Actors who died a terrible death. Paul Walker, Heath Ledger, Cory Monteith, Vladislav Galkin - actors who died young

They say that the best are the first to leave. Perhaps one cannot fully agree with this statement, but it becomes unbearably sad when the world loses talented person, giving people positive emotions.

We decided to dedicate this material to Russian actresses who left this world too early. They were beautiful, young and talented, and most importantly, they could play many more roles...

Marina Levtova, 40 years old

Viewers may remember Marina from the films “TASS is authorized to declare”, “Visit to the Minotaur” and others. The actress passed away due to an accident. After filming the comedy “Fortune” ended, Marina and her daughter Daria were invited to go snowmobiling. The snowmobile driver did not notice the ravine in the dark and the car overturned.

The woman hit a tree and was taken to the hospital, but she could not survive. Daria and the driver were also injured. The latter fell into a coma and died 7 years after the accident due to complications.

Maria Zubareva, 31 years old

The actress was the mother of three children. Health problems began after the birth of twins. The woman thought that this was a consequence of a weakened body. When Maria finally went to the doctors, she was diagnosed with cancer, which could not be cured.

Until the last moment, none of the woman’s colleagues suspected her illness. Despite the fact that Zubareva had lost a lot of weight, she held on until the end and remained just as friendly. After the death of the actress, the writers of the series “Little Things in Life,” in which Maria played, had to “kill” her heroine.

Nadezhda Smirnova, 32 years old

Already in early age Nadezhda played in the films “A Tale Like a Fairy Tale”, “The Wedding is Blamed”, “Jack Vosmerkin - “The American”. She could have delighted audiences for a long time with her work in films, but fate decreed otherwise.

Most sources claim that Smirnova had an incurable form of cancer. According to a less common version, the woman died due to medical error, which led to complications after a minor operation.

Anastasia Ivanova, 34 years old

Most viewers remember this actress from the film “Can't Say Goodbye.” Ivanova was married to director Boris Nevzorov, to whom she gave birth to a daughter, Polina.

The woman's death was so mysterious that the culprit was found only several years later. It turned out to be a family friend suffering from a mental disorder. He stabbed Ivanova several times and then strangled her. Fortunately, at that moment little Polina was with her grandmother.

Irina Metlitskaya, 35 years old

Men idolized this woman, and her colleagues loved working with her. But the mother of two sons died early due to acute leukemia. The last film in which Irina played, “Black Veil,” was released 2 years before her death.

Elena Mayorova, 39 years old

Still tragic and terrible death actress is shrouded in mystery. The woman was in the entrance of her house when her dress caught fire. She was able to run to the service entrance to the Mossovet Theater, which was located nearby. There she fell unconscious.

The ambulance took Mayorova to the Sklifosovsky Institute. The woman had more than 80% of her skin burned. There she died a few hours later.

There are two versions of what happened. According to the official, kerosene came into contact with her clothes and ignited. The second version is suicide. Many friends and acquaintances said that the woman was prone to depression and had attempted suicide before.

Talented people often die too early. Perhaps it’s all about a special mental organization that requires a lot of physical and moral strength. Today we will talk about Soviet people who passed away in their youth. Let’s also remember the outstanding artists and directors who left us in 2017.

When it comes to Soviet actors who died too early, two names come to mind: Oleg Dal and Vladimir Vysotsky. They were amazing talented people. During their short career in cinema and theater, they did more than many of their colleagues did in their long, measured and correct lives.

Oleg Dal

Soviet actor, who died at the age of 39, had a reputation as a disgraced figure. Several films with his participation were banned. He himself was restricted from traveling abroad for ten years. Oleg Dal often clashed with directors, refusing to play in performances that, in his opinion, were far from real art.

He abused alcohol, but tried to overcome himself. He had a bad heart, but despite this, he worked hard. The actor passed away on March 3, 1981. The heart attack, according to one version, was triggered by alcohol consumption. Latest films with the participation of Oleg Dal: “Uninvited Guest”, “We Stared Death in the Face”, “Vacation in September”.

Vladimir Vysotsky

The death of the singer-songwriter and actor, who passed away during the Olympics in Moscow, shocked the whole country. There is a version that Vladimir Vysotsky had a presentiment of his imminent death. It was thanks to him that the filming of the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” began. He really wanted to play main role in this film. But when work on the painting began, he tried to refuse - he realized that he had very little left.

The actor, who passed away in 1981, was doomed, according to doctors. For many years he suffered from alcohol addiction. Shortly before his death, he found a way to “treat” a terrible illness. Vysotsky began to use drugs. Doctors predicted his death either from withdrawal or from an overdose. The actor died in his Moscow apartment on Malaya Gruzinskaya on July 25. He died in his sleep as a result heart attack. The Soviet press kept silent about the death of the people's favorite, however, several thousand people came to the funeral. The performance with the participation of Vysotsky at the Taganka Theater was canceled, but not a single person returned the ticket to the box office.

Death on stage and behind the scenes

Actors who died too early are Andrei Mironov and Yuri Bogatyrev. The first one suffered the death that many artists dream of. Andrei Mironov died on stage.

Yuri Bogatyrev was an extremely talented, versatile actor. Any images were subject to him. In addition, Bogatyrev painted pictures. True, the first exhibition of his works took place after his death. He was very lonely. Like many people in the arts, the actor became addicted to alcohol. Yuri Bogatyrev died at the age of 41 from a heart attack caused by drinking alcohol and incompatible antidepressants.

Soviet actors who died young: Nikita Mikhailovsky, Yan Puzyrevsky, Igor Nefedov, Alexey Fomkin, Irina Metlitskaya, Maria Zubareva, Elena Mayorova. Some of them played only two or three roles in films. Nevertheless, they were remembered by the audience forever.

