A message about emo culture. Who are emo? What emo bands are there?

Let's try to find out who emo are. How does a group of people who call themselves emo live: their attitude, attributes and clothes, the music they listen to, the lifestyle they live.

Who are emo? Youth subculture emo (from English emotional - emotional) originates from the style of music of the same name, of which emo are fans. Representatives of the culture are divided into two categories by gender: emo-boy (boy of emo culture) or emo-girl (girl of emo culture).

Let's return to the word "emotional", which is pronounced as "immotional" - which means it will sound nothing other than imo, but in the Russian language there is a word "emotional", and it is from this that the variant of the name "emo" came from.

Emo attitude

Emotions and their expression are perhaps the most important thing in the life of any emo; they are characterized by self-expression, confrontation and a very sensual attitude to everything that happens in life. Who are emo? There is already a stereotype among people about emo culture - people with a depressive attitude towards life, seeing only the negative side of everything, constantly showing their tearful nature (and here we are talking not only about females, but also about emo boys too), inclined to decide problematic situations suicide in life. But despite all this horror, what sets emo apart from other movements is that their culture is considered prone to romanticism and emphasizes sublime feelings.

Emo culture promotes such a concept as straight aging - the whole philosophy of this concept is contained in simplest form a negative attitude towards alcohol, tobacco, narcotic substances, also in some cases attributed to vegetarianism, refusal to use products containing caffeine, refusal of medications and promiscuity. The term “straight edge” itself was borrowed from the Minor Threat song “Straight Edge”.

Emo or goth? Who are emo - the same goths or are they two different subcultures? Very similar, but at the same time different subcultures. All that unites them is, perhaps, their gloominess, a romantic attitude towards everything related to death and depression, and an addiction to the color black. The most important difference between them will always be their attitude to the world - emos hate themselves, goths, in turn, hate everything around them, and due to their worldview, goths are less susceptible to suicidal tendencies and disastrous outcomes, unlike emos. The Gothic movement is characterized by a love of cemeteries, the Baroque and Gothic styles, so these movements should not be confused.

The emo world is always filled with an explosive amount of deep personal experiences, which is why such people have a dulled reaction to social events taking place around them, which can even end in renunciation from the world and the disastrous outcome of suicide, because these people, as a rule, simply have no other choice for themselves. see.

Emo look

Who are emo? Let's look at the most important distinguishing features of this subculture that will help you accurately determine who is an emo. Among the many distinctive features the following can be distinguished:

  • Clothes color: pink and black. Black symbolizes depression, alienation from the world, and pink - the opposition to the connection with the Gothic movement.
  • Traditional emo hairstyle - oblique torn bangs hanging down to the nose, covering at least one eye, while the hair in the back is short and sticks out. different sides. This is coarse straight hair for young people; girls have all sorts of almost childish hairstyles (ponytails with bright clips and bows), two-layer hairstyles that include two colors, the main one of which remains the same black.
  • The presence of tunnels in the ears, piercings on the face and other parts of the body.
  • Like girls, emo boys use light foundation for their skin, thickly line their eyes with black pencil, paint their eyelashes with mascara, and paint their nails with varnish.
  • Tight tight T-shirts, tight dark jeans with a dark or pink belt, simple sneakers with bright plain laces or checkered laces (emo has its own specific style of lacing), a checkered two-color scarf around the neck, striped leg warmers on the arms and legs; headbands with a bow, large and bright glasses, wristbands and colorful bracelets, a large “mail” bag with various badges.
  • What is rare in emo clothing is unisex clothing.
  • Various decorations from headbands with bows in the hair, big glasses bright colors, various types of wristbands and bracelets, bright large beads to soft toys that play the role of mascots, which they then try not to part with anywhere.

I think now you have at least the slightest idea of ​​who emo is, and you can easily distinguish emo from goth or any other representative of another subculture.

