Mikhail Topalov. Vlad Topalov and his wife Ksenia: a love story from the first person

Vlad Topalov can be attributed to the most prominent representatives show business. He repeatedly received awards, being a member of the duet "Smash !!", released many popular albums and singles as a soloist. The singer is a participant in many charity projects, and, of course, close attention attracts him personal life, especially the love story for Regina Todorenko.

The early development of Vladislav's talents was largely facilitated by the family in which he was born (1985, October 25). Mikhail Genrikhovich, his father, graduated School of Music and performed with many rock bands, including such a well-known one as "The Fourth Dimension", was closely acquainted with many people of art. Subsequently, Topalov Sr. became a military man, worked in the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Creative personality, despite the specialty of a historian-archivist, there was also the mother of the future singer, Tatyana Anatolyevna. Vladislav and his younger sister Alina studied music (the singer still hates the violin) and sang in the children's ensemble "Fidgets", which was a launching pad for many future stars. Vlad performed in a duet with Yulia Malinovskaya, as part of the ensemble he visited concerts not only in Russia, but also abroad, received awards from the children's competitions "Bravo-bravissimo", " morning Star" and etc.

In 1991, Mikhail Genrikhovich left military service and began to engage in legal activities and producing. Successful business increased the well-being of the family, and by the decision of the mother, Alina and Vlad left to study in England. It must be said that the children practically did not speak the language, moreover, they studied in different departments of the school and could only see each other during breaks. The boy even made an unsuccessful attempt to escape. After that, Vlad was transferred to another educational institution, and when the mother moved to England (which was greatly facilitated by the break with her husband), the situation gradually improved. In 1997, Tatyana Anatolyevna, dissatisfied with the level of teaching mathematics at Harrogate, returned to Moscow. She divorced her husband and, by mutual agreement, took her daughter to herself, and Vlad left her father. The boy made many new friends, the main of which was Sergei, the son of an old family friend of the actor Alexander Lazarev. Vlad and Sergey performed and recorded the ballad "Belle" from the musical "Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris", then presented it to Mikhail Genrikhovich for his fortieth birthday (by the way, the idea of ​​such a gift belonged to Tatyana Anatolyevna).

Thus began the successful performing career of two young people. The song got into the rotation of many radio stations, it became a real hit and held the first positions of the charts for half a year. The duo Topalov-Lazarev was produced by Simon Naper-Bel, who previously worked with Wham! By analogy, the new group was named "Smash!!", and since 2001 they began to cooperate with the Russian branch of the company "Universal Music". In 2002, Topalov and Lazarev won the "New Wave", their debut album "Freeway" (2003) became gold, and after two re-releases - platinum. The duo received the Muz-TV, Europe Plus awards, and was awarded the Golden Gramophone. Vlad became a law student at the Russian University for the Humanities, but he was often seen at lectures. "Smash!!" He performed a lot, in 2004 their second album "2nite" was released, a video clip was recorded for the song "Faith" included in it.

Unfortunately, this was the end of the duet "Smash!!" .

Vlad, like many young celebrities, could not stand the test of fame. Racing without rules on a black "Hummer" wide circle communication, including a rather dubious one, the constant search for new entertainment led the singer to get acquainted with drugs, which turned into strong addiction. many years of friendship and joint performances with Sergey Lazarev stopped, especially since the use of cocaine caused Topalov's ligaments to not close. Sergei played in the Pushkin Theater, recorded own album, and Vlad's family unsuccessfully tried to cure him of addiction. Although Topalov's high rating allowed him to solo performances, he lost all his financial savings and was even forced to sell the car.

In 2006, the singer released the album "Lonely Star", a year later - "Let the Heart Decide" and "I Will Give It All To You", which were recorded at the studios of Miami and Moscow. Topalov took part in the tour performance "The result is obvious", his cameo appeared in several films, but the awards and former success remained behind. Treatment attempts ended in failures, instead of cocaine, Vlad began to use ecstasy.

