Dark Surrealism by Tomasz Koper. Esoteric surrealism in mysterious fantasy paintings that help you look into yourself

Thomas was born in 1976 in a city with a difficult readable name Kozyuchev, in Poland. Creativity woke up in him from the time of school lessons visual arts, which in other respects did not greatly affect the choice future profession upon admission to the university. Thomas Ahlen entered the University of Technology in the city of Worclaw, which he successfully graduated with an engineering degree. But the retreat from his vocation was short-lived, and soon Thomas again took up brushes and an easel.
draws surreal paintings oil on canvas. He is attracted by the themes of the mystery of life, the struggle between dark and light in nature, eternity and others. philosophical themes that have excited the minds of mankind at all times.
It should be noted that by that time the artist had experienced quite a lot. Obviously, it is impossible to paint such pictures without the proper baggage of suffering and mental anguish, as well as great joys. For his work, Thomas uses exclusively oil and canvas. The theme of his works is the mystery of human nature, his feelings, emotions, motivation of actions in the end. "My goal is to make the viewer think about his life, to realize something, to rethink" - says Thomas. And indeed, looking at his piercing work, you can see that the author did not do it badly. Pictures then boundlessly capture us with their warmth, glow with some kind of high society, then sparkle with black frailty and hopelessness of existence. But all of them, of course, capture the attention of the viewer peremptorily.

Thomas Alain Kopera currently lives and works in Ireland. Exhibited in in large numbers galleries, cultural centers and museums around the world. His paintings are quickly sold out, which is not surprising given the rather low cost (up to a thousand euros). You can buy paintings on the official website of the artist. Enjoy!

Today we will talk about surrealism. Not about simple and banal, but a little dark and mysterious. The Polish artist Tomas Alen Kopera () will help us in this - a talented and original master of oil painting on canvas.

Tomasz was born in the Polish town of Kozhuchow, in western Poland, in 1976. Although he received an engineering education at the Wroclaw University of Technology, his craving for creative self-realization manifested itself from early childhood forced him to take up the craft of the artist, and with this he is successfully engaged to this day. Charmed human nature and relationships, secrets of the Universe and its dark forces, he transforms his love into painting, which can be called dark surrealism. The originality and the manner of writing peculiar only to him gives a lot of pleasure to admirers of his talent, awakens in them to look for clues to the eternal mysteries of being.



The artist's paintings, as it were, speak directly to the subconscious of a person, evoke a stream of feelings and emotions for which it is impossible to find words. Maybe that's why Tomasz almost never names his works, leaving the viewer to give a suitable description for the paintings, come up with a story and a causal relationship for them. Names like A01 or B12 only reflect the year of the painting and its letter index. When Tomasz is asked to talk about his works and give them explanations, he replies that he leaves this task for his viewer: "If I could describe my paintings, then I would not become an artist, but a writer." Indeed, this sounds like a proposal to complete in your imagination the idea laid down on the canvas, to finish the story invented by the author.



The artist uses many techniques and elements in his painting, which immediately give them a special, unique character and mood. The work with textures and colors is just great, the details of many of the paintings can be viewed many times. Having started creative career since the beginning of the 2000s, the master has gone through several stages in the development of his technique. Early work somewhat reminiscent of another Polish master of the horror genre Beksinski, but did not have any tangible weight in the artist's style.


The cracked skin of the characters in many paintings has a visible resemblance to dried earth, this is often emphasized by the outflow of fire from the inside - Koper loves to reflect the fire element and makes it, as it were, a link between the elements of the composition. The plexus of bodies and their resemblance to trees is just as often a favorite artistic technique Tomas. The symbiosis of man and tree, sky and earth, love and hate, fear and courage are reflected in most of the master's works, serve as a measure of Good and Evil in his painted universe. This feeling is transmitted to the viewer, looking at the pictures you feel the mystical intention of the author. Tomasz paints pictures impromptu, usually without preliminary sketches, cleanly. Often the initial idea, as the picture develops, develops into something else, obeying the flight of the author's imagination and a completely different image arises. A clear mind and lack of haste are very important to the artist in his work.




Tree of Time

Thomas in many ways versatile person. He likes not only painting, but also music. He listens to all genres from classical to modern styles including heavy metal and rock. The artist is in high demand in his profession, during his career he exhibited about 30 times in many European countries and in the USA. Unfortunately, Russia is not in this list of countries... People are very interested in his work, because it allows not only to contemplate, but also to be mentally co-authors of his paintings. Since 2005 he has been living and working in Ireland. In 2010 he entered creative team Libellule Group.

All images are taken from open sources.

Official website of Tomasz Koper.

It's no secret to anyone that human nature- mysterious, and can manifest itself both with light and with dark side. Therefore, it is very difficult to overestimate unique paintings Polish surrealist artist Tomas Alain Koper in terms of the philosophical subtext embedded in each of his canvases. In them, everyone can recognize himself, or rather the state of his inner "I". We are so used to hiding our essence under a mask that sometimes it seems that this mask has already grown to us forever. And only sincere feelings sometimes they can break it...

Inspired by human nature and the mysteries of the universe, Tomasz Kopera lives in a world of rich fantasy. His paintings are full of symbols relating to the human psyche and relationships with the outside world. Each of his paintings prompts the viewer to think about the essence human life. It also directs our thought to comprehend the fact that sometimes both light and darkness can rule the vast world.

Philosophical meaning Tomasz paintings is that through them the artist shows the transformation of the development of mankind from birth to the end of life. He writes about how, growing up, we become more closed, hiding from each other as well as from ourselves. true feelings under the outer shell, which gradually envelops our souls, turning them into blocks of stone.

And he also writes those very feelings that can destroy the stone crust from the inside, turning it into fragile scales. It falls apart when a person allows his real feelings and desires to break out. Feelings, becoming the connecting threads with oneself and other people, allow one to feel alive. For letting yourself live true values, we learn to trust, feel the taste of life, openly rejoice, sincerely love.

Through his paintings, the artist strives to make humanity look into its subconscious, rethink its life path and a look at death. “In my work, I try to reach out to the subconscious. I want to hold the viewer's attention for a longer moment. Make him think."- says the artist himself.

Unique compositional solutions Tomas' canvases are simply amazing with their fantastic, unrealistic artistic vision of the plot. And the artist feeds his inspiration through the knowledge of the secrets of the universe and the spirituality of all living things.

Concerning colors paintings of the master, I would like to note a rather restrained coloring and at the same time an amazing contrast. Dark and earthy colors are dissected by fiery-bright bursts of light streams, breaking through from the depths of the picture plane itself. The effect of hot coals under the rubble of the stone bark is simply amazing. This is the author's style, handwriting and uniqueness of the painter. Through his surreal paintings, he touches the subconscious of the viewer, forcing him to look at the canvas again and again.

A little bit about Tomas Alen Kopera (b. 1976)

Tomasz Alen Kopera is from Kozukhovo (Poland). Like all children, from an early age he loved to draw. However, Tomasz had to master the profession of a civil engineer and get a diploma from the Wroclaw University of Technology. But as they say, you can't escape fate. Despite technical education, Tomasz Kopera becomes a professional artist.
Since 2005, he moved to Ireland, where he creates his wonderful paintings in his own studio.