H noses stories and fairy tales. Nikolai Nosov: an entertaining biography of a children's writer in stories and pictures

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov(November 10, 1908 - July 26, 1976) - Soviet children's writer, playwright. The greatest popularity of Nosov was brought by works about the adventures of Dunno.

Nosov's sphere of interest was very extensive. He never thought about writing. IN different years he was fond of photography, music, chemistry, radio engineering, cinematography. He worked as a director of animated and popular science films.

Nikolai Nikolaevich became a children's writer quite by accident. He discovered his talent as a writer by telling stories to his son and his friends.

Nosov really knows how to attract the attention of a small reader, he understands what is interesting to him, he knows how to speak the language of children.

Nosov's stories are based on some funny case, an interesting situation. This clarity of description, the cheerful disposition of children, the truthfulness of the story made Nosov's stories a classic of children's literature.

According to the definition of S. Ya. Marshak, this is a writer "with a distinct creative personality", in works which manifested itself "a combination of humor, lyricism and the recollective vigilance of a writer of everyday life." Nikolai Nosov created mainly children's works.

Nosov's works for children: a list

  • "Entertainers"
  • "Knock-Knock!"
  • "Gardeners"
  • "Mishkina porridge"
  • "Telephone"
  • "Step"
  • "About the turnip"
  • "Dreamers"
  • "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin"
  • "Under the same roof"
  • "Merry family"
  • "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn"
  • "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"
  • "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  • "Dunno in a Sunny City"

And that's not all list of Nosov's children's works loved by many generations.

How did Nikolai Nosov become a children's writer?

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kyiv, in the family of an actor. At the age of 15 he entered concrete-mixing plant laborer. In 1927 he began to study at the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later, he moved to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, and then worked as a film director - he shot educational and animated films. During the war years, Nosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star for creating military-technical films.

Which parent has not had to compose poems, fairy tales, stories their children? Nikolai Nikolaevich also had to do this: he had a boy. The experiments were successful. In 1938, Nosov's story appeared in the Murzilka magazine. "Entertainers". But professional writer he became only in 1945, when his first book was published.

"Knock-Knock!"- with this heading, Nosov seemed to knock on the door great literature for little ones. Subtitled " funny stories"an application was made for the birth of a writer-humorist. Here we first get acquainted with Mishka, whom we later meet in a whole cycle of Nosov's small works: "Gardeners", "Mishkina porridge", "Telephone" and others. This boy is always trying to do something good, but does not measure this desire with his strengths and skills. Hence, situations arise that cause laughter, but not condemning, but benevolent. Nosov believes that "humor is ridicule with a touch of sympathy." Others enjoy great success with readers. Nosov's works for children: "Step", "About the turnip", "Dreamers", "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin", "Under the same roof".

Children's works by N. Nosov

The story "Merry family"

In 1949, Nosov's first story was published - "Merry family" . In many ways, it is still close to those stories of the writer, where the images of the guys who called themselves "Me and Mishka" are developed. Friends still do not know peace: "This is the character of Mishka and I - we definitely need some kind of activity." At first, the guys quickly move from one hobby to another: "Mishka is such a person - he definitely needs everything to be useful." But the boy thinks about the benefit not for himself, but for everyone. There is a community approach to his reflections on the benefits of state farm incubators. So, children need to be helped to find exactly such activities that would inspire them. big goal. Only thanks to this goal, Mishka and his friend were able to grow chickens in a makeshift incubator for almost a month (a long time for restless boys!)

With the whole development of the plot, the author suggests that a big deal needs to be taken together, by a team. We see how in the boys, especially in Mishka, who was so careless just recently, a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility for their mistakes, is ripening.

The story "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn"

In the story "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" It also speaks of the children's desire to engage in a common cause. Unlike The Merry Family, in this book the guys act together from the very beginning and consciously look for "such work that will be useful." The form of the diary allowed the writer to convey the reflections of his hero. They have a lot of naivete, colored by the author's humor, and at the same time, how much moral purity, characteristic of the pioneers.