Emo style music

Probably the first question that will arise is: what is the difference between emo music and the rest? Emo music contains squeals, crying, whispers that turn into screams, these are songs about brokenness and unrequited love, about injustice, violence and a world full of cruelty. In terms of sound, there are both soft melodic compositions and heavy ones with anguish. It is impossible to compare one group or another; each person expresses it in his own way. various types emotions, the most important thing is the sincerity of these emotions and that they come from the soul itself. Any standard emo band is no different in composition from any other musical group - bass, guitar, drums and, of course, a lead singer with a beautiful melodic voice who can sing high notes. Simply put: powerful music, complex parts, impulsiveness in music and performance, beautiful voice soloist singing about the problems of his unrequited love and eternal problem of its existence is emo music. Let me give just a few examples of groups that fit the emo style: My Chemical Romance, Cursive, Neversmile, Origami, etc.

Nowadays, more and more teenagers are joining the emo lifestyle. And this makes us think more and more about what is wrong and where it happened turning point in the life of an ordinary teenager.

These teenagers always have sad faces. Eyes. thickly lined with black pencil. They wear black and pink clothes and choppy bangs that are angled to the side. Young boys they paint their nails and hair black and lose weight obscenely, and the girls wear funny hairpins and headbands with polka dots and T-shirts with a cartoon SpongeBob. This is not a pre-production younger sister Barbie. This is a whole subculture under the mysterious name. emo.. A newfangled hobby for the capital’s youth. Who are emo and what do they eat with, a MK reporter found out..

the strange three-letter word comes from the English.emotion. . emotions. From this it is not difficult to guess that the expression of emotions. the main rule of adherents of this subculture. Often emo. a vulnerable, depressed teenager, reminiscent of a child with his sensitivity and spontaneity. That's why they call themselves emo kids.

An emo kid tends to change his mood dramatically. Apathy, calm, poise. this is definitely not about them. Of course, this does not mean that they will fight in hysterics and heart-rendingly scream towards the offender: .You make me cry!!!. (.You make me cry!... English), but shed tears of pity for the stray dog. easily. To some, with their sad, subtle appearance, emo may remind them of goths. But emo kids don't hang out in cemeteries, don't drink blood and don't dream about death. Emo. for the celebration of life in all its manifestations.

The most important thing is their aspiration. find a big one pure love. Having fallen in love, they surrender to an all-consuming feeling no worse than Romeo and Juliet. But God forbid it turns out that they and this person were mistaken. not your real soulmate! There will be no limit to the suffering of emo kids. They will devote the next few hours to thinking about the imperfections of our world. But this is not forever: after crying for a couple of days, they rush to further search with their heads held high.

Love. this is the perfect feeling. confident emo boy Vlad. . Naturally, any person will worry if he is disappointed in love, and we are no exception. It’s just that I personally won’t pretend that everything is fine with me while my heart is breaking into pieces.

Especially strong emotions The music evokes emo kids. She makes their tender, vulnerable hearts tremble so much that it often brings tears to their eyes. At emo festivals, the unimaginable happens: crowds of emo kids in bright clothes and with soft toys are unable to cope with their emotions and flood the dance floor with tears. But these, of course, are extremes: true emo (true emo, from the English truth. truth, truth) can cry to a sad tune, but will never make a show out of it.

Music. this is what makes us feel and experience. shared by emo kid Ksyusha, . and we believe that if the song hurts you, then you should not be ashamed of your emotions, because this is a natural reaction.

Sometimes, however, there are tragedies. For example, at the last emo-fest, a touching girl with a flower and teddy bear in her hands she stubbornly tried to get inside the club. The stern guards didn’t want to hear anything. she looked no more than 15. Out of despair, the little girl picked up the bottle, broke it and cut her wrists. Thank God, the impressionable baby was immediately provided with medical assistance.

The emo musical movement began to exist in the 80s in the West. It's hard to say what styles this music includes: hard core, indie, punk rock. Nowadays you won’t even understand who invented emo-core. Nevertheless, you will recognize an emo song from a thousand. Heartbreaking lyrics about unhappy love, injustice, cruelty and violence, and all this is accompanied by crying, groans, squeals, and hysterical whispers. .My Chemical Romance., .From First to Last., .Yage., .From Autumn to Ashes. . undoubted representatives of this style. From Russian you can listen to the group.Maio. and their song. I'm crying..

