A message about the writer Gaidar. Brief biography for schoolchildren

Arkady Gaidar was born on January 9 (22), 1904 in a village near the city of Lgov in the family of a teacher. In 1911, the Golikovs moved to Arzamas, where Arkady went to study at a real school.

Life for a 13 year old, future famous writer, is a game full of dangers: he participates in rallies, patrols the streets of Arzamas, becomes a liaison for the Bolsheviks. At the age of 14 he joined the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and worked for the local newspaper Molot.

In January 1919, as a volunteer, hiding his age, Arkady entered the Kras new Army, soon becomes an adjutant, studies at the Red commanders' course, accepts t participation in battles where he is wounded. Arkady left to fight when he was not yet fifteen years. He raved about military exploits from the time when his father, Pyotr Isidorovich, a rural teacher, took part in the First World War. Probably, the same fate happened to hundreds of Russian boys who were born into intelligent families, studied in gymnasiums and secondary schools, and never completed their studies.

Golikovs, 1914 Arzamas, 1918

In 1920, Arkady Golikov was already a headquarters commissar. In 1921 - commander of a department of the Nizhny Novgorod regiment. He fought on the Caucasian front, on the Don, near Sochi, participated in the suppression of the Antonov rebellion, and in Khakassia he took part in operations against the “Emperor of the Taiga” I. N. Solovyov. Accused of arbitrary execution (in the case of I.N. Solovyov), he was expelled from the party for six months and sent on long leave due to a nervous illness, which subsequently did not leave him throughout his life.

“Youthful maximalism, a thirst for exploits, an early sense of power and responsibility confirmed Golikov in the idea that the only possible future for him was to be an officer in the Red Army. He is preparing to enter military academy, but after a shell shock he was demobilized. We must forget about the military field and life experience", accumulated during the years of the civil war, draws him to writing." 1

The first publication dates back to 1925. His story “In the Days of Defeats and Victories” was published in the magazine “Star”. It didn't bring success.

Using the pseudonym “Gaidar” (Turkic word for “horseman galloping ahead”), Golikov first signed the novella “ Corner house", created in 1925 in Perm, where Arkady Petrovich lived at that time and worked on a story about the struggle of local workers against the autocracy - “ Life is nothing"(another name is “ Lbovschina"(1926).

In the Perm newspaper "Zvezda" and other publications, the writer publishes feuilletons, poems, notes about travel around Central Asia, fantastic story « Mystery of the Mountain", excerpt from the story " Knights of the Inaccessible Mountains"(another name is “ Horsemen of the inaccessible mountains"(1927), poem " Machine gun blizzard".

“During this period, his “childish” literary orientation had not yet emerged, but already in the story “R.V.S.” Gaidar declared himself as a writer capable of telling with subtle skill about complex world child, making it clear that following the age-old moral laws of duty, honor, and loyalty to the Motherland is not easy for children. Gaidar was one of the first who, following the traditions of classical Russian and world prose about children, was able to show a child in incredible reality without “sociological exaggerations.” 2

A.P. Gaidar, L.L. Solomyanskaya, Timur

Perm, 1925

In Perm, Gaidar married Ruva-Liya Lazarevna Solomyanskaya (1908-1986), the daughter of a Bolshevik, a native of the Minsk province Lazar Grigorievich. She was a journalist and organizer of the pioneer movement in Perm. She was a member of the editorial board of the Perm newspaper “Na Smenu” and worked on the radio. In cinema - since 1935 (first she worked at Mosfilm, then as head of the script department at Soyuzdetfilm). During the Great Patriotic War- military journalist for the Znamya newspaper. After the war, she collaborated with various newspapers and magazines.

In 1926, Arkady Gaidar and Leah Solomyanskaya had a son, Timur, in Arkhangelsk.

Since 1927, Gaidar lived in Sverdlovsk, where he published the story “ Forest brothers"(another name is “ Davydovism" - continuation of the story " Life is nothing").

In the summer of 1927, already a fairly famous writer, he moved to Moscow, where, among many journalistic works and poetry, published a detective-adventure story “ On the count's ruins"(1928). The story was filmed in 1957. (dir. V. N. Skuibin).

In 1931, Solomyanskaya and Gaidar separated. Arkady Gaidar leaves for Khabarovsk as a correspondent for the Pacific Star newspaper.

