a role model. There is a feeling of pride - ah yes Dukhov?

You know, when I arrive in big cities any country in the world, I go out on stage at the end of the concert, listen to a quarter-hour thunderous ovation, see a packed hall literally roaring with delight, from which no one one person, I’m not in a hurry to go to the wardrobe, I really feel incomparable feelings. They cannot be described. And our schools are fantastic. They really teach you how to dance there. And we also take the guys to summer camps, to festivals where they compete with each other. All genres of modern choreography are danced - in different styles, with sports stunts. The energy is colossal - sparks are flying. This is TODES, you can’t confuse it with anyone! Children are full of energy - perky, lean, physically strong. What stress, what complexes, what street vacillations and dangerous company?! I look at this huge number of guys different ages, I absorb the energy and power of youth, and... tears come. At such moments I catch myself thinking: what great fellows we are! Not “I”, but “we”. Because we did it! This is where my pride and my happiness lie.

Family: sons - Vladimir (22 years old), Konstantin (14 years old); granddaughter - Sofia (2 years old)

Education: graduated from the directing department of RATI

Career: choreographer, founder of the dance group “Experiment”; founder and artistic director of the ballet, a network of dance schools and the TODES Dance Theater

Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova. Born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug(Perm region). Soviet and Russian choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Todes ballet (TODES).

Alla Dukhova was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, Perm Region.

Father - Vladimir Dukhov, had two educations - a physical education teacher and a gas-electric welder, worked in the second specialty at a moped factory.

Mother - Galina Dukhova, an economist, worked as a mathematics teacher, then was a housewife.

Sister - Dina, head of the Riga department of the ballet "Todes".

A year after her birth, the family moved from the Komi-Permyak district, where her parents taught, to Riga. There the children's and teenage years Alla.

WITH early years Alla studied music. And after lessons, she often loved to go to the neighboring choreography class and watch the movements of master of dance Alexei Kolychev. Then, when she came home, she repeated what she saw in front of the mirror. Alla was drawn to dancing, although she was considered phlegmatic. However, as she herself noted, from birth she was simply stress-resistant - which later helped her many times in life and in her profession.

Realizing that her daughter was obsessed with dancing, her mother, at the age of 11, took her to the folk dance ensemble “Ivushka”, in which she studied, learning the basics of choreography. Its teachers were Valentina Andrianovna Laizane, Yuri Vasilyevich Shurkin, who came to the team from state ensemble folk dance of Belarus, where he previously worked as a choreographer, and at that time Eduard Dubovitsky from the Riga Choreographic School taught in the team.

After school I planned to become a circus performer. Once a circus came to Riga for a long tour, and Taya Kornilova, the daughter of hereditary trainers, began to study with her in her senior year. They became friends. Seeing Alla at the concert, she suggested: “Let’s go to our Elephants and Dancers attraction.” Dukhova came to the circus, they tested her and agreed to accept her.

Immediately after graduating from school, Dukhova went on tour with the circus to Chisinau, where for two months she was introduced to the program: she learned to easily climb onto an elephant and perform tricks on its back. Then there was a tour in Minsk, where at one of the performances Alla broke her leg - at the ankle. The fracture was very difficult, it took her almost a year to recover.

Then I got a part-time job at a pioneer camp, teaching dance classes. There the director of the House of Culture in Jurmala drew attention to her and invited her to work. She quickly put together a group of girlfriends. Moreover, Alla Dukhova’s childhood dream was not only to dance on stage, but also to stage numbers and choreographic performances herself.

At the age of 16, she assembled her first team, “Experiment,” which included only girls. “The Experiment” quickly gained popularity due to the fact that the productions were based on modern choreography of the American and Western European schools, which was under an unspoken ban at that time (early eighties).

Alla recalled: “When we started, in our country there was classical ballet And folk dance. We heard about modern choreography, but there was no opportunity to learn. When some Western tapes or literature came to us, we greedily grabbed all the information. They turned on videos of their artists and learned to dance from them. It may seem funny now, but back then breakdancing was considered propaganda. For this they took me to the police station. It never occurred to anyone that this was a sport, difficult tricks, beauty, dexterity and fortitude. There was no other reason."

As a united team of 14 people, they made a 40-minute solo program. They were taken with her to the North Ossetian Philharmonic. The team traveled all over the Caucasus, but then due to a conflict with the director they were fired. They went to Moscow. The first time was very difficult. Lived in two one-room apartments 12 people each. Dukhova recalled: “They slept on mattresses, and when they left, they rolled them up and put them in a pile. They maintained perfect cleanliness, assigned duties: who was responsible for the toilet, who was responsible for the stove, who was responsible for the dust. In the evenings, they cooked something simple and everyone sat down to eat together.”

But gradually her creative life began to improve - her friend’s father, Alexander Aronovich Berman (administrator of the Riga Philharmonic), sent them on a big tour. The team came to the attention of Sofia Rotaru, who invited her to work with her.

At one of the festivals in Palanga, fate brought the girls from “Experiment” together with St. Petersburg dancers, who gave their group the sonorous name “Todes”. Then they decided to unite into one team, and thus the ballet was born "TODES".

Alla Dukhova and the ballet "Todes"

Graduated from the directing department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

In 2001, she took part in the game “One Hundred to One”, was in the “Dancing” team (Sergey Voronkov, Denis Bugakov, Yulia Filippova (Malaya) and Anna Syadristaya).

The Todes team started with 14 people, and now the troupe has 150 professional dancers who are in demand not only in Russia, but abroad. Todes has the largest network of dance schools in the world - in 111 branches in different countries there are 20 thousand students of all ages.

"Discipline and a responsible attitude towards one's work are important. Our team is a large and friendly family. The most loving and devoted ones, those who fanatically love their work, remain for a long time,” said Dukhova.

Alla Dukhova's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Alla Dukhova:

She was married three times.

From his first marriages he has a son, Vladimir Dukhov.

The third husband, Anton, works at Todes as a technical director. In 2002, their son Konstantin Dukhov was born.

Vladimir Dukhov graduated from the Faculty of Directing in the USA, at the New York Film Academy, received a bachelor's degree, studied for a master's degree in his homeland, theater director, writes music. He gave Alla a granddaughter, Sofia (born 2014).

Konstantin Dukhov dances at Todes and plays sports.

As Alla Dukhova noted, her personal life did not work out because of her work: “I didn’t have enough strength for my husband, although I honestly tried. Family life First of all, it involves attention; it is not without reason that they say that family is hard work. In this regard, the family is a victim, although I don’t think so. I'm for complete family, you can’t accuse me of feminism.”

Alla Dukhova lives with her family in Latvia. She built a large house in her native Riga.