Online education where you can listen to the most fascinating lectures about history and culture.

Sir Ken Robinson gave an interesting and exciting lecture in which he proposed creating educational systems, aimed at developing, rather than suppressing, creative abilities.

Video with Russian voice acting:

Amy Cuddy: Body Language Shapes Your Personality

Change your posture and you will change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how mindfully adopting a strong posture can reduce stress and give you a feeling of confidence.

Strike a pose strong man- this is such a small thing, but it can play a decisive role when you are in stressful situation, for example, at an interview or negotiating.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

How do you explain the fact that things don't work out the way we intended? Better yet, how do you explain the fact that others can achieve things that defy existing assumptions? For example, why is Apple so innovative? Year after year they are more progressive than all their competitors. But this is just a computer company, of which there are many. They have the same access to talent, the same agencies, the same consultants, the same media. Then why do they seem so different to us? Why Martin Luther King led the Movement civil rights? And why were the Wright brothers the first to make controlled manned flight?

Video with Russian subtitles:

Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability

We all feel vulnerable and unsure at times, but this feeling can be turned into an opportunity for growth. Researcher Brené Brown has been studying human relations, and she came to some interesting conclusions. In a brilliant and witty talk, she talks about how people are happier when they stop fighting their vulnerability and simply believe that they are worthy of love and acceptance.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Mary Roach: 10 Things You Don't Know About Orgasm

The author of the monograph "Fuck" Mary Roach addresses the little-known scientific research, including centuries ago, to make ten unexpected, sometimes strange, and sometimes homerically funny statements about highest point in sex. (This performance is for adults only.)

Video with Russian subtitles:

Jill Bolte Taylor: An Amazing Strike of Epiphany

Researcher Jill Boult Taylor describes how the brain works and her experience with a major stroke. This is one of the most emotional TED talks. It's about self-awareness, near-death experiences, and most importantly, that we are all energetic beings connected to the energy around us and to each other. Amazing lecture.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do

What motivates you and makes you do what you do? What motivates you today? Tony Robbins states that “emotions are the invisible inner strength" Everyone may have outstanding minds and intellect, but it is emotions that make the difference in the quality of our lives.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Dan Pink: The Mysteries of Motivation

Analyst career growth Dan Pink explores the mysteries of motivation, starting with a fact known to scientists but not to managers: the traditional idea of ​​reward is not as effective as we think. Listen to cautionary tales and possible prospects.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Pranav Mistry: The Exciting Potential of Sixth Sense Technology

Pranav Mistry at the TEDIndia conference demonstrates several devices that allow you to practically combine the physical and electronic world, including the “Sixth Sense” device, as well as a notebook on paper. In the Q&A session, Mistry says he will open source The Sixth Sense to open up its capabilities to everyone.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Cameron Russell: Looks don't matter. Trust me, I'm a model

Cameron Russell admits she won the 'genetic lottery' by being tall and beautiful model underwear But don't judge her by her appearance. In this fearless performance, she takes a critical look at the industry that made her look extremely seductive at the age of 16.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts

In a society where sociability and relaxedness are valued above all else, being an introvert is difficult and even shameful. However, in her inspiring lecture, Susan Cain argues that introverts bring amazing talents and abilities to the world and should be supported and valued.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar

Every day we encounter lies from 10 to 200 times, and the signs by which they can be recognized can be subtle and difficult to understand. Pamela Meyer, author of Detecting Lies, reveals the behaviors and hot spots that trained people can use to spot deception. She argues that honesty is a value worth protecting.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Shawn Achor: Happiness makes you work better

We think that we need to work hard to be happy, but maybe it's the other way around? In this dynamic and fun talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that happiness inspires us to work and makes us more productive.

Video with Russian voice acting:

David Gallo: Underwater Wonders

We will plunge into the deep depths of the sea. Anyone who has had the wonderful opportunity to do this knows that two and a half hours after the start of the dive, the real dark world. The most mysterious creatures that cannot be described appear in the porthole.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Dan Gilbert: The Surprising Science of Happiness

Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, challenges the idea that we are unhappy when we don't get what we want. Our “psycho-immune system” allows us to feel happy even when things don’t go the way we planned.

Video with Russian voice acting:

Julian Treasure: How to speak so people want to listen

Everyone wants to be not only listened to, but also heard. Audio expert Julian Treasure reveals the 7 deadly sins of communication you should avoid, and gives tips on how to talk to other people so they believe everything you tell them. Pay attention to sincerity, authenticity (being yourself), honesty and love.