Nikita Mikhailovsky

The actor of Soviet cinema, who passed away at the age of 27, became famous in 1981 for his role in the film “You Never Even Dreamed of...”. Nikita Mikhailovsky was predicted to have a brilliant future, but fame, oddly enough, weighed heavily on him. He left cinema for several years. He was engaged in painting and became one of the most active figures in the semi-underground culture of Leningrad. Closer to the 90s, he played in several more films: “Accelerator”, “For the Sake of a Few Lines”, “Umbrella for the Newlyweds”. Mikhailovsky starred with such outstanding actors as Vera Glagoleva, Alexey Karachentsov.

Perhaps there would be many wonderful roles in his filmography today. But in 1990, the actor was diagnosed with leukemia. It is noteworthy that shortly before this he organized in England art exhibition, the profits from which were used to treat children with cancer. Nikita Mikhailovsky died in 1991. Buried in St. Petersburg.

Igor Nefedov

The actor, who passed away in 1993, is remembered primarily by viewers for his role in the film “Criminal Talent.” It was Igor Nefedov who played the investigator who became the next victim of the adventurer, the heroine Alexandra Zakharova. He was one of Oleg Tabakov's students and played on the stage of two Moscow theaters. He made his film debut in 1978, playing a role in Nikita Mikhalkov's film Five Evenings. Igor Nefyodov’s filmography includes fifteen works. In December 1993, the actor committed suicide.

Maria Zubareva

The actress played in the films “Into the Muds,” “Sons of Bitches,” “Partings,” and “Face.” In 1993 at Russian television The first domestic series, “Little Things in Life,” started. played the main role - the role of a teacher of Russian language and literature. In the second part of the series, the heroine, according to the plot, dies in a car accident. This was not originally in the script. It had to be changed due to the death of the leading actress. Maria Zubareva was diagnosed with cancer at the age of thirty. She passed away in November 1993.

Yan Puzyrevsky

The actor, who passed away at the age of 25, will forever remain in the memory of viewers in the image of Kai from " Snow Queen". By the age of twenty, he had played in 15 films. He graduated from the Shchukin School, played on the stage of the Taganka Theater. The actor got married at the age of 18. Family life did not work out. On April 3, 1996, he came to his apartment ex-wife, in order to see a one and a half year old child. It is unknown what guided the actions of the young and successful artist that day. He picked up his son and jumped out of the window with them. The ex-wife's apartment was on the twelfth floor. The child, fortunately, survived. Puzyrevsky fell to his death.

Alexey Fomkin

All the schoolchildren knew and loved him Soviet Union. Alexei Fomkin, a film actor who passed away at the age of 26, was ruined by fame. He began his creative journey with filming in "Jumble". Then he auditioned for a role in the film "Scarecrow". But he didn’t get to play in this film. Alexey was invited to play the main role in the science fiction film, which became the most popular in the 80s - “Guest from the Future”.

The trouble is that fame does not mean being in demand. Fomkin was no longer invited to the movies, and after graduating from school he joined the army. He never received a matriculation certificate due to frequent filming. When he returned from the army, he tried to work at the Moscow Art Theater, but was soon fired.

Alexey Fomkin left Moscow. He lived for some time in the village in an empty house, worked as a miller, and got married. The famous Soviet actor who performed in legendary film the role of Moscow schoolboy Kolya Gerasimov, in February 1996. The cause of death is an accident.

Irina Metlitskaya

The career of this actress was successful. A girl from Severodvinsk successfully passed the exams at the Shchukin School, and after receiving her diploma she was accepted into the troupe of the Sovremennik Theater. Irina Metlitskaya's film debut took place in 1978. She played in such films as “Ransom”, “Doll”, “Executioner”, “Makarov”, “Katka and Shiz”, “The Creation of Adam” and many others. In the mid-nineties, the actress was diagnosed with leukemia. She passed away on June 5, 1997. She was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Elena Mayorova

In the biographies of many talented actors, who died early, there is one common detail. The date of death is in the nineties. No wonder. Lack of work, lack of employment, a feeling of unfulfillment - all this leads to the development of heart disease and mental disorders. However, the death of Elena Mayorova remains a mystery today.

She was born into a family that had nothing to do with theatrical art. I entered GITIS on my second attempt. She began acting in films in 1980. In the 80s, the actress married a fashionable, wealthy artist. True, his paintings stopped selling after the collapse of the USSR. However, Elena Mayorova, even during the years of the economic crisis, did not remain without work. She was known to all theatergoers in Moscow. She was invited to the cinema quite often.

The actress died on August 23, 1997 at quite strange circumstances. She set herself on fire on the landing, then ran to the Mossovet Theater, located in the building next to her house. At the entrance to the theater, where Mayorova worked for many years, she lost consciousness. She died in the hospital that same evening. According to official version, the actress died in an accident.

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky

Topic about actors Russian cinema who passed away in last decade last century, let's finish tragic story representative of a famous artistic dynasty. Evgeny Dvorzhetsky performed his first film role in 1980. Then he played the adopted son of the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. In subsequent years, he received many offers from directors. The actor was quite in demand. He played in the films “A Tender Age”, “Day of Wrath”, “Two Hussars”, “Defeat”, “Mikhailo Lomonosov” and others. In addition, he participated in productions and hosted television programs.

On December 1, 1999, the actor, returning from the Institute of Immunology in his car, broke the rules traffic. As a result, his car collided with a ZIL. Dvorzhetsky died on the spot from his injuries. The actor, like many of his other colleagues, is buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. He was only 39 years old.

Those who passed away in the 2000s are Dmitry Egorov, Vasily Lykshin, Alexey Zavyalov, Vladislav Galkin, Sergey Bodrov Jr., Daniil Pevtsov, Egor Klinaev, Natalya Yunnikova. None of them lived to be forty years old. Famous actors who passed away in 2017, but managed to do a lot for domestic cinema, are A. Petrenko, A. Batalov, V. Tolokonnikov, V. Glagoleva, G. Taratorkin, D. Maryanov. First, let's talk about celebrities whose lives were tragically cut short in the early 2000s.