Following the example of Nosov's characters, many of the guys began to build incubators and breed bees. The writer V. Kataev tells what a rout his son did in the house, who, after reading The Merry Family, decided to follow the example of Kolya and Misha. Readers are attracted to Nosov's stories by the enthusiasm of the characters, fast development plot, no long descriptions which, as noted by N.K. Krupskaya, are unacceptable for children aged 8-13. Many guys tell Nosov that they themselves, following the example of Kolya Sinitsyn, began to write diaries, and some even ask how to publish them.

Parents, after reading these stories, will truly understand how important adult support is for children. The old beekeeper from the "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" did not scold the boys who accidentally ran into his apiary, but helped them. Kolya reflects on this: “That's how kind grandfather turned out to be! He not only promised to give us bees, but he kept his promise.” This is a reproach to those adults who thoughtlessly violate the word given to the guys. “And I also had joy today,” Kolya writes after a while in his diary, “my mom and dad came to the apiary and looked at our bees.” Here is an example of how important it is to delve into the interests of your children, to encourage them with your attention!

The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

If in the books "Merry Family" and "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary" Nosov shows the development of interests and a sense of collectivism in the process extracurricular activities, then his third and most significant story in content - "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" (1951) - mainly dedicated to educational work. She was awarded the State Prize and was among the best in the competition. art book for children, conducted by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.

... Inseparable friends Vitya Maleev and Kostya Shishkin love school, they want to study well, grow up to be real people. “You dream of something wonderful,” Vitya reflects, “and you want to grow up quickly, become strong and courageous, perform various feats and heroism ...” There is nothing surprising in these dreams. They are determined by our entire system, which opens up to children from the very first years school life clear perspectives. Vitya clearly understands why he should study, but the trouble is that he does not know how to concentrate - the temptation to play football turns out to be stronger than his still weak will.

In books Soviet writers and earlier there were images of children who, under the influence of the teacher and the whole class, became successful. But we did not see how this process took place in the minds of the losers themselves. Nosov, on the other hand, managed to look into the world of thoughts and feelings of his hero. “The discovery that Vitya Maleev makes, having solved the problem on his own for the first time,” said S. Ya. Marshak at the II Congress of Writers, “is not only the discovery of Vitya, but also the author himself. It is not so easy to show why the incomprehensible suddenly becomes understandable, how consideration depends on the imagination.

Kostya's correction process is much more difficult. He is less able than Vitya to analyze his actions, to be critical of them. Kostya even stops going to school and, deceiving his mother, pretends to be sick. It seems to him that it is easier to perform in the circus than to write a dictation. And although Vitya feels remorse, he still hides the truth from the teacher, from the whole class. To act otherwise, he thinks, would be uncomradely. But soon Vitya realized that a true pioneer should not hide bad deeds friend and help him get better. The pages describing how Maleev works with Shishkin, how they, despite the first failures, achieve success, are especially interesting in the story.

In the words of Lev Kassil, "educators will find in Nosov's story a lot of things that will be useful in their work." Let the parents think about how Kostya's mother failed to correctly direct her son's hobbies and inspired him that he had no will. And Aunt Zina kept threatening to "take him in, check his studies, but each time she forgot to do it." The example of Viti's parents is also instructive. Each time, the mother scolded her son for the fact that he sat down for lessons late, but did not help him properly allocate his time. And the father, undertaking to help the boy with arithmetic, simply solved the problem for him, and explained it so impatiently that Vitya did not want to turn to him anymore.

The book "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" was published 30 times in the first three years. Hundreds of letters about the children's favorite story are stored in the Children's Book House.