Published in 1930 autobiographical story "School". In 1932 - the story “ Distant countries", in 1935 - "Military Secret" and written back in 1933 and included in the story "The Tale of a Military Secret" receives not just a realistic frame - it is, as it were, continued by the dramatic events of real life.

The story was published in 1935 "Drummer's Fate" the story was published in 1936 "Blue Cup"- a lyrical short story telling about one day in one family, about a quarrel in the family. "Blue Cup"- a symbol of peace and mutual understanding, fragile and extremely necessary for everyone.

In mid-1938, Gaidar settled in Klin in the Chernyshovs’ house: the head of the family had a private shoemaker’s workshop in Klin and a small factory in Moscow. Gaidar marries Chernyshov’s daughter, Dora Matveevna, and adopts his wife’s child, the girl Zhenya, whose name, along with the name of his son, he gives to the main characters of the famous story "Timur and his team", written in Klin. Soon a film based on the screenplay of A.P. Gaidar will be released on the screens of the country "Timur and his team"(dir. A.E. Razumny), telling about the brave and sympathetic pioneer boy Timur Garayev and his friends who helped the families of front-line soldiers.

The fascination of the plot, the rapid ease of narration, the transparent clarity of the language with the fearless introduction of significant and tragic events, poetic “atmosphere”, trust and seriousness of tone, the indisputability of the code of “knightly honor”, ​​camaraderie and mutual assistance - all this ensured the sincere and long-term love of young readers for Gaidar - the official classic of Soviet children's literature. The noble initiative of the hero of the story, Timur, served as an incentive for the emergence and widespread spread throughout the country of the Timur movement, which was especially relevant in the 1940–1950s.

Published in 1939 story "Chuk and Gek" has become a classic of children's literature. As in other works of Gaidar, the key components here are adventure and travel.

In 1940, Gaidar wrote a continuation of “ Timur..." – « Commandant of the Snow Fortress", and at the beginning of 1941 - the film script for the sequel and the script for the film “ Timur's oath"(production 1942, directed by L.V. Kuleshov).

In July 1941, the writer went to the front as a correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. At this time he wrote essays “ Bridge", « At the crossing" and others. In August-September 1941, it was published in the magazine “Murzilka” philosophical tale Gaidar for children "Hot Stone" - about the uniqueness of life, about the inevitable difficulties and mistakes on the path to comprehending the truth.

Gaidar’s “children’s” heroes, different in age, character and type (among whom there are many “negative” persons: Malchish-Plokhish, Mishka Kvakin, etc.), are complemented by characters from miniature stories for preschoolers (“ Vasily Kryukov", « Hike", « Marusya", « Conscience").

Many of Gaidar’s works have been dramatized and filmed: films “ Chuk and Gek"(1953, directed by I. V. Lukinsky); " School of Courage"(1954, directed by V. P. Basov and M. V. Korchagin); " The fate of the drummer"(1956, directed by V.V. Eisymont).


Perhaps because Gaidar himself was virtually deprived of a real childhood, almost all of his works are imbued with the echo of war, the premonition of war. He romanticizes struggle, battles. All his life he was drawn to everything military, he even dressed in a military manner. He believed in what he wrote.

Arkady Gaidar died at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War in battle

By that time he was only 37 years old.

Kanev, A. Gaidar's grave

The material was prepared by the reference and bibliographic department of the Central State Children's Library named after. A.P. Gaidar

Photos provided by the director of the Literary and Memorial Museum A.P. Gaidar, Arzamas E.V. Bundakova

1 Mineralova I.G. Gaidar Arkady Petrovich (01/22/1904-10/26/1941) / I.G. Mineralova // Russian children's writers of the 20th century: Biobibliogr. words - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Flinta: Nauka, 1998.- P. 113.

2 Mineralova I.G. Gaidar Arkady Petrovich (01/22/1904-10/26/1941) / I.G. Mineralova // Russian children's writers of the 20th century: Biobibliogr. words - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Flinta: Nauka, 1998.- P. 114.

Arkady Golikov (Gaidar) – children's writer, participant in the bloody Civil War and punisher of the anti-Soviet underground. Golikov is one of the most controversial personalities in Soviet history. Who is he: a brutal killer of civilians, an inveterate alcoholic, or a talented children's writer?


