Tanya Tereshina VKontakte real page with a tick. Biography of Tanya Tereshina

Tatyana Viktorovna Tereshina, better known as Tanya Tereshina. Born on May 3, 1979 in Budapest (Hungary). Russian singer and a fashion model.

Tanya Tereshina was born in Budapest into a military family.

Since her father constantly moved from place to place due to his duties, she visited not only Hungary, but also Poland and Ukraine.

In 1992, the family finally settled in Smolensk. There she graduated from high school, and in 1996 she entered the Smolensk Institute of Arts at the Faculty of Painting.

IN school years attended music, art and ballet clubs. She was a soloist in a children's ensemble.

She didn’t work in her specialty and decided to pursue a career as a model. She moved to Moscow and was accepted into the Modus Vivendis modeling agency. She was a leading model for Point and Fashion and traveled a lot for shows in Europe.

Then she was invited to perform on stage as a singer.

In 2002 - after the departure of Oksana Oleshko - in the group Hi-Fi a vacancy appeared, and in the casting new member Tereshina was chosen. She performed as a member of the group from February 2003 to May 2005, taking part in more than 500 concerts. Together with her, the team recorded the hit “Trouble.”

The group was nominated for the Muz-TV 2005 “Best dance project", which she received after Tatiana left, in June 2005.

The first solo compositions of the singer Tanya and the debut video “It will be hot” were released in 2007. The very next year, the song “Fragments of Feelings,” written by Noize MC, became a hit. A year later, the “Western” video was released, together with.

The first one was released in 2011 solo album Tatiana “Open my heart”, which includes 20 tracks.

Tanya's composition styles are R&B and pop. Her videos are shot by Estonian film director Hindrek Maasik, who also worked with Noize MC and the group “Disco Accident”.

Tanya Tereshina - Understand

In 2010, Tanya recorded a video "Radio Ga-ga-ga", which exploits the image of a shocking American singer. The video was received harshly mixed assessments: devastating criticism (as weak attempt parodies and de facto imitation of a world star), recognition of his successful PR move and a desire to learn from experience (inspired by the international version of Radio Ga-ha-ga, French DJs announced their intention to shoot a similar video where Carla Bruni will be played out).

With this composition, Tanya was nominated for the RU.TV 2011 “Creative of the Year” Award, but lost in the competition Quest group Pistols.

Tanya Tereshina also participated more than once in candid photo shoots magazines for men. In her interviews, the performer stated that her body was not subjected to plastic surgery and it is one hundred percent its own.

Tanya Tereshina - Sorry

Tanya Tereshina's height: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Tanya Tereshina:

She had short novel with the star of the 90s, in whose video she starred.

During the singer’s performance in the Hi-Fi group, she had a relationship with Mitya Fomin. The artist also had affairs with businessmen - she did not hide in an interview that she preferred to deal with rich men. In particular, she had an affair with millionaire Arseny Sharov.

She was in a civil marriage with TV presenter Slava Nikitin.

In September 2015, Tereshina announced that she had left Nikitin. Despite the TV presenter’s attempts to restore the relationship, the couple broke up completely.

Subsequently, he does not help his daughter with money.

In May 2016 it became known that. The latter is known for working on the project of fellow artist Mitya Fomin.

The ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group and Ruslan Goy arrived together at the RU.TV awards party at the Moscow Nobu restaurant, where they were photographed kissing by the paparazzi.

Since the end of 2016, the singer began an affair with Vadim Bukharov, who is 13 years younger than her. At first, the couple was constantly condemned for their age difference, but they did not pay attention to it. Vadim became friends with Tanya's daughter Iris. But then the couple broke up.

Then businessman Oleg Kurbatov appeared in Tanya’s life. He is 16 years younger than the singer. She reasoned about it this way: “Life will, of course, tell. And about our beautiful age difference, a few months ago we sat and talked about the long life together and at some point Oleg said that he found me and was afraid of losing me and didn’t want to lose me and it sounded so desperate. At first I didn’t understand what he was talking about, but then it dawned on me and with my characteristic black humor I asked: Are you afraid that I’ll throw off my skates before you? To which he nodded affirmatively). And I smiled with emotion and said: God, according to statistics, men live fewer women, so we are perfect for each other)).” Here is the answer about my age and his! It's not all about sex."