According to legend, true emo should be straight edgers, that is, promote a healthy lifestyle. Let's say no. cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and promiscuity! By the way, by this sign you can distinguish true from not true. If you meet an anorexic boy dressed head to toe in emo paraphernalia, but with a cigarette and a bottle, then know this. .underpowered.. And his red ones teary eyes. most likely the result of communication with onions.

In fact, there are no half-hearted emo kids or anything else. says 16-year-old emo boy Vlad. . Either you are working, or you are just chasing fashion.

It's a pity, but there aren't that many true emo in Moscow. More and more teenagers are falling for fashionable rags and squealing with delight when they find out that side bangs suit them. And having heard that this is called a beautiful word. emo., they immediately proclaim themselves as such. This is probably why emo culture not only attracted numerous fashionistas, but also made a lot of enemies. Someone, hearing about emo, rolls their eyes: “They are so funny!” But more and more often the response will be an angry look and a couple of unprintable expressions.

When you see someone wearing a fashionable badge on their cap, don’t rush to peer into his face and whisper: Ah! This is the mysterious emo fight that people talk about so much!... Perhaps the inscription on the badge reads: Kill Emo. or worse. No, they don't shoot emo kids. The kids are still far from skinheads. but get into trouble with anti-emo representatives. couldn't be easier. Relatively recently I washed little sister because of the numerous badges, two girls no taller than her stood out in the passage and, grinning evilly, began to ask whether she was emo by chance. Well, how can you not be scared!

Personally, I have a neutral attitude towards all other cultures, says my emo cousin named Lisa. . After all, emo culture itself took its origins from completely different, long-established trends and is not completely independently created. It's something like respect for one's ancestors.

Lisa is now 16. She loves bright clothes and funny badges. She wears sneakers, has side bangs and never leaves her player for a minute. True, Lisa’s hair color is by no means black. Lizaveta. natural blonde, and she’s not going to change her color just because it’s written so in some emo rules. Emo for her. It's not just a fashionable hobby, it's a lifestyle. She became acquainted with the emo movement last fall.

I was surfing the Internet and came across a profile strange boy with oblique black bangs, . recalls Lisa the Kid. . We began to correspond, and thanks to him I learned what emo is and who true is.

Later she met other emo kids. Emo boys look much funnier than emo girls, because girls have a desire to dress up in their blood, and bright, tight clothes look more than strange on guys. But rush to accuse emo boys of gay not worth it.

Yes, they are absolutely normal! . Lisa laughs. . It’s just that excessive neatness and grooming are not typical for ordinary boys, but emos cannot do without it, like most girls. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to understand where is an emo boy and where is an emo girl.

Like a true worker, Lizaveta leads a healthy lifestyle. Why ruin your health in the prime of life? Otherwise, she prefers the same things that all young people do: smiles, is sad, makes friends, loves, goes to the cinema and to concerts of her favorite groups. She just, like all emo kids, perceives the world around her more emotionally.

Now, as offensive as it may be, the movement is gradually turning into fashion direction and nothing more. says Lisa. . Many people don't think about true meaning emo. And first of all, this means being yourself and not being shy about your actions, emotions and desires.

.Torn oblique bangs
.Straight black hair
.A scattering of badges on clothes or a bag
.Eyes lined with black pencil
.Headphones in ears
.Anorexic thinness
.T-shirt with broken hearts, shards and crossed pistols
.Sad look
.Shiny hair clips
.Soft toys on the bag
.Bright bracelets on hands
.Skinny jeans

. Emo kid. a person considered to belong to the emo culture.
. True emo. real emo.
. Scream. piercing scream, scream. A special feature of emo groups.
. sXe. abbreviation for .straight edge., propaganda healthy image life.
. bang-bang. the sound of a pistol shot (one of the favorite phrases of emo kids).
. Snaps. bracelets on hands made of rubber bands and wires.
. Tunnels. round holes in the ears, as well as earrings inserted into them, empty inside.
. Plugs. earrings without holes, inserted into tunnels.
. Slips. rag slippers with a diamond pattern or other pattern.