Tale-tale "The Adventures of Dunno"

N. Nosov says that when discussing his books, the guys often say: without friendship there cannot be a full-fledged school team, and the girls complain about the boys, who often behave arrogantly towards them. This topic is mainly devoted to the story-tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" . But why did the writer decide to resort to fantasy? He explains that "the very form of a fairy tale, as a work of fictitious events, is close to a game in its amusingness, which excites the interest of a child who is always willing to play." As usual in the works of Nosov, main character new book - Dunno - endowed with shortcomings. He is inquisitive, active, but he does not know how to work, he does not have enough patience for this. Striving for fame, this shorty does not even neglect deception. The unknown is re-educated.

Fascinating episodes of Nosov's new fairy tale "Dunno in a Sunny City" says that good deeds must be done disinterestedly, that, having advantages, you should use them deliberately, otherwise you will harm others. Pictures of the sunny city are clearly directed to the future.

Unfortunately, modern fairy tales despite their diversity and great amount, do not carry that ingenious semantic load that children's literature of past years can boast of. Therefore, we more and more often acquaint our children with the works of writers who have long established themselves as skillful masters of writing. One of these masters is Nikolai Nosov, known to us as the author of the works of the Adventures of Dunno and his friends, Mishkin's porridge, Entertainers, Vitya Maleev at school and at home, and other equally popular stories.

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It is worth noting that Nosov's stories, which can be read by children at any age, can hardly be classified as fairy tales. These are rather fictional stories about the life of ordinary boys who, like everyone else in childhood, went to school, made friends with the guys and found adventures in absolutely unexpected places and situations. Nosov's stories are a partial description of the author's own childhood, his dreams, fantasies and relationships with peers. However, it is worth noting that the author was not at all fond of literature and, moreover, did not try to write anything for the public. turning point in his life was the birth of a son. Nosov's tales were born literally on the go, when a young father lulled his son to sleep, telling him about the adventures of ordinary boys. So a simple adult man turned into a writer, whose stories are reread by more than one generation of children.

Nikolai Nikolayevich, after some time, understood that to compose witty and funny stories about the guys is the best he could imagine. The writer seriously got down to business and began to publish his works, which immediately became popular and in demand. The author turned out a good psychologist and thanks to a competent and delicate approach to the boys, Nosov's stories are very easy and pleasant to read. Light irony and wit does not offend the reader in any way, on the contrary, it makes you smile once again or even laugh at the heroes of truly living fairy tales.

Nosov's stories for children will seem simple interesting history, the adult reader involuntarily recognizes himself in childhood. It is also pleasant to read Nosov's fairy tales also for the reason that they are written plain language without sugary dilutions. Surprising can also be considered the fact that the author was able to avoid the ideological background in his stories, which was the sin of children's writers of that time.

Of course, it is best to read Nosov's fairy tales in the original, without any processing. That is why on the pages of our site you can read all the stories of Nosov online without fear for the safety of the originality of the author's lines.

Read Nosov's Tales


Perhaps there is no person in our country who did not read the works of Nosov in childhood or did not know at least one hero of his wonderful books and stories. This article is about the amazing children's writer, Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

Childhood years of the writer

Was born in tsarist Russia, in the beautiful city of Kyiv, November 23, 1908. The childhood and youth of the writer were associated with the small town of Irpen, located not far from Kyiv. Nicholas' father was entertainer, and, most likely, from him the boy inherited a vivid imagination. After the death of Nosov was published autobiographical story"The Secret at the Bottom of the Well", where he described his childhood years.

Being a passionate and quickly addicted nature, little Kolya tried to make music, but quickly realized that this was not for him. He was very fond of the theater, played chess well, was interested in electrical engineering, photography and chemistry.

The childhood and youth of the writer fell on very difficult years- World War I and Civil War, revolution. From the age of 14, he began working to help his family, and after graduating from school he became a laborer.

The writer graduated from the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and for 19 years, until 1951, worked as a director of scientific, animated and educational films.