27.02.2019 03:33 1,846 likes 26 comments

26.02.2019 13:27 1,846 likes 26 comments

Official Instagram Tanya Tereshina

And although I have completely different stones in this photo, we are talking about blue diamonds. Blue diamonds are the most special! The brightest and most charismatic. It was they who became the culprits of the precious bachelorette party organized by @victoriabonya & @robertobravo. Butterflies, flowers, fashionable geometry of the #Naviblue collection are the best accessory for a fashionista this spring. #bravomoments, #bonyacollection

26.02.2019 01:42 3,565 likes 78 comments

Official Instagram Tanya Tereshina

Age is cool. But it’s a pity for three positions! The fact that until the age of 30 you eat everything in a row, drink, don’t sleep and don’t get fat, and then eternal work on your body and restrictions 😭🤷🏼‍♀️⛏, that’s what gets tired of being a romantic and falling in love. You become more cynical and more indifferent towards opposite sex. And I loved these passionate states so much 😀🤪, and the main drawback in growing up, the only serious drawback, is that you don’t want your parents to grow old. Otherwise I really like everything. And the fact that there is confidence and that you are able to stand up for yourself and that there are children. It was a bit boring without them. (Here, in the photo, I’m 28. I’m 15 kilograms thinner than I am now. You can see it in my face).🙄 . #wrecks of feelings

25.02.2019 21:58 5,023 likes 67 comments

Official Instagram Tanya Tereshina

I still reduced the length of my nails. For some, this is so-so news and someone will say: “This is also an event for me,” but long nails for me are just like wings on the eyes, just like heels or a favorite perfume. Like habits without which it’s sad, such as green tea in the morning or shower with your favorite scents. And everything comes from childhood. My mother, as long as I remember her, always wore long, elegant nails, and as a girl I knew that I would also wear such nails. And to this day, she doesn’t have “stumps” like I have now 😅, but elongated and feminine. Many people asked how it was possible with a newborn and such nails. And it’s completely easy for me. I will never give an injection and feel comfortable on my own. Habit. But I couldn’t go for a nail correction after giving birth for so long, because I couldn’t leave my mini son. It’s scary to be with someone else’s nanny, my mom left with Aris, my dad Oleg was a little afraid to be alone and told me that it’s not visible at all that three nails are broken😅, although in fact he really likes it when I have long and sexy nails.) ) well, I thought that after all, broken nails are not broken legs, this is not such a problem and I really gave up on it. And as soon as ex-nanny Aris was able to come to us for a few days, I immediately rushed off to clean my feathers. Well, the result is my human nails, “stumps” as I call them 🤷🏼‍♀️ I agree, very beautiful, but still temporary. And I made this length out of practicality and for my own peace of mind, in order to avoid such incidents. But I promised myself that in a month I would get my sexy hands back again💅🏻. Thank you @nail_land_studio_! ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️

24.02.2019 14:30 2,956 likes 86 comments

Official Instagram Tanya Tereshina

You get so stuck on all these toys with faces. I really like these doll transformations. But that's not what we're talking about now. Who remembers me from the hi-fi days? And who used to, I haven’t changed my appearance at all, but yesterday I found a million discussions under the photos (though on someone else’s account) that everyone looks the same and that I’m all changed 😳☺️👏🏽👏🏽🤪🤪😁🤷🏼‍♀️🤷 🏼‍♀️. I can’t understand, I seem to have been in the public eye for so many years. Maybe some kids are writing this. But there is something in all of this. After all, if everyone now has the same face and they untangle me from this “everyone”, it means that everything is on my face now 😉😅. In general, I don’t see anything wrong with reincarnation. Looking at the Kardashian sisters, I can definitely say that they have become much more beautiful. Why go around being a weakling if you can become a beauty. So, although there is more and more competition, I am for beauty!😉💥😁

24.02.2019 00:00 6,207 likes 47 comments

23.02.2019 15:17 4,541 likes 80.10 thousand 57 comments

I came to a beautiful event and didn’t even know that I would leave with diamonds)). It’s nice that unexpectedly and on the holiday of all men they congratulated me)! So what, I can stop the horse and enter the hut on fire. I deserve it 🥰! @victoriabonya 🌼☀️🌼