Surely you have met on the streets big cities boys and girls, and even teenagers, dressed in strange black and pink clothes, with numerous piercings, with black, often dyed hair and long oblique bangs. They are called emo. These youth are often confused with other subcultures (primarily the Goths) and ridiculed. And in some countries they are even persecuted. Many people unknowingly believe that emo is just a style of clothing: thick makeup, funny baubles on a patched shoulder bag.

Others believe that these guys like to gather in cemeteries and read maudlin poems about death, that this is a phenomenon close to the decadence of the early twentieth century. There are those who identify these difficult teenagers as the first candidates for suicide. So who are emo? How did they arise, how do they differ from representatives of other related subcultures? Read all about them in this article.

History of origin

If you had asked who emo were in the 1980s, most of the inhabitants of our planet would have shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment, and the inhabitants of the District of Columbia (USA) would have told you that they were fans of a certain musical style. Indeed, spiritual ancestors modern girls and young men with side-swept bangs were called punks. They also listened to hard rock, decorated their bodies with tattoos and piercings, and had a penchant for “nooses” on their necks. But the emo-core, which sprang from punk rock, was too peculiar and specific. And fans of these two styles professed different principles of life, felt the world completely differently, in order to be different. And therefore, in the style of clothing, slender young men with black hair began to move away from pumped-up, clean-shaven guys. A little later they were separated from the Goths.


With the flourishing of a new subculture and its penetration into the countries of the Old World, many people began to be interested in who emo is. Home distinctive feature The adherents of this youth movement are expressiveness, a bright and undisguised expression of their feelings. Therefore, among the masses, far from subcultures, there is an opinion that emos are whiny, do not want to grow up, and are prone to depression and even suicide. Yes, they have a romanticization of death, however, just like the Goths. But what gave the current its name is not called the desire for suicide, but the desire to express emotions - no matter what, sad or cheerful. It’s just that our world gives more reasons to cry than to laugh... They call themselves emo kids (from English words emotional and kid (child), thereby emphasizing their desire to remain childlike, their refusal to wear social masks that society imposes on people.

Emo-core music

Of course, a subculture is defined by a certain ideology, lifestyle and attitude, but we should not forget that it was born in the depths of music lovers. The first creators of emo-core were punks from Washington, who brought a certain harmony and musicality to the cacophony of the mainstream. In subsequent years musical style influenced by movements such as grunge and Hindi rock. The lyrics of emo-core songs are distinguished by their lyricism, and their performance is characterized by excessive emotionality and expansiveness. Long ballads are predominantly about heartbreak, longing and suffering. Singers must have high and in a strong voice, capable of abruptly switching from a whisper to a squeal. Modern emo style in music has split into several movements. One of them is the classic “core”, close to hard rock, but softened with lyrical notes. Vaolens (from violence, violence) is different violent lyrics, splashing out aggression. Emo-punk is not without fun and self-irony. But screamo is hard for unprepared people to endure, but this style also has its fans.

Famous emo bands

Many musical groups that are worshiped by emo all over the world deny belonging to this subculture or use it in their work. different styles. Leading in popularity in Russia German group"Tokio Hotel" Her album “Room 483” received platinum status with us. The Fall Out Boy musicians call themselves pop-punks, although experts consider their work to be classic emo style. The compositions of “30 Seconds To Mars” merged alternative, space and prog rock. Since the early 2000s, various emo groups have appeared in Russia. Monalisa is extremely popular. She appeared in Moscow in 2001 under the original name “The Day After Tomorrow”, and six months later she gave her first solo concert. You also cannot ignore “Ocean of My Hope,” whose album “What You Don’t Know About” is very popular.

Varieties in the subculture environment

Emo is, first of all, a lifestyle. You don't have to dress in black and wear long bangs raven colored to belong to this subculture. For example, true emo (from the English tru - real), who consider themselves true exponents of views and life position of this youth trend, they dress in retro-style checkered clothes. They also only listen to music on vinyl records, reel-to-reel and cassette recorders. “Real emo” do not smoke or drink alcohol and avoid drugs. The entire youth movement is characterized by vegetarianism and even veganism. New emo - with black hair, long bangs hanging down to the tip of the nose, wristbands and piercings - are very recognizable.