Sergei Bodrov Jr.

Fame came to the actor in the mid-nineties, when he played the main role in Alexei Balabanov's film "Brother". His film character Danila Bagrov became almost folk hero. Sergei Bodrov starred in the films “I Hate You”, “Stringer”, “East-West”, “Sisters”, “War”. He made his debut as a director in 2001. A year later, as part of a film crew, Bodrov went to the mountains from Vladikavkaz. The work went on all day. When it got dark, the filmmakers headed back to the city. At eight in the evening the glacier suddenly began to melt. In just a few minutes he covered the Karmadon Gorge. No one managed to escape.

Large-scale search efforts continued for several months. Relatives of the film crew members and volunteers also took part in it. More than a hundred people are listed as missing. Including Sergei Bodrov. The official date of death of the actor and director is September 20, 2002. He was only 30 years old.

Dmitry Egorov

In preparation for the filming of the film "Scarecrow", Rolan Bykov for a long time could not find a young actor to play the role of the boy who betrayed main character. Seeing my son famous actress Natalia Kustinskaya, the director exclaimed: “That’s exactly what I need!” This is how Dima Egorov got onto the set. By the way, the parents were against the boy connecting his life with art. After graduating from school, he entered MGIMO. He never acted in films again. Dmitry Egorov passed away in 2002 at the age of 32. Official reason death - heart failure.

Vladislav Galkin

Which actors died under unclear circumstances? Answering this question, it is worth mentioning the name of Vladislav Galkin first of all. Famous actor, who began his career in the early eighties with the role of Huckleberry Finn, was found dead in his own apartment in February 2010. He did not contact his relatives for more than a day. The father sounded the alarm.

According to the results of the examination, the cause of death was acute heart failure. This became the official version, despite Boris Galkin’s assumptions about the murder of his son. The actor was 38 years old.

Vasily Lykshin

The future actor was brought up in a boarding school. In 2002, he played the main role in the film “Angel on the Sidelines.” Fame came to him after the premiere of the film “Bastards”. Lakshin also played the main role in the TV series "Gromovs". The actor died in 2009 from a stroke. He was only 22 years old.

Alexey Zavyalov

After graduating from the Shchukin School, the actor was accepted into the troupe of the Vakhtangov Theater, where he worked for several years. Zavyalov made his film debut in 1996. He played in such films as “Cop Wars”, “Flowers of Love”, “Atlantis”, “Savior under the Birches”. In 2011, the actor was injured during a parachute jump. A month later he died in hospital. Alexey Zavyalov was buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery. The actor was 36 years old.

Daniil Pevtsov

Another actor who passed away at the very beginning of his life and creative path, - Daniil Pevtsov. Son famous artist died in hospital on September 7, 2012, aged 22. While visiting one of our former classmates, Daniel went out onto the balcony, leaned on the railing, lost his balance and fell from the third floor. He died in hospital as a result of multiple injuries.

Actors who passed away in 2017

On September 26, the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” Natalya Yunnikova died. The actress worked for many years on Israeli television. In 2006 she returned to Russia, where she was offered a role in the famous TV movie. The cause of Yunnikova’s death was cardiogenic syncope, which occurs as a result of complications of cardiovascular diseases. The actress was 37 years old.

On September 27, at the age of 19, he died tragically. Having witnessed an accident, the young actor tried to help the victims. He got out of his car, and at that moment he was hit by a passing car. Egor Klinaev was known primarily for the TV series “Fizruk”.

Actor Dmitry Maryanov passed away on October 15. Recent years he was sick. On October 15, the actor was heading to the Moscow region town of Lobnya, and on the way he became ill. Maryanov was sent to a local hospital, where he died several hours later. The cause of death was a detached blood clot.

Legendary Russian actors who passed away in 2017 are Georgy Taratorkin, Alexey Petrenko, Alexey Batalov, Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Vera Glagoleva.

Georgy Taratorkin

Almost half a century ago, a young and unknown actor was invited to the film “Crime and Punishment” to play the role of Rodion Raskolnikov. This is where his brilliant path to cinema began. Taratorkin played in the films "A Purely English Murder", "Little Tragedies", "Rich Man, Poor Man...", "Moonlight Rainbow", "The Last Report", " Mysterious passion". To the younger generation He is known among Russian dividers for his role in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” Outstanding Actor For many years he played on the stage of the Mossovet Theater. In 1984 he received the title people's artist. Georgy Taratorkin passed away on February 4 after a long illness.

Vladimir Tolokonnikov

My famous role this actor performed at the age of 45. Until 1988, Vladimir Tolokonnikov was known only in his hometown Alma-Ata. Here he worked for many years local theater. Before director Bortko invited an unknown actor to play the role of Sharikov in the film adaptation of Bulgakov’s story, he played only two roles in films. After the premiere he became known throughout the country. Later he played in the films “Dreams of Idiots”, “The Sky in Diamonds”, “Citizen Chief”, “Hottabych”. But not a single role could overshadow Sharikov’s colorful image.

Vladimir Tolokonnikov died on July 16, 2017. His heart stopped at film set while working on the film "Super Beavers".

Alexey Batalov

His acting career began during the war. While evacuated in the city of Bugulma, Batalov appeared on stage for the first time. He was only 13 years old then. The young artist played a small role in his mother’s play. Fame came to Alexei Batalov, of course, much later. Namely, in 1957, when the film “The Cranes Are Flying” was released. This is one of the best war films of the Soviet period.

Vera Glagoleva

The future actress was born in Moscow into a family of teachers. As a child, she was fond of archery and was a master of sports. For the first time, Glagoleva acted in films immediately after graduating from school. It was 1974, the film was called "To the End of the World." Three years later, Glagoleva played the role of Varya in A. Efros’s film “On Thursday and Never Again.” The director was so impressed by the performance of the non-professional actress that he invited her to work at his theater on Malaya Bronnaya. However, Glagoleva listened to her husband R. Nakhapetov and refused, which she later regretted.