21.02.2019 20:20 4,095 likes 66 comments

Arseny Olegovich is the only man whom I myself take to restaurants, or rather to a restaurant, as this was my first outing)). But in fact, my friend and I decided to chat and show Arsyusha restaurant Moscow at the same time, but we chose the most snow-covered day of the year for the meeting)). We chatted a lot, forgot to take a photo, so, @phyllidia, these are the only photos. 🤷🏼‍♀️😀☺️💥👏🏽

20.02.2019 12:43 2,454 likes 71 comments

19.02.2019 17:47 4,855 likes 103 comments

I'm starting to live full life. For me psychologically it is very important not to sit at home, to move and strive somewhere. Well, at least plan))). I’m already tired of discussing repairs, because everything is always slow)), but it’s nice to discuss holidays. Today my friend and I even planned my birthday, which is May 3rd👅. Now I'll think about the details). Then I definitely want to be a brunette for the summer. As long as in the Western video. I wanted a passionate image. For now I’m content with passionate flowers. Cardigan by @take_dm 👄💄. It seems like I won’t be getting out of this comfortable thing anytime soon😍. Does such a bright color suit me? And lipstick, which is better with pale lips or juicy ones?

Tanya Tereshina - popular singer, famous model, an aspiring actress, was born in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, on May 3, 1979.


The girl's childhood was happy, but quite hectic. Father, officer Soviet army often transferred from one duty station to another, and the family naturally followed him. That is why Tanya was not born in Russia, although her parents are Russian by blood.

Later the family moved to Poland, where a limited contingent was stationed Soviet troops, then lived a little in Ukraine. And finally we finally settled in Smolensk. It was already 1992. There, 17-year-old Tanya graduated from high school.

However, she does not complain at all about her fate. Frequent changes of environment only benefited the girl. She learned to be sweet and sociable, to quickly find common language with peers and defend their positions in the team. All this was very useful to her in the future.

Since it was difficult for my mother to look for work in a new place of residence every time, the parents decided that she would sit at home and develop her daughter, who very early began to show versatile skills. creativity. IN early years she has already visited ballet school, and later a musical one was added to it.

IN secondary school teachers drew the parents' attention that the girl had extraordinary drawing abilities and advised her to also send her to art school. It was difficult to keep up with everything, but Tanya really liked creative activities, so she visited them with pleasure. But at the urgent request of my parents, I tried to keep up with others as usual.

Start of a career

After receiving the certificate of completion high school, Tanya entered the art department of the Institute of Arts. Academic art education She used it in a very original applied way - she designed and sewed stage costumes for herself and her friends.

Thinking about what area she would like to build a career in, Tanya realized that in her almost native Smolensk she did not have enough opportunities to fully express herself.

While studying at the institute, Tanya worked at a local modeling agency and thus was able to earn her own money. And the idea came to her to try to realize herself in this simpler way in Moscow.

Having prepared a solid portfolio, the girl set off to conquer the capital. Success came quite quickly, since Tanya not only had excellent appearance and knew how to behave well in front of the camera, but also showed herself to be a very creative person.

Within a year, she became in demand and was constantly busy filming for magazines and advertising, working simultaneously with several agencies.

Possessing natural sexuality, Tanya often starred in rather candid photo shoots for leading Russian and foreign glossy magazines. She has a magnificent body, which she is not shy to show off, claiming that she has never resorted to the services of plastic surgeons.

In 2002, Tanya accidentally learned that the producers of the already popular and popular group “Hi-Fi” were holding a casting to find a singer who could replace former soloist Oksana Oleshko. Remembering your music education and the ability to move superbly, she decided to use this chance and appeared before a strict jury.

She herself was surprised by the result - literally a couple of days after the casting, the girl was already actively involved in creative process. There was catastrophically little time for rehearsals - the group toured a lot, so they had to adapt almost on the fly. Three months later, Tanya made her debut on stage as a full member of the group.

But after two years she realized that tour life, which is completely organized and controlled by the producers, and in which she does not belong to herself - this is not at all what she dreamed of.

By this time, Tanya had already gained some touring experience and felt the strength to start independent career. Moreover, finding a new producer for a model that was famous in the past was not difficult.