The singer was able to reverse this situation only after he began to experience unbearable pain associated with kidney failure. Treatment in the German clinic was successful - Topalov not only stopped taking drugs, but even quit smoking, and opened a private drug treatment clinic. The final transition to a new life was his acquaintance with the daughter of a businessman and the owner of a fashion studio, Ksenia Danilina, whose wedding took place in 2015 (this marriage was short-lived, there were no children in it). In the same year, new video clips of the singer were released for his singles "Without brakes" and "Let go".

Since 2016, Vlad Topalov has been actively working on television. He took part in the rating show "Just Like It", and since 2018 he began to lead Russian version travel show "Eagle and Tails". Together with Topalov, the first issue of the program was hosted by Ukrainian TV star Regina Todorenko. Her acquaintance with Vlad took place a year ago, when both of them played in a private performance. Under the terms of the TV show, the presenters were supposed to go to Lake Baikal together. After the first release, viewers started talking about special character relations between Topalov and Todorenko. All doubts were dispelled after the appearance on the network of photos from London, where they went to celebrate Regina's birthday. The couple began to appear everywhere together, and it soon became obvious that they were expecting a baby.

Vlad made a marriage proposal to his beloved, but there were no announcements about the timing of the wedding. However, the other day the couple showed everyone wedding rings, from which the fans concluded that Vlad and Regina officially formalized the marriage, and the celebration has so far been postponed indefinitely.

The singer is working on a new album, which is expected to be released at the end of 2018. On his thirty-third birthday, Vlad Topalov announced the restoration of friendly relations with Sergey Lazarev and that the best gift for him there will be a transfer of money charitable foundation"Gift to an angel", which helps children with cerebral palsy.

Vlad Topalov, full name Topalov Vladislav Mikhailovich Born in 1985 on October 25 (according to the horoscope Sagittarius). Born in Russia, in Moscow. The singer's height is 178 cm, weight is 73 kg.

Since the love of music was inherited by Vlad, namely from his father, since Mikhail Genrikhovich was a musician and from his youth he performed in various rock bands in Russian cities, namely in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg and others. From childhood, Vladislav was already doing what he loved, and at the age of five, he even began performing in the famous children's ensemble "Fidgets". The team traveled to various countries, to competitions where he was a multiple winner. The list of countries included: Japan, Bulgaria, Norway and many others. Vlad was an unusual child, since childhood, he was prophesied an excellent career as a singer, and after all, people were not mistaken.

At the age of 9, Vladislav entered a closed college in England, where he studied for 3 years, and then returned to Moscow, where he began to study at a specialized school, with an in-depth study of various foreign languages.

When Vlad was 15 years old, his parents divorced, he stayed with his father, and his Native sister Alina stayed with her mother. In 2008, Vlad was born stepsister Anna, since my mother remarried. In 2006 he received a bachelor's degree, having graduated from the Russian State Institute for the Humanities, namely the faculty of jurisprudence.

How did you become famous and how is it known?

In 2000, Topalov and Lazarev decided to record several songs. They met in the Neposedy ensemble, so they were friends from childhood. At that time, the aria Notredam de Paris was very popular, which Vladislav and Sergey sang, after which they decided to form the Smash group. In 2001, they already signed a contract with a French recording studio, and in 2002 they decided to perform at the young talent competition, namely, on the New Wave, and became the winners. After that, they began to actively write and mix songs, so in 2003 they released their first album, called Freeway, which went platinum in many countries around the world.

At the end of 2004, the group broke up, as Sergey Lazarev wanted to completely immerse himself in solo career. Before that, the guys released another album called 2nite. Another vocalist was called to replace Sergei, but Topalov categorically refused and decided to start his solo career.

Already in 2006 he released his first solo album, which simply breaks all the charts and becomes a favorite of many people. While Vlad is actively releasing new songs, he also begins to play in the theater and in 2010 gets a role in the play Result in person and tours with him around the countries of Russia.

He also tried himself as a film actor and received several roles in films and TV shows.

