How to dress in Holland. To get the consent of a Russian woman, forget everything I told you above

I recently came across an article by a Dutch man, where he wrote what is the difference between Russian and Dutch women. The man wrote with a sense of humor, and I decided to translate his thoughts. Don't judge my translation too harshly, I tried my best.

1. Getting to know each other.

In order to understand the difference between Dutch and Russian women, you first need to ask them out on a first date.

To meet a Dutch woman.

You need to go to a bar, sit close to a group of women and not pay attention to them. Be sure to order alcoholic drink and within a few seconds curious women will start approaching you. Remember the topics which it is forbidden start with them:
  1. About Santa Claus.
  2. About help centers.
  3. Why do many Dutch women work part-time?
  4. Why Dutch football team doesn't win the European Cup

Give women the opportunity to buy you drinks, and after you give them your Facebook details, your number mobile phone, home address, blood type and shoe size, they will be ready to come to your first date!

To get the consent of a Russian woman, forget everything I told you above.

You need to go to an upscale bar or restaurant. Be careful as there may be stylish women who turn out to be Dutch. If on these women beautiful dresses, but they are wearing sneakers, which means they are Dutch women. Look for women in high heels, they will most likely be from Russia. Start a polite conversation with them, praise them appearance, it's always a good start. Ask them a lot of questions about what they are doing in the Netherlands.

Don't joke with them about these topics:

  1. Problems between Russia and Ukraine.
  2. Pusey Wright
  3. Money relations

Offer him a drink, but not a Molotov cocktail. You must make your intentions clear and ask for their consent.

2. First date

A successful first date with a Dutch woman is as follows:

  1. I would venture to guess that wherever you meet, she will be able to return home on her bike.
  2. If she shakes her wet hair, then it can be considered a compliment to you. Well, well, she took a shower before meeting you.
  3. Just don't think about paying for drinks at the end of the night. If you're still enjoying yourself, you can give her a lecture about how independent Dutch women are and don't spend their time at the stove.
  4. Be prepared for her sarcasm and insults about your date. They love to do this.

If you play with her a little more, the Dutch woman herself will take the first step towards you.

Dutch women always make the first move.

A successful first date with a Russian woman is as follows:

  1. Write to her in advance that you are looking forward to your first date.
  2. Be a gentleman and take your lady out of the house.
  3. Even if you come for it on time, be patient, most likely it will take a very long time to prepare.
  4. Be polite, charming and attentive.
  5. If she asks you your opinion about marriage, don't choke on your drink and say that it's for people from the provinces.
  6. Russian women love wizards, they tend to have designer bags that probably have wallets in them, but they magically disappear when the bill arrives.

If you do everything according to the rules, then a little courage and you yourself need to take the first step.

3. Relationships.

Dutch women.

The best part begins when you see a Dutch woman every day for a week. You are not officially in a relationship yet; for a long time you will just be friends. You will be telling your friends about this difficult journey, how you will unexpectedly return to her apartment and see white sneakers in the hallway next to her brown shoes. And without really worrying, she'll have fun with the Golan Lion and tell you, "Hey, it's not a big deal, we're just friends, right?"

Russian women.

Expectations Russian women from their men are numerous. This is as follows:
You are the driver.
You are a supplier of wonderful dishes and good wine.

You are a lover on call, 24 hours a day, whenever her desires arise.

4. Time taken to exit.

Dutch women.

The great thing is when you date a Dutch woman. Let's say you need to leave the house at 19:00, for this you just need to pick her up at 18.56. Your Dutch girl will change her sneakers, quickly smoke a cigarette, put on a leather or denim jacket and she's ready. Amazing!

Russian women.

If you need to leave the house at 19:00, then best strategy, is to tell her that you need to leave at 18.00. By this you will limit yourself from her being late. Nevertheless, at this time she will take a bath, choose and change her mind about what to wear, what accessories suit her best. No matter how much she starts getting ready in advance, she will still be late.

5. Marriage

Dutch women and marriage.