Self awareness and imagination

According to the writer's memoirs, he began to realize himself and things around him by the age of four. The objects surrounding the boy had a character for him and their own special life. The closet is immersed in thought and speaks in a strange creaking language, the buffet is a frivolous creature, and the armchairs are like two stiff aunts who really want to gossip, but you can’t show them that they can be interested in all sorts of trifles. All these childhood impressions then helped the writer a lot, and some of them subsequently entered Nosov's works for children. For example, one of his famous stories “The Hat” can be recalled. In it, the boys first of all think not that the kitten hid under her, but in a panic they decide that she came to life. In general, it must be said that all the stories of Nosov show an excellent knowledge of child psychology.

The beginning of the creative path

Nosov's debut as a writer took place in 1938. It was the story "Entertainers". The author was then 30 years old. As the writer himself admitted, his arrival in literature was an accident. little son demanded more and more fairy tales and interesting stories, and Nosov began to compose them first for him, and then for his friends. The writer realized that this work requires both great knowledge and understanding of child psychology. And most importantly, respect. And like this big love and attention to children permeated all the works of Nosov.

First collections of short stories

Then other children's stories by Nosov appear - “ living hat”, “Mishkina porridge”, “Cucumbers”, “Dreamers”. Each of them was already impatiently awaited by little readers, who immediately highly appreciated the works of the new writer. They printed it then in the best children's magazine"Murzilka". A little later, these stories were combined into a still thin book "Knock-knock-knock". This event did not happen immediately, in 1945. But a year later it appears new compilation funny stories writer - "Steps".

Nosov's works come out one after another. Their list is extensive:

- "Bobik visiting Barbos".

- Happy family.

- "Funny stories".

- "Vitya Maleev at school and at home."

- Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn.

- Gardeners.

- "The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin".

- "Telephone".

- "Wonderful trousers."

Children like Nosov's works, but general popularity comes to him after the publication of the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home." Taking as a basis a completely ordinary story about a schoolboy and his studies, the writer was able to write about a real, real life ordinary boys, sincere and naive.

Tale of the Dunno

Even those who do not know the writer Nosov have heard of Dunno - the most famous and beloved by children literary character. The author characterized his hero as follows: “This is a generalized idea of ​​a child with an irrepressible thirst for activity, with a great desire to learn everything, but at the same time uncollected and unable to keep his attention. It's perfectly normal normal child. He has great potential that he will develop in the future, and shortcomings that need to be dealt with.”

Dunno - a representative of the short people living in beautiful cities with poetic names Flower, Sunny. Very active and cheerful, the main character sincerely wants to help all his friends, but because of his restlessness and haste, he constantly helps them. Friends forgive Dunno, although his actions often cause great trouble. In total, the writer created three stories about little men.

By the way, Nosov did not come up with the name of his hero himself, but borrowed it from a book about forest men. Dunno was not the main character there, but one of the most insignificant. The writer never hid this fact. This, by the way, is now preventing Nosov's heir, his grandson, from fighting piracy in relation to his grandfather's work. Several times his claims were rejected with the wording that Dunno was not invented by Nikolai Nosov.

They say that the restless little man was written off by the writer from his son Petya, and Nosov gave the hat to the hero, because he himself loved to wear them.

Heroes of Nosov's works

The most amazing thing is that all the works of Nosov, which are considered funny, were written by him not at all for laughter and entertainment. He never set himself the task of making the reader laugh. Nosov described the usual everyday life children, filled with victories and failures, small discoveries and great joy of life. Even if the heroes of his works are lazy or losers, they still evoke sympathy for the fact that they sincerely repent of their actions.

Screen adaptation of Nosov's works

According to the books of the writer, 6 feature films and a huge number of animated films. Among them are two series about the adventures of Dunno.

The work of the remarkable writer Nikolai Nosov is in demand even now. His books are still as popular and loved by both young children and their parents as they were many years ago.

When Mishka and I were very young, we really wanted to drive a car, but it just didn’t work out. No matter how much we asked the drivers, no one wanted to ride us. One day we were walking in the yard. Suddenly we look - on the street, near our gates, a car stopped. The driver got out of the car and left. We ran. I speak:

This is the Volga.