Personal life

The very first public relations of Vlad Topalov are considered to be relations with Yulia Volkova, a member of the Tatu group. The guys had known each other since the Neposedy ensemble, their relationship was very stormy and passionate, the guys parted and took breaks many times. During one of these breaks, Yulia managed to go to another man and give birth to a child from him, but in 2006 she nevertheless returned to Vlad, but the wedding never took place due to the complexity of the relationship.

In September 2015, Vlad finally married Ksenia Danilina, but the marriage did not last long and already in March 2017 the newlyweds divorced. Vlad spoke very positively about his ex-wife, but said that there were quarrels main reason parting.

At the beginning of 2018, rumors spread that Vlad was dating TV presenter Regina Todorenko, the couple hid their relationship, but in July joint vacation Vlad made an offer to his chosen one, and she answered yes. Rumor has it that the couple is expecting their first child.

  • vk.com/vladtopalov
  • instagram.com/vladtopalovofficial

IN candid interviews singer Vlad Topalov has repeatedly admitted that he was a drug addict. Without hiding the facts about his condition, actions, relationships with loved ones at that time. The editors of Clutch, in the history of the artist's addiction, identified 10 stages of the problem - from the starting point to the start of a new life. Perhaps such a vision of drug addiction will help someone who is looking for a way: how to rescue loved one from drug captivity.

Just try

This is where it all starts: in the company of friends, where everyone is equal and knows each other well, someone offers to try and you just agree. After all, you are used to not denying yourself anything, to be the center of attention. This happened with . Suggested. Agreed. Tried. Dragged out.

Everything is in a fog

At first, you are in euphoria, because there were no such sensations before. Then comes moments of unconsciousness. Life breaks through the prism of "yesterday and today", you seem to exist, but not in this reality. Vlad used cocaine for the first six months, in parties and intoxication, he remembered that period in pieces, snatches, like a three-minute video for one of his songs.

Vlad Topalov (photo Instagram)

The reaction of loved ones

Native people do not want to believe that this is possible. That a son, brother, friend can cross a line that is dangerous even to approach, let alone step over. They may close their eyes, but this will be the first time, until special occasion. In his interviews, Vlad recalls that very incident. Father watched from the side, and when it came to extreme point came and said: "Pack your things, I'm picking you up." The singer did not even think to resist. The words of his father from childhood revived in his memory: “Remember one thing so that you know it in advance and be ready for it. If I ever find out that you are involved in drugs, I will kill you on the spot.”

Vlad Topalov with his father (photo Instagram)

House arrest

It's good to have a family strong people who will not fall into hysterics, not understanding what to do, how to continue to live and pull you out of the abyss. For Vlad, that person was exactly dad. He took his son to the dacha and locked him in a room. There was a new deception, screams and even fights. Unable to bear such a nightmare, new wife Topalova Sr. left the family. Vlad managed to escape from his father's embrace and everything started all over again.

Vlad Topalov with his mother (photo Instagram)

Vicious circle

If the addict breaks down, then he gets into another greater circulation his addiction. It no longer matters for him where to sleep, what to eat, the main thing is that there is a dose. I also had such a period in my life. I slept in the car, wandered, rushed from dose to dose. He acted like he was looking for death. Accelerated the car to breakneck speed. I used handfuls of pills.

The moment you lose yourself

Communication with the outside world is interrupted when you are a drug addict, and even with experience. Friends, colleagues and even relatives fade into the background. And over time, they can completely turn into an invisible point. But, apart from that, you lose yourself. Vlad closed himself in his world. He abandoned everyone, even his mother and sister.

Vlad Topalov (photo by Instagram)


The stories of drug addicts end in different ways. The worst outcome is known to all. But many get out, under the coercion of relatives or own will. Vlad, with his last strength, decided to pull himself out of this quagmire, which had already sucked him up to his throat. He began to realize that the dose no longer gives what it used to give. He seemed to wake up, and around him he saw incomprehensible people who did not care about him. It couldn't go on like this.


When the addict is high and lives in this mode for a long time, he does not feel and does not know about his health problems. As soon as the first steps of rehabilitation begin, disturbances in the functioning of the body surface. As a rule, there are a lot of them. At the clinic, Vlad was told that his previously young heart had turned into the organ of a forty-year-old man. The liver is enlarged, and immunity was practically at zero.