Arkady Petrovich was born on January 9 (22), 1904 in the town of Lgov, in the Kursk province. On his mother's side the writer was hereditary nobleman(Moreover, Natalya’s mother was related to), on her father’s side, the grandson of a serf peasant.

Arkady Gaidar with his parents and sisters

Later the family moved to the city of Arzamas. Arkady was the first-born, and in his new place he had three sisters - Natasha, Katya and Olya. Researchers claim that talent awoke in the writer as early as early years: he learned to compose and speak in rhyme before he learned to write and count.

Kursk library

At the age of 10, the boy is sent to the Arzamas real school. Here the young schoolboy attempted to escape to the front, where his father had previously been taken, but the boy was returned home under escort. While studying at the school, Arkady amazed his teachers with his excellent memory - he memorized entire books and textbook texts.

Military career

After the fall royal family Many parties and student committees appeared in Arzamas. In the summer of 1917, Golikov received the position of delivery boy, and in 1918 he joined the Bolshevik squad. Initially, the Bolsheviks took the young man into the RCP (b) as a candidate, and 15-year-old Golikov became a full member of the party on December 15, 1918. At first he served as an adjutant, later he headed the security department railway.

The young man constantly asked to go to the front, but the commander insisted that the guy first undergo specialized training. And so it happened - Golikov went to the Moscow command courses of the Red Army. Later the institution moved to Ukraine, to Kyiv. Once in Kyiv, Arkady fought with the Petliurists and Ukrainian rebels.

Krasnoyarsk library

In 1919, Golikov became a commander, and in 1920, a commissar of headquarters. At the age of 17, he knew more about military affairs than many commanders. In 1921 he received the rank of regimental squad commander. Golikov fought on different fronts (in Sochi, on the Don, on the Caucasus front), where he suffered from typhus, was wounded and shell-shocked twice. In 1922 he was sent to suppress the anti-Soviet uprising in Khakassia. Here the young commander showed himself to be a bloodthirsty tyrant, who disliked Jews and shot the population on suspicion of banditry.

Komsomolskaya Pravda

According to historians, Gaidar pushed women and children off cliffs and killed anyone he suspected of anti-Soviet activity. In 1922, he was accused of abuse of power. Gaidar was stripped of his position and expelled from the party, and was sent for a psychiatric examination. The case ended with a diagnosis of “traumatic neurosis.”


Arkady Petrovich returned from the front as an inveterate alcoholic with a fairly damaged psyche.

“From the ship to the ball” - this is how historians characterize Golikov’s literary activity, which began immediately after graduation military career. Arkady took his first manuscript, “In the Days of Defeats and Victories,” and brought it to the popular Leningrad almanac “Kovsh.” With the words: “I am Arkady Golikov, and this is my novel and I ask you to publish it,” the writer handed over several covered notebooks to the editor. And the work was published.

Kursk Scientific Library

Then the writer moved to Perm, where his first work was published in the magazine “Zvezda” under the pseudonym Gaidar (“Corner House”).

In subsequent years, he published essays and feuilletons. In between nervous breakdowns and travel, he writes his best books: “RVS”, “School” and “Fourth dugout”. Several times Arkady Petrovich is taken away by doctors with bouts of delirium tremens, and later he was arrested for shooting while drunk.

Kursk Scientific Library

This is followed by several suicide attempts - the writer tries to cut his wrists. Boris Zaks, a fellow journalist, claimed that his hands were covered with large scars, and Arkady cut his veins more than once. In 1932, Golikov ended up in psychiatric hospital, where he wrote “Military Secret”. In total, according to Gaidar himself, he was in psychiatric hospitals 8-10 times.

In 1938, the children's writer gained all-Union fame - the country was reading books and collections of his stories with might and main, memorizing “Timur and his team”, “Chuk and Gek” by heart. The writer drove his son Timur and adopted daughter Zhenya went to Crimea and forgot about it for a while psychological problems.

Arkady Gaidar at the Artek pioneer camp | Kursk Scientific Library

In March 1941, Arkady Petrovich, while relaxing in the Sokolniki sanatorium, met Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. When the war began, Gaidar had just received an order to write a film script based on the work “Timur and His Team.” The script was completed within 12 days, after which Arkady wrote a statement to the front.

Personal life

The writer was married three times during his life:

The writer's first wife was Maria Nikolaevna Plaksina, a 17-year-old nurse. The writer himself was 17 years old at the time of his marriage. The first wife gave Gaidar a son, Zhenya, but the first-born died in infancy.