She acted in films a lot, despite the absence vocational education. In the nineties, she tried herself as a director, directing the film “Broken Light.” This was followed by the films “Order” (2005), “Ferris Wheel” (2006), “One War” (2010), “Two Women” (2014).

The artist also played in the theater and was a director theater department MITRO. In March 2017, she began filming a new film, “Clay Pit,” which was scheduled for release next summer.

August 16, 2017 Russian funds mass media reported the death of Vera Glagoleva in a German clinic. She was 61 years old. It turned out that the artist was being treated there for stomach cancer. Only close people knew about Glagoleva’s illness, so the news came as a shock to many colleagues and fans of the actress. Glagoleva was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

The actors star in different films: good, bad, brilliant and mediocre. But viewers are especially sentimental about the last roles of actors who have finished their life’s journey.

We offer you 15 examples of examples among Hollywood actors that we had to say goodbye to.

Robin Williams voiced a dog named Dennis in the film "Whatever You Want"

The famous actor committed suicide on August 11, 2014. For a long time Depression was thought to be the main cause, but more recently Robin Williams' wife reported that the real reason Her husband's suicide was caused by the debilitating disease Lewy body dementia. The last work of the legendary actor was the voice of the dog Dennis in the film “Anything as you want.” Williams finished the work three weeks before his tragic death.

Paul Walker died in a car accident while filming on Furious 7 was still underway.

The actor was just 40 years old when he died in a horrific accident in November 2013 when his car crashed into a lamppost and exploded. The writers had to urgently rewrite the script for Fast and Furious 7, which was destined to become the third highest-grossing film of 2015. The song "See You Again" from the film's soundtrack is dedicated to Walker.

Gene Wilder starred in his last film 13 years before his death

The comedian decided to leave his film career in 2003. He devoted his time to writing books and drawing. Gene Wilder died at the age of 83 from complications caused by Alzheimer's disease. The latest work of the cult comedian is considered to be the popular series “Will & Grace”, where he played Mr. Stein, Will Truman’s boss. Wilder received an Emmy Award for this role.

Philip Seymour Hoffman played a German intelligence officer in his last film.

For many years the actor struggled with heroin addiction, but, as it turned out, unsuccessfully. On February 2, 2014, Hoffman was found in his New York apartment with a needle in his arm. The official cause of death of the 46-year-old actor was a drug overdose. Whether it was suicide or an accident was never clear.

Two years before his death, Hoffman starred in the film "The Most dangerous man"(2012). He played the role of Gunther Bachmann, a German intelligence officer hunting terrorists. Hoffman played very convincingly: his character liked to drink, was exhausted from work and looked unkempt. Some critics call this film the actor's swan song.

Heath Ledger died while filming The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)

Heath Ledger was one of Hollywood's most charismatic actors. The cause of his death was an overdose of medication he was taking to cope with depression. In 2015, a documentary was released about the last days of the actor. Its creators claim that the transformation into the Joker in “ The Dark Knight” prompted Ledger to take powerful drugs for depression. All this ultimately led to a fatal end.

After Heath Ledger's death, filming of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus had to be postponed. Actors Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Colin Farrell were invited to replace Ledger in the role of Tony Shepard. The film grossed more than $60 million worldwide.

Brittany Murphy died of a drug overdose

In November 2009, the actress was suspended from filming the film “Uncontrollable,” where she played a girl searching for her boyfriend who had disappeared from the hospital. This happened a month before her death. There were rumors that the actress was impossible to work with.

The death of 32-year-old Brittany was the result of an overdose of potent drugs. 10 different drugs were sewn near her bed.

James Gandolfini died suddenly at the age of 51 from a heart attack.

The actor is known for his role as Italian-American mafia boss Tony Soprano in the TV series The Sopranos. He died in June 2013 of a heart attack, leaving many unfinished projects. Gandolfini received an award at the Taormina Film Festival (Sicily). In addition, he was supposed to star in the TV series “One Night” in one of the main roles. His last film is “Common Fund,” where the actor played with Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace.

Adrienne Shelly was strangled by an illegal immigrant

Adrienne Shelley had a bright future in cinema. Filming of the film “Waitress” (2007) has just been completed, where she played a supporting role and took part in creating the script and directing. The main character of the film is a pregnant and unhappily married waitress who lives in a small town in the southern United States. She falls in love with her gynecologist, but the man is in no hurry to leave the family.

Director Adrienne Shelley couldn't wait to receive accolades for her work at the Sundance Film Festival. Shortly before this event, an illegal migrant from Ecuador entered her apartment and strangled the actress, trying to make it look like the woman had hanged herself.

River Phoenix died of a drug overdose at the age of 23

River Phoenix was considered a very promising actor and was nominated for an Oscar. On October 31, 1993, the actor drank a “speedball” of heroin and cocaine, dissolved in alcoholic drink, and then doused himself with Valium.

The last film in which the actor starred was the film “Bad Blood” (1992). This is River Phoenix's only film where he played a villain.

Marilyn Monroe starred in The Misfits (1961) a year before her death.

The film was directed by John Huston and written by Arthur Miller. Marilyn Monroe played the main character Roslyn, who comes to the town of Reno to file a divorce from her husband. There she begins a relationship with an aging cowboy, Gay (Clark Gable), and decides to stay in town longer.

The film did not bring commercial success, but became the swan song for two actors - Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable. A year after the film's release, Monroe died of a drug overdose, and Clark Gable suffered a heart attack while filming The Misfits. He died 11 days later in hospital.

Natasha Richardson played her last role in a teen comedy

Natasha Richardson is a famous actress and Tony Award winner. She was the daughter of actress Vanessa Redgrave and the wife of Liam Neeson. On March 19, 2009, Natasha was learning to ski at a resort near Montreal and received a serious head injury. She died two days later in the hospital.