Vlad Topalov (photo Instagram)

Confession: "I'm addicted"

When a drug addict admits this to himself and decides to overcome a huge number of difficulties of rehabilitation, a new difficult stage begins. Vlad realized this and began his journey. At that moment, he realized: “There are things for which I try not to use drugs. This is something special, intimate and spiritual. Not just for the sake of parents or a friend, but first of all for the sake of himself.

Just start living

For many dependent stage returning to a life that was before drugs, something similar to flying to the moon. Unattainable and very far away. This requires preparation, time, support and self-confidence. Vlad Topalov did it. He began to live. Complete, happy good life. Where there is a place for the past, but only in memory, so that you never, under any circumstances, repeat your previous mistakes: when you are offered drugs, do not even agree to try them.

Watch the video interview with Vlad Topalov:

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I got into the habit of counting losses. And the further, the more often I came to the conclusion: my life is an absolute zero. Zero. Emptiness... Today we will open to our readers the family archive of Vlad Topalov.

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Photo gallery: Vlad Topalov's family archive

My introduction to drugs was easy. I didn't get hooked on them. Nobody urged: “Come on, try it, you will like it!” Just when on Smash!! fame fell, everyone wanted to see us with Lazarev in their company. And in many nightclubs, drugs, as they say, are on the menu. I was fifteen then, Seryozhka was two and a half years older and, perhaps, therefore, wiser. He resisted the temptations, I did not.

I came to the club tired, I thought to run home in half an hour, fall asleep. And then an ecstasy pill turned up. I held it in my palm and persuaded myself: "It's not even a drug, nothing will happen at once." I finally swallowed it, and I was overcome with such a surge of energy that I walked all night.

And then it rolled. I slowly and surely sank to the bottom. Became angry, irritable. Could explode for any reason. Relations with people spoiled out of the blue. Immunity dropped to zero. A banal cold was tied for a month. Right during the performance, he began to cough like an old man.

One night I woke up in terrible pain. It got worse with every minute. It appeared to be the end. It got so scary. Called an ambulance. She arrived surprisingly quickly. The doctor examined me, understood everything and shook his head:

- These are the kidneys, we need to go to the hospital.

I have a concert today, I can't!

- If the kidneys fail, there will be no concerts. There will be nothing at all.

In the hospital, pumped up with painkillers, I fell asleep. When I woke up, my mother was sitting on a chair next to me.

Her eyes immediately filled with tears.

- Vlad, it's because of the drugs, right? Please, please, leave them. After all, you could die today. What about me, dad?

I ran my hand over her wet cheek.

Don't cry, I'm back...

More than once I heard about myself: “Yes, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth!” I mean, my father is big businessman, owner of his own law firm. Yes, and a musician in the past. And therefore, they say, I can always count on powerful financial support. And in general, lucky.

IN family archive Vlad Topalova everything is so and everything is not so. Yes, he really happened, he was happy, but there were days when loneliness and a feeling of uselessness to the closest people covered him with his head. But pain is given to us in order to feel happiness more acutely.

This swing is probably life...

My parents met at the bus stop. Mom, a student at the Historical and Archival Institute, was hiding from the pouring rain. And dad ran past and offered her his raincoat. It can be said that thanks to this rain I was born.

They were a beautiful couple, but very different: dad is a military man, tough, extremely collected. He worked in the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Mom is a creative person, fond of various “advanced” ideas.

We lived in a tiny "kopeck piece" not far from the Novoslobodskaya metro station. In the evenings, many parental friends crowded into it. Dad, since all his youth was connected with music - he graduated from a music school, and in student years played professionally in the rock band "The Fourth Dimension", was familiar with many famous musicians and artists. Despite the age difference, he was friends with Alexander Lazarev and Svetlana Nemolyaeva.

They always held him up as an example to their son. Shurik Lazarev is only seven years younger than my father. And they became friends. When I was born, Shurik became my godfather. And not formal: he was seriously interested in what was happening in my life, he was very warm, talked, taught the mind. We still communicate.