Arkady Gaidar with his wife Leah and son Timur | Literary newspaper

Golikov’s second wife was 17-year-old Liya Lazarevna Solomyanskaya, a supporter of the pioneer movement and organizer of the newspaper “Miracle Ant”. In 1926, the couple had a son, Timur. However, it was difficult to live with the writer; he drank alcohol and suffered from mental disorders. In 1931, his wife Leah took her son and left her husband for Samson Glyazer (journalist " Komsomolskaya Pravda»).

Arkady Gaidar with his wife Dora and children | Kursk Scientific Library

For the third time, the writer tied the knot with Dora Chernysheva. This happened in 1938. Being middle-aged woman, Dora already had a daughter, Evgenia, who was later adopted by Arkady.

Last years and death

Despite the prohibitions, the writer still arrived at the front. He arrived in Kyiv. Acted as a correspondent and helped with advice. Later he found himself behind German lines, and then became a member of a partisan detachment.

Having gone on reconnaissance in 1941, the writer, along with several partisans, found himself in an ambush near a railway embankment on October 26. Having discovered the enemy, Gaidar managed to warn his own, shouting: “Guys, Germans!” This phrase saved the lives of the remaining partisans, but led to the death of Arkady Petrovich.

Komsomolskaya Pravda

However, there is another version of events, according to which the writer did not die on October 26. Ukrainian journalist Viktor Glushchenko, having held own investigation, learned that Gaidar and several partisans were sheltered by a woman, Kristina Kuzmenko. Having lived with Christina until spring, the warriors moved towards the front, but were captured. Later the partisans managed to escape. They hid in the forest, and a certain Ulyana Dobrenko brought them food. This data turned out to be insufficient to revise the story of Gaidar’s death. Another fact is also doubtful - the body of the murdered man was wearing an officer’s uniform and woolen underwear, which in no way fits with the story about the partisans.

Kursk Scientific Library

Today, dozens of streets are named after Arkady Gaidar, his image is used in music and literature, and in Khabarovsk there is a memorial to the writer.

Curious facts

More than 70 years have passed since the death of the writer. However, researchers are still arguing about its life history.

Interesting facts about Arkady Gaidar:

  • The writer joined the ranks of the Red Army at the age of 15.
  • Historian Andrei Burovsky gives alternative version Golikov's enrollment in the Red Army. In his opinion, Arkady’s mother enlisted in the army to save him from retribution for the murder (or murders) that her son committed. Gaidar, during fits of madness, once admitted that in teenage years committed a murder: “I dreamed about the people I killed as a child...”

Kursk Scientific Library
  • The history of the writer’s pseudonym is also interesting. According to one version, “Gaidar” is translated from Turkic as “messenger”, “advanced horseman”. Another source claims that the pseudonym comes from the phrase “Golikov Arkady from Arzamas.” The third version reports that the pseudonym originates from the Khakass word “Haidar”, which means “where”. During the service in Khakassia, locals shouted: “Haidar-Golik is coming!”
  • There is an opinion that gravestone in Kanev (a city in the Cherkasy region) it is not Arkady Gaidar who lies at all. In particular, several years after burial, the slab cracked. It was replaced with a new one, but it was also cracked.

Literary newspaper
  • There is a version that Timur (the son of Leah Solomyanskaya) is not the writer’s own son, but an adopted son. The writer first saw Timur only at the age of two, and at the time of his alleged conception (April 1926) Gaidar was in Central Asia. Thus, it is possible that the writer has no blood descendants.


The most famous works Golikova:

  • "The Blue Cup" (1936);
  • "Timur and his team" (1940),
  • "Drummer's Fate" (1938),
  • "School" (1930);
  • "RVS" (1925);
  • "The fourth dugout."

One of the children's writers whose books were included in curriculum Soviet school is Arkady Gaidar. His biography served as an example to young readers. However, many facts from his life were kept silent. Who was Arkady Gaidar? A biography for children says that he was not only a wonderful writer, but also a brave soldier, a true revolutionary. But later it became known that this man’s courage bordered on recklessness, and in achieving his goal he showed morbid fanaticism.