The actress’s last role was Miss Kingsley in the youth comedy “Otorva” (2008). And in 2010, the film “The Wildest Dream” was released - a biography of the British climber George Malory, a story told in letters. Since Natasha Richardson read the voiceover (letters from the climber's wife), this film is considered her last job to the cinema.

John Wayne starred in his last film, "Sharpshooter" (1976)

John Wayne starred in Westerns for 30 years. The most popular films with his participation - “The Quiet Man”, “The Searchers”, “Rio Bravo”, “The Longest Day”. He won an Oscar for Best Actor for True Grit.

The legendary actor died in 1979 from stomach cancer. His last film was "Sharpest," in which he played J.B. Brooks, a dying gunfighter who was looking for a way to die with dignity.

Anton Yelchin died in an accident

Anton was a handsome, talented and promising actor. The young actor was included in the list of “25 most attractive actors under 25.” Ten years later, Anton Yelchin starred in many films, and new projects and a brilliant career awaited him.

His life was tragically cut short by an absurd accident. On June 19, 2016, he was found dead near his home. The actor's body was pinched between the bumper of his jeep and a brick column. Apparently, he did not put the handbrake on the car, and it backed him up against the fence.

At this time, Anton was busy in several projects, and his last film was “Pureblood,” which was released in 2017.

John Belushi died of a heart attack at the age of 33

John Belushi is known as a comedian ("Menagerie", "The Blues Brothers"), as well as a screenwriter and musician. On March 5, 1982, he was found dead in his hotel room. Death was the result of a heart attack from a drug overdose.

John Belushi's last film was Troubled Neighbors, where he played loser Earl, whose life changes dramatically when he has new neighbors - a young couple. At the end of the film, he leaves his dull life with his wife and daughter and moves away with new friends.

Brandon Lee died in a tragic accident while filming

The son of the legendary Bruce Lee died during the filming of The Crow (1994). There were many rumors about this case. The actor's death was blamed on the Chinese mafia and mythical coincidences. However, budget cuts and simple negligence led to Brandon Lee's death. During filming, actor Michael Massey had to shoot Brandon with blanks. No one noticed the plug stuck in the barrel, and when fired, it flew out and, like a bullet, pierced Brandon Lee's stomach and lodged in the spine.

The actor died in hospital from massive hemorrhage. Footage of the accident was not included in the film. The scene was re-shot with a double. And the remaining episodes were edited using computer technology.

Based on materials:

Who died still young, not even reaching the age of 40. We saw some of them in films and TV series more often, some less often, but all of them were very talented, and if not for death, we would have seen many more films with their participation.

Nikita Mikhailovsky (27 years old). Nikita grew up as a talented boy, from the age of six he worked as a fashion model and fashion model, and was engaged in drawing. Mikhailovsky played his first role at the age of eight in the film “Night on the 14th Parallel.”

After the release of the film “You Never Even Dreamed of...” in 1981, tenth-grader Nikita suddenly fell into incredible fame. Between 1985 and 1990, Mikhailovsky played nine more screen roles.

In 1990, the actor was diagnosed with leukemia, so very soon Nikita went to England for treatment. He needed a bone marrow transplant, and the whole world raised money for the operation.

Some of the funds for the treatment of the famous actor were sent by Boris Yeltsin, Garry Kasparov and even Margaret Thatcher, but the operation was not successful.

Shortly before his treatment, Nikita, together with his wife Ekaterina, organized an exhibition of his own artwork, the proceeds from the sales of which went to the treatment of Russian children with cancer.

Talgat Nigmatulin (35 years old). Soviet film actor, best known for the films "Pirates of the 20th Century", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" and "Wolf Pit".

In the early 1980s, Talgat Nigmatulin joined a sect led by pseudo-scientist Abai Borubaev, a native of the city of Frunze. The sectarians professed a doctrine called the “Fourth Way,” which was a mixture of Zen Buddhism and esotericism.

At the beginning of February 1985, a split occurred in the “school” of Mirza and Abay. Abai decided to invite Nigmatulin to his place so that he could “extort” money from the recalcitrant, but Talgat refused to participate in the racketeering, for which he paid with his life.

On the night of February 10-11, 1985, in the center of Vilnius, five “healers” with particular cruelty beat and kicked an actor who did not resist until by noon on February 11, 1985, death occurred from injuries to internal organs incompatible with life.

Yan Puzyrevsky (25 years old). He played his first film role at the age of 10, and by the age of 20 he had taken part in the filming of fifteen films, including “The Secret of the Snow Queen,” where he played the role of Kai.

Ian's successes at work contrasted with his troubles at work. family life. The actor got married at the age of 18, but the marriage was unsuccessful, and the couple decided to divorce.

On April 3, 1996, Puzyrevsky came to his wife’s apartment to see their one-and-a-half-year-old son Istvan, after which he picked him up and jumped out of the 12th floor window with him. The child remained alive, but Ian himself fell to his death. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Igor Nefedov (33 years old). He began acting in films as a third-year student. The debut was Nikita Mikhalkov's film "Five Evenings". He played a prominent role in the film "Accident - the Cop's Daughter."

Until 1988, he was popular and starred with famous directors. But then they stopped inviting Igor. The actor started drinking, started skipping rehearsals, and was eventually fired from Tabakerka.

On the morning of December 2, 1993, after another quarrel hanged himself with his wife. He was buried at the Kotlyakovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Alexey Fomkin (26 years old). Alexey starred several times in the popular children's humorous film magazine "Yeralash", where director Pavel Arsenov noticed him and offered him the main role in feature film"Guest from the future", which became his finest hour.

Continue acting career Alexey did not want to, went to serve in the army, after which he nevertheless went to work at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, but three months later he was fired for systematic absenteeism. He went to work at a construction site as a painter, but soon quit and went to live in the village.