Tanya today

Tereshina officially began her solo career in 2007, but this was preceded by almost a whole year of serious vocational training. After the release of her debut video “It Will Be Hot,” Tanya quickly became popular - the song entered almost all prestigious charts, although it did not reach their top.

A year later, she will present her debut solo album, which includes 8 completely new compositions. Trying to find her own style, she sews her own costumes and comes up with clip plots, which are then embodied on the screen by famous music video directors.

Today she performs a lot in group concerts and often records duet songs with others popular performers. In 2011 Tereshina presented her first full-length album, which already included 20 compositions in various musical genres. The girl also plans to realize her artistic abilities - she plans to develop her own clothing line.

Personal life

About his fleeting novels, which such beautiful girl, naturally, there were a lot, Tanya prefers not to remember and not spread the word. The first serious relationship was an affair with one of the lead singers of the Hi-Fi group, Mitya Fomin. It could have ended in a wedding if the girl had not met rich businessman Arseny Sharov.

With Mitya Fomin

However, Fomin initially had no chance of becoming Tereshina’s husband. She always stated absolutely frankly that she was only interested in very wealthy men. They did not ignore her, but for some reason they were in no hurry to tie themselves to Tereshina in marriage.

In 2011, unexpectedly for everyone, she began a relationship with the young but already popular TV presenter Vyacheslav Nikitin, who is 7 years younger than the singer. The relationship smoothly developed into a civil marriage, the fruit of which was a daughter born in 2013. But after two years, the couple finally broke up, and Tatyana was the initiator of the breakup.

Tereshina is currently being tied up romantic relationship with an even younger gentleman - Vadim Bukharov. The difference between them was already 13 years. At first, the singer did not want to advertise this relationship, fearing idle conversations and increased media attention. But then pictures of them together began to appear regularly on Instagram, and rumors even spread about their imminent wedding.

Singer and model Tatyana Tereshina, better known by her stage name Tanya Tereshina, started out as a model, then was able to become the lead singer of the Hi-Fi group.

Tanya Tereshina's childhood

Tatyana Tereshina was born in Hungary on May 3, 1979. Her father was a military man, so she moved around a lot as a child. In addition to Russia, she lived in Ukraine and Poland.

In 1992, Tereshina’s family settled in Smolensk, where the girl received her secondary education. In addition to school, she attended music, art and even ballet clubs.

In 1996, Tatyana Tereshina entered the Smolensk Institute of Arts at the Faculty of Painting. After graduating from university, she went to Moscow.

Career of Tanya Tereshina

In the capital, the girl began working as a model. In her track record cooperation with such modeling agencies as Modus Vivendis, Point and Fashion. Working as a model, she took part in shows held in many European countries. According to the girl, she really enjoyed walking on the catwalk.

Tereshina’s life changed radically at the end of 2002, when she took part in the selection of candidates for a place in the Hi-Fi group. The place became vacant after Oksana Oleshko left the team, deciding to quit show business.

Tanya Tereshina, participating in the casting, was not confident in her abilities. The girl doubted that she could win. However, it was she who was chosen from many applicants.

Tereshina's first performance with the group took place in February 2003. Even then she began to understand that within Hi-Fi there was little room for self-realization. She performed with Mitya Fomin and Timofey Pronkin until May 2005. Together with the group, she traveled half of Russia and took part in 500 concerts.

After the offer to do solo career the star decides to leave the group. In June 2005, the team became the winner of the Muz-TV 2005 Award as “Best Dance Group”. This recognition is ensured by the work of Tanya Tereshina.

Tanya Tereshina - Fragments of feelings

At the same time, as the singer says, after leaving she remained on friendly terms with her former bandmates. Although her departure was painted with scandalous colors. With Mitya Fomin, Tatyana Tereshina is sure, they can have some kind of joint project.

Solo career of Tanya Tereshina

Tereshina's first songs appeared in 2007. In the spring of this year, the song “It Will Be Hot” came into rotation, which began to be actively played on radio stations and television. The single was noticed by such giants as MTV and " Russian radio" In total, that year the singer recorded seven compositions for her first album. At the same time, the girl began performing at various solyanka concerts.