Video with Russian subtitles:

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your Elusive Creative Genius

Writer Elizabeth Gilbert reflects on high expectations for creative people and to geniuses. She shares the idea that it is not a person who is a genius, but every person has their own genius. It's funny, personal and surprisingly moving.

LECTURER, -a, mn, -s, -ov, m. A person who gives lectures, as well as in general the one who gives a lecture. || and. lecturer, -i (simple). || adj. lecturer, -aya, -oe.

View value LECTURER in other dictionaries

Lecturer- m. teacher of new languages ​​at an institution where teachers are called professors. sha, his wife. -ditch, -rshin, belongs to him, to her; lecturer, related to it. Lecture g. reading, teaching,......
Dictionary Dahl

Lecturer- lecturer, m. (Latin lector - reader). 1. The person giving the lectures. 2. Title of the teacher's position foreign languages in higher education (outdated). French.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Lecturer M.— 1. One who lectures to an audience. 2. outdated Foreign language teacher at a higher educational institution.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Lecturer- -A; m. [from lat. lector - reader]. The one who gives lectures. Invite a lecturer. L. by international situation. Brilliant L.
◁ Lecturer, -aya, -oh. L. experience. L-th group. Lecturer, -and; and. Razg.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Lecturer— This word, which names a person who gives lectures, has the same root as the word and goes back to the Latin verb legere - “to read.” Literally, “one who reads.” Over time it took......
Etymological dictionary Krylova

Photo: personal Facebook page

It makes no sense to introduce this person in literary circles. For everyone else, an explanation: perhaps the most famous modern researcher in Russia American literature XX century, aestheticism, European modernism and the author of several art books. On his website or official YouTube channel there is a whole selection of free lectures on Salinger, Kafka, Eliot and Oscar Wilde. For everyone interested foreign literature It’s simply contraindicated to pass by.

"Gutenberg Smoking Room"

A relatively recent non-profit educational project specializing in live events held in Moscow and other major cities. Recordings of speeches by local lecturers are posted on official group VKontakte is completely open access. The range of topics is incredibly wide - as the organizers themselves write, “in one evening a biologist, philologist and cosmologist can speak to you.” The format is rather popular science and more than fascinating.

Despite the sufficient popularity of this resource, it is impossible not to say something about it. This site, popular all over the world, creates sequential courses of lectures and weekly exercises, which can be viewed and completed completely free of charge by any registered user. Most courses require an online exam at the end. More than 109 different universities, mostly foreign, are involved in the development of materials. Dominates here, of course, English language, but if you wish, it’s easy to gnaw on the granite of science with the help of the great and mighty. There are, for example, courses from the Higher School of Economics or joint laboratories of ABBYY and Digital October.

Academic Earth

Another academic English language resource. As in the case of Coursera, many different universities are participating in the development of the project, including Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and other big names. Also presented are mainly courses, all materials of which are available for free download. A separate big advantage is the local interface: Academic Earth is always happy to tell its visitor what to go and see, there is a convenient division by university, specialty and level of difficulty. Many video lectures are posted separately from the main courses in a special section, and you don’t even need authorization to view them. True, here you will not find texts or videos in Russian, so you will have to educate yourself in the language of Shakespeare.


The list cannot ignore the project of the former editor-in-chief of the magazine “ Big city» Philip Dzyadko, who shot loudly this year. Arzamas offers its users entire courses consisting of video lectures, articles and documentary photo galleries. Entirely and completely focused on the humanities. Here you can learn how to listen to classical music, what St. Petersburg was like on the eve of the 1917 revolution, read about the beliefs of South American Indians or about the theater of the English Renaissance. Fortunately, the project is completely Russian-language.


An online magazine that also regularly publishes printed almanacs. Offers its readers materials of a truly academic level. Therefore, it is not worth starting with it to try to understand, for example, capitalism at the beginning of the 20th century. But for people interested in history, culture, sociology, religion or philosophy, the resource is absolutely invaluable. Characteristic feature“Skepticism” is also due to the fact that the authors of the magazine do not hesitate to speak out on current issues in their articles and lectures. modern themes, be it education or political manipulation. Editor-in-Chief- Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Sergei Solovyov.

Khan Academy

The project of Bangladeshi native and Harvard graduate Salman Khan is not being exchanged for additional materials. All that is there is a whole galaxy of micro-lectures on all possible scientific specialties. Moreover, despite the serious academic approach, many disciplines are taught here starting from the very basic principles. Of course, it will not be possible to study these disciplines deeply, but it is easy to get a general idea. The site exists thanks to donations, with a significant portion of financial support provided by Google. They are also involved in translating the Academy’s videos into world languages ​​(the list so far, however, only includes English, Spanish, French, Norwegian, Portuguese and Turkish).