Early years

What does the biography of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar say? The writer created several works for children. The most famous is “Timur and his team.” But this book was written in 1941, a year before the author's death. What did Gaidar Arkady Petrovich do for the previous thirty-six years? A biography in a more objective form than a biography written for Soviet schoolchildren, suggests that he was an ordinary person with their weaknesses and shortcomings. Moreover, he had little in common with the characters in his books.

Arkady Petrovich Golikov (that was the real name of the writer) was born into a family of teachers. The parents were inspired by the revolutionary sentiments that reigned in educated circles at the beginning of the century. Therefore, they took an active part in the performances of 1905. After some time, the father of the future writer got a job at the excise department. Mother worked as a midwife.

Since 1912, the Golikov family lived in Nizhny Novgorod region. When the war began, Arkady showed his first patriotic aspirations. And in a rather extreme form. Future Soviet writer Arkady Gaidar, whose biography was briefly outlined in school textbooks for several decades, decided to flee to the front. However, the young patriot was detained in time and returned to his father’s house.

Civil war

When a revolution took place in the country, which radically changed the course of history, Arkady was only seventeen. And a year later he was already listed in communist party. Further we will not mention the surname Golikov, replacing it on everything famous pseudonym"Arkady Gaidar".

The biography of the author of books about true honor and loyalty contains a lot interesting facts. They date back to the early twenties. The biography will be presented later. First of all, it is worth saying that the young communist showed incredible persistence in order to get into the active army. When he succeeded, he took part in battles, was wounded and even shell-shocked.

In 1921, Arkady Gaidar rose to the rank of battalion commander. The biography in the canonical version tells that in subsequent years the writer and revolutionary bravely fought against dangerous elements who did not recognize new government. In fact, this was the case. However, Gaidar's methods of struggle left much to be desired.

In the Yenisei province

The biography of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar includes participation in the suppression of the anti-Soviet movement. IN Yenisei province In 1922, he led a detachment and seriously took up the search for Solovyov, the bandit leader.

The commander had more than a hundred Red Army soldiers at his disposal. Later their numbers increased. Gaidar saw bandits everywhere, and in the fight against them he showed extreme toughness. Quite a few were shot local residents, which, in the opinion of the detachment commander, supported the malicious criminal Solovyov both in thought and in deed.


The methods of the eighteen-year-old commander caused outrage from the local population. By his order, not only residents of nearby villages, but also Red Army soldiers who were subordinate to Gaidar were subject to arrest and confiscation of property. Soon a complaint was filed against him to higher command. And when a zealous fighter against the anti-Soviet movement without trial or investigation shot five people who seemed suspicious to him, he was completely arrested on charges of abuse of his official powers. Arkady Gaidar was deprived of the right to hold responsible positions for two years.

Brief biography creator of the books “Chuk and Gek” and “Hot Stone” in old times did not record the period of his stay in psychiatric hospital. According to official data, he fought against the White Guards all his life, wrote works for children and teenagers, and then died heroically during the Second World War. It was also not customary to talk about the crimes of the children's writer that he committed at a young age.

Arkady Gaidar, whose biography and personal life became an example for millions of schoolchildren, was idealized in Soviet era. And only in the nineties, documents were discovered in the Krasnoyarsk archives that destroyed his romantic image.

Unknown Arkady Gaidar

Biography, personal life And creative path could have turned out differently. The country wouldn't know literary heroes- Timur and Malchish-Kibalchish, if only their creator had not managed to avoid execution in his youth. But the head of the special commission that examined the Gaidar case insisted on death penalty fanatical punitive commander. Fortunately, it was decided to replace the execution with a psychiatric examination. Later, Gaidar found himself in a hospital bed more than once.

Records were found that the writer kept during his stay in a psychiatric hospital. These periods were unbearable for him. However, except for one of them, when Gaidar was placed in a Khabarovsk hospital and he wrote one of his best works- “Malchish-Kibalchish.”

Gaidar's diary also contained very scary lines. Judging by the records, people whom he once killed came to him in a dream. Gaidar seemed to repent of the sins he had committed in his youth. But, judging by what the prose writer later wrote, he believed that all his crimes were not committed in vain. After all, a new generation has appeared - a generation Soviet people- honest, correct, hardworking and sincere.

Serious illness

The former commander's diagnosis was traumatic neurosis. The causes of this disease, according to doctors, were a gunshot wound and an injury received as a result of falling from a horse. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, it was during his stay in Khakassia that Gaidar became irritable and angry. After his arrest, he often experienced sudden mood swings.