No, this is Moskvich.

You understand a lot! I say.

Of course, “Moskvich,” says Mishka. - Look at his hood.

How much trouble Mishka and I had before the New Year! We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time: we glued paper chains to the Christmas tree, cut out flags, and made various Christmas tree decorations. Everything would be fine, but then Mishka took out the book “Entertaining Chemistry” somewhere and read in it how to make sparklers himself.

This is where the mess started! For whole days he ground sulfur and sugar in a mortar, made aluminum filings and set fire to the mixture for testing. The whole house was filled with smoke and smelled of suffocating gases. The neighbors were angry, and no sparklers worked.

But Mishka did not lose heart. He even invited many guys from our class to his Christmas tree and boasted that he would have sparklers.

They know what! he said. - They sparkle like silver, and scatter in all directions with fiery splashes. I say to Mishka:

Once upon a time there was a dog Barboska. He had a friend - the cat Vaska. Both of them lived with their grandfather. Grandfather went to work, Barboska guarded the house, and Vaska the cat caught mice.

One day, grandfather went to work, the cat Vaska ran away for a walk, and Barbos stayed at home. Having nothing to do, he climbed onto the windowsill and began to look out the window. He was bored, so he yawned around.

“Our grandfather is well! thought Barbosca. - Went to work and works. Vaska is also not bad - he ran away from home and walks on the roofs. And here I have to sit, guard the apartment.

At this time, Barboskin's friend Bobik was running down the street. They often met in the yard and played together. Barbos saw a friend and was delighted:

Chapter first

Just think how fast time flies! Before I could look back, the holidays were over and it was time to go to school. All summer I did nothing but run around the streets and play football, and I even forgot to think about books. That is, I sometimes read books, but not educational ones, but some fairy tales or stories, but in order to study Russian or arithmetic - this was not the case. I studied Russian so well, but I did not like arithmetic. The worst thing for me was to solve problems. Olga Nikolaevna even wanted to give me a summer job in arithmetic, but then she regretted it and transferred me to the fourth grade without a job.

You don't want to ruin your summer, she said. - I will translate you like this, but you give a promise that you yourself will work out in arithmetic in the summer.

It was wonderful for Mishka and I to live in the country! That's where the expanse was! Do what you want, go where you want. You can go to the forest for mushrooms or for berries or swim in the river, but if you don’t want to swim, then fish, and no one will say a word to you. When my mother's vacation was over and we had to get ready to go back to the city, we even got sad with Mishka. Aunt Natasha noticed that both of us were walking like crazy, and she began to persuade my mother that Mishka and I should stay to live. Mom agreed and agreed with Aunt Natasha that she would feed us and all that, and she herself left.

Mishka and I stayed with Aunt Natasha. And Aunt Natasha had a dog, Dianka. And just on the day when my mother left, Dianna suddenly whelped: she brought six puppies. Five black with red spots and one - completely red, only one ear was black.

The hat lay on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and painting pictures. Suddenly, behind them, something plopped down - fell to the floor. They turned and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he screamed:

Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

What are you? - asks Vadik.

She is alive!

Once a glazier was plastering over the frames for the winter, and Kostya and Shurik stood nearby and watched. When the glazier left, they ripped off the putty from the windows and began to mold animals out of it. They just didn't get the animals. Then Kostya made a snake and said to Shurik:

Look what I got.

Shurik looked and said:


Kostya was offended and hid the putty in his pocket. Then they went to the cinema. Shurik was worried and asked:

Where is the putty?

And Kostya replied:

Here it is, in your pocket. I won't eat it!

They took tickets to the cinema and bought two mint gingerbread.

Bobka had wonderful trousers: green, or rather, khaki. Bobka loved them very much and always boasted:

Look guys, what my pants are. Soldier!

All the guys, of course, were jealous. No one else had such green pants.

Once Bobka climbed over the fence, caught on a nail and tore those wonderful pants. From annoyance, he almost cried, went home as soon as possible and began to ask his mother to sew up.