A special feature of this subculture that distinguishes it from the Goths is clothing. The emo boy often wears a tight T-shirt and jeans in black or dark blue, with patches and holes. A bag is slung over his shoulder, like a postman's, with badges and emblems tightly attached to it. Emo girl decorates with black short skirt, from under which they stick out torn tights. Plush toys are attached to the backpack or bag, which the owner rips open and then sews up with harsh threads. Representatives of both sexes are also identified by a belt - black or pink color- with chains, a huge plaque. T-shirts are decorated with either names musical groups, or very characteristic prints: broken hearts, crossed pistols, other cemetery paraphernalia. Wristbands, severe collars and piercings (on the left nostril, as well as the lips, eyebrows and bridge of the nose) complete the look.

Emo makeup

Both girls and boys who adhere to this style apply white powder to their faces to highlight the contrast with black hair. Lips are painted with flesh-colored lipstick. They line their eyes thickly with a dark pencil. Emo kids cover their nails with black polish. Everything in their appearance should speak of a gloomy rejection of this cruel world, about one’s own resentment and defenselessness. Emo makeup creates a certain image - a sweet, vulnerable child whom you really want to protect. On a bloodless-pale face (this effect is achieved using a light foundation and white powder), the eyes stand out. The upper eyelid is painted with a pencil, the lower eyelid with eyeliner. Apply shadows generously and shade them. Mascara is passed over the eyelashes twice. Lipstick in emo makeup (as opposed to goths) should be light pastel colors.


Representatives of this subculture are distinguished by long, oblique bangs that completely cover one eye. Emos go to specialized salons for a haircut, since they need to use a razor to thin the ends of their hair and make their hair look spiky. Those with wavy hair should first straighten their hair with a straightening iron. Emo hair is dyed black or dark red. Girls often wear a lot of accessories - bows, bright hairpins, elastic bands. They often wear the ends of their hair in ponytails or braids. Using varnish or wax, emo is fixed short hair on the top of the head so that they stand upright.

Subculture in Russia

How did they appear? Many music critics They claim that Russian emo are “crazy punks.” However, there are some creative teams, who are trying to completely copy the classic Western core. The fans themselves try to follow emo fashion down to the smallest detail. Despite the absence of specialized clothing and especially shoe stores in most cities, boys and girls try to be completely like their American and European “colleagues”. Despite the obvious apolitical nature of the representatives of this subculture, the Russian authorities do not particularly favor them. In 2008, the State Duma even considered the “Concept of state intervention in spiritual education children." This bill stated that it promotes suicide and cultivates depression. In Armenia in 2010, there was a wave of repression against representatives of this youth movement. The country's authorities spoke in a very unique way about who emos are: they say that foreign influence spoils young people, and instead of being filled with a national-patriotic spirit, they resort to suicide attempts.

They created their own subculture. They oppose the material and mercantile world. They defend their right to love - pure, sincere, unconditional. But are they capable of doing this themselves?..

Having painted their own world in black and pink colors, lowered their bangs over their eyes and put on dark glasses, they firmly believe that by doing this they can change the world and the people living in it. Emo kids are children and teenagers with large, fearful eyes that can terrify their parents. That's who Emo are.

Who are Emo: Emo kid about himself

“The most important thing for us, Emo, is to be yourself”
“We are not afraid to show our emotions. For us, this is not a sign of weakness.”
“Emo is, first of all, emotions.”

Here's what Emo kids say about themselves. They are emotional and vulnerable. They have their own style of clothing, their own music, their own accessories and even their own coat of arms - broken heart. They openly express their emotions, do not hide joy and suffering, and the second is always a priority. But the question: who are Emos continues to torment the parents of these children and teenagers.

Their nicknames and avatars are always bright, it’s hard not to notice them, and once noticed, to forget them. Their statuses in social networks frightening, or at least confusing:
“I’ll leave and no one will notice, they’ll only remember my dying look.”
“Let them write on my tombstone: no one loved her.”

And if the parents of these children are more or less tolerant of the predominant black color in clothing, or the unusual accessories of Emo, then other manifestations of this subculture cannot go unnoticed...

