What is the search for an artistic image? Piece of art

a form of reflection (reproduction) of objective reality in art from the standpoint of a certain aesthetic ideal. The embodiment of an artistic image in different works art is carried out using various means and materials (word, rhythm, drawing, color, plastic, facial expressions, film editing, etc.). With the help of an artistic image, art fulfills its specific function - to provide a person with aesthetic pleasure and encourage the artist to create according to the laws of beauty.

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a means and way of reflecting reality in art, a form of being work of art. In its structure, an artistic image is a complex formation and embodies opposite principles: objective (reflected reality) and subjective (the artist’s understanding and attitude towards it), individual (each image is unique) and typical (reflects the repeating, natural), reality and fiction. Understanding reality in images is specific feature creativity of the artist, allowing to distinguish it from intellectual activity. In each form of art the image has its own special system artistic means of expression. These differences are manifested in the fact that the language of the image either retains a visible similarity with the reflected reality, or does not have such a similarity, i.e. can be either “fine” or “non-fine”.

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V fine arts, a form of reproduction, comprehension and experience of life phenomena by creating aesthetically affecting objects (paintings, sculptures, etc.). Art, like science, cognizes the world. However, unlike the scientist, who strives to discover and explore the objective laws of nature and society, independent of his will, the artist, reproducing forms and phenomena visible world, expresses first of all his attitude, experiences and state of mind. Artistic image is a complex fusion of professional skill and creative inspiration, the imagination of the master, his thoughts and feelings. The viewer feels in a work of art a feeling of joy or loneliness, despair or anger. The depiction of nature in a landscape is always humanized and bears the imprint of the painter’s personality.

In a work of art, unlike a scientific work, something always remains unsolved. Each era and each person sees something of their own in the image created by the artist. The process of perceiving a work becomes a process of co-creation.

The source of creating artistic images for many masters is a direct appeal to the surrounding world (landscape, still life, household painting). Other artists recreate events of the past ( history painting). A deep study of historical material is complemented by creative insight in the paintings of N. N. Ge and V. I. Surikov, which take us to other eras. Art is able to recreate through an artistic image even that which does not exist in visible space, to convey to the viewer the dreams, fantasies, aspirations of the master, to embody in visible images a fairy tale (V. M. Vasnetsov, M. A. Vrubel) and the highest reality of the Divine world ( ancient Russian icons, biblical sketches by A. A. Ivanov).

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a generalized artistic reflection of reality, clothed in the form of a specific individual phenomenon. Any phenomenon creatively created by an artist, painter, or writer is also called an artistic image. The source of the image is objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, therefore images are secondary in relation to them. But the image is not a mechanical copy of the original. Plays a huge role in creating images creative imagination and the artist’s fantasy, which transforms reality, makes it possible to identify and show its essential features. Therefore, the image represents the inextricable unity of objective and subjective principles, sensory and semantic aspects of artistic creativity. An image is objective to the extent that it correctly reflects reality. But an image can reflect one or more sides of a real object, but not all of it. Therefore, the original is always richer than the image. By reproducing certain real qualities of the original (and not denoting or replacing them as a sign), the image can do this with varying degrees of convention - from realistic descriptiveness to metaphor and symbolism. The importance of the subjective principle in an artistic image also causes ambiguity in its perception, which also becomes creative process. Therefore, different viewers can see something of their own in the image. There are especially great differences in the perception of artistic images among people different eras, countries and cultures.

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Artistic image

Artistic image- a universal category of artistic creativity, a form of interpretation and exploration of the world from the position of a certain aesthetic ideal by creating aesthetically affecting objects. Any phenomenon creatively recreated in a work of art is also called an artistic image. An artistic image is an image from art that is created by the author of a work of art in order to most fully reveal the described phenomenon of reality. The artistic image is created by the author for maximum full development art world works. First of all, through the artistic image, the reader reveals the picture of the world, plot moves and features of psychologism in the work.

The artistic image is dialectical: it unites living contemplation, its subjective interpretation and evaluation by the author (as well as the performer, listener, reader, viewer).