Mom got angry:

You will climb fences, tear your pants, and I have to sew up?

I won't do it again! Shut up, mom!

Valya and I are entertainers. We are always playing some games.

Once we read the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs". And then they started playing. At first we ran around the room, jumping and shouting:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf!

Then mom went to the store, and Valya said:

Come on, Petya, let's make ourselves a house, like those piglets in a fairy tale.

We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. Here is the house. We climbed into it, and it's dark, dark!

There lived a little girl named Ninochka. She was only five years old. She had a father, mother and an old grandmother, whom Ninochka called granny.

Ninochka's mother went to work every day, and Ninochka's grandmother stayed with her. She taught Ninochka to dress, and to wash, and to fasten the buttons on her bra, and lace up her shoes, and braid her braids, and even write letters.

Anyone who has read the book "The Adventure of Dunno" knows that Dunno had many friends - little people like him.

Among them were two mechanics - Vintik and Shpuntik, who were very fond of making different things. One day they decided to build a vacuum cleaner to clean the room.

They made a round metal box from two halves. An electric motor with a fan was placed in one half, a rubber tube was attached to the other, and a piece of dense matter was laid between the two halves so that the dust in the vacuum cleaner lingered.

They worked all day and all night, and only in the morning the vacuum cleaner was ready.

Everyone was still sleeping, but Vintik and Shpuntik really wanted to check how the vacuum cleaner works.

Znayka, who was very fond of reading, read a lot in books about distant countries and various travels. Often, when there was nothing to do in the evening, he would tell his friends about what he had read in books. The kids loved these stories. They liked to hear about countries they had never seen, but most of all they liked to hear about travelers, because different things happen to travelers. incredible stories and there are the most extraordinary adventures.

After listening to such stories, the kids began to dream about how to go on a trip themselves. Some offered to make a hike, others suggested sailing along the river in boats, and Znayka said:

Let's make a balloon and fly on a balloon.

If Dunno took up some business, then he did it the wrong way, and everything turned out to be topsy-turvy. He learned to read only by writing, and he could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he then think? Of course, he did not think well, but he put on his shoes on his feet, and not on his head - after all, this, too, requires consideration.

Dunno was not so bad. He really wanted to learn something, but did not like to work. He wanted to learn right away, without any difficulty, and even the smartest little man could not get anything out of this.

Kids and babies were very fond of music, and Guslya was a wonderful musician. He had different musical instruments and he often played them. Everyone listened to the music and praised it very much. Dunno was envious that Guslya was being praised, so he began to ask him:

- Teach me how to play. I also want to be a musician.

The mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik were very good masters. They looked alike, only Vintik was a little taller, and Shpuntik a little shorter. Both went to leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other things were always sticking out of the pockets of their jackets. iron tools. If the jackets were not leather, then the pockets would have come off long ago. Their hats were also leather, with canned glasses. They wore these glasses while working so as not to powder their eyes.

Vintik and Shpuntik spent whole days sitting in their workshop and repairing stoves, pots, kettles, frying pans, and when there was nothing to repair, they made tricycles and scooters for short people.

Mom recently gave Vitalik an aquarium with a fish. It was a very good fish! Silvery carp - that's what it was called. Vitalik was glad that he has a carp. At first he was very interested in the fish - he fed it, changed the water in the aquarium, and then got used to it and sometimes even forgot to feed it on time.

I will tell you about Fedya Rybkin, about how he made the whole class laugh. He had a habit of making guys laugh. And he didn't care: change now or lesson. So. It began with the fact that Fedya had a fight with Grisha Kopeikin over a bottle of mascara. Only to tell the truth, there was no fight here. Nobody beat anyone. They simply snatched a bottle from each other's hands, and the mascara splashed out of it, and one drop fell on Fedya's forehead. From this, a black blot the size of a penny turned out on his forehead.