On February 22, 1996, Alexey and his wife were invited by friends to celebrate the Day Soviet Army. On the night of February 23-24, 1996, the apartment suddenly caught fire, everyone except Alexei managed to escape. He is buried near Vladimir, at the Ulybyshevo city cemetery.

Sergey Shevkunenko (35 years old). The actor's most famous role is Misha in the film "Dirk". At the age of 17, he went to prison for the first time for a fight. After that he went down the criminal path.

He was killed in his apartment along with his mother. The crime was not solved, but it is associated with the actor’s criminal past.

Sergei Tikhonov (21 years old). Soviet young actor, leading actor in films of the 1960s, including the most famous roles- the leader of the redskins and Malchish-Bad.

After filming the film "Dubravka" he tried to enter VGIK, but was not accepted. Served in the Soviet Army. After demobilization he became a regular at the hippodrome. Sergei, due to his fame and sociability, very quickly became his own person there.

But this did not last long. A conflict arose that cost him his life. Late in the evening of April 21, 1972, not far from the hippodrome, he was pushed under a passing tram. Sergei died before the ambulance arrived.

Dmitry Egorov (32 years old). The son of actress Natalya Kustinskaya, who is best known for the film “Scarecrow”, in which he played Dima Somov. His parents were against him going into the acting profession. The boy obeyed.

At school he was an excellent student, he knew very well English language, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO and never returned to show business.

On October 20, 2002, Dmitry Egorov went out for a walk and did not return. The mother received a call from the police and was told that he had died. The death certificate says it was from “heart failure,” but, according to some sources, Egorov’s temple was pierced.

Mikhail Epifantsev (30 years old). He made his film debut at the age of seven in the film “We Are Together, Mom,” then, at the age of 9, in the legendary television series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” he played the role of a boy - an accidental witness to a store robbery.

Without entering the theater school, he got a job as an optics salesman in a store. Personal life it didn’t work out: the wife left with the child, who was sick with cerebral palsy. Epifantsev later learned that his son lived in an orphanage. The father took the boy, but could not cope with the onset of depression and began to drink. In 1998, his heart stopped.

Irina Metlitskaya (35 years old). Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, remembered for her role as a class teacher in the film “Doll”, as well as theatrical works.

The actress died of leukemia on June 5, 1997. She was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Maria Zubareva (31 years old). She worked at the Moscow Theater named after. Pushkin. She became widely famous after working in the film "Face" and starring in the first Russian TV series"Little nothings of life".

However, discovered cancer did not allow me to continue working in the series

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (39 years old). He is known to viewers primarily for his role as Edmond Dantes in the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If.”

Since 1999, he has been the host of the “Seven Troubles - One Answer” program on ORT. In 1999, he hosted the game show “Understand Me” on the NTV channel. He also hosted the programs “Golden Ball” on REN TV, “Endless Journey” on RTR, “About Photo” on the TV channel “Culture”.

On the morning of December 1, 1999, Dvorzhetsky drove his VAZ-2109 car for a consultation at the Institute of Immunology: doctors suspected he had asthma, but the diagnosis was not confirmed. On way back the actor died when his car collided with a truck. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Vladimir Smirnov (about 40 years old). He played the role of Kolya Bazin in Karen Shakhnazarov's film "Courier".

According to one version, the actor died in a car accident, according to another, Fyodor was killed in line for beer, beaten by police

Oleg Dal (39 years old). An extremely famous Soviet theater and film actor. Author of poems and theatrical productions.

In 1980, the actor had a conflict with the management of the Mosfilm studio, which Dahl experienced very hard. Friends and colleagues commented that Oleg looked like recent months life was very bad, I was in a state of nervous and physical exhaustion.

The actor abused alcohol and took measures to overcome his predisposition to alcohol. According to Oleg Ivanovich’s widow, Elizaveta, he had poor health and a bad heart. Despite this, he worked “exhaustively” and often clashed with directors.

Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981 in hotel room, during a creative trip to Kyiv. According to the widespread version, the heart attack was provoked by drinking alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, who was “wired up” with an anti-alcohol capsule. The actor's widow denies this information.

Yuri Kamorny (37 years old). Soviet theater and film actor who starred in more than 30 films.

At noon on November 27, 1981, Kamorny’s neighbors in a communal apartment suddenly heard heart-rending female screams coming from his room. The actor’s face was distorted, his lips whispered: “...they will kill you... you shouldn’t go out... I’d rather kill you myself...” Deciding that the actor had fallen into delirium tremens, the neighbors immediately called a doctor by phone -narcologist.

When the doctor and the police arrived at the scene, Kamorny continued to go on a rampage and, waving daggers, did not let anyone near him. The police decided not to risk it and used weapons.

The actor was killed by a police officer in his own room in a communal apartment on November 27, 1981 under unclear circumstances. As the examination later established, the deceased did not have a single gram of alcohol in his blood. They did not find any changes in his brain.

Elena Mayorova (39 years old). The actress died in tragic circumstances On August 23, 1997, the official version became an accident, although some talk about suicide.

Accidentally or intentionally, she set fire to her dress while on the staircase at the entrance of her house, and, having reached the service entrance of the Mossovet Theater, which was located in the courtyard of her house, she lost consciousness.

When Mayorova was taken by ambulance to the Sklifosofsky Institute, she was still alive. But 85 percent of her body was covered in severe burns. A few hours later, the actress died in intensive care. She was conscious all this time. It is unknown whether the actress's death was the result of suicide or an accident.

Alexey Zavyalov (36 years old). Theater actor And main character from the series "Cop Wars".

Alexey had an accident while jumping with a parachute. The injuries were serious and he died in hospital on August 7, 2011.

Vladislav Galkin (38 years old). The Soviet and Russian theater and film actor has been acting in films since childhood. Known to viewers from many films and TV series.