Who are Emos - the opinion of psychologists

“Emo are children who have not received enough warmth and attention from their parents. Children to whom their parents prefer money, power, and a career. Teenagers come to this subculture who are not given enough attention and who do not talk about their love for them. They feel “unloved” and deprived of attention. They suffer from a lack of parental warmth and misunderstanding. All such a child needs is to feel needed and important.
In our world, where money rules everything, such children adapt poorly. A person is judged not by who he really is, but by what he has. And if he doesn't have latest version Ipad, or Ferrari, it is nothing in this life"

Simply put, if a child has become Emo, it means he just needs to pay more attention, buy him an Ipad latest model, and Ferrari. But reality tells a different story.

Not every child whose parents cannot afford such expensive gifts becomes what is called Emo. Life examples we are shown that children from poor families are no less likely than “rich” ones to succeed in this life, and they don’t think about who Emo are or how to cut their wrists or swallow pills. At the same time, children from families of famous businessmen can become, as they say, “true emo,” or, on the contrary, enthusiastically engage in continuing the business of their parents. And, so far, not a single psychologist has been able to grasp the line that, having crossed which, teenagers begin to dream about death.

Who are Emos really?

They really differ from many others: in their enormous emotional amplitude, desire and ability to experience colossal emotions - from love to sadness. Yes, they have values ​​that are much higher than material ones - they value love. All this is specified in them, but is not provided...

They have properties such as love, compassion, empathy, but do they realize them? And if they do this, is it right?

Those who become Emo, children with a visual vector, are born for great tasks, in demand modern society. To develop the ability to empathize and love, to reduce the level of hostility in society. To do this, they themselves need to develop intellectually and sensually in a timely manner. But improper development of their potential from the very beginning early age turns them into suffering children, hysterically demanding love and attention to themselves.

All their emotions, which they so diligently show, are directed only at themselves. The love they love to talk about is what they demand for themselves, but are not able to give of themselves.

As a result, instead of reducing hostility in society, they increase it.

What are parents and psychologists afraid of?

So who are Emos and why do they scare parents of teenagers so much?
Statuses, posts, avatars and photographs on the pages on social networks of these children romanticize the worst thing - death. By talking about inscriptions on tombstones, painting grisly pictures and posting photographs of people with their wrists cut, they strike fear and terror into the hearts of their parents and social workers.

"The Emo subculture promotes suicide!"- the “experts” conclude. But they don’t notice one thing - children who initially have a special attitude towards death join the Emo community.

Fear of death – this is the innate fear of a person with a visual vector. And it is children with a visual vector who join the ranks of Emo. But they do this not at all in order to commit suicide, but in order to attract attention to themselves, to become more noticeable.

Attention – this is really what children with a visual vector lack, but only those of them in whom this vector is not developed. Trying to stand out from the general background, they pursue the only goal- draw attention to yourself. This has deep meaning. By drawing attention to themselves, such children subconsciously begin to feel their safety: “they see me, which means that in case of danger, they will have time to save me.” Children with a visual vector in fear - that's who Emo are!

Incorrect implementation of the visual vector plunges the child deeper and deeper into fears. Over time, he does not get enough attention from his parents and all the people around him. Their appearance ceases to shock their acquaintances, and then they move on, take other, already radical measures.

Drink a tube of sleeping pills, cut your wrists, stand on the ninth floor window - this is the next stage, which often becomes the last...

Their suicide is just another attempt to attract attention. And they make this attempt with the expectation that they will have time to save them. So, a tube of pills is drunk 5 minutes before the parents arrive, and the veins are opened when someone is sure to be nearby.

Psychological blackmail is what Emo suicide is, but not the desire to die.

How dangerous is the Emo subculture really?

It will be incorrect to say that the Emo subculture carries some kind of danger, the danger comes from those children who go there. But they do this initially because they were not taught compassion and love as it is - directed outward, and not inward.

And even if such a child avoids the fate of those few who committed suicide, and then only because they did not have time to save them, then for the rest of his life he will be haunted by fears. Fear of the dark, obsessive thought of a black hand about to poke out from under the bed, deep phobias, from which a non-systemic psychologist is unable to cure - this is what awaits such a child. But the global nature of the problem lies not even in this, but in the fact that all these people - those who are now Emo, will not be able to work for the good of society, reduce the accumulated hostility and develop culture in the very in a high sense this word. They will never be able to adapt correctly to society and receive what they strive for - real love, and not the kind that is directed inward.