At the age of three, I, the only and beloved child, experienced the first serious shock. One day a whimpering package was brought into the house.

"That's your sister," Mom said. - Look, what a beauty.

I didn't like my sister.

- But where is the beauty? She has a wrinkled face!

Now my mother spent the whole day spinning around this eternally dissatisfied doll. I was terribly jealous, inventing different ways how to get rid of it. At first I wanted to flush it down the toilet - they caught me when I was carrying Alinka to the toilet. An attempt to throw her into the garbage chute also failed - her parents were on the alert. I felt like my sister had stolen their love from me. I demanded attention, sought it with everyone accessible ways: capricious, rowdy, fought. The "crown number" was a headbutt in the stomach. It got to guests, doctors in the clinic, even just passers-by. Since then, the reputation of a “difficult child” has been entrenched in my family.

My mother was not very frightened by my rapidly deteriorating character. She had her own ideas about raising children and was sure that everything would even out as soon as her son grew up. So that I could get used to taking care of my little sister, she enrolled Alinka and me in children's ensemble"Fidgets". I was five, Alina was two. I quickly got used to it, became a soloist. But my mother's idea to "make friends" with my sister did not work. When Alina grew up, our hatred became mutual. Adults over the threshold - we are in a fight. We had nowhere to go from each other: we lived in one room, where there was a bunk bed. Every evening they fought for the more prestigious top shelf. In the end, the parents got tired of this and they offered to make a schedule: who and when sleeps upstairs. Now I blissed there for two weeks, my sister for two.

In the early nineties, our lives began to change. After the putsch, my father, who at that time was already in the rank of major, left the Ministry of Internal Affairs and went into business, in which he was very successful. Money appeared, and my mother decided that my sister and I should get an education in England. I was nine, Alina was six. We didn't want to go to any England. But my mother was adamant: "Without a language, now nowhere."

British schools are either praised or scolded last words. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. Not paradise, of course, but not a "Dickensian" nightmare, where children eke out a half-starved existence and are beaten.

Our school near Leeds was surrounded high fence. At one end of the courtyard is the women's building, at the other, the men's. The huge bedrooms for eight people had bunk beds. I only knew thank you and goodbye in English. This was clearly not enough to communicate with the guys. That's when I realized that my sister is my own person. However, school rules were strict. We met only in the classroom, more precisely - at recess. They threw themselves on each other's necks. Separation from my parents, especially from my mother, and my sister, and I experienced very hard. At night, when the neighbors fell asleep, I cried and asked, looking at the dark ceiling, “Mom, please take me away from here! And Alina too. We won't fight anymore. Just take us!"

But my mother did not appear, entrusting us to the care of an English curator who lived in Leeds. Apparently, the parents thought that their arrivals would prevent us from adapting.

In a parallel class, I found a Russian boy. And immediately stuck to it. Yegor was already fluent in English and, taking pity on his unfortunate compatriot, he took me under his wing. But I still continued to yearn for my parents and once persuaded a new friend to run away. The plan was this: get to the city, find my curator, and call my parents from her - let them fly out urgently. I was sure they just didn't know how bad it was for us here.

We managed to get out of the school gate and walk two hundred meters. And then the school watchman in a car caught up with the fugitives ... We had a conspicuous uniform: gray trousers and bright red jackets. It can be easily seen from afar. Starting out in such clothes is like escaping from an American prison in an orange prison uniform. But do they think about it at the age of nine?

The principal threatened to expel us from the school if we continued our attempts to escape. To which Yegor said: “Get this bore away from me. I can no longer see Topalov crying. It's all his fault!"

So I lost my only friend because of a stupid escape. However, our adventure was not entirely pointless. The teachers reported to my mother about my misconduct. And in the end school year, taking us to Moscow for the holidays, she said: “You will not study here anymore. I'll think of something".

Alinka and I were happy: goodbye, hated prison! But in August, my mother again began to collect us to England. She did not want to give up on the idea of ​​giving her children a classical British education. And even dad could not convince her.