An artistic image is created on the basis of one of the media: image, sound, linguistic environment, or a combination of several. It is integral to the material substrate of art. For example, the meaning internal structure, clarity musical image is largely determined by the natural matter of music - the acoustic qualities of musical sound. In literature and poetry, an artistic image is created on the basis of a specific linguistic environment; in theatrical art all three means are used.

At the same time, the meaning of an artistic image is revealed only in a certain communicative situation, and the final result of such communication depends on the personality, goals and even the momentary mood of the person encountering it, as well as on the specific culture to which he belongs. Therefore, often after one or two centuries have passed since the creation of a work of art, it is perceived completely differently from how its contemporaries and even the author himself perceived it.

In Aristotle's Poetics, the image-trope appears as an inaccurate exaggerated, diminished or altered, refracted reflection of the original nature. In the aesthetics of romanticism, likeness and resemblance give way to the creative, subjective, transformative principle. In this sense, incomparable, unlike anyone else, which means beautiful. This is the same understanding of the image in avant-garde aesthetics, which prefers hyperbole, shift (the term of B. Livshits). In the aesthetics of surrealism, “reality multiplied by seven is truth.” IN newest poetry the concept of “meta-metaphor” (term by K. Kedrov) appeared. This is an image of transcendental reality beyond the threshold of light speeds, where science falls silent and art begins to speak. Metametaphor is closely related to the “reverse perspective” of Pavel Florensky and the “universal module” of the artist Pavel Chelishchev. It's about about expanding the limits of human hearing and vision far beyond physical and physiological barriers.

see also


  • Tamarchenko N. D. Theoretical poetics: concepts and definitions
  • Nikolaev A. I. Artistic image as a transformed model of the world

Literature: Romanova S.I. Artistic image in the space of semiotic relations. // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 7. Philosophy. 2008. No. 6. P.28-38. (www.sromaart.ru)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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An artistic image is a generalized reflection of reality in the form of specific individual phenomena. The following will help you understand what an artistic image is: vivid examples world literature, like Faust or Hamlet, Don Juan or Don Quixote. These characters convey the most characteristic human traits, their desires, passions and feelings.

Artistic image in art

The artistic image is the most sensual and accessible human perception factor. In this sense, an image in art, including an artistic image in literature, is nothing more than a visual-figurative reproduction real life. However, here it is necessary to understand that the author’s task is not simply to reproduce, “duplicate” life, his calling is to conjecture, supplement it in accordance with artistic laws.

Artistic creativity from scientific activity distinguished by the author's, deeply subjective character. That is why in every role, in every stanza and in every picture there is an imprint of the artist’s personality. Unlike science, art is unthinkable without fiction and imagination. Despite this, it is often art that is able to reproduce reality much more adequately than academic scientific methods.

An indispensable condition for the development of art is freedom of creativity, in other words, the ability to simulate current life situations and experiment with them, without looking at the accepted framework of prevailing ideas about the world or generally accepted scientific doctrines. In this sense, the genre of science fiction is especially relevant, as it puts into public view models of reality that are very different from the real one. Some science fiction writers of the past, such as Karel Capek (1890-1938) and Jules Verne (1828-1905), managed to predict the emergence of many modern achievements. Finally, when science considers a human phenomenon in a multifaceted way ( social behavior, language, psyche), his artistic image is an indissoluble integrity. Art shows a person as a holistic variety of different characteristics.

It’s safe to say that the main task of an artist is to create an artistic image; examples of the best of them replenish the treasury from time to time cultural heritage civilization, exerting a huge influence on our consciousness.

Artistic image in architecture

First of all, this is the architectural “face” of any specific building, be it a museum, theater, office building, school, bridge, temple, square, residential building or other kind of institution.

An indispensable condition for the artistic image of any building is impressiveness and emotionality. One of the tasks of architecture in the sense of art is to create an impression, a certain emotional mood. The building can be alienated from the surrounding world and closed, gloomy and harsh; It can also be the other way around - to be optimistic, light, bright and attractive. Architectural features influence our performance and mood, instill a feeling of elation; in opposite cases, the artistic image of a building can act depressingly.

Created talented artist, leaves a “deep mark” in the heart and mind of the viewer or reader. What does this mean? strong impact, makes you feel deeply and empathize with what you see, read or hear? This is an artistic image in literature and art, created by the skill and personality of the creator, who was able to amazingly rethink and transform reality, making it consonant and close to our own personal feelings.