Dutch women are quite practical about marriage; it is usually a matter of financial advantage and convenience. They may insist on it after the second child. When you start living with a Dutch woman, your life will consist of endless lists and calendar days.

Supermarket shopping list, butcher, grocer.
Reminders to take out the trash.
Reminders: Read other reminders posted on the kitchen wall.

Meeting calendar:

Travel 200 km on Saturday to visit her friend
On Sunday morning, drive 110 km to visit her parents, whom you met three days ago.
On Sunday evening, drive another 50 km to visit her sister, whom you saw on Saturday at her friend's.

Russian women and marriage.

Russian women have firm belief that the purpose of a relationship is a rehearsal family life. "Why would I waste my time on you if you don't want to marry me?" This is the same as dying or filing an annual tax return. You will have no way to avoid this. Be prepared for this.


Dutch and Russian women have about as much in common as Donald Trump and Albert Einstein. If you have minor heart disease or high blood pressure, then Dutch women are the right choice for you. If you don't have a driver's license or have an aversion to flat boots or striped dresses, then Russian women are for you.

This is where the article ends. I don't think this article should be taken seriously, but it still has useful thoughts that you need to know if you want to meet a foreigner.

I've been living in the Netherlands for (or so far only) six years. I communicate with interest, observing the local population and, not least, what they, this very population, wear and what they look like.

"Typical Dutch"

Everyone is, of course, very different. But there are certain types, such prominent representatives one class or another.

Samantha De Jong - local reality TV star

For example, those whom we usually call “gopotas” or “vocational school students.” A striking example- reality show star Barbie (she is a vocational school student - a “star”, for ordinary girls of this class we mentally remove all the tuning, but we definitely leave tons of mascara and plucked or tattooed eyebrows).

In my opinion, the universal social type, ethnicity and nationality do not matter. These girls are from approximately the same class.

A busty, far from slender blonde, she doesn't mince words, loves discos, and can often be found somewhere on vacation in Spain.

Unfortunately, for many foreigners, Germans, French and others, she is the “typical Dutch woman”.


This is probably the broadest category. When they talk about a “typical Dutch woman” in Holland, they mean her.

What's the best thing here? Of course, leggings, very often white. It's funny, on FaceBook I had a link to a site containing a call to vote against white leggings as an ugly item of clothing Dutch women, I’m only for it, that is, against it! A wrap dress with a colored top, sandals or flat boots peeking out in the neckline. Short haircut, certainly with hair carefully raised up using gel, “stekels”.

Once in the city, in a cafe, I saw three friends and immediately noted to myself how identically they were dressed. Different colors were used in the clothes, but the principle is still the same: knitted top, leggings, enough big bag over shoulder.

The limit of originality for such ladies is multi-colored clothes from Desigual. Oh yes, I forgot about the white trousers. For some reason, they are considered the height of chic among Dutch women.

Female students

Young girls dress differently, of course. Skinny jeans, all kinds of blazers, snoods, bright tops and blouses, quite often skirts and heels. As a rule, they are all very affordable brands, well, that’s why they are students.

Working women

Let me make a reservation right away: I’m not talking about working, for example, in a bank. The dress code is the same in Africa. So it's not interesting. I'm talking about teachers, secretaries or accountants. Here we have the same knitwear, only this time in combination with jewelry or a scarf around the neck.

On the left – this is what my husband’s secretary at work looks like. On the right - this could be a manager at some small enterprise.

And here they are in retirement:

Of course, from time to time you come across something unusual, fashionable, bright, stylish clad women, the glance at them always lingers. Holland has its own fashion bloggers, world-famous models and fashion designers. Probably, to be fair, they should devote a separate post. But the overwhelming majority of Dutch women - I’m talking about the crowd on the street - still look something like this. Well, ok, Amsterdam and Rotterdam must have been luckier in this regard. Women on the streets of the province of Noord-Brabant, according to my observations, look something like this.