According to one version, Gaidar tried to commit suicide more than once. He inflicted deep cuts on his body with a blade, after which he once again ended up in a psychiatric hospital. However, according to one of Gaidar’s close friends, he did this not with the goal of committing suicide, but in order to drown out a wild headache.

Origin of the famous surname

There are several versions as to where the writer’s pseudonym came from. From the Khakass language, where they passed it early years, the word “gaidar” is translated as “where?” True, it sounds somewhat different, namely “haidar”. This was the only thing the young and hot-tempered commander knew in the local dialect. And since he was constantly in search of the bandit leader Solovyov, he asked each of the residents “haidar?” Hence the pseudonym. According to Lev Kassil, the word comes from a term meaning “a person who rides a horse.”


After the civil war, Arkady's father married for the second time. His new family the son did not accept. Arkady Petrovich's mother died in 1924 from consumption. On her deathbed, a hereditary noblewoman bequeathed to her son “to fight for the Land of the Soviets, without sparing your stomach.”

Gaidar's independent life began extremely early. In the fall of 1925, he left for Perm, having command of a regiment behind him and multiple wounds. Gaidar got a job at a newspaper. And soon he met a seventeen-year-old girl who participated in the organization of the pioneer movement. Her name was Liya Solomyanskaya. Gaidar married her, and soon their son Timur was born.

At this time the writer was in Moscow. And several months before the birth of the child, he was often absent, which subsequently gave rise to the version that Timur was Gaidar’s stepson. By the way, this marriage was not the writer’s first. In his youth, he married Maria Plaksina, with whom he had a child who lived less than two years.

Arkady, being married to Leah, was at first constantly traveling. Soon the family was reunited. But this marriage did not last long. Arkady Petrovich was a rather complex person in everyday life. In addition, he suffered mental disorder And alcohol addiction. One fine day, Leah took her son and left her husband for a Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist. Gaidar had years of instability and need ahead.

He had a hard time being separated from his son. And in 1936 ex-wife the writer was arrested along with her husband. Gaidar took Timur to his place. He fought for a long time for the release of Leah, but she was released only in 1940. The writer's third wife was the poetess Anna Trofimova. The fourth is Dora Chernysheva. The presence of children with his chosen ones did not bother the writer. And he raised Dora’s daughter as his own. Arkady Petrovich, being cruel in his youth, showed himself to be a gentle and caring father in his later years.


Gaidar died in the fall of 1941. In October he served as a correspondent and then joined a partisan detachment. According to the version approved in Soviet times, the writer died heroically, saving his comrades - he literally exposed his body to the fire of German soldiers. Later, Gaidar's biographers received information that the cause of his death was the betrayal of one of the local residents. The writer was reburied after the war, in 1947. The grave is located in Kyiv.

Literary creativity

Gaidai's works were extremely popular in Soviet times. His books are still being actively republished today. In 1972, for the first time in the history of the country, a monument was erected literary character- Boy-Kibalchish. Many films have been created based on the stories of Arkady Gaidar. The most famous of them are “Timur and his team”, “The Fate of the Drummer”, “Bumbarash”. Among the books of this author it is also worth mentioning “Chuk and Gek”, “Military Secret”, “Hot Stone”.

To Klin, where the writer lived for several years and wrote his famous book“Timur and his team”, a museum dedicated to his work has been opened. Children's libraries and art houses across the country are named in honor of Gaidar. As for Arzamas, the city in which Arkady Golikov once began his revolutionary career, in this city a school, a pedagogical institute and one of the streets are named after the writer.

Famous Soviet children's writer, participant in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars.