- I spoke with Vlad, their training program behind the Russian one. Especially in math.

“Vlad never liked math,” my mother stubbornly stood her ground. “You know very well yourself that he is a humanist to the marrow of his bones. He just needs general development. “He can easily get it here, too.

“In England, children will be taught horseback riding and good manners. Vlad, by the way, this is the most important thing, you yourself know what kind of character he has.

“He has your character,” answered the father. The mood changes every five minutes.

But he is kind! Mom exploded.

We've never heard parents raise their voices at each other before. But now the quarrels have become business as usual. And in their conversations constantly surfaced female name— Marina.

“She is my secretary and assistant,” my father argued to my mother.

Is that why you spend more time with her than with your family? Mom pointed out.

“I love you, I love children. I work hard, I do everything so that you do not need anything!

- I could also work, but for the sake of the family, for the sake of you, I remained a housewife!

- You are a woman.

- Who is she? work unit?

Tanya, stop it!

What happened to my father is something that often happens to successful, wealthy men. They inevitably become the object of hunting. At every step they are pursued by girls who are ready to do anything to arrange their fate. Few can resist the temptation... Father was no exception. Moreover, he was left to himself: my mother, frightened by my depression and flight from the first school, now lived with us in England for a long time.

My sister and I enjoyed our stay in Harrogate. Alina devoted all her time to studying, and I had my first love.

Charlotte was in a parallel class and didn't pay any attention to me. Russians at school were generally treated as second-class people. However, not only to Russians, but also to all non-Englishmen: Koreans, Japanese, Italians. I told a friend that I was in love, and he advised: “Write a note. If it turns out that she doesn’t like you at all, at least you won’t worry in vain.

And then I wrote to Charlotte that I love her and don't know what to do about it...

Handed the message during the break. I was shaking in class. And then the bell rang and I saw Charlotte. She smiled at me!

We started to correspond. We walked together during breaks. Somehow they sat side by side, were silent, and suddenly touched each other with their knees. I blushed and moved away. Later came a note: "Why didn't you talk to me?" “I was afraid you were offended. You were silent too."

Meanwhile, my friends proudly shared their “victories”: everyone had already kissed a girl named Josie. In order not to be a black sheep, I also kissed her. But I didn't like it at all.

At the end of the year, my mother said:

- Dad's right. If you stay in England for at least another year, you will never be able to catch up with your peers in Russia. You either need to finish school here or return to Moscow. Choose.

And indeed, I learned the language in three years, but otherwise I returned from Foggy Albion a fool a fool. There, in the sixth grade, division of fractions took place, but here they were already extracting square roots. I didn't know how to approach them. I had to stay every day for additional classes in algebra, geometry, Russian ... Of course, there was little joy.

But something else was much worse. When Alina and I left for England, we had a family, and when we returned, it was practically gone.

Parents fought every day. A spark was enough to ignite a scandal. Mom suffered from the betrayal of her father, but also did not remain in debt. In the end, another man appeared in her life, and she went to him.

My sister and I were so tired of the scandals that, upon learning of the divorce, we breathed a sigh of relief. The true scale of the misfortune that befell us was not immediately revealed. The parents acted, as it seemed to them, sensibly: they divided the children. Mom believed that her son needed a male upbringing, and left me to my father. And she took her sister with her. I became very close to Alinka during the years spent in England. And now he lost both her and her mother at once. My mom stopped caring for me completely. We hardly saw each other, sometimes we only talked on the phone:

— Vladyush, how are you doing?

- Fine.

- How is your studies?

- Fine.

That's all communication. Dad was also always busy, and he was not up to me.

“Loneliness, like a tenant, entered our former house". I will write this later and on a different occasion, but these feelings come from there, from that time.

I couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment. I was offended by my parents, but gradually I got used to it, and I even began to like this life: no control, do what you want. Now I didn’t call my mother for weeks or even months and had fun with my friends. The closest of them was Sergey Lazarev. He was already studying acting skills at the Moscow Art Theater School and was an indisputable authority for me. Whatever happens between us then, I loved him, and I will always love him as a brother, as a native person.