Tanya Tereshina and Zhanna Friske - Western

But the real breakthrough, according to the singer herself, is the song “Fragments of Feelings,” which he wrote especially for her in 2008 famous rapper Noise MC. The single was presented on the Europa Plus radio station. As a result, the song was played on all speakers for several months.

For all her videos (the most notable, probably, was “Western”, in which Zhanna Friske starred) and live performances, Tanya Tereshina comes up with her own outfits. Her training as an artist allows the girl to create really good costumes.

Tanya Tereshina now

In 2010, the singer released a song and a video for it, “Radio Ga-ga-ga,” in which she tried on the image of the outrageous American singer Lady Gaga. The video sequence turned out to be ambiguous and was received controversially by the public. In 2011, with this song, the star was nominated for the RU.TV 2011 “Creative of the Year” Award.

Tanya Tereshina - Sorry

In the same year, Tanya Tereshina released her first album, “Open My Heart,” which included 20 tracks performed in the R&B and pop genres.

In the future, Tatiana hopes to star in a movie in the future. But she is not particularly keen on this, because now she is more interested in music, performances, and filming videos. Tatiana Tereshina and Slava Nikitin

In the summer of 2014, the parents baptized their daughter, and Tanya’s longtime friend Mitya Fomin, with whom they still continue to be friends, acted as godparent.






Russian singer, ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group

16.02.2019 07:54:55

This is the second time I've gone through this. It was exactly the same with the advent of Aris, but I never cease to be amazed at how a nursing woman’s hormones command her. It is like a separate categorical leader of your consciousness. He stands in front of you with a pointer and suddenly shouts: “cry” or “be mischievous” or “rejoice” and with the wave of a wand you do everything, like a trained Kuklachek cat. . Then I cry, especially listening sad stories. I’m forbidden to tell them now, but I still find a way to cry by imagining something scary from the category “What if” or “What if.” But I also periodically, suddenly for myself, begin to bathe in a fit of happiness, like now. I woke up early, my husband was sleeping sweetly, baby was snoring even sweeter, and my happiness began to spill over into the sweetest streams of warm, healthy milk. And it’s like your milk has run out, but you feel soooo good).🤭 For such stupidly pleasant states, a person needs a little: give birth to children, plant a tree, build a house, and write down new song in my case))). Soon I will start finalizing the track and this also makes me wildly happy. #Joy to everyone ️ (magazine 10)

15.02.2019 17:32:25

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

I realized that I had become properly straight. No shocking. And how many provocations did I have before). More than half of which people didn’t even understand that this was banter, trolling and just fun. I guess I’m not up to it now, or maybe Tanya isn’t the same anymore.) Another option, that I’m tired of it. Still, there was a lot of this in my life. My husband also influences me. I don’t mess with him too much. He doesn't even allow you to cut your hair. Everything is regulated. But at least somewhere my eccentric and odious nature must express itself! Here is the song that I started preparing for release and it’s a good vanilla one. And I want something else! (and I'm not talking about a man)). Where to start? Change your hairstyle?)

15.02.2019 12:20:47

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Today we have important date– Arsyusha is one month old! And this morning, while he was sleeping, I looked at him and remembered how tiny he was a month ago. I remembered my “adventurous” contractions and my positive arrival at the maternity hospital and the birth itself)) and these are such warm memories, because from the birth and from the postpartum period I only have the most positive emotions, a feeling of happiness, warmth and calm. Thanks to all the staff @roddompravda for this! They treat you attentively, with great care. My best doctor in the world, Inna Nikolaevna Alekseeva, supported me like a mother supports her daughter, coordinated every step with me, I was a full participant in the process. My favorite music, which I ordered when drawing up an individual plan, relaxed me. And Oleg, who was next to me, sometimes made me laugh)) After giving birth, he stayed with us overnight, fortunately the two-room apartment allowed this. Thanks to the doctors who observed us with the baby after birth, especially neonatologist Elena Sergeevna Sukhobokova! They did a detailed diagnosis, told me everything about my boy’s health, helped with everything, answered all my questions. And there is no fuss, they spend as much time with you as you need. This is very important for a woman who has just given birth, especially if this is her first child. But I had enough questions with the second one)) My next dream came true - a son! The dream of my beloved husband, and all our grandparents, has come true. We can’t get enough of Arsyusha ️!