Born on January 22, 1904 in Lgov, Kursk province, Russian Empire.
The son of a peasant teacher and a noblewoman mother who participated in revolutionary events 1905. Fearing arrest, the Golikovs left Lgov in 1909 and lived in Arzamas from 1912. He worked for the local newspaper “Molot”, where he first published his poems, and joined the RCP(b).
Since 1918 - in the Red Army (as a volunteer, hiding his age), in 1919 he studied at command courses in Moscow and Kyiv, then at the Moscow Higher Rifle School. In 1921 - commander of a department of the Nizhny Novgorod regiment. He fought on the Caucasian front, on the Don, near Sochi, participated in the suppression of the Antonov rebellion, in Khakassia - against the “Emperor of the Taiga” I.N. Solovyov, where, accused of arbitrary execution, he was expelled from the party for six months and sent on long leave due to a nervous illness, which subsequently did not leave him throughout his life. A naive romantic, recklessly joyful perception of the revolution in anticipation of the coming “bright kingdom of socialism”, reflected in many of Gaidar’s works of an autobiographical nature, addressed mainly to youth (stories “RVS”, 1925, “Seryozhka Chubatov”, “Levka Demchenko”, “The End” Levki Demchenko", "Bandit's Nest", all 1926–1927, Smoke in the Forest, 1935; stories "School", original title " Ordinary biography", 1930, "Distant Countries", 1932, Military Secret, 1935, including the textbook Soviet era"The Tale of Military secret", "The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word", 1935, "Bumbarash", unfinished, 1937), in mature years gives way to grave doubts in the diary entries (“I dreamed of people killed in childhood”).

With a pseudonym (Turkic word - “horseman galloping ahead”) he first signed the short story “Corner House”, created in 1925 in Perm, where he settled in the same year and where he began, according to archival materials, work on the story about the struggle of local workers against the autocracy - “Life for Nothing” (another title: Lbovshchina, 1926). In the Perm newspaper "Zvezda" and other publications he publishes feuilletons, poems, notes about travel in Central Asia, a fantastic story The Secret of the Mountain, an excerpt from the story Knights of the Impregnable Mountains (other name: Horsemen of the Impregnable Mountains, 1927), and the poem Machine-gun Blizzard.
Since 1927, he lived in Sverdlovsk, where he published the story “Forest Brothers” (other name: Davydovshchina - continuation of the story “Life for Nothing”) in the newspaper “Uralsky Rabochiy”.

In the summer of 1927, already a fairly well-known writer, he moved to Moscow, where, among many journalistic works and poems, he published the detective-adventure story "On the Count's Ruins" (1928, filmed in 1958, directed by V.N. Skuibin) and a number of other works that put Gaidar, along with L. Kassil, R. Fraerman, among the most read creators of Russian children's prose of the 20th century (including the stories "The Blue Cup", 1936, "Chuk and Gek", the story "The Fate of the Drummer" ", both 1938, story for radio "The Fourth Dugout"; second, unfinished part of the story "School", both 1930).

The fascination of the plot, the rapid lightness of the narration, the transparent clarity of the language with the fearless introduction of significant and sometimes tragic events into the “children’s” life (“The Fate of the Drummer”, which tells about spy mania and repressions of the 1930s, etc.), poetic “aura”, trust and seriousness of tone, the indisputability of the code of “knightly” honor of camaraderie and mutual assistance - all this ensured the sincere and long-term love of young readers for Gaidar, the official classic of children's literature. The peak of the writer's lifetime popularity came in 1940 - the time of the creation of the story and the film script of the same name (film directed by A.E. Razumny) Timur and his team, talking about a brave and sympathetic pioneer boy (named after the son of Gaidar), together with his friends surrounded secret care of the family of front-line soldiers. The noble initiative of the hero Gaidar served as an incentive for the creation of a broad “Timur” movement throughout the country, especially relevant in the 1940s–1950s.
In 1940, Gaidar wrote a sequel to Timur - “The Commandant of the Snow Fortress”, at the beginning of 1941 - a film script for the continuation and a screenplay for the film “Timur’s Oath” (production 1942, directed by L.V. Kuleshov).

In July 1941, the writer went to the front as a correspondent for the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, where he published essays The Bridge, At the Crossing, etc. In August-September 1941, the magazine Murzilka published Gaidar’s philosophical fairy tale for children, Hot Stone - about uniqueness, inevitable difficulties and mistakes on the path to comprehending the truth.

The range of Gaidar’s “children’s” heroes, diverse in age, character and type (among which there are many “negative” persons: Malchish-Bad, Mishka Kvakin from Timur, etc.), is complemented by characters from miniature stories for preschoolers (“Vasily Kryukov”, “Hike” , “Marusya”, “Conscience”, 1939–1940).
Author of the film script "Passerby" (1939), dedicated to Civil War.

Arkady Gaidar died in battle near the village of Leplyava, Kanevsky district, Cherkasy region on October 26, 1941.