Netherlands- a very small and very peculiar state. A sort of multi-layered “matryoshka” with surprises. But our conversation, rather, is not about the Netherlands, but about the men there. And I must say that the main quality of the Dutch is reasonableness. And reasonableness in everything: from the family budget to love relationship and education of the younger generation.

Kingdom of tulips and cheese

The Netherlands is a very small and very peculiar state. A sort of multi-layered “matryoshka” with surprises: the European Netherlands are integral part The Kingdom of the Netherlands, which includes several more islands of special status, and Holland, in turn, is two of the 12 provinces in the Netherlands, Holland North and South. Even the Dutch language is not synonymous with Dutch - it is just one of its varieties.

But we are not talking about geography, but about love, and therefore we will not make a difference between Dutch and Dutch men: it is difficult to expect that people living in the same country an hour's drive from each other will differ significantly in character. And this is exactly what the Netherlands is like: 41,000 square kilometers, two and a half hours by train from border to border from north to south and an hour and a half from west to east...

If you set out to draw a symbol of Holland, it will look something like this: a happy cow with a smile from ear to ear, holding a circle of amber-sunny cheese under her arm, against a background windmills and blooming tulips to the horizon. A realist will definitely add a bicycle somewhere in the corner - the main personal vehicle in Amsterdam, and the avant-garde - the interior of a cafe with blissful weed smokers and the perspective of the "red light street".

Reasonableness as a national Dutch virtue

Yes, Holland is a country of wonderful tulips, environmental energy technologies and legalized drugs. This is one of the most highly developed and democratic countries in Europe. And the lifestyle here is determined by the main national trait Dutch - rationality. Reasonableness in everything: from the family budget and public policy to love relationships and raising children. Here they do not make decisions “headlong”, but do it with a sober and clear head. Therefore, do not expect that your chosen one will perform feats of recklessness in the name of love: rather, as proof of his feelings, he will present to you detailed plan improving the well-being of the family, designed for a couple of years.

About an unexpected aspect of emancipation, orTOHow to marry a Dutchman

It is very easy for a Russian woman to marry a Dutch man. The fact is that Dutch men... are afraid of their women. This phrase, no matter how harsh it sounds, reflects reality. It is difficult to find more emancipated and independent ladies than the women of the Netherlands - this time. Same-sex lesbian love is also widespread in Holland.

No, you won’t see female couples hugging on the streets, everything is decent and orderly, but two women living in the same apartment and not interested in men - the situation for the Netherlands is as common as a standard family of mother-father-children.

And the “feminophobia” of Dutch men stems not from external factors, but from a deep, genetic, natural misunderstanding: no matter how zealous the media and defenders of sexual minorities are, no normal man can ever take for granted a FAMILY of two women...

Make it clear to the Dutchman that you want to get married in the truest sense of the word: to be “for your husband”, to honestly and joyfully fulfill the most ancient duties of a wife and mother - and he is yours, along with your hand, heart and bank account.

Citizenship and love

Dutch law is very sensitive to personal relationships. This is great for lovers: you can come to Holland and live with your beloved man in a civil marriage as long as you want, without wasting time and money on formalizing the relationship. But for “hunters of foreign citizenship,” the laws of the Netherlands are inconvenient: even if you officially marry a Dutch man, this will not give you any advantages to become a citizen of the Netherlands. And there's one more sacrifice you'll have to make to marry a Dutch man: knowledge of the Dutch language is a must. You will need to pass an exam at the embassy, ​​but this is not even the main thing: without knowledge of the language, you will remain an “emigrant” whom those around you tolerate, condescendingly help in all matters, but never take seriously. In other words, on Good work, position in society and a decent circle of friends without knowledge of the language cannot be expected.

The state gives you a guarantee that as a Dutch wife you will not end up in poverty: in order to “discharge” a girlfriend from abroad, a Dutchman must earn at least 1,700 euros monthly, this is established by law. But make no mistake: for Holland this is not great money at all, but rather a “living wage”.

Honey, are you frugal or stingy?