Vladislav was found dead in his own apartment. According to varying reports, the actor’s body was found in bed, or on the floor, he was lying face down. During the initial external examination of the body, signs violent death was not found.

An examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and the cause of death was named acute heart failure with cardiac arrest.

The father of the late actor Vladislav Galkin, director and producer Boris Galkin, revealed strange details about the death of his son. In particular, he stated in the Channel One program “Man and the Law” that Vlad could have been killed because of money.

Sergei Bodrov Jr. (30 years old). Russian actor and director, son of director Sergei Bodrov Sr. He was married and raised two children. Sergei managed to play in only 14 films, the most successful of which were “Brother”, “Brother-2” and “Bear Kiss”

As a director, he managed to shoot the film "Sisters", although he began filming "Svyaznoy" in July 2002; in September the film crew flew to the Caucasus

The actor died on September 20, 2002 in the Karmadon Gorge, where one of the scenes of the film was to be filmed.

According to the official version, Sergei Bodrov Jr. and the entire film crew died as a result of a rock collapse. Rescue work lasted about a month.

Daniil Pevtsov (22 years old). Son of actor Dmitry Pevtsov. A year after graduating from school, Daniil entered the Russian University theatrical arts, and in the third year of study he transferred to VGIK.

While still studying at VGIK, he gradually began acting in films. His first major work was successful - in the serial film "Angel in the Heart", which gained great popularity among viewers.

In September 2012, life young actor ended tragically: he fell from a third-floor balcony and died in hospital a few days later from his injuries. He was only 22 years old...

When he dies famous actor, some of his film roles become his last forever. She won't necessarily turn out to be the best in her career - no, it's a matter of chance. But it will always evoke a special sentimental feeling in the audience... Here are 15 examples of such films.

Gene Wilder: 13 years before his death he starred in the series “Will & Grace”

In 2003, the cult comedian announced the end of his film career. Instead, he began writing stories and novels, as well as painting. When in one of the interviews he was asked if he was going to act in a movie, he replied: “I’m tired of watching bombings, shootings, murders, curses and 3D on the screen. They send me 50 scripts a year, of which a maximum of three are more or less decent ones. That's why I focused on writing."

Wilder died in August 2016 from complications due to Alzheimer's disease. He was 83 years old.

His last film work was his appearance in 2003 in the popular TV series “Will & Grace.” He played Mr. Stein, Will Truman's boss. For his role, Wilder received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Star in comedy series. But that was the end of his film career.

Heath Ledger: died of an accidental drug overdose while filming The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)

Heath Ledger was definitely one of Hollywood's most charismatic and vibrant young actors. But, like any great talent, Ledger had dark side, which no one suspected. Documentary 2015 about the last days of the actor revealed some eerie details. The filmmakers claim that playing the Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) pushed Ledger into depression and heavy medication, which ultimately led to his death. However, even in this state, the actor managed to pull himself together and take part in the filming of the film “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.” When Ledger passed away, filming had to be postponed for some time. Later, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell were invited to play his character (Tony Shepard) in various incarnations. The film grossed more than $60 million worldwide.

Philip Seymour Hoffman: in his last film he played a German intelligence officer

On February 2, 2014, Hoffman, 46, was found in his New York apartment with a needle in his arm. The official cause of death was drug intoxication, namely heroin, cocaine, benzodiazepines and amphetamines. It was not possible to find out whether the overdose was accidental or intentional. The actor struggled with heroin addiction for many years, but nothing came of it.

Hoffman played his last role two years before his death - it was the film “The Most Dangerous Man” (2012), where he portrayed intelligence officer Günter Bachmann, leading the hunt for terrorists. Some critics say the film is Hoffman's excellent swan song, while others say it contains too many genre clichés and not enough of the suspense of thrillers. But in any case, Hoffman played extremely convincingly - his character is exhausted from work, unkempt and constantly drinking a glass of whiskey.

James Gandolfini: died suddenly at the age of 51, leaving a lot of unfinished projects

Actor who played Italian-American mafia boss Tony Soprano in the most famous TV series"The Sopranos", died in June 2013 in Rome from a heart attack. A few days later he was supposed to receive an award at the film festival in Taormina (Sicily). In his latest film, “Common Fund,” Gandolfini played with Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace. In addition, he was busy in another project, the series “One Night” - where he was supposed to play one of the main roles. After the actor's death, he was supposed to be replaced by Robert De Niro, but De Niro was unable to find time in his work schedule, and a year later this role was given to John Turturro. And James Gandolfini is listed in the credits as the executive producer of this series.

Brittany Murphy: She was difficult to work with on the set of her last film, Uncontrollable (2010)

In Unstoppable, Murphy played a girl whose boyfriend disappears from the hospital without a trace, and she is determined to find him - ultimately at the cost of own life and mental health. According to rumors, the 32-year-old actress was very difficult to work with on the set of this film. And although the director always says that the experience of working with Brittany was invaluable, the fact remains: in November 2009, a month before her death, she was fired. Brittany Murphy died of a drug overdose - ten different potent drugs were found on her bedside table.

Paul Walker: died in a terrible car accident while Furious 7 was not yet finished

40-year-old Paul Walker, best known for his role as Brian O'Connor in the Fast and Furious film series, died in November 2013 in a car accident when his car crashed into a lamppost and exploded. At that time, Furious 7 was being filmed. and they had to be put on hold to rewrite the script. When the film was released, it became a commercial success and grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide, becoming the third highest-grossing film of 2015 and the sixth highest-grossing film of all time. "See You Again" from the film's soundtrack is dedicated to Walker.