I have a front garden under my window with a low cast-iron fence. In winter, the janitor cleans the street and rakes the snow behind the fence, and I throw pieces of bread into the window for the sparrows. As soon as these pichugs see a treat in the snow, they immediately flock to different parties and sit on the branches of a tree that grows in front of the window. They sit for a long time, uneasily glance around, but do not dare to go down. They must be afraid of the people walking down the street.

But then one sparrow plucked up courage, flew off the branch and, sitting on the snow, began to peck at bread.

Mom left home and said to Misha:

I'm leaving, Mishenka, and you behave yourself. Don't shawl without me and don't touch anything. For this I will give you a big red lollipop.

Mom left. Misha at first behaved well: he did not play pranks and did not touch anything. Then he only put a chair up to the sideboard, climbed on it and opened the doors at the sideboard. He stands and looks at the sideboard, and he himself thinks:

"I'm not touching anything, I'm just looking."

And there was a sugar bowl in the buffet. He took it and put it on the table: "I'll just look, but I won't touch anything," he thinks.

I opened the lid, and there was something red on top.

Eh, - says Misha, - yes, it's a lollipop. Probably just the one that my mother promised me.

My mother, Vovka and I were visiting Aunt Olya in Moscow. On the very first day, my mother and aunt went to the store, and Vovka and I were left at home. They gave us an old photo album for us to look at. Well, we considered, considered, until we got tired of it.

Vovka said:

- We will never see Moscow if we sit at home all day!

More than anything in the world, Alik was afraid of the policemen. He was always scared at home by a policeman. Does not listen - they say to him:

Here comes the policeman!

Naughty - they say again:

We'll have to send you to the police!

Once Alik got lost. He didn't even notice how it happened. He went out for a walk in the yard, then ran out into the street. I ran and ran and found myself in an unfamiliar place. Then, of course, he began to cry. People gathered around. They began to ask:

Where do you live?

Once, when I lived with my mother in the country, Mishka came to visit me. I was so happy that I can't say! I miss Misha so much. Mom was also happy to see him.

It's very good that you came, - she said. - The two of you will have more fun here. By the way, I have to go to the city tomorrow. I may be delayed. Can you live here without me for two days?

Of course we will, I say. We are not small!

Only you will have to cook dinner yourself. Can you?

We can do it, says Mishka. - What is there not to be able to!

Well, cook soup and porridge. Kasha is easy to cook.

We'll cook porridge. What is there to cook it! Mishka says.

The guys worked all day - they built a snow hill in the yard. They raked snow with shovels and dumped it under the wall of the barn in a pile. Only by lunchtime the slide was ready. The guys poured water on it and ran home for dinner.

“Let’s have lunch,” they said, “while the hill freezes over.” And after lunch we will come with sleds and go for a ride.

And Kotka Chizhov from the sixth apartment is cunning! He didn't build a hill. He sits at home and looks out the window as others work. The guys shout to him to go build a hill, but he only spreads his arms outside the window and shakes his head, as if he shouldn’t. And when the guys left, he quickly got dressed, put on his skates and ran out into the yard. Chirk with skates in the snow, teal! And he doesn't know how to ride! Went up to the hill.

- Oh, he says, - a good slide turned out! I'm jumping now.

Vovka and I were at home for breaking the sugar bowl. Mom left, and Kotka came to us and said:

Let's play something.

“Let’s hide and seek,” I say.

- Wow, there's nowhere to hide! - says Kotka.

- Why - nowhere? I will hide so that you will never find. You just need to show ingenuity.

In the autumn, when the first frost hit and the ground immediately froze to the ground, almost a whole finger, no one believed that winter had already begun. Everyone thought that it would bring it back soon, but Mishka, Kostya and I decided that now is the time to start making a skating rink. In the yard we had a garden, not a garden, but, you won’t understand what, just two flower beds, and around a lawn with grass, and all this was fenced off with a fence. We decided to make a skating rink in this garden, because in winter the flower beds are not visible to anyone anyway.