14.02.2019 11:11:29

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

️ Much love to everyone! And since in my opinion the most true love is born only after several years of living together, then I wish everyone to still find that same person and not make a mistake. Although mistakes can also be valuable, especially when they remain in your life as a result 🧒. In general, relationships always go through different stages. My husband and I are now getting to know each other on a daily basis and trying on new roles. Parents of a common child. And first there was a strong romantic passion, then tenderness, now after the birth of the baby and at the time of renovation and moving, we are both simply inspired and strongly strive for a common result, so that we can then share happiness with everyone. We get used to each other, we grow, putting down roots into each other. What is love to me? And this is when it’s strong, when it’s like family, when it’s kind and when you want to give. When you don’t feel sorry, when you’re generous! When your loved one is sleeping and you don’t rustle or open the curtains and when you don’t even think that you are being faithful. In general, faithful and long love! Once again Happy Holidays!

13.02.2019 16:43:43

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

We are 1 month old the day after tomorrow 🤩! And in this regard, I want to ask several questions at once. Why do all parents say “to us” in such cases))) 🧐🤷‍♀️ who should we?))) Second question: Should the baby drink some water or not? And the third question I wanted to ask Mother Nature, but since I did not find the opportunity to ask her personally, it seems that I solved this riddle myself. And so, why, when breastfeeding, does milk flow from the other breast at the same time?) I recently figured out why nature came up with this. Honestly, I haven’t looked on the Internet, but I’m sure I’m right. I’ll write a guess later, but for now I’m waiting for your options. Well, about clothes for babies. From your observations, do you think the quality of his clothes affects the baby’s sleep and well-being? I just found great things. I’m a “mum of two” and I’ve seen a lot of children’s clothes, but the softness and quality of this cotton drove me crazy:) It’s beautiful and very gentle, soft and cozy. Created and sewn in Portugal!! This is the first official distributor of NaturaPura @naturapura_rus in Russia! The store opened in the summer in Moscow in the center of the capital. Finally, a CERTIFIED brand has appeared in Russia with 100% organic things for children, even with very sensitive and atopic skin! AND BY THE WAY! Everyone gets a 7% discount from @naturapura_rus using the promo code "MAMA"! The best part! There are already discounts in the store right now! Both discounts can be combined!!

13.02.2019 13:26:13

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Happy birthday, my lady @oleshkina! You are a wonderful friend, beautiful and kind, a wonderful mother of three! In the photo we try not to show our true selves, the status is no longer the same 🤣, but just look at our children in tandem and everything becomes clear!) (I attach photos in the carousel) Be happy!🥰🤩

12.02.2019 16:34:12

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

One day 🥰

12.02.2019 12:44:27

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Today I saw in my comments (in my last post) a reproach that I somehow stopped responding to requests from subscribers. For example, I did not respond to the request to review the Christmas tree 🤭, and they also often ask me to reveal the theme of my make-up or tell my son about gadgets. There are also requests to show the nurseries in the new house. I promise I will fill this gap. Now we’ll have to wait with the Christmas tree, but the rest is quite realistic!) Here’s a mini review of the super beautiful things I recently purchased. I can't breathe on them🤭. I just drove past the salon, went in and plunged into an incredible selection of everything for the home, and also with great discounts🥰 . There is a huge selection of designer wallpaper, fabrics, furniture, and its own curtain making studio. (I'll be back here to order for children's rooms!) And this is at @kids .interiors.moscow Until March 8, there is a sale of ETRO interior accessories: blankets, bed linen, towels and even dishes with the famous ETRO pattern - Indian paisley. The salon is physically located on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 42 - a huge selection. In short, February 14th)) and February 23rd or March 8th:) for everyone who loves home decoration, then come here for gifts