Vlad Topalov is a native Muscovite, which is now an exception in Russian show business. Vlad's mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, was a historian, and his father, Mikhail Genrikhovich, had his own own business. Topalov Sr., in terms of his field of activity, had some relation to the production center, which played important role in Vlad's career in the future. In addition to Topalov Jr., the girl Alina was also raised in the family. My sister was three years younger than Vlad.

Music sounded constantly in the Topalovs' house - the head of the family, being still young, was interested in vocals and was even a member of several ensembles. The passion of the father was passed on to the children. Vlad and Alina from an early age began to attend circles of creative directions.


Even before school, Vlad began to go to music school. At the age of five and a half, he already learned to play the violin and became a member of the Fidget ensemble, which made the boy famous. The entire biography of Vlad Topalov is thoroughly permeated with music, he did not have normal childhood and personal life. Almost all free time spent the child playing the instrument and at performances. In the photo below, Vlad is among his peers, members of the Fidget ensemble.

Baby photo. Vlad Topalov on the left

Topalo Jr. soon became a soloist in the Fidget Choir. Then he sang a duet with now famous TV presenter Maria Malinovskaya. After that, she will host the popular musical TV show "Morning Star".

"Fidgets" became known not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Girls and boys, with excellent vocal abilities, toured countries such as Japan, Bulgaria, Italy, Norway and others. In the treasury of the team's awards, there are a lot of victories on international competitions. "Fidgets" "thundered" all over the world, and when the children began to grow up, they were waiting for new life, new scene, new songs and tours, but separately.

Vlad made his debut in the ensemble "Fidgets"

Studying in the UK and divorce of parents

Vlad lived in England for about three years. His parents sent him and his sister to a distant country for education. It was a closed English college, where not everyone could get. Mother and father dreamed that their children would receive a decent education and be able to provide for themselves good life in future.

Topalov returned home in 1997 and continued his studies at a special school with an emphasis on learning foreign languages. And in 2002 he entered the Russian State University for the Humanities. In 2006 he graduated successfully becoming a qualified lawyer, like his father.

Topalov with his parents and sister

Soon Vlad had a half-sister named Anna. It so happened that Topalov's parents stopped understanding each other and decided to disperse. This period was the most terrible stage in the biography of Vlad Topalov and his parents. Adults had to divide the children, thereby separating the brother from the sister. Vlad stayed with his father, and Alina was taken by her mother.

After some time, Topalov's mother remarried and gave birth to another girl, whom the newly-made parents named Anna. And so it appeared young musician stepsister.

Musical career

On the anniversary of "Fidget", when the ensemble turned ten years old, Vlad's father decided to release a disc with best songs son. The album also includes compositions sung along with. The guys parted in earnest, they liked to work together, and the songs sounded in a new way. Vlad and Sergey recorded a real hit on French, which thundered all over the world and impressed everyone. Of course, this is "Belle" from the musical "Notre-Dame de Paris".

Vlad Topalov and Sergey Lazarev

The recording of this hit gave rise to new group, titled "Smash!!". Almost immediately, the young duo signed a very lucrative contract with the French recording studio Universal Music Group. And a year after signing the contract, the duet wins the competition among young performers, which is called "New Wave".

Now it's the turn of hits - the guys are starting to record their albums. The albums instantly became platinum, and all the compositions of Topalov and Lazarev occupied only the first lines of various charts and charts. The guys became popular not only in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. They collected top fans all over the world.

What Topalov and Lazarev did not share

Unfortunately, in 2004, after the release of the last joint disc, the team broke up. More precisely, Sergey Lazarev left the group and began a solo career. They tried to find another soloist in place of Sergei, but Topalov categorically did not want to sing with anyone else. So the group "Smash !!" ceased to exist.

Soloists of the group "Smash !!"

For a long time, journalists tried to find the cause of the conflict between two once bosom friends. None of the group members wanted to comment on this scandal, but it was obvious that Lazarev had gone on an independent voyage for a reason.