Let's go back to the popular platform in RuNet - social network Education is an extremely curious community that exists exclusively on VKontakte. The public administration posts video and audio recordings of lectures with enviable regularity, mainly in the humanities and natural sciences. It’s distinctive that here you can also listen to non-modern materials, such as, for example, conversations about culture with Joseph Brodsky - this is also part of the community’s content. There are also movies, documentaries and more, and audiobooks.


Radio station "Orpheus" not only gives you the opportunity to listen classical music, but also learn more about it and the culture in general. Program records in a huge number presented on the official website. Franco Zeffirelli, Stanley Kubrick, Johann Sebastian Bach and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Lloyd-Webber and rock operas - all in the format of twenty- and thirty-minute recordings of radio broadcasts. It is unlikely that anywhere else you can find such a large number of truly interesting and professionally made podcasts in Russian.

Lectures by Alexander Pyatigorsky

Photo: from the archive of Alexander Pyatigorsky

Laureate of the Andrei Bely Prize, Soviet-British philosopher and orientalist, translator from dead languages Alexander Pyatigorsky is an almost legendary personality. On the Radio Liberty website you can listen to the full cycle of his lectures on various philosophical ideas from Buddha and Zarathustra to Sartre and Chomsky. The lectures are quite short - eight minutes each - but extremely informative. Each text is accompanied by a small professional commentary, making it easier to understand the material.

Lectures by Natalia Basovskaya

Photo: Natalia Krasilnikova / PhotoXPress

Radio project “Echo of Moscow” program “Everything is so” is a series of conversations on the topic foreign history. The author is Natalya Basovskaya, a medievalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, the largest Russian expert on the Hundred Years' War. All materials exist in both text and podcast form. You won't find any chewing here historical facts and subsequent events. Emphasis is placed on logic analysis historical process, the meaning of various cultural myths, periods and events.


Since 1984, the annual TED conference has been held in the United States, dedicated to “technology, design and entertainment.” It featured the first presentation of the CD, the Macintosh computer, and the first experiments in creating artificial intelligence. Participants include scientists from around the world, public figures and Nobel laureates. The official TED website is a treasure trove for those who want to learn about new developments in any field of science. Speeches from the main conference and local TED events are posted here and just individual lectures. Knowledge of English is necessary, but this is perhaps the only negative. The resource is extremely conveniently organized, synchronized with all major social networks, and there is an excellent system for searching for materials and news.

Studying without sitting at uncomfortable tables in stuffy classrooms is the dream of many. Thanks to the Internet, we have the opportunity to absorb knowledge while lounging imposingly on the veranda of a cafe over an invigorating latte or on our own balcony sipping cava. To make the fall not only fun, but also useful, we have made a selection of sites where you can listen to interesting lectures online. Download them instead evening series and feel proud - you are working on yourself!


An educational project focused on the humanities. Materials are divided into courses. For example, the following have already been posted: “Russian epic”, “History of dandyism”, “Myths” South America", "Theater English Renaissance", "Russian literature of the 20th century. Season 1." Literary scholars, historians, architects, anthropologists speak out on given topics V various genres: from analysis of a poem to free essay. In addition to the video format, there are also texts. So far there are only fifteen courses, and a new one is launched every Thursday.

A special treat for literature lovers is the special project “Russian Classics. The Beginning", in which excellent Moscow teachers (Lev Sobolev, Nadezhda Shapiro, Konstantin Polivanov and Elena Vigdorova) tell different things about writers and poets, whose work is included in school curriculum. And even if the mention of Karamzin and Goncharov in school made your cheekbones ache, try to listen to what these great smart people and intellectuals say - you won’t be able to tear yourself away.


An online magazine about science and the people who create it. Anyone can find a section according to their interests: physics, philosophy, culture, medicine, economics, history, astronomy - and that’s not all. Professional experts, including several Nobel laureates, take part in the preparation of materials.

You can watch lectures scattered, or by course. The names of some cause intellectual salivation: “History of Russian Philosophy”, “Cinema Studies” (about the study of cinema), “Decision Making Theory” (about the factors influencing our choice - 12 lectures!), “Extragalactic Astronomy”.


Online library of video lectures from lecturers at Russian universities. In addition to the media library, where lectures are free and located in free access, there are also online courses, among which, for example, are the following: “Bionics. Nanocyborgs”, “Probability theory – the science of chance”, “Russian language as a tool for successful communication”.