Artistic image

In literature and art, this is any phenomenon generalized and creatively recreated by an artist, composer or writer in a subject of art. It is visual and sensual, i.e. understandable and open to perception, and capable of causing deep emotional experiences. These features are inherent in the image because the artist does not simply copy life phenomena, but fills them with a special meaning, colors them with the help of individual techniques, makes them more capacious, integral and voluminous. Naturally, in contrast to scientific artistic creativity It is very subjective, and it attracts one primarily by the personality of the author, the degree of his imagination, fantasy, erudition and sense of humor. Vivid image in literature and art is also created due to complete freedom of creativity, when boundless distances open before the creator fiction and the limitless ways of expressing it through which he creates his work.

The originality of the artistic image

The artistic image in art and literature is distinguished by amazing integrity, in contrast to scientific creation. He does not divide the phenomenon into its component parts, but considers everything in the indivisible integrity of internal and external, personal and social. The originality and depth of the artistic world are also manifested in the fact that the images in works of art are not only people, but also nature, inanimate objects, cities and countries, individual character traits and personality traits, which are often given the appearance of fantastic creatures or, on the contrary, very mundane ones. , everyday objects. Landscapes and still lifes depicted in the paintings of artists are also images of their work. Aivazovsky, painting the sea in different time year and day, created a very capacious artistic image, which in the smallest nuances of color and light conveyed not only beauty seascape, the artist’s worldview, but also awakened the viewer’s imagination, evoking in him purely personal sensations.

Image as a reflection of reality

The artistic image in literature and art can be very sensual and rational, very subjective and personal or factual. But in any case, it is a reflection of real life (even in fantastic works), since it is common for the creator and the viewer to think in images and perceive the world as a chain of images.

Any artist is a creator. He not only reflects reality and tries to answer existential questions, but also creates new meanings that are important for him and for the time in which he lives. Therefore, the artistic image in literature and art is very capacious and reflects not only the problems of the objective world, but also the subjective experiences and thoughts of the author who created it.

Art and literature, as a reflection of the objective world, grow and develop along with it. Times and eras change, new directions and trends emerge. Cross-cutting artistic images pass through time, transforming and changing, but at the same time new ones arise in response to the demands of the time, historical changes and personal changes, because art and literature are, first of all, a reflection of reality through a constantly changing and time-appropriate system of images.

Artistic image- a generalized reflection of reality in the form of a specific individual phenomenon.

For example, in such vivid artistic images of world literature as Don Quixote, Don Juan, Hamlet, Gobsek, Faust, etc., the typical features of a person, his feelings, passions, desires are conveyed in a generalized form.

The artistic image is visual, i.e. accessible to, and sensual, i.e. directly affecting human feelings. Therefore, we can say that the image acts as a visual-figurative recreation of real life. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that the author of an artistic image - a writer, poet, painter or performer - is not simply trying to repeat, to “double” life. He complements it, conjectures it according to artistic laws.

Unlike scientific activity, artistic creativity is deeply subjectively and is of an author's nature. Therefore, in every picture, in every verse, in every role, the personality of the creator is imprinted. A particularly significant role imagination, fantasy, fiction, which is unacceptable in science. However, in some cases, by means of art it is possible to reproduce reality much more adequately than with the help of strict scientific methods. For example, human feelings - love, hatred, affection - cannot be recorded in strict scientific concepts, and masterpieces classical literature or music successfully cope with this task.

In art big role plays freedom of creativity- the ability to bet artistic experiments and model life situations, without limiting oneself to the accepted framework of prevailing scientific theories or everyday ideas about the world. In this regard, the fantasy genre is especially indicative, offering the most unexpected models of reality. Some science fiction writers of the past, such as Jules Verne (1828-1905) and Karel Capek (1890-1938), were able to predict many of the achievements of our time.

Finally, if considered with different sides(his psyche, language, social behavior), then the artistic image represents an indissoluble integrity. A person in art is presented as a whole in all the diversity of his characteristics.

The most striking artistic images replenish the treasury of the cultural heritage of mankind, influencing the consciousness of mankind.

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