How to pull a child out of the Emo community

Neither expensive gifts nor unconditional love and attention to the child are not able to isolate him from the Emo community. Only by learning to release your emotions, direct them not at yourself, but at the people around you, and learning what compassion and outward love are, will someone who is Emo be able to dilute their palette of colors.

IN adolescence, namely teenagers become Emo, it is still possible to understand who Emo is and direct the development of your child in the right direction. And if at the age of 7-8 years literature that evokes compassion can still help, then in puberty other, stronger methods are needed - visiting homes for the disabled, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes - this is what will help a teenager with a visual vector learn to push his fears out. . Having compassion for other people - frail old people, disabled people, children with developmental defects, a child with a visual vector ceases to feel fear for himself, his feeling of fear for own life turns into fear for the life of another person - this is the essence of compassion and pushing fear outward.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan provides guidelines for understanding who Emo are, and in what direction you should develop your child in such a way that he can adapt correctly in society and get maximum pleasure from life.

The article was written based on the training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan .

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I liked it - put a “heart”:

And sweet pink vanillas, strange sadboys, and completely unimaginable Tumblr girls. Along with them you can find another, quite popular subculture, which is called Emo, which means you can read a little lower.
However, before continuing, I would like to advise you to read a couple of other interesting news items on the topic of fashion slang. For example, what does a Poser mean, who is an Anarchist, what is Flex, who is called a Steamer, etc.
So let's continue what does emo mean? This term was borrowed from English language"emo", and is an abbreviation for the word " emotion", which can be translated as "excitement."

Synonyms for Emo: emotional, emotions, emotionality.

Some people are interested in What does Emo Sax mean?

Emo sax(emo suks) - this is what they say when they want to humiliate supporters of emo culture, it can be translated as “emo sucks,” which equates the latter with gays, whores, and other equally beautiful layers of society. “The word sax” is now used to show what you don’t like, for example “gothic is sax”

As a rule, people who become EMO are mentally unstable; in medicine they are called emotionally labile. These teenagers have a very flexible nervous system; at one moment they can laugh joyfully and then cry desperately. Usually they are either melancholic or choleric, and the former are prone to depression, and the latter love life and try to take everything from it. This youth movement has its own rules of behavior and special clothing. As a rule, emo wardrobe consists entirely of clothes in exclusively dark tones. Moreover, they paint their nails and eyes in all shades of black without fail. They pretend that they don’t care about anyone or anything, but in fact, they want to be paid attention to. The main rule of Emo Kids is the desire to experience pure and vivid emotions. Emos differ from others in their opposition to injustice, an urgent thirst for self-expression, and a special sensual worldview.

Unfortunately, teenagers are very wary and sometimes even aggressive towards emo. The fact is that no one likes people who indulge in depression and constantly walk around full of sadness, with their eyes wet. This is how most people see it strangers emo kids. Of course, this attitude to life is quite strange, but with age people grow up and remember their bright youth with humor.

Emotions are one of the main components human existence, each of us experiences both positive and negative impressions. Then why are people who put emotionality at the forefront treated with such hostility?
In teenagers psyche is just developing, many of them do not want to show what they feel and experience in at the moment, so they hide in their shell. All this can subsequently lead to “cutting out” if parents do not pay attention to it.

However, emo kids, differ in that, on the contrary, they show their emotionality, put it on display, they are not afraid of others. Therefore, on their faces you can see both tears and cheerful laughter, everything is open to other people. In fact, sharing your feelings deserves respect, because a person overcomes himself and breaks the inner shell in which he was squeezed before.

Of course, there are many rumors around this subculture that such individuals like to open their veins, and in general, are constantly looking for ways that will send them to another world. However, this is nothing more than speculation that invented them ill-wishers, after all, they just put on insensitive “masks”.


These days, emo is practically extinct as a class, but on the Internet they are a dime a dozen. Most crowd around