12.02.2019 08:47:57

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

This is the life of a young mother. Zero sexy photos on Instagram. I decided to fill this gap with a comeback from the past. I really wanted to go dark chestnut for summer 🥰. Well, news from the fields. We live in boxes. Half of the things are packed and ready to move, and half are still brazenly hanging, standing and mocking), but I haven’t felt so positive for a long time. I collect all the things myself. Oleg and I ordered assorted moving boxes, 100 pieces. And I slowly but surely pack everything, wrapping the most delicate things in bubble bags and labeling each box on all sides. What I just haven’t found during this time. I just have some memories. Some rare photographs, gifts, jewelry, clothes that I haven’t fit into for 15 years, etc. I’m getting rid of a lot of things because I don’t think it’s necessary to drag these memories into the house. Because those memories that arise solely upon the discovery of a certain thing are practically unimportant. This means they are forgotten and it’s time to say goodbye to them. And tell me, how are you, Tanya, moving, if you still have “mini Oleg”, who is not even a month old? (by the way, in 3 days we will be a month old) so here we go. Our Arseny continues in his own spirit. He sleeps and eats, and also pees and poops. He doesn’t even do the last two points at night, but only eats once a night, and that’s only if I wake him up, because there’s nowhere to put the milk))). That's how he likes to sleep. These are the different types of children. My husband and I can't stop looking at them. The only time my son made a scandal when I put a thin cap on him. He screamed until his husband suggested that it was because of the hat, because he himself hated them, especially the elastic bands. So he guessed right.) In short. The news from the fields is over. I’ll go to bed next, because my son and husband are sleeping.

10.02.2019 00:53:26

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Thank you! I read every congratulation to Oleg) he went crazy)))). We love you ️ Spok everyone 🤭

09.02.2019 11:23:42

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Happy Birthday my love! I won’t tell you what I gave you today)), so as not to worry the women who are always excited when looking at you). But still, my most important gift to you is your little copy! It turned out brilliantly) I tried my best and you and I are connected by this copy for the rest of our lives ️! Be happy my man with a Hollywood face and Russian kind soul. There is only you in my heart! And since Oleg doesn’t like to use Instagram, please, my friends, shower my beloved husband with congratulations here!

08.02.2019 14:33:07

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

“The moon shines under the scythe...” and a star sits on the shoulder from @littlepeanutcraft ️. These are new lamps for children's rooms. For Aris and Arsyusha. I'll show them in the interior soon. One of the obvious advantages is that the lamps do not have a cord and can be hung, placed on a shelf and moved wherever you want. Guess which one Aris chose for herself)?

07.02.2019 11:23:15

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Meanwhile, my Aris became exactly twice as tall)). I can't even believe it. I found this photo and am amazed by its size. Your children also grow up quickly. By the way, my son hasn’t fit into two of his things)) cool🤭

06.02.2019 14:55:02

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

He eats and sleeps all the time)) Yes, this man was sent to me exactly so that I could live in peace, harmony and happiness. He has been protecting me since his birth. In general, I believe that this is the most important quality in a man in relation to the woman he loves - namely, to treat her with care. He regretted, worried and protected. From everything: from fatigue, from insults and unnecessary worries, from illnesses, from offenders. While my baby, with his sound sleep and excellent appetite, makes his mother’s heart calm️. That's all I need.

05.02.2019 10:56:33

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Good morning from 2002

04.02.2019 20:23:05

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

In the modern rhythm of life, it can be difficult to maintain a routine and eat healthy and varied, and cooking 5 different dishes every day seems like something out of science fiction. Often it all comes down to boring and monotonous dishes, bad mood. The guys from @growfoodrus They have a menu for absolutely different purposes and wishes, everyone will find something to suit their taste)) And I’ll give you two days as a gift when you order a 6-day line 🥳 Just write to Direct @growfoodrus TERESHINA19 and get 8 days of nutrition price 6️

03.02.2019 19:05:43

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

️️ #ArisArseniy

03.02.2019 00:05:58

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

A few facts about us. 1) recently I promised myself to call him more often during the day. One day Oleg simply told me that he calls me all the time with or without reason, but I almost never call. And I realized that indeed, I don’t call, but not because I don’t think, I just don’t want to distract me from business, from driving, from work. I prefer SMS somehow. But now we started calling each other a lot)), especially during the final repair work in our house.)) 2) Oleg and I almost never quarrel. If we quarrel, it’s only for a little bit. 3) The husband is completely non-offensive. I am hot-tempered, but he is so balanced that sometimes it seems to me that he is my reward for all my former “crazy people”)). 4) When my grandmother leaves, Aris sleeps with me. On one side is a son, on the other is a daughter. And Oleg, coming to our bedroom to wish Good night, always kisses Arisik on the leg, even if she is already sleeping. 5) and in the first days of his arrival from the maternity hospital, he repeated to me that with two children it somehow became incredibly more comfortable at home.)) And it’s true. The house became even warmer. ️️️️️️️️️️️