Adrienne Shelley: Killed by an Illegal Immigrant

Petite and extremely sweet, Adrienne Shelley was confidently heading towards a bright future in cinema. She had just played a supporting role in Waitress (2007), having been directly involved in writing and directing the film. The main character of "Waitress" is a pregnant and unhappily married waitress trapped in a small town in the southern United States. She falls in love with her gynecologist, who, however, is in no hurry to leave his wife and job to change his life. The director of the film, Adrienne Shelley, did not have time to wait for its release and hear praise from critics at the Sundance Film Festival, since shortly before that she was killed by a construction worker - as it turned out later, an illegal migrant from Ecuador. He snuck into her apartment and strangled her, trying to make it look like the woman had hanged herself.

Robin Williams: his latest work is the voice of a dog named "Dennis" in the film "Whatever You Want"

Legendary comedian Robin Williams died on August 11, 2014, by suicide. We went for a whole year various rumors about the reasons for such a step, but then Williams’ widow told the truth: the actor suffered not from depression, but from a debilitating disease - dementia with Lewy bodies. The actor's latest work was the voice of a dog named "Dennis" in the British sci-fi comedy "Anything You Want." It's about a guy who was given supernatural abilities- and he, accordingly, can do anything. Williams completed his voice acting just three weeks before his tragic end. His last screen appearance was in the film Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014).

River Phoenix: last role - in the film "Bad Blood" (1992)

This guy was an Oscar nominee and a very promising young actor, but he died at the age of 23 from a drug overdose. On October 31, 1993, Phoenix drank a "speedball" of heroin and cocaine dissolved in an alcoholic drink, and then took Valium. Friends and colleagues began to worry about him long before that tragic night- they could not help but notice how his face turned gray and his behavior changed. They tried to reason with him, but he didn’t listen to anyone. The last film with the participation of River Phoenix was the film “Bad Blood”. The film remained unfinished due to the death of the actor who played the main role in it. Moreover, this is the only film in which he played a villain. Since 2012, "Bad Blood" has been shown several times on international festivals- in Utrecht, Berlin, Miami.

Brandon Lee: tragic accident while filming The Crow (1994)

A man, the victim of a brutal murder, comes back to life to take revenge on the one who killed him and his fiancée. This is the approximate plot of the latest film, in which the son of the legendary Bruce Lee starred. There were many rumors about Brandon's death - even that he was killed by the same Chinese mafia that killed his father in 1973. Or that he was killed by gangsters connected to the Hong Kong film industry, enraged by his refusal to work for them. The truth, however, is that the actor died due to an accident, as a result of negligence and budget cuts. They filmed the death scene of his character. Actor Michael Massey was supposed to shoot Lee with a revolver loaded with blanks. No one noticed the plug stuck in the barrel, and when fired, it flew out and, like a bullet, pierced Brandon Lee's stomach and lodged in the spine. The actor died in the hospital from a massive hemorrhage and the doctors, no matter how hard they fought, could not save him. The footage of the murder was not included in the film - they were destroyed, and the scene was then re-shot with a double. The remaining episodes of the film were edited using computer technology.

John Belushi: last role - in the comedy "Restless Neighbors" (1981)

John Belushi was great comedian(“The Menagerie,” “The Blues Brothers”), as well as a screenwriter and musician. On March 5, 1982, he was found dead in his hotel room. Belushi died of a heart attack caused by a drug overdose (a combination of cocaine and heroin). He was only 33 years old. His last film was the film "Restless Neighbors", in which he played the loser Earl, a middle-class man with a wife and teenage daughter, whose life changes dramatically when new neighbors - a young couple - move into the next apartment. IN final scene Earl leaves with his new friends, leaving his family and his dull life behind.

Anton Yelchin: after his death, five films featuring the actor were released

In 2008, Anton Yelchin was ranked 12th on the list of “25 Most Attractive Actors Under 25.” Ten years later he had already starred in a huge number films for a man his age. A wonderful future in the film industry lay ahead of him. But his life was cut short by a freak accident. On June 19, 2016, he was found dead right next to the house. The body was pinned between the bumper of his jeep and a brick column. Apparently, he did not put the handbrake on the car, and it backed him up against the fence.

At that time, Yelchin was busy in several projects that were released after his death - “Star Trek: Beyond”, “Green in the Past”, “Porto”, “Revisit”. His latest work was his role in the thriller “Pureblood,” which was released in January 2017.

Natasha Richardson: last role - in a teen comedy

Natasha Richardson is the daughter of actress Vanessa Redgrave and the wife of Liam Neeson. And she herself was quite famous actress and a Tony Award winner. On March 19, 2009, Natasha Richardson learned to ride alpine skiing at a resort near Montreal and suffered a serious head injury. She died two days later in a Quebec City hospital. The actress's last appearance on screen was the role of Mrs. Kingsley in the 2008 youth comedy "Otrova." And in 2010, the film “The Wildest Dream” was released - a biography of the British climber George Malory, a story told in letters. Since Natasha Richardson read the voice-over text (letters from the climber's wife), this film is considered her last work in cinema.

John Wayne: the last film of the legendary actor - "Sharpest" (1976)

John Wayne was (and still is!) beloved by many for his roles in Westerns, the most popular of which are The Searchers, The Quiet Man, Rio Bravo, The Longest Day and True Grit (Award Oscar for Best Actor). John Wayne acted in films for 30 long years! Legendary actor died of stomach cancer in 1979. Latest films with the participation of the actor became the western "The Most Accurate". In it he played J.B. Brooks, "a dying gunslinger who carries out his last days searching for a way to die with a minimum of pain but a maximum of dignity."

Marilyn Monroe: the actress's swan song - her role in the film "The Misfits" (1961)

This film actually turned out to be the last for the two Hollywood stars: for both Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable. The drama, written by Arthur Miller, was directed by John Huston. Monroe plays the main character Roslyn, who comes to the town of Reno to file a divorce from her husband. There she begins a relationship with an aging cowboy, Gay (Clark Gable), and decides to stay in the city longer... The film turned out to be a commercial failure. A year after its release, Monroe died of an overdose. medicines. And her on-screen partner Clark Gable died 11 days after suffering a heart attack on the set of The Misfits.