You've probably heard that the Dutch are stingy. But you didn’t believe it? And rightly so: we're talking about just about rational savings. And even with national characteristics: invite your husband to put the salads that you didn’t finish for dinner in the refrigerator - and you will receive a silent reproach: are we so poor that we can finish yesterday’s dishes? But if you splash around in the shower for five minutes over the limit, you will be blamed for wasting your paid resources. Residents of the Netherlands do not like to buy cheap clothes or give up entertainment on weekends (especially if there are children in the family). Saving here is aimed at giving up everyday excesses, but not deserved pleasures and things that can benefit health.

It’s interesting, but with this approach, almost any Dutch family by the time of the holidays has a sufficient amount in their budget to purchase trips to the most prestigious world resort. Family financial difficulties in Holland they are decided on a parity basis; this topic is not considered sensitive, much less “indecent.” A husband and wife can have a common wallet, or they can spend money independently of each other, without reporting income and expenses. A typically Dutch picture: a couple is having a wonderful evening in a restaurant, and when the waiter brings the bill, the wife opens her purse and says: “Darling, last time you paid for dinner, today it’s my turn.”

And this is by no means indifference or “misbehavior” of the spouse: a normal Dutch man would rather understand if his significant other is offended that he took on her expenses. And if the wife is independent, successful at work and can fully support herself, why should she be a dependent? All questions about such upbringing should be asked to Dutch ladies, who are very prone to emancipation: boys here absorb the idea of ​​female independence from a young age. A little less than 40 percent of family income is spent on paying state taxes, but the Dutch give this money carefully, on time and... with pleasure. Why?

Yes, because they are confident that the funds will eventually return to them: good roads, full payments for children, benefits for education and so on. And there is no misconception here: one of the most advanced social protection systems on the planet has been formed and is successfully operating in the Netherlands.

Scheduled family life: pros and cons

For the Dutch, everything is strictly regulated. Work, a visit to the dentist, a visit from mom... yes, yes, don’t be surprised! Even the arrival of the closest and loved one will be scheduled to within 15 minutes. The main attribute of the Dutch is Notebook, most convenient for daily recordings. There is no other way here.

Indeed, at first it is shocking. But after a while you begin to understand that such a measured life is CONVENIENT. The more clearly your relationships with the outside world are regulated, the more time you have for yourself. And if on Friday from 19.00 to 23.00 you have planned to lie on the sofa in front of the TV with a glass of good wine, rest assured that neither a random visit from a friend, nor an urgent call to work, nor reproaches from your husband “but the dishes haven’t been washed yet!”

Men who love children and don't know how to lie

The Dutch adore, care for and cherish children. But there is one “but”: local men prefer to have natural rather than adopted sons and daughters. The Netherlands is very densely populated, and most families have one child at a time; Of course, if you want to become a mother for the second time, no one will interfere, but also ask “Honey, give birth to a second one!” the Dutch husband most likely will not.

However, all the disadvantages have their advantages: pregnant women are surrounded here with the most tender care, their husbands are ready to carry them in their arms, carry slippers in their teeth and fulfill every whim. And if it is difficult for you to manage the baby, just give a hint to your spouse, and he will agree on a four-day schedule at work and with great pleasure will help you with the pleasant chores of raising a child.

As for personal relationships, Dutch men have one interesting feature: They basically don’t know how to tell a lie. If the question “Where were you before midnight?” a Russian will immediately make up a story about an emergency at work, a Frenchman will tell a romantic tale about a lost stranger (with whom he had nothing!), and an Italian will inspiredly come up with a detective story about the arrival of his second wife’s second cousin stepbrother, then the Dutchman will blush and lower his eyes. Therefore, carefully monitor your husband’s reaction when discussing provocative topics... and don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to! However, as we discuss further, you won’t have much to worry about.