Rumor has it that the guys could not share the place of the leader of the group. Both handsome men, with an incredible voice, having numerous armies of fans, argued about who is the leader after all. This led to the disintegration of the duet.

Solo career of Topalov Jr.

After the band broke up, music did not disappear from the biography of Vlad Topalov. He continued to saturate his personal life with new projects and soon began a solo career. In the photo below, Vlad is filming a video for his solo project.

In his first album, Vlad recorded hits that he performed with Lazarev. Topalov sang them alone no worse than in the company of the former best friend. Plus, the soloist added some of his new songs to the album, which pleased his fans. He showed that he can still sing alone and does it superbly. Then there are a few more successful albums, some of them completely in English.

Vlad Topalov pursued a solo career

Vlad sings mostly about love - this fits his role perfectly. But music is not Topalov's only occupation. The singer takes part in theatrical performances and does it successfully. Roles in the theater, and then in the cinema, also bring the soloist not only good income but also complete satisfaction. Topalov starred in several comedies. It is worth noting that after the performance of their roles in the army of fans of the newly minted actor, there was a significant increase.

Vlad Topalov and Julia from Tatu

Many will remember this beautiful couple: Vlad Topalov and Yulia Volkova from the Tatu group. The guys had known each other since childhood, they were both members of the Fidget ensemble. Soon just friendship grew into something more. The biography of Vlad Topalov has several novels, but relations with Volkova were the most stormy. His personal life was seething: the couple broke off relations, and then they converged again. In the photo below, Vlad and Yulia are happy, at that moment they were still in a relationship.

Vlad Topalov and Yulia Volkova

Once, having quarreled with Vlad, the Tatu soloist decided to leave her beloved man. She just left for someone else. Yulia had a child from a new man, but soon she returned to Topalov again. And he accepted it. The whole world watched these stormy passions.

The young people were already preparing for the wedding, they were planning families and common children. But still, due to the incompatibility of characters, constant quarrels, the guys came to a final break. This time the decision was made not on emotions, but on a "fresh" head.

Union with the director and wedding

Another one romantic story Vlada Topalova almost grew into a marriage union. A certain Olga Rudenko appeared in the personal life of the soloist, who worked for the directors of a friend of the performer - Sergey Lazarev. The girl is smart, beautiful (see photo), whose biography is similar to Vlad's life. But something went wrong and the macaw broke up.

Singer together with Ksenia Danilina

In 2015, the long-awaited event still happened: Topalov got married. The chosen one of the musician was Ksenia Danilina. Ksenia - has nothing to do with music, unlike Vlad's previous companions. Danilova is the owner of a luxury fashion atelier, which brings her a multi-million dollar profit.

In the photo below you can see how visually Vlad Topalov and Ksenia Danilina fit each other. Guys look happy couple. The singer's fans hoped that this change in his personal life would soon bring the long-awaited child to the soloist, and there would be positive changes in his biography, new songs, because now he has such a muse!

But in 2017, the marriage broke up. Topalov himself told reporters why he divorced Ksenia. It turned out that this is a banal inability to find a compromise. Conflicts often occurred in a couple, husband and wife did not want to give in to each other.

The guys managed to maintain a warm relationship, they remained friends. And despite the third unsuccessful attempt to create a family, to improve his personal life, Vlad Topalov does not lose hope. He is sure that he will find the only one with whom he will share both joy and sorrow. Well, in the meantime, fans are following the biography of their favorite singer, continue to post his photo in in social networks, buy albums, go to concerts.

If you believe the rumors, then there is a romantic relationship between Topalov and Regina Todorenko

Divorce played a role in the creative field: Topalov released new song and a clip called "I got it." Many believe that Vlad dedicated this single to his last wife. In the song, he sings about how the girl who lives with him got him.

At the beginning of 2018, rumors spread about Topalov's romance and Regina Todorenko, a TV presenter on the Friday channel. The girl confirmed the beginning of a relationship with the soloist, but on this, any details stopped leaking to the press.