02.02.2019 22:45:04

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

02.02.2019 16:00:56

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

As a child, I was very obedient, quiet, even quiet, I would say. Very shy and shy and highly dependent on her mother. When I was pregnant with Aris, I dreamed of a hurricane girl. So that she would be without complexes, free, sociable, positive, energetic. I always admired and admired such children, probably because I was completely the opposite as a child. Only over the years, as an adult, I became liberated, re-educating myself, allowing myself to be individual. And until this year, I didn’t think about what I was like and why I was like that? And only now I realized that it was Soviet society forced parents (and even more so a military family) to raise their children so that they would follow the rules, completely forgetting about their “I”. And when my dream came true and Aris was born, just like that, “with a spark” ️, I repeated that she was all like daddy Slava, because I was calm as a child, but apparently everything is not like that. I was calm because I just had to be what I “should” be! And Aris is the child of both parents. Temperamental, like both of us. There is never a dull moment with her. She is very creative and very ideological. So, having become pregnant again, I asked the Lord to give me phlegmatic now), as two “lights” can start a fire)). Even now it is clear that our guy is sedate and reasonable. Loves to sleep and is an excellent observer. My second wish also apparently came true️. So make the right wishes!

02.02.2019 14:15:19

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Guys, there is such a shelter for animals in Kaluga @vlada_funtik Vlada, the owner of the shelter is disabled (due to medical error she was blind in one eye). There are more than 500 dogs in this shelter, which Vlada knows by name and remembers the history of each one! They even bring her crippled dogs from all over the country by plane!!! She gives each one a second life, raises them to their feet and places them in families! Guys, Vlad really needs our help! The shelter is located on the rented territory of an abandoned poultry farm, which is for sale; they can be kicked out at any time! We have our own land, but it’s a bare field, construction costs a LOT of money! The shelter has no sponsors, and the city does not help in any way. Guys, let's help this heroic woman together in such a good cause: whoever can - repost, financially - even 100 rubles! Card used to collect construction fees: Sberbank. 4279 2200 1047 7362 (Dmitry Viktorovich M. - son)

01.02.2019 14:58:54

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

Did anyone recognize what it was in the picture before reading the text? They brought me a VIP set from the @placentarium Association. This is my postpartum recovery product and cosmetics based on my OWN placenta! If something surprised you now, did you even know that sheep and cattle after giving birth take a remedy from the human placenta??? In our world of paradoxes, everything is so turned upside down that cattle and fur-bearing animals receive drugs from the human placenta for postpartum recovery, milk abundance and shiny coat, and people buy dietary supplements from sheep and deer placenta for the treatment of many diseases for a lot of money! !! . It’s probably unpleasant to realize that your child’s placenta, your part and his part, is now somewhere in the composition of an expensive luxury shampoo or an anti-aging face mask. Why don't we appreciate such a powerful gift of nature? Capsules made from your own placenta individually for you will help: Recover quickly and easily after childbirth; Reduce the volume and duration of lochia (discharge); Stabilize lactation, prevent lactostasis and mastitis; Relieve postpartum anemia as part of complex therapy; Prevent postpartum depression, improve mood and contact with family; Save on formula Improve the immune system and provide your baby with reliable protection; Heal wounds, sutures and tears, placental site (the place where the placenta was attached in the uterus). . Do you still doubt whether you should value your Placenta? If yes, then I will tell you that in China more than 80 diseases are treated with placenta preparations, scientist V.I. Govallo developed cancer therapy using an extract from the placenta, and the famous academician V.P. Filatov founded the method of tissue therapy using preparations of the human placenta. And I have such a jewel, individually prepared by @placentarium! I will share with you my feelings about placenta capsules and cosmetics

30.01.2019 13:58:52

Official Instagram account of Tanya Tereshina

@sanglakatrin + @hmaasik = ️️️️️️️️ p.s. By the way, my hair is not dyed here either. This is the first very successful attempt to go with natural hair color. Now I have exactly the same ones