About "weed", prostitution and family well-being

“Oh, the Netherlands is the same country where you can buy coffee and drugs with equal ease in a cafe, and prostitution is considered a common profession! Do you want to have a drug-addicted husband?!” - you may well hear such words from “well-wishing” friends. Never mind: in Holland the principle “what is available is not interesting” works perfectly. Particularly curious young men try weed in adolescence and forget about it forever; the same applies to professional priestesses of love: well, what's the point of visiting the “red light district” if it doesn’t carry a hint of forbidden fruit?

And the notorious Dutch freedom of morals, about which foreigners talk a lot, is practiced mainly in the capital, and in the provincial areas moral standards very strict and regulated.

To each his own - this principle has worked and works at all times. And if you want a calm, prosperous life without stress and surprises, serene as the sky over the green plains of the Netherlands - marry a Dutchman and be happy!

Why are the Dutch so attractive? Well, at least because they are fair-haired, blue-eyed and tall. The Dutch are the tallest nation in the world, their average height– 1.83 m.

The Dutch ideal appearance caught my eye as soon as I landed at Eindhoven airport. Stylish and beautiful - these can be found literally on every corner. But the most important thing is that, despite all the attractiveness, there is not the slightest hint of pride in this regard, because in the Netherlands such an appearance is standard. And this is another huge advantage, because what could be worse than male narcissism?

Feminist country

As for Dutch women, not everyone looks like Leeuwarden supermodel Doutzen Kroes. Yes, most of them are also tall blondes. But, as befits progressive European women, they don’t bother too much about everyday makeup and hair styling, but dress simply and comfortably. And what kind of styling or heels can there be if you ride a bicycle to work on a stone pavement every day?

That’s why Dutch men, of course, look at Russian girls and consider them attractive (after all, beauty is important to them), but most of them date their own. The reason for this is their habit of women's independence and gender equality. A Dutchman will never pay for you in a restaurant or open the door for you. Not because they are poorly brought up, on the contrary. It’s just that in their minds, a woman is a like-minded person and a life partner. And in relationships the main thing for them is common interests and equality. The Dutch pay only for themselves in restaurants: even when married and living with their spouse under the same roof, they usually split utility bills in half!

My friend studies at one of the Dutch universities. At home, in Russia, there is an abundance of male attention - with all the ensuing privileges. Naturally, she was used to gifts, not to mention the basic payment of a restaurant bill. Imagine the reaction of a poor Dutchman when my friend, in her characteristic confident manner, demanded to order and pay for a taxi from the cafe to her home. They never met again, and at every opportunity she flies home to Russia, where such misunderstandings do not arise. (And you scold Russian men!)

No games or drama

But in addition to the obvious external advantages, they are well educated, tolerant and almost always tuned to serious relationship. But this does not mean that the Dutch are in a hurry to get married. Until the age of 30, this is generally excluded, even if you have already had children.

They are very open and say what they think. Dutch man will never deceive you, he just doesn’t see the point in it. But you also need to be straightforward with them, the Dutch will not understand your hints. The main thing is not to tell him “no” if you really mean “yes”. It is unlikely that in the Netherlands you will ever hear a story about how a girl did not give her phone number to public transport, and he dug up the ground because of her, found it in the phone book, climbed into the window with flowers, and they got married. It will probably be something like: “Okay, I'm going.” They even rarely flirt and often wait for the girl to make the first move. It's not a matter of shyness - it's just that the initiative, in their understanding, should come from both.

As for the red light streets, the endless number of sex shops and drugs - this is rather bold and skillfully developed by someone tourism business plan than the true fulfillment of the lives of the Dutch themselves.

What's in the bottom line? If you are not in a hurry to get married and can abandon the usual model of relationships, where the man is supposedly the hunter and the prey,” and accept the Dutchman for who he is, then in return you will receive handsome man and a great friend who respects you and your personal freedom and does not make excessive demands.

Where to meet? In the Netherlands everyone sits in , this is the easiest way. Or you can just go to one of the atmospheric bars and finally find yourself a beautiful two-meter hipster. In general, in the Netherlands it is appropriate to meet people absolutely everywhere, the main thing is to take the initiative yourself and not play princess and shy.

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