Many of Gaidar’s works were staged and filmed (films “Chuk and Gek”, 1953, directed by I.V. Lukinsky; “School of Courage”, 1954, directed by V.P. Basov and M.V. Korchagin; “The Fate of the Drummer”, 1956, directed by V.V. Eisymont, and others).

Arkady Petrovich Gaidar

“He was cheerful and straightforward, like a child.

His word did not diverge from deed, thought from feeling,

life is with poetry.


Arkady Petrovich Gaidar ( real name- Golikov).

Born on January 22, 1904 in the village of a sugar factory near Lgov, now the Kursk region, in the family of a teacher - Pyotr Isidorovich and Natalya Arkadyevna Salkova, a noblewoman, a distant relative of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.

Life for a 13-year-old teenager, a future famous writer, is a game full of dangers: he participates in rallies, patrols the streets of Arzamas, and becomes a liaison for the Bolsheviks. At the age of 14 he joined the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and worked for the local newspaper Molot.

In January 1919, as a volunteer, hiding his age, Arkady entered the Red Army, soon became an adjutant, studied at the Red commanders' courses, took part in battles, where he was wounded. Arkady left to fight when he was not yet fifteen years old. He raved about military exploits from the time when his father, Pyotr Isidorovich, a rural teacher, took part in the First World War.

In 1920, Arkady Golikov was already a headquarters commissar. In 1921 - commander of a department of the Nizhny Novgorod regiment. He fought on the Caucasian front, on the Don, near Sochi, participated in the suppression of the Antonov rebellion, and in Khakassia he took part in operations against the “Emperor of the Taiga” I. N. Solovyov. Accused of arbitrary execution (in the case of I.N. Solovyov), he was expelled from the party for six months and sent on long leave due to a nervous illness, which subsequently did not leave him throughout his life.

“Youthful maximalism, a thirst for exploits, an early sense of power and responsibility confirmed Golikov in the idea that the only possible future for him was to be an officer in the Red Army. He is preparing to enter the military academy, but after a shell shock he is demobilized. And he starts writing.

During the Great Patriotic War, Gaidar was in the active army, as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda. He was a witness and participant in the Kyiv defensive operation of the Southwestern Front. He wrote military essays “At the crossing”, “The bridge”, “At the front line”, “Rockets and grenades”. After the encirclement of the Southwestern Front near Kiev, in September 1941, Arkady Petrovich ended up in Gorelov’s partisan detachment. He was a machine gunner in the detachment. On October 26, 1941, near the village of Lyaplyavaya in Ukraine, Arkady Gaidar died in battle with the Germans, warning members of his squad about the danger. Buried in Kanev. He was 37 years old.

Literary activity:

The author's mentors on literary field there were M. Slonimsky, K. Fedin, S. Semenov. Gaidar began publishing in 1925. The work "R.V.S." turned out to be significant. The writer became a true classic of children's literature, becoming famous for his works about military camaraderie and sincere friendship.

Literary pseudonym"Gaidar" stands for "Golikov Arkady D" ARzamas" (in imitation of the name D" Artagnan from " Three Musketeers"Dumas).

The most famous works of Arkady Gaidar: "P.B.C." (1925), "Distant Countries", "The Fourth Dugout", "School" (1930), "Timur and His Team" (1940), "Chuk and Gek", "The Fate of the Drummer", stories "Hot Stone", "Blue cup"… The writer's works were included in school curriculum, have been actively filmed and translated into many languages ​​of the world. The work “Timur and His Team” actually marked the beginning of a unique Timur movement, which aimed at voluntary assistance to veterans and elderly people on the part of the pioneers.

Several films have been made based on Gaidar’s works:

"Timur and his team", 1940

"Timur and his team", 1976

"Timur's Oath"

"The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish"

"The Fate of the Drummer", 1955

"Drummer's Fate", 1976


"Chuk and Gek"

Gaidar's name was given to many schools, streets of cities and villages of the USSR. The monument to the hero of Gaidar's story Malchish-Kibalchish - the first monument to a literary character in the capital (sculptor V.K. Frolov, architect V.S. Kubasov) - was erected in 1972 near the City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity on Vorobyovy Gory.

Arkady Gaidar was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, posthumously.

Internet resources:




http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%E0%E9%E4%E0%F0,_%C0%F0%EA%E0%E4%E8%E9_%CF%E5%F2%F0%EE %E2%E8%F7