Some readers have probably already read the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends". This book tells about fairyland, in which babies and babies lived, that is, tiny boys and girls, or, as they were otherwise called, shorties. Here such a little shorty was Dunno. He lived in the Flower City, on Kolokolchikov Street, together with his friends Znayka, Toropyzhka, Rasteryayka, mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik, musician Gusli, artist Tube, doctor Pilyulkin and many others. The book tells about how Dunno and his friends made a trip to hot-air balloon, visited the Green City and the city of Zmeevka, about what they saw and what they learned. Returning from a trip, Znayka and his friends set to work: they began to build a bridge across the Ogurtsovaya River, reed water supply and fountains, which they saw in the Green City.

PART I Chapter first. How Znayka defeated Professor Zvezdochkin

Ever since Dunno traveled to sunny city two and a half years have passed. Although for you and me this is not so much, but for little shorties, two and a half years is a very long time. After listening to the stories of Dunno, Knopochka, and Patchkuli Pestrenky, many of the little ones also made a trip to the Sunny City, and when they returned, they decided to make some improvements in themselves. The flower city has changed since then so that now it is unrecognizable. Many new, large and very beautiful houses appeared in it. According to the project of the architect Vertibutylkin, even two revolving buildings were built on Kolokolchikov Street. One is a five-story, tower-type, with a spiral descent and a swimming pool around (going down the spiral descent, you could dive right into the water), the other six-story, with swinging balconies, a parachute tower and a ferris wheel on the roof.

Mishka and I asked to be recorded in the same brigade. Back in the city, we agreed that we would work together and fish together. We had everything in common: shovels and fishing rods.

Once Pavlik took Kotka with him to the river to fish. But on this day they were not lucky: the fish did not bite at all. But when they went back, they climbed into the collective farm garden and picked up pockets full of cucumbers. The collective farm watchman noticed them and blew his whistle. They run away from him. On the way home, Pavlik thought how he would not get at home for climbing other people's gardens. And he gave his cucumbers to Kotka.

Kitty came home happy:

- Mom, I brought you cucumbers!

Mom looked, and he had pockets full of cucumbers, and there were cucumbers in his bosom, and two more large cucumbers were in his hands.

– Where did you get them? Mom says.

- In the garden.


In one fabulous city short people lived. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called flower city. He stood on the bank of a stream.

Tolya was in a hurry, because he promised his friend to come by ten o'clock in the morning, but it was already much longer, since Tolya, due to his disorganization, lingered at home and did not have time to leave on time.

Works are divided into pages

With the work of the famous children's writer Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich (1908-1976), the children of our country get acquainted in early age. "Live hat", "Bobik visiting Barbos", "Putty" - these and many other funny Nosov's children's stories want to read it again and again. Stories by N. Nosov describe the daily life of the most ordinary girls and boys. And this is done very simply and unobtrusively, interesting and funny. In some actions, even the most unexpected and funny, many children recognize themselves.

When will you read Nosov's stories, then you will understand how much each of them is imbued with tenderness and love for their heroes. No matter how badly they behaved, no matter what they invented, he tells us about it without any reproach and anger. On the contrary, attention and care, wonderful humor and a wonderful understanding of the child's soul fill every small work.

Nosov's stories are classics of children's literature. It is impossible to read stories about the tricks of Mishka and other guys without a smile. And which of us in our youth and childhood did not read wonderful stories about Dunno?
With great pleasure they are read and watched by modern kids.

Nosov's stories for children published in many of the most famous publications for children different ages. The realism and simplicity of the story to this day attract the attention of young readers. "Merry family", "Adventures of Dunno and his friends", "Dreamers" - these stories by Nikolai Nosov are remembered for a lifetime. Nosov's stories for children are distinguished by a natural and lively language, brightness and extraordinary emotionality. They are taught to be very attentive to their daily behavior, especially in relation to their friends and loved ones. On our website you can see online list of Nosov's stories, and enjoy reading them absolutely for free.