Educational video portal with lectures by teachers of leading Russian and foreign universities. The site may look a bit boring, but it is easy to navigate and has a really great selection of lectures. We immediately bookmarked the following videos: “Jerry Lewis and the Burlesque of the Sucking World”, “Fayum Portraits”, “Pieter Bruegel the Younger’s Painting “Winter Landscape””, “Spirit” early Middle Ages", "Results of development Russian Empire in 1900–1916."


TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) has existed since 1984 and has accumulated a unique lecture base. Lectures are in English, it is often possible to include Russian subtitles. Under each TED Talk there is also a text transcript. Among the speakers are unique personalities, just to mention the performance of Steve Jobs and Stephen Hawking!

Khan Academy

The Khan Academy (the creator of the resource is Salman Khan) has almost 5,000 microlectures on the most different topics, from organic chemistry to cosmology. The academy's goal is to "provide high-quality education to everyone, everywhere." Don't be afraid of the English, many lectures can be found in excellent translation.


YouTube is a huge resource, but if you go to the EDU (University) YouTube channel, you can find untold riches. Intellectual, of course.

There are more than a thousand lectures from world universities (there are separate channels from Stanford, Harvard and Yale) and several huge topic sections, including the humanities, art, mathematics, social science, medicine. Going, for example, to “Art,” we will find separate courses of lectures on theater, dance, photography, cinema, architecture, art history, and music. The search process can become endless, so don’t waste time and stop at the first video you like. And don't forget to bring some cold drinks.

And finally. If you are a humanitarian, then there is nothing better than re-watching the “School of Scandal” programs. Just not with media characters, but with quiet guests from the world of literature. You will have a conversation about good literature, a list of books to read, and just living human thought.



(Latin lector - reader, from legere - to read). 1) a teacher of one of the new languages ​​at the university; also teachers at Catholic and Episcopal seminaries. 2) at the beginning of Christianity, Catholics had a person who was entrusted with reading the Bible in churches. 3) a reader in general.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


1) literally a reader; 2) the person giving the lecture; 3) teacher of new languages ​​at universities; 4) clergyman in ancient church, who read some passages from the Bible at the service.

Complete dictionary foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


1) the reader himself; 2) person inferior. ancient clergy Catholic church, who was entrusted with reading the book during the service. chapters from the bible; 3) now the name of foreign teachers. languages ​​in universities and teachers in Catholic. Episcopal seminaries; 4) a person giving a lecture.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


lat. lector, reader, from legere, to read. Lecturer newest language, at the university.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(lat. lector reader) a person giving a lecture.

New dictionary foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


lecturer, m. [ Latin lector - reader]. 1. The person giving the lectures. 2. The title of the position of a foreign language teacher in higher education (outdated). French lecturer.

Big dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


A, m., shower (Polish lecturer, German Lecturer lat. lēctor reader).
The one who reads lectures, as well as the one who speaks with lecture.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "LECTOR" is in other dictionaries:

    lecturer- a, m. lecteur m. lat. lecturer 1. Teacher of a living foreign language. Sl. 18. The French lecturer.. will.. sort out with me aesthetically French best authors. ABT 2 25. Although I now take only two lessons from a French lecturer in... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

    LECTURER, lecturer, husband. (lat. lector reader). 1. The person giving the lectures. 2. The title of the position of a foreign language teacher in higher education (outdated). French lecturer. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    LECTURER, a, pl. s, ov, husband. A person who gives lectures, as well as a person who gives a lecture in general. | wives lecturer, and (simple). | adj. lecturer, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Husband. a teacher of new languages ​​at an institution where teachers are called professors. The lecturer, his wife. ditch, rshin, him, her; lecturer related to him. Lecture by women reading, teaching, lesson, professor's teaching hour. Explanatory dictionary... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    lecturer- lecturer, plural lecturers, b. lecturers (not recommended lecturers, lecturers) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    lecturer- (lektorir, lektorher) lecturer Lekcieme kyajerer ary Lektorir lektor kedzhag Ar lecturer degyu ... Adygabzem isekhef thickyIal

    lecturer- The one who gives lectures. lat. leсtor "reader". In the meaning of “reader of the sovereign,” the word lecturer was borrowed from French. lecteur in the 30s of the 18th century. (Birzh., 375). Fixed in Sl. Yanovsk (II, 537). At the end of the 18th century. from German language was… … Historical and etymological dictionary of Latin borrowings

    lecturer- Borrowing. in the 18th century from it. language, where Lektor lat. lecturer, suf. derived from legere, “to read.” Initially “reader”, then “teacher” and then “lecturer”... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language